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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#12602 Enter key at the end of block is broken Android Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

In Firefox on Android, if you press enter at the end of a paragraph, the cursor skips down to a new line briefly, but then jumps back up. It is not possible to cursor down. You can tap a touchscreen where the next paragraph would be entered to move there. Problem occurs on your demo site, and in our local copy of 4.4.5.

Test platform: Android 28 or 33 on Nexus 10, Android 4.3.

This seems similar to ticket #12423.

#13721 [Android][Firefox] Problems with text selection Android Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Tested on Firefox 40 for Android 5.1.1:

  • Try to select text by long touch on the word.

Expected result
Text should be selected.

Actual result
Context menu appears.

#13727 [Android][Firefox] Preview command opens empty document Android Firefox Bug closed Normal

Android 5.1.1, Firefox 40, CKEditor 4.5.3

  • Open CKEditor demo page.
  • Use Preview command from toolbar.

Preview document is opened in new tab.

Empty document is opened in new tab.

#13841 Elements path selection and deletion work unexpectedly Blink firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start with the following source:
<div style="background:red;">some red text</div>
<div style="background:yellow;">some yellow text</div>
<div style="background:blue;">some blue text</div>
  1. In WYSIWYG, place cursor on the yellow text
  2. On the elements path bar at the bottom, click "div" to highlight the yellow div
  3. Press delete

Expected result

I would expect the yellow div to be removed, and the result to be:

<div style="background:red;">some red text</div>
<div style="background:blue;">some blue text</div>

Actual result

Instead, the context on yellow is removed, and the content of the following blue div is replaced inside instead (along with some line-height added for some reason):

<div style="background:red;">some red text</div>
<div style="background:yellow;"><span style="background-color:blue; line-height:1.6">some blue text</span></div>

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Using Chrome on Linux.

Reproducible on

I feel like this was working differently (and used to just remove the div) in previous releases.

Please see comment:1 for Firefox result

#10949 [Blink Firefox] Readonly editor elementspath selection doesn't select as expected. Blink Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

When the editor is readonly clicking an element in elements path does not truly select it in Blink and Firefox.

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to the mission crew table and click to focus it
  3. Click "table" in elementspath
  4. The table is selected, but the selection color is gray. Notice that the copy icon is enabled.
  5. Press Ctrl-C to try and copy the selection
  6. Make the editor editable and try to paste or paste in some other program -> fail.

NOTE: This doesn't have to be table. You can select list or any other element. In blink and Firefox you won't be able to copy it. Blink informs you about it with system sound while FF does nothing.

Workaround: select the table with the mouse and copy it then (notice the blue selection instead of the gray one in step 3). This is really difficult to control though as the mouse selection is not accurate or easy. This is difficult when for example trying to copy long or nested tables.

#13735 Paste from word Blink Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. In IE use the paste from word functionality for the attached file(Works as expected)
  2. In FF 40.0.3 and Chrome 45, pasting from Word will not paste all text.

The text "Rationale" will be missing and replaced with a bullet point.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

#14563 Active link cursor continues on new line when pressing enter Blink Webkit Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a URL link
  2. Move the cursor to the end of the link (Press END)
  3. Press Enter (enter mode should ENTER_BR)

Expected result

Opening the link plugin now will open a dialog for creating a NEW link.

Actual result

Opening the link plugin now will start editing the link in the previous line.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

After step (3), if i start typing again, the link blue special cursr will be gone and the regular black cursor will be back, that means, the link doesn't continue in the second line, only when i press enter. So now to disable the link effect, I type a letter and then remove it.


#14614 Whitespace is removed when pasting content in visual mode Blink Webkit Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

This behavior changed between v4.5.4 and v4.5.7. In v4.5.4, if you pasted content with whitespace, the whitespace was preserved. In v4.5.7, the whitespace is trimmed. It appears on the current demo page as well.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open
  2. Switch to Source mode
  3. Add a fixed width section, like:
     / @ @ \
    ( > º < )
     /  O  \
  4. Switch back to WYSIWYG mode
  5. Copy the ASCII art
  6. Paste it. Consecutive whitespace is removed.
  7. Switch back to Source mode. Paste. Whitespace is retained

Expected result

In either visual or source mode, the whitespace is retained.

Actual result

Whitespace is only retained in source mode.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Also reproduces on, using CKEditor v4.5.7. and plugins:

dialogui, dialog, a11yhelp, autogrow, basicstyles, bidi, blockquote, clipboard, panel, floatpanel, menu, contextmenu, dialogadvtab, elementspath, enterkey, entities, find, htmlwriter, image, indent, indentlist, button, menubutton, language, fakeobjects, link, list, liststyle, magicline, maximize, pastefromword, pastetext, removeformat, resize, scayt, sharedspace, showblocks, showborders, sourcearea, listblock, richcombo, stylescombo, tab, table, tabletools, toolbar, undo, wsc, wysiwygarea, mdn-attachment, mdn-format, mdn-sticky-toolbar, mdn-image-attachment, mdn-link-customization, mdn-link-launch, mdn-redirect, mdn-sample-finder, mdn-sampler, mdn-spell, mdn-syntaxhighlighter, mdn-system-integration, mdn-table-customization, mdn-toggle-block, mdn-wrapstyle, mdn-youtube, descriptionlist, tablesort, texzilla

#14423 cursor seems to be fixed at this position while pressing the arrow key CantFix firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. insert following HTML Code to the CKEditor
  2. click at the end of 'test'
  3. press the arrow up key twice

Expected result

cursor in the table

Actual result

cursor is placed at the start of the word 'test' and seems to be fixed at this position while pressing the arrow key

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

<html lang="de"> <head>


</head> <body> <div> <table>






</table> <a href="#">test</a></div> </body> </html>

#6052 When centered a table, the pads sizing the table are not centered CantFix Firefox Bug closed Normal

When centered a table, the pads sizing the table are not centered

#2525 Chrome: error if FCKConfig.StartupShowBlocks = true Confirmed Chrome Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Hello, If you execute FCKEditor on Google Chrome on the latest trunk (seem appear in the 2.6.3), I have an error if FCKConfig.StartupShowBlocks is set to true.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeType' of null ... wblocks.js (line 59)
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
FCK.EditorDocument.selection.createRange().select() ;
catch ( e )
var focus = FCK.EditorWindow.getSelection().focusNode ;
if ( focus.nodeType != 1 )
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeType' of null
focus = focus.parentNode ;
FCKDomTools.ScrollIntoView( focus, false ) ;

To fix the problem I have just added "try catch" in the "else" branch.

regards Frederic

#211 Firefox: Unclosed <p> tag results in cursor not showing up and can't focus into editor Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Load demo @ or from SVN
  1. Switch to source mode and enter the following:
  1. Switch back to normal mode

The cursor disappears. You can't focus into editor.

Do I win a prize for "shortest markup that causes a bug"? :)

#246 EnterMode=div can lose tags in Firefox Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

Browser: Firefox

The following causes <div> tags to be lost when EnterMode=div and text to be corrupted (eg whitespace is lost and lines are joined together)

  1. Go to and switch to the "Enter key behaviour" editor
  2. Switch "When [Enter] is pressed" to "Create new <div>"
  3. Type a<enter>b<enter>c<enter>
  4. Go to view source mode. Note lines are correctly created with divs (eg. <div>a</div>, etc)
  5. Switch back to wysiwig mode
  6. Ctrl-A to select all
  7. Click the "center text" toolbar icon (nothing happens)
  8. Go to view source mode. Note that there is only 1 div, and after "a" there is a <br />, and b and c are now together with no tags between them
  9. Go back to wysiwyg mode. Note that b and c are now together on the same line with no spacing between them.

It basically seems that some editor commands completely break the <div>'s. From some testing this appears related to alignment (left/right/center/justify) and changing to list items/back from list items.

#254 FF: IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue is not honored Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

When running the editor under FF, it starts with <p>&nbsp;</p> in the code.

The same problem occurs if deleting all text.


  1. In wysiwyg mode, type some text.
  2. Select All (Ctrl+A).
  3. Press Delete (Text is gone)
  4. Go to source mode, <p>&nbsp;</p> is present


  1. Perform steps 1-3 above
  2. Go to source mode, source is empty

One final note, with FF, if you delete all the text in source mode and then switch to wysiwyg mode and back to source mode, the source is empty.

#284 Firefox: Additional <br /> tags removed from end of document Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

If additional <br /> tags are placed at end of document, they are removed one at a time each time you swap to Source view and back.
This problem occurs in Firefox but works correctly in IE7.

I am using FCKeditor version 2.4.1 which is inserted into ASPX pages using FCKeditor.Net.

To replicate:

  • Set FCKConfig.EnterMode = 'br' ;
  • In the editor, type a word (eg. Hello)
  • Hit the Enter key numerous times (eg. 6 times)
  • Switch to Source view
  • Count the number of <br /> tags
  • Switch back to normal view
  • Switch back to Source view
  • Compare the number of <br /> tags to that above
  • Do this several times. Each time you switch to Source view and back, a <br /> tag will disappear.

In my case, I am inserting the html entered in the editor into another page dynamically and want to allow the <br /> tags to increase the distance between the html from the editor and the html in the rest of the page.

#346 blank first line in PRE tag causes newline characters to be removed Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

This issue only affects Firefox (tested with

When the first line within a PRE tag is blank, the newline characters in the remaining lines will be removed after clicking on the Source button several times.

  1. To reproduce this issue, paste the following into FCKeditor's Source view:

   * First line (above) is blank.
   * Some more text...
   public void testFunction(){
     System.out.println( "abc" );
  1. Next press the Source button to return to the normal view.
  1. Now press the Source button two more times and you will see that the lines within the PRE tag are mangled due to the missing newline characters.

This ticket may be related to ticket #328.

#350 FF: <marquee> appends <p>&nbsp;</p> to the output Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

There was a previous ticket regarding Firefox ignoring the IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue and putting


whenever there was whitespace. We are encountering a similar, though likely unrelated problem, in the version that this bug was supposedly fixed in. Firefox ISN'T putting the empty paragraph tags in empty space, which is good. It's not supposed to. However there's an exception to this. If you use the marquee tag within the FCKeditor, it puts the empty paragraph tags before and after it. For example, we put in the following code into the FCKeditor:

<marquee scrollamount="4"><font size="4" color="#808000"><strong>Welcome!&nbsp; <a href="">Click Here to ask about our Event Sponsorship Opportunities!</a></strong></font></marquee>
<p>Just some test text<br />
Hello?<br />
<br />
<table width="400" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" align="center">
            <td>let's see</td>

and, upon saving our changes to the database and coming back to the page, it turned it into this:

<marquee scrollamount="4"><font size="4" color="#808000"><strong>Welcome!&nbsp; <a href="">Click Here to ask about our Event Sponsorship Opportunities!</a></strong></font></marquee>
<p>Just some test text<br />
Hello?<br />
<br />
<table width="400" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" align="center">
            <td>let's see</td>

This ONLY happens in Firefox (any version). It does not happen in Internet Exploder. We DO have version 2.4.1, which supposedly fixed the problem with FF and IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue. We could upgrade to 2.4.2 (and may soon), but according to "What's News", the only thing fixed in 2.4.2 was a problem with UTF, so I doubt that would fix this problem.

We are aware that the marquee tag is no longer supported in HTML specifications, but we thought it might indicate a problem somewhere and still be fixable, regardless of this lack of marquee support, and especially since it only happened in Firefox, so we thought we should submit this ticket.



#351 Inserted image gets deleted if the rest of the document is empty Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

If creating a new document with FCKeditor and you insert an image and then attempt to save the document/submit the form, the result is that the image (and the HTML image tag) gets deleted. I can workaround this by typing in some text, then the image gets saved, but if the image tag/image is the only thing in the document, when saving, the image/img tag gets deleted. This shouldn't happen. A person may want to insert just an image into a document without any text or other tags surrounding it. This bug prevents that from being a possibility. Keep up the great work, FCKeditor is the best!

#393 Cursor inside link but expected to be "after" it Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

This problem is hard to explain, but easy to repeat:

Go into Internet Explorer, create a hyperlink using the toolbar hyperlink tool, and click "Ok". Put your cursor on the right side of the link and start typing.

Now do the same thing in Firefox.

See the difference? In Internet Explorer, the new text you type isn't part of the link, but it is in Firefox. In fact, the only way to close the link is to now use the source button.

Just aggravating.



#427 Bulleted lists don't align properly in Firefox Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Centering and right justifying a bulleted list doesn't behave properly in Firefox. IE7 worked correctly.

Using the test site:

  1. Create a simple bulleted list. Hit UL on toolbar
  2. Enter line 1, enter, line 2, enter, line 3, line 4
  3. Highlight the list and hit Center Justify. Line x test is justified but bullets remain left justified.
  4. Source created:
        <div align="center">Line 1</div>
        <div align="center">Line 2</div>
        <div align="center">Line 3</div>
        <div align="center">Line 4</div>
  5. Repeating to right justify. Text is correctly right justified but bullets stay left justified.

Note: Make sure that the browser cache is cleared before trying to reproduce.

#430 Remove link issue when class attribute is defined Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

This issue exists on Firefox Doesn't appear to be an issue with IE7.

When a link tag with a defined class attribute is removed using the "Remove link" button, the link tag is converted to a span tag instead of being removed.

  1. To reproduce this issue, paste the following into FCKeditor's Source view:
<p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="" class="myCssClass">FCKeditor</a>.</p>
  1. Next press the Source button to return to the normal view. Select the link in the editor area and click on the "Remove Link" button.
  1. Finally, press the Source button again and you will see that the link tag has been converted to a span tag.
#486 Cursor navigation difficult with multiple smileys or images in FF2 Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

To Reproduce:

  1. Insert a few smileys(or images) in a row
  2. Using the arrow keys, attempt to move the cursor around

Cursor navigation does not work. Up/Down will jump to the front or back of the whole block while Left/Right do nothing.

This issue only occurs in Firefox.

#488 FF: Strange cursor behavior with lists after viewing source Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To Reproduce:

  1. Delete all existing text
  2. Create a list (bulleted or numbered)
  3. View source
  4. Click the source button again to view normally
  5. Position the cursor at the beginning of the first element
  6. Press the up arrow key

Cursor moves one line up, and is only half visible. Hitting return here creates new lines, but no text can be entered on these lines. (It is actually creating the html: <ol></ol> )

This bug does not happen in IE. It is exclusive to Firefox.

#525 FF: Sucessive DIVs are joined wrongly with del or backspace Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

Paste the following in the Source View:

<div class="title">headline</div>
<div class="text" style="color:Red">body</div>

When trying to join both DIVs by using del or backspace, we have the following result:

<div class="text" style="color:Red">headlinebody</div>

The attributes of the second DIV prevailed over the first one. The opposite is expected though.

To note that it doesn't happen if EnterMode=div.

Works well with IE6.

#913 can edit broken image's alt text, but it is not saved Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

if you have an image with a broken URL, the alt text will show in Firefox. this alt text is editable, but the changes are not saved.

to test:

  1. open 2.4.3 demo
  2. click Source
  3. replace all source with '<img src="blah" alt="test" />'
  4. click Source
  5. the word "test" is visible and editable. edit the text.
  6. click Source again.
  7. the changes you made are not visible.
#1054 Incorrect line spacing after deleting everything in document in Firefox Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Reproduction procedure:

  1. Go to sample01.html.
  2. Press Ctrl-A to select all.
  3. Press Del to delete everything.
  4. Type "First line", press Enter.
  5. Type "Second line", press Enter.
  6. Type "Third line", press Enter.
  7. Notice the line spacing between "First line" and "Second line" is much larger than expected.

This bug does not occur in 2.4.3.

#1056 Caret disappearing and hanging above an empty document in Firefox Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Reproduction procedure:

  1. Open sample01.html in Firefox.
  2. Press Ctrl-A and Delete to delete all contents.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Press Backspace.
  5. Now the caret disappears.
  6. Press the up arrow key.
  7. Now the caret hangs above the empty document.

This bug can be reproduced on both the current SVN version and in 2.4.3.

#1060 Not compatible with Firefox 3 Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

I have been using FCK Editor in my web pages for quite some time. It works great in IE6/IE7, FireFox Versions 1/ 1.5 / 2

But to my surprise it just failed to appear in upcoming Fire Fox 3.
I have tested with Fire Fox Alpha 3 Build 7 ( Gran Paradiso )
I have downloaded Firefor 3 from :
I am worried : It is just a temporary bug or Firefox is going to drop support for Design Mode functionality all to gather.



#1061 Backspace and delete does not work under Firefox Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

This bug is reproducible under both 2.4.3 and the SVN version, though with different procedures. They both seem to be related to the bogus <br> tags added by Mozilla Midas and by us.

Reproduction procedure on 2.4.3:

  1. Go to sample01.html, delete everything.
  2. Press Enter twice.
  3. Press Backspace twice.
  4. Press the up arrow, now the caret hangs above the document.
  5. Press the "Insert Special Character" button, and insert a "TM" character.
  6. Try to delete the "TM" character by backspace or delete.
  7. The "TM" character cannot be deleted, even select + delete does not work.

For the SVN version, I don't have a reliable way of reproducing it, but it seems to occur more often in the SVN version. The following is a more reliable method that I can get the bug to occur after a few trials:

  1. Clear the editor document, and insert a "TM" character with the "Insert Special Character" dialog.
  2. Press backspace to delete it. If you are lucky it wouldn't work.
  3. What if it worked? Undo with Ctrl-Z, and the game begins...
  4. Try any method to move the caret around the "TM" character, End, Home, Left, Up, Down, Right, etc. Open a new line or two below it and delete them. Just mess with the caret, and then try to delete the "TM" character.
  5. After a few trials, you find the "TM" character have gained immortality... if you don't switch to Source mode or refresh the page, that is.
#1121 Scrolling does not work properly with the new Enter Key handler code Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

This issue seems to be Firefox specific. The bug seems to be in the FCKEnterKey class although I could not figure out how to fix it.

To reproduce (very easy):

  • download the latest nightly built (or version 2.4.3)
  • edit fckconfig.js and replace: FCKConfig.EnterMode = 'p' ; by FCKConfig.EnterMode = 'br' ;
  • Load the _samples/default.html page into Firefox
  • Now keep pressing the enter key until the cursor goes down enough to create a scrollbar

What you will see: You will notice that the scrollbar does not go down and follow the cursor as expected. So the cursor becomes no longer visible.

What should happen instead: The scrollbar should scroll down and the cursor should still be visible.

NOTE: Type any character (other than Enter) and the scrollbar will work fine, which seem to point to a bug in the Enter Key handler code

#1176 JavaScript error after switching to Source mode and back Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

Reproduction procedure:

  1. Open sample01.html in Firefox.
  2. Press "Source" button to go to source mode.
  3. Press "Source" button again to go back.
  4. A JavaScript error occurs: "this.Window has no properties".

The same problem does not occur in IE. Also it seems the bug was introduced with the style system.

#1177 Cannot join two paragraphs together Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

Reproduction procedure:

  1. Open sample01.html in Firefox.
  2. Enable "Show Blocks".
  3. Place the cursor to the end of the first paragraph.
  4. Press Shift-Enter.
  5. Press Enter to open a new paragraph.
  6. Now go back to the empty line in the previous paragraph.
  7. Press Delete, press it again, press it as much as you want.
  8. The second paragraph stays there as if nothing happened.
#1189 Javascript-Console Errors for skins Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

Using Firefox > 1.5 and starting the FCKEditor-2.4.3 we get some errors in the Javascript-Console for ignored properties display, filter, text-overflow. These properties are not supported by Firefox and so we dont like to see them as errors.

#1235 Bogux BR is excessively removed when joining paragraphs Confirmed Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Load sample01.html;
  2. Enable "Show Blocks" to make things easier to see;
  3. At the end of the paragraph, hit Shift+Enter;
  4. Now hit Enter for a new paragraph;
  5. Hit backspace.

The second paragraph will be correctly removed, but the cursor will be blinking in the wrong place. The line space in the first paragraph will be removed too.

The problem is that the ending paragraph doesn't have the bogus BR anymore, so it doesn't get expanded.

#1247 On Enter, the new paragraph may be mispositioned in a specific case Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Load sample01.html and enable "Show Blocks";
  2. Hit Enter at the end of the paragraph;
  3. Hit Shift+Enter to expand the new block with a new line;
  4. Hit Enter. The newly created paragraph is placed before the old one, instead of after it.
#1262 FF: Wrong style detection at the end of paragraphs Confirmed Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open sample01.html;
  2. Load the following HTML (no enter between blocks):
<h1>Title</h1><p>Sample text</p>
  1. Switch to WYSIWYG;
  2. Move the caret after "Title".

In Firefox, the Format combo will display "Normal" instead of "Heading 1". It works well with IE.

This impacts not only the Format combo, but any kind of formatting thing that happen at the end of paragraphs.

#1268 Cursor and Whitespaces: not right blinking on the right position Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

OS: Kubuntu 7.04 / Windows Vista Browser: Firefox FCKeditor: 2.4.3

Just write a letter and the make a whitespace. The cursor is still blinking after the letter, not after the whitespace.

#1331 Repeated core style vs. inline styled range Confirmed Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

FCKEditor nightly built version:

1.) let's type some text 2.) use an inline style - for example "Inline quotation" 3.) select a part of the inline-styled text 4.) use Bold (or underline or italic) and the selected text will be bold - all right 5.) use Bold once more and the selected text will be normal - all right 6.) use Bold once more - FCKEditor uses the Bold for the whole inline object - failure

Browser: Mozilla Firefox OS: WinXP Pro SP2

#1350 Firefox Delete bug with <p> and <br type="_moz" /> Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

This bug occurs in gecko based browsers only.

This bug is a bit hard to explain. But put the following source code in. Then at the end of the first line, press enter, then shift enter, then enter, then shift enter (continue alternating between br and p modes respectively for a few lines). After doing this a few times, press backspace until you get the cursor back to the first line. Some of the <br type="_moz" /> tags are not cleaned up and are left hanging around *after* the cursor.

I have set the background color so that you can clearly see the excess <br type="_moz" />s at the end.

<p style="background: rgb(255, 255, 204) none repeat scroll 0% 50%;">Alternate pressing enter and shift enter, then backspace</p>

#1357 Doing Select All in Firefox, the parent node of the selection is wrong Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

If the Select All command is used in Firefox, the selection object will return the <html> node as the parent of the current selection, but GetSelectedElement() returns <p> not the body

#1392 Overrides and Spans not working as expected in Windows and Firefox Confirmed Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

If I use your sample 14 in the html folder for 2.5 I am having the following problem:

1: Delete the text in the box and type in some new text, "Testing line 1".

2: Highlight "Testing line 1" and change the text size to 8pt.

3: Put the curser at the end of the line for "Testing line 1" and hit the enter key two times to create 2 new lines

4: Type in "Testing line 2", notice it is 8pt.

5: Highlight just "Testing line 2" and change the font to 14pt. For me it changes both lines of text not just the highligted text. I would expect the behavior to just change the size for just the highlighted section.

This is just an example, but I am having the same problem with overrides and spans in the changes that I am making.

If I hit the submit key I get the correct code for changing both lines: Key: FCKeditor1, val: <p><span class=\"FontBig\">Testing line 1<br /> <br /> Testing line 2</span></p>

#1524 Cursor jumping to start and end of unordered list Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

When I create an unordered list where every element is a link, and then I click at the end of one of the items in the list, the cursor will be moved to the line before the list for one 'blink' before being moved to the start of the last line in the list.

I am using Firefox on Vista (but this has also been seen on Ubuntu). I am using FCKEditor 2.5beta, and this bug is also present in the currently nightly build.

This bug does not seem to be present in IE7 on Vista (I have not tested any other versions of IE) or Safari 3.0.3 on Vista.

I have attached an image that should clarify this bug. You can use the following HTML to replicate this in the editor:

    <li><a href="a">Accounting</a></li>
    <li><a href="a">Economics</a></li>
    <li><a href="a">Geography</a></li>
    <li><a href="a">History</a></li>
    <li><a href="a">Law</a></li>

Many Thanks,

Adam Charnock

#1575 Firefox: Empty paragraph added if an object tag occurs as first element in the body Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

If <object> is the first tag in the source, firefox adds <p>&nbsp;</p> at the beginning of the document.

Firefox 2.0.9 / Ubuntu Gutsy and windows xp+vista Reproduced with the FCKeditor demo (2.5 Beta) and 2.4.3

How to reproduce:

  1. Go to source view
  2. Remove all content
  3. Insert: <object></object>
  4. Go to html view and then back to source view
  5. The html now looks like: <p>&nbsp;</p><object></object>

This do not happen in IE.

#1584 FF3 : Context menu may remain opened Confirmed Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Insert a table.
  2. Right-click inside a cell for the context menu.
  3. Open a nested sub-menu.
  4. Click in the editing area, or a combo or color selector in the toolbar.

The parent context menu will remain opened.

#1719 Can't do unbold / unitalicize Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

I just copy and paste the following at in source

<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">&ldquo;To be well-informed is to have the world at your fingers.&rdquo;</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">&mdash;Joseph Jones</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">Dear Friend,</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">Did you know that 2007 was actually the fifth highest year for home sales in history? Take a closer look at the numbers and you will discover that the state of the real estate market may not be everything the media leads you to believe. Sometimes we all need a little historical perspective to see the big picture clearly.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">Fortunately, I did all of the research and analysis for you already. This month&rsquo;s Item of Value includes a variety of interesting and informative statistics that illustrate why last year was a good year overall for home sales. With mortgage rates historically low and new, innovative mortgage programs being unveiled, there is even greater promise for home sales in 2008.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">On the backside, you will find a noteworthy study on the rising trend of vacation home sales. Nearly one-third of vacation homes are being purchased with the intent of becoming a full-time residence upon the buyer&rsquo;s retirement. With today&rsquo;s mortgage rates, renting options and family gathering advantages, buying a vacation home is a great option to consider.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">With so much to take into account&shy;&shy;&shy; when you buy or sell a home, I am always available to help you sort out what is best for you.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">Sincerely,</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman"><i><b><span>Oh, by the way&reg;&hellip;if you know of someone who would appreciate the level of service I provide, please call me with their name and business number, and I&rsquo;ll be happy to follow up and take great care of them.&nbsp;</span></b></i></span></p>

And I couldn't do unbold and unitalicize in last line. Sometimes it does unbold and sometimes doesn't do it.

#1758 alignment and font formatting doesn't work inside a table Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

In fckeditor version 2.4.3 when i choosed a table line and i changed the alignment to center is working. In version 2.5 is not working. Same when i changed the table line text to bold.

#1847 Drag picture in Mozilla trashes src Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

In mozilla, if you drag an image around, the src changes from url to ../../url; problem if you use absolute urls for images (/path/to/image) it changes to (../../path/to/images) or a base url for the editor and the image disappears. Going to source view and back again, the good src is restored, presumably from _fcksavedurl.

#1983 [FF] Must click to the right of checkbox/radio to get context menu. (in firefox) Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

In Firefox when you right click a checkbox or a radio button, no context menu appears. But if you right-click to the right of the checkbox or radio button, the context menu does appear.

I've tested this in both version 2.6b and the nightly build. Checked in 2.5.1 and it appears there as well.

#1999 <BR> nodes get truncated switching between Source and WYSIWYG mode in Firefox Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

This problem was discovered while I was working on #1647 today.

To reproduce:

  1. Open sample01.html in Firefox.
  2. Tap Shift-Enter twice at the end of the paragraph.
  3. Switch to Source mode and back.
  4. Repeat step 3 again.
  5. The two <BR> nodes were truncated one-at-a-time at step 3 and step 4.
#2027 Context menu is hidden behind Firefox context menu Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

I've found a couple of bugs regarding context menus, but couldn't find similar issue.

Latest Ubuntu 7.10 + Firefox (no additional plugins).

Tested on: latest nightly build of FCKeditor, 2.4.3, CFKinder 1.2.

Open FCKeditor, right-click with your mouse (anywhere). Firefox context menu appears, FCKeditor menu is hidden below (I barely see it). I have to left-click once again to switch off Firefox context menu and access FCKeditor menu.

#2062 [FF] Merge Down and Merge Right doesn't work Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

I've encountered a bug while reproducing bug #2055 and checking the FF behaviour.

It seems it's impossible to merge cells down and right.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open demo page using FF
  1. Insert a table 2x3

  1. Go into the the top left cell

  1. Try to choose merge.

Not only options : Merge Down and Merge Right aren't present but the Merge Cells option is disabled as well.

This bug doesn't occur in IE6 and IE7.

Browser: Firefox

OS: Windows XP

FCKeditor versions affected: 2.6beta and the current SVN

#2086 [FF3 ]scrolling behaviour not correct Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

When hitting enter (and creating a new paragraph), the entire page will scroll back up in the Firefox 3 beta. Apparently, the behaviour of scrollIntoView has changed to match IE, so that scrollIntoView(true) should be used (rather than scrollIntoView(false), which is used now).

I found this related ticket:

The relevant bug in bugzilla:

#2579 Fckeditor 2.6.2 automatically insert <br /> when loading Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

Currently, i am using myfaces-fckeditor in jsf enrionment. Brower :Firefox 3.X Version: fckeditor 2.6.2 When at the begining of loading fckeditor on the page, i didn't typing anything in the fckeditor textarea(i was in br mode,FCKconfig.EnterMode= br), and i switch to the "source view" mode, it automatically appear one "<br />" for me. This seems it automatically to add this <br /> at the beginning to load fckeditor or when i switch to "source view",it add this <br />. I try to see the source code of fckeditor, but i didn't get any solution for this. How can i remove this <br /> automatically insert at the beginning of fckeditor loading.Anyone has solution for this? I also try the version 2.6.3, it seems the same result.

Thanks millon.


#2814 Format text across multiple table cells doesn't work right Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

The bug I describe here seems to be new since version ~2.6.3. I don't think I've seen this behavior in earlier versions.

Please fix this for the final 2.6.4 since it drives our web authors crazy. Thanks!

Browsers & OS:

  • Firefox 3.0 on Windows XP and on Mac OS X => 10.4
  • Camino 1.6 on Mac OS X >= 10.4

Browser Exception: With Safari 3.2.1 on OS X it works perfect!

Steps to reproduce:

  1. create a table withe some rows and columns
  2. fill all the cells with some text
  3. make a selection across multiple cells (click and drag, or by using the Shift- or Command-keys)
  4. Now try to format the text by using the Bold-Icon or try to assign a text color.

The result: Only the text of just one of the marked cells will be formatted while the rest remains untouched.

Below you'll find the generated HTML code. As you can see, just cell in Row 1, Column 2 (R1C2) has received the text color even though I marked more then just one cell.

<table width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1">
            <td><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">R1C2</span></td>
#3474 [FF] newpage error when document unfocused Confirmed Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page in FF without initial focus;
  2. Click on 'New Page' button
    • Actual Result: Javascript error thrown.
#5807 Scayt causing serious problems in Firefox 2 Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

SCAYT is enabled by default since 3.3 and this is causing serious issues for users using an old Firefox 2. It is actually almost impossible to type text inside of CKEditor. Confirmed using FF 2.0.20 @ Win 2003.

Issue 1

Steps to reproduce

  • Open CKEditor demo:
  • Press the "New Page" button to clear all contents.
  • Click inside of editing area, start typing
  • Result: nothing happens... I cannot type anything.

Issue 2

Steps to reproduce

  • Open CKEditor demo:
  • Go to the end of article
  • Type "Thiz is a test thiz is a test", whilst typing the cursor is moved at the beginning of the first word catched by Scayt.

In the sample article we do not have any errors, but in real life using a word that is not in dictionary happens quite often and this bug becomes really painful.

#1697 OnSelectionChange event in certain Controls don't fire when using Firefox. Confirmed FireFox Bug closed Normal

This happened to 'dropdown list', 'radio button', and 'check box'. I think the right-click context menu is also using this event.

Step to reproduce:

  1. Using Firefox, go to the Demo and use Sample 01.
  1. Create either a radio button, check box, or drop-down.
  1. Try to right-click on any of those. None of them showing the context menu, in my app., the OnSelectionChange event is not fired.
#1713 FF: unknown text in templates paramter Confirmed FireFox Bug closed Normal

when editing a page with a template (in Mozilla Firefox) which has a paramter e.g. {{decrption|code=something}} a text appears inside the paramter:=UNIQ3b1c92887d90b001-pre-00000001-QINU

#1753 No context menu for text field properties Confirmed FireFox Bug closed Normal

If you have a text field in a form you can use the context menu to change the text field properties. In version 2.5.1 the context menu has no entry "Text Field Properties". This bug is for firefox ONLY (tested on version - it works on IE Version 6 and 7.

#2439 PasteFromWord inserts into current <p> (FireFox3) Confirmed FireFox Bug closed Normal

When using PasteFromWord dialog, the content is inserted into the current paragraph, i.e. <p> <h1>Heading from Word</h1> <p>Normal text from Word.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </p>

This was using FireFox 3.0.1 on Windows XP (5.1 SP2). It worked fine in IE7 (i.e. the content goes after the current paragraph)

Note if you click [Source] four times the HTML is correctly formatted.

#2320 FF3: Find/Replace scrolls the entire page Confirmed Firefox3 IE Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Because the Find/Replace code uses the "scrollIntoView" function, the entire page gets scrolled when highlighting the found elements. This is the same problem we had with #2279 and #2319, so maybe the same solution used there can be used here too.

#2272 FF3: Paste from word leaves lots of garbage tags Confirmed Firefox3 Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

In Firefox 3 RC3, the "paste from word" feature leaves lots of garbage tags behind. Specifically:

  • It does not remove comments.
  • It does not remove <style> elements.
  • It does not remove <meta> elements.
  • It does not remove <link> elements.

The comments issue can be fixed by changing this line in fck_paste.html's CleanWord function:

html = html.replace(/<\!--.*?-->/g, '' ) ; this:

html = html.replace(/<\!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, '' ) ;

(Because . does not match new lines, multi-line comments are not removed; [\s\S] does the trick instead.)

To be safe, I recommend making similar changes to all of the fck_paste.html instances where .* is used. Specifically, these lines:

html = html.replace(/<o:p>.*?<\/o:p>/g, '&nbsp;') ;
html = html.replace( /<SPAN\s*>(.*?)<\/SPAN>/gi, '$1' ) ;

html = html.replace( /<FONT\s*>(.*?)<\/FONT>/gi, '$1' ) ;
html = html.replace( /<(\w+)[^>]*\sstyle="[^"]*DISPLAY\s?:\s?none(.*?)<\/\1>/ig, '' ) ;
html = html.replace( /<(H\d)><FONT[^>]*>(.*?)<\/FONT><\/\1>/gi, '<$1>$2<\/$1>' );
html = html.replace( /<(H\d)><EM>(.*?)<\/EM><\/\1>/gi, '<$1>$2<\/$1>' );
var re = new RegExp( '(<P)([^>]*>.*?)(<\/P>)', 'gi' ) ;	// Different because of a IE 5.0 error

...should be changed respectively to:

html = html.replace(/<o:p>[\s\S]*?<\/o:p>/g, '&nbsp;') ;
html = html.replace( /<SPAN\s*>([\s\S]*?)<\/SPAN>/gi, '$1' ) ;

html = html.replace( /<FONT\s*>([\s\S]*?)<\/FONT>/gi, '$1' ) ;
html = html.replace( /<(\w+)[^>]*\sstyle="[^"]*DISPLAY\s?:\s?none([\s\S]*?)<\/\1>/ig, '' ) ;
html = html.replace( /<(H\d)><FONT[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/FONT><\/\1>/gi, '<$1>$2<\/$1>' );
html = html.replace( /<(H\d)><EM>([\s\S]*?)<\/EM><\/\1>/gi, '<$1>$2<\/$1>' );
var re = new RegExp( '(<P)([^>]*>[\s\S]*?)(<\/P>)', 'gi' ) ;	// Different because of a IE 5.0 error

Also, to get rid of the <meta>, <link> and <style> elements, I suggest adding these additional replacements:

// Remove meta/link tags
html = html.replace(/<(META|LINK)[^>]*>\s*/gi, '' ) ;

// Remove style tags
html = html.replace( /<STYLE[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/STYLE[^>]*>/gi, '' ) ;
#2273 dragresizetable plugin is broken in FF3 Confirmed Firefox3 Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

This bug was discovered while testing for #1614:

  1. Enable the dragresizetable plugin.
  2. Go to sample01.html in Firefox 3.
  3. Create a table.
  4. Try to resize its columns by draggable.
  5. It doesn't work, FF3 thinks you're wanting to drag the indicator .gif out of the document.
#2319 FF3: EnterMode='br' scrolls the entire page on ENTER Confirmed Firefox3 Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)

Just like #2279, if having EnterMode='br' and hitting ENTER, or even using SHIFT+ENTER in the default configuration, makes the entire page to scroll.

#2321 FF3: FCK.InsertElement scrolls the entire page Confirmed Firefox3 Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Because the InsertElement code uses the "scrollIntoView" function, the entire page gets scrolled when inserting new block elements. This is the same problem we had with #2279 and #2319, so maybe the same solution used there can be used here too.

#2308 RTL: The scrollbar is at the right side for the toolbar combos Confirmed Firefox3 Safari CantFix Bug closed Normal

All toolbar combos has the scrollbar at the right side with Firefox 3. FF2 show them at the left, as expected.

#316 FF: Impossible to position the cursor between two centered tables Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal

please see the second issue highlighted in this video (the first was CSS related and is fixed):


#440 FF: Whole paragraph is selected on right click Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal

hi try this

try to right click at the end of this code :<p><font size="-2">©2007 Google</font></p> in firefox we are selecting the whole code i didn't test it on another tags but i found it in FF in ie its working


#2152 [FF] When deleting table resize handles don't disappear Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal

When deleting a table in Firefox, the resize handles stay on the screen even though the table borders disappear. Only after double clicking somewhere or typing do the handles disappear.

#2210 [FF] font-weight: bold and font-style:italic instead of strong and em Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal


There is a bug with Firefox when doing some manipulations on bold and italic.

Let's try this with the demo FCK on the website :)

1/ Type "Hello world"
2/ Make the characters "rld" in bold

In Source view, we'll have something like <p>hello wo<strong>rld</strong></p>

3/ Now we delete the substring "orld" and then retype orld

In source view : <p>hello w<span style="font-weight: bold;">orld</span></p>

We have the same kind of bug with the italic button Tested on FF and FF 3RC1 with FCK 2.6

#2307 RTL: Click on Link dialog tabs enlarge the dialog width Confirmed Firefox CantFix Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

With FF3, when in RTL, like when loading the Arabic localization, if you click on a dialog tab the Link dialog enlarges on its width. Each click enlarges it s few pixels.

No problem with IE.

#2284 [FF] Table selection rectangle doesn't update Confirmed FireFox CantFix Bug closed Normal

When you change the width of a selected table via the table-properties dialog, the selection rectangle doesn't get updated to the new width of the table.

#5638 ‘ignoreEmptyParagraph’ configuration doesn't work in enterMode=BR Confirmed Firefox HasPatch Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal


Firefox, config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR, config.ignoreEmptyParagraph = true;

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open any of the sample page and click on 'New Page' to clear content.
  2. Swtich to source.
    • Actual Result: There's one single <br /> left in content .
#218 Word-formatted text fails to paste with Firefox for Mac Confirmed Firefox Mac CantFix Bug closed Normal

Have tried to copy & paste from Word into FCKeditor numerous times using the toolbar button for "paste from Word" (and resulting popup window). All bold, italicized, and underlined text loses any/all of those attributes under Firefox (current) for OS X. Problem does not occur with same browser version for Windows.

Steps to reproduce: Create a file in Word 2004 for Mac (v11.3, current) with text that has underlining, bold, and/or italicized text (or combinations thereof). Copy text, move to Firefox and try to paste with Word toolbar button in FCKeditor. A Demo file is attached. In addition, all paragraph indents are lost as well.

Working with Firefox for OS X on a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.4.8 installed, and Word 2004 for Mac v11.3.

#1051 The Fckeditor paste command is not executed on using Command +V on Mac firefox Confirmed Firefox Mac CantFix Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

The fckeditor's named command 'paste' is not executed on pressing command+V in Mac firefox. So it is not possible to intercept the paste command on Mac firefox. This works fine on Windows using Ctrl+V but similar behaviour is not shown with command+V on mac.

#5293 Unwanted linebreak on Firefox Confirmed Firefox Opera Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

If I use empty textarea replaced with CKEditor and post form I've '<br />' in Firefox 3.6. In IE8 and Chrome 4 I have empty string.

#1150 <br type="_moz" /> appearing in Source mode Confirmed Firefox Opera Safari Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Reproduction Procedure:

  1. Go to sample12.html
  2. Change Enter mode to BR
  3. Ctrl-A, Delete in the document to delete everything
  4. Type "line1" <Enter>
  5. Type "line2" <Enter>
  6. Type "line3" <Enter>
  7. Switch to Source mode
  8. Switch back to WYSIWYG mode
  9. Go to the end of the document, press Enter
  10. Switch to Source mode
  11. Now the last line of the HTML code reads "<br type="_moz" />".. which shouldn't happen.

The issue can be reproduced on Opera, Firefox and Safari

#1682 Problem editing control elements in Firefox, Safari, Opera Confirmed FireFox Opera Safari Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

When you insert a control element and try to edit it, it's current information is not displayed. However, whatever you type in will be properly put into the element you're editing.

  1. Go here:
  2. Insert a radio button, checkbox or button
  3. Select the button and try to edit it, it won't get the current information (name, text, selected) for the element
  4. If you click 'OK', it will change the current button whatever you've specified

There seems to be a problem with the getSelection() function somehow; in the pop-up window, FCKSelection.GetSelectedElement() returns a null.

IE 6 and IE 7 don't seem to have the problem, but the following do:

  • Safari 3.0.4
  • Firefox
  • Opera 9.5 (build 9613)
#2791 UI flashes when loading. Confirmed Firefox Review? Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

In Firefox, it's possible to quickly see the editor and the dialog rendered without skin even before the skin CSS is loaded. Then, once the CSS is ready, it redraws the UI in the right way. Not checked, but the same thing may happen with the contents.

There should be a way to hold the rendering of any UI element until the CSS is loaded.

#970 Select Field dialogue: controls get outside of dialogue when field contains long values Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

The screenshot explains it all, actually.

  1. Open a FCKeditor demo. Any will do.
  2. Add a very long value to the select field.
  3. The buttons on the right will move out of the visible part of the window, as the <select> needs more space.


#1633 [FF] styles on iframe elements affect the editor and panels Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal


	<style type="text/css">
		iframe {
			width: 100%;
			height: 400px;
			border: 3px solid red;
			background-color: blue;

to a test page and you'll see that they make impossible to use the editor. I think that we should force some styles on the generated iframes to avoid this kind of problems.

Reported in

#1832 [FF] No placeholder for flash/embed tag Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

In Firefox 2, when inserting the HTML below, a placeholder does not appear, After switching to the source view and back to the WYSIWYG view, though, a placeholder does appear.

<span class="embedded-object-18-408"><embed width="300" height="225" allowfullscreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="&amp;image=/picserver/s/orig/public/video/water_balloon_11.mpeg.flv0000.jpg&amp;file=/picserver/s/video/public/water_balloon_11.mpeg.flv" src="../../videoplayer/mediaplayer.swf?0.4076338401231444"></embed></span>
#1838 Context-menu doesn't aways dissapear after selecting an option Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Tested with Firefox:

  1. Load the nightly demo at
  2. Insert a table
  3. Right click in a cell, choose Table Properties
  4. Repeat #3 up to ten times (usually happens on fourth try?)

Observation: the right click menu doesn't go away after selecting Table Properties

#1989 xhtml source formatting works only in IE Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)

In fckeditor 2.6 beta if you look at the source in firefox (on windows and mac os) and safari it is HTML not XHTML, but if you take a look at the same editor in Internet Explorer it is as it supposed to be XHTML (<br />, <img ... />...). It is not only happening on my implementation of fckeditor it is also present in your demo page, and included samples. I'm using php implementation.

#2002 Maximize editor button is broken Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open sample01.html in Firefox 2 or Firefox 3 beta.
  2. Type or paste something really long into the editing area so that the scroll bar appears.
  3. Press the maximize button.
  4. The editing area is not maximized vertically - the scrollbar is still at the previous height.
#2041 Error opening the Link dialog the first time in Firefox Confirmed Firefox Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Load sample01 in Firefox2 and click the link button.

An error appears in the js console "element has no properties" called from


but opening again the dialog works fine.

#2162 Working with Firebug might include reference to chrome: file Confirmed Firefox Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

I don't know the exact steps to reproduce, but I've seen a page that it wasn't possible to edit anymore giving an error in both IE and Firefox. The page was edited with full page and it had this included (after the last successful edit):

		<link charset="utf-8" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://firebug/content/highlighter.css" />

So it might be a good idea to check that the <link>s doesn't point to restricted urls

#2248 FF: FCK.InsertHtml( '&nbsp;') inserts a plain space Confirmed Firefox Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

The FCK.InsertHtml( '&nbsp;') call inserts a plain space in the selection, instead of the proper &nbsp; char.

#2287 Bad Spacing between two tables (FF2 Only) Confirmed Firefox Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

When you insert a table, click to the right side of it, and then add in a second table, it will display something like:



within the editor, but when you preview (or after saving) it shows up like:



The reason is that between the two tables, in the editor, there is a <p/> tag, which FF does not render. But when you preview/save, it is transformed into <p></p>.

You can see this in action at:

This issue affects 2.5.1 (at least) through to, and including trunk

#2296 Permission denied error when clicking on files in file browser under domain relaxation Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Reproduction procedure:

  1. Open sample01.html under domain relaxation mode.
  2. Open the image dialog.
  3. Click "Browse Server".
  4. Click on one of the uploaded image files.
  5. Permission denied error.

This bug affects both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3.

#2387 FF: Bulleted list error with CTRL+A Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Tested with Firefox/, in the online demo.

With the following source:


In editing mode:

  1. select all (by pressing Ctrl+A)
  2. click "Insert/Remove Bulleted list"

A JS error is thrown and the first line of text is deleted.

#2412 InsertHTML inserts at beginning of selection Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

This bug may be related to Ticket #2376. In FireFox 3 I see InsertHTML append to the beginning of a Selection, instead of replacing the Selection. Using FireFox 3 go through the same steps in ticket #2376.

#2519 Firefox 3 form submit via javascript with multiple editor instances Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)


If you create a form which contains multiple instances of the FCK Editor, Firefox3 will only send updates to one of the instances if you submit the form via javascript (form.submit()). Submitting the same form via a "native" submit button (input type="submit") will send the form as expected.

See sample form attached (modified sample file as detailed below)

Steps to replicate:

  1. Open the sample09.html bundled with the editor fckeditor/_samples/html/sample09.html

  1. Edit the sample code to add a second button at the bottom which submits the form via javascript
<input type="submit" value="Submit (button)" />
<input type="button" value="Submit (javascript)" onclick="document.testform.submit()"/>
  1. Run the sample in firefox 3.0.1

  1. Edit the values in both editor regions to "XX" and submit the form using "native" submit button. Notice that the receiving page shows the correct data ("XX").

  1. run the sample again and change the field values to "YY" and submit the form using the javascript button. Notice that the receiving page shows only one of the regions updated (i.e. the first region shows "YY" and the other shows the default value)


  • tested in version 2.6.3 and nightly build (2008-09-02)
  • behaviour not present in IE7 or FF2.x
  • Inspecting the hidden "value" field at the point where the form is submitted (FF3) shows the value only being updated for one instance of the editor at a time.

It's a bit of an issue if you're using external validation (like qForms) or if the page design requires that the activation buttons for the form are outside the form boundaries.

#2531 Scroll Into View Bug When Breaking Large Content (FF) Confirmed Firefox Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

If you paste a large amount into the editor, where you end up with:

<p> some large text <br /> paragraphs aren't there anymore </p>

And you wish to put the paragraphs in to make it look like:

<p> some large text </p> <p> paragraphs aren't there anymore </p>

It will scroll the end of the second paragraph into view, which when the end is far enough away, will push the cursor off-screen, which can be confusing (why did I jump to the bottom?).

If you continue to type, it'll start typing where the cursor is, not where the eye is, scrolling that back into view.

The lines that cause the issue are fckenterkey.js lines 538/539:


I initially just commented this out, but then when you want to put in a new paragraph at the end, it will not scroll that into view.

It seems to me that it should scroll when the paragraph is empty, but not otherwise, adding a FCKDomTools.CheckIsEmptyElement() will not work however, as we actually have:

<p> <br _moz_dirty=""> <br type="moz"> </p>

Some changes to the CheckIsEmptyElement() however will solve this (see patch).

This does not completely solve the issue. When pressing enter with an "empty" paragraph being add, it will work fine. When pressing enter with a non-empty paragraph following, it works fine so long as it's not at the bottom of the view area, because then it doesn't scroll and should.

This is a little better, but not complete. The best solution would be to move to the top of the paragraph, not the bottom. Is this possible?

  • Davey
#2797 Styles cannot be applied when a whole paragraph is selected Confirmed Firefox Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebyclass.html in Firefox 3.
  2. Double click on the empty area to the right of the first paragraph to select the whole paragraph.
  3. Try to apply any style, e.g. press the bold button.
  4. It doesn't work.
#2997 FF : Toolbar combo contents flickers when opening Confirmed Firefox Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)

When opening a toolbar combo for the first time, it's possible to briefly see its contents with no style which immediately gets re-rendered with the styles applied.

This is noticeable in Firefox only.

#3160 [FF] Ajax sample editor document problem Confirmed Firefox Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the ajax.html example page;
  2. Click Create Editor button to have a new instance;
  3. Insert some content and click Remove Editor to destroy the instance;
  4. Click Create Editor button again to have another new instance;
  • Actual Result : The content is lost within the new instance and the document become not editable.
#3345 Edit anchor problem Confirmed Firefox Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Make the following content with selection by double click on the anchor;
    ^<a name="name"></a>^
  1. Click on 'Link' to open dialog, switch to 'Advanced' tab;
    • Expected Result: 'Name' filed is updated with the value 'name';
    • Actual Result: Anchor properties is not updated.
#3390 [FF] Open submenu Confirmed Firefox Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Insert a table, right click to open context menu which has sub-menu;
  3. Navigate to the menu item which would trigger sub-menu, press 'arrow-right' key.
    • Expected Result: Sub menu show up.
    • Actual Result: Javascript error thrown.
#3969 Dialogs are too wide in FF2 Confirmed Firefox Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

This is a regression... in FF2, the dialogs are 100% wide.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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