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Results (401 - 500 of 510)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#1662 HTTP MSIE Multiple Style Tags Code Exec Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1669 sample13 failed on ie7 IE7 Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1699 New FCKeditor have errors! Problem with FileBrowser WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#1704 FCKStyles is not defined WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#1724 code is changed on save WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#1749 Unresponsive Script on Replace Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1755 Folders act like files in the File Browser WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#1770 On save/preview we just see an empty preview WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1783 alphabetized files Pending WorksForMe New Feature closed Normal
#1798 Blank Editor/Text Area ~ FCKeditor could not load in IE6 WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#1808 boot.ini bug Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1857 IE: <br> added in regular text after pasting. Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1860 <link> tag is being modified upon save Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1888 Error using ReplaceTextarea with IE7/Vista Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1894 upload location broken if browser server works, and visa versa Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1925 categorie link renamed on edit Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1928 using FCKeditor in Mozilla ,cannot use 'delete' and 'back space' buttons when editor first instantates Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1942 Connector fails to respond correctly on invalid parameter WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1959 some code is not valid with xhtml Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1979 Textarea not editable in IE7 Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1988 IE 6 issues Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2023 FitWindow (Fullscreen) IE -> after close, with changes to 100% Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2026 IE6 + MediaWiki Extension: Minor edits within an existing line crash IE6 Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2034 oConnector is undefined in frmresourcetype.html and frmfolders.html WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2051 Command-z shortcut fails to undo text formatting under OS X/Firefox Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2060 Find focus text by scorlling entire page in Ie6 (maybe Ie7) Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2085 Error in JS with unknown function at time of unload. Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2111 File upload problem when using tilde in path Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2112 Can't close the modal template window in Firefox Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2128 fck editor+ media wiki not working in firefox WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2130 Repeated addition of square brackets on editing external file links Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2139 Javascript error in loading FCK editor in IE7 WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2169 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2172 Uploading Image to MediaWiki Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2187 Existing image links are smashed when saving Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2200 Html entity problem Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2209 Configure DefaultFontLabel does not change default used font WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2211 error in page FCKdialog is undefined Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2212 Can not save edits Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2213 Multiple Editors not fireing onload event. Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2214 Javascript loading errors when loading FCK in Firefox Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2227 Spacing issues Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2242 Editor content is corrapted after pressing del in the end of paragraph (FireFox) Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2249 IE: browser throws an error when FCKeditor is placed in a popup window Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2250 Error with convert tag nbsp while POSTing content Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2259 javascript in deleted form header Worksforme, Pending Bug closed Normal
#2262 Creating a list from selection in gecko fails if starting from a blank page WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2265 Editor - Anchor,Page Break,HR,INPUT:hidden and Flash - java script error Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2277 Punctuation Placement Issue with Right-to-Left Language Input Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2280 Revision comparison bug (HTML passing into comparison rather than WikiText) Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2288 Nested formatting goes wrong Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2289 wiki sites freeze in firefox 3.0 Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2290 Cut, copy and paste buttons are not working Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2337 Formatting not applied Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2351 AutoDetectLanguage, not using "first available language" WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2354 FCKeditor 2.6.2 - problem with loading on opera 9.50 Worksforme, Pending Bug closed Normal
#2379 Access denied in IE7 and Wordpress 2.5.1, FCKEditor 2.4.1 WP plugin Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2384 Tag object: Switching to wysiwyg mode changes param "movie" to "about:blank" Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2443 creating link with the string "gif" in it creates bad url Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2479 Image Property Dialog Not Displaying Correctly Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2499 NaN when using <ul> or <ol> Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2518 Wrong processing of the link browsed from server Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2546 List is broken when pressing enter in empty sublist item Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2556 Two paragraph elements added on a single Enter keystroke Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2569 using <textarea> in FCKeditor - does not handle anything after <textarea> Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2610 destroyed template tag when using mediawiki fckeditor extension with Firefox Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2628 OnSelectionChange / isDirty not handled correctly on FF when not focus set Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2639 Incorrect class definition (double quotes) Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2695 Don't convert newline characters into <BR /> inside <PRE>...</PRE> Pending WorksForMe Task closed Normal
#2697 Page Break in the middle of paragraph closes opening 'p' tag before <hr> and adds <p>&nbsp;</p> to ending 'p' tag when toggling to source Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2699 'OK' button in table dialog disappears Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2857 EditorAreaCSS IE8 IE8 Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2889 Access denied when using GetHtml - IE WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2914 no automatic search results - MediaWiki + FCKeditor WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#2941 JavaScript : Sample 02 : Replacement of a TEXTAREA WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2982 plugin:flash 'id' attribute failed to apply in IE IE WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#2983 plugin:showblock missing tagname icon WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#3062 V3 : Show blocks bug WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#3144 Block styles incorrect with list WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#3154 In IE: CKEditor - Editor Area content is not word wrapped Oracle WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#3168 Unknown script code appears in the editor Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#3169 [IE] Indent problem with <pre> IE WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#3226 Anchor image not visible in Safari on empty paragraph WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#3249 'Deleted Text' Style within list item problem Firefox WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#3278 2.6.4 version Focus Problem Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#3296 JavaScript error on tab and shift-tab in IE with tabindex IE WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#3310 Styles are not being applied to multiple selections Confirmed WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#3587 Error pressing enter after selectAll WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#3594 Style names does not appear in CKEditor Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#3595 Wrong display the font names Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#3596 Wrong display the style names WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#3810 IE: Template throws error Confirmed IE Review? WorksForMe Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#3816 QuickUpload doesn't work Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#3937 [IE] The first opened panel doesn't hide IE WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#4080 [FF3] dialogs sometimes doesn't show Firefox WorksForMe Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal
#4083 Editor Source Mode Removed Head Tag Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#4113 stylesheets for WSC plugin are broken WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#4160 Firefox WinXP 3.5.1: Seeing "Your browser is not compatible with CKEditor" error WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#4209 CKEditor UI not visible in IE7 when the cache is empty and placed in table-layout:fixed IE WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#4220 IE6/IE7 problem - "Browse server" not working Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
1 2 3 4 5 6
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