Jul 18, 2014:
9:14 PM Ticket #12222 (Drag-and-drop image bug in Chrome) created by sailorzhang
Descriptive summary -
In Chrome browser, drag-and-drop image does not …
2:36 PM Ticket #12221 ([Blink] Failing test_enlarge_element12 test) created by Marek Lewandowski
In Chromium nightly version I see that …
1:35 PM Ticket #12220 (link preview feature (same as facebook)) created by hiki
I write a lot of articles in which I comment others website pages …
1:30 PM Ticket #12219 ([Safari] UndoManager.locked volates strict mode in undo plugin) created by Marek Lewandowski
While working on #11739 I found out that at least these two line …
12:47 PM Ticket #12218 (Incorrect syntax in 2 css files) created by lolo
Since several versions of ckeditor there are two css files …
Jul 17, 2014:
3:33 PM Ticket #12215 (Basepath resolution doesn't recognize semicolon as a query separator) created by makhiel
ckeditor.js, line 5:
This regex unfortunately doesn't …
12:02 PM Ticket #12214 (Issues with upcasting codesnippet using editor#insertElement) created by Marek Lewandowski
Generally widgets seems not to have issues with upcasting items …
10:39 AM Ticket #12213 (Safari 8 linebreak) created by Mark Wade
In Safari 8 in the Mac OS X Yosemite beta, when you hit the return …
12:20 AM Ticket #12212 (carriage return at <br> followed by <a> causes cursor to move ...) created by Frank Farm
steps to reproduce:
1. in mac Chrome 35.0.1916.153 open …
Jul 16, 2014:
6:24 PM Ticket #12211 (Bug in API on insertElement and insert HTML) created by Packwin
I am developing a CKEDITOR plugin which captures image pastes in the …
1:54 PM Ticket #12210 (Source code formatting is invalid when startupMode source is enabled) created by Wiktor Walc
When startupMode is set to "source" then the source code that appears …
11:56 AM Ticket #12209 (BR tag replacement seems to be to agressive) created by Jakub Ś
1. Use enter mode sample with
2. Paste …
11:56 AM Ticket #12208 (BR tag replacement seems to be to agressive) created by Jakub Ś
1. Use enter mode sample with
2. Paste …
11:19 AM Ticket #8907 (IE6: hovering over Browse Server button makes dialog contents jump up) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: IE6 is no longer supported.
7:17 AM Ticket #12207 (IE/CROME unable to highlight to enter text) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Support for IE11 was introduced in CKEditor 4.3. You need to use …
7:17 AM Ticket #12206 (ck editor in not working in internet explorer in windows 7) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Support for IE11 was introduced in CKEditor 4.3. You need to use …
6:19 AM Ticket #12207 (IE/CROME unable to highlight to enter text) created by srikanth pachava
unable to enter text in ck editor in internet explorer.
5:11 AM Ticket #12206 (ck editor in not working in internet explorer in windows 7) created by srikanth pachava
we are unable to enter the text in editor in internet explorer or …
Jul 15, 2014:
4:17 PM Ticket #12205 (Justify/ alignment language strings are duplicated) created by Anna Tomanek
With #12164 we now have a complete set of "justify/align" language …
3:27 PM Ticket #12204 (Editor's title not used for voice label, hence impossible to configure ...) created by Wim Leers
Over at https://www.drupal.org/node/2292035, we noticed that …
1:40 PM Ticket #12203 (CKEditor changing font size or color has no effect on selected text in IE) created by VamshiKrishnaCH
Hi Team,
The highlighted text does not respond to Font, Font color, …
1:37 PM Milestone CKEditor 4.4.3 completed
11:48 AM Changeset [7713] by Wiktor Walc
Closed the release.
11:44 AM Changeset [7712] by Wiktor Walc
Closed the release.
11:42 AM Changeset [7711] by Wiktor Walc
Updated version number in ckeditor.js
11:40 AM Changeset [7710] by Wiktor Walc
Closed the release
11:23 AM Changeset [7709] by Wiktor Walc
Updated "latest" and "stable" branch with version
11:21 AM Changeset [7708] by Wiktor Walc
CKEditor tagging.
11:21 AM Changeset [7707] by Wiktor Walc
Merge trunk [7706], closed the release.
11:19 AM Changeset [7706] by Wiktor Walc
Fixed the preview plugin
9:17 AM BadContent edited by Piotrek Koszuliński
Jul 14, 2014:
11:44 AM Ticket #12201 ([ACF]: Missing Format plugin breaks indentation) created by Jakub Ś
1. Use standard editor but add indentblock plugin to it.
2. Set below …
8:34 AM Ticket #8520 (IE8 Paste throws errors in <br> mode) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: I can't reproduce it too. It's very likely that we fixed this issue in …
8:27 AM BadContent edited by Piotrek Koszuliński
7:32 AM Ticket #12199 (ckeditor is omitting a single trailing space in firefox and ie.) created by Ravi_SPS
i've configured ckeditor inside jquery ui dialogue box text area.
My …
7:15 AM Ticket #12198 (Table inside Paragraph) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Paragraph allows only text and inline/pharasing content inside it …
6:13 AM Ticket #12198 (Table inside Paragraph) created by Subash
Dear Team,
May i know the reason why the Paragraph is not allowing …
Jul 13, 2014:
6:41 PM BadContent edited by Piotrek Koszuliński
3:24 PM Ticket #12197 (dialogadvtab plugin: style field input validation is too restrictive) created by bvo
I want to specify a background image on a table with a full URL. With …
4:04 AM Ticket #12196 (ATAG & CKEditor) created by Mike Gifford
ATAG is of course the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) …
Jul 11, 2014:
11:48 AM Ticket #12194 (Title tag is messed up using special characters.) created by Zoltan Koszegi
We have a situation when our webpages name (this is actually the …
9:25 AM Ticket #12193 (placeholder sometimes get deleted on move in IE9) created by Daniele Arancia
Hi all,
I found this tricky bug (I attached a video on this) regarding …
Jul 10, 2014:
3:53 PM Ticket #12192 (Caret disappears in Firefox) created by Boris Lykah
After executing action inside of a command, the caret disappears from …
9:13 AM Ticket #12191 (Create tests and docs for node.getNextSourceNode and ...) created by Marek Lewandowski
Seems that these methods are missing docs, and they are pretty …
8:51 AM Ticket #12190 (Issues In Ck-editor.) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: This is not a forum, but an issue tracker. The problems you described …
8:33 AM Ticket #12190 (Issues In Ck-editor.) created by shibudatta
I am using Ck-editor 3.6.4.Ck-editor works well but their are …
7:27 AM Ticket #12189 (Link plugin dialog does not display subject of email links if subject ...) created by Henning
In CKEditor 4.3.5, add the following text in source mode:
Jul 9, 2014:
4:37 PM Ticket #11662 (conflict with autogrow, divarea, magicline and sharedspace) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
wontfix: Sorry for late answer. That's still not enough info for me, but I have …
4:26 PM Ticket #12039 (Issue in Ckeditor due to invalid markup of style tag in div) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:25 PM Ticket #12103 (CKEditor.js throws error in IE8 using version 4.4.1) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
12:20 PM Ticket #12188 ([Chrome@Android] Research on different Chrome for tablets vs ...) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
In #11712 we found out that CKEditor works pretty well on …
11:40 AM Ticket #12187 ([Safari] Link's keystroke does not work) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
always moves focus to Safari's URL bar, so it's impossible to …
11:34 AM Ticket #12186 (Provide better support for HTML5 'block' elements like article, aside etc.) created by Matti Järvinen
TinyMCE has HTML5 sections and articles editing with wrapping …
11:16 AM Ticket #12185 ([IE9QM] Error thrown when moving mouse over focused editor's scrollbar) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Open replacebycode sample after removing doctype from it (so IE9 …
9:35 AM Ticket #12184 ([IE] config.disableObjectResizing doesn't working after drag and drop) created by Marek Lewandowski
After resizable element being drag and droped in editor you're able to …
8:30 AM Ticket #12182 (IE 10/11 Issue with link popup while an image is selected) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
wontfix: It's a known IE bug and there's no solution. There are some …
8:24 AM BadContent edited by Piotrek Koszuliński
Jul 8, 2014:
3:59 PM Ticket #12182 (IE 10/11 Issue with link popup while an image is selected) created by Scott
This issue only seems to happen for me in IE (I only tested 10 and 11) …
2:34 PM Ticket #12181 (Dropdown markers not grayed out when in readonly mode) created by Marek Lewandowski
Some part of our dropdown markers (an arrow) is not grayed out when …
9:55 AM Ticket #10677 (IE9: CKEditor 3.6.6: Delay in the cursor postion setting after the ...) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: I have been able to reproduce this issue from CKEditor 3.2.1 (this is …
9:55 AM Ticket #12180 (IE: Delay in the cursor postion setting after the text is pasted.) created by Jakub Ś
Based on #10677.
I have tried similar steps CKEditor 4.x and was able …
7:49 AM Ticket #12164 (Add Justify horizontal align to cell properties) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Merged to master with git:7ceef8e.
7:33 AM Ticket #12179 ([FF] Error while using :after pseudoclass in contents.css) created by Rike
1) use http://ckeditor.com/demo#full, clear all (I used Gecko - last …
7:32 AM Ticket #12176 (Grunt/Gulp build task) closed by Wiktor Walc
wontfix: CKBuilder uses Closure Compiler as the minifier and this was the …
Jul 7, 2014:
8:59 PM Ticket #12178 ([Blink/Webkit] Iterator does not return block if selection is located ...) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Open any sample.
2. Make following selection:
E.g. select …
7:44 PM Ticket #12177 (Create new paragraph inside of a list item) created by Boris Lykah
Now there is no way to create paragraph inside of a list item. When a …
7:19 PM Ticket #12176 (Grunt/Gulp build task) created by Ondrej Sevcik
As CKEditor is JavaScript project, it will be nice to have a …
2:59 PM Ticket #9186 (meta tags placed in list and div with enter mode BR cause infinite loops.) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed by #8117.
2:59 PM Ticket #8117 (HTML 5 Support / meta element in body) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master with git:afc35ce.
I'm still analysing whether we …
2:16 PM Ticket #12175 (CKEditor is not loading in Chrome browser, While displaying it ...) created by Dilli
CKEditor is not loading in Chrome browser, While displaying it …
1:38 PM Ticket #9638 (a11yhelp availablity) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Fixed with git:7419ad5844 (merged to master) at dev.
9:08 AM Ticket #12119 ([IE11] The page will scroll down when enter key is hit in CKEditor) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I have noticed that you are testing CKEditor with "file://". You …
7:21 AM Ticket #12174 (It should be possible to detect CKEditor version on the server side) created by Wiktor Walc
Based on …
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.