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Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#171 Unable to set textfield char width to 20 IE6 IE7 Martin Kou Bug review_failed Low
#1612 Reproduction of Ticket #959, IE stuck while trying upload images IE6 Bug closed Normal
#2461 Context menu memory leak IE6 Bug closed Normal
#3186 IE : DEL stop working when using scrollbars IE6 Bug confirmed Normal
#3196 [IE6] Context Menu displaying expand editor width IE6 Bug closed Normal
#3490 Context menu does not display properly in IE6. IBM Confirmed IE6 Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#4277 Skins are not rendered correct IE6 XP Bug closed Normal
#4517 [IE6] config 'dialog_backgroundCoverColor' doesn't apply IE6 Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#4911 shared space sample page layout problem in IE quirks IE6 Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#4942 Image dialog buttons don't work in IE6 Confirmed IE6 Bug closed Normal
#5205 IE6: Toolbar has no bottom padding Confirmed IE6 Bug closed Normal
#5615 IE6 IE7: CKEditor scrolls up when clicked outside editor and config.docType is set IE6 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#5723 SSL incompatible SCAYT AD Confirmed IE6 Bug closed Normal
#6228 Merge down doesn't work with Javascript error IE6 Paweł Horzela Bug closed Normal
#6531 Unavilable 'paste' on empty editor IE6 Bug closed Normal
#6533 Problem with pasting from word IE6 Bug closed Normal
#6571 [IE] showblocks doesn't bring focus back to editor with shared toolbar IE6 IE7 Bug confirmed Normal
#6722 Issue with styling when Img and <a> tags are present. IE6 Oracle Bug closed Normal
#7014 Samples - Ajax - error on page, when Create/Remove button is pressed one by one IE6 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7080 clear selection cause window scroll IE6 IE7 Bug confirmed Normal
#7100 JS error when empty list selected and trying to insert element IE6 Bug closed Normal
#7160 Cannot "paste" the form element on top of the page Oracle IE6 IE7 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7299 IE6/IE8: Borders on color panels are not displaying correctly in RTL languages IBM IE6 IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
#7321 IE6: Right borders missing in dialog textfields in RTL languages IBM IE6 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7333 IE6 Cursor goes missing when we come out of RTL Numbered/Bulleted list IBM IE6 Bug confirmed Normal
#7473 IE6: Dialogs containing dropdown menus become distorted briefly when dragging a dialog to a new position IE6 IBM Bug closed Normal
#7809 IE6: setData fails when event handler attached via jQuery IE6 Bug closed Normal
#7922 Can't open dialogs in IE6 IE6 IBM Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7929 IE6: Can't switch from source to wysiwyg IE6 IBM Bug closed Normal
#7988 IE6: Kama skin - Styles dropdown box noot properly skinned IE6 Bug closed Normal
#8064 [IE6+RTL] column resizer unavailable IE6 Bug closed Normal
#8156 IE6: In RTL Preview for some special characters not showing properly IE6 IBM Bug confirmed Normal
#8330 IE6 : we can't clearly see whether a check box checked or not on any dialog IBM IE6 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8385 Problem when switching between multiple instances of ckeditor IE6 IE7 HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal
#8391 IE6&7: Exception thrown when scayt is being enabled and holding ENTERY key inside content area IE6 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#8429 IE7, IE6 - Selection problem when destroying editor in ENTER_BR IE6 IE7 Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8550 [ALL] inconsistent cursor about table IE6 IE7 HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal
#8575 IE6 IE7: Selecting a table header row using Elements path bar omitting first char in first header cell IE6 IE7 IBM Bug closed Normal
#8587 IE7 maximize long delay IE6 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#8668 IE6&7 Meta tag names not set in commitMeta, or recognised in createMetaHash, in docprops plugin IE6 IE7 HasPatch Bug closed Normal
#8783 getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) returns 'inherited' on IE7 and IE6 for elements created from code IE6 IE7 Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#8869 IE6 : CKEDITOR.dom.node.replace() fails with invalid argument error IE6 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#8907 IE6: hovering over Browse Server button makes dialog contents jump up IE6 Bug closed Normal
#9118 IE6, IE7: Table resize plugin does not work. IE6 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#9469 Remove IE6's specific code parts that still left in v4 IE6 Piotrek Koszuliński Task closed Normal
#2996 IE6 : Toolbar combos have horizontal scrollbar Confirmed IE6 Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
#3067 IE : The context menu issues Confirmed IE6 Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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