
Aug 26, 2008:

9:45 PM Ticket #2503 (Dl aren't being formatted) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
go to source mode and insert […] Now switch twice and the source …
9:36 PM Changeset [2387] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Fix broken packaged build due to a missing semicolon in [2386]
5:30 PM Ticket #2502 (Allow Find and Replace in source mode) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: dup of #158
5:28 PM Ticket #1982 ([IE7] Table context menu submenus doesn't appear properly.) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [2386]
5:27 PM Changeset [2386] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Show correctly subpanels in IE7. #1982
4:13 PM Ticket #2502 (Allow Find and Replace in source mode) created by Devon Weller
When I allow Find/Replace toolbar button in source mode, I get a …
3:08 PM Ticket #2501 (CKEditor samples fail to load) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Definitely a Linux issue. Fixed with [2385]. Thanks for the report.
3:08 PM Changeset [2385] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed #2501 : Fixed wrong references in the scriptLoader files table.
2:55 PM Ticket #2501 (CKEditor samples fail to load) created by Matija Jekovec
I've downloaded the source from SVN (CKEditor) and tried to run some …
12:03 PM Ticket #2500 (Mac: Context menus always disabled with BrowserContextMenuOnCtrl) created by Josh Clark
In Firefox 3, and likely in other browsers, too, it's not possible for …
10:07 AM Ticket #2477 (V3: Packager) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: I've created a dedicated branch for CKPackager, including it as a SVN …
10:04 AM Changeset [2384] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Following the deletion of the old package.bat at [2383], the new one …
10:03 AM Changeset [2383] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Following #2477, removed the FCKpackager stuff from the branch. …
9:56 AM Changeset [2382] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Removed CKPackager from the branch. It will be an SVN external now.
9:55 AM Changeset [2381] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Moved CKPackager from the CKEditor prototype to its dedicated branch.
9:53 AM Changeset [2380] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed the license file HTML structure.
9:40 AM Changeset [2379] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Created the "trunk" for CKPackager.
9:39 AM Changeset [2378] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Created the CKPackager branch at the SVN.
9:37 AM Changeset [2377] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Following #2475, the sourcearea plugin localization has been moved to …

Aug 25, 2008:

9:01 PM Ticket #2498 (Dialogs do not work with some builds of Internet Explorer) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: dup of #2416 We need more info to reproduce the problem. Please post …
8:23 PM Changeset [2376] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Reverting accidental commit of #2469 in [2375]
8:14 PM Ticket #2495 (Can't get properties of an image inside a div with some styles) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [2375]
8:13 PM Ticket #798 (Image inside floating DIV looses selection with Context Menu) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [2375]
8:13 PM Changeset [2375] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Make it possible to work with images inside floating divs. #798 and #2495
8:03 PM Ticket #1891 (fck_tablecell.html id >< name conflicts) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [2374]
8:03 PM Changeset [2374] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Removed unnecessary name attributes in dialogs. #1891
7:58 PM Ticket #2472 (Splitting <th> produces a <td> instead of a second <th>) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [2373]
7:57 PM Changeset [2373] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Splitting a TH will create two TH. Some other little readjustments in …
7:52 PM Ticket #2484 (noParse parameter in FCKDebug isn't used in the call to the debug window) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [2372]
7:52 PM Changeset [2372] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
the noParse wasn't being passed. #2484
5:51 PM Ticket #2499 (NaN when using <ul> or <ol>) created by Jurrie Overgoor
When I insert a list (either a 1, 2, 3 list or bulleted lists), the …
1:02 PM Ticket #2498 (Dialogs do not work with some builds of Internet Explorer) created by Karel Petranek
The dialog windows do not work at all in some builds of Internet …
12:39 PM Ticket #2497 (Arabic Language File 2.6.3) created by AbdulAziz AlOraij
An update to Arabic Language File 2.6.3

Aug 23, 2008:

9:33 PM Ticket #2494 (URL query element separator escaped) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: The & in url must be escaped, and if your server doesn't support it …
6:11 PM Ticket #2496 (InsertHtml() ignores current selection in IE. Again.) created by Jon
It seems that this bug #2125 has come back again in Version 2.6.3 as I …
3:26 PM Ticket #2495 (Can't get properties of an image inside a div with some styles) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Some bugs have been marked as dups of #798, because the final …
12:34 PM Ticket #2494 (URL query element separator escaped) created by d20r
The edit is escaping the URL query element separator '&' For example: …

Aug 22, 2008:

1:51 PM Ticket #2489 (CKFinder upload limit cannot be changed) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: This is not the place to report problems with CKFinder, you should use …
12:50 PM Ticket #2493 (Issues with styles in version 2.6.3) created by flavertu@cybergeneration.com
I've been encountering very odd behaviour with styles. I created this …
12:25 PM Ticket #2492 (File Browser is not working with IE7 + Vista 64 Bits) created by GreatLord
in vista 64bits with ie 7.0 today I run vista update and fckeditor …
11:51 AM Ticket #2491 (undo, redo, undo enters duplicate entry in history in IE7 and FF3) created by Paul Moers
To replicate: insert an image, in the URL input enter a relative URL …
9:44 AM Ticket #2490 (Create list delete or split parent element) created by Abenzka
If my cursor is into a div element (or p) and i click numbered list to …
7:19 AM Ticket #2489 (CKFinder upload limit cannot be changed) created by Arnout Aarts
I tried to increase the upload limit in the config file of CKFinder. I …

Aug 21, 2008:

11:10 PM Ticket #2488 (Encode email "mailto:" links (Fix #2220)) created by aspenwebdesign
This regards Fix #2220, adding the javascript based encryption of …
8:55 PM Ticket #2220 (Encode email "mailto:" links) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: @aspenwebdesign, can you kindly open a dedicated ticket for this? This …
6:46 PM Ticket #2220 (Encode email "mailto:" links) reopened by aspenwebdesign
This "fix" causes problems in Internet Explorer. When you click on an …
5:48 PM Ticket #2487 (Split non-header cell in table with <thead> throws JavaScript error) created by shri
Tested below steps on trunk samples default page in FF and IE 1. …
5:46 PM Ticket #2486 (Vertically splitting cell with colspan > 1 breaks table layout) created by shri
Tested below steps on demo page (v2.6.3) in FF and IE 1. Create a …
3:00 PM Ticket #2485 (improve interface for adding "special tags" (MediaWiki)) created by Peter Koppstein
It's nice to have a menu of available "special tags", but there is …
2:50 PM Ticket #2484 (noParse parameter in FCKDebug isn't used in the call to the debug window) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Simple patch
2:49 PM Ticket #2483 (improper handling of [[:Image:____]] in version 2.5 SVN for MediaWiki) created by Peter Koppstein
For example: image page? becomes …
2:42 PM Ticket #2482 (improper handling of template-within-wikilink (SVN 2.5 for MediaWiki)) created by Peter Koppstein
For example: Bienvenu? becomes [[<span …
2:31 PM Ticket #2481 (<html> tag is improperly processed in 2.5 SVN for MediaWiki) created by Peter Koppstein
Example: <html><a href=foo "style=color:red;">hello</a></html> is …
12:55 PM Ticket #2479 (Image Property Dialog Not Displaying Correctly) closed by Stuart Pentland
fixed: I've now cleared the firefox cache and all temporary files and the …
10:04 AM Ticket #2475 (V3: Globalization) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
9:47 AM Ticket #2480 (add a new URL protocol for external link : i.e. "notes://") created by Vince
How can I add a new URL protocol to external links ? I would …
8:32 AM Ticket #2479 (Image Property Dialog Not Displaying Correctly) created by Stuart Pentland
The Image Property Dialog OK and Cancel buttons are displaying …
6:08 AM Ticket #2478 (Large table crashes Netscape 7.1) created by msysm
1. Go to FCKeditor demo page 2. Click "Source", and paste the …

Aug 20, 2008:

1:07 PM Changeset [2371] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Added the PACKAGER_RENAME feature to CKPackager.
7:56 AM Changeset [2370] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
CKCKPackager now passes the YUI code compression.

Aug 19, 2008:

11:37 PM Changeset [2369] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
CKCKPackager now passes the ExtJS code compression.
10:14 PM Changeset [2368] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
CKPackager now passes the jQuery code compression.
9:29 PM Changeset [2367] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Minor updates to packager things.
8:02 PM Ticket #2477 (V3: Packager) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
I've worked a few days to come out with a new packager. I've started …
6:06 PM Ticket #2476 (Tidy XML Error Message When Swapping Between Wikitext) created by Boris Shubinsky
When editing a page, no matter what, I get a: <!-- Tidy found serious …
5:37 PM Ticket #2475 (V3: Globalization) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The Globalization support has been introduced into the CKEditor …
5:01 PM Changeset [2366] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Introduced the CKPackager 2.0 prototype.
4:59 PM Changeset [2365] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Added globalization support.
4:56 PM Changeset [2364] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed a Firebug console bug.
2:27 PM Ticket #2474 (An editor contained in a Div with overflow:auto can't be maximized.) created by Jason Wright
I created an interface where an instancwe of FCKeditor needed to be …
9:29 AM Ticket #822 (Add <th> tag support) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [2363]
9:28 AM Changeset [2363] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Fix for #822. Add the ability to switch between TD and TH
7:03 AM Ticket #2473 (Version 2.6.3 FCKLang is undefined in IE6) created by Summit
Hi Using Fckeditor version 2.6.3 in my Drupal instance (5.10), I got …

Aug 18, 2008:

7:37 PM Ticket #2472 (Splitting <th> produces a <td> instead of a second <th>) created by shri
Insert the following table into the editor on the demo page […] …
10:41 AM Ticket #2430 (Support THEAD in Tables) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [2362]
10:40 AM Changeset [2362] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Add support for THead in the table dialog. #2430
7:43 AM Ticket #2460 (V3: Themes) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
7:42 AM Ticket #2459 (V3: Skins) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
7:42 AM Ticket #2458 (V3: Plugins) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
7:42 AM Ticket #2457 (V3: Configurations) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
7:42 AM Ticket #2456 (V3: Editor instances) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
3:03 AM cla edited by NetRube
2:43 AM Ticket #2467 (Switching fullscreen in source mode fails after #2322) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [2361]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
2:43 AM Ticket #2469 (FCK.SetData() causes editor to become temporarily non-focusable in IE7.) reopened by Martin Kou
Oops... wrong ticket.
2:43 AM Ticket #2469 (FCK.SetData() causes editor to become temporarily non-focusable in IE7.) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [2361]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
2:42 AM Changeset [2361] by Martin Kou
Fixed #2467: Fixed JavaScript error with the fit window command in …

Aug 17, 2008:

10:56 PM Ticket #2471 (Ukrainian language file updates) created by Alexander Pervak
All missing options have been translated.

Aug 16, 2008:

5:06 PM Ticket #2470 (Disable content links for SpellerPages) created by Mark Bryson
The user can break SpellerPages by navigating the wordWindow with …

Aug 15, 2008:

6:33 PM Ticket #2115 (Permission denied to get property window.OnUploadCompleted) reopened by mxm
Replying to fredck: > I've committed the patch for the …
2:31 PM Ticket #234 (Microsoft Asp.net 2.0 AJAX UpdatePanel Bug) reopened by Pete Hurst
Replying to jskripsky: I was just going to point that …
10:34 AM Changeset [2360] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Correction of the [2359] commit. It was a bug, not a feature.
10:19 AM Ticket #2469 (FCK.SetData() causes editor to become temporarily non-focusable in IE7.) created by Martin Kou
This bug was originally reported by Mathias-S in our IRC channel. To …
8:43 AM Ticket #2468 (Textarea name independent of the instance name) created by Kenny Carruthers
Presently, in FCKeditor.prototype.CreateHtml() from fckeditor.js, the …

Aug 14, 2008:

8:24 PM Ticket #2467 (Switching fullscreen in source mode fails after #2322) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Reported in http://www.fckeditor.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10877
7:28 PM Ticket #2466 (Big issue when change page content's font and size) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: Please, don't file again a bug that has been closed. If you have more …
1:37 PM Ticket #2466 (Big issue when change page content's font and size) created by James
Even on Fckeditor demo site, the demo editor has same issue. For …
11:04 AM Ticket #2333 ('&gt;' replace with '>' on safari and Opera) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [2359]
11:03 AM Changeset [2359] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fix #2333. Encode ">" in Opera and Safari
9:58 AM Ticket #2464 (Coldfusion Debugger Problem) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: Hi, thanks for the info, but this is not the place to report issues …
9:53 AM Ticket #2465 (IE <div style="float: right"> loses selection & stops images from ...) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: dup of #798
3:07 AM Ticket #2465 (IE <div style="float: right"> loses selection & stops images from ...) created by Scott McNaught
In IE, go to …
2:46 AM Ticket #2464 (Coldfusion Debugger Problem) created by Will
I just finished fighting CKFinder for over 2 hours, with the most …
12:55 AM cla edited by mushywushy
Added Andrew Liu signature (diff)

Aug 13, 2008:

7:18 PM Ticket #2463 (Big issue when change text's font and size) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: That page has tags that are incorrectly nested, so the behavior is …
4:46 PM Ticket #2463 (Big issue when change text's font and size) created by James
Even on Fckeditor demo site, the demo editor has same issue. For …
3:52 PM cla edited by Jason Huck
3:04 PM Ticket #2462 (Editor Scroll problem in Safari 3) created by Austin
The top row of editor controls disappear when you type enough …
1:40 PM Changeset [2358] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed some CSS issues related to the latest changes. Mimicked the …
12:51 PM Changeset [2357] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The FCKeditor toolbar skin is now been simulated, so issues regarding …
11:46 AM Ticket #2461 (Context menu memory leak) created by Jon Håvard Gundersen
When consequtively opening and closing the context menu, the memory …
10:32 AM Ticket #2460 (V3: Themes) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The CKEditor prototype introduces the concept of "theme". The theme …
10:05 AM Ticket #2459 (V3: Skins) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
In the CKEditor prototype, an editor skin is simply a set of CSS files …
9:38 AM Ticket #2458 (V3: Plugins) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The CKEditor prototype is strongly based on plugins. The intention is …
9:19 AM Changeset [2356] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed file name case.
9:19 AM Changeset [2355] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed file name case.
8:50 AM Ticket #2454 (V3: Instances creation) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
8:50 AM Ticket #2453 (V3: Code loading) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
8:49 AM Ticket #2457 (V3: Configurations) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
In the CKEditor prototype, the CKEDITOR.config object holds all …
8:20 AM Ticket #2456 (V3: Editor instances) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
In the CKEditor prototype, an editor instance is represented by the …
8:16 AM Changeset [2354] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Passing the configuration object to the custom config file, making the …
12:14 AM Ticket #2455 (Perl connectors IO timeout errors) created by Jigs
Hello, I have been trying for weeks to get the Perl connectors …

Aug 12, 2008:

7:49 PM cla edited by Sönke Freitag
4:19 PM cla edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Added note about previous contributions (diff)
3:39 PM Ticket #2454 (V3: Instances creation) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The CKEditor prototype implements a few ways to create editor …
3:25 PM Ticket #2453 (V3: Code loading) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The code loading must be implemented as described at …
2:51 PM Changeset [2353] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Implemented the Timeout loading method.
2:32 PM Changeset [2352] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Refactored the instance creation a bit, adding the CKEDITOR.appendTo …
12:07 PM Ticket #2452 (Test.html file could be a security issue) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: No, that file doesn't mean any security problem. All that it does is …
11:44 AM Ticket #2450 (Classes for table, tr and td) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: dup of #425 and #636 If you want this feature added, you can propose …
11:36 AM Ticket #2452 (Test.html file could be a security issue) created by jacekr
In the newest version there is a file: …
11:12 AM Ticket #2451 (Basque language file update) created by Ibon Igartua
... Basque language file update
9:42 AM Changeset [2351] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Made it possible to add sample specific styles with the samples …
8:03 AM Ticket #2447 (V3: DOM abstraction) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
8:03 AM Ticket #880 (Organize the code in namespaces) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
8:03 AM Ticket #2445 (V3: Private variable and functions in the code) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
8:02 AM Ticket #2448 (V3: XML handling object) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
8:02 AM Ticket #2449 (V3: Ajax like data requests handling object) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Aug 11, 2008:

1:23 PM Ticket #503 (Unordered list paste: doesn't work correctly in IE) reopened by Jon Håvard Gundersen
I still get this bug on paste,whenever I paste list elements they are …
10:03 AM Ticket #2450 (Classes for table, tr and td) created by q-edit
Hello, sorry for my bad english. It would be nice if css-classes …
8:08 AM Ticket #2446 (V3: Event System) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
7:55 AM Changeset [2350] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The changes on [2349] have broken the event system for nested fire() …
4:58 AM Changeset [2349] by Martin Kou
Moved the cancelEvent and stopEvent closures out to improve …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.
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