Custom Query


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#171 Unable to set textfield char width to 20 IE6 IE7 Martin Kou Bug review_failed Low
#2643 Editor right scroll padding in IE IE7 Bug closed Low
#97 IE7: "Error: no such interface supported" when opening custom file browser IE IE7 WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#175 Percent sign in mailto: link breaks link tool SF Confirmed IE7 Bug closed Normal
#543 IE7 does not understand the page-break tag IE7 Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#555 Creating Email links generates "Object doesn't support this property or method" Script Error Confirmed IE7 Bug closed Normal
#1669 sample13 failed on ie7 IE7 Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#1804 IE7: "colspan" collapses editor when swithching between Source View/Wikitext Confirmed IE7 Bug closed Normal
#2356 IE7 Access Denied - Local Filesystem Confirmed IE7 Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#2469 FCK.SetData() causes editor to become temporarily non-focusable in IE7. Confirmed IE7 Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#2659 Word pasted content jumps to the bottom of the editor IE7 Bug closed Normal
#2669 while drag and drop of ImageButton ,the path will be changed to absolute path IE7 Bug closed Normal
#3867 bug for fckeditor 2.6.4 at ie7 IE7 Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#4077 [IE7] office and v2 skin combo align problem IE7 Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#4078 [IE7] v2 skin has empty group IE7 Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#4376 Contents already be removed in <noembed></noembed> section. IE8 IE7 Bug confirmed Normal
#4777 Toolbar layout incorrect in IE7 Confirmed IE7 Bug closed Normal
#5434 Access Denied error on IE7 and IPv6 IE7 IBM Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#5615 IE6 IE7: CKEditor scrolls up when clicked outside editor and config.docType is set IE6 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#6068 [IE7] RTL languages' labels are sometimes invisible IE7 Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#6151 Definition Lists Improperly Formatted in IE7 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#6188 [IE7] Automatic color button has the text cursor IE7 Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#6455 Cursor goes to a previous line when in entermode BR IE7 Bug closed Normal
#6470 IE7: Start textfield in Numbered List dialog should be a required field IBM IE7 Bug closed Normal
#6482 BIDI: Copying & Pasting RTL lists from Word not working properly in IE7 IBM IE7 Bug closed Normal
#6528 [IE7]: "Choose" buttons in cell properties dialog are not displaying properly IBM IE7 Bug closed Normal
#6571 [IE] showblocks doesn't bring focus back to editor with shared toolbar IE6 IE7 Bug confirmed Normal
#6724 IE7: List becomes distorted when Increase Indent is pressed IBM IE7 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6798 IE7: Dialog buttons disappearing in RTL after dragging IBM IE7 Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal
#7080 clear selection cause window scroll IE6 IE7 Bug confirmed Normal
#7081 [IE7] Multiple cell selection break with tableresize plugin IE7 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7160 Cannot "paste" the form element on top of the page Oracle IE6 IE7 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7268 Right border disappears in v2 and office 2003 skins when zooming in/out IBM IE7 FF Bug closed Normal
#7290 Issue with Number/Bulleted list - Stack overflow at line: 27 IE7 Oracle Bug closed Normal
#7338 IE7: Cell Properties dialog not displaying correctly IE7 Bug closed Normal
#7514 IE7 - Loss of focus for the second time to edit a link, image, smiley,.... IE7 Bug closed Normal
#7857 BIDI: Copying & Pasting RTL lists from Word not working properly in IE7 IBM IE7 Bug closed Normal
#7861 IE7 - E-Mail Link Dialog Goes off screen IE7 Bug closed Normal
#8281 Internet Explorer 7.x crashes when changing an item from a bulleted list into numbered list IE7 Bug confirmed Normal
#8353 IE7: Crash when changing list type IE7 Bug closed Normal
#8362 Bullet list, options dialog, wrong size of content in V2 & Office skins IE7 Bug confirmed Normal
#8385 Problem when switching between multiple instances of ckeditor IE6 IE7 HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal
#8391 IE6&7: Exception thrown when scayt is being enabled and holding ENTERY key inside content area IE6 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#8429 IE7, IE6 - Selection problem when destroying editor in ENTER_BR IE6 IE7 Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8497 ie 7 scrollbar positioning problem IE7 scrollbar Bug closed Normal
#8535 Bug: - hide() is not working with IE 7 for CKEditor hide() not working in IE7 Bug closed Normal
#8538 IE8 IE7: Copy, select, paste causes error IE8 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#8550 [ALL] inconsistent cursor about table IE6 IE7 HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal
#8575 IE6 IE7: Selecting a table header row using Elements path bar omitting first char in first header cell IE6 IE7 IBM Bug closed Normal
#8587 IE7 maximize long delay IE6 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#8668 IE6&7 Meta tag names not set in commitMeta, or recognised in createMetaHash, in docprops plugin IE6 IE7 HasPatch Bug closed Normal
#8783 getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) returns 'inherited' on IE7 and IE6 for elements created from code IE6 IE7 Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#8869 IE6 : CKEDITOR.dom.node.replace() fails with invalid argument error IE6 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#9034 IE: Unspecified Error when making a selection in the editor IE7 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#9035 IE7 - Nesting unordered lists within ordered lists crashes IE7 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#9118 IE6, IE7: Table resize plugin does not work. IE6 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#9128 IE7: Link dialog gets broken when opend for the second time. IE7 Bug closed Normal
#9247 [IE&inline] Toolbar lost after accepting security alert for all 3 "paste" buttons IE7 Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#9269 Maximize plugin test crashes IE7 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#9545 [IE7] Black page mask flicks when opening dialog IE7 Bug confirmed Normal
#9632 IE7-8 cut command doesn't work as expected in v4 IE7 IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
#9918 IE7 & IE8 - CKEditor not fully loading on Page refresh IE7 IE8 IBM Bug closed Normal
#10099 element.createFromHtml gives error on IE7/8 when adding HTML5 Section tag IE7 IE8 Bug closed Normal
#10120 [IE7, BIDI] Changing paragraph direction breaks toolbar IE7 Bug closed Normal
#10122 [IE7] Error when clicking TD in elementspath IE7 Bug closed Normal
#10189 IE7 - 'dropdown' toolbar items not working IE7 Bug closed Normal
#10412 IE7-8: Undo moves cursor to beginning of div IE7 IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
#10477 Exception on DELETE key IE8 IE7 Bug confirmed Normal
#10554 SELECTION IS MODIFIED IN A SPECIAL CASES IE7 IE8 oracle Bug confirmed Normal
#10563 CKeditor 4.1.2: Access denied error in IE7 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#10625 IE7 No preview in document Properties Plugin IE7 Bug closed Normal
#11299 [IE7] Editor does not load IE7 Bug closed Normal
#2036 Domain relaxation is not working in IE7. Confirmed IE7 Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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