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Results (101 - 200 of 326)

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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#7286 Inproper dropdown list height when opened in 2 editors one after the other Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#7325 Webkit: backspace moves content between p tags (instead of merging them) WebKit Bug confirmed Normal
#7358 safari: we can't come out of Numbered/Bulleted list when some formatting is applied to text in list item WebKit IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7359 Safari : Paragraph formats not applied to list items properly IBM Webkit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7360 WebKit: problems with editor interface after browser window resize Webkit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7370 FF & Safari : Underline for list item not shown for the below html code IBM Firefox WebKit Bug confirmed Normal
#7381 WebKit: Element styles are lost when preceding empty paragraph is removed WebKit Bug closed Normal
#7383 WebKit: an empty paragraph is added when pasting from Word WebKit Bug closed Normal
#7432 Safari: we can't start a Numbered/Bulleted list with out focus in editor body IBM WebKit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7438 [WebKit] Impossible to create new lists without focus WebKit Bug closed Normal
#7479 WebKit: Paragraph format not applied when editor is not focused WebKit IBM Bug closed Normal
#7506 Cannot apply format to an empty editor using enterMode BR WebKit Bug closed Normal
#7645 Lists not deleted properly using backspace IE WebKit IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7742 [[safari/chrome]] not possible to apply alignment/ indentation / language direction with out focus in editor body IBM WebKit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7775 Selected contents is removed before paste WebKit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7805 {cke_protected} inserted when pasting from Word in Chrome Webkit Bug closed Normal
#7838 Editing tables in editor causes rows to move or the tables to disappear Webkit Bug closed Normal
#7893 Can't link to anchor WebKit Opera Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7910 If forcePasteAsPlainText paste (ctrl + v) doesn't work properly in webkit env Webkit Bug closed Normal
#7920 Webkit: Incorrect font name is displayed IBM Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#7936 Large cursor next to images in Webkit Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#7942 [Webkit] Paste elements carries applied style Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8017 Webkit: Problems with undo and lists after switching to source mode and back Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8035 Selecting uneditable element via elements path takes cursor to previous editable element WebKit Bug closed Normal
#8053 WebKit: List items always contain "dir" attribute Webkit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8061 Webkit Drag and Drop shifts event focus to iframe document Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8071 Demo editors don't resize horizontally Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8082 [WebKit] <font> tag with "Apple-style-span" class is left when deleting content WebKit VendorFix Bug closed Normal
#8133 Webkit: Autogrow in quirks mode. Editor doesn't get smaller. Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8169 Webkit editor doesn't scroll without focus. Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8203 [Chrome] ALT+S for submitting a post in IPB and vBulletin does not work Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8234 [Webkit]: Problems when pasting from Demo page Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8266 Chrome: Paste from Word inserts blank line at top. Webkit Opera IBM Bug closed Normal
#8272 Resize Editor Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8296 focus event anomaly and safari/chrome crash Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8332 Chrome : link not inserted in correct position when we make a selection for the first time. IBM Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8342 ReadOnly sample - paste buttons reenabled, when "make read only" pressed WebKit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8348 Editor not resizing properly while table with width:500% added Webkit Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8358 Safari & Chrome : Paste options are enabled & Paste option shown in context menu when Clipboard is empty Webkit IBM Bug confirmed Normal
#8359 Tab highlight in dialog boxes Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8375 onfocus: Input text selection not cleared in Chrome Webkit VendorFix Bug confirmed Normal
#8438 Webkit changes strong tags to b when deleting formatted text. Webkit Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8463 WebKit: Cut/Copy don't go on "enabled" state WebKit Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#8471 Webkit: When Copy/Paste Table Cell It Gets Pasted in next Column Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8526 [Webkit] Unlink Highlighted Object leaves empty Anchor Opera Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8536 Safari/ Chrome: Default Alignment not shown for the text in editor. IBM Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8549 [IE, Webkit] can not delete selected text in table contents IE, Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8554 Safari: Collapse toolbar and Font and Size will be reset Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8588 [Safari, Chrome] Copying and pasting last table row does not work Webkit Opera IBM Bug closed Normal
#8589 Safari & Chrome : Copying & Pasting first table row with headers & some cells with rowspan > 1 not working Webkit IBM Bug confirmed Normal
#8632 Cannot highlight and delete a list item word Webkit Opera Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8645 Copy/paste problem with chrome into table cells Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8667 [Webkit] Enter works incorrectly into PRE blocks Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8673 Chrome: cannot select and remove Page Break (pagebreak) Webkit Opera Marek Lewandowski Bug closed Normal
#8695 Reset fonts Firefox, Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8705 [iOS] Caret (cursor) may not appear when typing is enabled iOS WebKit Bug new Normal
#8722 [FF, Webkit]: ForeAsPlainText splits span tags Firefox, Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8723 in chrome, span with class attribute removed when merging blocks on delete/backspace Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8738 Edit link on floated image does not work in Webkit Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8747 Webkit: Editor scrolls down on paste. Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8829 FF - Deleting selected text sometimes not working quite right Webkit Firefox IBM Bug closed Normal
#8887 Kama skin: dialog.css error Firefox Webkit Jakub Ś Bug closed Normal
#8889 SCAYT inserts nonbreaking spaces in IE 9/8/7 and Chrome 18 IE Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8896 Using Ctrl-Z after switching to bold and back causes strange cursor jumps Chrome Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8916 Safari: Press delete button in an empty cell deleting empty Rows below current row IBM Webkit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8921 Paste on a newly created ckeditor instance does not work on chrome Webkit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8922 ctrl-v plain text bug with CKEDITOR.config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8929 Scayt causes list formatting issues Firefox Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8941 Webkit: content area disappears when resizing the browser Webkit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8994 Firefox, Webkit and Opera - Can't exit link at the end of document in bbcode Webkit Opera Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#8999 Cannot edit label elements Firefox Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#9004 insertHtml in Chrome strips 'span' element Webkit Bug closed Normal
#9095 SCAYT adds bad characters Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#9136 [Webkit] Enter key scrolls down the page when CKEditor is in absolutely-positioned div Webkit Bug closed Normal
#9143 Cut/Copy buttons do not go enabled when selection is made under the contents Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#9145 Dialog buttons are cutoff from top Firefox Webkit Bug closed Normal
#9146 Webkit: Link selection is incosistent Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#9159 pasting a table in IE8 and Chrome all cells inherits indent from a paragraph IE Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#9160 r7387 breaks editor in Chrome Win7 Webkit Bug closed Normal
#9237 [Webkits] [CKE 3.x 4.x] Incorrect handling of ctrl+a in specific cases Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#9254 [Webkits] Checkbox is rendered on the right of cursor WebKit Bug confirmed Normal
#9308 duplicate no-repeat value for background-repeat in Table dialog Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#9444 [inline] [webkit] wrong selection after open new <pre> block Webkit Bug closed Normal
#9455 [Webkit] Filler char not removed on keystroke Webkit Bug closed Normal
#9523 [Webkit] ENTER scrolls up the page Webkit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#9554 [Webkit Mac] Editor scrolls on paste Webkit Mac Bug closed Normal
#9577 Chrome+Inline: Context menu paste goes to the start of the text WebKit Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#9581 [Webkit] Selection#removeAllRanges test broken because Webkit implements MS's selection type property Webkit Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#9611 Tab key based navigation is broken inside specialchar dialog Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#9651 Object styles are not being applied Webkit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#9679 Deleting extra space below table and "unlisting" causes JS error Webkit IE Bug confirmed Normal
#9715 Resize window bug Webkit Bug closed Normal
#9754 Cut/paste simple unformatted text generates inline wrapper in Webkits Webkit Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#9769 Horizontal scroll on Webkits when floating toolbar doesn't fit in viewport Webkit Olek Nowodziński Bug closed Normal
#9814 Inline editor created in "display:none" element results in editor with disabled buttons Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#9832 [Inline] Floating panel resize concerns Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#9861 Spacebar keypress ignored in last cell of row when first cell expands full length Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#9897 Inconsistent ESC key handling when in dialog select field Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#9898 [Webkit, Divarea] Pasting causes undesirable scrolling Webkit IBM Bug closed Normal
#9929 [Blink Webkit] &nbsp; is created when deleting character and typing common space WebKit Blink Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
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