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Results (1801 - 1900 of 2501)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#12087 Can't delete an empty line between block widgets confirmed Bug UI : Widgets
#12094 Content Transformations strips span of style confirmed Bug General
#12099 Table Cell properties get duplicated on Chrome/Mac confirmed Bug General
#12114 image2 widget (align left/center/right) does not lose focus on IE8-11 in order to write text if alone confirmed Bug UI : Widgets
#12115 [UX] Drag handler not visable in the High Contrast Mode on Windows confirmed Bug UI : Widgets
#12131 Text wrapping and line heights after starting with a large font. confirmed Bug General
#12133 Links not opening when CKEditor is in readOnly mode confirmed Bug Core : Read-only
#12139 [Blink, Webkit]: Can't delete inline styles with Ctrl+A Backsapce/Del confirmed Bug General
#12142 [iOS] Autocapitalize does not work as expected confirmed Bug General
#12151 [IE11] The anchor tag text is being replaced when the link is edited confirmed Bug General
#12156 [Safari] Paste URL/Link from Twitter or other browser doesn't work confirmed Bug Core : Pasting
#12159 JAWS reading the "not set" option twice in the Code Snippet dialog confirmed Bug General
#12167 The save plugin needs improvements confirmed Bug General
#12179 [FF] Error while using :after pseudoclass in contents.css confirmed Bug Core : Editable
#12181 Dropdown markers not grayed out when in readonly mode confirmed Bug General
#12184 [IE] config.disableObjectResizing doesn't working after drag and drop confirmed Bug General
#12187 [Safari] Link's keystroke does not work confirmed Bug Core : Keystrokes
#12193 placeholder sometimes get deleted on move in IE9 confirmed Bug General
#12194 Title tag is messed up using special characters. confirmed Bug General
#12197 dialogadvtab plugin: style field input validation is too restrictive confirmed Bug General
#12199 ckeditor is omitting a single trailing space in firefox and ie. confirmed Bug General
#12201 [ACF]: Missing Format plugin breaks indentation confirmed Bug General
#12205 Justify/ alignment language strings are duplicated confirmed Bug General
#12209 BR tag replacement seems to be to agressive confirmed Bug General
#12212 carriage return at <br> followed by <a> causes cursor to move unexpectedly to beginning of buffer (chrome only) confirmed Bug General
#12235 AVT: Keyboard selection of widgets does not behave as expected confirmed Bug Accessibility
#12236 AVT: Keyboard Navigation not working properly with widgets in editor body confirmed Bug Accessibility
#12238 Do not use the table summary attribute confirmed Bug Accessibility
#12248 Selecting and deleting last entries of a list will remove the entire list confirmed Bug Core : Selection
#12250 Cannot disable auto inline functionality when CKEditor is being loaded via Ajax pending Bug General
#12259 Dialogs which create popup lose keyboard focus when popup is closed confirmed Bug Core : Keystrokes
#12260 AccessKey works only once confirmed Bug Accessibility
#12274 Bulleted/numbered list applied to description list breaks HTML confirmed Bug General
#12277 [IE] It's not possible to resize last column using table resizer when borders are collapses confirmed Bug General
#12281 Bug in Core.Editable isInline() function when using the editor inside an iFrame confirmed Bug Core : Editable
#12285 Tab key based navigation is broken in iframedialog plugin. confirmed Bug General
#12286 Dragging the Resizable corners of the table to out of the CKEditor makes the resizable corners displayed out of the editor and the editor becomes unresponsive when we click in scroll bars. confirmed Bug Core : Tables
#12287 Unable to create link when certain fields are removed from the dialog confirmed Bug UI : Dialogs
#12292 Accessibility: better support for tables confirmed Bug Accessibility
#12297 When searching a text, the matched chunk does highlight, but does not scroll to it's position in the area confirmed Bug General
#12307 CKEditor instance object is not released from memory on destroy confirmed Bug Performance
#12312 [FF] An extra BR added to the elementspath confirmed Bug General
#12314 Entermode inconsistencies pending Bug General
#12323 [IE10] After removing whole list text below jump up. confirmed Bug General
#12326 [IE] Error throw after switching between source mode and then click styles button confirmed Bug General
#12328 [IE8] Predefined style pruned by the editor confirmed Bug Core : Styles
#12334 [IE8] Invalid argument error thrown when pressing backspace in specific conditions confirmed Bug General
#12343 ACF does not play well with basicstyles confirmed Bug Core : Styles
#12348 [IE8] Text pasted from textarea is underlined if content ends with a link confirmed Bug General
#12351 Find/Replace accessibility confirmed Bug UI : Dialogs
#12353 Markup inserted prior to doctype not handled nicely. confirmed Bug General
#12357 [IE8] Call maximize command fire resize event twice confirmed Bug General
#12359 Editor blur event is triggered when opening dialog with file element confirmed Bug General
#12366 Smileys plugin should use CKEDITOR.getUrl() to resolve images' paths confirmed Bug General
#12373 Magicline is sometimes difficult to use with widgets confirmed Bug UI : Widgets
#12388 Conflict when system uses data-widget attributes for other purposes than the Widget system confirmed Bug UI : Widgets
#12391 [IE] No undo snapshots created when using IME (input method engine) assigned Artur Delura Bug General
#12410 [Blink, Webkit] Pasting plain text into styles text is causing text formatting lost. confirmed Bug Core : Pasting
#12419 Not possible to change title for Table in Text and Table Template confirmed Bug General
#12432 Can not select element after setting font size on it. confirmed Bug General
#12446 Editor is silently disabled when using CKEDITOR.replace and no wysiwygarea or divarea plugin is available confirmed Bug General
#12450 Entities in attribute values are not encoded confirmed Bug General
#12453 CKEditor in IE11 doesn't handle large tables. confirmed Bug General
#12457 [iOS 8 Safari] Selection issues while typing confirmed Bug General
#12458 CSS style attribute values with semicolons converted to lowercase in IE confirmed Bug Core : Output Data
#12463 System hangs when using Image upload on IOS 8 (iPhone, iPad) confirmed Bug General
#12474 Quirky cases in tests for magicline with widgets assigned Olek Nowodziński Bug General
#12479 selection bug with widgets assigned Szymon Kupś Bug UI : Widgets
#12486 Unreplaced token "%1" in elements path item's title confirmed Bug General
#12490 Bug of MathJax plugin confirmed Bug General
#12496 Charset in docprops plugin is not recognized confirmed Bug General
#12497 HC Mode: HTML Tags inside dotted lines not shown when Show Blocks enableded confirmed Bug Accessibility
#12502 CKEditor ordered list messed up (re-ordered) when deleting an existing bullet confirmed Bug Core : Lists
#12520 Language plugin: frustrating <span> expansion confirmed Bug General
#12521 Language plugin: behavior on block level elements confirmed Bug General
#12525 IE: Drop-downs closed immediately after show in a Bootstrap Modal confirmed Bug Documentation & Samples
#12526 Can't remove block style after changing format. confirmed Bug General
#12527 Dragging widget does not scroll the editor confirmed Bug UI : Widgets
#12528 Bidi and Language plugins incompatibility confirmed Bug Core : BiDi
#12530 Right click on a text input in a widget stops working after moving a widget confirmed Bug UI : Widgets
#12535 Unable to select a table in IE after merging cells confirmed Bug General
#12537 [Android] Styles do not work on KitKat word suggest confirmed Bug General
#12538 [Devtools] Troublesome relative font-size and line-height confirmed Bug UI : Dialogs
#12539 Two CKEditors within the same fieldset will overflow on resize in Chrome/Safari. confirmed Bug General
#12544 [IE] Percentage margin of the first element breaks autogrowing confirmed Bug General
#12547 Changes in docprops dialog do not make the editor "dirty" confirmed Bug General
#12555 Dialog blind is left behind when editor is destroyed confirmed Bug UI : Dialogs
#12557 Magicline not shown before or after elements with alignment or float confirmed Bug General
#12567 Dialogs are incorrectly sized on iOS new Bug UI : Dialogs
#12568 Docprops dialog color "choose" buttons behave strangely if colorpicker dialog is cancelled confirmed Bug General
#12569 Span gets removed or changed when pasting text. confirmed Bug General
#12570 Inline Editing: browser crash in Right to Left mode confirmed Bug General
#12574 baseHref option is ignored on inline editors confirmed Bug Documentation & Samples
#12583 Certain edit operations destroy the protected structure of a widget confirmed Bug General
#12584 Paste table within CK-Editor looses formattings (FF 33) confirmed Bug Core : Tables
#12586 CKEDITOR.resourceManager.addExternal does not behave as described confirmed Bug General
#12587 Text jumps up after removing list confirmed Bug General
#12588 MathJax Plugin: Tex input textarea should have spellcheck="false" confirmed Bug General
#12594 [IE8] Magicline throws an error when inserting block before list with inline elements confirmed Bug General
#12595 [iOS 7 Safari] Selection issue in inline editor new Bug Core : Selection
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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