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Results (1001 - 1100 of 2591)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#10556 Size (Font Size) menu dropdown jumps to page top when user clicks on it on chrome browser. confirmed Bug Normal

Go to Ck Editor online Demo page on Chrome browser> Click on Full Featured> Click on Size (Font Size) menu.

Font Size dropdown with its items will go on page top.

#10557 [IE8] Delete creates unordered list from ordered list confirmed Bug Normal
  1. In IE8 open editor with below code
  2. Make the following selection (you get best result with shift+right arrow)
  3. Press delete key

Result: Ordered list gets changed into unordered one.

Problem can somewhat be reproduced from CKE 3.0 (orphan li elements were left) but this particular TC where one list is changed into another can be reproduced from CKEditor 3.4.2 in both CKE 3.x and 4.x.

#10559 Deactivating list tool for empty list gives script error confirmed Bug Normal

Please load the attached file into IE9 and copy-paste its content to the CK-DEMO page and follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the line beneath the list.
  2. Left-arrow until you see 2+ lists in the Element Path. You will be at the end of the the second list element.
  3. Press [Backspace]. -- With IE8, I got an error here.
  4. For IE9 & IE10,

a) Click the active list tool to turn it off -> you get listNode error.


b) Press [Enter] -> you get isContextFor error.

RESULT: You get a script error dialog with the following details.

listNode error:
Error: Unable to get propert 'listNode' of undefined or bull reference

isContextFor error:
Error: Unable to get property 'isContextFor' of undefined or null reference

Note: the attached file is a valid HTML.

#10564 Removing Numbered Lists removes enclosed <p> confirmed Bug Normal

If you have a numbered list and one or more of the items have a <p> included inside of it and you attempt to remove the numbered list by selecting the list and utilizing the Remove Numbered list button, it will remove the paragraph tag and its contents.

1 - create a numbered list and go into source to add a paragraph tag inside of the numbered item to set things up.

2 - In normal view, select your list and the Remove Numbered List button.

3 - Notice that the entire contents including the paragraph tags are also removed.

#10575 Text in between two tables is pushed down when deleting upper table confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce: 1) Using the source view paste the attached HTML into the editor 2) Exit source view 3) Select all table cells in the upper table, by clicking and dragging from the bottom right to the top left 4) Delete the upper table by pressing backspace

Expected results: The upper table should be removed, and the "WYSIWYG editor" text should appear above the remaining table

Actual results: The upper table is removed, and the "WYSIWYG editor" text appears below the remaining table, not above

#10583 [iOS] CKeditor 4.1.2 is not working in ipad 6.1.3 new Bug Normal

hi, I'm using ckediter version 4.1.2 in my application . it is working in every where except in ipad and iphone

I'm using Ipad -(ios- 6.1.3)

here it is display like a normal text-area, not showing the the editor options.

#10584 IE8 throws error on delete confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open CKEditor demo
  2. Click before ^Appollo
  3. Press delete and hold it.

Result JS error is thrown.

Message: Invalid argument
Line : 295
URI: /ckeditor4/core/dom/node.js

Problem can be reproduced in both branches CKE 3.x and 4.x. I was able to reproduce it from CKEditor 3.3.

Bug History:
Invalid argument has been thrown from CKEditor 3.3. but it was thrown by different parts of code

  • 3.3 - 3.6 - /cke3.6/_source/core/dom/text.js; Line 62;
  • 3.6.1 - 4.1.2 - /cke3.6.3/ckeditor/_source/plugins/selection/plugin.js; Line: 911 and|or /cke3.6.6/ckeditor/_source/core/dom/node.js; Line: 234.
  • I was not able to get right repository - in source version first error is thrown even in CKE 3.6.2 while in release code till 3.6.1.

Possible reason:

It has turned out in my tests that simple space between image and Apollo word is to blame. If I have removed this space there was no error.

<h1><img alt="Saturn V carrying Apollo 11" class="right" src="assets/sample.jpg" /> Apollo 11</h1>

In CKEditor 4.x this image is aligned to the right and it doesn't look like source of the problem but in older versions there is something extra happening which may prove what I have written.

Copy sample code from CKE 4.x to 3.x - till version 3.3 When you removed image space was left and no error occurred. From CKE 3.3 removing image removes also this space.

#10590 [Android] Copy/Cut buttons not Enabled confirmed Bug Normal

OS: iOS 6 & Android Jelly Browsers: Safari, Chrome Repro: ==================== Goto Hold down a tap to bring up the selection menu. Select a range of text. Note the copy/cut buttons are still not enabled.

Expected: Selection range exists but is not triggered.

I will hopefully work on this, but as of right now I am not seeing an easy fix.

EDIT: From what I have checked in CKEditor 4.6.1, Android 4.4.4 and iOS 9, the only problem is that when you select range of text then copy/cut icons are not enabled in Android (in iOS this works fine). In all other cases, cutting/copping is enabled and works as expected.

#10591 Bug-Fix bbcode plugin: Font-Size confirmed Bug Normal

The Problem here is that before the tagName was just set, if the value is a percental value, this solution works great ... Plugin.js line 652 - 656

  tagName = 'size';
  var percentValue = value.match( /(\d+)%$/ );
  if ( percentValue ) {
    value = percentValue[ 1 ];
#10594 Error when replacing element with <br> in HTML filter confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open attached sample.
  2. Switch to source mode.
  3. Error is thrown.
#10595 Wrong caret position after ENTER on list item with sub-list confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Load this HTML:
  1. Place the caret after "x".
  2. ENTER

Current results:

The new list item will be properly created, but the caret will be blinking right before "x".

Expected results:

The caret should be blinking in the new empty list item.

#10598 ck editor in iframe in firefox inserts two line breaks and a nbsp on enter confirmed Bug Normal

If you go to (which displays the ck editor demo page in an iframe), and hit enter inside of the editor, it will result in two line breaks and a space. The line breaks will be before the cursor, and the space will be after it.

Browsers other than Firefox don't seem to have the same problem (they only insert one line break). The demo page alone outside of the iframe works correctly on Firefox.

Tested on Firefox 22.0

#10602 Browse button in Image dialog misaligned confirmed Bug Normal

Browse button is not placed properly (not aligned at bottom with input field), see attach.

#10607 Remove "indentlist" require from "list" confirmed Bug Normal

This is a followup for ticket:10599#comment:3.

Ideally, the "list" plugin should not require "indentlist".

The problem is that there is a execCommand( 'outdent' ) call in the list plugin code, which makes this require necessary.

Additionally, we have removed some tests with (edbb565 @tests), because they were not compatible with this require. If we fix this, we should revert those tests back.

#10616 IE11 numbers lists from zero IN COMPATIBILITY MODE confirmed Bug Normal

Insert ordered list into editor or open page with list in IE11 compatibility mode. Numbers start from 0.

#10617 [IE]: BIDI button breaks toolbar when in compatibility mode confirmed Bug Normal
  • Open e.g. replacebycode sample in IE8-11 in compatibility mode or in IE7
  • Press BIDI button

Result: some toolbar buttons get very long.

This happens in IE7 by default and in other IEs when they are set in compatibility mode.

#10627 Removing form element removes whole paragraph confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Insert textfiled into paragraph
  2. You will notice there is little space before textfiled and blinking cursor.


  1. If you press delete whole paragraph will be deleted - BUG.
  2. If you press left arrow (so that cursor disappears) and then press Backspace only text field will be removed - can be used as temporary workaround.
  3. Delete doesn't remove whole paragraph but requires to be pressed twice in order remove textfiled.

This problem can be reproduced in Safari 6 (Mac) and Chrome 28 from CKEditor 3.3.

Before this version there was no tiny space before textfiled and removing worked ok.

#10631 Content Advisor in IE8 Causes 4.1.2 to not function confirmed Bug Normal

When Content Advisor is turned on in IE8, regardless of the restrictiveness of the filtering options, CKEditor will not go into an editable state or enable any of the buttons.

I have validated this using the CKEditor Samples > Replace Textarea Elements by Class name. It works properly in 4.1.1.

#10636 Error thrown when in/outdenting inside of a list element (caret in a paragraph) confirmed Bug Normal

  • When outdenting:
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getParent' of null 
  • When indenting: Nothing happens, in previous version margin-left added to the outer list.
#10639 Single Space Does Not Cause Lines to Re-Wrap Correctly confirmed Bug Normal

Repro steps:

Open the demo page. Place the cursor at the beginning of any line of a paragraph other than the first. Press backspace (deleting the previous space, causing the last word on the previous line to wrap to this line) Press space.

Expected: The line to re-wrap and the first word to return to the previous line, like it was originally. Saw: The re-separated words both stay on the second line.

Entering a second space causes the lines to rewrap appropriately.

#10641 Find considers elements with display: none confirmed Bug Normal

Extracted from the question on SO.

When searching for some text, editor also considers invisible elements. It looks strange when the dialog suggests something was found but nothing is highlighted.

We could at least provide some configuration option to bypass this strange behavior or basically fix it.

#10645 Preview tab in DocProps plugin is missing utf-8 meta tag. confirmed Bug Normal

Preview tab in DocProps plugin is missing utf-8 meta tag. Because of this all non-latin characters are wrongly displayed.


Description: An inserted special character is being inserted at the end of the previous paragraph even though the insertion point was in a new paragraph when I opened the special characters dialog. I can only recreate the problem with these specific steps.

Win7 32-bit, IE9 Steps To Recreate:

  1. Get a new page on DEMO site.
  2. Insert a numbered list and enter text for a few items in the list.
  3. Press [Enter] after entering text for one of the numbered items to create another numbered item, but don't add any text.
  4. Move the mouse pointer over the last numbered item to display the red 'Insert Paragraph Here' tool.
  5. Click the Insert Paragraph Here button. A new paragraph is inserted after the last numbered item.
  6. Click back into the last numbered item (which has no text) and press [Backspace] to remove this item.
  7. Click below the numbered list so that the insertion point is in the new paragraph you inserted in step 5.
  8. Click the Insert Special Character button on the toolbar and select some character to insert.

The special character is appended to the text of the last numbered list item instead of in the new paragraph which is where the insertion point was.

Note: You should select really a special char e.g. select the black diamond from the last line. See attached picture.

#10650 [IE] Cannot apply nested background colors confirmed Bug Normal


  1. Go to DEMO page.
  2. Highlight at least 3 words and set the background color to yellow.
  3. Highlight the middle word and set the background color to green.

Result: the yellow background from the first and third words is gone.

This is reproducible in IE9 and IE10. It works fine in IE8. It's a problem for the background color only. Foreground color is fine.

#10655 TAB leaves the editable when cannot indent anything confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open editor in std preset.
  2. Create list.
  3. "Mistakenly" press tab in the first element.
  4. Focus is gone.

If we handle tab in all other lists' elements, then it should be blocked in the first one and in all other places where tab does nothing. It cannot be so inconsistent, because this is confusing and irritating. Either tab leaves editable or it indents lists/blocks. Not both at the same time.

This could be configurable by keystrokes - by default tab is added as a keystroke executing 'indent' command. If someone needs it for leaving editable, then he can reset this keystroke. Or the opposite - tab by default can be used for navigation, but it's behaviour can be changed by setting a keystroke.

And yes, there's no good solution ;|.

#10657 Config.removeButtons isn't mentioned in Toolbar configuration guide assigned Anna Tomanek Bug Normal



#10660 Menu Button may be missing default mode confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Please insert attached file into plugins folder
  2. On sample page please specify
    toolbar_Basic : [['Accept' ]]
  3. Open sample, open menu button and click any option.

Problem: button gets disabled.

This is happening because plugin doesn't use modes: { wysiwyg: 1 }, (If you set it there is no problem). When I was looking through code of button.js plugin I haven't found any lines that sets modes, only lines that use mode property.
This is quite different from command.js which for example set default mode.

I believe that either there should be default mode for menu button or this property should be made required.

Problem can be reproduced in both CKEditor 4.x and 3.x

#10669 CKEditor follows links in WebKit-based browsers, replacing the iframe content new Bug Normal

Tested under qtwebkit 2.3.1, qtwebkit 2.3.2, qt5-webkit from Qt 5.1.0, and Safari on iPad.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open
  2. Hover any link in the editable content with the mouse pointer.
  3. Click the hovered link.

What should happen (as it does in, for example, Firefox 22.0):

  1. The cursor icon should be «text».
  2. The link should not open, the input caret should move to the clicked point.

What happens:

  1. The cursor is «pointer» (checked in qtwebkit).
  2. The link opens in the editor iframe and replaces all the content, resulting in data loss.

Workaround (jQuery-based):

/// WARNING: bloody fix for WebKit-based browsers
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(ev) {
	if (!CKEDITOR.env.webkit) return;
	function disableLinks() {
		var content = $(ev.editor.document.$.defaultView.frameElement).contents();
		content.find('body.cke_editable').on('click', 'a', function() {
			return false;
	ev.editor.on('mode', function() {
		if (this.mode === 'wysiwyg')
#10670 Inline CKeditor steals focus confirmed Bug Normal

I have a div with inline ckeditor on it and also an input box. when the page loads, i assign the focus on the input box, but it seems that the ckeditor steals the focus. If the inline ckeditor is not present, the focus stays on the text box. How can I fix this?

here is the fiddle demonstrating the issue.

P.S. I am using CKEditor version 4.0.2 and Chrome 28

#10673 Deleted style incorrectly remembered confirmed Bug Normal

Refer to the attached video for demonstration, but this can be easily reproduce on the demo CKEditor at as follows:

  1. click to enter the editor
  2. hit bold button
  3. type "bold "
  4. hit italic button
  5. type "italic "
  6. hit strike through button
  7. type "strike through"
  8. hit backspace to delete the entered text, up to the middle of the word "italic"
  9. start typing again
  10. the text will be formatted as italic and strike through, even though there is no existing strike through text in the editor, it should be just italic (and bold, from the beginning).
#10675 Inline styles should be normalized when selection doesn't change confirmed Bug Normal

Attached video shows reproduction on Summary:

  1. Click somewhere in the middle of a paragraph.
  2. Increase the font size significantly, the line height will increase accordingly (on Chrome).
  3. Decrease the font size back to the original setting.
  4. Observe the line height has not changed back to the original line height. Also, note the number of span elements created in the editor (one per font size change).
#10679 IE complains if "@" is used right after comment start confirmed Bug Normal

Problem was described on forum:

CKEditor uses conditional compilation to determine whether it is ran on IE. If CKEditor's source file is followed (even indirectly) by:




IE will parse this comment as a CC statement (although, I have no idea why :|) causing a very likely syntax error.

Possible workarounds:

  • load CKEditor source after script with such comment,
  • do not use @ right after comment start (space is enough).
#10682 Cannot set tablet headers back to None on table with one row confirmed Bug Normal

When a table has one row, and Headers are set to Both. It is not possible to go back into table properties and set the headers back to None.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a table with 1 row, 2 columns, Headers: Both
  2. Enter Table Properties and set Headers: None
  3. Click OK

Expected results:

  • Dialog exits and TH in the table are replaced with TD.

Actual results:

  • Dialog does not exit and there is a JavaScript error.

Here is one possible fix, applied to ckeditor/_source/plugins/table/dialogs/table.js (Note that this code segment is from version 3.6.5, although the bug is present in the latest version too):

// Move the row out of the THead and put it in the TBody:
thead = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.tHead );
tbody = table.getElementsByTag( 'tbody' ).getItem( 0 );

var previousFirstRow = tbody.getFirst();
while ( thead.getChildCount() > 0 )
    theRow = thead.getFirst();
    for ( i = 0; i < theRow.getChildCount() ; i++ )
        var newCell = theRow.getChild( i );
        if ( newCell.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
            newCell.renameNode( 'td' );
            newCell.removeAttribute( 'scope' );
    if ( previousFirstRow )
        theRow.insertBefore( previousFirstRow );
        theRow.appendTo( tbody );
#10687 background-image css not work on chrome confirmed Bug Normal


only on chrome have bug not display image

ckeditor version : 4.2 chrome version : 28

<div style="width: 500px;height: 500px;background-image: url('content/files/admins/backgrounds/bg.png');">
#10692 Links to files clickable in Firefox confirmed Bug Normal

When I have a link to a file (i.e. tmp.doc), that link becomes clickable in Firefox. I am able to reproduce this using the CKEditor demo page in Firefox only, seems to work in Chrome and IE. I am using Firefox version 22.0. To reproduce:

  1. Select text
  2. Click Insert Link button
  3. Type "/tmp.doc" in the URL field.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Single click on the newly created link in the editor and the document.location changes to /tmp.doc

If you type "/tmp.php" or "/tmp.html", the link is not clickable. It seems that non-web mime types trigger the link to be clickable (i.e. /tmp.xls also triggers the link to be clickable)

#10694 [iOS] Editing in ipad scrolling issue confirmed Bug Normal

Editing scrolled content using the ipad is very erratic and impossible to use in some cases. There needs to be plenty of content so the editor needs to scroll. This can easily be reproduced using the standard editor demo page at

Using an ipad, go to the standard editor demo page and scroll down a bit to the editor. Then scroll to the bottom of the content, place the cursor at the end and begin typing. Hit enter a few times to create a few new lines and type some more content.

You should notice that the scroll position of the page jumps around and the scroll position of the content jumps around too. There does not seem to be consistency of what happens when and I have had a couple of times when it seemed stable but refreshing the page and trying again caused the issue to reappear.

Tested on an ipad2 with iOS 6.1.3

#10702 Image dialog gives script errpr when focus in all of a link. confirmed Bug Normal

Can be reproduced on DEMO page with IE9. With IE10 not an issue.

  1. Clear DEMO page (I used full featured GUI with full screen) and make a link.
  2. Click away from the link, and then double-click on it.
  3. The Hyperlink dialog displays. Click OK or Cancel.
  4. Without changing focus, click the Image tool.

RESULT: Error dialog displays these details.
Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'getName'
The error comes from: plugins\image\dialogs\image.js line 302 (in ver. 4.1.1) from here
var childTagName = linkChildren.getItem( 0 ).getName();

#10709 Firefox, IE: Text entered after pasted URL becomes part of that URL confirmed Bug Normal

Environment: Windows 7/8, Chrome 28, FF 23

  1. Copy a URL from Chrome's address bar
  2. Go to Firefox and paste that URL into a ckeditor text field
  3. Immediately enter additional text (no spaces) after the URL

Result: The text you enter after the pasted URL becomes part of the text.

Real life use case: You enter in the text "Check out my website ( Here, the right side closing parentheses becomes bolded like it is actually part of the URL.

Only happens on Windows, and only from Chrome/IE10 to Firefox.

#10710 Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'getParent' confirmed Bug Normal


Using CKEditor v4.1.1 - the following JavaScript error occurs when highlighting a word in the editor and switching to source view, when config.enterMode = EnterMode.BR.

Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'getParent'

#10711 ResizeDir = ResizeDir.Both not working review Alan Bug Normal

In conjuction with CKEditor 3.6.4 for ASP.NET, CKEditorControl.ResizeDir = ResizeDir.Horizontal works ok, CKEditorControl.ResizeDir = ResizeDir.Vertical also works ok, however CKEditorControl.ResizeDir = ResizeDir.Both does not work (it performs the same as setting ResizeDir.Vertical).

As a footnote, modifying config.js, setting config.resize_dir = 'both'; will at least cause it to work by default, then can be overridden by restricting to one of the two working parameters above.

#10712 Editor.insertElement will insert passed element into every range in the selection confirmed Bug Normal

This is a FF's only issue. Currently (and this is a state from 3.0) Editor.insertElement will take passed element, clone it multiple times and insert into every range. This is a surprising behaviour, because we lose control over inserted element - we keep the reference only to one of them.

Correct behaviour IMO would be to clean all ranges and insert element only to the first (or last?) of them.

While working on this ticket it would be worth to review and correct insertHtml which does not clean other ranges when doing insertion.

#10734 icon strip generated in local builder includes all the icons confirmed Bug Normal

The icons.png generated by the local version of CKBuilder includes all the images instead of just the used icons like the online version does.

Go to and download the Basic package. Now use the included build-config.js in a local version of CKEditor and use the script

Compare both icons.png files and you'll see that instead of 7Kb it's 17Kb and includes all the plugins.

#10745 [FF&Inline] Cells selection is lost when merging cells confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open inlinebycode sample.
  2. Select two cells.
  3. Right click -> cells -> merge cells.
  4. Nothing happened - only left cell is selected. In the error console the following is reported:
    TypeError: e.getDocument is not a function

To debug add if ( !isDetect ) debugger; statement at the beginning of mergeCells function. See that when this function is called the selection is already broken, so only one cell is returned from getSelectedCells.

Note: mergeCells is called with isDetect flag when opening ctx menu and at this point selection is correct.

#10749 [Webkit/Blink] Loading URL with a # causes page to scroll confirmed Bug Normal

Open: or samples/datafiltering.html#

See that page is scrolled down.

Reported on:

#10752 IE10 crashes using custom bullets confirmed Bug Normal

This is probably an IE10 bug but can be recreated in CK only. STR:

  1. Unpack the attached on a machine with IE10 and IIS into the inetpub\wwwroot folder.
  2. Open IE10 and navigate to http://localhost/ckeditor.

RESULT: The browser loads CKEditor 4.1.1 and then loads a web page with a numbered list that uses a style with custom bullet images. The editor loads the page and then IE crashes probably when it tries to render the style. There must be some subtle timing issue here as well because the next time when the files are loaded from the IE cache, it doesn't crash. It crashes again after you clear the IE cache.

#10765 Broken form submit with inline-textarea confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Create a form with submit button.
  2. Create several inline-textarea instances within the form.
  3. Submit the form.

Then what happens:

  • In Chrome, for each instance, an error is thrown:
    An invalid form control with name='editor1' is not focusable.
    • A funny note: when instances have some startup data, there's no error.
  • In Firefox, the "Please fill out this field" tip is displayed even if some text was typed inside the instances.
    • A funny note: If there's startup data, submit goes fine.
  • In IE9, everything is fine, page submitted, data retrieved.
    • A funny note: There's nothing funny about IE and that makes me worry.
#10766 [Webkit] Irresistible content when pasting into entirely selected editable confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open replacebycode
  2. Set the following HTML:
    <p>Hello world!</p>
    <p style="text-align:right"><a href="#">Wooo! I&#39;m so sticky!</a></p>
  3. Select the paragraph:
    <p>[Hello world!]</p>
  4. C-c
  5. C-a
  6. C-v
  7. Switch to Source and back to WYSIWYG.

Note there's an unwanted paragraph aligned to the right at the end of editable:

<p>Hello world!</p>
<p style="text-align:right">&nbsp;</p>

Now remove the link from the original content and repeat all the steps. Use the following startup data:

<p>Hello world!</p>
<p style="text-align:right">Yay! I&#39;m not so sticky anymore!</p>

Result is just perfect:

<p>Hello world!</p>
#10767 Webkit removes whole table confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Insert table 1X2 (1 row and two columns)
  2. Double (or even triple) click inside table so that whole cell gest selected (You have to see selection in table cell).
  3. Right-click on selected cell and choose Column->Delete Column.

Result: Whole table gets deleted.

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.0.1 in Chrome and Safari only.

#10779 Autogrow: Editor does not scroll to end of pasted content confirmed Bug Normal

To Reproduce:

  • Using the autogrow sample, paste the following HTML into Source view:
      <li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li><li>4</li><li>5</li><li>6</li>	<li>7</li><li>8</li><li>9</li><li>10</li>
  • Switch to wysiwyg mode and copy all contents
  • Place the cursor at the end of the contents and use Ctrl+V to paste multiple times.

Problem: The editor does not scroll to the end of the pasted content. The cursor is in the correct location because if you type some text after pasting, the editor does scroll to the bottom of the contents. However the editor should scroll to this position automatically after the paste event.

I have tried this with FF, IE and Chrome and can reproduce it on all 3 browsers.

#10785 Editor content's stylesheet is removed from document after another editor's editable is reattached confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open widgetquote sample from #9764.
  2. Switch between modes twice in first editor.
  3. See that widget lost its styles in second (inline) editor.


  1. Open datafiltering sample from master and find in dev tools last stylesheet (with data-cke-temp attr) in host page's head.
  2. Switch between modes twice.
  3. Stylesheet was removed...

Problem is somewhere here:

It seems that framed editor (wysiwygarea or sourcearea) does not increase stylesheet_ref, but it decreases it. Or that order of detach and new editable's setup is incorrect.

#10788 [Safari] Pressing ESC when in opened color platte/combo moves focus to editable. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. In latest Safari (6.0.5) open replacebyclass.html
  2. Fn+Alt+F10 to focus the toolbar.
  3. Using TAB, go to font color toolbar (or any combo).
  4. SPACE to enter the palette (or the combo), navigate with arrows.
  5. ESC.

Expected: focus goes back to color button in the toolbar so it's possible to select a different toolbar (TAB) or a different button (arrows). This is the behaviour of Chrome.

Actual: focus goes to editable. Need to use the keystroke again to focus it.

#10791 It is possible to write in hidden elements in IE 9+. confirmed Bug Normal

It seems that in IE10 (at least) you can write in hidden elements that have innerHTML !== ; If the said element is contenteditable:false it is worse because you cannot get out of it.

It may relate to this:

Test case:

PS: I discovered the problem because I use an element (<span contenteditable="false" style="display:none">&nbsp;</span>) just before a space holder that is removed on click and on IE the users could not write... It may suggest a cursor positionning problem. PSS: No problem in chrome.

#10792 Error in IE10 With Compatibility View confirmed Bug Normal

In IE10 with Compatibility View, if move vertical scroll show javascript error Incompatible markup pointers for this operation.

#10794 [IE10 Quirks Mode]Toolbar for RTL languages looks bad confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Remove DOCTYPE declaration (<!DOCTYPE html>) from "User Interface Globalization" sample (samples/uilanguages.html).
  2. Open sample in IE 10.
  3. Change language to Arabic.

Result: toolbar has wrong styles (see attachment).

4.2.1 is first version with IE 10 QM support.

#10795 [IE10 Quirks Mode]Not code formating in source mode confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Remove DOCTYPE declaration (<!DOCTYPE html>) from "Replace Textareas by Class Name" sample (samples/replacebyclass.html).
  2. Open sample in IE 10.
  3. Switch to source mode.

Result: no code formatting (see attachment).

4.2.1 is first version with IE 10 QM support.

#10796 [IE] Text selection to end of caption causes JS error confirmed Bug Normal

since: 4.0 until master
issue not found in though

  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. using "Templates" button from toolbar, insert template "Text and table" (replacing current content)
  3. click "Table title" in order to edit it
  4. press Home key
  5. press Shift+End key

Expected result:
Table caption text should be selected.

Current result:
Caret does not move, no text is selected. Javascript exception is thrown.

js error:
SCRIPT16389: Unspecified error.
selection.js, line 800 character 5

additional info:
if caption has multiple lines, issue occurs only in last line.

#10801 enterMode BR - selecting one bold line and 'un-bold' it, makes the previous entered text 'un-bold' confirmed Bug Normal

Sorry for the title, i don't really know how to explain it in one sentence (also, English is not my main language)

I found a problem in CKEditor where bold text that's not selected is influenced by an action on a text that is selected. It's pretty hard to describe, so let's just give an example:

  • Open the 'enterkey.html' example from CKEditor (link below)
  • Set enter mode and shift-enter mode both to BR.
  • Empty the text area
  • Click 'Bold' button
  • Type one line of random text (hit enter key)
  • Type another line of random text (DON'T hit enter key)
  • Select the second line you just typed with your mouse
  • Click 'Bold' button to remove the bold from the last line

Result: Bold is removed from line 1 + 2 Expected result: Bold is removed from selected line 2 only

Same problem occurs for other layout options, such as italic and underline.

When you hit the enter key after line 2, and then select line 2, it works fine and only line 2 is changed. Also, when you select the 2nd line with your keyboard (shift+home for example) it works fine too.

Browser/OS: I think the bug is Chrome (or webkit?) specific. The problem occurs in latest stable version of Chrome in Windows 7 + 8.

Also tested in updated stable versions of IE 10 and FireFox in Win7+8, but there it works as expected.

Tested in 'latest' and 'nightly':

I hope the explanation is sufficient.

#10819 [iOS] Hitting return will cause all text below cursor to delete new Bug Normal

Hitting return enough times in a CKEditor field will cause all text below cursor to delete, and will continue to delete text below cursor when pressing return. This is also reproducible using the demo you have online following these steps:

  • Go to on an ipad:
  • Click into CKEditor several lines into text (around Broadcasting and quotes). Hit return 10 or more times.
  • Result: Text below initial point is removed and hitting return further deletes any text added.
#10820 [iOS] Calling insertText switches CKEditor into "Read Only" mode new Bug Normal

After using the CKEditor function insertText on an editor that already contains text, the CKEditor seems to go into a "Read Only" type mode.

Text can be read and selected but no typing is allowed. This can happen after insertText is used once, but happens more frequently when it is used several times.

#10821 Scrollbars cannot be used with big pictures in certain cases. confirmed Bug Normal

Description: If I have a large picture in the editor and it is selected while the picture is about center aligned the scrollbars don't work properly or don't work at all.


  • Open a clear DEMO page (I used with IE9)
  • Insert a large picture into the editor (the horizontal and vertical scrollbars appear)
  • Display the center of the picture (The scrollbars are about to the middle of its way)
  • Select the picture
  • Try to move the scrollbars
#10824 Languages plugin - can't nest language markup confirmed Bug Normal

Issue is reproducable with Chrome/31.0.1627.0, Firefox 23.0, MSIE10

We're unable to nest multiple spans using languages plugin

  1. open any sample with CKEditor languages plugin enabled (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. Replace content with following HTML: <p>This is sample code.</p>
  3. Select sample substring and apply French language (by clicking chinese icon at toolbar, and selecting proper lang).
  4. Select is sample code substring and apply Spanish language.

Expected result:
Produced source code: <p>This <span dir="ltr" lang="es">is <span dir="ltr" lang="fr">sample</span> code</span>.</p>

Current result:
Paragraph with nested spans: <p>This <span dir="ltr" lang="es">is sample code</span>.</p>

additional info:

  1. Currently spans are created with object being passed to CKEDITOR.editor.applyStyle()
#10834 Image2: The caption should not allow <p> and <br> (disable ENTER) confirmed Bug Normal

Referring to:

#10847 [FF] Incorrect cursor position on Backspace confirmed Bug Normal

To Reproduce:

  1. Type some text and press Enter key
  2. Hit Backspace
  3. New empty paragraph removed & cursor goes back to end of the first paragraph
  4. Press spacebar or type some text

Problem: Cursor moves to next line

#10858 Function focus() failed under IE if some of the HTML elements has style with specified width or height attributes confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

This issue is easy to reproduce by using api.html CKEditor sample:

  • run api.html sample on IE (any version)
  • Start debugging
  • Set editor content to:

<div style="width: 300px; height: 300px;">

<span class="text" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;">CKEditor</span>


  • select text
  • right click and select "Copy" Now you will get error: ckeditor.js, line 265 character 107; SCRIPT16389: Incorrect function.

Without debugging you will just fail to do any actions that can change focus: like copy/paste using popup menu, change font name or font size by using font list boxes from toolbar.

Browser and OS: Internet Explorer 10, Windows 7

Error SCRIPT16389 is also mentioned in #10857, #10796, #10894, #10970.

#10872 Unexpected bold when breaking a line after Removing Format on collapsed selection confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Use replacebycode sample.
  2. Set HTML
    <p><b>Apollo 11</b> was the spaceflight that landed the first humans.</p>
  3. Set caret so it is still bold
    Apollo 11^ was…
  4. Click remove format.
  5. Type a few words.
  6. ENTER.
  7. For unknown reason, typing bold in the new line:
    <p><b>Apollo 11</b> cow says moo</p>
    <p><b>...</b> was the spaceflight that landed the first humans.</p>

I'm able to reproduce it since in Chrome, Firefox and Safari (Mac).

#10885 Broken path to an anchor when CKEditor is located in a directory with a space confirmed Bug Normal

Kudos to Anna and Olek.

When there is an anchor in the content, CKEditor requests the following image: /ckcke_contents_ltr0421/full/plugins/link/images/anchor.png?t=D8AD, assuming that CKEditor is located in "/ck 421/full/"on the server.

Note the weird path in the URL: /ckcke_contents_ltr0421/

Confirmed in 4.2.1 and 4.3 Beta. Did not check earlier versions.

#10894 IE: Unspecified error thrown when we tro to delete a row in a table containing list confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open any CK sample & insert a table with default values.
  1. Insert a simple Numbered/Bulleted list(one list item) in one of table table cells
  1. Keep cursor in a different row, open Context menu and select Row - > Delete Row.

Expected Result: Corresponding row gets deleted

Actual Result: Corresponding row is deleted but a Javascript error thrown and the error is "Unspecified error"

#10897 IE9/IE10 - No visual indication that a table is selected confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  • Insert a table in the editor in IE9/IE10
  • Click on table in the elements path bar to select the table

Problem: There is no visual indication that the table is selected.

Note that if you use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V the table is copied and pasted, so it is actually selected. However the user is not aware of this.

In IE8, browser handles are displayed when the table is selected.

This stopped working in IE9/IE10 with git:396c4f0 where w3c DOM APIs were enabled for IE>9 so I am not sure if this is an IE issue or not. Either way it would be good to be able to give the user some visual indication that the table is selected in these browsers.

#10924 Attributes and styles are stripped from block elements when they are pasted in the editor confirmed Bug Normal

To Reproduce:

  1. Place the following in the Source view of the editor. This is just a styled div containing some text:
    <div name="styledDiv" style="padding-bottom: 4px; background-color: rgb(255,255,204); margin: 8px; padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; padding-top: 4px; border-radius: 6px">Sample text inside a styled Div</div>
  2. Switch back to wysiwyg mode and click on the editor contents.
  3. Select the div in the elementspath bar and use Ctrl+C to copy it.
  4. Insert a paragraph below the div using the magicline feature.
  5. Paste the div from your clipboard using Ctrl+V


  • In FF, the div has been converted to a paragraph element and all attributes and styling have been removed.
  • In Chrome, the div has been converted to a paragraph element and all attributes and styling except the background color have been removed.
  • This usecase works well in IE.

Scenario 2:

  1. Clear the editor contents and repeat steps 1-4 above.
  2. Enter some text into the new paragraph created in step 4 above and press enter.
  3. Paste the div contents from your clipboard again.


  • In IE, the div has been converted to a paragraph element and all attributes and styling have been removed.
  • In Chrome, the div has been converted to a paragraph element and all attributes and styling except the background color have been removed.
  • This usecase works well in FF.

Note: The name attribute in the sample code provided will always be removed when ACF is enabled. However, the same results as outlined above also occur even when ACF is disabled.

#10940 [FF] contenteditable false prevents removing line breaks confirmed Bug Normal

When a tag with contenteditable=false is directly preceded by a BR, P, or DIV tag said tags cannot be removed.

<br />
<span contenteditable='false'>test</span>

I can occasionally click the margin to the left of the span and backspace the BR, but it's not dependable. It cannot be deleted from the end of the previous line at all. Deleting the SPAN will also delete the BR. Adding any printable character between the BR and SPAN will allow the BR to be removed.

Tested in chrome and firefox.
It IS working is IE8 of all browsers...

This issue is only valid for TC mentioned in comment:1 for Firefox. In all other cases editor does the same thing as native code in browser does.

Problem occurs in both CKE 3.x and 4.x (4.2.1 at the time of writing)

#10941 Indentation not applied to ul/ol element when the entire list is indented confirmed Bug Normal

1) Select a list (ul or ol) as whole. 2) Click Indent button

Result: Text inside list items is indented but not the list as a whole. The bullet points are aligned to the left, that means to the edge of the edit area.

#10942 Image2: Introduce a proper visual indicator of selected resizable image confirmed Bug Normal

Following the discussion suggesting that we may may want to improve UX by putting some kind of an outline to the image, I open this ticket for research purposes and general brainstorming.

#10946 [FF] Cursor stuck in widget confirmed Bug Normal
  1. open Firefox,
  2. go to
  3. put cursor after a widget (ex. after "is an example of an inline equation"),
  4. press and hold left arrow button on your keyboard,

You can not move cursor before widget. This bug could be reproduce with any inline widget.

#10947 Status bar path not selecting 'caption' and 'thead' in table confirmed Bug Normal

See the below link

#10949 [Blink Firefox] Readonly editor elementspath selection doesn't select as expected. confirmed Bug Normal

When the editor is readonly clicking an element in elements path does not truly select it in Blink and Firefox.

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to the mission crew table and click to focus it
  3. Click "table" in elementspath
  4. The table is selected, but the selection color is gray. Notice that the copy icon is enabled.
  5. Press Ctrl-C to try and copy the selection
  6. Make the editor editable and try to paste or paste in some other program -> fail.

NOTE: This doesn't have to be table. You can select list or any other element. In blink and Firefox you won't be able to copy it. Blink informs you about it with system sound while FF does nothing.

Workaround: select the table with the mouse and copy it then (notice the blue selection instead of the gray one in step 3). This is really difficult to control though as the mouse selection is not accurate or easy. This is difficult when for example trying to copy long or nested tables.

#10952 Various issues when choosing inactive option in context menu confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open replacebyclass sample.
  2. Place caret in table cell.
  3. Press "option key" or click right mouse button to open context menu.
  4. Using keyboard navigate to Cell -> Merge cells (which is disabled).
  5. Press enter or click that option.

General problem - nothing should happen IMO when choosing disabled option.

Browser specific:

  • IE: focus is completely lost - I'm unable to close the context menu or navigate in it.
  • Chrome: focus is lost (at least I think so, because none option is focused), but everything still works.
#10955 IE9: Cursor jumps to start of next list level when we press tab to create another list level confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open any CK Editor sample
  1. In Editor body, create a list with 2 list items
  1. Press Enter & Tab to create first sub list
  1. Press up arrow key to go to second list item in top level
  1. Press Tab key

Expected Result: A new sub list created with 2nd list item as first item in newly created sub-list and focus stays at end of newly created sub list

Actual Result: A new sub list created with 2nd list item as first item in newly created sub-list but focus jumps to first list item in next level

#10959 Delete cells in table with nested table removes entire document content confirmed Bug Normal

Open the attached html. Select the content in the first and second cells in the second row of the table. Execute Delete Cells.

The entire content of the document is deleted.

#10966 [FF] Unable to escape from the link or anchor confirmed Bug Normal

To Reproduce:

  1. Use ajax sample
  2. Type in a word, e.g. test, select it by using Ctrl + A
  3. Insert a link or anchor
  4. Press the END key
  5. Press space and continue typing

Problem: Cursor is inside the anchor tag

This issue was previously fixed under

#10970 [IE] Not able to remove row in inline confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open IE10 or IE9
  2. Go to inlinebycode.html sample
  3. Go to templates.
  4. Select 'Text and Table' template and insert in.
  5. Right click on table cell and select Row -> Delete Rows
SCRIPT16389: Incorrect function.
inlinebycode.html, line 46 character 5
#10979 Undo does not work for resizing elements such as table, image, horizontal line confirmed Bug Normal

I tested with IE9 on full featured DEMO page.
1) Click the table to get square handles.
2) Resize the table to have different dimensions.
Result: undo does not work
3) Click the image to get square handles.
4) Resize the image to have different dimensions.
Result: undo does not work
3) Click the horizontal line on the bottom of the page to get square handles.
4) Resize the horizontal line to have different dimensions.
Result: undo does not work

#10981 Autogrow plugin cause the text content to 'shake' confirmed Bug Normal

To Reproduce:

  1. Open the Autogrow sample in IE10
  1. Select format (Heading 1) in the toolbar
  1. Type in some text
  1. Press enter twice
  1. Type in text and press enter until the editor starts to grow

Problem: On the line when autogrow gets triggered the text content shakes, e.g. jumps up and down.

#10988 [FF] Widgets: Caret goes outside of contenteditable on home/end keys confirmed Bug Normal

since: 4.3 (didn't check earlier) until major

Firefox exclusive: pressing home/end key can put caret outside widget.

  1. open any sample with image2 plugin (i.e. plugins/image2/samples/image2.html)
  2. put caret inside first image caption
  3. CTRL + a to select all
  4. click on remove formatting button
  5. press home key

Expected result:
Caret should collapse at the begining of previous selection.

Current result:
Caret goes outside of widget.

additional info:

  1. When pressed home it places itself right before figure[class="caption"].
#10989 [Webkit/Blink] Widgets and content after them disappear when pargraphs are merged using backspace confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open mathjax sample.
  2. Set data to: <p>foo</p><p>bar <span class="math-tex">\(\TeX\)</span> bom</p>
  3. Place caret at the beginning of 2nd line.
  4. Press backspace. Widget and "bom" disappear.
#10993 Delete columns when rows are splitted confirmed Bug Normal
  • Insert table (3x3)
  • Split left-middle cell horizontally
  • Try to delete last column

Column is being removed but console error occurs.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ownerDocument' of undefined

#10995 Color (Foreground) doesn't get applied to span. confirmed Bug Normal

Color (Foreground) doesn't get applied to span, when span has a class which has color attribute set in CSS. Althoug, it does work for background-color.

Tested on: Mac OS X 10.7+, Chrome many versions (30.0.+)

Working Demo:

  • Using CKEditor 4.2
  • Loads custom configuration
#10999 Resize an inline editor confirmed Bug Normal

If you convert an editable div to a CkEditor using the inline function, a call to the resize-method of the created instance will give an error.

This can be confirmed by adding the following line to the bottom of the inlinebycode.html sample:

  <button onClick="editor.resize(100,100)">Test resize</button>

The contents variable will never be set within the resize method.

#11007 Incorrect display of URL, file path including bidi data pending Bug Normal


Display of text on the screen is governed by Unicode Bidi Algorithm (UBA). This is true for both platform level rendering, web browser rendering and CKEditor rendering. UBA provides good results for plain text but fails to preserve structured in case of structured text includes bidi (Arabic / Hebrew) characters. UBA provide various tools (i.e. Unicode Control Characters) which can be used to instruct it about structure of the text. Using those tools we can achieve perfect display.

CKEditor context

In CKEditor we see following types of structured text:

  1. File paths
  1. URL

When Bidi data is used as part of those cases, the display of data is completely incomprehensible. For example: c:\AAA\BBB\Aa\file.txt (capital letters refer to Bidi letters) will be displayed as: c:\A\BBB\AAAa\file.txt As you can see not only the order of folders names but also their integrity is violated. Judging by appearance, you would think that top most folder is A, while in reality it is AAA. You would also think that there is a folder AAAa, while in reality there is no such folder.

#11010 Fix memory leaks caused by CKEDITOR.filter.instances storing nested editables' filters forever confirmed Bug Normal

Every nested editable which has allowed content rules defined has its filter instance. These instances are stored in nested editable instances, which most likely are correctly garbage collected. But filter instances are also stored in CKEDITOR.filter.instances and they are kept there forever.

We could have filter.destroy() method removing instance from the instances hash and doing other cleanup if necessary. Then we could destroy filters when destroying widgets.

#11017 Table border value should only allow integers confirmed Bug Normal

Create a table. Specify table properties. Enter a border value. Floats are allowed, but XHTML indicates table border must be integer value. This causes our XHTML validation to fail.

<xsd:simpleType name="Pixels">


<xsd:documentation> integer representing length in pixels </xsd:documentation>

</xsd:annotation> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:nonNegativeInteger"/>

</xsd:simpleType> ...

<xsd:element name="table">


<xsd:attribute name="border" type="Pixels"/>



#11019 calling destroy() throws an error when image dialog is open confirmed Bug Normal

This started happening in 4.2, reproducible in Chrome and Firefox. For some reason, when dialog tries to hide coverElement, it is already gone from the focusManager.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'blur' of null


CKEDITOR.focusManager.remove - ckeditor.js:198

Steps to reproduce:

  1. open attached html file (it loads ckeditor & jquery from cdnjs)
  2. click "Go!"
  3. click "Image" in the ckeditor toolbar.
  4. Wait for 10 second countdown to end.

Observed Result: white dialog cover stays on screen, error printed to the dev console. Expected Result: exact opposite of "Observed Result".

#11022 [Webkit&Blink] Nested editable does not get focus in certain situations confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open Chrome,
  2. Open New Image plugin sample,
  3. Click on nested editable ("Roll out of Saturn V"),
  4. Click on browser url bar,
  5. Click again on nested editable.


  • editable has focus (blue outline), only accepted options are available.


  • editable haven't got focus (no blue outline), all buttons are available.
#11026 Htmlentities of php start tag makes attributes empty in internet explorer assigned Jakub Ś Bug Normal

Firefox 24 or Chrome 30.0 on Win8:

In code editor:

<p><a href="&lt;?=$foo;?&gt;">Bar</a></p>

Toggle source to wysywyg and toggle back to code

<p><a href="&lt;?=$foo;?&gt;">Bar</a></p>

The result is the same.

IE10 (and other IE) Win8:

In code editor

<p><a href="&lt;?=$foo;?&gt;">Bar</a></p>

Switch to wysywyg and back to code

<p><a href="">Bar</a></p>

Result: href is empty

When I test this without a php start tag (loosing the ?) in IE10:

In code editor

<p><a href="&lt;=$foo;?&gt;">Bar</a></p>

Switch to wysywyg and back to code

<p><a href="&lt;=$foo;?&gt;">Bar</a></p>

The result is correct.

You can reproduce this on the CKEditor demo page.

In our environment it is the same but if I add the following to the config, it works:

config.protectedSource.push( /<\?[\s\S]*?\?>/g );
config.protectedSource.push( /&lt;\?[\s\S]*?\?&gt;/g );

But protectedSource is not something what we want to use.

Is this a bug? Thanks in advance

#11034 IframeDialog has very small content in CKEditor 4 continued. confirmed Bug Normal

This is the continuation of ticket #10610.

There are two methods of adding iframedialog to editor:

  1. CKEDITOR.dialog.addIframe method which is used when you only want to have iframe in dialog. The height of iframe (or rather wrapping div) was fixed in #10610.
  1. There is also possibility to add iframe to dialog (sample code below).This method is used when you want to have something more in dialog except for iframe. Furthermore this method isn't fixed by #10610. It works when you define width and height in pixels but doesn't when you define % for iframe dimentions.
    ontents :
                                 id : 'iframe',
                                 label : 'some label...',
                                 expand : true,
                                 elements :
                                             type : 'iframe',                                       

To summarize: adding iframe as contents and setting height to 100% will result in small iframe.

Why this is happening: Div surrounding iframe has height auto and all elements inside it (when you define % for iframe) are % so the wrapping div will never get dialog height in this case.
Please go to: ckeditor4\plugins\dialog\plugin.js
Line 1039
In CKE 4.x this line is style: || 'width: 100%;' while in 3.x this was style: || 'width: 100%;height:100%;'. Bringing back height fixes this issue.

Ticket #10610 didn't involve fixing dialog plugin but iframedialog plugin. As discussed with @fredck, fix from #10610 did its job in 50%. It should be checked why doesn't it work for second case and if something can be done about it.

I’m attaching sample plugin for testing.

#11035 Deleting one of two subsequent spaces should leave normal space confirmed Bug Normal

Extracted from: #11024. Related to: #9929.

There's WebKit&Blink bug:

If it won't be fixed in browsers we should take care of this when we'll be implementing custom delete/backspace support.

So "&nbsp; " and " &nbsp;" should result in normal space after deleting any of them.

#11037 No link&unlink option in context menu opened on widget assigned Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal
  1. Open MathJax sample.
  2. Select some text containing widget (or just widget).
  3. Create link.
  4. Right click widget.
  5. There are no link and unlink options in context menu.
#11038 [IE] Click on MathJax/Image widget wrapped with link causes location change confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open MathJax sample.
  2. Select some text containing widget (or just widget).
  3. Create link.
  4. Click widget - after a while page is redirected.

Reproduced on IE9, but most likely concerns also other IEs.

#11039 [Webkit/Blink] Link created in nested editable is not being selected confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open image2 sample.
  2. Place caret in nested editable.
  3. Create link.
  4. Caret is moved the the beginning of main editable.
#11041 Search plugin doesn't scroll properly when there is only "BR content" in editor confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  • mkdir ckeditor-bug
  • cd ckeditor-bug
  • wget
  • unzip
  • Copy test.html from this ticket's attachment to here
  • Call up test.html in a browser
  • Click magnifying glass in toolbar to call up search.
  • Enter xxx into search box
  • Click "Search" button multiple times. xxx occurs twice in the text, at the beginning and in the middle. The cursor jumps around to the start and end of the text without ever showing the second occurance of xxx.


  1. Put code from attached file in to editor.
  2. You can also write your own content but editor needs to be set to enter mode BR.
  3. Try to find 'xxx' or whatever word there is in your text and repeats throughout the content (there has to be few pages of content).

Result: Editor will match and select word but will not scroll to it correctly (This can be checked when you resize editor to match whole content).

Problem can be reproduced in all browsers from CKEditor 3.4

#11046 figcaption moved outside figure tag confirmed Bug Normal

In CKEditor 4.2.2 in Chrome, using the following code, ficaption tag is moved outside the figure (and table) tags.

Original code:

 <table class="nolines">
                                                <img class="borderme shadowme" src="../media/4622/thyroid_intro_thyroidandparathyroid_3_img1of2.jpg" /></figure>
                                        <figcaption>Transverse Imaging Plane</figcaption>
                                                <img class="borderme shadowme" src="../media/4622/thyroid_intro_thyroidandparathyroid_3_img2of2.jpg" /></figure>
                                        <figcaption>Transverse View Thyroid Gland</figcaption>
</table>  }}}

Modified by ckeditor:

<figcaption>Transverse Imaging Plane</figcaption><figcaption>Transverse View Thyroid Gland</figcaption>
<table class="nolines">
                        <figure><img class="borderme shadowme" src="../media/4622/thyroid_intro_thyroidandparathyroid_3_img1of2.jpg" /></figure>
                        <figure><img class="borderme shadowme" src="../media/4622/thyroid_intro_thyroidandparathyroid_3_img2of2.jpg" /></figure>

Also, I noticed figcaption doesn't appear in the status bar as a selectable tag (related?). I am using config.allowedContent = true; as well as config.autoParagraph = false; to supress extra paragraphs, which I think are related to the formatting issue.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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