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Results (1601 - 1700 of 2591)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#11595 Add support for MathJax block equations confirmed New Feature Normal

Extracted from #11298

Currently MathJax supports only inline equations. It would be nice if block equations were supported as well.

Additionally plugins should detect what sort of equation it is dealing (probably based on brackets used).

#11596 [Umbrella] MathJax plugin improvements confirmed Task Normal

This is umbrella ticked for MathJax improvements.

The list of the tickets with bug/feature requests for MathJax:

#11601 FF - Pasting Chinese characters adds spaces to the pasted text confirmed Bug Normal


Customer is complaining about spaces being inserted when pasting text in the editor.

To recreate:

Copy the following text. Paste it into the demo editor. Select and copy the text within the editor. Enter a few lines and paste the text again. You will see a space being added to the pasted text. See attachment.

该交易由登记或新办理发起。客户初次办理出口保理额度预申请或正式申请需要分别对进口商、出口商的相关信息进行补充录入。经办确认后,进、出口商信息按各分 行存储在本地,下次交易时输入进、出口商编号后可以直接调用。如果第二次录入时对原进、出口商信息有所更改,则新信息覆盖原信息。不同分行间信息独立存 储,不相互影响。出口商信息保存:栏位33-50.进口商信息保存:栏位61-73。

#11604 [IE] Unable to indent list selected by Element Path confirmed Bug Normal


  1. Open the DEMO page with IE(9|10|11)
  2. Create a numbered or bulleted list with 3 elements.
  3. Select the list using Element Path (from the status bar).
  4. Press "Increase Indent" button.

RESULT: Nothing happens.

  1. Select the list by mouse. (Click on the first item and drag the selection to the last item.)
  2. Press "Increase Indent" button.

RESULT: The list can be indented.

#11605 [IE] Selection cached after making selection by mouse confirmed Bug Normal

See ie-selection-cached.webm. Tested on IE8 and IE9.

  1. Write few paragraphs.
  2. Select all using mouse.
  3. Press list button.
  4. Click once in the second item.
  5. Press tab to indent it.

Result: entire list was indented. Most likely editor.getSelection() returned cached selection made in step 2.

#11606 [UX] UI Color Plugin cancel by "X" confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open "UI Color Plugin" sample.
  2. Press "UI Color Picker" icon.
  3. Change color.
  4. Close dialog using "X" in the top right corner.

Result: Alert "You have changed some options. Are you sure you want to close the dialog window?" is shown but changes are applied anyway.

Expectation: Alert will not be shown or changes will be reverted when I close dialog using "X".

I am for first option so alert should not be shown.

#11607 Custom direction "rtl" set for body in fullPage mode is reverted to "ltr" in data confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Create editor with config.fullPage = true
  2. Set HTML:
    <body dir="rtl"></body>
  3. Show source/getData.

Expected: The same HTML as set in 2.


<body dir="ltr"></body>

The origin I discovered the bug with docprops plugin, which brings Language Direction field in its dialog.

What's wrong? First bad commit is git:751e298cca8. It's fine in 3.6.x.

#11609 [IE] List items annihilated after certain actions with Elements Paths confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Use IE11.
  2. Set data
  3. Focus any list item.
  4. Click "ul" in Elements Path.
  5. Click indent: nothing happens (#11604).
  6. Put selection
  7. Click indent.

Expected (considering that 5. is right):

<ul style="margin-left: 40px;">



Two list items are gone. Just like that. This ticket may be related to #11604.

#11610 [Blink] It is not possible to select text in with Shift+Click in link. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open "Replace By Class" sample.
  2. Click after "humans" to move cursor.
  3. Press shift and click after "Neil".

What is the expected behavior? ", Americans Neil" is selected.

What went wrong? Cursor moved instead of select text.

This is actually a Blink/contenteditable bug and I reported it to the chromium project:

#11614 Warnings about deprecated API usage in strict-mode confirmed Bug Normal

Chrome reports this in developer console, when I click inside wysiwygarea:

body.scrollLeft is deprecated in strict mode. Please use 'documentElement.scrollLeft' if in strict mode and 'body.scrollLeft' only if in quirks mode.

This code do not produce any issues, however I'm not sure if users aren't scared a bit of it, for example.

#11622 No indentation of cell content possible if table cell is inside a list item confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create an unordered list with two items
  • Inside the second list item, insert a table, insert some text in the table cells
  • Inside the table cell, click "Indent"

Actual behavior:

  • The second list item is indented

Expected behavior:

  • The text inside the table cell is indented
#11623 Text reflow is broken when deleting text at the end of a list followed by a table confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create an unordered list. The text of the last list item must not be empty.
  • Insert a table immediately after the list. The first cell in the first row must have some text.
  • At the end of the last list item, press "Delete"

Actual behavior:

  • The text in the first table cell flows inside the list item (see screenshot). The first table becomes empty.

Expected behavior (one of the following):

  1. The entire table flows into the list item
  2. Nothing happens
#11624 toolbarGroups - impossible to remove subgroup that has the same name as group confirmed Bug Normal

Default configuration:

CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
	toolbarGroups : [
		{ name: 'document',    groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ] },
		{ name: 'clipboard',   groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ] }, // <----
		{ name: 'editing',     groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker' ] },
		{ name: 'forms' },
		{ name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
		{ name: 'paragraph',   groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'bidi' ] },
		{ name: 'links' },
		{ name: 'insert' },
		{ name: 'styles' },
		{ name: 'colors' },
		{ name: 'tools' },
		{ name: 'others' },
		{ name: 'about' }
} );

Undo subgroup removed (undo/redo buttons are gone):

CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
	toolbarGroups : [
		{ name: 'document',    groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ] },
		{ name: 'clipboard',   groups: [ 'clipboard' ] }, // <----
		{ name: 'editing',     groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker' ] },
		{ name: 'forms' },
		{ name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
		{ name: 'paragraph',   groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'bidi' ] },
		{ name: 'links' },
		{ name: 'insert' },
		{ name: 'styles' },
		{ name: 'colors' },
		{ name: 'tools' },
		{ name: 'others' },
		{ name: 'about' }
} );

Clipboard subgroup removed (clipboard buttons are still available):

CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
	toolbarGroups : [
		{ name: 'document',    groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ] },
		{ name: 'clipboard',   groups: [ 'undo' ] }, // <----
		{ name: 'editing',     groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker' ] },
		{ name: 'forms' },
		{ name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
		{ name: 'paragraph',   groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'bidi' ] },
		{ name: 'links' },
		{ name: 'insert' },
		{ name: 'styles' },
		{ name: 'colors' },
		{ name: 'tools' },
		{ name: 'others' },
		{ name: 'about' }
} );
#11625 Start using different hashes instead of timestamp for loading resources (via getUrl) review Artur Delura New Feature Normal

Using timestamp to mark unique builds worked fine in the past where we released packages once per ~month.

Now, when lots of users try different builds, overwriting the same location and then scratching their heads why something does not work, we need to do something different. See for example, there were more issues reported like this.

My suggestion is to go with assigning a random hash when creating a build. There is no sense in calculating the hash based on the list of enabled plugins (and their versions, btw. we do not have this information in case of using command line builder), languages etc. Using a hash that is complex enough will do the trick.

Using 6-characters long hash that consists of small letters + numbers, gives ~1 838 265 625 (35^6) combinations if I counted correctly (1.8 billion).

#11638 Inserted text blinks after multiple insertions using ctrl-v confirmed Bug Normal

After multiple insertions some text using ctrl-v, inserted text blinks in the left of the screen. It is reproduced with presented html structure and css.

Browser: Chrome, 33.0

Html structure:

    <div class="container">
        <div class="cke-holder">
            <div class="toolbar-ckeditor" id="toolbar">
                <!-- This div will handle top toolbars -->
            <div id="ck-field" class="inline-ckeditor-default"></div>

Div with id="ck-field" initialized as inline ckeditor.

body {min-width: 960px;}
.container {width: 960px;margin: 0 auto;position: relative;}

This can be fixed by adding "position: relative;" style for div initialized as ckeditor.

#11655 editor.config.toolbarLocation='bottom' does not work confirmed New Feature Normal

Due to the implementation with the "floating" toolbar (depending on the scroll position/available space of the page), it is not possible to fix the location of the toolbar. It'd be great to give a preferred location of the toolbar ("put it to the bottom unless there is no space").

Please see my attached plugins/floatingspace/plugin.js with my temporary workaround to get an idea of location of the problem.

#11663 Input Method Editor(IMEs) didn't work properly in CKEditor with the AutoGrow plugin in IE11 review Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal

Input Method Editor(IMEs) didn't work properly in CKEditor with the AutoGrow plugin in IE11.

When trying to enter Chinese character using pinyin, the word options list disappeared after typed in the first letter (it didn't wait until I finish typing the whole pinyin) and it auto select the first one on the list.

Tested on the demo page on Windows 7 64bit, IE11.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to Control panel
  2. Select Region and Language, then the Keyboards and Languages tab
  3. Click Change keyboards
  4. Add input language Chinese (Simplified, PRC), Chinese (Simplified) - Microsoft Pinyin New Experience Input St

(Docked the language bar in the taskbar for the easy access)

  1. Open IE 11 and go to the demo page
  2. Switch to Chinese input
  3. In the CKEditor demo, enter "kai"

Noticed that after entered "k", the words option list showed and disappeared and a Chinese character is auto selected and that is not the character I want.

The Input Method Editor works fine on the standard CKEditor, tested on demo page

Attached a screen capture of the editor with AutoGrow plugin and standard editor.

#11665 Include the showborders plugin in the Standard preset assigned Piotrek Koszuliński Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.0

One of the CKEditor users asked about the lack of "dotted" borders for tables. After a few minutes of debugging I just realized that showborders is not a part of the Standard preset.

The plugin s relatively small (145 SLOC), but is quite crucial when working with border-less tables, thus let's include it by default to provide a better OOTB experience.

#11668 delete key behavior is WRONG!! confirmed Bug Normal


  1. Insert below code into editor:
    <p>test <strong>test <em>test </em>test</strong> test test</p>
  2. Switch to wysiwyg and put cursor behind italic element. Please note that element path needs to show body p strong. If you are seeing em move curosor with arrows to get out of em element.
    test test test ^test test test
  3. Start deleting text with delete key

Result: once whole bold text is deleted, the italic element gets deleted (except for the first letter)

hi all; I newly found key delete works wrong!!! for example, we have an bold element in a paragraph and in the bold element there is an italic word. if we put cursor after italic element exactly, and begin pressing delete key, the characters of bold text node which is after italic element, delete one by one. when the text node deleted and italic element was placed in end of bold element and cursor was placed in bold element and exactly after italic, pressing delete key will caused all of italic characters except one char, be remove!!! that is WRONG!!!


True : In these circumstances, characters of next text node from next element must be remove. I checked this, from 4.3.3 to 3.0 versions and all of them have this bug. please solve it. Very Thanks.

#11671 [IE 8-10] inserttext space as first call on editor problem confirmed Bug Normal

please take a look at the following JSFiddle: in IE10

click on button: "space"

click on button: "letter A"

result: "A"

expected result: " A"

Take an empty editor. If you call insertText(" ") the space is displayed. If you call insertText("A") the space is removed and the "A" is added.

#11673 Builder ignores languages set for plugins confirmed Bug Normal

CKBuilder ignores languages set in CKBUILDER_CONFIG when handles plugins. All language files gets into package.

#11674 Tableresize - allow percent-based values confirmed New Feature Normal

It would be nice if tableresize allowed to set column widths in percent instead of pixels. Of course, it should be configurable.

#11679 Color buttons can't be customized confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Insert below code on page and into contents.css
    var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {		
    				//allowedContent : true,
    				colorButton_colors : 'highlight_yellow/FFFF00',
    				colorButton_backStyle : {
    					element : 'span',
    					attributes : {
    						'class' : '#(color)'
    //in contents.css
    	background-color: #FFFF00;
  2. Refresh the cache.
  3. Highlight the word and change its color to Yellow.


  1. If you use custom color for which translation is not defined in language file e.g. 'highlight_yellow/FFFF00' then you will see green square in color button dropdown panel but its label is 'FFFF00'. Maybe I'm wrong here but I would expect label to be displayed as 'highlight_yellow'.
  1. The 'highlight_yellow' is used for styling text you select but it has no effect. Such style <span style="color:highlight_yellow">item 2</span> is not recognized thus it looks like text is not styled.
  1. With ACF enabled, once you switch to source and back, span will be removed and it shouldn't be. This part is reproducible from CKEditor 4.1.
  1. You can't change this color to automatic with such configuration. This part can be reproduced from CKEditor 3.0.
#11686 [Webkit] "Delete Columns" sometimes removes two columns instead of one confirmed Bug Normal
  • Create 3x3 table and type any char in the first cell
  • Double click to the right of the char (the char should not be selected, but cell will. See video: ). Or you can use Shift+Right arrow key.
  • Right click -> Column -> Delete Columns

Outcome: the first and the second columns will be deleted
Expected: only the first column deleted

#11687 [FF] Caret position reset when clicking editable confirmed Bug Normal

Clicking text in editable moves caret to very beginning, which is extremely annoying if you want i.e. select something in order to bold it.

  1. open sample with image2 plugin (/samples/plugins/image2/image2.html)
  2. put caret at following position Roll out of |Saturn V on launch pad in first widget caption
    note first selection is OK
  3. move caret to other element (by clicking), i.e. "Apollo 11" headline
  4. repeat 2nd step

Expected result:
Caret should be placed in of |Saturn

Current result:
Caret is placed at very beginning of the caption.

additional info:

  1. Bug occurs only if focus is moved from within the editor. That means, if you'll blur editor by i.e. clicking at sample headline "CKEditor Samples » New Image plugin", and then you'll click at editable - bug does not occur.
#11690 Placeholder with forbidden characters confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open placeholder sample (plugins/placeholder/samples/placeholder.html).
  2. In the source mode enter:
    <p>This is a [[sample ]placeholder]].</p>
  3. Switch back to the WYSIWYG mode.

Result: there is no placeholder.

  1. In the source mode enter:
    <p>This is a [[sample >placeholder]].</p>
  2. Switch back to the WYSIWYG mode.

Result: there is a placeholder.

  1. Open placeholder dialog.
  2. Press "Ok".

Result: Error message:

The placeholder can not be empty and can not contain any of following characters: [, ], <, >

On the one hand it is not possible to upcast placeholder with ']' character, because it is forbidden, but on the other we can do it with '>'.

In my opinion it should not be possible to upcast placeholder with forbidden character but also it would be good if user would be informed that the placeholder contains forbidden character.

#11691 [IE8] Can not expand selection when caret is at the end of a inline element confirmed Bug Normal

checked only on IE8, but this issue might be also present in other IE versions

  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. using "Source" button set content to following markup:
    <p>aa bb<u> cc </u>dd ee</p>
  3. go back to wysiwyg mode
  4. place caret in following position aa bb cc |dd ee
  5. press ctrl + shift + right arrow

Expected result:
Selection should be expanded to contain dd string.

Current result:
Selection is not expanded.

additional info:

  1. i've tested it with bold, italic - they have the same issue too
#11692 [IE9-10] Home and end buttons in inputs move cursor to the wrong possition confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open Replace by Class sample.
  2. Open Link dialog.
  3. Paste long link into URL field (longer than text field width) like:
  4. press "Home" button

Result: there is a space between cursor and text.

The same issue for 'end' button. I was able to reproduce it on IE9 and IE10 with all of the text fields. On IE8, IE11 and Chrome everything is fine.

#11696 undo link scrolls to top of page confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Go to full featured DEMO page (I used IE9).
  2. Select the whole content and scroll to bottom of the page and paste. This is just to let enough content to demonstrate the scrolling.
  3. Insert a picture to the bottom of the page.
  4. Select the picture and press link tool. So give it a link eg. The link appears on the picture. > OK
  5. Press the undo button. The page scrolls to the top.

Not an issue if you put a link on a word at the bottom of the page but using a picture for a link.

#11700 Bringing accessibility support for widgets confirmed Bug Normal

We should think about providing good a11y for widget.

Currently screen readers treats every widget as the end of an element. We need to do far better than that.

The most important requirements i see at the moment are:

  • labels for widgets
  • labels for editables

labels for widgets

  • Should be context sensitive, by that i mean they should be diffrent for image, placeholder, mathjax and codesnippet
  • Label should be also possible to fetch some information from widget instance itself, i.e. image should be have its alt attribute included into label
  • Should be specified in widget definition

labels for editables

Here i have no clear conception as of yet, because you're only able to access editable using the tab key, but it iterates from the very beginning of the document, rather than current caret position.

Currently 2 solutions come to my mind:

Solution 1

  • leave current keyboard as it is
  • upon getting into editable, user should be informed what widget editable belongs to

Solution 2

  • Allow only to enter into editable (with tab key) only when widget is focused
  • We don't need to inform our end-user what widget he's in (that reduces extra time spent on listening). The only one information he will need is the name of editable itself
  • Important implementation detail would be to allow focus cycling inside widget
#11701 Richcombo breaks on HTML entities in HTML formatted values confirmed Bug Normal
  • configure an editor with latest strinsert addon from ( is not up to date) using following settings:
    config.extraPlugins = 'strinsert';
    config.strinsert_strings = [{'name': 'test', 'value': 'html entities like &lt;, &gt and &amp; wont work'}];
  • open the editor, select 'test' from the 'Insert' dropdown in the toolbar and you'll get a JavaScript error like:
    • Chrome:
      Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'hasClass' of null ckeditor.js:746
      Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'hasClass' of null ckeditor.js:746 ckeditor.js:746 ckeditor.js:744
      (anonymous function) ckeditor.js:742
      (anonymous function) ckeditor.js:27 ckeditor.js:27
    • IE:
      Error: Unable to get property 'hasClass' of undefined or null reference

Edit: Please see comment:5 for quick summary :)

#11708 Magic-Line showing in email confirmed Bug Normal

Magic line is a great tool for creating new paragraphs into spaces where normally would be impossible to reach.But we have found an issue associated to it.

Issue: We have been using CKeditor for designing emails. We have seen some red line remain in final email we design. This issue we have seen to be happening from IE 10. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Place your cursor such that Magic-Line is visible in ckeditor.
  2. Press Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C.
  3. Paste the content you will see that Magic-Line is also copied with other content.

Please see attachment.

Any help will be admirable. thanks

#11709 Update ACF documentation with wildcards and blacklisting assigned Piotrek Koszuliński Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.0
#11714 [iOS] Slowness when CKEditor is within an inline-block element on iPad pending Bug Normal

Significant slowness occurs when CKEditor is contained in an inline-block element using an iPad. When styled as a block element these issues go away. This occurs with both Safari and Chrome, both being webkit bases browsers. A simple test case

#11720 Method insertElement causes error in IE if editable hasn't been yet focused confirmed Bug Normal

Insert below code into replacebycode sapmle:

editor.on('instanceReady', function(){
	var elem = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'pre' );
	editor.insertElement(elem); //error in IE
	//editor.editable().append(elem); //works

When you load the page you will get:
Message: 'undefined' is empty or not an object
Line: 299
URI: /ckeditor4_git/core/editable.js

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.3 in all versions of IE.

#11721 [iOS] Dialog in the wrong position confirmed Bug Normal

Tested on the Safari (537.51.2) on iOS 7.1 (iPad).

Dialogs are in the correct position as long as I'm not using zoom.

#11728 [Android][Chrome] Font size assigned Szymon Kupś Bug Normal

Tested on CKEditor 4.3.4, Chrome 33 on Android 4.4.2.

Android change font size in the contenteditable area what is on the one hand useful, because it is easier to read and edit content. But on the other hand, because of this, non-editable elements, like placeholder widget, has smaller font size. Also what user see is not what he would get.

We should search for a flag to disable such feature and consider if we should use it.

#11729 [iOS] Magicline does not work confirmed Bug Normal

Tested with Safari (537.51.2) on iOS 7.1 (iPad).

Magicline does not work on Safari on iOS.

It could works as it works on Chrome on Android so show the magicline when cursor is just before or after the position of the magicline. Or magicline could be shown when user tap on the magicline position. There are solutions.

#11730 [iOS] Editor is scrolling when command is execute confirmed Bug Normal

Tested with Safari (537.51.2) on iOS 7.1 (iPad), CKEditor 4.3.4.

When I apply any command page scoll down so toolbar is above the viewport.

#11731 [iOS] Dialogs move selection to the begging of the document confirmed Bug Normal

Tested with Safari (537.51.2) on iOS 7.1 (iPad), CKEditor 4.3.4.

When I try to insert a content using dialog (link, special character, smiley) cursor is moved to the begging of the document.

#11732 [iOS] It's not possible to switch to source and back confirmed Bug Normal

Tested with Safari (537.51.2) on iOS 7.1 (iPad), CKEditor 4.3.4.

  1. Open "Replace by Class" sample.
  2. Press "Source" button.
  3. Press "Source" button again.

Expected: editor will switch back to the wysiwyg mode.

Result: nothing happens.

I can go back to the wysiwyg mode if I move the focus to the source textarea.

#11733 [iOS] It is not possible to open Image2 edit dialog. confirmed Bug Normal

Tested with Safari (537.51.2) on iOS 7.1 (iPad), CKEditor 4.3.4.

  1. One Image2 sample.
  2. Tap on the image.
  3. Press image button in the toolbar.

Expected: Image edit dialog will be shown.

Result: Empty dialog is shown.

#11734 [iOS] Native context ballon options does not work with ACF and undo confirmed Bug Normal

Tested with Safari (537.51.2) on iOS 7.1 (iPad), CKEditor 4.3.4.

Using build-in format tools I'm able to execute commands which are forbidden by ACF (see attachment). Also modification made by this options are on recorded by undo manager.

#11735 Adding a tab support inside codesnippet dialog confirmed New Feature Normal

Follow-up of #11480.

We should add some support for tab key inside code-edit textarea of codesnippet dialog. We need to handle following keys:

  1. Tab - should insert a tabulation character
  2. ctrl + . (period) - should move focus to next focusable item in dialog

Note: that shift + tab should remain untouched.

We're considering 2 solutions:

  1. Handling it completly by ourself (leftovers are in t/11480b branch)
  2. Use external library, like Behave.js
  3. Or use full code editor.
#11743 Exception flood caused by calling nativeSelection.createRange() confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce in Google Chrome, but should be relevant for any browser: Open browser builtin Developer Tools, set "pause on exception" option. You get a series of debugger pauses every time you try to focus on CKEditor.

This issue makes a debugging difficult. Additionally, this is a waist of processor ticks :) .

#11745 Maximize should use position:fixed instead of changing entire page styling confirmed Task Normal

Follow up of

Using position:fixed for the editor chrome may be beneficial for us because it will need less code, there won't be a problem with input names, it may be faster and more stable. Additionally, we may check if there are other ways to remove scrolls from the viewport which will not cause so much damage underneath the editor.

#11750 Iframe Dialog Scrollbar problem. confirmed Bug Normal

Problem can be reproduced in IE8-10 (works in IE11).

  1. Add attached insertVariable plugin (best in CKEditor dev)
  2. Add below code in HTML page:
    CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
    	extraPlugins: 'insertVariable'
  3. Load the page and open insertVariable Dialog.

Result: in IE8-10 there is always vertical scrollbar. This is happening because below TD element exceeds size of wrapper div:

<td class="cke_dialog_ui_vbox_child" role="presentation" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
<div class="cke_dialog_ui_vbox cke_dialog_page_contents" id="cke_111_uiElement" role="tabpanel" aria-hidden="false" aria-labelledby="cke_iframe_112" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" name="iframe">

This scrolbarr is not a big issue with small content but you you use large contant you will get double vertical scrollbar (Please see attached iframeDialog.png)

One solution to this problem is adding below rule in ckeditor/skins/moono/dialog_ie.css:

.cke_dialog_page_contents {

The above rule solves the problem (please note that kama skin uses this class in dialog_iequirks.css) but if someone uses ony iframe in his dialog it would be nice idea to to have paddings removed on cke_dialog_contents_body. Perhaps we could introduce separate class for iframeDialog and 'contents body' or simply modify both?

#11755 Styles dropdown not updated after object style change confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Editor styles.js so Styled image names are shorter (to make them visible in the button.
  2. Load <p><img alt="" src="assets/sample.jpg" /></p>.
  3. Select image and apply one of the styles.
  4. See that the styles dropdown still shows "Styles" instead of the applied style name.
  5. Deselect and select image again - styles dropdown shows the applied style name.

Reproduced on master and major. Checked Firefox and Chrome.

#11759 Introduce a "split button" UI component confirmed New Feature Normal

It would be suit color buttons, paste button, table button etc.

#11761 Event system dies along with the last editor being destroyed confirmed Bug Normal

I stumbled upon this issue while developing sample for #11480.

This issue makes CKEditor events API quite useless without editor instance, especially if the editor is destroyed in the callback.

See jsFiddle.

How to reproduce?

  1. Create editor instance.
  2. Attach event listener on a DOM element outside of the editor. Not related to editable, etc.
  3. See that event works.
  4. Destroy the editor(s).


  1. Attached listener is not fired anymore.


  1. Attached listener is fired since the object in DOM is still there.

Quick research:

#11762 Styles are not applied in Internet Explorer if backspace is the last key pressed confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open the example document in the nightly test page
  2. Place your cursor in some text that is not styled, for example the end of surface in "lunar surface"
  3. Use the backspace key to delete the words "lunar surface"
  4. Hit Ctrl+B to enable bold
  5. Type the word "moon"

Expected result step onto the moon...

Actual result step onto the moon...

This happens with bold, italic, and underline and occurs with both the keyboard shortcuts and the toolbar buttons. It also occurs if you use multiple backspace presses or highlight the text you want to remove and press backspace once.


I can reproduce this on Internet Explorer 9, 10, and 11, it does occur on Internet Explorer 8 or Chrome/Firefox

#11765 Editor does not show in divreplace sample, when clicked between paragraphs. confirmed Bug Normal

Div is not replaced with editor when you'll click inbetween paragraphs. It's minor issue but can mess up user UX, if he'll click in such place for the very first time.

  1. open divreplace sample (divreplace)
  2. click on space between two paragraphs

Expected result:
Editor should be created.

Current result:
Nothing happens.

additional info:

The reason for this issue is iterating element.parentNode from the very first iteration. If you click in position given above, the
ev.srcElement will point to div (with class editable). Therefore first iteration will check against body, rather than div. Code is located in samples/divreplace.html.
#11767 Table Tools spanning not updated confirmed Bug Normal


Use IE or FF to be able to easily visualize the issue, in the source its broken for all browsers thogh

  1. Go on
  2. Create a table with 4x4
  3. select Cell 1x1 and set row-spanning to 10
  4. You now have a broken spanning since it is not validated

A more common use-case for normal users would be

  1. Go on
  2. Create a table with 4x4
  3. 3. select Cell 1x1 and set row-spanning to 10
  4. Delete a row -> spanning is not set to 9, instead of getting recoundet and fixed

Basically there is no sense in not validating the data since this is an editor for a user, not developer. In a table with a lot of rows you can easily count wrong and end up having a broken table.


a) caluculate max span for col/rowspan before entering the dialog and offer a select-widget rather then an input field b) validate on save

You could also reuse such a table validator:

#11768 Merging table-cells using the cell-properties dialog is completely broken confirmed Bug Normal

Reproduce by:

  2. insert a 3x3 table
  3. select cel 1x1
  4. right click -> cell -> cell properties
  5. input 2 in "merge row cells"
  6. submit the dialog

Problem: Everytime you do this, no matter which values you choose for col/rowspan, the complete table-layout is broken, respectivly an extra broken column is inserted every time.

#11770 Destroying an editor while a widget is selected causes JS error in IE confirmed Bug Normal

I am using IE 11 and an inline editor. If you add a widget, such as the demo simplebox widget, and while it is selected you destroy the editor (such as the user clicking a cancel button that removes the editor function) there is a JS error.

The JS error occurs while trying to remove expand attributes. In plugin.js on line 211 it calls contents.replace( /\s+data-cke-expando=".*?"/g, ) but in this situation contents is a Boolean value equal to true so it throws the exception that there is no replace function for that value.

It appears that the code expects editor the getSnapshot to return a string but a Boolean is being returned instead. Looking at event.js it appears true is returned when an event call returns undefined.

#11771 Introduce styleableElement in widget API confirmed Bug Normal

At the moment (#11297) to change the way widgets are styled, developer must override widget#add/has/getClasses, which is not quite straightforward.

The idea is to introduce widget#styleableElement property which, referring to the right element, can be re-used in widget#add/has/getClass and reduce the complexity of customisation.


  • How to set it? Via widgetDef (selector, method...)? Via widget.setStyleableElement? By overriding widget.getStyleableElement?
  • How to alter it? delete widget.styleableElement? widget.setStyleableElement? By overriding widget.getStyleableElement?
  • How to optimise it? Cache? How to override cached element?
#11772 [Inline] Format drop down shows that selection is in a div when image2 is focused confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open plugins/image2/dev/image2.html
  2. Focus captioned image. In framed editor format shows that none of the formats is used, in inline editor format shows "Normal (DIV)".
#11773 Hierarchy request script error confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Using IE11 go to the full featured DEMO page and make a new (empty) page.
  2. Open the attached page and copy/paste its content to the DEMO page.
  3. Find the following list item: "1. this list". This is the third line from the bottom.
  4. Place the caret to the end of this line and press DELETE.

RESULT: You get Hierarchy request script error.

Note: IE9 will not throw error but the cursor will be dropped to an unexpected place.

#11775 Codesnippet plugin should allow to specify custom path for highlight.js confirmed New Feature Normal

Plugin should allow to use other highlight.js path than the default one. It will allow developer to:

  • link it against more convenient path, where it's already used for website front-end - thus he might update highlight.js in one place
  • link it to other cdn
#11778 IE11: The xml object loaded with Ajax plugin fails to find children confirmed Bug Normal

Create a "test.xml" file with something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Templates><Template>content</Template></Templates>

Add this to a page with CKEditor:

CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(e) {
	CKEDITOR.ajax.loadXml( "test.xml", function(oXml) {
		var child = oXml.selectSingleNode( 'Templates' );
		if (!child)
			alert("Failed, the Templates node hasn't been found");
			alert("XML successful");


Now when the page is loaded IE11 will state that the child hasn't been found This can be prevented by using the XML code found in CKFinder (in theory it was added for Android, but it turns out that it also works here).

#11779 Scrolling issues in modern browsers when document is in Quirks Mode confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to Reproduce

Standards mode Example:

Quirks mode Example:

  1. Open the sample pages linked above in Internet Explorer 11, Firefox, or Chrome
  2. Click the Scroll to Paragraph X buttons above the editor to scroll to the three paragraphs with ids

Expected Result

The paragraph named in the button is scrolled into view when the button is clicked

Actual Result

In standards mode it works as expected, but when the editor's document is in Quirks mode scrolling only works in the forward direction on IE 11 and Firefox, and does not work at all in Chrome.


I can reproduce this in Internet Explorer 11, Firefox, and Chrome.

Internet Explorer 9 and 10 work correctly.

#11786 [IE8] codesnippetgeshi does not print new lines correctly confirmed Bug Normal

As in a ticket title.

#11787 Umbrella ticket for Problems with Asian input confirmed Bug Normal

It seems that we have couple of issues that concern Asian languages and input methods:

  1. #8854, #10414, #13575 - IE, Enter_BR result in invalid input. Related ticket - #12391
  2. #12597 - Blink, Enter_BR result in invalid imput
  3. #9332, #9749 - startupFocus:true in Firefox, not possible to type Japanese chars
  4. #11663, #12415 - IE11, autogrow result in invalid input
  5. #11601 - Firfox space is increased on copy/paste
  6. #8913 - full width spaces.
  7. #11764 - not yet confirmed.
  1. #12910 - IE11, Korean; Issue may be associated with string size.
  2. #13043 - IE11, Korean; Inline styles are not maintained when typing.

#11792 [IEs] Click on the side of text in classic editor does not move caret there review_failed Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal

Click on the left or right margin of editable - caret won't be moved to the closest possible solution. This is very bad for UX, because it's hard to place caret at the beginning of paragraph.

The solutions should be easy - use padding-left/right instead of margin-left/right which causes that body does not start from left:0 and does not end at right:100%, but is padded from viewport border.

Using paddings will break margins collapsing, so to avoid breaking more often used margin-top/bottom (for paragraph, headers, etc.) we should still use margin-top/bottom for the body.

If there's a different way, like using styling for HTML element, which could perhaps keep left/right margins collapsing too, I'd gladly see this solution.

#11794 [UX] Apollo image has class instead of style confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open replace by class sample.
  2. Click on "Apollo" image.
  3. Open image dialog.

Image is align to right, but "Alignment" is "<not set>". It is because we use class instead of inline style to align this image.

#11795 [FF] Ctrl+backspace inside table removes too much stuff confirmed Bug Normal
  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. use following source code
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:500px">
  3. switch back to wysiwyg mode
  4. place cursor in very last cell (9th)
  5. press ctrl + backspace twice

Expected result:
Caret should not move outside of the cell?

Current result:
Leaves table with one column and two rows

additional info:

  1. it acts weird with ctrl+backspace in many other cases with tables
#11800 Missing integration of anchor and image2 confirmed Bug Normal

Following #11341, it's not possible to create an anchor (with Anchor button) out of image2 widget (image) or, at least, the feature is buggy in most cases. Since it's possible to create linked images, users would expect to do the same with anchors.

There are two solutions: We can either completely disable the feature but, quite frankly, it would not make much sense since linking already works or we can simply enable it.

Special case of #11963.

#11802 Margin is set on list item when creating list from indented paragraph confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open editor with no content
  2. Focus editor
  3. Click few times "Increase indent"
  4. Click "Insert/Remove ordered list"
  5. Switch to source mode:
	<li style="margin-left: 120px;">Foo</li>


<ul style="margin-left: 120px;">


Paragraph's margin should be moved to ol/li when creating list, because this is where indent/outdent buttons add/remove margin when you have a caret in the first item of a list.

However, I'm not sure what if we're creating list out of few paragraphs when each have different margin. I think that in such case it's best to remove those margins and "normalize" the situation. Otherwise, we'd have to go crazy and e.g. create sublists based on indentation of following paragraphs, but that would be a waste of time and we don't know if user wanted to do that anyway.

Alternatively, we can simply remove all margins when creating list, because none of the solutions seem to be 100% correct. Everyone can have different idea about how that should work.

#11806 [IE-all] Creating placeholder in anchor and click drag handler load page which URL is set in anchor confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open placeholder sample
  2. Put caret in anchor "CKEditor"
  3. Create some placeholder in caret position by clicking placeholder button located in toolbar
  4. Hover over newly created placeholder
  5. Click placeholder drag handler

Actual result: In WYSIWYG area there is loaded page with URL set in related anchor tag.

#11808 [IE] It's possible to enter code snippet's (non-editable content's?) body by up/down keys confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open code snippet sample.
  2. Focus editor.
  3. Start navigating with up/down keys.

Reproduced in IE9 and IE11. I set version to 4.3, because since then we support widgets.

#11810 [IE] Widgets drag container allows to put text in it confirmed Bug Normal

I've noticed it in IE8 and IE9. Didn't reproduce it with IE11 though.

Chromium and FF seems to be untouched by this issue.

  1. open any sample with CKEditor and widgets (i.e. samples/plugins/codesnippet/codesnippet.html)
  2. move your mouse to top border of the widget
  3. click left mouse button

Expected result:
I think that nothing really should happen, i mean - focus should remain on widget.

Current result:
Caret goes into a drag handler.

additional info:

  1. In IE9 caret sometimes went to the last widget on the page
  2. I tried to reproduce it with captioned image2 / mathjax but none of these succeed, is it possible that it's codesnippet issue?
#11817 Magic line does not display properly confirmed Bug Normal

Browsers: All

  1. Open magic line sample:
  2. Set following content into editor

<p></p> <hr /> <hr />

  1. Try to insert line between hr tags

Actual result: Magic line is not displayed in proper position

Please note: when add more hr tag, then magic lines are displayed between some of them.

#11821 [IE] Wrong behaviour after hit Ctrl + Backspace on selected text in CKEditor confirmed Bug Normal

It's a browser bug, but we can handle it in CKEditor.

  1. Open CKEditor sample
  2. Select some word
  3. Hit Ctrl + Backspace

Actual result: Word is not deleted but previous does.

#11824 sourcedialog / codesnippet textarea enhancement confirmed New Feature Normal

Current implementation is kind of static, once the dialog is inited it will store textarea sizes, and if one will resize browser / dialog, it's not being resized with it.

Because of that reason I've decided to hide resizer in codesnippet plugin, because it does not give expected results.

Things to solve:

  • Make textarea responsive, it should be shrinked/expanded along with dialog (both width and height ideally)
  • Put some effort so that these two implementations will share the same solution - let's keep it DRY
  • Put dialog resizer back to codesnippet plugin
#11825 [IE] Clicking on image2 in readonly mode causes error confirmed Bug Normal

Part of: #12134.

  1. Open image2 dev sample.
  2. Make editor readonly.
  3. Click on any image.


  Could not complete the operation due to error 800a025e.
  selection.js, line 1834 character 6


SCRIPT16389: Unspecified error.
File: selection.js, Line: 1937, Column: 6

Since 4.3, I was not able to reproduce it on 4.3beta.

#11828 Content Templates Improvement confirmed New Feature Normal

Templates are very useful, but if a site has a large number of templates or very complex templates, the load on the editor can get rather large. I would suggest an option to provide a URL as an alternative to the html variable. I have set this up in my own tests and this works well. In my example, it expects the return data to all be JSON arrays with the actual HTML in the "result" param, but it could also take raw HTML instead if needed.

In the template plugin, around line 50 there is currently this line...

item.on('click', function(){

I moved the insertTemplate call into an if statement, so now it reads this way...


var hmtlData = ; var ajaxOptions = {

async : false, url : template.url, success : function(data, status, xhr){

htmlData = data.result;


}; jQuery.ajax(ajaxOptions); insertTemplate( htmlData );


insertTemplate( template.html );


Basically, if the chosen template has a URL, it will load via ajax (async off) and populates, rather than using the HTML attached. This also solves other issues, like needing to encode templates inside JS files or not being able to access HTML based templates from the server.

#11829 List element disappear after making indentation confirmed Bug Normal

Browsers: all

  1. Load editor with following content:


<li><h1>One</h1></li> <li>Two</li>


  1. Put caret right after "One" word
  2. Click "Increase indent" button located in toolbar

Actual result: list item with word "Two" disappear

#11832 Remove "Dependent (Netscape)" from popup options confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open link dialog.
  2. Open "Target" tab.
  3. Select <popup window>

This is pretty old part of the Editor, especially "Dependent (Netscape)" option. We should remove this option since we do not support Netscape for a while.

#11835 [Opera] Dialog box is displayed behind flash content confirmed Bug Normal

Tested in Opera 20.0.1387.91, Windows 7 64-bit, Flash Player

  1. Open sample
  2. Open link dialog (by hitting Ctrl + L when editor focused or by clicking appropriate button)

Actual Result: Dialog box is behind flash content

#11836 [IE8-10] Special container style is not fully removed confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open Replace by class sample.
  2. Select a paragraph.
  3. Apply "Special container" style.
  4. Select "Special container" style again to remove to.

Result: border and padding is removed but background is still grey.

On Chrome background is also removed.

Since 4.0.

#11837 [IE8-10]: Delete key removes too much confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open replacebycode.html sample
  2. Put cursor e.g in header Apo^llo 11
  3. Press Shift+End to select text
  4. Press Delete

Problem: Paragraph below is joined with deleted Header. If you do that with mouse or try same steps in modern browsers, only header will be deleted but no joining will occur.

This problem occurs in native contenteditable used in IE8-11 but in CKEditor this doesn't work in IE8-10. For some reason this issue works in IE11 in CKEditor. Perhaps there is something that can be done in IE8-10?

NOTE: When you do the same with mouse it will work.

#11840 [IE11] Editable fixDom causes selection to lose direction confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the nightly demo page in IE11
  2. Place your cursor at the end of the document
  3. Hold the Shift key down and tap the Up Arrow key repeatedly

Expected Result The selection expands one line at a time until you have the whole document selection

Actual Result Each time your cursor enters a new block that does not contain a filler the fixDom method reselects the current selection, when this happens the direction of the selection is lost and Shift+Up starts moving the end of the selection upwards instead of the beginning.

System This affects IE11 on both Windows 8.1 and Windows 7

Notes The steps to reproduce here are just for the convenience of reproducing it easily, I don't think we have anyone that actually selects large amounts of text holding shift and tapping the up arrow key. The scenarios we're getting from our customers when they run into this is that they usually hold Shift and Up to span multiple paragraphs and then without releasing Shift tap right or left arrow to fine tune their selection, this results in the end of their selection moving left and right if fixDom has been called due to the selection change.

#11842 Invalid element given in a parameter for contextMenu.addListener listener. confirmed Bug Normal

There seems to be an issue with context menu in readonly mode. It does not pass correct argument to funciton registered with editor.contextMenu.addListener() (see reference) on right click. Elements path seems to be invalid as well.

Issue might be OS dependent - tested with FF28, Chrome, IE8 all @Win7.

  1. change your editor config (i.e. by changing config.js) to contain: config.readOnly = true;
  2. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  3. execute following code in order to register a simple listener:
    CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.contextMenu.addListener( function( el, sel ) {
    	console.log( 'clicked tag ', el && el.getName() );
    } );
  4. right click directly on any link inside the editor

Expected result:
Editor should log something like:

clicked tag  a

Current result:
It uses totally different tag, and output is like:

clicked tag  h1

FF28@Win7 gives even a body as a parameter.

additional info:

  1. PK did already a quick tests and says that everything seems to be ok at Mac
  2. for me it seems that selection does not reposition itself in readonly mode or sth
#11843 [IE8-11] selectionChange event outputs invalid element when Ie is in Compatibility mode. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Put attached api2.html sample into samples folder
  2. Open sample in IE browser
  3. This sample contains code for selectionChange:
    selectionChange : function(evt){
    	var htmlElement =;
  4. Set compatibility mode for current page e.g. Top Menu -> Tools -> "Compatibility View"
  5. Click on "Set Editor Contents" button
  6. Click on "Objective".
  7. IE will report
    Main Title
  8. Scroll Down and double-click on "Description". You may need to double-click few times.
  9. Editor will report:
    Main Title

This doesn't happen in standard IE mode. Whenever you click on element, only its description gets reported.

Problem is reproducible in CKE 4.0 beta.

#11853 Fail to correctly copy and paster the Upper Roman list confirmed Bug Normal

It’s an issue that deals with insert list and changing the list to Upper Roman or any other within the list and copying the list and pasting it again. This issue happens in IE8 and IE9 only. FireFox works correct Recreate Steps:

  1. Created a list and indented the list (Highlighting all at once)
  2. Highlighted all at once and Selected Insert Number list
  3. Highlighted all and right clicked and selected Number List Properties and changed number list to Upper Roman.
  4. The list updated and gave Upper Roman.
  5. I highlighted the list and did a Control-C and copied the list.
  6. I double spaced to give space
  7. I did a Control-V to pasted the list.

Expected Results: To copy the same Upper Roman list. Actual Results: Pasted the Orginal Number list. (Please see the attachment)

#11864 Paragraph added with magicline under div keeps nbsp confirmed Bug Normal

If you use magicline to create a paragraph under a div the paragraph keeps the nbsp after typing content.

Open demo, remove all content and in source view type: <div>DIV</div>

Leave source view and use magicline to insert a paragraph under the div. Type some text - the nbsp remains at the end of the paragraph. Also clicking away from paragraph (before typing) and back to it doesn't remove the nbsp (text starts after it).

Appears viewing source helps fix the issue.

#11865 HTML parser and writer do not process HTML entities in attributes like browsers confirmed Bug Normal

htmlParser and htmlWriter should handle HTML entities in attributes the same way browsers do natively. See test case in corresponding branch to notify the difference.

#11873 flash and iframe resizing confirmed Bug Normal

Object resizing for flash and iframe fake objects don't work. It's reproducable on full featured demo. After resizing fake object is set to 82x82 pixel. On double click it shows the right values in dialog width and height fields.

#11875 Image plugin ACF: disallowed height also removes width setting confirmed New Feature Normal

I want to remove table and image height settings completely. I only want widths set, so I set an ACF rule like so: img(*)[*]{width};table(*)[*]{width};

Now the height setting is gone from image properties, but so is the width. The table properties dialog shows only the width setting as expected.

I expected it to remove the height and lock ratio button, but leave the width and reset button. I'm a support client - should I have reported it through email instead of creating a ticket?

#11876 [FF] Remove -moz- prefix from box-sizing property confirmed Task Normal

Since version 29 (, Firefox supports box-sizing without the vendor prefix. Let's keep things clean and save some bytes here and there.

#11877 Walker executes guard on node twice in specific situation confirmed Bug Normal

Range: <blockquote><p>y[</p>z</blockquote>]

Walker going forwards will execute guard twice on <p> and on "z". This may be a track of some bigger issue, but next() and previous() return nodes correctly, so only performance is affected.

The same bug occurs when going backwards with mirrored range.

#11878 [IE11]: Applying different numbers to list doesn’t work. confirmed Bug Normal

Variation of #11853.

Problem can be reproduced in IE9-11

  1. Open replacebycode.html sample and clean editor contents with New Page command.
  2. Create numbered list (e.g. with 4 elements).
  3. Select List with Ctrl+A
  4. Right-click on list and open List Properties Dialog
  5. Change style to upper Roman

Result: In IE11 it is impossible to change numbering.

#11879 (Chrome) Table: Insert Column After confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Load the editor with following content:
<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:500px">


  1. Select the entire second cell ('b') on second column by double clicking it. Make sure the entire cell is selected.
  2. Right click and choose Column > Insert Column After

Expected result

A new column is added between the existing second and third columns

Actual result

A new column is added after the third column e.g. as the last column in the table

Tested in Chrome

#11902 Math plugin doesn't work when used in inline editor created on Paragraph. confirmed Bug Normal

Edit: Please see comment:3[[BR]] Math plugin is disabled when inline editor is created on paragraph.

When using the inline editor on phrased content the option to add math with the Mathematical Content plugin is disabled.

According to the specs the <math> element is considered valid phrased content. I guess there is some unnecessary content filtering going on that prevents me from using the plugin? If so, is there a list where I can check which elements/plugins are allowed for each content type (flow or phrased)?

#11906 Parser does not accept incorrect HTML tag with excessive quotes confirmed Bug Normal

See comment:2 for TC. Note that this HTML is not fixed by Firefox nor Chrome when we pass content through fixBin.

#11914 FF: Default values for Horizontal Alignment & Vertical Aalignment not shown on Cell Properties dialog confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open any CK Sample and insert a Table with default values
  1. Open Cell Properties dialog by clicking on Cell - > Cell Properties option in Context menu

Issue: see that Default values <not set> not shown in Horizontal Alignment & Vertical Alignment combo boxes

Tested on FF27, FF28 & FF29

#11923 [Blink] Caret is rendered at wrong location when editable region ends with a non-editable region confirmed Bug Normal

Simplified TC:

  1. Open
  2. Put the cursor in 3rd line, after the first mathematical formula (The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality)
  3. The cursor is at the very end, it should be placed straight after the formula (a widget).

This happens because a non-editable element is at the end.

Original TC:

Configuration: Plugins: image2 enterMode: ENTER_P

Steps to Reproduce in Chrome Or Safari:

  1. Open up plugins/image2/dev/image2.html
  2. Select an image and remove caption alignment styles
  3. Make sure the image is the only item on the line
  4. Click to the right of the image

You will see the cursor appears on the right side of the screen, at the end of the P tag.

Expected Result: Cursor should be next to the image.

I reproduced this from the source code repository. I originally found it in my implementation. When I add images by upload, this does not occur. I have to save the document and then load it up again to reproduce it. This does not seem to be a problem while in BR mode but I haven't totally verified that.

#11938 Webkit Blink: Image2 Cursor not available when Image is only content in editor confirmed Bug Normal

This is variation of: #11923

  1. Open image2 sample.
  2. Clear editor contents.
  3. Paste below code:
    <p><img alt="Saturn V" src="assets/image1.jpg" style="float:right" width="200" /></p>
    <figure class="image" style="float:right"><img alt="Saturn V" src="assets/image1.jpg" width="200" />
    <figcaption>Roll out of Saturn V on launch pad</figcaption>
  4. Switch to wysiwyg and try to click behind or before image.

Result: You won't see cursor blinking anywhere and you are not able to type in editor.

This is happening only with widgets.

#11939 Table resize plugin should also allow resizing row height confirmed New Feature Normal

Table resize plugin should also allow resizing row height.

#11949 Undo does not work after cut or delete word using native context menu confirmed Bug Normal

Browsers: All

  1. Open some sample with basic version of editor.
  2. Select some word (double click or using keyboard).
  3. Open native context menu on selected word (right click or by using keyboard).
  4. By selecting appropriate value from native context menu (delete or cut) remove word from editor.
  5. Use Ctrl + Z combination to undo chagnes.

Actual result: Undo action was not called. Probably because was not added to stack.

Please note: this bug occur in basic mode which does not support editor custom context menu.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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