
Jun 4, 2012:

9:42 PM Ticket #9014 (PHP tags inside CKEditor) created by Andre Jordao
Hello, I am making a new website for a small business and I am trying …
2:22 PM Ticket #8515 (Opera, highlight text, click style button and cursor position incorrect) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: This is in fact DUP of #6585
1:04 PM Ticket #9013 (Formatting IE9 selected text fails) created by Pieter Fibbe
- IN IE9 go to …
12:36 PM Ticket #9012 (Link plugin does not work with image) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #8738
8:20 AM Changeset [7491] by Wiktor Walc
Fixed typo in the documentation.
7:13 AM Ticket #9012 (Link plugin does not work with image) created by ga.n
How to reproduce the bug: 1. open http://ckeditor.com/demo 2. switch …

Jun 1, 2012:

2:38 PM Ticket #9011 (CKFinder doesn't allow Select, Download or Upload options) created by Brad
Using iOS5.1 on the iPad. In any CKEditor instance, when clicking the …
12:43 PM Ticket #3943 (It is possible to drag buttons) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: No longer reproducible in CKEditor 3.6.3
12:35 PM Ticket #4012 ([Safari] Combo inputs are without arrow) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: doesn't occur anymore in latest CKEditor 3.6.3.
12:30 PM Ticket #9010 (SCAYT doesn't work in IE9) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I have managed to reproduce this problem only in quirks mode enabled …
12:07 PM Ticket #9010 (SCAYT doesn't work in IE9) created by Meriah
I can't enable the plugin in IE9, when I try an error occurs - msg: …
11:36 AM Ticket #8991 (Managed pipeline mode IIS 7.5) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Comment from @Rohit > I have managed to get the CKEditor and …
11:29 AM Ticket #6186 (FCK Editor: FireFox remove tags) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
11:23 AM Ticket #6216 (Arabic font problem in Chrome Browser) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I have tried TC presented in a ticket but no problem occurred. It …
11:02 AM Ticket #5508 (Line disappear after context menu) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: Issue is no longer reproducible. I have checked it in latest CKE 3.6.3.
10:59 AM Ticket #9009 (Text style lost on previous line in enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR when ...) created by Paul Veldema
How to reproduce: - 1 - Go to http://nightly.ckeditor.com/ - 2 - …

May 31, 2012:

1:59 PM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Teresa Monahan
1:37 PM Ticket #9008 (List order is reversed when converting list type) created by Teresa Monahan
To Reproduce: - Copy the following into the source view. This is just …
12:10 PM Ticket #9005 (WYSIWYG Area won't initialize correctly inside a jQuery UI Dialog ...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: HI, Your effects are to blame here: […] Removing them resolved the …

May 30, 2012:

2:15 PM Ticket #9007 (Body tag disappears) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Please use fullPage mode for that: …
1:44 PM Ticket #9007 (Body tag disappears) created by Roi Zaig
1. Body tag disappears after switching between source view and …
1:41 PM Ticket #9006 (Blank line added when using meta tag) created by Roi Zaig
If using a 'meta' tag in the html source and switching between source …
12:07 PM Ticket #5878 (Enter backspace deletes the first line in Normal <DIV> format) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I was not able to reproduce this problem in any browser in latest …
12:06 PM Ticket #9005 (WYSIWYG Area won't initialize correctly inside a jQuery UI Dialog ...) created by Florian Ignaz Eßl
OS: Win7, Browsers tested: Google Chrome 19, Firefox 12
7:38 AM Ticket #8922 (ctrl-v plain text bug with CKEDITOR.config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: DUP of #8921.

May 29, 2012:

6:27 PM Ticket #9004 (insertHtml in Chrome strips 'span' element) created by Kevin
Using the 'API' sample provided with the editor source (or on the …
1:27 PM Ticket #9003 (IE9 shift+enter causes cursor to jump) created by Jack Bowman
Happens in IE9. Repro: - go to http://ckeditor.com/demo - select …
12:09 PM Ticket #9002 (Tabelle cell lost after style has been applied) created by Ralf Pöhlmann
1. Add a new table (2x3) 2. Enter some text in all cells beside the …
12:00 PM Ticket #9001 (Format cannot be applied if first line of selection is already in ...) created by Ralf Pöhlmann
0. Start an empty page 1. Select "normal" format and write some words …
11:20 AM Ticket #4977 ([IE] After inserting Text and Table Template we can't go back and Type ...) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: This is no longer reproducible in latest CKEditor 3.6.3
10:27 AM Ticket #3467 (Incorect cyrillic letters input on Adobe AIR) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I have just checked this issue in Adobe AIR sample for latest …
10:23 AM Ticket #9000 ([IE] incorrect enter key behavior into pre block) created by Karen Ananiev
1. Insert the following html: […] Switch to WYSIWYG mode and …
9:49 AM Ticket #4796 (Flash objects are output incorrectly) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: This issue has expired on trunk.
9:47 AM Ticket #4408 (Image Resizing Inconsistencies) closed by Jakub Ś
9:47 AM Ticket #4698 (galeon should be treated like konqueror) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: Galeon is now dead browser its futures were moved to Epiphany where …
9:15 AM Ticket #4019 ([Safari] RTL - cursor possition is wrong) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This is because you are using LTR language in RTL container. If …
5:01 AM Ticket #8999 (Cannot edit label elements) created by Ollea
When I click on a "label" element the field that the label is defined …

May 28, 2012:

1:04 PM Ticket #8998 (JSON support for CKEditor JavaScript files) created by Anna Tomanek
As requested on the community forum: …

May 25, 2012:

2:17 PM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Teresa Monahan
2:14 PM Ticket #8997 (Styles are lost on sub-lists when converting from numbered list to ...) created by Teresa Monahan
To Reproduce: - Copy the following content into the Source view of …
1:50 PM Ticket #8993 (changed in editor.css is not seems in IE browser) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Try using …
1:15 PM Ticket #8996 (Pasting into styled content results in multiple style tags instead of ...) created by Teresa Monahan
To reproduce: - Open the replacebyclass sample and place the cursor …
12:25 PM Changeset [7490] by Wiktor Walc
Updated copyright information (ignore, checking notifications).
11:54 AM Ticket #5844 (config.contentsCss breaks kama skin font-size select) closed by Jakub Ś
9:27 AM Ticket #8995 (Link gets destroyed in bbcode when you modify it) created by Jakub Ś
To reproduce: 1. Open bbcode sample and clear all contents 2. Insert …
9:19 AM Ticket #8994 (Firefox, Webkit and Opera - Can't exit link at the end of document in ...) created by Jakub Ś
To reproduce: 1. Open bbcode sample and clear all contents 2. Insert …
9:07 AM Changeset [7489] by Wiktor Walc
Updated copyright information (ignore, checking notifications).
8:45 AM Changeset [7488] by Wiktor Walc
Updated copyright information (ignore, checking notifications).
8:37 AM Ticket #8993 (changed in editor.css is not seems in IE browser) created by bhargav
when i changed image(icons.png) from editor.css IE browser bring the …
7:15 AM Changeset [7487] by cksource_robot
Updated translations from CKEditor Translation Center

May 24, 2012:

3:42 PM Changeset [7486] by cksource_robot
Updated translations from CKEditor Translation Center

May 23, 2012:

2:31 PM Changeset [7485] by Wiktor Walc
Updated copyright information
9:12 AM Ticket #8859 (Remove Image alignment styles) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I don't agree with you here. This is always one extra place where this …
8:43 AM Ticket #8992 (FF: You can't delete placeholder using backspace key) created by Jakub Ś
To reproduce: 1. Open placeholder plugin sample 2. Put cursor behind …
7:23 AM Ticket #8978 (IE: Editor selection is intermittently lost when an item is selected ...) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: A workaround that always worked for me in IE is adding …
6:51 AM Ticket #8977 (CKEditor locks the browser (javascript loop) with certain contents) reopened by Jakub Ś

May 22, 2012:

3:57 PM Ticket #8991 (Managed pipeline mode IIS 7.5) created by Rohit
CK editor asp .net not loading on IIS 7.5 managed pipeline mode: …
2:13 PM Ticket #8990 (IE8: Not possible to move cursor behind placeholder) created by Jakub Ś
I have found it when reproducing #8989 To reproduce: 1. Open …
2:09 PM Ticket #8989 (IE placeholder plugin - you can't insert one place holder after another) created by Jakub Ś
To reproduce: 1. Open placeholder sample and clear editor contents 2. …
11:45 AM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Teresa Monahan
11:25 AM Ticket #8988 (with JAWS: Focus not shown when you navigate menu options) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. with JAWS on, Open any CK Editor …
9:57 AM Ticket #8984 (Takes a very long time to paste large amount of text into the editor) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
wontfix: I doubt we'll ever be able to handle 10MB of pasted data in a …
8:00 AM Ticket #8977 (CKEditor locks the browser (javascript loop) with certain contents) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: You have used invalid HTML that is why you have got weird result. …

May 21, 2012:

4:59 PM Ticket #8987 ([iOS] Can not "Select All" after Copy and Paste text in the editor) created by Meghan Mueller-Cox
1. Select and Copy Text that already exists in edit. 2. Paste the text …
10:18 AM Ticket #8908 (Content pasted using 'Paste as Plain text' is sometimes styled in the ...) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: This is by design. Our assumption is that Paste as Plain Text doesn't …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.
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