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Results (1601 - 1700 of 2591)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#9759 Inconsistency in preview field for images with % heights confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open the replacebyclass sample in FF/IE/Opera.
  2. Right click on the image and set the width and height to 100%
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 in Safari/Chrome.
  4. Compare the preview field in the 2 browsers.

Problem: In Safari and Chrome, the image is skewed and fits exactly in the preview field without scrolling. In FF, IE and Opera, the aspect ratio of the image remains intact and it is necessary to scroll the preview field to see the bottom of the image.

This seems to be a browser issue regarding how % heights are interpreted. Is there anything CKEditor can do to make this consistent across all browsers?

#9760 IE9 crashes when user clicks on toolbar dropdowns confirmed Bug Normal

The problem occurs in IE9. I am able to replicate it on 3 out of 5 computers. 2 of the problem computers are Win7-64Bit. One problem computer is Win2008R2-64Bit.

Basically, clicking the toolbar dropdowns ('Styles', 'Format', 'Font', 'FontSize') will work the first time you click them. Clicking them a second time, will cause IE to crash.

I can't replicate this on the cdeditor site, however, I can replicate it everywhere else (multiple servers).

You may test it here:

Please see comment:7 and comment:9 for more details.

#9767 [Opera&Framed] Simple formatting not applied to single lines confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Load replacebyclass sample in Opera and clear page contents
  2. In Source mode paste following content:
    <p>asdf asdfs adf asdf asdf</p>
    <p>sadfsadf sadf sadf afsd<br />
    asdfsadf<br />
  3. Exit Source mode and select whichever whole line
  4. Try applying Bold or Underline formatting
  • Result: Selection is lost, cursor moves to the start of the line and formatting is not applied.

Note: this only applies to paragraphs in single lines (not ones that span across several lines) or ones that are manually broken with Shift+Enter.

Opera version:
Version: 12.11
Build: 1661
Platform: Win32
System: Windows XP

Tested and reproduced on

#9774 HasPatch adding a body wrapper (usefull for adding (invisible) css wrappers) new New Feature Normal

This is a patch on ckeditor 3.6.2. (this is a new feature and not actually a bugfix, I call it a patch because it involves editing an existing pluging file)

This patch allows inserting html source into the wysiwyg iframe area, which you can NOT edit in the editor itself, is NOT saved in the real source, but WILL allow you to modify the appearance of the wysiwyg editor. It does this by inserting (both prepending and appending) html in the body tag of the wysiwyg editor. (Note: it only works for the NON-FULLPAGE version. luckily, you won't need it for the fullpage config.)

for example, you can add <div id="x" class="y">...</div> wrappers so included css files will work.

I use it to insert html blocks quite deep into a fairly complex website and it still works like a charm.



body#mybodyid.mybodyclass div#myIdcontainer  div.myclasscontainer1{float:right;}
body#mybodyid.mybodyclass div#myIdcontainer  div.myclasscontainer1 div.myclasscontainer2{color:#f00;font-weight:bold;}


	var myckconfig = {
		contentsCss : 'site.css?1234',	
		bodyId      : 'mybodyid',
		bodyClass   : 'mybodyclass',
		bodyPrepend : '<div id="myIdcontainer"><div class="myclasscontainer1"><div class="myclasscontainer2">',
		bodyAppend  : '</div><br style="clear:both;" /></div></div>',
<textarea class="ckeditor1">this should show up bold and red!</textarea>

#9781 Need Setting to append suffix to assets for cachebusting builds confirmed New Feature Normal

I would like to have a config option to append a suffix to the filename of js and css files.

Use case: The build/deploy tools I use append the git commit hash to the end of the file names of static cdn assets when bulding. This busts the browser/proxy/etc cache when deploying new revisions of our application. For the time being, I had to make edits to the compiled source to make this work.

For thorough coverage, I'd suggest: config.js_suffix = config.css_suffix = config.img_suffix = doesn't apply to me, but might for others

Example filenames given the latest build commit hash is a3fdee /static/js/plugins/ckeditor/ckeditor_a3fdee.js /static/js/plusins/ckeditor/config_a3fdee.js /static/js/plusins/ckeditor/plugins/autogrow/plugin_a3fdee.js /static/js/plusins/ckeditor/themes/moomo/editor_a3fdee.js

All of my js/css assets are app

#9788 ASP.NET 3.6.4 & HTMLEncodeOutput=False will not postback correctly confirmed Bug Normal

In the IPostBackDataHandler.LoadPostData() method, the code will not save the posted value when htmlEncodeOutput=false .

bool IPostBackDataHandler.LoadPostData(string postDataKey, NameValueCollection postCollection)
	if (this.config.htmlEncodeOutput)
		string postedValue = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(postCollection[postDataKey]);
		if (this.Text != postedValue)
			isChanged = true;
			this.Text = postedValue;
			return true;
	return false;

Since this is false:

if (this.config.htmlEncodeOutput)

The code will never execute, therefore the value is not saving to:

string postedValue =...
isChanged = true;
this.Text = postedValue;

Change the procedure to the following and it started saving again:

bool IPostBackDataHandler.LoadPostData(string postDataKey, NameValueCollection postCollection)
	string postedValue = this.config.htmlEncodeOutput ? HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(postCollection[postDataKey]) : postCollection[postDataKey];
	if (this.Text != postedValue)
		isChanged = true;
		this.Text = postedValue;
		return true;

	return false;

The key is that regardless of the htmlencodeoutput value set the post collection saves to the postedValue

string postedValue = this.config.htmlEncodeOutput ? HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(postCollection[postDataKey]) : postCollection[postDataKey];

Please Note, I am using the ASP.NET 3.6.4 code base with the 4.0 version of CKEditor

#9791 IE10: Browser context menu overrides CKEditor context menus on misspelled words confirmed Bug Normal

To Reproduce:

  • Specify the following config setting to allow the browser spell checker to show misspellings in the editor:
    config.disableNativeSpellChecker = false;
  • Open a sample in IE10.
  • Enter a misspelled word in the editor.
  • Place the cursor within the misspelled word and right click.

Problem: The browser context menu is opened instead of the CKEditor context menu.

This occurs in both 3.6 and 4.0.

#9805 mailto tag is bad confirmed New Feature Normal

Hello. I have a javascript that truly encrypts email addresses (from Germany javascript developer) however your email linking sends an error message "wrong value" or something like that when I try to implement it. Is there a way to circumvent this so that the email address can be encrypted? The mailto tag is an open invintation to harvesters and the result here in the U.S. at least is over $29 billion dollars of damage. The mailto tag is a monster of a bug and I am reporting it here to you. It's an easy, easy fix. It just needs to be done, is all.


  1. Please check attached files.
  2. What @altoman wants is a new feature; where it is possible to define custom encrypt/decrypt functions to be used by the editor.
  1. If we are going to take different approach and use only the functions provided by @altoman there will have to be some config option introduced (to use this method or not) so that developer can force usage of it and user "can't bypass it".
  2. There would have to be some documentation explaining that decrypt function has to be used on resulting page. Perhaps editor could insert it.
  3. If editor is to insert it (see point above) then perhaps these n vales could also be configurable if( n >= 8364 ) {n = 128; } as now they are constant and such constant code can be implemented by spambot.
#9810 Links pasted into CKEditor become active in read-only mode confirmed Bug Normal

If a link contains more markup within the <a> tag, the click event will succeed to open the page behind the link in editor's window while the editor is in read-only mode.

This can currently be reproduced using the online example of CKEditor 4 (

The following steps describe my test scenario:

  1. Open the read-only sample page
  2. Click on the 'CKEditor' link of the sample text within the editor. Nothing happens, as expected.
  3. Click the 'Make it read-only' button and click once again on the 'CKEditor' link mentioned above. Nothing happens, as expected.
  4. Click the 'Make it editable again' button below the editor to leave the read-only mode.
  5. Replace the content of the editor window with the HTML provided in the attached text file (may have to use source mode in order to do that)
  6. Click on 'world junior hopefuls' link while in editable mode. Nothing happens, as expected.
  7. Switch to read-only mode and click on 'world junior hopefuls' link again. Now, the news article behind this link will open inside CKEditor's window.

It seems that the <font> tag inside the anchor prevents the click protection from functioning while the editor is in read-only mode.

I am not sure if the nightly samples are off the master branch, but I could reproduce it in my environment using the master, so I chose to select it here. Please correct if necessary.

Please let me know if you need more information.

Thanks, Johannes

#9818 hidden field id deleted confirmed Bug Normal

After viewing or changing the properties of a hidden field, the id is completely removed.

It would be best if only the properties exposed in the dialog -- name and value -- are affected by viewing or changing.

This does not seem to happen with any other form field.

#9826 Dialog height not correct if overflow:hidden/scroll confirmed Bug Normal

When i use dialog and put content as :

<div style="height:200px; width:200px; overflow:hidden"> <img src="..." height="1000" width="1000" /> </div>

Dialog height is put to 1000 instead of stay a current height. I can resolve this issue with this if it can help set "vertical-align" to 'top' instead of verticale-baseline

#9828 Can't remove an iframe in BR mode confirmed Bug Normal

How to repdroduce:

  1. Open
  2. Use the developer console to set the editor data (one with the BR mode)
  1. Set the cursor after the iframe and press enter to make a newline
  2. Press backspace to delete an iframe

Expected: backspace to delete an iframe Now: Cursor gets stuck on the line after the iframe

#9861 Spacebar keypress ignored in last cell of row when first cell expands full length confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce on demo page -Click the insert Table button

  • In the first cell of the first row, keep entering text until the line wraps.
  • Press the tab key (it will move you to the last cell of that row
  • Start entering text, you will notice any press of the space bar is ignored when at the end of your text line. If you navigate backward in the string, you are able to enter spaces.
#9928 [iOS] creating form disables text entering new Bug Normal


When using iOS to create a form, the keyboard is disabled.


  1. Use iOS5+
  2. Load the Full-featured demo (ie, 5 line toolbar)
  3. Clear the content using Source View.
  4. Switch to wysiwyg and click the Form button
  5. Insert a form and move your cursor inside of it
  6. Insert a text field in the form.

Expected result:

The cursor should be positioned after the new field and I should be able to enter new text using my keyboard.

Actual result:

The cursor is positioned after the field but I can type away and no characters are entered.

#9931 Copy/paste of hyperlinks with IE creates font tags confirmed Bug Normal


There appears to be a bug affecting IE8 in CKEditor where copying and pasting (via CTRL+C, CTRL+V) changes the HTML and wraps the hyperlink text in font tags. I have been able to reproduce it 100% on I was able to reproduce with IE8 versions in both WinXP 32-bit and Win7 32-bit.

Before copy HTML:

<a href="" title="Neil Armstrong">Neil Armstrong</a>

After paste HTML:

<a href="" title="Neil Armstrong"><font color="#0000ff">Neil Armstrong</font></a>

It seems to affect IE8 only. I've tried to reproduce in IE9, Firefox and Chrome and there was no issue with those browsers.

#9937 [iOS] CKEditor 3.6.3 (revision 7474) - iOS6 iPad - CK editor textarea lost the focus new Bug Normal

When user clicks in the middle of the ckditor text-area, try to type-in, only the first key pressed character is added to the text-area & text-area immediately lost the focus so keyboard hides before user press another key.

Strange thing is when user click on top place of ckeditor textarea OR click between the already written text and try to type-in, it works fine and focus remain in text-area.

Top area means, the area of <p> tag generated by the ckeditor by default.

#9961 Webkit: Deleting empty list items result in BR inserted before text. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. In an empty editor, type "test"
  2. Click on the Numbered List button to make it a list.
  3. Move the cursor to before "test".
  4. Press Enter twice, so that now you have two empty list items, and the third one with "test".
  5. With the cursor still right before "test", click on Increase Indent button.
  6. Now, select the first two list items by double clicking on the first line and dragging into the second line. (See screenshot).
  7. Press delete.

Actual: Two bullets render on the first line (which is normal behaviour), the text appears on the second which is a bug. (See screenshot)

#9962 Paste buttons are disabled after deselecting text. confirmed Bug Normal

Paste buttons are disabled after deselecting text by clicking inside selection.

Reproducible in: IE9, IE8, IE7 with CKEditor 4.0.1 and 3.6.4

Reproduce steps:

  1. Write some text and select it.
  2. Deselect the text by clicking (one time) inside the selection.
#9964 Font Size and Font Name drop-downs do not always reflect font styling confirmed New Feature Low

Currently the font and fontsize combos on the toolbar only reflect styles set through the style definition specified by the fontSize_style and font_style config settings. This means that if font is specified in any other way, the toolbar does not show this.

To Reproduce:

  • Copy the following into Source view:
<h1 style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:14px;">Sample heading text with Arial font, size 14 applied directly on the H1 tag.</h1>

<p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">Sample text with Arial font, size 14 applied through the style definitions specified by config.fontSize_style and config.font_style.</span></span></p>

  • Switch back to wysiwyg view and click into the second line of text. Note that the font and fontSize combo boxes correctly display the font styling.
  • Click into the first line of text.

Problem: The font and fontSize combo boxes do not reflect the font styling set on the H1 tag.

Setting font and fontSize styling for the paragraph formats is easily achievable in the editor using config.format_<formatName>. For example:

config.format_h1 = { element : 'h1', styles : { 'font-family':'arial,helvetica,sans-serif', 'text-align' : 'center', 'font-size' : '20px;' } };

However the toolbar does not reflect these font styles. Other styles such as text-align and color are correctly represented on the toolbar.

The font and fontsize combo boxes should display the font regardless of how it is applied. Perhaps using the computed font values would be the solution for this. This approach would also address the issue raised in ticket #4887.

#9967 Fire an Event when items are selected on toolbar combo boxes and color panels confirmed New Feature Normal

Currently there is no way to detect that an option has been selected from a toolbar combo box (e.g. font, format) or color panels (e.g. Text Color, Background Color). It is possible to detect other toolbar actions using afterCommandExec and the command name e.g. bold, indent, numberedlist.

Can you provide an event that would signify that a selection has been made on a combo box or color panel?

#9968 [iOS] Cannot select an image on an ipad confirmed Bug Normal

Cannot seem to select an image in the editor in order to access the image dialog box so can adjust image properties. All that happens is the standard ipad select area indicators appear.

i'm using an ipad2 ios 6.0.1

#9984 Blockquote with enterMode = ckeditor.ENTER_BR and autoParagraph = false creates <p> tags confirmed Bug Normal

Using CKEDITOR 4 with <br /> for new lines instead of paragraphs doesn't work for Blockquote as it uses <p> tags with that tool.

This is my configuration:

  // Use <br /> instead of <p> tags.
  CKEDITOR.config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
  CKEDITOR.config.autoParagraph = false;

This is what I'm seeing in the editor:

<body contenteditable="true" class="cke_editable cke_editable_themed cke_contents_ltr" spellcheck="false">
Test text
<p>A blockquote</p>
More lines<br>
Another line<br><br>
#9985 Using the Delete key causes input boxes to be deleted. confirmed Bug Normal

Reproduces on the latest version of chrome (24.0.1312.52) in both OSX Mountain Lion and Windows 7.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to full demo (
  1. Edit source to replace existing with the following: (this was originally manually typed into the editor)
    <p>This is the first sentence.</p>
    <p>This is a sentence with an&nbsp;<input name="input" type="text" /> in the middle.</p>
  2. Leave source view and put the cursor at the end of the first sentence.
  1. On windows, hit the DEL key or on a Mac, use FN+DELETE to get a delete rather than a backspace.

The paragraphs should be combined, like this:

<p>This is the first sentence.This is a sentence with an&nbsp;<input name="input" type="text" /> in the middle.</p>

The input box and contents afterward are removed:

<p>This is the first sentence.<span style="line-height: 1.6em;">This is a sentence with an&nbsp;</span></p>
#9988 Stop using <a> for everything. confirmed Task Low

What's reason to use <a> element with javascript: pseudo hrefs?

I think we should use <button>'s for buttons. Why not? Or at least <span>'s. Same with context menus.

#9996 Selection disappears from last line on getData() confirmed Bug Normal
  1. open
  2. select BR mode
  3. remove all text
  4. type in some text (line 1)
  5. press enter
  6. type in some more text (line 2)
  7. select all text on the second line
  8. open javascript console and run

Result: selection disappears! Expected: selection to stay where it was.

Interesting that if you select line 1 and run getData(), everything stays normal.

I was able to reproduce it in Chrome. Bug first appeared in 3.6.5, 3.6.4 works fine.

#9998 [Umbrella][Blink/Webkit] Issues related to backspace and delete keys handling confirmed Bug Normal

This is an umbrella ticket for all issues related to backspace and delete keys handling caused by the following Webkit's and Blink's bugs:

Related tickets: #8438, #8439, #8440, #10359, #10515, #11483, #11592, #11415 and many others...


<span> created while joining two adjacent elements

Related issues: #9998

Target ticket: #11861

Example 1

  1. Set data
  2. Backspace.
  3. <p>foo<span style="line-height:1.6">bar</span></p>

Example 2

  1. Set data
  2. Backspace.
  3. <h1>foo<span style="font-size:13px; line-height:1.6">bar</span></h1>

<span> created while joining two adjacent elements (non-collapsed selection)

Related issues: #9998

Target ticket: #11980

Example 1

  1. Set data
  3. Result:
      <p>fo<span style="line-height:1.6">^ar</span></p>
  4. Expected

Attempt to preserve the visual style of the contents -> i.e. <strong> becomes <b>

Backspace (unable to remove formatting)

Related issues: #8438, #11592, #11483

  1. <p>x<strong>y^</strong></p>
  2. Backspace.
  3. Type “z”.
  4. <p>x<b>z^</b></p>

Backspace (underlined link becomes <u>)

Related issues: #11592

  1. <p><a href="http://foo">[foo]</a>bar</p>
  2. Backspace.
  3. Type "foo".
  4. <p><u>foo^</u>bar</p>
  5. Frown
  6. Grin

Note: This case uncovers the algorithm used in Webkit. The engine attempts to preserve the style no matter how ridiculous it would be – it uses <u> because it is the closest style, which corresponds visually with underlined link.

Del (unable to remove formatting)

Related issues: #8439, #8440, #12100

  1. <p>foo</p>
  2. CTRL+A.
  3. Bold.
  4. DEL.
  5. Type “bar”.
  6. <p><b>bar^</b></p>

Another example available in Blink browsers only:

  1. Switch to source mode and clear editor contents
  2. Paste this code <p><strong>test</strong></p>
  3. Press Ctrl+A
  4. Hit Backspace.

Result: Elements' path in Blink shows 'p' and when user starts typing text will be bold again. If user presses Backspace two times then whole formatting will be removed but there is no way for user to know that.

<span> created while splitting elements (DnD), extra &nbsp;

Related issues: #10515

  1. Set the following HTML
        <span style="font-size:28px">
  2. Drag [bar] into ba|m
  3. editor.getData().
  4. See the result.
        <span style="font-size:28px">
            foo &nbsp;
        <strong style="font-size:28px; line-height:44.79999923706055px">bar</strong>
        <em style="font-size:28px; line-height:1.6">m</em>
        <span style="font-size:28px; line-height:1.6"> bang</span>
  5. Then WYSIWYG->Source->WYSIWYG.
  6. ACF brings the ultimate destruction.
        <span style="font-size:28px">foo &nbsp;<em>ba</em></span>
        <span style="font-size:28px"> bang</span>
#10003 Strike through button doesnt not correctly confirmed Bug Normal

Strike through doesn't work for first time for the steps given below:

Way to reproduce:

1) Enter some text and select it. Click strike through
2) Go to next line and click on strike through again to disable it
3) Enter some text again, select it and click strike through
4) Strike out doesnt work for the first time.
5) Again select the text and click strike through. It works

#10021 Table plugin uses attributes deprecated in HTML5 confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)

When I insert new table, without any settings i get border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 500px;" attributes. These are unexpected and non-valid ones.

When I insert new table it uses attributes that are deprecated in HTML5 cellpadding,cellspacing,align,summary,rules,frame,bgcolor attributes. Please see:

Easy workaround (aka solution): comment:13.

#10023 ShowBlocks, do not outline forms/lists/tables confirmed Bug Normal

Currently showblocks outlines too few blocks. It also outlines forms even when showblocks button is not active.

Edit: It seems that show blocks doesn't show tables, forms, lists and other HTML flow elements - - like: article, section, nav, aside, hgroup, header, footer, address, main, video, audio, menu, details, fieldset.

Please note that tables and firms have very similar style (dotted border) to outline.

#10026 Breaking quotes in Email replies new New Feature Normal

see article in forum: Breaking block quotes in Email replies relaated topic: Ticket #7354

Short Description: Quoted parts of messages are not allways splited, if enter is pressed, e.g. "quotes with a <div>-Tag" are not splitted.

Thunderbird or any other Email client splits the quoted part of the message, if enter is pressed.

#10034 CKEditor 4 Inline editing - Clean trash after destroy confirmed Bug Normal

Hi, I am using the CKEditor 4 Inline editing and as i sow its not cleanning all the trash after using destroy.

Code before i edit it:

<div id="myId">Text text text</div>

Code after i edit it and use destroy to remove the CKEditor instance:

<div id="myId" class="cke_focus" style="position: relative;">Text text text</div>

As we can see the class of "cke_focus" and the "position:relative" are not removed when i use the destroy.

Are there is a way to remove all the CKEditor trash?

#10041 CKEditor 4 Inline Editing - Show the toolbar on a instance without focusing it confirmed New Feature Normal

Hi, When i use "CKEDITOR.inline(myId)" its applying the editor instance to the object but its applying toolbar to it if i do not focus the object.

In my case, I do not like to focus the object on startup because its scroll the page to the start/end (IE browser focus to the end of the page).

It will be very good if i will be able to show the toolbar on a instance without focusing it manually.

I also ask in some forums and there is no solutions:

#10043 Current CKEDITOR.htmlWriter.setRules documentation incomplete confirmed Task Normal

CKEDITOR.htmlWriter.setRules documentation doesn't list all available options and per instance and for every CKEDitor instance configuration examples.!/api/CKEDITOR.htmlWriter

Old documentation was more complete.

#10047 FF: Replacing <Enter> with <Shift+Enter> results in extra <br /> confirmed Bug Normal

Firefox only (not reproducible in IE10, Chrome24):

I type a line of text followed by Enter. Whoops - I meant to type Shift+Enter, so I hit Backspace followed by Shift+Enter. What gives? Now my cursor is two 'lines' down!

Here's what I type:

"A line of text", <Enter>, <Backspace>, <Shift+Enter>

And now my cursor is two <br /> down instead of just one.

Verified in the basic demo and the nightly Using the "Enter" key in CKEditor sample, where I can see that 2 <br /> have been inserted from my final single <Shift+Enter>.

I'm running Firefox 18.0.2.

#10049 CKBuilder page could better differentiate Basic/Standard/Full plugins confirmed New Feature Normal

In customizing my build I have to build up my own table of which plugins were included in each of the Basic/Standard/Full presets in order to know exactly what I'm getting.

The CKBuilder interface should use color-coding or additional icons to make it obvious which additional plugins we're getting going from Basic->Standard or from Standard->Full.

#10051 Image dialog - ratio lock is quantised confirmed Bug Normal

The ratio lock is quantised, making the lock to unexpectedly unlock.

  1. Insert a 4000x3000 px image in CKEditor.
  2. Right click on the image and open the image dialiog.
  3. Ensure the ratio lock is lock, then change its width to: 330. The height automatically change to 248.
  4. Save, re-open the image dialog. The width / height are still 330x248, but the ratio lock is unlock even if the values respect the image ratio.

The calculated ratios are not equals:
originalRatio: 1333 (accurate)
thisRatio: 1330 (quantised)

I think the logic in switchLockRatio method is wrong. Instead of comparing the ratio, where one has been quantised to pixels, it would make more sense to re-calculate the height and check if the image height equals the calculated one.

The following code replacement fix this issue:

File: _source/plugins/image/dialogs/image.js
Lines: 132 to 144

var width = dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtWidth' ),
	height = dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtHeight' ),
	originalRatio = oImageOriginal.$.width / oImageOriginal.$.height;
dialog.lockRatio = false; // Default: unlock ratio

if (!width && !height) {
	dialog.lockRatio = true;
} else {
	if (!isNaN(originalRatio)) {
		var ratioHeight = Math.round(width / originalRatio);
		if (ratioHeight == height) {
			dialog.lockRatio = true;
#10052 Image dialog - preview do not refresh when field is cleared confirmed Bug Normal

The preview window in the image dialog do not clear the CSS attribute when the value is cleared:

  1. Insert an image in CKEditor.
  2. Right click on the image and open the image dialiog.
  3. Enter a border of 9. The preview image show a border of 9px.
  4. Clear the border field (erase the number 9 from the field). The preview image still show a border of 9px.

Affect: Border, HSpace VSpace, etc.

I notice the following in the code:
File: _source/plugins/image/dialogs/image.js
Line: 848

if ( !isNaN( value ) )
	element.setStyle( 'border-width', value ) );
	element.setStyle( 'border-style', 'solid' );
else if ( !value && this.isChanged() )
	element.removeStyle( 'border' );

I don't understand why it check if the field has been changed before removing the style, but if I remove that check, it works as expected:

if ( !isNaN( value ) )
	element.setStyle( 'border-width', value ) );
	element.setStyle( 'border-style', 'solid' );
else if ( !value )
	element.removeStyle( 'border' );
#10060 Disabled textarea fields are not readOnly by default confirmed Bug Normal

According to CKEDITOR.config.readOnly, if not specified, it should check to see if the linked textarea has the disabled attribute. This is not currently happening.

#10061 Copy img in Chrome result in opacity: 0.9 confirmed Bug Normal

I've discovered a bug when using the CKEditor 4.01 in Chrome Version 24.0.1312.57 m

For some reason when you select an image and copy paste it, it adds: style="opacity: 0.9" which makes the picture look pale.

Chrome is the only browser that I've seen this problem occur in.

#10065 [Webkit] Changing "Object Styles" of an image does not work properly confirmed Bug Normal

The "Object Styles" of an image with a link cannot be changed.

Go to

  • Click on the image of the rocket.
  • Click on the Style drop-down menu and click "Styled image (left)". This works fine.
  • Now attach a link to the image (select it, click the link button on the toolbar and add a link).
  • Now try to change the object style ("Styled image (left)" or "Styled image (right)"). Nothing happens. The style is not changed / applied.
#10066 Feature to make it possible to hook into elementspath events confirmed New Feature Normal

I need some way to hook into events for elementspath items. I imagine it would not be hard to add some kind of event that happens when elementspath is rightclicked.

This would make it possible to build a custom elementspath context menu - which I need and which stops me from upgrading.

This could be done my modifying the current elementspath\plugin.js and adding to the path item template something like oncontextmenu="HoweverCKEHandlesEvents(event, currentElementsPath, index)" and then defining an onContextMenu handler exactly like onClick is defined;

var onClickHanlder = onClick );

// imitate onclick and build a contextmenu handling system like it...
function onContextMenu(elementIndex, event) {
	var element = editor._.elementsPath.list[elementIndex];
	var data = {};
	data.event = event;
	data.element = element;
	editor.execCommand('elementspathContextmenuForElement', data);

var onContextMenuHanlder =;


This would make it possible to create plugins that Greatly extend the usage of elementspath and is really not that very difficult to implement and wouldn't take that link I think. What do you think? This is a must have for me but I Really do not want to create my own "fork" of CKE to get this done. How quickly could this make it into the main trunk?

#10078 BBCode: No line-breaks when pasting paragraphed text confirmed Bug Normal

When pasting a list of items from notepad/textedit in the bbcode editor line breaks are not preserved, this seems to be a chrome specific issue. Can be recreated in the demo section.

To recreate: 1.) Make a list of a few items in notepad/textedit "one two three"

2.) Copy, then paste into a blank bbcode ckeditor

3.) Click source, see there are no line breaks "onetwothree", on some versions of chrome no text will be seen until hitting source.

I believe this is related to the br mode of the browser, it seems that chrome is inserting <p> tags when copied directly to the editor

#10082 [Android] Dialog windows open in an incorrect place on a page and cannot be moved review_failed Szymon Kupś Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)

Tested on Samsung Galaxy S, Android 4.2.1 (Jelly Bean), CKEditor 4.0.1 samples for the Standard preset, replacebycode and inline samples.

After a toolbar button is clicked, editor dialog windows seem to open in a pre-determined place on the page, outside the editor window, and with a zoomed-in page it they are out of sight for the user. From the user's perspective it looks like something is wrong: the page becomes grayed out, but he/she needs to zoom out to see the dialog window.

It looks like the dialog windows are centered on the page or opened with a pre-determined offset that ignores the zoom level.

What is more, they cannot seem to be moved. Holding the title bar and dragging it does not do anything (it actually scrolls the page). The page below containing the editor is still scrollable. The only thing that seems to change the location of the dialog windows is zooming in and out.

This can also be reproduced in inline mode.

In Firefox 18.0.2 and Chrome 18.0.1025469 the dialog window moves around the page, too, and its location is also affected by whether the virtual keyboard is open or not.

#10085 Plugin divarea causes baseHref not working confirmed Bug Normal

This worked fine in 4.0. I've only tried it with the minified ckeditor.js, so it's possible it might be a bug in that.

Please look into this as the use of baseHref is critical for my client's application.


*Problem can be reporduced from CKEditor 4.0.1
*To reproduce open attached ckeditor-bug package and test 4.0.1 sample page. It turns out that when divarea is used baseHref doesn't work.
Remove the plugin and it works again:

 $(document).ready(function() {
            CKEDITOR.replace('testeditor', {
		removePlugins : 'divarea'

Please see comment:3 for detailed TC

#10092 Focus lost on IE when reopening in an iframe with a jQuery onload listener confirmed Bug Normal

CKEditor doesn't receive the focus with a mouse click in a quite specific case. The editor area seems to only be refocusable by clicking on a toolbar button.

  • the editor has been loaded in an iframe
  • there is an overlay behind the iframe
  • the iframe has any jQuery .on('load') binding
  • the iframe has already been created and destroyed
  • on IE8-10.

See the test case here:

Download the test case here:

#10093 IE9 inline/destroy multiple times causes return key to repeat that many times confirmed Bug Normal

In IE9 if you call inline and destroy multiple times on the same div then you hit the enter key in the editor you get as many paragraph tags as you inline/destroyed the editor.

Doesn't appear to happen in IE7, IE8 or Firefox (sorry, can't test webkit browsers where I am).

Attached is file with simple script to recreate.

#10096 [IE10] Error javascript (Browser mode IE 10) confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

Press New Table Toolbar button

Result: Unable to get property '0' of undefined or null reference

Line: 463 URI: ckeditor/ckeditor.js

Problem can be reproduced in IE10 (Browser mode IE 10) from CKEditor 4.0.1

#10114 Invalid cursor position for non-editable element confirmed Bug Normal

When non-editable element is the last one in the paragraph and cursor is right after this non-editable element, the cursor is aligned to the right edge of the editor, instead of beeing just after the last word.

Sample content for editor:


<span contenteditable="false">non editable</span>


#10135 Norwegian language confusion confirmed Task Nice to have (we want to work on it)

In CKEditor, there are two Norwegian languages: Norwegian bokmål (nb) and Norwegian (no). Both of these are currently identical.

There are actually two official Norwegian written languages: Norwegian bokmål (nb, used by ~85%) and Norwegian nynorsk (nn, 15%). They're mutually intelligible.

If the variant isn't specified (just Norwegian, "no"), it's going to be bokmål since it's the dominant variant. So really, nb and no are identical languages.

Therefore, I suggest that "Norwegian" gets renamed to "Norwegian nynorsk" (nn), so that there will be a language file for both variants of Norwegian (nb and nn) and so that the nynorsk translation can be based on the bokmål one.

As far as user agent language detection goes:

  • nb: User agents nb, no, nb-no, no-no
  • nn: User agents nn, nn-no
#10153 Style combo update issue when inline editor programmatically created and focused confirmed Bug Normal

When programmatically creating an inline editor and giving it focus, the style combo doesn't reflect the selected style of the cursor. Worse, in Chrome, when you move the cursor/selection while in the same HTML element, the combo still doesn't update. It's not until you switch to a new element that the combo box starts updating.

May be easier to understand with this repro. Using the HTML/JS below, do the following in Chrome (I also attached a zip file):

  1. Click the "Start Editing" button
  2. Note that the cursor is on the H1, but the styles combo says "Styles" and not "Heading 1."
  3. Click & highlight elsewhere within the H1.
  4. Note that the styles combo still is stuck on "Styles."

I've been unable to find any workaround for this bug.

Repro HTML:



<script src="ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>


function onEdit() {

var div = document.getElementById('div'); div.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true'); var editor = CKEDITOR.inline(div); div.focus();


</script> </head> <body> <div id="div" style="margin-top: 300px">

<h1>Header</h1> <p>Lorum Ipsum etc. etc.</p>

</div> <button onclick="onEdit()">Start Editing</button> </body>


Repro config.js:

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {

config.toolbar = [


name: 'style', items: Styles?



config.stylesSet = [


name: 'Heading 1', element: 'h1'

}, {

name: 'Paragraph', element: 'p'




#10156 [Webkit] Cut&pasting text adds inline wrappers confirmed Bug Normal

This is basically the same as #9754 except that it requires config.contentsCss.


  1. Add problem.css to the samples folder
  2. In the replacebycode.html sample change the JS to CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', { contentsCss: 'problem.css' } );
  3. Viewing the sample page, cut a word from the now red colored text and paste it back into the text.

Expected result: The source should be unchanged.

Actual result: The pasted text is now wrapped by <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">...</span>.


  • Pasting using the Paste from Word command has the desired effect. (Removes styles but doesn't remove a link for example.)
  • Is it possible to make Cmd+V, Ctrl+V paste as if Paste from Word? I know of config.forcePasteAsPlainText but that would remove links, as well as styles.
#10169 Editor context menu unavailable when opened outside the body element of the content area confirmed Bug Normal

I added an Screen shot to make it more simple to understand the ticket.

There is an section where you can enter text at the CKEditor, in the following called content section. If you enter a small text at the content section and leave out enough unfilled place in the content section you can't paste text inside the editor. If you right click in the free place of the content section the browsers default context-menu will be opened but not the context menu of the CKEditor. While the text selection cursor will be changed, the context menu keeps missing.

#10176 Sourcedialog Resizing confirmed Bug Normal

The dialog itself resizes but the textarea remains the same size.

It's not a big deal, but since the textarea is the only element within the dialog, it would make sense for them to resize together.

#10180 [iOS] iPad issue with Dropdown Menus new Bug Normal

I am trying to solve an issue I have on an iPad with the dropdown menus (font, style, spellcheck, etc). On a project I am working on it is impossible to click on the options in the menu with the iPad.

The issue can be demonstrated with the following jsfiddle links: works correctly on the iPad. You are able to select the options as you would expect. does not work correctly. You cannot select any of the options from the menu.

I originally posted this to the forums at but have not gotten any replies.

#10185 Placeholder is not configurable confirmed New Feature Normal

At the moment it is not possible to change the placeholder that is used. So I made it optional configurable via the editor config. Default is still content ?. Due to placeholder is a core plugin i thought its right to report the patch here. If I'm wrong please tell me where to contribute.

#10188 Append template option to templates plugin confirmed New Feature Normal

Proposal for templates plugin expansion for adding an option to append selected template into editor data.

Sometimes and especially with responsive web design it would be very helpful if templates plugin would have an option to append selected template into editor HTML instead of just replacing whole content with a template or inserting template into cursor position.

Quick prototype solution below.


function insertTemplate( html ) {
	var dialog = CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent(),
		replaceType = dialog.getValueOf( 'selectTpl', 'chkInsertOpt' );

		case 'append': 'saveSnapshot' );
			// Everything should happen after the document is loaded (#4073).
			var currentHTML = editor.getData( );
			editor.setData( currentHTML + html, function() {

				// Place the cursor at the first editable place.
				var range = editor.createRange();
				range.moveToElementEditStart( editor.editable() );;
				setTimeout( function() { 'saveSnapshot' );
				}, 0 );

			} );
		case 'replace': 'saveSnapshot' );
			// Everything should happen after the document is loaded (#4073).
			editor.setData( html, function() {

				// Place the cursor at the first editable place.
				var range = editor.createRange();
				range.moveToElementEditStart( editor.editable() );;
				setTimeout( function() { 'saveSnapshot' );
				}, 0 );

			} );
		case 'in-place':
			editor.insertHtml( html );

templates/dialogs/templates.js dialog definition.

	id: 'chkInsertOpt',
	type: 'select',
	label: lang.insertOption,
	style: 'width:100%',
	'default': config.templates_replaceContent,
	items: [
	[ 'append' ],
	[ 'in-place' ],
	[ 'replace' ]
#10197 CKE 4.x Inline Can't disable object resizing confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Put below code into inlinebycode sample
    CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
    var editor = CKEDITOR.inline( 'editable', {
    	disableObjectResizing : true
  2. You can also try putting disableObjectResizing into config.js

It is still possible to resize images with inline editor in Firefox or IE (Please do not confuse with #9317).

#10199 CKFinder Bug - Image Properties Link Tab Browse Server Button confirmed Bug Normal

When you are on the Image Properties dialog and click the Link Tab and then the Browse Server button, it is applying the image-only filter to the results - it should allow for the Files folder to be visible, as well as PDF/other files (same filter as when you click Browse Server from the Insert Link dialog).

Please take a look and adjust the filter as necessary.


#10207 about plugin (link to target='_blank') confirmed Bug Normal

The about dialog contains 4 links to various pages. But they all target to the same page you are working on. So maybe a target="_blank" is better?

#10209 [FF] Odd cursor position after deleting single bullet point confirmed Bug Normal

In Firefox 19, the cursor moves to the far right after deleting unordered list that contains a single list item.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Open Firefox
2) Load CKEditor with the following HTML source:

<p>A line of text</p>
  <li>First bullet point</li>

3) While CKEditor is in WYSIWYG mode, select "First bullet point" as in the first screenshot.
4) Press delete or backspace on the keyboard.
5) The cursor ends up on the same line as the remaining paragraph, but oddly at the far right of the editing area (second screenshot, circled in red).

This was discovered on Windows 7 64-bit using CKEditor 4.0.2. I was not able to reproduce the behavior in IE9 or Chrome25.

#10226 Add extra <p> tag in IE in enter mode is <br> confirmed Bug Normal

1) select text 2) bold it 3) type anything 4) issue -> add p tag

#10228 Alert for samples when Basic or Standard packages were downloaded assigned Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal

CKEditor needs a dedicated alert for samples that would explain the users why the content they see is limited if they downloaded the Basic or Standard editor packages.

The alert should use the editor#dataFiltered event.

#10239 Tabletools: add ability to set scope in cell attributes dialog new New Feature Normal


I was very happy to see how well CKE handles the creation of tables, and its half-automated way of creating table headers, which are essential for table accessibility, esp. for screen readers.

While CKE does a good job in "guessing" the correct directionality of table header scope, it doesn't get them right all the time, and also does not automatically create scope="colgroup" or scope="rowgroup" on merged header cells.

Thus, it would be great if you could add a dropdown to the cell attributes dialog that allows the user to specify the correct scope of a header cell (row|col|rowgroup|colgroup) without having to switch to code view, which is often overwhelming for "mere" content editors.

This dropdown would be perfectly placed following the dropdown with which one can set a cell as data or header cell.

Hoping you can take this option into consideration for the next release, and thanking you in advance!

#10252 disableObjectResizing=true in full screen mode confirmed Bug Normal

This is my first bug report. I am attempting to se disableObjectResizing=true and it seems to be working fine, except when clicking to full screen mode / maximize. Once you do that, users can click the image and resize, even if disableObjectResizing is true.

You can test here:

  • using firefox 19.0 and mac osx 10.8.2
  • click the image button and put in an absolute image link
  • try to resize (which shouldn't work)
  • click maximize button
  • click image to resize in full screen mode, and now it works (even though disableObjectResizing=true)

Here is a screen shot:

Thanks, Brandon

#10253 double alert in dialog confirmed Bug Normal

in a Dialog, if we press Enter key instead of click 'OK' button, onOK will be trigger double times. for example, if we show image dialog, and leave url field empty. the press Enter key, the alert will show double times.

#10269 Issue with ckeditor 4.0.2 running in a jquery dialog confirmed Bug Normal

I posted the following in the forums on 3/13/2013:

We've been running ckeditor 3.6.4 in a jquery (1.7.2) dialog for the last year. We recently had to update to jquery version 1.9.1 and jquery ui version 1.10.1. In the process we also upgraded to ckeditor 4.0.2. We're still using frame editing so we wouldn't have to change the existing code.

We're now seeing the following issue with the ckeditor dropdowns:

In FireFox, if you click a dropdown, then click it again to close it, the dropdown remains but the option values are gone. Subsequently, the same dropdown or any other dropdown also open with no options displayed. In Chrome the behavior is virtually the same, just triggers differently - click the dropdown to open, click it to close, then click it again and it exhibits the same behavior. Using FireBug we get the following error: "TypeError: a.contentWindow is null", referencing line 324 in ckeditor.js. (standard version).

We also downloaded the source code (4.02 full version), created our own build, and got a different error:

"TypeError: $.contentWindow is null - return selected.$;"

I'm attaching a file that recreates the issue. It requires ckeditor 4.0.2 standard to be in the same directory to run. The file should also be renamed to 'index.html'.

Please let me know what we're doing wrong, or if this is a legitimate bug. We have a major launch this month and would like to get this resolved as quickly as possible.

Thanks in advance to anyone who helps.

Please have a look at comment:6 for possible solution and comment:11 for more details.

#10279 4.0.x Autogrow in IE8/9 causes cursor to 'jump' confirmed Bug Normal

When the autogrow plugin is enabled we're noticing an issue in IE8/9.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Ensure autogrow plugin is enabled.
  2. Place cursor in editor and hit enter to make the editor grow

Once the cursor reaches the end of the available editor, every time the enter key is pressed the cursor moves to the next line, then immediately jumps back to its position in the prior line.

I know this isn't a ton to go on, and we also found it difficult to reproduce under certain circumstances. We did notice that this was an issue when IE went into compatibility mode, such as with an intranet site.

#10290 Language code with locale handling confirmed Bug Normal

ckeditor does not handle language code as 'it-IT' or 'en-US', 'en-GB' etc etc

it should fall back to 'it', 'en' or whatever instead it does not recognize these language coeds

#10305 Strange jumps to the top in Firefox upon dialog closing (testcase included) confirmed Bug Normal

Affects Firefox 20.0 (the latest version atm). Does not affect WebKit-based browsers.

Reproducable: Always.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open full-featured CKEditor, for example,
  2. Switch to source mode.
  3. Paste this code:
    <div style="float:right">
    <p><img alt="" src="" style="height: 200px;" /></p>
    <p><img alt="" src="" style="height: 200px;" /></p>
    <p><img alt="" src="" style="height: 200px;" /></p>
    <p><img alt="" src="" style="height: 200px;" /></p>
  4. Switch to WYSiWYG mode.
  5. Scroll to the bottom, make sure you don't see any of the «Foo» labels in the viewport.
  6. Double-click on the last image. A dialog will appear.
  7. Press «OK» to apply and close the dialog.

What actually happens: The CKEditor viewport is instantly scrolled to top (jumps).

What should happen: The viewport should remain as it is. If the height is changed after editing the image, the top border of the visible area should remain the same, and the viewport should extend to the bottom (as it does when everything is fine).

Additional notes: Clicking the last image is not requred, you can use either one. This depends on if the text at the left (the «Foo» lines) is in the viewport. If you can still see the text (not scrolled down or the viewport is large enough), then the bug won't trigger.

#10312 Checkbox styling within a Dialog IE applied multiple times. confirmed Bug Normal

When i add styling to a checkbox within a dialog, It is applied multiple times, To the text and to the Checkbox.

This happend in Internet Explorer 7

#10317 Double-click to initiate inline edit mode confirmed New Feature Normal

There have been discussions about this in the forums with some plausible work-arounds but all seem a bit like a hack.

Would it be possible to add a configuration to override the default signle-click event to initiate inline edit mode?

#10322 support for creating accessible data tables confirmed New Feature Normal

We miss better support for creating accessible data tables i CKEditor. Would you consider distinguish between data and layout tables? (which are processed differently by assistive technologies such as screen readers). A Screen Reader Preview that helps authors further optimize content for accessibility would also be nice. Both functions are available in XStandard editor (We use this right now, but would like to shift to CKEditor)

#10326 Maximize button removes input[name=style] from form confirmed Bug Normal

When clicking the maximize button if there is an element with the name of "style" it will be removed from the DOM.

After discovering the issue I downloaded the latest Zip from the website and modified the replacebycode.html (attached) file to confirm.

#10331 inline css images not displayed in Chrome confirmed Bug Normal

I've noticed that background images in chrome are not displayed in CKEditor 4.1 if you enter them as absolute paths:

<div style="background-image: url('/images/test.jpg') => won't display on Chrome


<div style="background-image: url('') will display on Chrome.

It works on Firefox and Safari

AND: It also works on Chrome using CKEditor 3.x...

#10344 build-config.js invalid to rebuild confirmed Bug Normal

I noticed a problem using build-config.js to rebuild ckeditor.

I Always get an 'Invalid File' dialog: 'The uploaded file was invalid.'

So rebuilding according to a previous version of CKEditor is not possible.

Even with the content of the 'build-config.js' that is shown in the help e.g. is not valid either!

#10351 Opera: Replace Textarea Elements by Class Name sample - CKEditor loses focus confirmed Bug Normal


Open sample attached (Replace Textarea Elements by Class Name) in Opera. Click at very beginning of the editor area.

Expected Result:

Console logs 'editor has focus'

Actual Result:

No logs in the console

By following the same steps in FF

Actual Result:

Console logs 'editor has focus'

Also, it is possible to change the CKEditor version in the sample from 4.1 (svn) to 3.6.6. Then we will get desired behaviour in all browsers.

To change the CKeditor version:

Uncomment this line <script src=""></script> to enable version 3.6.6 in the sample provided.

Comment out this line <script src=""></script> to disable version 4.1 in the sample provided.

#10355 Remove link-tag in Image-Dialog when Link is empty confirmed Bug Normal

Currently when an Image nested within a link is edited and the link-url becomes empty the image afterwards still is wrapped in an empty <a> - Tag what maybe is not what should happen.

Reproduced on the demo-page, also on nightly, gives something like:

<a href=""><img alt="Saturn V carrying Apollo 11" class="right" src="assets/sample.jpg" /></a>

I changed this behaviour in plugins/image/dialogs/image.js, ca. Line 397ff by removing the linkElement:

	//Remove Link, Image exists.
	else if ( this.linkEditMode && !this.addLink ) {
		editor.getSelection().selectElement( this.linkElement );
		editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
		this.linkElement.remove(true); // added
#10369 IE9 ENTER_BR problem with AUTOGROW plugin confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download CKEditor by CKBuilder with default settings, but
  • Just adding Autogrow plugin to selected
  1. Launching /ckeditor/samples/plugins/enterkey/enterkey.html
  2. Choosing "When Enter is pressed : Break the line with a <BR>"
  3. Put cursor at the end of text
  4. Press "Enter"
  • Expected Result: Cursor moved to the next line;
  • Actual Result: Cursor stays at the same line
#10371 Insert HTML space bug IE confirmed Bug Normal

if you insert spaces in the overrided insertHTML text mode, it gives a error. This happens in Internet Explorer 7


CKEDITOR.instances["yourInstance"].insertHtml(" ", 'text');


  'isBlock' is null or isn't a object  ckeditor.js, Line 287 Character 56
#10372 Paste as plain text do not work confirmed New Feature Normal

The bug is reproducible at the demo page:

Copy any <br>-splitted text to clipboard. I use text from the thunderbird mail client. The source code of an email shows something like this:


So when I copy the text to the clipboard(not the source code). When I paste it to CKEditor with Ctrl + V, and open source code, i see the same <br> formatting.

When I use Ctrl + Shift + V to paste the text, the source code shows <p>-formatted:


So I expect the button "Paste as plain text" and pastetext plugin would work the same way, but it looks like it doesn't.

I tried to set config.forcePasteAsPlainText = true; but the behaviour is the same.

I allowed javascript to access the clipboard, but the "Paste as plain text" button works the same way as regular Paste button.

I expected that setting forcePasteAsPlainText to true will force Ctrl + V to work like Ctrl + Shift + V, but it doesn't.

We use latest CKEditor release 4.1.1.

Tested at Latest FF, Chrome and Opera.

#10375 table cell horizontal split error confirmed Bug Normal

The far right of the back of the cell in the table to insert a new cell, horizontal split the cell error

#10388 Deleting a sub bullet, deletes entire bullet list confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

1) Create a Bullet list

2) Add a Sub bullet

3) Select the sub bullet and press backspace

Entire bullet list gets removed

#10391 Image upload in data-uri base64 doesn't work with large files confirmed Bug Normal


I am trying to use ckeditor's image plugin and I have encountered some issues with large images.

First of all, I have a java servlet that is mapped to the filebrowserUploadUrl. This servlet doesn't save the file locally, it only reads the binary data, converts it to base64 and create a "data-uri" link then calls the right function of ckeditor.

Anyway, it works well with small images (<500ko) and for bigger ones I have got a red X image and : "Failed to load resource" in my Javascript console.

It is definitly not a server issue, the post request works fine, I can get the data back and call ckeditor internal function. The error seems to occur in element.js line 19 :

setAttribute : (function()
	var standard = function( name, value )
		this.$.setAttribute( name, value ); //here!
		return this;

I have tried to debug in Chrome and the value contains the right data-uri (however I can't see it entirely..)

I have also another error. Sometimes (I really don't understand how), The image is well read and displayed in the dialog. And when I try to add it (by pressing the "Ok" button), I get an alert "Image source URL is missing.".

It seems that this last error happens in more often in Firefox and the first one in chrome..

If I try to insert the same images as data-uri in javascript outside CKeditor, it works perfectly.

This never happens with small images.

I hope this is clear enough. Thanks in advance,

#10393 Missing event when colorbutton plugin is activated confirmed Bug Normal

We need an event that is always fired before a plugin is activated (in other words a toolbar button is clicked). Most plugins are implemented as commands. For those cases the beforeExecCommand is a viable option. The colorbutton plugin is not implemented as command. It should either be implemented as command or fire a specific event in its onOpen event handler.

#10395 Release tag not updated for CKEditor confirmed Bug Normal

The path still refers to version 3.6.6. Can this be updated to

#10402 TypeError: A/range is undefined when calling insertHtml after hide/show. confirmed Bug Normal

Repoducible on the Demo Page:

var cke = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1
cke.insertHtml('<img src="" />');


TypeError: A is undefined

TypeError: range is undefined (with uncompressed sources)

I tested this against release/4.1.x 3cb9cc24ed187a8ad29b810798f3427cc45a6fcf

#10404 Strange insertHTML behaviour with FF 20.0.1 after selectRanges and hide/show confirmed Bug Normal

Firefox Version: 20.0.1

I am not sure if this is a ckeditor issue or a FF bug. But since I wasn't able to reproduce it with a plain contentEditable div I am reporting it here first.

Reproducible on the Demo Page:

Copy/execute the code line by line, don't execute the block as a whole. Apperently there is a timing component to this bug, that I wasn't able to reproduce it with setTimeout.

var cke = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
var r = cke.getSelection().getRanges();
cke.insertHtml('<img src="" />');

After that, if you doubleclick the inserted img. A phantom image appears that is not inside the Browser DOM and dissapears when the text is edited.

I tested this against release/4.1.x 3cb9cc24ed187a8ad29b810798f3427cc45a6fcf

This Code is my attempt at a workaround for Issue #10402. Any tips on how to workaround those two problems is appreciated.

#10406 Insert image dialog, entering 'n%' distorts the image confirmed Bug Normal

Duplicate by trying to insert an image, then setting the width to 100%. It immediately distorts the image proportions. Lock ratio on or off makes no difference. If I try to fix it by removing the height, the Preview displays the image with it's original height, instead of empty as expected (see attached screenshot).

If '%' is input it could simply clear the height completely and let the browser do the scaling of the image in the preview box. Then the user can input a custom height % if they so wish to do. If I try to remove the preview image height CSS rule in Inspector the image scales beautifully so I'd think that easy fix would work.

Replicated in IE 9 and Chrome 26.

Please see comment:2 for detailed description.

#10407 Automatic font color not applying once font color has been changed (outputHTML) confirmed Bug Normal

Reproduce Steps: Open CKEditor Type text Highlight text and change font color Highlight text and click 'Automatic' in the font color drop down Observe the font color doesn't change to the automatic font color

Chrome (latest) on Linux 13.04 Gnome 3

I'm attaching my config file since I can't reproduce this on the CKEditor forum.


  1. Open outputHTML sample
  2. Clear contents, type foo and select text with Ctrl+A
  3. Apply foreground color e.g. blue.
  4. Apply automatic color.

Result: it won't work. For some reason when foreground is represented by font tag (not span) removing tag (applying automatic color) won't work.

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 3.3 in both CKE 3.x and CKE 4.x.

Please also note that you don't need Linux for this. Problem can be reproduced anywhere.

#10413 Inline CKEditor doesn't hide its toolbars after interaction with richcombo confirmed Bug Normal

In inline mode after opening and closing any richcombo UI component, CKEditor doesn't hide its toolbars on clicking outside of element being edited.

Steps to reproduce:
1) open inline demo at
2) click on top right editable paragraph
3) click on Styles combo to open it
4) again click on Styles combo to close it
5) click outside of editable element

Current behaviour:
CKEditor doesn't hide itself.

Expected behaviour:
CKEditor should hide itself.

How to fix it:
In plugins/richcombo/plugin.js, panel.onHide closure add line:

me.editorFocus && editor.focus();

after line:

me._.on = 0;

#10414 [Enter BR and IE] Problems when entering text in Korean confirmed Bug Normal

Enter the letters.

The Select All letters.

Enter the characters again. (Korean)


Normal Input: 가나다라

a bug: ㄱ가나다

I think _sourc/\plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js Prevent IE from leaving new paragraph after deleting all contents in body. (#6966)

						if ( && editor.config.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_P )
							domDocument.on( 'selectionchange', function()
								var body = domDocument.getBody(),
									sel = editor.getSelection(),
									range = sel && sel.getRanges()[ 0 ];

								if ( range && body.getHtml().match( /^<p>&nbsp;<\/p>$/i )
									&& range.startContainer.equals( body ) )
									// Avoid the ambiguity from a real user cursor position.
									setTimeout( function ()
										range = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[ 0 ];
										if ( !range.startContainer.equals ( 'body' ) )
											'''body.getFirst().remove( 1 );'''  >> '''body.getFirst().remove( 0 );'''
											range.moveToElementEditEnd( body );
	 1 );
									}, 0 );

The problem is solved

#10436 Duplicate ids when shared space is used confirmed Bug Normal
  • Add div with id "someElementId" to the page
  • Add to config
config.sharedSpaces = {top: 'someElementId'};

to move toolbar to the shared space.

  • Inspect the page with developer tools/firebug - the toolbar and main editor element have the same id (cke_{name}).
#10464 [IE] onDelete of Image not removing the Link confirmed Bug Normal

I am adding link to an image in editor, but when i select the image and press delete key, its removing Image but its not removing anchor tag outside the image which is store in owner doc. so if I tried to ad another image in the same place it adding with the old anchor tag.

what I want is, when i select an image and delete it using delete key, I want to delete the anchor tag related to that image tag. Any possibilities? Any event to control that?

To reproduce:

  1. In IE, clear editor contents, paste below code in source and switch to wysiwyg
    <p><a href=""><img alt="Saturn V carrying Apollo 11" id="aa" src="assets/sample.jpg" /></a></p>
  2. Select image and remove it with Delete key
  3. Click in line where image was. Now element's path should show "p a"
  4. Insert new image - it gets inserted into link.

There is definitely browser incompatibility but this is rather low priority issue as user can remove image and link by clicking “a” on elements path, remove link using context menu or pressing delete before inserting new image.

#10468 [IE] Presence of CK Editor blocks scripts from properly loading with //@ sourceUrl on IE confirmed Bug Normal

1) On IE, go to any site; in console, type eval("slashslash@ a").

Evaluation happens properly.

1) On IE, go to; in console, type eval("slashslash@ a")

Evaluation breaks as IE tries to evaluate a and fails.

This breaks us when we attempt to load scripts since we use the slashslash@ sourceURL=xxxx.js trick to evaluate scripts in their separate files. Our current workaround is not doing this sourceUrl evaluation on IE, but it would be nice to understand why eval behaves differently with CK Editor on the page.

slash == / (for some reason, a double slash does not render in the editor)

#10476 IE8: Unspecified error when pasting with a selection in the editor confirmed Bug Normal

To Reproduce:

  1. Open any CKEditor sample in IE8.
  2. Insert a table
  3. Select the table by clicking on the table border or by selecting table on the elements path bar.
  4. Use Ctrl+C to copy the table and then Ctrl+V to paste it.

Problem: A browser error occurs and the table is removed from the editor.

The error is an Unspecified Error in wysiwygarea/plugin.js at line 125.

This also occurs with other content e.g. paste the following into Source view, switch to wysiwyg and repeat steps 3 & 4:

<div style="width: 500px">
	Some text goes here</div>

This is reproducible since revision [6559]. It seems to be specific to IE8 as this testcase works fine in IE7 and IE9. I cannot reproduce it in 4.x builds, however this is an important issue for us so we would appreciate your input on it.

#10477 Exception on DELETE key confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open page with empty CKEditor in IE8.
  2. Type any word with space ("example ")
  3. Select word without space ("[example] ")
  4. Press 'Bold' to make selected word bolded.
  5. Press 'Bold' to remove bold style
  6. Put cursor at the start of document
  7. Press and hold DELETE key.

After removing of last character 'e' see the error in browser console.

#10479 Increase/Deecrease Indent icons not displayed in toolbar when we have rtl lang & allowed content is p{margin-right} confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Set language of the editor to be arabic config.language="ar"
  2. Open datafiltering.html sample
  3. Set Allowed attributes: 'p{margin-right}'

Issue: Increase/Deecrease Indent icons not displayed in thetoolbar

#10489 User entered &nbsp; is missing from source when fillEmptyblocks = false confirmed Bug Normal

1)set CK Editor configuration fillEmptyBlocks to false. 2)Inset a table using the toolbar. 3)Click source button 4)Insert &nbsp; in first td. 5)Come back to design and again go to Source view.

Actual Outcome: User entered &nbsp; is missing under the td

Expected Outcome: User entered &nbsp; should be present in source view

#10490 Cannot create two 'textColor' button in toolbar confirmed Bug Normal

CKEditor version: 4.1.1 Browser: Chrome 27.0.1453.94 m Repro steps:

  1. configure CKEditor like this:
    CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
    	toolbar: [['TextColor', 'TextColor' ]]
    } );
  2. Click the second TextColor button


this first button works fine, but error raised when click the second one.

I was trying to add textColor button in floating-tools, and got this error. I thought this is a bug of floating-tools at first, then I found two textColor button don't work on normal toolbar. I tried comboboxs like style, font, they work fine.

#10494 ACF: Styles don't work with shared toolbar confirmed Bug Normal
  • Open sample plugins/sharedspace/samples/sharedspace.html
  • Use the first editor and apply, for example, Big style
  • Toggle editor mode to source and back to WYSIWYG

Style will be removed.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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