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Results (201 - 300 of 356)

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Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#8351 Image not visible in page preview confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8365 List item breakage in IE8 confirmed mcamden@… Bug Normal
#8382 [IE] PageUp and PageDown not working confirmed Damian, Teresa Monahan, rschnorenberg@…, giorgio Bug Normal
#8385 Problem when switching between multiple instances of ckeditor confirmed tkrah@… Bug Normal
#8418 do feature detection of paste event support before simulating a paste event confirmed Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal
#8473 JS error will cause CKEDITOR instances to not update their data to the iframe. confirmed julianalucenaa@… Bug Normal
#8485 SCAYT selection bug confirmed tech@…, Bug Normal
#8498 First word in webspelchecker not automatic selected in IE9 confirmed Bug Normal
#8549 [IE, Webkit] can not delete selected text in table contents confirmed alvaro.lechner@… Bug Normal
#8552 Spaces lost on copying during editing confirmed rschnorenberg@… Bug Normal
#8561 Unexpected lists get created when selecting nested divs confirmed Teresa Monahan, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8584 Support Content Security Policy confirmed rb@…, kevincox@…, enumag@… New Feature Normal
#8621 WYSIWYG focus fails on Opera Mobile and Kindle Silk browsers confirmed Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Normal
#8705 [iOS] Caret (cursor) may not appear when typing is enabled new mcamden@… Bug Normal
#8717 Mobile Safari - Cursor remains after switching between wysiwyg mode and text mode confirmed mcamden@… Bug Normal
#8724 Draw a table with plug-in (one-click table) confirmed cyerradoddi@… New Feature Normal
#8759 Add the possibility to remove a context menu item at a certain listener assigned monahant@… Sa'ar Zac Elias New Feature Normal
#8832 Stylesheet parser error if file not on cache review joel.peltonen@… Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Normal
#8854 [IE] A Japanese key input is repeated (when enter mode is set to BR) confirmed director@… Bug Normal
#8896 Using Ctrl-Z after switching to bold and back causes strange cursor jumps confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8957 Copy-paste of table rows does not work correctly confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8986 Delete bullet from middle of bullet list, extra space that cannot be removed. new mcamden@… Bug Normal
#8987 [iOS] Can not "Select All" after Copy and Paste text in the editor new mcamden@… Bug Normal
#9026 Make CKEditor prevent caching images in browsers confirmed joel.peltonen@… New Feature Normal
#9030 IE9: select text + open link dialog - link creation fails if text contains linebreak <br /> tag. confirmed Marcus Pickering Bug Normal
#9095 SCAYT adds bad characters confirmed Bug Normal
#9161 [IE]: SCAYT affecting IsDirty confirmed Bug Normal
#9290 Loading CKEditor in readOnly mode breaks the undo/redo toolbar buttons confirmed joel.peltonen@… Bug Normal
#9295 Font Size and Bold/Italic/Underline create multiple spans confirmed monahant@… Bug Normal
#9361 Context menu not displayed in correct position when invoked using keyboard shortcut (Shift + F10 or application key) review_failed Damian, Teresa Monahan, irinauru@… Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal
#9391 Inline editing: editor in iframe doesn't react on parent page scroll confirmed satya_minnekanti@…, matti.jarvinen@… Bug Normal
#9460 [iOS] CKE4 nighly build; Selection lost when selecting font menu new camden.michael@… Bug Normal
#9556 [iOS] Can't fully exit out of list and continue adding text to editor in iOS 6.0.1 new mcamden@… Bug Normal
#9567 [iOS] Select All, selected area is not confined to the text area in iOS 6.0.1 new mcamden@… Bug Normal
#9637 Scripts can be executed from ckeditor using preview plugin confirmed senthil.kumaran@…, pramod.agrawal@… Bug Normal
#9719 [IE10] Enterkey is not working confirmed valassas@… Bug Normal
#9740 IE: Unordered list inside font tag causes nested unordered lists confirmed rschnorenberg@… Bug Normal
#9756 Strikethrough splits text in Opera confirmed Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Normal
#9781 Need Setting to append suffix to assets for cachebusting builds confirmed joel.peltonen@… New Feature Normal
#9806 Add support for internal pages in link dialog confirmed wim.leers@…, mattleff@… New Feature Normal
#9827 Collapse toolbar keystroke doesn't work on FF confirmed thargenediad@… Bug Normal
#9870 Moono skin: uiColor not working properly if color name is provided confirmed commercial@… Bug Normal
#9899 Resizing adjacent framed editor breaks floating toolbar position confirmed alexander.klyuchka@…, chris.ingham@… Bug Normal
#9967 Fire an Event when items are selected on toolbar combo boxes and color panels confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti, fabrizio New Feature Normal
#9979 magicline should show up after more html5 flow elements confirmed jaegerj@… Bug Normal
#9998 [Umbrella][Blink/Webkit] Issues related to backspace and delete keys handling confirmed laura@…, ben@…, matti.jarvinen@…, ivanjh@…, joel.peltonen@… Bug Normal
#10169 Editor context menu unavailable when opened outside the body element of the content area confirmed angel.koilov@…, Damian, Teresa Monahan, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#10188 Append template option to templates plugin confirmed matti.jarvinen@… New Feature Normal
#10201 Table properties have no width when opening dialog after resizing table confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#10247 [Webkit] Enter key before sub list is not right assigned satya_minnekanti@… Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal
#10273 Finish integrating dialogs with Advanced Content Filter confirmed satya_minnekanti@…, glen.84@… Task Normal
#10305 Strange jumps to the top in Firefox upon dialog closing (testcase included) confirmed chalkerx@… Bug Normal
#10371 Insert HTML space bug IE confirmed stephan@… Bug Normal
#10392 Dropdowns don't scroll to top when opened. confirmed mike@… Bug Normal
#10477 Exception on DELETE key confirmed jpleer@… Bug Normal
#10553 Find and Replace dialog cannot match text with multiple spaces confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#10584 IE8 throws error on delete confirmed jpleer@… Bug Normal
#10631 Content Advisor in IE8 Causes 4.1.2 to not function confirmed satya_minnekanti@…, irinauru@… Bug Normal
#10745 [FF&Inline] Cells selection is lost when merging cells confirmed charis, Ales Seifert, Marian Kmet, gaoheng, richard@… Bug Normal
#10819 [iOS] Hitting return will cause all text below cursor to delete new michael.pontoriero@… Bug Normal
#10820 [iOS] Calling insertText switches CKEditor into "Read Only" mode new michael.pontoriero@… Bug Normal
#10941 Indentation not applied to ul/ol element when the entire list is indented confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#10964 Provide a "Stark" CKEditor skin, possibly as the base for the Moono skin? confirmed wim.leers@… New Feature Normal
#10999 Resize an inline editor confirmed stig@… Bug Normal
#11007 Incorrect display of URL, file path including bidi data pending Tomer Mahlin, Teresa Monahan, Amir Bug Normal
#11060 [IE11+] Selection is not placed right above the cursor when clicking below body confirmed byran.zaugg@… Bug Normal
#11065 Incorrect paragraph style after applying indentation and changing text direction confirmed Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti, peter Bug Normal
#11115 Widgets are not filtered by ACF when pasting confirmed irinauru@…, tomasz.kania@… Bug Normal
#11120 Support for multiple simultaneous Block level styles is missing confirmed joel.peltonen@… New Feature Normal
#11169 Maximize not work confirmed psyafter@… Bug Normal
#11192 Table Tools modify the wrong table when working with the <th> element in a nested table confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#11231 Autogrow does not load as images are loaded confirmed stig@… Bug Normal
#11252 Widget with complex structure allow editing of widgets' editables (if those are divs) confirmed jhubert@… Bug Normal
#11257 Language dropdown display issues with many language options confirmed Satya Minnekanti, Irina, peter, Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal
#11320 IE: cursor not visible when CKEditor opened as a modal dialog confirmed Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti, peter Bug Normal
#11322 Impossible to delete some block elements at the beginning of content confirmed ankush.ghosal@… New Feature Normal
#11343 Drag&drop: inline widgets disappear when forcePasteAsPlainText is set confirmed joel.peltonen@… Bug Normal
#11503 [Umbrella] Further widgets integration with ACF confirmed wim.leers@… New Feature Normal
#11579 Merging of table cells containing an image widget fails in OSX using different browsers confirmed fred-jan@… Bug Normal
#11601 FF - Pasting Chinese characters adds spaces to the pasted text confirmed irinauru@… Bug Normal
#11663 Input Method Editor(IMEs) didn't work properly in CKEditor with the AutoGrow plugin in IE11 review ChrisGui@…, satya_minnekanti@… Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal
#11700 Bringing accessibility support for widgets confirmed IRINAURU@…, giorgio, satya_minnekanti@…, chrisgui@… Bug Normal
#11708 Magic-Line showing in email confirmed suryapals@… Bug Normal
#11709 Update ACF documentation with wildcards and blacklisting assigned wim.leers@… Piotrek Koszuliński Task Normal
#11759 Introduce a "split button" UI component confirmed mike@… New Feature Normal
#11825 [IE] Clicking on image2 in readonly mode causes error confirmed Marcus Pickering Bug Normal
#11906 Parser does not accept incorrect HTML tag with excessive quotes confirmed wenbinke@… Bug Normal
#11923 [Blink] Caret is rendered at wrong location when editable region ends with a non-editable region confirmed pieter.eggermont@… Bug Normal
#11994 ASP.NET control ContentsCss doesn't correctly support Web application root operator (~) review Andrew Koransky Alan Bug Normal
#12046 Using figure wrapper even if there is no caption confirmed a.nowodzinski@… New Feature Normal
#12089 Support for inline-block editors confirmed srinivasa.prabhu@…, rameshathish@… New Feature Normal
#12120 Dynamic size restrictions in AutoGrow feature confirmed wim.leers@… New Feature Normal
#12123 [Umbrella] Problems with selection in table cells confirmed irinauru@…, satya_minnekanti@… New Feature Normal
#12131 Text wrapping and line heights after starting with a large font. confirmed devin.moore@… Bug Normal
#12197 dialogadvtab plugin: style field input validation is too restrictive confirmed benni.vollmer@… Bug Normal
#12199 ckeditor is omitting a single trailing space in firefox and ie. confirmed dominic@…, rick.schnorenberg@… Bug Normal
#12265 Transform inline widget into block and back confirmed Piotrek Koszuliński, Olek Nowodziński New Feature Normal
#12391 [IE] No undo snapshots created when using IME (input method engine) assigned ehudm@… Artur Delura Bug Normal
#12441 Permanent Pen feature confirmed satya_minnekanti@…, irinauru@… New Feature Normal
#12442 Adjustable default values for the Table dialog confirmed satya_minnekanti@… New Feature Normal
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