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Results (1901 - 2000 of 2591)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#8136 Pasting numbered list with a different start value and style not working properly confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

Copy the list from attached word doc and paste in to editor.

keep cursor at end of first list item and press Enter.

Expected Result: A new list item is created and numbers for each list item are changed accordingly.

Actual Result: A new list item is created but numbers in the list item are not changed accordingly and when we press enter next to each pasted list item it is creating a separate list.

#12764 Pasting pure text in Chrome causes weird results confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open a sample with ACF disabled (e.g. the magicline sample).
  1. Paste the following in source mode:
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%">
      <td style="color: #5f2351; font-size: 18pt;">
        Hello &amp; welcome to K-talk

  1. Switch to WYSIWYG mode.
  1. Copy "Test paste" string from some plain text editor (e.g. Notepad on Windows)
  1. Place the cursor at the end of the text and press the keyboard shortcut to paste (CTRL + V).
  1. The result is (wrong):
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%">
          <td style="color: #5f2351; font-size: 18pt;">
            <font color="#666666">
              <span style="font-size:10px">
                Hello &amp; welcome to K-talk
            Test paste

  1. However, if you paste the same content using the "Paste" button in CKEditor, the result is different (correct!):
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%">
          <td style="color: #5f2351; font-size: 18pt;">
            Hello &amp; welcome to K-talkTest paste

Confirmed on Google Chrome (Win, Linux, Mac), happens in CKEditor 4.0 - 4.4.6. Works fine on CKEditor and on plain contenteditable.

I couldn't find any other markup different than tables that would cause similar issues.

#9053 Pasting texts from Apple Mail into CKEditor using safari only paste the first paragraph confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

1) Using Apple Mail, copy a fragment of text with a couple of paragraphs of text 2) Paste it in coeditor (for example, in the demo:

Only the first paragraph is pasted.

It doesn't happen in Chrome.

#16807 Pasting widgets with the clipboard plugin under firefox removes some classes. pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the ckeditor with firefox, copy a widget with more html.
  2. Click right button on the editor, then paste from the dropdown.
  3. The paste dialog is shown, then press Ctrl+V to paste it in the dialog and click OK.

Expected result

The widget should be inserted with all its classes, same content, and same styles.

Actual result

All elements are present but some of their classes are removed, the style is not the same. I've debugged the paste dialog and in the event 'pasteDialogCommit', { dataValue: html }) - the dataValue contains all necessary elements and their classes. However when the widget is inserted and I inspect its elements it seems some of their classes are removed.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

It works perfectly under chrome, IE and Safari.

#13148 Pate from Word empty list issue confirmed Bug Normal

If there is empty list in pasted from Word data CKEditor will show an alert "It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error".

The simplest way to reproduce it is edit /plugins/pastefromword/filter/default.js file. Find the following code:

try {
	data = dataProcessor.toHtml( data );
} catch ( e ) {
	alert( editor.lang.pastefromword.error );

and override the data var above it:

data = '<div>Test paste empty list from Word <ul><li></li></ul></div>';

try {
	data = dataProcessor.toHtml( data );
} catch ( e ) {
	alert( editor.lang.pastefromword.error );

Open editor, click Paste from Word button type anything and click OK.

#8046 Path not refreshed in Firefox and Webkit confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open sample page
  2. Select sample text and apply "blue heading" to it.
  3. Delete whole text
  4. Press backspace button few more times to remove formatting
  5. Start typing.

Firefox and Webkit- Path is showing “body h3” but the typed letters are small. If you change to source view you will see that there is no “h3” only “p”. This hasn't worked form CKEditor 3.5.3 rev [6586].

IE and Opera – the path is not refreshed but the typed letters have the blue heading formatting. In this case formatting is simply not removed. It has always worked that way for these two browsers.

#8467 <p> belongs with <br> at the end of list cause javascript error - nodeValue.length is null confirmed Bug Normal

Below steps can reproduce the error.

  1. Paste the following content
	<br />

  1. put the cursor position at the last line, e.g. cursor between d and e
  1. press left arrow key to walk through several lines from last line to the unordered list.
  1. javascript error occurs once the cursor position hit the unordered list content.

ps: the pattern unordered list + <p><br> causes this nodeValue.length error.

#902 PDF Generation confirmed New Feature Normal

There should be an option to generate the pdf of the content inside the text area.

Moved from SF:

#12062 Performance issues typing at the end of a large document in IE and Chrome confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the nightly demo page:
  2. Load a large document into the editor (I have attached a 30KB sample document)
  3. Type at the beginning and end of the document and compare the performance. In the affected browsers characters appear very slowly and the caret is often displayed 1 to 2 characters behind the actual insertion point.

Browser and OS

This issue occurs on Chrome in any Operating System, Internet Explorer 11 on any Operating System, and Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8.

Firefox performs well in any Operating System. Internet Explorer 9 and 10 on Windows 7 perform well.

#3627 Performance testing assigned Garry Yao New Feature Normal

I guess that everybody has this in mind, but no one has written it so far.

In the future it would be very nice to have an automated performance testing system, so that we can keep track of any unexpected degradation of the performance. And also to avoid that little + little + little changed do end up summing a serious problem.

For a reference, this post about Chrome explains the same basic idea: and points that some of the tools are based on HTML and JS, so maybe we can reuse something from there.

#1259 Perl connector does not conform to our standards confirmed Bug Normal

Each connector uses it's own config file, perl's not. And correct me if I'm wrong, it contains a possible security hole here:

	if($FORM{'ServerPath'} ne "") {
		$GLOBALS{'UserFilesPath'} = $FORM{'ServerPath'};
		if(!($GLOBALS{'UserFilesPath'} =~ /\/$/)) {
			$GLOBALS{'UserFilesPath'} .= '/' ;
	} else {
		$GLOBALS{'UserFilesPath'} = '/userfiles/';

by sending malformed ServerPath we can make some bad things. I think that it would be good to adjust perl connector to our standards (so that ServerPath could be defined in cofig file, not as a part of url) and btw. it would be good to make it's own page in (Integration section).

#12441 Permanent Pen feature confirmed New Feature Normal

In Lotus Notes, there's a featured called the Permanent Pen. You can set the style of the pen and when it's selected, you can write with that style anywhere in any document regardless of the document's formatting, where it came from, etc.

#13427 Persistent formatting in list contents immune to Remove Formatting confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Create a line of formatted text (use bold, italic, etc.)
  2. Remove Format.
  3. Type something.
  4. Click list button.
  5. Enter.

Expected: New list item without text formatting.

Actual: Text formatting does not give up.

Confirmed in Chrome and Safari. See the video.

#2552 PHP code on top of page confirmed Bug Normal

Apologies if this is a dup, but I couldn't find anything similar when having searched.

FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Add( /<\?[\s\S]*?\?>/g ) ;

lets me add PHP code, but only in the body-tag. PHP on top of the page (as "session_start()" should be) will be removed. This is according to XHTML rules, but means that no PHP developper needing the use of PHP sessions will be able to fully apply FCK.

I installed the latest nightly to test and have Fullpage=true.

#2176 php connector: apache_lookup_uri failure not handled confirmed Bug Normal

In the php connector's io.php in Server_MapPath, apache_lookup_uri is used. If it fails for some reason, a warning is displayed and a wrong value is returned. This ends up with something like this:

:  apache_lookup_uri() [
<a href="function.apache-lookup-uri">function.apache-lookup-uri</a>
]: Unable to include '/../assets/pages/3076/Image/' - error finding URI in 
 on line 
<Error number="1" text="Error creating folder "" (Can't create  directory)"/>

I am using this workaround which seems to work well:

		$info = @apache_lookup_uri( $path ) ;
		if ($info != null)
			return $info->filename . $info->path_info ;
#6019 PHP FTP Connector for CKFinder 2.x confirmed New Feature Normal


I've written a php connector which will use ftp nstead of file system commands. Right now, only php5 is supported, because i use my own created FTPStandalone class.

Setup is quite easy You need only to add the following config in ckfinder config.php

$configFTP? = array(

"ip" => "", "port" => "21", "user" => "username", "pass" => "password", "path" => "The/Path/From/FTP_HOME/To/baseurl"


port is optional, if not set, port 21 will be used path example webserver document root: /var/www/vhosts/

base path for uploading: /uploads/files/ckfinder

complete path: /var/www/vhosts/

ftp homedir (complete path) /var/www/vhosts/

so the path configuration should be: $configFTP?path? = "/httpdocs/";

this example is based on parallels plesk

feel free to tell me if you like it or what i could do better.

#10185 Placeholder is not configurable confirmed New Feature Normal

At the moment it is not possible to change the placeholder that is used. So I made it optional configurable via the editor config. Default is still content ?. Due to placeholder is a core plugin i thought its right to report the patch here. If I'm wrong please tell me where to contribute.

#12083 placeholder plugin - inline editor - text align break html of the page pending Bug Normal

Hi, I tried using placeholder plugin in a ckeditor inline version in Chrome (Windows 8 64 bit, chrome version 35.0.1916.114 m). If I put one placeholder at the end of the content of a textarea and then I try to modify many times text-aling property (changing to left, right, justify, center randomly), then the html of the page breaks up.

Can you explain that? It does not happen in Firefox (version 29.0.1)

Many thanks Daniele

#12193 placeholder sometimes get deleted on move in IE9 confirmed Bug Normal

Hi all, I found this tricky bug (I attached a video on this) regarding placeholder plugin, but I guess it is related to all plugin based on widgets.

  1. open placeholder plugin sample page
  2. create many placeholders on many rows
  3. move a placeholder just before another one (repeat this step many times) => randomly moved placeholder (or maybe the destination one) disappear! it gets deleted (nothing can anymore found in html)

I attached a video on this (check firsts 2 minutes of the video)

Thanks a lot again Kind Regards Daniele

#16658 Placeholder widget losses styling after switching to source mode. confirmed Bug Normal

Custom styles can be added to style placeholders, e.g:

{ name: 'Placeholder class', type: 'widget', widget: 'placeholder', attributes: { 'class': 'placeholder-class' } },

More on styles -!/guide/dev_styles.

While styles can be applied on a placeholder widget properly, switching to source mode removes classes/styling so it cannot be restored while switching back to WYSIWYG mode.

Expected result

The classes/styles are preserved while switching between Source/WYSIWYG mode.

Actual result

The classes/styles are removed while switching to Source mode.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

The cause of the issue is the way placeholder widget is downcasted. It is downcasted to [[placeholder_name]] so there is no way to store additional attributes in the downcasted text/html.

#11690 Placeholder with forbidden characters confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open placeholder sample (plugins/placeholder/samples/placeholder.html).
  2. In the source mode enter:
    <p>This is a [[sample ]placeholder]].</p>
  3. Switch back to the WYSIWYG mode.

Result: there is no placeholder.

  1. In the source mode enter:
    <p>This is a [[sample >placeholder]].</p>
  2. Switch back to the WYSIWYG mode.

Result: there is a placeholder.

  1. Open placeholder dialog.
  2. Press "Ok".

Result: Error message:

The placeholder can not be empty and can not contain any of following characters: [, ], <, >

On the one hand it is not possible to upcast placeholder with ']' character, because it is forbidden, but on the other we can do it with '>'.

In my opinion it should not be possible to upcast placeholder with forbidden character but also it would be good if user would be informed that the placeholder contains forbidden character.

#636 Please add CSS style dropdown to table and cell confirmed New Feature Normal

When inserting a table or editing table or cell properties it would be really useful to be able to select a style (CSS) from a dropdown which would be applied on table level.

Same dropdown should appear when you look at the properties for both table and cell.

When implementing this cool editor in a CMS or whatever, beeing able to use CSS on every element where it can be done would make this rock'n editor to rock even more :-)

Keep up the good work.

Moved from SF:

#810 Please add "justify" to cellproperties in horiz alignment confirmed New Feature Normal


Could you please add another option to the drop down that pops up when you right click in a table and select cellproperties:

Today you can select between these options:


Would be nice to see


in that list of options as well.

Keep up the good work.

Moved from SF:

#16518 Please move notifications of Notification plugin to bottom status bar confirmed New Feature Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Get any Notification from whatever source.

Expected result

Don't interfere with my editing.

Actual result

Popups show over my editing field distracting me from my work.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Please move notifications (at least "success", "info" and "progress") to the bottom status bar of the editor. Or give an option to do that. I get absolutely sick when unnecessary popups show over my editing field distracting me from my work.

#9871 Please provide collapse toolbar button for inline mode confirmed Bug Normal

Currently editor inline has no collapse toolbar button because there was no real use case for it.

There is one use case that depends on other feature being implemented. Feature #7280 "switch toolbar at runtime" talks about changing toolbar definitions when command is executed - collapseToolbar or other like maximize toolbar button is pressed.

What CKEditor should do is provide ability to change toolbar at runtime and provide some hooks (events) when button is pressed. That way, users could create behaviour they want with any or almost any plugin.

Agreed that implementing this button so that some users could use it for their custom needs is an edge case but think what is the better place to do so than this little and nice looking button (better then button outside of editor) :)
Besides there might be other use cases that users will come up with.

#2255 Plugin AutoGrow: adjust height to viewpane height by default confirmed New Feature Normal

the following ads a handler to get the max height, and if FCKConfig.AutoGrowMax is not set and numeric, it will get the height of the viewpane. This thus dynamically sets the editor window height as one resizes the browser window. A nice addition to this would be to add a window onresize listener that would call autogrow when resized.

#2767 plug-in:basicstyle AND elementpath incorrect style range detection review_failed Garry Yao Bug Normal


Style and element path detection on certain selection are incorrect.


  1. Open an editor instance;
  2. Make selection as follow:
    <p> This is some <strong>sample ^text</strong>. You are using^ <a href="">FCKeditor</a>.</p>
  3. Check the Bold style status
  • Expected: style status should be off;
  • Actual: style status is on;

Test Cases

Test cases created with :

  1. Test select start partial in a bold style and end in non-style.
    • Original document:
      <p> level1<strong>le^vel2</strong>lev^el1</strong></p>
    • Reference results
      • FCKEditor2.6.3
        Bold style command status in on.
      • TinyMCE3.2.1
        Bold style command status in off, element path is body -> p.
    • Expected Result
      Bold style command status in off, element path is body -> p.
  2. Test select start partial in a bold style, select through non-style texts and end in bold style.
    • Original document:
      <p> level1<strong>le^vel2</strong>level1<strong>le^vel2</strong></strong></p>
    • Reference results
      • FCKEditor2.6.3
        Bold style command status in on.
      • TinyMCE3.2.1
        Bold style command status in off, element path is body -> p.
    • Expected Result
      Bold style command status in off, element path is body -> p.
  3. Test select start partial in a bold style which is in a td, selection goes through some other non-style text in cells, and end partial in a bold style in a td again.
    • Original document:
  • Reference results
    • FCKEditor2.6.3
      Bold style command status in on.
    • TinyMCE3.2.1
      Bold style command status in off, element path is body -> table -> tbody.
  • Expected Result
    Bold style command status in off, element path is body -> table -> tbody.
#2976 plugin:basicstyle remove style at collapsed selection review_failed Garry Yao Bug Normal


Current inline style system doesn't handle the case when selection is collapsed inside styled element correctly. A MS-Word mimics behavior should be provided to actually allow users to type in the middle with the style canceled.


  1. Open the replace by code example page in IE6;
  2. Make selection as below:
    <p>This is some <strong>sam^ple text</strong>. You are using <a href="">FCKeditor</a>.</p>
  3. Click bold command to cancel the bold style
  • Actual Result :
    <p>This is some sample text. You are using <a href="">FCKeditor</a>.</p>
  • Expected Result: The document remain unchanged, but when the user begin to type from this selection point, text should in unbold style.
    <p>This is some <strong>sam^ple text</strong>. You are using <a href="">FCKeditor</a>.</p>
  • E.g after user type 'xxx' , document should result in :
    <p>This is some <strong>sam</strong>xxx<strong>ple text</strong>. You are using <a href="">FCKeditor</a>.</p>
#12934 Plugin bbcode: type error + unexpected result confirmed Bug Normal

If there are more closing that opening tags, it will cause a type error in JavaScript, example:


This can be fixed with additional checks for candidate in parser.onTagClose, but not sure if it's the correct way to do it.

Also this BB code doesn't behave as expected:

[ [u]Test[/u] ]

Should result in underlined Test in square brackets. This requires an additional fix in bbcPartsRegex I guess (for example not matching another opening square bracket).

#10085 Plugin divarea causes baseHref not working confirmed Bug Normal

This worked fine in 4.0. I've only tried it with the minified ckeditor.js, so it's possible it might be a bug in that.

Please look into this as the use of baseHref is critical for my client's application.


*Problem can be reporduced from CKEditor 4.0.1
*To reproduce open attached ckeditor-bug package and test 4.0.1 sample page. It turns out that when divarea is used baseHref doesn't work.
Remove the plugin and it works again:

 $(document).ready(function() {
            CKEDITOR.replace('testeditor', {
		removePlugins : 'divarea'

Please see comment:3 for detailed TC

#2957 plugin:table insertion doesn't continue with style it breaked confirmed Bug Normal

New table insertion should keep continuation with the element style which it break due to the selection.

Reproducing procedure:

  1. Open Replace by code sample;
  2. Make the selection collapsed as below:
  3. Click table button to insert a 1X1 default table, and switch to source mode;
  4. Check the source content.
  • Expected result: The content is:
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 200px;">
  • Actual result: The content is:
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 200px;">

#16796 Plugin TableTools in combination with inline editor breaks out of editable element confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Use inline editor with plugin Tabletools IN a table
  2. Use the editor tools to insert a table with TH (both in rows and columns)
  3. Use the context menue on the leftmost column to add another column on the left

Sample HTML structure after step 2:

        <div id="editor1" contenteditable="true">
          <table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" style="width: 500px;">
                <th scope="row"><br></th>
                <th scope="col"><br></th>
                <th scope="row"><br></th>

Expected result

There should be another column before the TH column (in the editable area).

Actual result

There is another column outside the editable area.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

This problem applies to other settings also. For example the alignment of a TH cell is instead set on the first TD cell outside the editor.

Problematic Code

var nearestCell = startNode.getAscendant( 'td', true ) || startNode.getAscendant( 'th', true );

When startNode is a TH getAscendant() will only find the TD outside the Editor and not even execute the second part of the condition. You either have to check whether nearestCell ist an element in the editor or search for both (TD and TH) and use the nearest of both.

The same applies to

var parent = node.getAscendant( 'td', true ) || node.getAscendant( 'th', true );
#9403 Popup plugin should return the handler confirmed Task Normal

At the moment CKEDITOR.editor.popup() returns true and accessing popup's window namespace/content is confusing for the users.

#16680 Possibility to alter widget structure after initialization new New Feature Normal

Steps to reproduce

Load the plugin I've attached to this ticket. It's a plugin to work with jQuery UI Accordion. It has Add and Remove button. Latter does not have any events at the moment.

Expected result

After clicking on Add I would expect the new html be editable but it's not. Only way to make it editable is toggle Source button. I've tried everything so I'm either not doing it properly (and I don't want the whole accordion to be editable) or there's no such feature yet.

Actual result

The html is appended but I can't edit it.

#7038 Possibility to automatically switch toolbars on a maximize/minimize of ckeditor confirmed New Feature Normal

Then a minimalistic toolbar could be shown when the ckeditor is a (small) component of some window and an elaborate toolbar when maximized/full screen.

The advantage would be having as much workspace as possible in a small editor instance where mostly text is typed. And not having to manually select a larger toolbar when clicking 'maximize' when a larger workspace and more toolbar options are required.

#1032 Possibility to override language entries from configuration assigned New Feature Normal

There should be a configuration entry to make it possible to override language file entries with custom texts. In this way it would be possible to set language entries from the server side (see #1014).

#8140 Preceeding newline lost when Alignment button is pressed in ENTER_BR confirmed Bug Normal

I am seeing this in, at least, IE8 and FF3.6

  1. Enable ENTER_BR mode
  2. Type a few chars (or not, doesn't matter)
  3. Press "Enter" two times.
  4. Press "Align Left" or "Align Center" or "Align Right"

Note that the cursor jumps up one space, causing the loss of one of the newlines.

The cursor should not jump when an alignment button is used.

#8218 Preselect color dialog to the current color (or bg color) of the selected text. confirmed New Feature Normal

When opening the color dialog, highlight (with a border?) the color of the currently selected text, if it's in the default palette. In the "More Colors" dialog, default the input box to the hex code of the active color (or bg color). If multiple colors are present in the selected text, use the first one encountered?

Sorry if this is a duplicate request, but I didn't find it in my ticket searches.

#16976 Preserve whitespace around protectedSource entries new Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. (optional) Install e.g. “Show Protected” to see protectedSource elements.
  2. Set up your CKEditor with e.g. a PHP protectedSource: [/<\?[\s\S]*?\?>/g]
  3. Open CKEditor and enter source editing mode
  4. Input “<p><?php print_something(); ?> was printed</p>”
  5. Exit source editing mode

Expected result

There should be a whitespace between protectedSource block and “was printed”

Actual result

There is no whitespace after the protectedSource block. Re-entering source editing shows that input has changed to “<p><?php print_something(); ?>was printed</p>”.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Tested in Chrome 57 and Firefox 52. Using lots of plugins, but this appears to be plugin independent.

#13703 Pressing backspace near (but not next to) widget selects it. assigned Tade0 Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Placeholder demo
  2. Select all text, delete it
  3. Type 'Testing '
  4. click placeholder button
  5. hit right arrow, as placeholder is selected (boo)
  6. hit Enter
  7. type a letter
  8. press left arrow key
  9. press backspace

Expected result

Paragraphs are merged together, as they are when no widget is present

Actual result

Widget is selected, paragraphs don't change.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

4.5.x, Chrome


The issue happens inside of selection.js#getOnKeyDownListener, where it checks for getPreviousEditableNode. It finds the widget, but assumes that the backspace key would have deleted the widget. Instead, it should check if the text and widget are adjacent, maybe with next.getParent().contains(range.startContainer)?

#14565 Pressing delete key in a highlighted image inside a floating div throws an error review_failed Tade0 Bug Normal

If you have an image inside a floating div an error occurs if you highlight the image and press delete key. The error appear in line 949 of editable.js

path = range.startPath()

since range is undefined.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open current version of online nightly ckeditor.
  2. insert the folowing html source code:
<div style="float:left"><img src="img/logo.png" /></div>
  1. Highlight image (don't use mouse click to select).
  2. Press delete key.
  • if you use the lastest stable version you can use:
<div style="float:left;"><img src="" /></div>

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

OS: Windows 7 Browser: Firefox 45.0.1 CKEditor: 4.5.8

#11491 Pressing delete key in highlighted text in blockquote removes paragraph tags confirmed Bug Normal

If you create a blockquote, enter some text, highlight the text and then press the Delete key. The paragraph(s) inside the blockquote disappear and you can type directly into it.

For FF you need more than one line of text highlighted.

#17070 Pressing Delete key removes content from neighbouring cell new Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open;
  2. Switch to Accessibility Checker page;
  3. Add a Table;
  4. On the left row add a bulleted list and type several paragraphs;
  5. On the right row add any text;
  6. Set cursor to the last paragraph within the first row;
  7. Start deleting content by pressing Delete button;

Have a look at this video: [ ]

Expected result

Any text to the right of the cursor should be deleted, in the current cell only.

Actual result

All text to the right of the cursor in the current cell is deleted, however it then begins to pull in and delete text from the neighbouring cell.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Reproduced in Edge, Chrome and IE.

#11259 Pressing down arrow when menu containing richcobmo is focused, will not move focus to first potion confirmed Bug Normal

until master

I feel that there is a case when down arrow with buttons does not work as expected. It works good with i.e. language button, color buttons - but still does not work as expected with richcombos, because it still does not focus first option.

The exception here is format menu, which checks currently active format.

  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. navigate using keyboard to styles dropdown (focus it)
  3. press down arrow

Expected result:
First entry in dropdown should be focused, in this case Italic Title.

Current result:
Only menu is focused.

additional info:

  1. funny thing is that we don't block down arrow in this case, if scrollbar is visible (in document contianing editor), and its moveable towards bottom, then pressing down arrow will move screen

origin issue:

#14800 Pressing Down or Right arrow on a page with a DIV contained CKEditor, steals focus and places it in the RTE. confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. go to a page with a DIV contained ckeditor
  2. tab past the editor
  3. press the down or right arrow key

Expected result

nothing happens, unless I specify page changes based on these key events

Actual result

Focus is moved to the nearest editor. This causes major accessibility issues for keyboard and screen reader users.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

  1. CKE listens to the down key and left key (along with some other events) on "document" object.
  1. it perform a check if the browser is of type webkit before it removes the 0 width space char
  1. Code which does this
  1. While removing this char it fires the focus event to make CKE focusable but never gains the focus back to original element.
  1. CKE can be used in 2 modes - one with iFrame contained and one with DIV contained. when iFrame contained this issues doesn't happen because "document" object that looks for event is iframe specific. Only key events fired in iFrame context gets through this code not the entire page keyevents.
  1. When CKE is DIV contained - key events for the entire page gets handled.
#14699 Pressing outdent merges first list item with previous line if enter mode is BR confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to:

  1. Switch enter mode to BR
  2. Enter sample text:

this is the first line

  • line 2
  • line 3
  1. Put the cursor at the beginning of line 2 and press either outdent or the backspace key

Expected result

this is the first line
line 2

  • line 3

Actual result

this is the first lineline 2

  • line 3

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

#5059 Pressing tab when editor is maximized confirmed Bug Normal

This causes the editor to lose focus and causes the editor to lose focus, scroll somewhere offscreen and remain inaccessible due to the scrollbar having been disabled through javascript. Pressing tab will eventually circle you back around to get the editor back in focus, but not a solution by any means.

#10748 Prevent save event instead of submit confirmed Task Normal

Working on #10689 I realized that this part of code works magicly:

// #8031 If textarea had required attribute and editor is empty fire 'required' event and if
// it was cancelled, prevent submitting the form.
if ( editor._.required && !element.getValue() && 'required' ) === false ) {
	// When user press save button event (evt) is undefined (see save plugin).
	// This method works because it throws error so originalSubmit won't be called.
	// Also because of hack there is try-cache in save plugin so error won't be shown.;

It should be fixed using save event instead of submit.

#3944 Preview mode reopened New Feature Normal

It would be useful to have the preview mode (just like Source).

#10645 Preview tab in DocProps plugin is missing utf-8 meta tag. confirmed Bug Normal

Preview tab in DocProps plugin is missing utf-8 meta tag. Because of this all non-latin characters are wrongly displayed.

#10525 print does not work in AIR assigned Jakub Ś Bug Normal

When I load CKEditor in a StageWebView class in Adobe AIR, the print function does not work. It does nothing at all. Same version of CKEditor in other browsers - printing works.

Also, hinting, when hovering over a button does not work.

#674 problematic cut/copy/paste with lists confirmed Bug Normal

When doing cut/copy/paste, frequently, bullets are left behind.

Happens when you try to delete or move up the second line in a list of at least 3.

Cut&pasting of indented bullets goes wrong most of time and you have to make manuel cleanup afterwards.

Most Cut&Paste problems are due to the fact that when you delete a bulleted or indented line, the bullet or indentation is left behind and sometimes applied to the following lines. This happens as well with Firefox as with IE.

Example :

    <p>AA </p>
  </li></ul><p>BB </p>
  • select the AA line and delete it

Result in FCK:

<ul><li>BB </li></ul>.

This bug was confirmed by another (non-moin) FCKeditor user, he also has seen it.

Moved from SF:

#8021 Problem handling images confirmed Bug Normal


On firefox 4 I can copy an image from my computer and past it directly on to CKEditor (ctrl + c and ctrl + v), but, when I try to do this on IE 8 or google chrome nothing happens.

Does anyone know why?

Thank You!

#8166 Problems in IE when pressing CRTL+B on bolded text confirmed Bug Normal

This ticket was first reported in forum

To reproduce:

  1. Open api sample and clean CKEditor contents
  2. Press bold button and type Testing statement
  3. Place cursor here Testing s^tatement
  4. In insertHTML text-area paste <p>sample to be inserted by insertHTMl</p> and press 'Insert HTML'. Result should be as in finding2.JPG.
  5. Select using a mouse word 'statement' and what was pasted between it. See finding3.JPG.
  6. Press CRTL+B one or two times.

If you press CRTL+B two times it will cause JS error in IE8 and IE9:
IE8 yields:
Message: 'null' is empty or not an object
Line: 63
URI: /_source/core/dom/walker.js

IE9 yields:
Message: Can't get property „getParent”: Object is null or undefined
Line: 1568
URI: /_source/core/dom/range.js

This is reproducible from CKE 3.4. Before 3.4 there was no error but unbolding was weird. Some parts of text were duplicated

If you press CRTL+B once than in IE6 and IE7, the phrase 'sample to be inserted by insertHTML' gets unboladed and jumps up.

This is reproducible form CKE 3.6.1 rev [6919]. Before this revision JS error was thrown.

#5350 Problems inserting new lines with IE8 inside pre confirmed Bug Normal

Related to #4711 but this is weirder: Using IE8 set this source:

<pre>Hello world!
Bla, bla, bla

Go to the end of the first line and press enter several times, this is what it generates:

Hello world!


IE6 and IE7 seem to work correctly.

#8715 Problems with changing text of a link - some unification is needed confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebycode sample
  2. Double click on link - a popup will open. Click OK on the popup. The link should be still selected. Another way to do it is to simply select the link with a mouse but there are some differences.
  3. Start typing to change text of a link

Expected Result:
New text gets linked.

Actual Result:

  • Webkit and Blink - Only first letter gets linked (CKEditor 3.0).
  • IE - text gets linked but till the first space (IMO this is correct)
  • Firefox - If you select the whole link with a mouse - text typed even with spaces will get linked. If you doule click on a link and start typing link will be lost. This is because #8195 bug.

There are definetely problems in Safari, Opera and Chrome which should be fixed. As for Firefox - it will probably hard to make it work as other browsers.

NOTE: There is also a feature request for adding new text filed "Link Text" in Link Dialog #7154. It may solve the above issues but when implementing this feature one should take this ticket into account.

#7763 Problems with copy/cut buttons confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open replaceBycode sample.
  2. Go to second editor
  3. Select part of sample text and try to cut it with toolbar button.
  4. Security alert pops out.
  5. Click ok and place the cursor after sample text (after dot)
  6. Now buttons for cut and copy are disabled. Try to select whole sample text from dot '.' to 'T'.

Result: Buttons for cut and copy are still disabled. If you try to do it on part of the sample text or select whole text from 'T' to dot '.' it will work (Buttons become enabled on mouse up).

This has been reproducible in FF, Opera since CKEditor version 3.5.1

In Webkit these buttons are disabled all the time. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if this is due to the security settings in this case.

#7499 Problems with empty lists when switching between source mode and wysiwyg confirmed Bug Normal

The issue concerns FF4 and FF3.6

  1. Go to ajax example create editor
  2. Click on list creation - (number or bullet) and create empty list (Sometimes you have to toggle between creation and removal few times (usually 3 (c,r,c)) to achieve this)
  3. Switch to source mode and than back to wysiwyg mode.
  4. Click on list:
    1. in FF3.6, one click is enough
    2. in FF4 you have to click two times.


  1. In FF4 the list element is removed but line break (br) tag is inserted. You can insert many br tags using this combination: list, source, wysiwyg, list, list;
  1. In FF3.6 new empty item is created. Now by using combination source, wysiwyg, list - you can create many empty items. Sometimes cursor moves back to first element - if you click list, list and than again source, wysiwyg, list you will be able to create elements again.

This has happened since CKEditor version 3.3 Issue for FF3.6 has started since 3.3 but till version 3.3.1 (inclusive) effect is the same but the editor behavior is a little different.

#7511 Problems with mod_pagespeed apache module confirmed Bug Normal

When use mod_pagespeed for apache from CKEditor have problems with loading files (css , js) after refresh (when pagespeed works). Remember that use of this module automatically set Accept-Encoding gzip,deflate headers. Because this module became more popular (it is installed on hosting) we should take care about it. Please look at screenshots. All test done with _samples/eplacebyclass.html with different CKEditor js files loaded (FF 3.6.16 on Ubuntu). Problem was reported by Drupal users

#7503 Problems with select lists in IE confirmed Bug Normal

This issue has occured in CKEditor since version 3.0 It concerns IE6, IE7, IE8

Paste the following code:

<form action="formAct" id="myid" method="get" name="form">
	<select name="myselect" size="1"><option selected="selected" value="val1">opt1</option><option value="val2">opt2</option><option value="val3">opt3</option></select></form>
	<select name="myselect1" size="1"><option selected="selected" value="val1">opt1</option><option value="val2">opt2</option><option value="val3">opt3</option></select></p>
  1. In IE8 this you can only put cursor before select element. When you press enter it is added only above the select. When the cursor is above select you can't get to it using arrow keys, but only by clicking a mouse.
  1. In IE6 and IE7 no matter whether you place the cursor before or after select (any select) new lines will be added only above. But you can write before of after select and move cursor freely.

This works perfectly in IE9, Chrome and Safari. Opera has a little different problem described in #7502 and Firefox has a different problem described in #7507

#7406 Problems with _source files confirmed Bug Normal
  1. ckeditor_basic_source.js loads ckeditor.js instead of source files.
  2. CKEDITOR.status == 'basic_ready' after loading of editor when ckeditor_source.js is used.
#8385 Problem when switching between multiple instances of ckeditor confirmed Bug Normal

Script error is displayed when switching between multiple instances of ckeditor in IE7.

Steps to reproduce: 1.create multiple ck-editor instances on the other ckeditor instances other than the current one in focus.

Expected Result: Editor should be displayed Actual Result: Script error is displayed

"C.getSelection() is null or not an object"

#8924 Problem with ckEditor inside div with visible=false confirmed Bug Normal

I was previously using 3.6.1, which worked fine for the most part, but in order to fix an issue that cropped up (support for ipads), we decided to upgrade to the latest version.

Using 3.6.3, i now receive the following error when the ckeditor tries to load:

Sys.ScriptLoadFailedException: The script ' http://localhost/idev/ckeditor/ckeditor.js?t=B8DJ5M3' failed to load. Check for: Inaccessible path. Script errors. (IE) Enable 'Display a notification about every script error' under advanced settings. Missing call to Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded().

My instance of ckEditor is located inside a div which is located inside an AJAX update panel. The div initially is set to be visible = false, as per the subject. It is toggled to be visible when a button is pushed. The js file is actually at that location as well.

Thinking this could be a problem/conflict with something else in my code, I made a very simple website which ONLY had a ckEditor contained in a div contained in an update panel.

<%@ Register Assembly="CKEditor.NET" Namespace="CKEditor.NET" TagPrefix="CKEditor" %>

<html xmlns=""> <head runat="server">

    <title>Untitled Page</title>


    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:ScriptManager ID="scriptManager1" runat="server" />

        <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upCk" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional"> 
				<asp:Button ID="btnToggle" runat="server" Text="toggle" /> 
				<div id="divCk" runat="server" visible="false">
					<CKEditor:CKEditorControl ID="ckEdit" runat="server" />



(the button simply toggles visibility and updates the updatePanel when clicked)

When divCk is set to initially be visible=true, ckEditor works perfectly. When divCk is set to initially be visible=false and the user toggles divCk's visibility by pressing the button, ckEditor does not load correctly, instead presenting the error mentioned above.

I've tested it in 3.6.2 and have the same problem, but, as noted, do not experience it in 3.6.1.

Am I missing some change to how we should load ckEditor post 3.6.1?

#7456 Problem with editing links when text follows immediately the link confirmed Bug Normal

When there is a link followed by text (so there is no space between link and the following text) it is impossible to edit the link, neither by double clicking on it nor using the context menu. Found in Safari at Mac.

Context menu does not work properly also in Firefox ("Edit Link" is not available) if the link is not selected before opening the context menu.

Sample HTML code:

<p>Link&nbsp;<a href="">example</a>s</p>
#8062 Problem with enterMode = BR when changing font/size then partial bulleting confirmed Bug Normal
  • Change enterMode to 'BR'
  • Enter the following in editor:

1 2 3 4 5

  • Highlight all then change font and change font size
  • Highlight only 3,4,5 then click on the unordered list

Notice that the bullets are not properly generated.

#8230 Problem with Google minify confirmed Bug Normal

_source/plugins/listblock/plugin.js line 102

' aria-posinset="' + ++this._.size + '">',

When this line is compressed by Google's ModPageSpeed minify script, the result is:

' aria-posinset="'+++this._.size+'">',

While this is an issue with the Google tool, it is widespread and can easily be avoided if the code is changed to:

' aria-posinset="' + (++this._.size) + '">',

Please consider this suggestion.

#13899 problem with plugin widget in inline mode of CKEditor confirmed Bug Normal

I can't run widgets plugin in inline editing mode when ID of the editor instance has backslash "/" example: "files/contact.html". Console log say: "SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified (ckeditor.js:111:0)" on init the editor.

In examples, name (id) is always "editor1", so I can't repeat this bug on demo page.

#14606 Problem with TableResizer confirmed Bug Normal


I've found an issue with code below when trying to resize last column. The resizer cursor show on whole width of last column instead of its borders. I can't resize it aswell

<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%">
			<td rowspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
			<td colspan="4" rowspan="1">&nbsp;</td>
			<td rowspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
			<td style="width: 206px;">&nbsp;</td>
			<td style="width: 324px;">&nbsp;</td>
#7875 Problem with tables: Coulmn sizing and deleting table confirmed New Feature Normal

After creating a table using "Insert Table" plugin, the column size gets automatically changed after you start typing into the columns. There is no way to assign fix column size to the table.

Also when the table is selected, pressing delete or backspace key does not remove the table from the editor. To remove the table, you need to select the previous and next line of the table as well.

This behavior is seen on FireFox and IE.

#10014 Promote better "API Changes in CKEditor 4" confirmed Task Normal

I just spent a couple of minutes on trying to find this article for one user and I did it just because I remembered that something like this existed.

How about:

  1. Promoting it somewhere on the front page of
  1. Putting at the top of something like this:

The list of relevant changes can be found in the API Changes page of the CKEditor 4 documentation.


#5002 Proper printing of editor output confirmed Bug Normal

The current behavior for the Print command is printing the contents as we see them in the editor, not as they will be in the final output. So, anchors, flash placeholders and anything else that is editor specific will be visible in the print.
We should change the print plugin to instead print the outputted document (just like preview).

#14615 protected source in attributes modified in custom html elements confirmed Bug Normal

With angular, it is a common practice to define new HTML elements, and it is also needed to protect angular code, but CKEditor change attributes if they are in a custom tag and protected with protectedSource

This bug is related to a previous one that changed attributes in regular HTML tags:

Steps to reproduce

  1. protect angular code with the following in config:

protectedSource: [ /{{[\s\S]*?}}/g ]

  1. put the following in source:

<custom-directive data="{{ item }}">test</custom-directive> <div data="{{ item }}">test</div>

Expected result

<custom-directive data="{{ item }}">test</custom-directive> <div data="{{ item }}">test</div>

Actual result

<custom-directive data="&lt;!--{cke_protected}%7B%7B%20item%20%7D%7D--&gt;">test</custom-directive> <div data="{{ item }}">test</div>

#8267 protectedSource is removed when it is the only source confirmed Bug Normal

If a tag matches an item in the protectedSource regular expression and it is the only content, then it is removed when switching to WYSIWYG mode and back to Source mode.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a CKEditor using the following configuration:
    var config = {
                    protectedSource: [/<photo[0-9]+>/gi],
                    startupMode: 'source'
  2. Enter the text <photo1> into CKEditor.
  3. Click the "Source" button to switch to WYSIWYG mode and click "Source" again to switch back to source mode

Expected Result:

  1. CKEditor contains the content <photo1>

Actual Result:

  1. CKEditor content is empty
#5528 Protect style attribute assigned Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo New Feature Normal

Browsers parse the contents of the style attribute and do strange things with its contents, so we should protect like we do for href and src so it's modified only when the user request it, and not by the browser.

#7144 Provide ability for users to resize column widths using the keyboard confirmed New Feature Normal

The drag-to-resize columns feature is quite useful to users, but only accessible to users who use the mouse. This feature request is to allow keyboard users to perform the same function.

Although it is currently possible to set a width on individual cells, this does not properly resize the whole column of cells in a table.

One approach to this could be to have a dedicated Column Properties dialog that allows a user to define a width for the column of cells. This would then set the width on all cells in the column, just like the drag-to-resize feature does.

#14749 Provide a hotkey formats like headers confirmed New Feature Normal

It would make easier to apply certain dropdown styles (like headers, paragraph) if those were accessible with a hotkey.

Now the only way to add those is by navigating though format dropdown.

Currently impossible to do that with a custom config, using config.keystrokes property, because operations done by format plugin aren't exposed as commands.

#9280 Provide a plugin that will replace code entered in source with fake image in wysiwyg confirmed New Feature Normal

Based on #7822.

This is very similar to proctectedSource.

  1. Based on some regex, code that is to be hidden should be recognized.
  2. When switching to wysiwyg this code should be replaced by image <code>...</code> (just like with flash).
  3. When switching to source this code from image should be changed back to readable code.

Please note that it is impossible to edit such code but it is still possible to remove it by removing the image.

#10964 Provide a "Stark" CKEditor skin, possibly as the base for the Moono skin? confirmed New Feature Normal

As discussed at DrupalCon Prague, with and

Drupal 7 and 8 ship with a "theme" (Drupal lingo for "skin" in the CKEditor world) called "Stark".

From the dictionary:

stark |stɑːk|
1 severe or bare in appearance or outline: the ridge formed a stark silhouette against the sky.
2 …


The Stark theme is provided for demonstration purposes; it uses Drupal’s default HTML markup and CSS styles. It can be used as a troubleshooting tool to determine whether module-related CSS and JavaScript are interfering with a more complex theme, and can be used by designers interested in studying Drupal’s default markup without the interference of changes commonly made by more complex themes.
To avoid obscuring CSS added to the page by Drupal or a contrib module, the Stark theme itself has no styling, except just enough CSS to arrange the page in a traditional “Header, sidebars, content, and footer” layout.

If CKEditor would also have a "Stark" skin, then it'd be much easier for people to build new skins. You would probably be able to reduce the amount of code specific to Moono significantly.

I think this is a low-priority nice-to-have. I added the "Drupal" keyword, but obviously it's useful to everybody.

#12186 Provide better support for HTML5 'block' elements like article, aside etc. confirmed New Feature Normal

TinyMCE has HTML5 sections and articles editing with wrapping elements. IMHO worth checking it out.

#5023 Provide default stylesSet sample with more features confirmed Task Normal

There are some things that should be included in the default stylesSet sample so it's more useful to learn how to use it:

  • Styles for the div container: #4973
  • How to apply classes

The default stylesheet might need also some adjustments to reflect those classes.

#5589 Provide removeFormat as first option in Styles combo confirmed New Feature Normal

Like MS Word, the first option in the Styles combo should be "Remove format" as it's clearly related to the Styles so it's easier to find for new users, then people can opt to remove the button from the toolbar.

#5346 Provide reset() method confirmed New Feature Normal

Like other form elements, a CKEditor instance should provide a way to reset back to the original contents.

And then we can hook the form onReset event to act like other elements

#7206 Provide support to load CKEditor in one frame and render it in another new New Feature Normal

We would like to request support to load CKEditor in one frame and render it in another. This would be a very beneficial feature for optimising performance. It is currently not supported. Some issues that they have reported so far regarding this are:

  • does not support multiple frames
  • core/loader.js calls current document object

A sample test case is attached which demonstrates the desired functionality.

Instructions for running the test case:

  1. Copy the attached files to <CKEditor>\_samples directory.
  1. Open multiframe.html on Mozilla/Firefox.
  1. Press "Create Widgets" button.
  1. Verify CKEditor is created.
  1. Modify Widget_CKEditor.prototype.createEditorElem in multiframe.js like this:

// NG
loader.oDocument = globals.scriptFrame.document;

// OK
//loader.oDocument = globals.uiFrame.document;
  1. Open multiframe.html on Mozilla/Firefox.
  1. Press "Create Widgets" button.

Problem: CKEditor instance is not created in UI Frame.

#14676 P tag pollution in lists after a table confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

(This is done in the demo site)

  1. Create a list
  2. Create a table in the list item
  3. Move the cursor to the right of the table (using arrow key)
    (Firefox & IE - you must add text and then hit Enter after getting out of table. Please read Other Details Note)
  4. Hit enter
  5. A new list item is created, but with a p tag
  6. Hit enter again
  7. all further list items are created with p tags

Expected result

New list items should just be an empty li

Actual result

All the rest of the list items automatically have p tags within

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Demo site with Chrome. We observe this in our build which is based on 4.5.7 as well.

In Firefox & IE, pressing right from the last table cell puts you in a new p tag within the original list item. if you do not type anything into this new p tag, when you press enter, the table gets destroyed. If you do type into it, then you will observe the behaviour described where all the next list items will automatically have p tags

#10928 Pulled quotes widget confirmed New Feature Normal
#12392 Put downcasted widget into data transfer for drag and drop confirmed Task Normal

On dragstart widget's downcasted version should be passed to dataTransfer, not its id.

#14849 [QM] Editor does not load up in IE9 QM confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the editor in IE9 with quirks mode enabled (remove doctype from your HTML file to force it)

Expected result

Editor is visible.

Actual result

Editor does not load up.

It's a regression after commit f03be954f37ed07c59baa10e60d8e6023c245fbf.

#13111 quality of thumbnails is very low. confirmed Bug Normal

Uploading multiple images creates few thumbnails with low quality. I've change quality settings in config to 100 but that didn't help much. please see attached screen shot.

#9890 [Quirks Mode] UIColor button doesn't show in toolbar when uicolor plugin loaded confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open UIColor plugin sample /plugins/uicolor/samples/uicolor.html
  2. There's no UIColor button.
  3. Removing inline editor (which isn't supported in QM) doesn't help.
#12474 Quirky cases in tests for magicline with widgets assigned Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal

After #12162 there's one red in on most browsers (all except Chrome).

I found the both last odd and perhaps incorrect, but I need a.nowodzinski's opinion.

For now I commented out both cases in git:fb3b497.

#14613 race issue loading plugins when editor already destroyed review Tade0 Bug Normal

See end of description for suggested fix.

Steps to reproduce

Find attached index.html which loads CKEditor script async and creates instance of ckeditor before quickly destroying the instance. To repo, place index.html in a directory along with the root ckeditor folder containing the source.

Directory should look like: /

index.html ckeditor ckeditor.js

Load index.html and open chrome developer tools. Press button (sometimes takes a few times). You will hopefully see ckeditor.js:formatted:16963Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'customConfig' of undefined

Expected result

Race conditions should be handled accordingly.

Actual result

Plugin tries to load after editor.status === 'destroyed' and is unable to reference the editor instance.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

My guess for the fix is in core/editor.js:596 the plugin loader's call back should check if editor.status === 'destroyed' and simply return. However there may need to be more clean up but this is my simple fix to prevent us from running into this issue. Maybe you all will have a more elegant solution :)

#6744 Range: checkStartOfBlock not forgiving bogus node confirmed Bug Normal

checkStartOfBlock returns "false" for the following case:


From the code perspective the cursor might not be at the start of the block, but visually it is.

Pertains to non-IE browsers.

#13283 range.clone should not set containers if source range was not positioned yet confirmed Bug Normal

Currently doing:

var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( root );
var range2 = range.clone();

will log that containers outside of the root are set. It does not make sense.

#11111 Range.enlarge test failing in Safari 7.0 and Chrome 37 confirmed Bug Normal

Test /dt/core/dom/range/enlarge.html#test_enlarge_element12 fails in latest Safari 7.0 that comes with OSX 10.9. It's also reproducible in Chrome 37 (see #12221).

The root of the problem is the following condition:

In this case sibling is empty <b></b> (<p>Test <i><b></b>[Enlarge]</i></p>). Unlike previous versions, Safari 7 considers sibling.$.offsetWidth to be 1 at that point, while in other browsers it is 0. So the conclusion is that empty elements may have some width, which seems to be a regression in browser's engine.

That particular test fails since CKeditor 4.0 in Safari 7 which makes it clear that we're facing Safari regression.

Related bug in Chrome: #12221.

#13807 ReadOnly editor does not fire focus events confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add focus listener to editor
  2. set editor to read only
  3. click on editor


Expected result

Editor should fire focus events

Actual result

Editor does not fire focus events.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

This bug is caused by the implementation of setReadOnly, which, contrary to it's name, does not set 'readonly', but rather sets contenteditable=false, which is NOT the same.

Input-related events no longer fire, and the component behaves differently because of this.

It appears that this has been the case since 2012, with no changes or modifications in the mean time.

#16991 readyState of iFrame is "interactive" in FireFox 53.0 while "complete" in Chrome 58.0 new Bug Normal

In our automatic tests we have a part which waits untill all iFrame on the page have readystate "complete". When we introduced the new FireFox, all tests with the CKEditor on them halted because they were interactive. I could reproduce this on your nightly build.

For now we will be building in a work around in our automatic tests.

Steps to reproduce

  1. With Firefox 53.0
  2. Go to your nightly build
  3. Query document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].contentWindow.document.readyState

Expected result


Actual result


Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

FF 53.0 windows 8.1

#17029 Reassign startFiller/endFiller in widget selection more often confirmed Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1

Failing tests updating filler references on undo flow has shown that if you make a full selection the startFiller/endFiller will not be checked on whether they've been replaced.

It's an edge case but worth fixing.

The tests fails on Chrome only - since Chrome team changed selection internals recently.

#9667 Redesign TAB Key-Based Navigation sample confirmed Task Normal


When hitting TAB, focus goes somewhere below the lower edge of the viewport (e.g. the very last editor), which might be confusing. Sample doesn't correctly express the idea of the feature.


Proposed idea

Organize editors with reduced toolbars in 2x2 grid, so moving focus between all of them with TAB is clear and visible:

|        |        |
|   e1   |   e2   |
|        |        |
|        |        |
|   e3   |   e4   |
|        |        |
#12823 Redo is broken after undoing typing with IME confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open replacebycode sample.
  2. Set your system language to Japanese Hiragana.
  3. Type 2-5 letters and press enter to commit composition.
  4. Repeat the above few times.
  5. Press CTRL+Z (not the undo button).
  6. The changes were undid, but the redo button is disabled.

Reproduced on FF and Chrome. This issue is a little bit random - I think that order in which the CTRL and Z keys are released matters. In my case I was first releasing Z and then CTRL.

In Artur suggested that there may be a change fired. I'm rather thinking that keyup causes the onTypingStart function to be executed.

Related issues: #12391, #12597.

#9813 [Refac] Tabletools confirmed Bug Normal

At least code refactorization can be done (without changing the logic), since there are many things like:

node.getAscendant( 'td' ) || node.getAscendant( 'th' );
//which is equal to:
node.getAscendant( {td: 1, th: 1} );

We could save lots of bytes by optimizing this code.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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