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Results (1101 - 1200 of 2591)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#8768 CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.setValue(value, noChangeEvent) does not respect the noChangeEvent parameter confirmed Bug Normal

I'm creating a custom dialog where I'm setting the value of a text area

var el = dialog.getContentElement('tab1','description');


Will always detect that the value of the element has changed. Per the documentation the noChangeEvent parameter should either trigger the change event or not. It seems to be firing the event regardless

#8785 There is no option like CKEDITOR.config.forcePasteFromWord confirmed New Feature Normal

People are trying to force the filtering provided by the "Paste from Word" feature, however there is no such configuration option:

It would be nice to introduce it, the alternative right now looks like that:

#8787 Context menu skips first child of td confirmed Bug Normal

With following code div properties don't show up in context menu when right clicking on image

				<div class="test">
					<img alt="a" src="" /></div>

In addition selection path updates to reflect image has been selected. In #8445 without the div this doesn't happen. It would seem dialog.getSelectedElement() skips first child of td.

				<img alt="Silva.jpg" src="/images/Silva.jpg" style="width: 100px; height: 133px;" /></td>
#8791 Image dialog doesn't display properties set to 0. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open image dialog
  2. Insert URl and set border, hspace and vspace to 0
  3. Click OK and switch to source - 0 are present in image styles
  4. Switch back to WYSIWYG, right-click on image and choose image properties.

Result: 0 are not displayed in dialog.

Issue has been reproducible from CKEditor 3.1.1.
From CKEditor 3.0.2 till 3.1 - when you set 0 fir E.g. border style was removed from HTML.

This ticket looks like #4980.

NOTE: Firefox uses pt instead of px when you set image property to 0.

#8793 Make it possible to set the editing area width confirmed Bug Normal

I should be possible to set the editing area width, so it can be more precisely controlled to match target website sizes.

Currently, config.width sets the outer size of the editor UI, unlike config.height, which is applied to the editing area instead.

This comes from ticket:4049#comment:12.

#8798 Inconsistent behavior of rules elementNames and attributeNames in htmlParser.filter confirmed Bug Normal

See attached test case.

Second filter should leave the title attribute just like first filter left "p" element.

#8799 IE, FF: Delete/backspace keys remove anchor instead of joining paragraphs confirmed Bug Normal

Assume you have the following content within the ckeditor:

    <p>This is</p>
    <p>[anchor] an anchor</p>

Where [anchor] is the anchor placeholder.

Placing the cursor at the end of the first paragraph and hitting the DELETE key causes the anchor to be removed whereas I would expect that the second paragraph would be merged into the first paragraph and the anchor retained. [IE9 and FF10]

Placing the cursor at the beginning of the second paragraph, and hitting the BACKSPACE key also removes the anchor. [IE9]

This seems to work as expected on Chrome (WebKit).

I tried this on the following nightly build sample, and it still seems to be an issue:

Incidentally, hitting the ENTER key immediately before an anchor on this nightly build seems to cause the anchor to get vertically squished (see screenshot).

#8801 IE8 Bug when paste to an exist selection when ENTER_BR mode is on confirmed Bug Normal

in 3.6.2 with IE8 _samples\enterkey.html

When Enter is pressed: Break the line with a <BR>

In editor, CTRL+A to select all text, and CTRL+C to copy. Then with the selection remains, just paste on the selection.

The IE8 shows the javascript error: Line 130, invalid parameter

#8802 Lose fonts after push tab key confirmed Bug Normal

In BR mode, and tab size = 9. To reproduce :

  • Write some words.
  • Change the font and size of these words.
  • After the last word, push tab key. If you enter some text, the font and size are lost
#8807 Capital letter in "charset" keyword destroys meta tag when using docProps. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open fullPage mode and paste in the below code in head section (notice chaRset)
     <meta content="text/html; chaRset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type" />
  2. Switch to WYSIWYG area and open "Document Properties" dialog.
  3. Notice that "Character Set Encoding" is not recognized and the whole phrase is placed in "Other Character Set Encoding" filed.
  4. Click ok on the dialog and Switch again to Source. Checkout the meta tag - notice the extra charset element
          <meta content="text/html; charset=text/html; chaRset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type" />
  5. If you continue switching to WYSIWYG, opening dialog, clicking ok and switching to source you will get more extra char sets.

Sure that this is invalid code when you use it whit XHTML doctype but I not convinced if this explains destroying meta tag by docProps dialog. Maybe making tags/attributes lower case would be more appropriate.

This issue has been reproducible from CKEditor 3.6.

#8808 Non ASCII characters are not being changed to entities in HTML attributes- except for the basic ones confirmed Bug Normal

Paste in the below code in source mode and then switch to WYSIWYG and back to source:

<img alt="This is a test to see how ckeditor handles alt tags with curly quotes &>< other characters. What's going to happen? What’s going to Й  happen with this curly apostrophe." src="/images/test.jpg" style="width: 50px; height: 50px; " />

Notice that basic characters like & > < ” are encoded but ', Й and all other non ASCII are not. What is more even setting the config.entities_additional = '#39,#0146',#1049; will not help. Attribute values are left untouched.

One proposed solution was that perhaps config.entities should be “extended” to support attributes.

#8809 When adding blockquote to Fromat dropdown it doesn't work as expected confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Add below configuration options or modify format plugin.
    CKEDITOR.config.format_tags = 'p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;pre;address;div;blockquote';
    CKEDITOR.config.format_blockquote = { element : 'blockquote' };
  2. Refresh the page, you will see blank line at the bottom (adding new entry in language file is optional for tests - tag_blockquote : 'Blockquote')
  3. Try to format selection with it.

Results: you can't change the selection with blockquote. This tag is added in new line when there is no selection but it behaves like paragraph - new blockquote is inserted with every enter.

Workaround is to use blockquote button

#8811 Cell width is not updated when a cell is split horizontally confirmed Bug Normal

To Reproduce:

  • Insert a table into CKEditor.
  • Apply a width of 200px to the first cell using the Cell Properties dialog.
  • Right click in the first cell and select Cell -> Split Cell horizontally. A new cell will be inserted after the selected cell.
  • Switch to source view to see the HTML markup for the table.

Problem: The cell that was split and the new cell both have a width of 200px. They should each have a width of 100px.

<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 500px;">
			<td style="width: 200px;">
			<td style="width: 200px;">
#8813 Cell width is not updated when cells are merged confirmed Bug Normal

To Reproduce:

  • Copy the following table into Source view. This is just a standard table with widths applied to all cells in the first row:
<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 400px;">
			<td style="width: 100px;">
			<td style="width: 100px;">
			<td style="width: 100px;">
			<td style="width: 100px;">
  • Switch to wysiwyg mode and select any 2 cells in row 1. Right click and select Cell -> Merge Cells.
  • Switch to source view to see the HTML markup for the table.

Problem: The cell that was merged still has a width of 100px. It should now have a width of 200px i.e. the sum of the widths of the merged cells.

<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 400px;">
			<td colspan="2" rowspan="1" style="width: 100px;">
			<td style="width: 100px;">
			<td style="width: 100px;">

Cell widths should also be updated when merged using the Cell -> Merge Right option.

#8817 IE: Context menu doesn't show on second click confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Load replacebyclass.
  2. Double-click on "are" to select it.
  3. Right click on the selection to open the context menu.
  4. Right click on "some". (BUG: the context menu will not appear - be sure to have something to paste, so at least that option should appear).
  5. Repeat 2 and 3.
  6. ESC to close the menu. (BUG: the selection moves to the previous place)

Confirmed with CKEditor 3.6. Works well with CKEditor 3.5.4.

I'm reporting these two issues together because I suspect they're very related.

#8825 Make CKEditor bulletproof against js errors confirmed New Feature Normal

To start, let's state that there are so many variables on the editor usage, which makes it impossible to predict every single case. Because of this, the editor fails with js errors from time to time.

We could have a system in place, to protect users from js errors. The basic idea would be based on a simple "job system":

  1. A job is started by code.
  2. If an error happens during the job life-cycle:
    1. The editor status is reverted to the "before job" state.
    2. The error is reported to the user.
    3. It would be nice to have a way to the user to send the report to us, including their editor configuration, data and selection before job start and details about the job.
  3. The job is finished by code.

The system must support asynchronous operations within the job (setTimeout calls, load of external files, etc).

One idea is integrating this system into the undo system transparently, so it would always revert to the previous undo snapshot in case of errors.

#8830 IE - Cannot determine which cells are selected in a table confirmed Bug Normal

Go to CKE demo. Insert a table. Attempt to select the cells to do something, like change background color. There is no visual indication of what cells are selected.

#8852 Fx & Chrome @ Linux: Unlink option is not always available from the context menu when right clicking on a link confirmed Bug Normal

This is clone of #7908, but for Fx & Chrome and only on Linux.


  1. Open http://localhost/cksource/CKEditor/tags/3.6/_samples/replacebyclass.html
  2. Without focusing editor before, right-click on the link.

Expected: context menu containing unlink option.

Actual: no unlink option.

I was able to reproduce this from 3.6.

#8854 [IE] A Japanese key input is repeated (when enter mode is set to BR) confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Set to [CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR] as [enterMode] of config.
  2. This CKEDITOR is opened by IE8.
  3. Input some texts in WYSIWYG area.
  4. Select all contents (e.g. Ctrl+A)
  5. A Japanese input is turned ON.
  6. Input some Japanese text (type at least two letters).

Result: The first pressed key is repeated twice. For example, in the case of the Japanese character inputted using the [H] key and the [E] key, it will be in the state where [hhe] was inputted.

Confirmed in IE8/win7.

Links that might be useful:

#8858 [IE] : Undo add extra space at the end of list item confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Load the editor with the following content:
  2. Make any small change then undo once;
  • Actual : One unwanted whitespace is added to the end of the first list item (foo), this can be verified only in wysiwyg mode by moving cursor at the end of the list item;
  • Expected: Content is reverted into the original status.
#8861 [IE] Content document scrolls upon focus restored confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Load enough content to overflow the edit area;
  2. Scrolls down to the bottom;
  3. Make a text selection in the viewport;
  4. Click outside of the editor to blur it;
  5. Tab key to bring the focus back to it
  • Actual: Editor has focused, content is scrolled by to the top;
  • Expected: Editor gain focus with the content scroll bar positon remains.
#8868 Hitting return should create a new default block element. confirmed Bug Normal

Sorry if the title isn't very descriptive, but here is the issue. If I add a <div> tag to the document, then hit enter/return, it creates a new <div> tag even though the default block element is a <p> tag. This is a major problem for clients when they copy/paste content that may have a stray <div> tag. If they paste something with a <div> tag, then start typing new text after that, the <div> tag hijacks the current block level element being used and there is no way to return to it without editing the source.

Personally I have an issue with this because it does not allow me to insert a custom <div> tag around, lets say, an image. I'd like to create something such as:

Expected: <p>text</p> <div class="figure"><img src=... /></div> <p>text</p>

Actual <p>text</p> <div class="figure"><img src=... /></div> <div class="figure">text</div>

Lastly, you may wonder why I'm adding a div with the class of "figure", well, because CKeditor does not recognize the <figure> element.

Expected behavior:

<p> tags should be the default block level element _always_. Regardless of what was preceding it. Hitting return/enter should use that default block element, not continue to use the previous block element. Ideally it would recognize <figure> as well. I'd like to be able to insert a <figure> element containing an image, hit return, then start typing text into a <p> tag, not a <div> or <figure> tag containing text. HTML5 support was added to a recent version, but apparently someone forgot about the <figure> tag.

#8872 Native spellchecker clears markup in chrome confirmed Bug Normal

In chrome (on windows) the markup is cleared when using the native spellchecker. Bug found in version 3.6.2 and 3.6.3.

To reproduce:

  • Go to demo in
  • through the javasscript console make a new editor with native spellchecker enabled:
    CKEDITOR.config.disableNativeSpellChecker = false;
    CKEDITOR.appendTo('demoInside', { height: 300 });
  • in source view paste the following:
    <span style="font-size:22px;">This line contains a missepled word<br />
    <br />
    This is the second line</span><br />

CTRL-right click the misspelled word ('missepled') and choose a suggestion. You will see the 2nd line come up a little already. Go the the end of the line (press "END") en press ENTER and type some new words. The markup off the new words is lost.

#8877 Missing ARIA roles on certain editor UI parts confirmed Bug Normal

The toolbar collapser and editor resizer doesn't have their appropriate ARIA role assigned.

#8878 Missing docs for dialog.definition.fieldset confirmed Bug Normal

The fieldset element in dialogs isn't documented in the same way as other elements, so there's no list about what are the possible properties that can be used with it.

There's and the missing part is like this one for example

#8884 Dragging image wrapped in BlockElement leaves empty block elements in content area. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Go to
  2. Drag image (which is wrapped in H1) in few places inside content area
  3. Switch to source and notice that there are many empty headers inside content area <h1>&nbsp;</h1>

I have also tried using the below code (img inside div)

	<img alt="" src="" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; float: left; width: 120px; height: 168px;" /></div>
  • In Chrome div completely is lost.
  • In Safari and Opera Div is lost on first drag. Wrapping div stays at the top and doesn't break paragraphs like H1.
  • in Firefox and IE8-10 orphan divs are left throughout content area

Issue reproducible in all browsers from CKEditor 3.0

#8886 htmlspecialchars() calls will return an empty string under certain conditions confirmed Bug Normal
Description Like htmlspecialchars(), htmlentities() takes an optional third argument encoding which defines encoding used in conversion. If omitted, the default value for this argument is ISO-8859-1 in versions of PHP prior to 5.4.0, and UTF-8 from PHP 5.4.0 onwards. Although this argument is technically optional, you are highly encouraged to specify the correct value for your code.

In case of PHP 5.4 environment htmlspecialchars() will return an empty string when supplied with a text in non-default encoding (UTF-8) and no exact encoding specified in third argument. So you need to implement an ability to pass text encoding name to editor() method somehow.

#8891 Expand toolbar button is wrong confirmed Bug Normal

With an open toolbar the "collapse toolbar" button is an upwards-facing arrow. That's fine.

When the toolbar collapses it changes to a left-facing arrow, but it should be a down-facing arrow as that's the direction of the movement that will happen when it's clicked.

#8892 IE9 crashes with p::after clearfix and empty text area confirmed Bug Normal

Similar to the (now closed) ticket #8689, IE9 crashes with an "A problem displaying caused Internet Explorer to refresh the webpage using compatibility View" error on clicking in the editor area, when you have an empty textarea and a stylesheet in contentsCss that contains a clearfix for <p>:

p::after {

clear: both; display: block; height: 0; visibility: hidden; content: ".";


Commenting out the line 'content: ".";' IE doesn't crash anymore (but the clearfix won't work either).

Other browsers don't show this problem (Opera, FF, Safari, Chrome).

#8894 Display:inline-block issue confirmed Bug Normal

<span style="display: inline-block"><a href="/send-now"><img alt="Buy - Global Express" src="sites/default/files/media/buy_button.gif" /></a></span>

Paste the above HTML in source.

While using CK editor in IE, if we select the image and click on the link editor, it looses focus and link is inserted at the beginning of the HTML rather than at the image itself.

This is due to display: inline-block and happens only in IE. Please fix.

#8896 Using Ctrl-Z after switching to bold and back causes strange cursor jumps confirmed Bug Normal


  • I start typing
  • I hit Ctrl-B (for bold) and type a word
  • Then I hit it again (to stop typing in bold)
  • Type a few more words
  • Hit Ctrl-Z for undo

The cursors jumps at the beginning of the line. Furthermore, as I continue typing, further strange cursor jumps occur.

I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 64bit with Gnome 3. I can reproduce this in Chrome 18, not in Firefox 11.

#8897 CKPackager: possible issue with variable declarations confirmed Bug Normal

It looks like in certain situations, like the one described in #8895, CKPackager does not rename variables correctly.

#8906 [HTML5] [Full page editing] confirmed Bug Normal

When editing a HTML5 Boilerplate page (download a template here:; see template details here: the conditional comments between the doctype and <html> declaration [used by Modernizr for polyfill detection] are lost. Subsequent html comment blocks within the <html> tags are retained (although the formatting of these is sometimes changed.

Examples of the code before and after are shown in this forum post::

I verified on the nightly build 3.6.4, downloaded 17 April 2012.

#8920 IE8 IE9: unable to edit selected text with keyboard (left-click and drag to select text then release left-button outside ckeditor window) confirmed Bug Normal

In IE8, unable to edit selected text with keyboard when the selection was finished by releasing the left-mouse button outside of the ckeditor box.

#8924 Problem with ckEditor inside div with visible=false confirmed Bug Normal

I was previously using 3.6.1, which worked fine for the most part, but in order to fix an issue that cropped up (support for ipads), we decided to upgrade to the latest version.

Using 3.6.3, i now receive the following error when the ckeditor tries to load:

Sys.ScriptLoadFailedException: The script ' http://localhost/idev/ckeditor/ckeditor.js?t=B8DJ5M3' failed to load. Check for: Inaccessible path. Script errors. (IE) Enable 'Display a notification about every script error' under advanced settings. Missing call to Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded().

My instance of ckEditor is located inside a div which is located inside an AJAX update panel. The div initially is set to be visible = false, as per the subject. It is toggled to be visible when a button is pushed. The js file is actually at that location as well.

Thinking this could be a problem/conflict with something else in my code, I made a very simple website which ONLY had a ckEditor contained in a div contained in an update panel.

<%@ Register Assembly="CKEditor.NET" Namespace="CKEditor.NET" TagPrefix="CKEditor" %>

<html xmlns=""> <head runat="server">

    <title>Untitled Page</title>


    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:ScriptManager ID="scriptManager1" runat="server" />

        <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upCk" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional"> 
				<asp:Button ID="btnToggle" runat="server" Text="toggle" /> 
				<div id="divCk" runat="server" visible="false">
					<CKEditor:CKEditorControl ID="ckEdit" runat="server" />



(the button simply toggles visibility and updates the updatePanel when clicked)

When divCk is set to initially be visible=true, ckEditor works perfectly. When divCk is set to initially be visible=false and the user toggles divCk's visibility by pressing the button, ckEditor does not load correctly, instead presenting the error mentioned above.

I've tested it in 3.6.2 and have the same problem, but, as noted, do not experience it in 3.6.1.

Am I missing some change to how we should load ckEditor post 3.6.1?

#8926 IE: Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar appears when inserting table with width set to 100% confirmed Bug Normal

Original ticket:

  1. In IE9 or IE8 go to Tools -> Compatibility view settings and check "Display all pages in compatibility view"
  2. Open replacebycode sample and insert table with width set to 100%

Horizontal scrollbar appears.

Reproducible from CKEditor 3.6.3 rev [7421]

#8928 config.corePlugins is always empty confirmed Bug Normal

The corePlugins entry is defined in config.js file and it states that it can be changed only by editing that file, so I wonder why it's there?

If it's empty and people can't use it, then it seems that it should be possible to remove it and adjust the only call that checks it.

#8934 Text/Background color applied to entire paragraph removed when we apply new colour to a word in the paragraph confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open AJAX Sample, select a text color ( ex: red)
  1. Start typing the text, see that text color(red) applied to entire text in the paragraph.
  1. Keep cursor in the middle of the paragraph & select a different text color ( ex: green)

Issue: Red color that was applied to the text before was removed, only green color will apply to the text that was typed after the current cursor position

Same issue with Background Color

We expect the text color for the entire paragraph should stay red & green color should be applied to the text typed after current cursor position

#8936 CKEditor does not handle some properties of ASP.NET TextBox Control confirmed Bug Normal

Some properties of ASP.NET TextBox Control is not supported by CKEditor Control. For example many users claim that MaxLength property is not working but this is because it is not supported by CKEditor Control.

In Visual Studio in "Properties" window when using "Categorized" view the only supported options are those mentioned in CKEditor Basic Settings and CKEditor Other Settings.
If user uses "Alphabetical" view then there is no category and users may get false impression that all properties are supported which is not true.

Possible solutions:

  1. Hide unsupported properties
  2. Make unsupported properties disabled (just like TextMode property)
  3. Make them work for CKEditor control.
#8939 IE: Selecting a table row and pressing backspace only deletes a cell instead of the full row confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample in IE.
  2. Create a new table with 3 rows and 3 columns.
  3. Click into any of the cells in the table.
  4. Click on tr in the elements path bar to select the entire table row.
  5. Now click backspace.

Expected result: The entire row is deleted. (behaviour in FF)

Actual result: Only 1 cell in the row is deleted.

#8942 Deleting a list item (numbered and item list) splits the list confirmed Bug Normal

Create a list (numbered or item list) and then backspace to delete a list item. This splits the list instead of removing the list item.

#8943 FF: (HC mode) Text does not get highlighted when using Find & Replace dialog in High Contrast mode until the dialog is closed confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Hold Alt, Left Shift & PrintScreen to enable high contrast mode.
  2. Open the Ajax sample in FF.
  3. Type some text into the editor.
  4. Click on the Find/Replace buttons in the toolbar to open the Find/Replace dialog.
  5. Type some of the text that you previously entered into the editor into the Find field in the dialog.
  6. Click the Find button.

Expected Result: The text that you are trying to find should become highlighted in the editor.

Actual Result: The text does not get highlighted. It only gets highlighted when you close the Find dialog.

#8944 If a previously set value of a textfield is changed to blank, it stays visible in the editor. confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to recreate:

  1. Insert a textfield with "blah" as value.
  2. Edit the textfield and remove "blah".
  3. It will still say "blah" in the WYSIWYG frame.
#8956 Link href not displayed on edit link screen confirmed Bug Normal

OS: Windows 7 Professional SP1

Browser: IE

Version: 9


  1. Switch to source mode
  2. Insert this html:
<form action="/formHandler" class="hp-smartInsertForm" method="post">
			Here you need to add link <a href="" target="_self"></a></p>
  1. Switch back to WYSIWYG mode
  2. Double click the link

Defect: Link editing dialog shown, but field for href is blank

#8957 Copy-paste of table rows does not work correctly confirmed Bug Normal

Scenario 1 -

  1. Create a table with 3 rows and 5 columns.
  2. Enter some data in each row and column.
  3. Add 2 more rows to the table.
  4. Select row 1 & 2, copy the text using ctrl+c.
  5. Now Select row 4 & 5 and paste the text using ctrl+v.

Actual Result: Row 4 & 5, will get merged as single row and Row 1 & 2 will be get pasted in a single row

Expected Result: The text in row 1 & 2 should be get copied to row 4 & 5 similar to what we see in ms-word

Scenario 2 -

  1. Perform the first 4 steps as mentioned in scenario 1
  2. Put the cursor in row 4 column 1
  3. Press ctrl+v to paste the text

Actual Result: Row 1 & 2 will be get copied in row 4 column 1.

Expected Result: The text in row 1 & 2 should be get copied to row 4 & 5 similar to what we see in ms-word

Scenario 3 -

  1. Perform the first 3 steps as mentioned in scenario 1
  2. Select any single cell (Say Row 1 column 1)
  3. Put the cursor in row 4 column 1
  4. Press ctrl+v to paste the text

Actual Result: The text in the selected column will be get pasted in row 4 column 1 along with column border.

Expected result: Only the text in a column should be pasted and not the column border

#8958 can not escape style for a whole line in firefox confirmed Bug Normal


  1. input multiple lines of text as pic1 in firefox.
  1. ctrl + a to select all text, then make all selected text bold/underline/... as pic2.
  1. select one line (such as the second line) to unbold the whole line of text as pic3.
  1. place cursor at the end of second line and input "ab"

Expected result:

"ab" is not bold.

Actual result:

"ab" is bold.

Possible cause:

when style in firefox, br is included in "strong" tag as pic4 and when unstyle br is not removed with "strong" tag as pic5.

#8960 IE6-8: editor scrolls up when right clicking on image wrapped in element with styles. confirmed Bug Normal

Reproducible in IE6-8 from CKEditor 3.2.1

<p style="width: 200px">
	<img src="" /></p>
	<span style="display: inline-block"><img alt="Buy - Global Express" src="" style="width: 100px; height: 75px" /></span></p>

To reproduce:

  1. Paste one of the above code snippets that many times that after you switch to WYSIWYG mode scrollbar will appear
  2. Scroll all the way down and right click on image

Result:Editor will scroll up and you can't display Image properties dialog.

Please note that clicking on the image and pressing Image toolbar button will also not work. The only way to get to Image properties is to double-click on the image.

#8977 CKEditor locks the browser (javascript loop) with certain contents confirmed Bug Normal

When CK is instantiated with some kind of contents there is some kind of loop (I think it's on the parser) that locks the browser.

Tested with chrome and FF.

I attach a simple html with a test case that shows the behavior

#8980 IE: Backspace used to delete list item splits list in two confirmed Bug Normal

Reproducible in all versions of IE from CKEditor 3.0.

To Reproduce:

  1. Create list in CKEditor with 4 items
  2. Place the cursor at the end of item three and start pressing Backspace.

Result: When you remove the item list will be split on two.


  1. In other browsers this behaviour got broken in CKEditor 3.6.3 rev [7392]. Reported here #8942
  2. If you use delete key you will be able to remove the list item without splitting the list.
#8982 Anchor options in Link dialog uses only references to 'a' elements confirmed New Feature Normal

Reported here:

The link dialog provides an option to link by Id, but it provides only the option to link to anchor elements, not other elements with an id attribute although those links will work in any browser.

The proposed patch provides a simple solution for modern browsers that support querySelectorAll. If someone is willing, it shouldn't be hard to write an "else" code path that does the scanning for the older browsers.

#8989 IE placeholder plugin - you can't insert one place holder after another confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open placeholder sample and clear editor contents
  2. Insert placeholder
  3. Click behind it so that selection frame is lost.
  4. Note that elements path is still showing body p span which means you are still inside place holder (the only way to leave it is pressing space)
  5. Nevertheless try to insert new placeholder

Result: New placeholder replaces the old one.

This particular TC has been reproducible in IE6, IE7 and IE9 browsers from CKEditor 3.5.2 rev. [6434]

Before revision [6434] in IE6, IE7 and IE9 it was possible to insert two placeholders in a row only if you haven’t clicked inside editing area after inserting first placeholder (click toolbar button, insert placeholder, click toolbar button again and insert another placeholder). If you have clicked inside editing area after inserting the first placeholder, the second place holder was not inserted and it was destroying the first one (removing [). Ironically this TC has been reproducible in IE8 Quirks from CKE 3.5.3 rev. [6459] and has been described in #9138

In IE8 next place holder is always inserted at the beginning. It is not possible to move cursor behind placeholder - #8990.

#8994 Firefox, Webkit and Opera - Can't exit link at the end of document in bbcode confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open bbcode sample and clear all contents
  2. Insert link using link dialog
  3. Put the cursor at the end of link and try to exit it using Arrows, End, Space or Enter key.

Result: You can't exit link when it is the last element in the document.

Issue reproducible in Webkit and Opera from CKEditor 3.6 rev [6904]

Note: In Firefox you can exit link only if you press End key. Perhaps it has something to do with leaving element boundaries - #8195

#8999 Cannot edit label elements confirmed Bug Normal

When I click on a "label" element the field that the label is defined for ("for" attribute) get focused so I cannot modify the label.

Affected : Firefox 12.0 on Linux, Chromium 18 on Linux, Safari 5.1.7 on Windows Works on : Internet Explorer 9 on Windows, Opera 11.62 on Windows.

#9000 [IE] incorrect enter key behavior into pre block confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Insert the following html:


Switch to WYSIWYG mode and move cursor after the "2" char in the first line of the pre block. Hit Shift+Enter. The new line will appear after the "5" char.

  1. Html:

Switch to WYSIWYG mode and put cursor to the end of the second line of the pre block. Hit Shift+Enter. Cursor will appear at the start of the 4th line instead of the 3rd line. Toggle to source mode: note that line break disappeared.

#9001 Format cannot be applied if first line of selection is already in target format confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Start an empty page
  2. Select "normal" format and write some words
  3. In new line select "heading 1" format and write some words
  4. Select all and try to apply "normal" format

-> nothing changes Expected: Heading format is changed to "normal"

If the first line is a heading the format can be changed.

#9002 Tabelle cell lost after style has been applied confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Add a new table (2x3)
  2. Enter some text in all cells beside the last cell in the middle row

foo|bar|test foo|bar|<LEAVE THIS CELL EMPTY> foo|bar|test

  1. Select all
  2. Apply style heading 1

--> The Empty cell is removed (TD is lost). It's now impossible to enter some text in this cell.

#9003 IE9 shift+enter causes cursor to jump confirmed Bug Normal

Happens in IE9.


  • go to
  • select and remove all of the text
  • type "A" [shift-enter] "-123" [shift-enter] "B" [shift-enter] "C"
  • position the cursor between the "-" and the "1"
  • type [shift-enter]

Result: A -1 23 B C

Expected Result: A - 123 B C

#9013 Formatting IE9 selected text fails confirmed Bug Normal

Only when applying the formatting for the second time it does work.

The same occurs with Underline and Italic formatting. When doing this on a specifiek word in the line the problem does not occur.

The problem might have something to do with this issue:

#9017 FF, Opera - Page down gets stuck confirmed Bug Normal

In FF, go to CKEditor demo. Go to Source view. Ctrl-a, then paste the attached html into Source View. Go to non-source view. Press page down key. Keep pressing. About two-thirds of the way down, page down will get stuck.

#9020 "vertical split a cell" works error when the row contains "colpan>1" cells confirmed Bug Normal

Follow this simple steps:

  1. create a table with 3 rows, 3 columns.
  2. merge the first two cells in the first row.
  3. veritical split the last cell(the cell after the merged cell) in the first row.

The table structure becomes messy after the third step.
The bug is in "tabletools/plugin.js", cellInRow function. Developer should avoid adding duplicate cells, similar with "cellInCol".

#9023 Removing list formatting strips the id from the contents within the removed list confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Paste the following into "Source" view:
    <p id="TEST" class="headerInfo">Text</p>
  2. Leave Source view and highlight "text".
  3. Click the "Insert/Remove Bulleted List" button to apply the ul/li formatting
  4. Click the "Insert/Remove Bulleted List" button again to remove the ul/li
  5. Review "Source" view of html

Expected Result

<p id="TEST" class="headerInfo">Text</p>

Actual Result

<p class="headerInfo">Text</p>
#9024 Text is not remembered after using browser back button and then forward button confirmed New Feature Normal

When I write some text in the editor and click the back button in the browser, and then when I click the forward button - the text isn't in the editor. This is in all browsers. It is working in TinyMCE. I'm not sure if this is a Bug or a New Feature.

#9026 Make CKEditor prevent caching images in browsers confirmed New Feature Normal

To reproduce:

  1. For simplicity use CKEditor with CKFinder.
  2. In CKEditor click Image button and then Browse Server button
  3. With CKFinder upload image with name abc.jpg, select it and click OK to insert it into CKEditor.
  4. In CKEditor, click on the image, next right click on it and choose image properties dialog.
  5. Click Browse Server button again
  6. While in CKFinder - delete edited image and upload different image with the same name abc.jpg
  7. Double click on this image and the click OK to insert it into CKEditor.

Problem: In CKFinder images are refreshed but in CKEditor old image is seen in preview and in CKEditor content area.

  1. One solution might be using no-cache HTTP headers on server-side
  2. Second is adding some random timestamp parameter behind image name in URL filed of image dialog E.g. abc.jpg?t=1234

The second solution is where editor might come in. It would be nice if CKEditor was doing that in background without any user interaction – perhaps new configuration option could be used here.

#9030 IE9: select text + open link dialog - link creation fails if text contains linebreak <br /> tag. confirmed Bug Normal

In IE9, (in WYSIWYG mode)

Inside a <p> tag:

Creating a few lines of text separated with <br /> (shift+enter in default cfg) and then selecting one of those lines using arrow keys

now if i open the link dialog box and fill in an url and press OK, no link is created.

Alternatively, if not the whole line is selected but only a word, then a link may get created but its text will be the same as the URL instead of the selected word.

This bug is reproducible in the online demo at

This bug seems to have come and gone a few times before:


#9038 IE: error when selecting contents with SHIFT+Arrow confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Clear editor contents
  2. Write a letter
  3. Press ENTER twice
  4. Write a letter again
  5. Activate 'source view' and go back (without this there will be no script error)
  6. Place the cursor on top-left position - before first letter - at the beginning of editor content area.
  7. Press SHIFT+'arrow down' twice

Result: JavaScript error is thrown.
Ticket has been reproducible in IE8 and IE9 from CKEditor 3.5.1

The error comes from the core\dom\node.js from the getPosition function where the this.$ is undefined. Seems that this object has nothing to do with the underlying DOM object.

From CKEditor 3.5.1 till 3.6.3 the error was
Message: 'length' is null or not an object
Line: 632
URI: /3.6.3/ckeditor/_source/plugins/selection/plugin.js

From CKEditor 3.6.3 rev. [7415] the error has changed: Message: 'compareDocumentPosition' is null or not an object
Line: 430
URI: /3.6.3/ckeditor/_source/core/dom/node.js

#9039 On selecting multiple cell along with thead and applying any cell property other cell also get converted to thead. confirmed Bug Normal

Create a table in ckeditor. Make first row as header. Now select multiple rows of a column along with thead. Apply any cell property, all the selected cells get converted to thead.

#9046 IE9: linking a word doesn't work right when line ends with BR. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Paste in the below code in Source mode
    	test a test testing<br />
    	test a test2, testing a test<br />
    	another test line<br />
    	one more test line</p>
  2. Switch to source and use tab to get focus in content area.
  3. Using arrows go to second line
  4. Select word test2
  5. Click on Link button, enter URL and click OK button

Results: Notice that instead of test2 you get est2, linked. Selection was moved one letter to the right. The same thing will happen if you select whole line.

Reproducible only in IE9 from CKEditor 3.5.1

#9048 Code javascript in ckEditor confirmed Bug Normal

When javascript code is inserted in source mode in the middle of html code and it has spaces in the closing script tag, rendering in display mode fails.

i.e. <script>alert("hello world!");< / script>

#9053 Pasting texts from Apple Mail into CKEditor using safari only paste the first paragraph confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

1) Using Apple Mail, copy a fragment of text with a couple of paragraphs of text 2) Paste it in coeditor (for example, in the demo:

Only the first paragraph is pasted.

It doesn't happen in Chrome.

#9054 Error when using with extjs on IE9 confirmed Bug Normal

I am getting script errors 1003 and 5009 when building an application on IE 9. I am using ExtJS 4, Ext Direct and jQuery. The application work fine on Chrome and Firefox. The application works just fine when I remove the loading of CKEditor. The script errors appear to be in Ext

#9066 IE can´t remove line between tables confirmed Bug Normal

Insert a table in the editor, insert another table after an empty line:


(empty line)


It is not possible to remove the line between the two tables.

#9070 Right klick destroys the list format confirmed Bug Normal
  • Make a list (numbered or bullet) like
  • Make a new line outside the list
  • Go back in the list with the cursor
  • do a right mouse click outside the list to leave it
  • insert another list, "1." appears and write "text"

--> the text appears one line below and if you delete the text (backspace) the "1." one line above will be deleted

#9073 ImageUpload callback can not be called cross-domain. confirmed Bug Normal

When using filebrowserImageUploadUrl, CKEditor creates an iframe and loads the given filebrowserImageUploadUrl as the source for the iframe. It is my understanding that the HTML loaded in the iFrame is then supposed to execute a Javascript looking like this:, uploadedImageUrl, sucessMessage);

The problem is that when filebrowserImageUploadUrl is not on the same domain as the originalPage, browsers absolutely refuse the javascript to access window.parent.CKEDITOR, and the callback is never called back. If I analyzed the problem correclty, this could probably be made to work by creating a <script> tag instead of an <iframe>, in which case there is no cross-domain problem.

#9078 Keyboard shortcut for º (degree symbol) is not working on Mac confirmed Bug Normal

On Mac OS X the keyboard shortcut of alt + 0 (zero) is used to enter º (degree symbol).

In CKEditor this keyboard shortcut does not work. Instead a window with accessibility instructions pops up.

This behavior is very confusing for the user as it does not happen when any other text field is selected.

Proposed changes:

Use another keyboard shortcut for this window on Mac OS X that does not interfere with any system functionality.

#9090 IE: Editing link changes link text confirmed Bug Normal

Using IE 8 (other versions untested) go to or use the Nightly build.

Switch to source mode and paste this:

	- F&uacute;tbol 7 y f&uacute;tbol 11: <a href=";juego=1&amp;sexo=1" target="_blank"></a></p>

Now switch to design.

Edit the link (double click, contextual menu, click and use the toolbar button, whatever...)

When the dialog opens just click OK.

The text changes from just the domain to the whole URL.

Firefox works fine.

#9093 Enter command is broken (different behavior between browsers) confirmed Bug Normal


  1. Open replacebyclass sample.
  2. Set content: <p>aaa</p><p>bbb</p><p>ccc</p>.
  3. Select second paragraph (with mouse or keyboard).
  4. Press enter.

Expected: when EOL visually not selected (visual EOL selection is possible only on Webkits) enter command should remove content of selected paragraph (leaving the tag) and then create new one below.

Expected content: <p>aaa</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>^&nbsp;</p><p>ccc</p>

Actual: Ok on Firefox, ok on IE, Visually broken on Chrome and Opera. They remove content of paragraph and create new one but this new paragraph is not visible (See image). Only after you switch to source and back second paragraph is visually added.


Steps as in TC1. but select with EOL preceding second paragraph.

Expected: EOL is selected, so delete it with the content (move caret to <p>aaa^</p> and then create new paragraph. I’m not sure why but this can be reproduced in all browsers – Just select {{{a bbb}} and press SHIFT+right arrow.

Expected content: <p>aaa</p><p>^&nbsp;</p><p>ccc</p>

Actual: Visually it works in all browsers but if you switch to source and back you will see that new extra paragraph is added. All browsers delete contents of existing paragraph and add new one (Can be checked with E.g. Firebug) but it is only visible when switching to source and back.

TC3 (Webkit only)

Steps as in TC1. but select with EOL succeeding second paragraph.

Expected: EOL is selected, so delete it with the content (move caret to <p>^ccc</p> and then create new paragraph. I’m not sure why but this can be reproduced in all browsers – Just select {{{a bbb}} and press SHIFT+right arrow.

Expected content: <p>aaa</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>^ccc</p>

Actual: Visually it works in all browsers but if you switch to source and back you will see that new extra paragraph is added. All browsers delete contents of existing paragraph and add new one (Can be checked with E.g. Firebug) but it is only visible when switching to source and back.


I've got the following results when running these TCs (The same as for manual tests):

'test Enter key for paragraphs 1' : function()
	var bot = this.editorBot;
	bot.setHtmlWithSelection( '<p>bam</p><p>[foo]</p><p>bar</p>' );
	bot.execCommand( 'enter' );

	assert.areSame( '<p>bam</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>bar</p>', bot.getData( false, true ) );

'test Enter key for paragraphs 2a' : function()
	var bot = this.editorBot;
	bot.setHtmlWithSelection( '<p>bam</p>[<p dir="rtl">foo</p>]<p dir="rtl" id="target">bar</p>' );
	bot.execCommand( 'enter' );

	assert.areSame( '<p>bam</p><p dir="rtl">&nbsp;</p><p dir="rtl">&nbsp;</p><p dir="rtl" id="target">bar</p>', bot.getData( false, true ) );

'test Enter key for paragraphs 2b' : function()
	var bot = this.editorBot;
	bot.setHtmlWithSelection( '[<p dir="rtl">foo</p>]<p dir="rtl" id="target">bar</p>' );
	bot.execCommand( 'enter' );

	assert.areSame( '<p dir="rtl">&nbsp;</p><p dir="rtl">&nbsp;</p><p dir="rtl" id="target">bar</p>', bot.getData( false, true ) );
#9095 SCAYT adds bad characters confirmed Bug Normal

This was reproduced on CKEditor's demo.

Reproducing the problem

Enable SCAYT Type "This is my text." Select the final word and give it a style (ie: bold) Place cursor at the end of the paragraph using keyboard or mouse. Press enter to create a new paragraph. Type "This is my text." (NOTE: text will be bold as expected). Repeat step 5 & 6. Note that the word "This" will be underlined with a red squiggle. Control case

Make sure SCAYT is not enabled Type "This is my text." Select the final word and give it a style (ie: bold) Place cursor at the end of the paragraph using keyboard or mouse. Press enter to create a new paragraph. Type "This is my text." (NOTE: text will be bold as expected). Repeat step 5 & 6. Enable SCAYT Note that the word "This" will NOT be underlined with a red squiggle.

#9098 FF: Can't apply styles after removing line confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebycode sample
  2. Click inside editor and press CRTL+A
  3. Press backspace few times quickly Two is usually enough but you may need to press it few more times. Cursor should go up a little bit.
  4. Try to apply style from styles dorpdown like Blue, Red title, big, Small (it works with some styles) or underline, subscript, superscript, strike (it works with bold and italic).

Result: Cursor will go up a little bit and style/button won't get applied/activated.

Reproducible in Firefox from CKEditor 3.5.3

#9104 IE Compat view: Cursor missing when we apply Right alignment with out focus in editor body confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax Sample
  1. With out focussing in editor body, Click ok Align Right icon in the toolbar.

Expected Result: Right Alignment applied & cursor shown on the right hand side of editor body.

Actual Result: Cursor goes missing & it appears only when user starts typing the text.

This is happening from revision [7421]

#9106 FF, WinXP, JAWS: Can't use arrows in Smiley or Special Chars Dialogs when opened for second time confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce (don't use mouse):

  1. Run JAWS and FF13 on WinXP
  2. Open replacebycode sample and tab into editor
  3. Press ALT+F10 and TAB to Smiley or Special Characters dialog. Try moving arrows. It works.
  4. Press Escape and again press ALT+F10, TAB to Special Characters dialog. Try moving arrows.

Result: JAWS reads Cancel button and you can't navigate with arrows. This issue has been reproducible only in Firefox from CKE 3.5 - when navigation with arrows while JAWS is enabled was introduced (It didn’t work before).

#9108 Paragraph inserted after block containers should be controlled by CKEditor confirmed New Feature Normal

Currently it is possible to escape from table or div container using arrows. New element which is in accordance with enterMode is created (perhaps the technique I have in mind can be used for lists and blockquotes).

The problem is that such new line, even if not created on purpose, stays when form is submitted. At present we advise user to filter their data when submitting but IMO this is not very friendly approach.

I think that CKEditor should control when this element should be submitted and when not. CKEditor should create this new escape element with attribute E.g. cke_escape_line.

The behaviour would be as follows:

  1. If there is text or other data below block element there is no need to create new line with attribute.
  2. If there is no text and this element is last in document such element should be created
  3. If user types a char, pastes something or creates more empty lines below this one, attribute cke_escape_line should be dropped.
  4. One exception is when user is in that last empty element and presses delete or enter. I think that in IE it is impossible to remove such element but it could be given an attribute what would mark it to remove when form is submitted.
  5. When form is submitted CKEditor should look (probably only at the end of document) for empty elements with these attributes and remove them.
  6. I’m not sure about user specific attributes. If such new line element has other attributes than {cke_*} then IMO it should be left and only cke_* removed.
#9111 Anchor displayed as inline-block in IE confirmed Bug Normal

When using a template that renders an anchor in display: inline-block, it's impossible to edit the content of this anchor. The problem occurs in IE8/9, not Firefox of Chrome.

The Source is :

<p><a class="file file_doc" href="#">Document PowerPoint</a></p>

The CSS is :

.editor .file {

display: inline-block; padding: 2px 0 2px 22px;


.editor a.file_ppt {

background:url(/bundles/projectfrontendcore/images/ul/icones/ppt.gif) no-repeat 0 1px;


#9123 outdent RLT list item with subsequent LTR item confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Load the following editor content:
    			<li dir="rtl">
  2. Press the Outdent button
  • Actual:
    	<li dir="rtl">
  • Expected:
    	<li dir="rtl">
    			<li dir="ltr">
#9124 Insert pagebreak in list item confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Load the editor with the following:
  1. Click on "insert page break" button
  • Actual:
            <div style="page-break-after: always"></div>
#9125 IE8 Quirks - find and replace dialog confirmed Bug Normal

Fieldset for Find and Replace options overlaps dialog footer.

#9126 IE8 Quirks - iframe elements goes beyond dialog confirmed Bug Normal

On IE8 in Quirks mode iframe definition elements goes beyond the dialog. This is happening depending on language. If labels or select lists are wider then they do not fall within the dialog.

Reproducible at least from 3.6

#9130 Selection is wrong when using collapsed styles confirmed Bug Normal

Tested on Chrome and Safari, didn't check the others.

  • Open a sample and clear the editor.
  • Hit Bold, Underline and Italics.
  • Type a bit. Text should be seen as expected.
  • Hit Bold, Underline and Italics.
  • Type a bit more.
  • Hit CTRL+A.

Selection jumps to to the beginning of text (Chrome) / first character (Safari).

#9139 [IE8 Quirks] Find and Replace with selected text confirmed Bug Normal

When some text is selected in WYSIWYG mode, clicking 'Find' fills the 'Find what:' input with selected text. Change the tab for 'Replace' the 'Find what:' input is empty.

The same happens in reverse direction: if first clicked button is 'Replace', then tab is changed to 'Find' - the 'Find what:' input is empty.

Reproducible at least from 3.6.1

#9143 Cut/Copy buttons do not go enabled when selection is made under the contents confirmed Bug Normal

Open a sample with its default contents. Click underneath the contents and drag the cursor for some distance, to make a selection at the text above. The cut and copy buttons do not go enabled.
Confirmed for Chrome and Safari at least.

#9146 Webkit: Link selection is incosistent confirmed Bug Normal

Confirmed on Safari and Chrome.

  • Open the AJAX sample and create an editor.
  • Without focusing it, hit the link button or select some sample text and hit link button it doesn't matter.
  • Insert some dummy link, see that it's created and selected.
  • Leaving the selection as is, type a few characters.

Note that the first character becomes a link.

#9153 IE8 - crash when replace text with textfield, text area, and radio button. confirmed Bug Normal

Against the nightly build, in IE8, browser crashes when you highlight on a text and replace it with a text field/textarea/radio button.

Steps to reproduce: ->Type some text in ckeditor ->highlight the text ->Click on the text field/textarea/radio button plugin and click OK ->Browser crashes

This error doesn't occur with checkboxes.

Environment: XP/IE8, with or without compatibility view.

#9154 cell properties are applied to all children confirmed Bug Normal

When selecting a cell with the elementspath tool and then applying cell properties, if the selected cell contains a table, the cell properties are also applied to the cells of the child table.

This is bad because it makes it impossible to apply some properties only to the cell I want. For example: I could have a cell with a red background ( the parent cell ) which would contain a table with cells of different backgrounds. If I want to change any property on the parent cell then all of the properties of this cell would be applied to all cells in the child table.

I tested this with the latest version of ckeditor from the demo page. Out of curiosity I also tested other online editors ( xinha and tinymce ) and they don't behave like this ( please don't tell me to use those, I think ckeditor is the best :) )

#9156 Browser Difference: removing paragraph between two lists is inconsistent confirmed Bug Normal

I'm not sure if this is a bug or just browser difference that can't be fixed.

To reproduce:

  1. Copy the lists from the attached doc file.
  2. Place cursor between two lists and press backspace.
  3. Repeat step 1 and 2 but this time press Delete.

IE and Opera (from CKE 3.1) - Backspace joins two lists in one, Delete removes paragraph and turns first list item into paragraph.
Firefox and Safari (from CKE 3.1) - Backspace and Delete remove paragraph so that there are two separate lists one under another.

Chrome doesn't handle bulleted lists paste from MS Word 2010 - #8734

#9157 About dialog: no hover effect for the Cancel button. confirmed Bug Normal

Unlike in other dialog windows (e.g Image or Link), the Cancel button is orange, not red. It has no hover effect as well.

The Templates dialog, which is using a single Cancel button as well, works fine.

#9159 pasting a table in IE8 and Chrome all cells inherits indent from a paragraph confirmed Bug Normal

When I have a paragraph with text-indent and paste a table in IE8 or Chrome, the table inherits <p> properties to all cells, but when I change to source code and come back the table is fixed.

When this occurs and I look into IE developer tools, the table is inside P tag, and when I go to source, CKE moves to outside.

To reproduce: use this code as source: <p style="text-indent: 80px"> abcde</p>

go to wysiwyg then copy and paste a table from

Tested in 3.6.3 and nightly build 7578 This works fine in IE9, FF13, FF14

#9161 [IE]: SCAYT affecting IsDirty confirmed Bug Normal

This is the continuation of #4688

WebSpellChecker team has been reported CheckDirty functionality doesn't work correctly after replacing misspellings with correct word. While preparing solution we discovered additional problem in IE. Here are steps to reproduce:

  1. Open in any IE
  2. Enable SCAYT and wait for all misspellings would be underlined
  3. Change editor's mode to <Source> then to <WYSIWYG>
  4. Run in console CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.checkDirty()

NOTE: For the above steps you can use api sample

Expected result: checkDirty=false
Actual result: checkDirty=true

Problem has been reproducible in all versions of IE from CKEditor 3.0

#9173 Bulleted list properties context option is missing/unnecessary confirmed Bug Normal

Use the following selection and right click:

  • F[oo


  • Bar

Result: Bulleted list properties option is available. Now:

  • Foo


  • Ba]r

Result: There's no Bulleted list properties.

The problem is that this option is added conditionally depending on whether selection start is inside of a list.

Anyway, in both cases (start in list, end in paragraph and vice versa), modifying list properties doesn't change anything.

#9174 Styles applied to inner table are also applied to outer cell. confirmed Bug Normal

I have found it when checking #9154.

To reproduce:

  1. paste the below code and switch to WYSIWYG.
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 500px;"><tbody><tr><td>a</td><td>aa</td></tr><tr><td><p>a</p><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 500px; "><tbody><tr><td>a</td><td>a</td></tr><tr><td>a</td><td>a</td></tr><tr><td>a</td><td>a</td></tr></tbody></table><p>a</p></td><td>aa</td></tr><tr><td>a</td><td>aa</td></tr></tbody></table><p>&nbsp;</p>
  1. Select all text/cells in inner table
  2. Choose cell properties and apply background colour to these cells

Result: Styles are applied to outer cell as well. See video for more details.

Problem has been reproducible in all browsers from CKEditor 3.6.1 rev. [6918].

#9176 [Webkit] Double-Clicked word and Backspace does not delete word confirmed Bug Normal
  • Press 'Enter' any number of times
  • Apply 'Formatted' paragraph format
  • Type any word
  • Double-click the word
  • Press 'Backspace'

Expected Outcome: The highlighted word is deleted
Outcome: The previous line is deleted

#9177 Selection Field dialog box fails to work after switching to Source mode. confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce in ckeditor 3.6.4 and IE 9.

  1. Go to ckeditor demo page
  2. Clear the page
  3. Click on the Selection Field icon
  4. Click in the "Text" type "abc" in that field and click on add then ok
  5. Click the Source icon to view the html
  6. Click the Source icon again to return to WYSIWYG mode
  7. Place the curson on the Select Field just added and right click to bring up a menu
  8. On this menu, click on Selection Field Properties to bring up a dialog box
  9. Click the OK button in the dialog box and see that nothing happens

Clicking on the Cancel button properly closes the dialog box. Once you go to source mode and return, you cannot add any more select list items since the OK button is unresponsive.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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