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Results (201 - 300 of 2501)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#13775 Typing into selected contents of span tag creates font tag confirmed Bug General
#10402 TypeError: A/range is undefined when calling insertHtml after hide/show. confirmed Bug Core : Editable
#12539 Two CKEditors within the same fieldset will overflow on resize in Chrome/Safari. confirmed Bug General
#14562 triple click and delete ruins widget in chrome review Tade0 Bug UI : Widgets
#8690 Trim trailing whitespace when creating elements confirmed Bug Core : Selection
#12265 Transform inline widget into block and back confirmed New Feature General
#14851 trailing slash is removed from meta tag confirmed Bug General
#6065 Tooltip for elements path elements are wrong for the Arabic language confirmed Bug UI : Language
#11624 toolbarGroups - impossible to remove subgroup that has the same name as group confirmed Bug UI : Toolbar
#4582 Toolbar expand/collapse toggle button cannot be tabbed to and does not have tooltip text confirmed Bug Accessibility
#16886 Toolbar configurator won't work with A11y Checker confirmed Bug Toolbar Configurator
#13134 [Toolbar configurator] "What am I doing here" box need to be moved above the toolbar assigned Artur Delura Bug General
#14711 Toolbar configurator buttons are not accessible with keyboard. confirmed Bug Accessibility
#6162 Toolbar Combobox Widths should be configurable assigned Jakub Ś New Feature UI : Toolbar
#4516 Toolbar button to embed Silverlight confirmed New Feature General
#16761 Toolbar button status on touch devices does not update for inline styles (italics, font family, etc). confirmed Bug General
#13677 Toolbar button icons (icons_hidpi.png) are mangled in some zoom levels in Blink-based browsers (Chrome/Opera) on a Retina Mac. confirmed Bug UI : Toolbar
#12864 Toggling bulleted list insert line breaks when enterMode is configured as CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR confirmed Bug General
#12194 Title tag is messed up using special characters. confirmed Bug General
#17051 [TI] Select all on only table content creates native selection. confirmed Bug General
#599 Timestamp confirmed New Feature General
#17047 [TI] Hovering over table after one selected throws an error. confirmed Bug General
#13407 The window still resizes following mouse movement after letting go of the mouse click confirmed Bug General
#14432 the traditional chinese translate for Insert/Remove Numbered List needs to revise confirmed Bug General
#12043 The table should be highlighted when user selects table contents with keyboard (Ctrl+A, Shift+Arrow) confirmed Bug General
#12741 The table in a list item gets deleted when clicking enter confirmed Bug Core : Lists
#3079 The state should be reflected in the table elements title review_failed New Feature Accessibility
#16922 the size of picture upload manager window is break pending Bug General
#12167 The save plugin needs improvements confirmed Bug General
#3318 There should be some guarantee at plugin loading order review Garry Yao New Feature General
#12779 There should be a way to drag&drop widget into a table cell confirmed New Feature General
#839 There should be a button that insert BR with CLEAR="ALL" confirmed New Feature General
#13852 There is no way to disable the font and fontsize button on the toolbar confirmed New Feature General
#8785 There is no option like CKEDITOR.config.forcePasteFromWord confirmed New Feature Core : Pasting
#9680 The "Maximize" feature should not be a toolbar button confirmed New Feature General
#16808 The Justify plugin doesn't obey the custom Advanced Content Filter rules review Mateusz Samsel Bug General
#14608 The inline editor is not scrolling inside scrollable div confirmed Bug General
#6354 The i() function takes a lot more time in 3.4.1 than in 3.4.0 confirmed Bug QA
#6553 The Find and Replace dialog does not submit on the Enter key confirmed New Feature UI : Dialogs
#14838 The color FF00FF (or F0F) is not named as Fuchsia (or Magenta) recognized by HTML/CSS and X11. confirmed Bug UI : Toolbar
#9421 The background of dialog tabs looks bad with dark UI color confirmed Bug UI : Dialogs
#12131 Text wrapping and line heights after starting with a large font. confirmed Bug General
#874 Text style control confirmed New Feature General
#8160 Text selection disappears when open dialogs confirmed Bug UI : Dialogs
#11623 Text reflow is broken when deleting text at the end of a list followed by a table confirmed Bug Core : Lists
#13961 Text overlap on iPhone 6S in landscape new Bug General
#12587 Text jumps up after removing list confirmed Bug General
#9024 Text is not remembered after using browser back button and then forward button confirmed New Feature General
#10575 Text in between two tables is pushed down when deleting upper table confirmed Bug General
#14646 Text de-select problem on IE11 confirmed Bug General
#7143 Text Cursor loses position when document-overflow is modified confirmed Bug General
#8934 Text/Background color applied to entire paragraph removed when we apply new colour to a word in the paragraph confirmed Bug Core : Styles
#8518 Text around editor highlights during resize event confirmed Bug General
#13405 Text Area not working properly during resizing of dialog window when using paste plugin confirmed Bug General
#11254 Tests mocking CKEDITOR.editor should be rewritten confirmed Bug QA
#7962 <td> align attribute causes validation errors in IE 8 confirmed Bug Core : Tables
#12743 Task list: let the user create a list of actionable checkboxes pending New Feature General
#3845 'tabSpaces' config not working for source mode confirmed New Feature General
#9728 Tabs don't fit in "Hyperlink" dialog at its smallest possible size in Russian translation confirmed Bug UI : Dialogs
#3397 tableWizard confirmed New Feature General
#1824 table wizard new New Feature General
#11767 Table Tools spanning not updated confirmed Bug General
#12716 TableTools should be made available from toolbar when context menu isn't used. confirmed New Feature General
#9681 Tabletools plugin needs refactorization confirmed Bug General
#11192 Table Tools modify the wrong table when working with the <th> element in a nested table confirmed Bug General
#9614 Tabletools insert column before behavior is confusing new Olek Nowodziński Bug Core : Tables
#13035 Tabletools context menu is not showing when we invoke via JAVAFX webview new Bug General
#7903 Table Tools APIs are not exposed confirmed New Feature General
#10239 Tabletools: add ability to set scope in cell attributes dialog new New Feature Core : Tables
#425 Table tags to support enhanced table design by class style confirmed New Feature General
#911 table support toward spreadsheet functionality confirmed New Feature General
#6268 Tables causing problems with selection after switching to source mode and back confirmed Bug General
#8044 Table row inserted incorrectly with missing cells confirmed Bug Core : Tables
#11939 Table resize plugin should also allow resizing row height confirmed New Feature General
#11674 Tableresize - allow percent-based values confirmed New Feature Core : Tables
#16984 Table Properties show invalid value for Headers when header is not the first row in the table confirmed Bug Core : Tables
#10201 Table properties have no width when opening dialog after resizing table confirmed Bug General
#9743 Table Properties For a Single Row Table not working properly confirmed Bug Core : Tables
#14309 Table or horizontal line disappeared after insert in case of numbered/bulleted list. confirmed Bug General
#6584 Table operation don't trigger DOM events / autogrow confirmed Bug UI : Toolbar
#14585 Table insertion fires insertElement before moving cursor inside itself new Bug Core : Tables
#16900 Table from Excel gets pasted as image in Firefox confirmed Bug General
#6258 Table delete cells confirmed New Feature Core : Tables
#6272 Table cells need ability to set additional styles confirmed New Feature General
#12099 Table Cell properties get duplicated on Chrome/Mac confirmed Bug General
#17059 Table cell properties - background color is not kept new Bug General
#14911 Table cell lose formatting on tab switch an new text pending Bug General
#10375 table cell horizontal split error confirmed Bug Core : Tables
#11017 Table border value should only allow integers confirmed Bug Core : Tables
#10655 TAB leaves the editable when cannot indent anything confirmed Bug General
#829 Table Auto Format confirmed New Feature General
#9611 Tab key based navigation is broken inside specialchar dialog confirmed Bug Accessibility
#12285 Tab key based navigation is broken in iframedialog plugin. confirmed Bug General
#2510 TAB jumps to next form field when in editor confirmed Bug General
#9002 Tabelle cell lost after style has been applied confirmed Bug General
#14632 Tabbing through table merged cells creates invalid rows confirmed Bug General
#12463 System hangs when using Image upload on IOS 8 (iPhone, iPad) confirmed Bug General
#602 Syntax highlight and go to line confirmed New Feature UI : Source View
#11502 Synchronous calls of asynchronous methods causes errors confirmed New Feature General
#8481 switching between source and wysiwyg introduces gratuitous white space confirmed Bug General
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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