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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#5650 disabling/enabling SCAYT makes editor to lost its focus Review- Bug closed Low
#439 IE: CTRL+Click to open links in a new window Confirmed IE Review- Martin Kou New Feature closed Normal
#617 Table: TD should use style to set borderColor Review- Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#738 Cannot change the button type after creating it Confirmed IE Review- Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#922 Generic EMBED and OBJECT placeholder Confirmed Review- Martin Kou New Feature closed Normal
#2037 Additional debug function Review- Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo New Feature closed Normal
#2117 File browser does not work under domain relaxation mode Confirmed Review- Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#2807 Fatal error when using content-type: application/xhtml+xml Review- CantFix New Feature closed Normal
#2816 [IE] Refactor selection save/restore logic to work with focus state IE Review- Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#3060 V3: Ability to disable PanelButton element Review- Artur Formella New Feature closed Normal
#3068 plugin:panel doesn't hide on subsequent click Review- Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#3126 Rename documentFragment.js to lower case Confirmed Review- Frederico Caldeira Knabben Task closed Normal
#3198 Insertion with content deleted not working Confirmed Review- Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#3208 IE Focus issue with Ajax example IBM Review- Pending Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#3283 'CKEDITOR.dom.node.getPreviousSourceNode/getNextSourceNode' bug Confirmed Review- Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#3565 [IE6] Floatpanel iframe focus error IE Confirmed Review- Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal
#3693 dom.element.getAttribute returns unnormalized style properties Confirmed Review- IE webkit Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal
#3726 SpellChecker doesn't work in IE6 Review- Artur Formella Bug closed Normal
#3846 Google Chrome - No Img properties after inserting Confirmed Chrome Safari Review- Minh Nguyen Bug closed Normal
#4134 Add documentation for all configuration options Confirmed Review- Frederico Caldeira Knabben Task closed Normal
#4548 Fake comment plugin Confirmed Review- Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal
#4999 Undo unavailable after inserting template before editing content Confirmed IBM Review- Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#5011 CKEditor should provide a common way to registry/config the lang file IBM Confirmed Review- Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#5191 Ajax sample: undo behaves improperly Confirmed Review- Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
#5365 Undocumented options for the link dialog Discussion Review- Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Task closed Normal
#5452 [IE+Quirks] Unscrollable combo dropdown list Confirmed IE Review- Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#5573 SCAYT breaks cursor position after insert image Confirmed Review- Bug closed Normal
#5720 SCAYT set focus on mode switch Confirmed Review- Bug closed Normal
#5729 Safari: h-resize issue in Kama skin Safari Confirmed Review- Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
#5846 Undo not working properly with Numbered/Bullet list Styles IBM Confirmed Review- Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal
#2432 FCKeditor extension does not recognize tags registered by other extensions Confirmed Review- Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
#2780 Protected elements are being outputted without closing tags. Review- Martin Kou Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
#2799 V3: The skin file make specific dialog stuff by using the global CKEDITOR.dialog Confirmed Review- Garry Yao Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
#2906 Make it possible to load multiple plugins from a single plugin.js file Review- Martin Kou New Feature closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
#2911 Make it possible for CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal() to load plugins not named "plugin.js" Review- Martin Kou New Feature closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
#2977 Focus issues when inserting a numbered list IBM Confirmed Review- Martin Kou Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
#2995 Toolbar combos panels are a bit mispositioned Confirmed Review- Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
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