Jan 24, 2013:
8:07 PM Ticket #9985 (Using the Delete key causes input boxes to be deleted.) created by Doug Lawrence
Reproduces on the latest version of chrome (24.0.1312.52) in both OSX …
5:07 PM Ticket #9984 (Blockquote with enterMode = ckeditor.ENTER_BR and autoParagraph = ...) created by Juan Pablo
Using CKEDITOR 4 with <br /> for new lines instead of paragraphs …
2:08 PM Ticket #9500 (IE8-9 It is not possible to move cursor below table pasted from Excel) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: Since this is now works in CKEditor v4 I'm closing this issue as fixed.
1:38 PM Ticket #9717 (Inline editing aside tag) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: @giammin this should be handled by magic line plugin.
Currently …
9:58 AM Ticket #9602 (inline editor position is not anchored to contenteditable when there's ...) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: This is actually DUP of #9816 which may have same solution as #9899
9:16 AM Ticket #9964 (Font Size and Font Name drop-downs do not always reflect font styling) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: >>We have customers who are complaining about the fact that applying a …
8:56 AM Ticket #9964 (Font Size and Font Name drop-downs do not always reflect font styling) reopened by Piotrek Koszuliński
@j.swiderski: Create header, place caret in it. In MSWord and Libre …
Jan 23, 2013:
7:26 PM Ticket #9981 (Implement fragment#filter) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Commited into [https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev/tree/major …
5:43 PM Ticket #9983 (Webkit: Align buttons' states not refreshed after changing image alignment) created by Jakub Ś
This is the same issue as #9797 but in Webkit it can be reproduced …
2:36 PM Ticket #9964 (Font Size and Font Name drop-downs do not always reflect font styling) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: >>MSWord, Libre Office, Google docs do this.
@Reinmar that's not true. …
12:59 PM Ticket #6347 (Double request to sprite image files when timestamp enabled) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I was not able to reproduce this in latest CKEditor 3.x and CKEditor 4.x.
11:07 AM Ticket #9982 (Introduce fake-selections) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
A fake-selection is a "virtual" element selection that happens in the …
10:57 AM Ticket #9980 ('Source' and 'SpellChecker' are not shown in editor's toolbar.) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: 1. You need to download ckeditor full, standard or with plugins of …
Jan 22, 2013:
11:56 PM Ticket #9981 (Implement fragment#filter) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Currently it's not possible to apply more than one filter to doc …
5:20 PM Ticket #9980 ('Source' and 'SpellChecker' are not shown in editor's toolbar.) created by abua
I have added following toolbar in config.js for inline editing …
5:20 PM Ticket #9979 (magicline should show up after more html5 flow elements) created by Jason
Descriptive summary :
It seems that it is impossible to …
12:46 PM Ticket #9970 (BR mode inconsistency between versions) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: This is actually DUP of #9933.
@agentcooper I have moved your TC there.
12:05 PM Ticket #9959 (IE: select a text, right click to open context menu, click to insert ...) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: Fixed in CKEditor 4.
@lamnguyen88 I have just talked with my …
11:53 AM Ticket #9977 (Bug: getData(true) returns 'old' data.) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: getData works exactly as indented. You pass noEvents == true, so …
11:38 AM Ticket #9972 (Hardening the htmlParser.filter) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:5135d41.
Jan 21, 2013:
10:25 PM Ticket #9978 (Shift+space doesn't insert nbsp) created by Rémi Pigeyre
If I press shift+space bar, it should insert a and it is …
10:07 PM Ticket #9977 (Bug: getData(true) returns 'old' data.) created by Juan Pablo
Calling getData(true) (so it doesn't fire any events) returns 'old' …
9:35 PM Ticket #9976 (Xml plugin is not compatible with IE10) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Trying to use for example the XmlTemplates plugin throws an error at …
2:26 PM Ticket #9971 (Filter's elementsName and attributesName string patterns are used as regexp) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: It may be confusing but it is fast, cause we don't have to check if …
1:54 PM Ticket #9834 (Image plugin dialog not working if htmlPreview is removed) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: HTMLPreview object used in many places in image dialog script - it is …
1:30 PM Ticket #9975 (Move node's methods from htmlDataProcessor to htmlParser.node) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
getLast, getNext, isEmpty, isBlockBoundary, insertAfter, insertBefore, …
1:08 PM Ticket #9974 (Errors in dt/core/editor/destroy.html) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Although this test is passing.
12:56 PM Ticket #9973 (Auto update link when text is the same as mailto and href and valid ...) created by Jakub Ś
This request was made based on …
12:55 PM Ticket #9972 (Hardening the htmlParser.filter) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Improve filter by more accurate tests for special cases.
12:25 PM Ticket #9971 (Filter's elementsName and attributesName string patterns are used as regexp) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
When the expected output is:
The same happens for …
11:33 AM Ticket #9949 (span display:none and body id="cke_pastebin" appearing in buffer) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: >>The editor contents have the buggy contents only for a brief time …
11:10 AM Ticket #9969 (SyntaxHighlighter in inline editor mode) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I think you should rather report this to plugin author and not …
8:29 AM Ticket #9965 (Google Chrome: Cannot read property 'ltr' of undefined in full package) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: NP :) In Chrome's Dev Toolbar settings you can set that cache is …
6:53 AM Ticket #9970 (BR mode inconsistency between versions) created by tema
http://nightly.ckeditor.com/13-01-20-08-51/standard/samples/plugins/ent …
3:33 AM Ticket #9969 (SyntaxHighlighter in inline editor mode) created by culaido
I trying to put a plugin named SyntaxHighlighter into ckeditor …
Jan 20, 2013:
8:58 PM Ticket #9968 ([iOS] Cannot select an image on an ipad) created by Steve Neale
Cannot seem to select an image in the editor in order to access the …
Jan 18, 2013:
4:50 PM Ticket #9967 (Fire an Event when items are selected on toolbar combo boxes and color ...) created by Teresa Monahan
Currently there is no way to detect that an option has been selected …
3:24 PM Ticket #9966 (Square brackets not working in IE or Chrome) created by boite bidon
It's impossible to type in square brackets [ or ] in IE or Chrome. It …
2:16 PM Ticket #9965 (Google Chrome: Cannot read property 'ltr' of undefined in full package) created by Frank
I downloaded the full package (4.0.1 and nightly) and tried the …
1:00 PM Ticket #9951 (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'unselectable' of null) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: >Anyway, I fixed it by destroying the instance and initialising it …
12:59 PM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 edited by Teresa Monahan
12:56 PM Ticket #9896 ([WIN8] Intrusive title hint for inline editables) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: 1. AFAIK it is not possible to style native tooltips.
2. It is …
12:55 PM Ticket #9964 (Font Size and Font Name drop-downs do not always reflect font styling) created by Teresa Monahan
Currently the font and fontsize combos on the toolbar only reflect …
11:47 AM Ticket #9963 (Problem with playing video uploaded in ckFinder) created by varun
Greetings of the day,
I am using Ckeditor along with ckfinder. when i …
11:21 AM Ticket #9387 (V4: Inline editing - No ability to display toolbar in other location ...) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Committed into [https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev/tree/major …
10:46 AM Ticket #9657 (Cut/Copy disabled) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: This issue has expired on trunk. I see it working in CKE 3.6.6 and CKE 4.x
10:12 AM Ticket #9527 ([Opera] Various issues with smileys plugin) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I have tried all 3 issues in latest Opera 12.12 and had no problems. …
10:03 AM Ticket #9956 (Copy / Paste image on iOS fails) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: I believe this is a DUP of #8881.
9:38 AM Ticket #8259 (Problems with exiting lists) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: This issue can now be closed as it was fixed with magic line plugin in …
8:12 AM Ticket #9962 (Paste buttons are disabled after deselecting text.) created by sabio
Paste buttons are disabled after deselecting text by clicking inside …
Jan 17, 2013:
11:34 PM Ticket #9961 (Webkit: Deleting empty list items result in BR inserted before text.) created by dyland
1. In an empty editor, type "test"
2. Click on the Numbered List …
5:35 PM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 edited by Teresa Monahan
5:18 PM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 edited by Teresa Monahan
2:23 PM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 edited by Teresa Monahan
2:05 PM Ticket #9919 (Incorrect focus handling on the link dialog) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #9845.
11:39 AM Ticket #9960 (Elements path doesn't work with inline editing any more) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The elements path has been disabled on inline editing as a fix for …
9:03 AM Ticket #9959 (IE: select a text, right click to open context menu, click to insert ...) created by lam nguyen
Tested ok on Chrome.
This issue happens on IE8,9,10.
Steps to …
8:32 AM Ticket #9955 (Auto Hyperlink Issue on Email - Sometimes does not update properly) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: >>I go back to the designer and hit the backspace on one of the …
7:52 AM Ticket #9942 (FCKeditor FileManager IE10 Compatibility) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Thanks for information. I'm closing ticket for now.
If you have any …
4:05 AM Ticket #9958 (Press ok button will trigger onbeforeunload event in popup-dialog on ie9) created by culaido
In my code,
I set a listener for beforeunload event to prevent user …
Jan 16, 2013:
9:08 AM Ticket #9957 ([FF] Cannot delete text at the end of the line with cursor placed ...) created by Anna Tomanek
Reported on the forum: …
8:29 AM Ticket #9956 (Copy / Paste image on iOS fails) created by Magnus Karlsson
Its not possible to copy and paste images using iOS (5 or 6)
Using …
8:03 AM Ticket #9952 (Insert anchor without selecting text: many anchors are generated) closed by Jakub Ś
Jan 15, 2013:
11:16 PM Ticket #9955 (Auto Hyperlink Issue on Email - Sometimes does not update properly) created by Rick
When I type in an email address in CKEditor on IE9, it will …
3:37 PM Ticket #9954 ([CKBuilder] The command line tool should support languages property) created by Wiktor Walc
Reported in …
9:27 AM Ticket #7136 (Non-breaking space disappears from the end of block) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: Transformation of to normal space is an expected behaviour.
8:57 AM Ticket #8287 (Internet explorer Frameset issue) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: #9807 was marked as duplicate.
Please note that frames are dead now. …
8:41 AM Ticket #9953 (Do not process non editable element HTML) created by j.salak
In inline editing mode i like to use other jQuery plugins for …
8:17 AM Ticket #9952 (Insert anchor without selecting text: many anchors are generated) created by lam nguyen
Insert anchor without selecting text: many anchors are generated on …
Jan 14, 2013:
7:41 PM Ticket #9950 (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'unselectable' of null) closed by Mutaz
7:37 PM Ticket #9951 (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'unselectable' of null) created by Mutaz
I'm getting the following error and I don't know how to deal with it. …
7:35 PM Ticket #9950 (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'unselectable' of null) created by Mutaz
I'm getting the following error and I don't know how to deal with it. …
6:05 PM Ticket #9949 (span display:none and body id="cke_pastebin" appearing in buffer) created by Open eSignForms
Since upgrading to CKEditor 4.0, we noticed that our data buffer can …
6:04 PM Ticket #9948 (BLUR and FOCUS events not correct) created by Open eSignForms
We see this problem mostly on Firefox, Chrome and Safari, but not IE …
6:00 PM Ticket #9947 (Editor Width Overflows in Webkit Browsers) created by Edward A Savage Jr
I have found the menus do not wrap properly on Webkit (confirmed in …
3:14 PM Ticket #9909 (Webkit restores different deleted inline element) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: There is a ticket about is already - #8438 plus some continuations …
3:01 PM Ticket #9946 (Tableresize tools try to resize tables outside of the editor) created by Michiel Overeem
The tableresize plugin does not check if the table is part of the …
2:40 PM Ticket #9945 (Scroll not working on iPad) created by andershjort
When trying the Standard or Full Featured Demo on an iPad, scrolling …
1:51 PM Ticket #9944 (insertcellbefore and insertcellafter in nested tables is incorrect) created by Michiel Overeem
The insertcellbefore and insertcellafter commands from the tabletools …
12:28 PM Ticket #9943 (Reopening Ticket #9807) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This is not the way to report ticket!!!
12:08 PM Ticket #9943 (Reopening Ticket #9807) created by nrone
Jan 13, 2013:
8:26 AM Ticket #9942 (FCKeditor FileManager IE10 Compatibility) created by cheesypoof
Any chance of FCKeditor's FileManager receiving a patch for IE10 …
Jan 11, 2013:
4:42 PM Ticket #9941 (Security Vulnerability CKEditor) created by rstolz
We are using Drupal 7 and our hosting provider has suspended our …
3:37 PM Ticket #9940 (Firefox, going back makes full page editable) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Login to CKEditor forums and go to …[…]
3:08 PM Ticket #9939 (Unable to disable CKFinder flash uploader in Firefox or Chrome) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: All modern browsers like FF, Webkit or opera use HTML5 uploads and not …
3:02 PM Ticket #9807 (CKEditor throws error when <iframe> present on page) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: @Watashifr I have tried both frameset declarations and they have …
2:58 PM Ticket #9939 (Unable to disable CKFinder flash uploader in Firefox or Chrome) created by qssam
After setting the config option to disable the flash uploader in …
2:33 PM Ticket #9938 ('/node' added to image and url paths after clicking save button in drupal) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: CKEditor has nothing to do with saving. If this was happening when you …
1:38 PM Ticket #9938 ('/node' added to image and url paths after clicking save button in drupal) created by Simranjit singh
I am using CKEditor 3.6.5 in Drupal 6.27
While giving paths for …
11:58 AM Ticket #9937 ([iOS] CKEditor 3.6.3 (revision 7474) - iOS6 iPad - CK editor textarea ...) created by rutvikupadhyay
When user clicks in the middle of the ckditor text-area, try to …
11:17 AM Ticket #9936 (Date for the copyright footnote on docs.ckeditor.com should be amended) created by Anna Tomanek
Copyright notice on http://docs.ckeditor.com still reads "Copyright © …
9:49 AM Ticket #9935 (Tooltip for combined SCAYT + spell checker feature should be modified) created by Anna Tomanek
Joining SCAYT and spellchecker under one button is a great idea, …
12:40 AM Ticket #9934 (CKEditor 4 in Twitter Bootstrap modal disables dropdowns in IE) created by Matthew Leffler
When viewing CKEditor 4 in a Twitter Bootstrap modal …
Jan 10, 2013:
10:09 PM Ticket #9932 (Is it possible to implement page constraints like in a document editor?) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: It's impossible to achieve this in HTML and CSS right now. There's a …
5:49 PM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 edited by Teresa Monahan
4:16 PM Ticket #9933 (Shift+Enter or Enter in Enter_BR breaks color style) created by fabrizio
Steps to reproduce:
1. Type a sentence
2. Shift+enter
3. Select …
3:41 PM Ticket #9932 (Is it possible to implement page constraints like in a document editor?) created by viskel
With CKEditor - is it possible to have pages displayed (and page …
2:04 PM Ticket #9894 (Inconsistent default table width (changes from "500" to "500px")) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This issue was heavily discussed in #7948.
Before version 3.6.1 we …
1:47 PM Ticket #846 (Want width units preserved after dragging table/div borders) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: >>If you now in design view mark the table and make it shorter/wider …
12:28 PM Ticket #6453 (Last whitespace ignored) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: Whether you are switching to source, use getData or use specialchar …
11:59 AM Ticket #6925 (Leading and trailing spaces are not included in getData) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I was not able to reproduce this problem neither in CKE 3.x nor 4.x
11:51 AM Ticket #8889 (SCAYT inserts nonbreaking spaces in IE 9/8/7 and Chrome 18) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I was not able to reproduce this problem anymore.
11:37 AM Ticket #5978 (Firefox and Safari Link Space Issue) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I was unable to reproduce this in any browser.
4:48 AM Ticket #9931 (Copy/paste of hyperlinks with IE creates font tags) created by Tristan
There appears to be a bug affecting IE8 in CKEditor where copying …
1:48 AM Ticket #9377 (Shared Toolbars sample from CKEditor 3 does not work with CKEditor 4) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
duplicate: Actually, this one will be introduced with #9387.
1:47 AM Ticket #9377 (Shared Toolbars sample from CKEditor 3 does not work with CKEditor 4) reopened by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Jan 9, 2013:
9:27 PM Ticket #9930 (XSS onLoad error in Source Mode) created by David Walsh
There's an XSS flaw in versions 3.6.4 and 4.0.1
Steps to reproduce:
7:19 PM Ticket #9929 ([Blink Webkit] is created when deleting character and typing ...) created by sir qwerty
This is new erroneous behavior in CKEditor 4 using Chrome 23, Win7 …
6:32 PM Ticket #9928 ([iOS] creating form disables text entering) created by Matthew Leffler
When using iOS to create a form, the keyboard is …
3:06 PM Ticket #9927 (IE10: Executing new page command in enter BR cuases JS error.) created by Jakub Ś
To reproduce:
1. Open enter key sample and set enter mode BR.
2. Press …
2:40 PM Ticket #6519 (firefox 3.6 ckeditor insertHtml() without focus inserts at beginning ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
2:25 PM Ticket #9926 (IE9: deleting iframe in BR mode causes JS error) created by Jakub Ś
How to reproduce:
1. Open enter key sample and switch to BR mode.
2. …
2:02 PM Ticket #8990 (IE8: Not possible to move cursor behind placeholder) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: This issue for IE8 is in fact duplicate of #8492.
12:47 PM Ticket #9821 (ALT+F key combinations do not work on Mac) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: If F10 and F11 control the sound, then you need to use them with Fn …
12:43 PM Ticket #9925 ([FF] Native spell check inside inline instances is visible since FF18) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: It's hard to check it now, but I believe that native spellchecker was …
12:07 PM Ticket #8816 (making filebrowser in iframe dialog) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #6085
When we implement possibility to pass custom function to …
11:43 AM Ticket #9744 (callback function for file browser) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #6085
@AlexW it is enough to leave idea in one ticket. You …
11:27 AM Ticket #9925 ([FF] Native spell check inside inline instances is visible since FF18) created by Olek Nowodziński
[https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Firefox_18_for_developers …
8:22 AM Ticket #9924 (Image upload not available) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Demo is using CKFinder (separate application) - …
8:20 AM Ticket #9922 (Stylesheet parser should accept CSS classes without elements) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: We have this ticket already - #5980.
In short it is not possible to …
8:19 AM Ticket #9924 (Image upload not available) created by Sebastian
I'm using the CKEditor in my CMS developed for my customers. But …
12:45 AM Ticket #9923 (Moono: Use retina iconset) created by Matthew Leffler
Summary: The moono skin should use a retina iconset.
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.