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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#218 Word-formatted text fails to paste with Firefox for Mac Confirmed Firefox Mac CantFix Bug closed Normal
#235 FF: Toolbar icons are now displayed correctly on Mac OS X SF Firefox Mac WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#1051 The Fckeditor paste command is not executed on using Command +V on Mac firefox Confirmed Firefox Mac CantFix Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1698 Phantom scrollbar problem experienced when switching between normal and expanded editor views Firefox Mac Bug closed Normal
#1701 <span class="Apple-style-span"> for Bold with "Cmde" "B" Confirmed Safari Mac CantFix Bug closed Normal
#1710 Copy and paste differences with Safari Mac Safari Mac CantFix Bug closed Normal
#1772 cmd-[back arrow] on FF Mac navigates browser instead of moving cursor in editor Firefox Mac Bug closed Normal
#5068 Paste in Safari Always Pastes at the Beginning of Editor Content Confirmed Safari Mac Pending Bug closed Normal
#5095 CKEditor: Safari deletes selected text when browser Edit menu is clicked Confirmed Safari Mac Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
#6312 Image button properties not available in the context menu Mac Safari Bug closed Normal
#6314 Checkbox Properties not available in the context menu Safari Mac Bug closed Normal
#6540 Safari: AutoGrow plugin - CKEditor loses focus IBM Safari Mac Bug closed Normal
#6543 Applying style to selected content deletes the content Safari Mac Bug closed Normal
#6545 Safari: new paragraph is being added automatically Mac Safari Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6559 Maximize plugin @ Opera/Mac Opera Mac Bug closed Normal
#6653 Multi-line Paste Bug in OS X Safari Safari Mac Bug closed Normal
#6969 Safari on Mac : Cursor goes out of editor body when auto grow kicks in IBM Safari Mac Bug closed Normal
#6982 Full page mode: moving image creates another body element Mac Chrome Bug closed Normal
#7025 Safari, Mac: Placeholder - "Edit Placeholder" is missing in the context menu Safari Mac Bug closed Normal
#7237 ForcePasteAsPlainText doesn't seem to work for Mac users. Firefox Mac Bug closed Normal
#7246 Text scrolling failing when using find operation Firefox3 Mac Bug closed Normal
#7431 Safari: Cursor stays in editing area after opening a dialog Safari Mac Bug closed Normal
#7537 [Safari][Mac]: unable to switch to source mode after moving an image Safari Mac Bug confirmed Normal
#7538 [Chrome][Mac]: moving an image adds a meta tag Chrome Mac Bug closed Normal
#8409 Window scrolling on paste (cmd+v) Firefox Mac Bug closed Normal
#8647 Placeholder plugin bug Mac Bug closed Normal
#8652 Upload controls not available in Safari, in RTL mode Mac Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug review Normal
#8873 Safari on Mac: cannot type in the editor after using tab to navigate into the content area IBM Mac Safari Bug closed Normal
#9053 Pasting texts from Apple Mail into CKEditor using safari only paste the first paragraph Safari Mac Bug confirmed Normal
#9078 Keyboard shortcut for º (degree symbol) is not working on Mac Mac Bug confirmed Normal
#9120 Sleipnir 3.5 for Mac, a Safari-based browser fails to load CKeditor Mac Bug closed Normal
#9337 CK Editor content to Indesign 5 Mac indesign 5 mac convert content Task closed Normal
#9547 Autogrow plugin breaks dropdowns Mac Firefox Bug closed Normal
#9554 [Webkit Mac] Editor scrolls on paste Webkit Mac Bug closed Normal
#9691 Context menu items not consistent Mac Bug closed Normal
#10078 BBCode: No line-breaks when pasting paragraphed text Mac Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#10447 mouse-moving an image fails in chrome, works in safari Mac Chrome Bug closed Normal
#11306 [OSX][Webkit/Blink][Image2] No context menu entry on right-click Mac Webkit Blink Olek Nowodziński Bug closed Normal
#11412 [OSX, Safari] Pressing ESC key in a dialog brings fullscreen browser window back to normal state Mac Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#11414 [OSX, Safari] Problems when closing a dialog with ESC and unsaved contents Mac Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#11475 [Chrome] No context menu on text input when editor doesn't have focus Mac Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#12187 [Safari] Link's keystroke does not work Safari Mac Bug confirmed Normal
#14314 Selecting text within editor using Safari on page with multiple ckeditor instances results in odd scrolling behavior. Safari Mac Bug closed Normal
#14516 Copy form Safari: broken encoding Safari Mac Bug confirmed Normal
#14636 Clicking at the end of text in table cell results in some menu options being disabled. Webkit Blink Mac Support Bug confirmed Normal
#566 Safari: Images disappear on drag and drop Confirmed Safari Mac Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
#2066 Safari : fullscreen mode doesn't work since Safari 3.1 Confirmed Safari Mac Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
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