
Nov 24, 2010:

3:01 PM Ticket #6599 (Problem with image and list) closed by Garry Yao
2:41 PM Ticket #6330 (Roman list style are not pasted properly from Word) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [6115], the issue mentioned by Fred will be tackled at #6635.
1:30 PM Changeset [6118] by Garry Yao
Revert part of [6117] which is not related to the bug.
1:04 PM Ticket #6720 (CKE specific attributes _cke_saved_href and _cke_saved_src not removed ...) created by Martijn Vermeulen
We use CKEditor as the editor in Drupal 6.x for one of our projects. …
12:35 PM Changeset [6117] by Garry Yao
#6171: Float panel loading cause unexpected host page scroll in FF.
12:28 PM Changeset [6116] by Garry Yao
Reverting wrong changeset [6114].
9:54 AM Ticket #6719 (V2 skin - the dialogs have transparent regions) created by vlado
1.Open some dialog (link,anchor...) 2.Press on the middle …
9:48 AM Changeset [6115] by Garry Yao
#6330: Resolve roman numbered list style type correctly.
9:46 AM Ticket #6171 (Firefox scrolls to top of page when clicking on paragraph format ...) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [6114].
9:46 AM Changeset [6114] by Garry Yao
#6171: Float panel loading cause unexpected host page scroll in FF.
9:43 AM Ticket #6297 (Unexpected behavior when toggling bulleted/numbered list with a ...) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [6113].
9:43 AM Changeset [6113] by Garry Yao
#6297: isBlockBoundary now resolves float elements from their dtd.
9:40 AM Ticket #4790 (CKEditor in enterMode = BR, problem with bullet list) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [6112].
9:40 AM Changeset [6112] by Garry Yao
#4790: when convert back list items, line-breaks are missing.
4:45 AM Ticket #6718 (paste from word command should dominate) created by Garry Yao
1. Configure the editor with "forcePasteAsPlainText" set to true; 1. …
2:04 AM Ticket #6717 (fckeditor doesn't show up with chrome 9) created by sunnavy
Hi I found fckeditor doesn't work with latest chrome 9, at least with …

Nov 23, 2010:

5:59 PM Ticket #6334 (Use data-* attributes for custom attributes) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [6111].
5:59 PM Changeset [6111] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#6334: Use data-* attributes for custom attributes.
5:01 PM Ticket #6716 (FCKEditor 2.6.5 adds span tags when viewing source) created by Lindsay
We are using the fckeditor version 2.6.5 and are having issues with it …
4:01 PM Ticket #6713 (Entity encoding in attributes) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: DUP of #6701, you need to escape the HTML values within your FORM.
3:54 PM Ticket #6714 (Opera & Safari- It's not possible to enter text after Horizontal Line ...) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: DUP of #6554, please search for existing tickets before a bug report.
1:15 PM Ticket #6715 (List items do not become paragraphs when lists are removed in a table) created by James
Steps to reproduce the defect: 1. Open the Ajax sample. 2. …
10:55 AM Ticket #6714 (Opera & Safari- It's not possible to enter text after Horizontal Line ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open CK Editor, Type some text. 2. …
8:04 AM Ticket #6554 (Webkit: cannot type after inserting Page Break) closed by Martin
8:00 AM Changeset [6110] by Martin
#6554: Webkit: cannot type after inserting Page Break
7:21 AM Ticket #6713 (Entity encoding in attributes) created by Danial Pearce
Hi guys, If my form value is {{{<a href="/something" title="test of …
6:59 AM Ticket #6712 (Incorrect style set in wysiwygarea plugin.js) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Actually that style could be just removed, fixed with [6109].
6:58 AM Changeset [6109] by Garry Yao
#6712: Remove unnecessary styles on focus grabber.
6:52 AM Ticket #6711 (Paste from Word: support for pasting Text Boxes) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: There's no way of providing such a fix, as the "Text Box" you're …

Nov 22, 2010:

8:20 PM Ticket #6712 (Incorrect style set in wysiwygarea plugin.js) created by Tony
ckeditor/_source/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js Line 1,029 […] …
8:03 PM Ticket #6711 (Paste from Word: support for pasting Text Boxes) created by Wiktor Walc
In 2010 there is a feature called "Text Box". Basically it is a box …
2:56 PM Ticket #6710 ("&gt;" in custom style "name" throws error) created by Gilles van den Hoven
If you include html "&gt;" in the styles definition (name part) the …
12:50 PM Ticket #6708 ([FF] Unable to remove empty paragraphs) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
invalid: Sorry.. Firebug is the cause.
12:48 PM Ticket #6709 (insertHtml: comments must also be protected) created by Dinu
In IE, when setting innerHTML, any starting <!----> comments are …
12:40 PM Ticket #6708 ([FF] Unable to remove empty paragraphs) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
* Open an empty document. * Press ENTER 3 times. The caret is now …
12:23 PM Ticket #6707 (Paste over selected texts changes styling of pasted text) created by Tomas
It seems as the when selecting text in the editor and pasting over …
11:41 AM Ticket #6706 (IE Selected format not applied to typed text) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect 1. Open any sample except AJAX. 2. …
11:26 AM Ticket #6705 (IE Selected font not applied to typed text) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect 1. Open any sample except AJAX. …
8:42 AM Ticket #6704 (FCK autocorrect incorrect/incomplete tags) created by Armen
Hi, i'm having the next problem in FCK: at HTML code, i insert …
6:21 AM Ticket #6703 (Dialog hide - does not fire focus on editor in IE 7, IE8) created by Brett
The attached file is the _samples/api.html with a minor modification. …

Nov 21, 2010:

4:54 AM Ticket #6701 (Problems with forms that is cut) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Please check #5427, your HTML content has to be escaped.
4:45 AM Ticket #6700 (Insert element over selection breaks DOM) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: Umbrella #6702 opened for all bugs of this category.
4:37 AM Ticket #6702 (insertElement on top of text selection) created by Garry Yao
Unlike "insertHtml", "insertElement" invoking that happens on a text …

Nov 20, 2010:

9:57 PM Ticket #6701 (Problems with forms that is cut) created by andersbj
When included form code is pasted into the editor in source view and …
4:07 PM Ticket #6700 (Insert element over selection breaks DOM) created by Dinu
Test: - create 3x2 table - select a number of cells - insert image …
3:06 PM Ticket #6698 (User can still type before dialog load) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: Ok, we'll be fixing all together at #6390.
3:00 PM Changeset [6108] by Garry Yao
Post fixing #6696.
2:57 PM Ticket #6696 (Dialogs open for non-editable content on doubleclick) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [6107].
2:57 PM Changeset [6107] by Garry Yao
#6696: No dialog opening for readonly link element on double click.
2:50 PM Ticket #6699 (Html filter lowercases object properties) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: "_cke_placeholder" is used as an internal attribute and not intended …
2:46 PM Ticket #6275 (insert <embed> and custom attributes in other tags failed in Firefox 3.6.9) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Replying to joelstein: > …
2:25 PM Changeset [6106] by Garry Yao
API documentation fixes.
10:02 AM Ticket #6699 (Html filter lowercases object properties) created by Dinu
Test: in the placeholder plugin, replace _cke_placeholder with …

Nov 19, 2010:

5:33 PM Changeset [6105] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Missing name of CKEDITOR.config.forceSimpleAmpersand in docs.
3:53 PM Ticket #6698 (User can still type before dialog load) created by Dinu
Related to #6390, between clicking on toolbar and dialog load, user …
3:50 PM Ticket #6697 (Non-editable content duplicated on drag-n-drop) created by Dinu
Test: - insert <span contenteditable="false">Some<a …
3:37 PM Ticket #6696 (Dialogs open for non-editable content on doubleclick) created by Dinu
To reproduce: - insert <span contenteditable="false"><a …
9:12 AM Ticket #6674 (The Chinese Simplified language patch for CKEditor 3.5.x) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [6104].
9:12 AM Changeset [6104] by Garry Yao
#6674: Translation update for zh-cn.
8:03 AM Changeset [6103] by Garry Yao
Eliminate confusion in "protectedSource" documentation.
8:00 AM Ticket #6694 (Protected source code not displayed in WYSIWYG mode) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: >Is it the expected result ? True. >Why not render the source code ? …
7:51 AM Ticket #6693 (BIDI: When item of a is set to RTL, bullet is not visible) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: DUP of #6249.
7:51 AM Ticket #6692 (BIDI: When list is set to RTL, bullets are moved outside of visible area) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: DUP of #6249.
4:15 AM Ticket #6690 (Copied links are improperly pasted) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: DUP of #6641.

Nov 18, 2010:

11:22 PM Ticket #6695 ([safari] Popup a dialog at maximize mode and then minimize cause weird ...) created by michjun
Description Summary: Popup a dialog at maximize mode and then …
10:47 PM Changeset [6102] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Documentation enhancements.
5:21 PM Ticket #6694 (Protected source code not displayed in WYSIWYG mode) created by fournaise
If you enter in source view mode this code : […] and switch to …
2:45 PM Ticket #6693 (BIDI: When item of a is set to RTL, bullet is not visible) created by Krzysztof Studnik
Different Behaviour of #6692 under IE8 Under IE8, In source …
2:32 PM Ticket #6692 (BIDI: When list is set to RTL, bullets are moved outside of visible area) created by Krzysztof Studnik
Create list: […] Select one item and press RTL Expected …
1:53 PM Ticket #6210 (Wrong behavior of paste if there is \r\n in paste content) closed by Garry Yao
12:09 PM Ticket #6691 (Paste from Word ignoring Style Definitions) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: See …
11:13 AM Ticket #6691 (Paste from Word ignoring Style Definitions) created by naresh.sivaraman
Found in Firefox 3.6 and IE8. When using "Paste from Word", Word's …
10:56 AM Ticket #6690 (Copied links are improperly pasted) created by naresh.sivaraman
Issue seen in IE 8. To Reproduce: 1) Input text "aaaaaa" 2) Select …
9:03 AM Ticket #6476 (Line break character should not be inserted if elements only contain ...) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: It doesn't seem to be a problem as it doesn't have any visual impact …
7:20 AM Ticket #6689 (Unexpected list structure after insert list item) created by Martin
1. Crete list like this: <ul> <li>a <ul> <li>[b</li> <li>c …
7:13 AM Ticket #6688 (Wrong structure after insert list item) created by Martin
1. Crete list like this: […] 2. Select b and c item as …
6:14 AM Ticket #6687 (empty tag should be removed on inline-style format) created by yiminghe
example: […] indicates start selection position and $ indicates …

Nov 17, 2010:

5:14 PM Ticket #6686 (BIDI:[FF] when we apply explicit language direction to ...) created by James
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open Ajax sample in Firefox. 2. …
3:52 PM Changeset [6101] by Garry Yao
AIR support no "*-resize" cursor shapes, fall back to "move".
3:18 PM Ticket #6675 (Upload tab does not appear in Image Properties) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: You have to specify which uploader script you want to use. Please …
3:16 PM Ticket #6685 (config.ProtectedSource not working in <TABLE>...</TABLE>) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: It's just not possible to do that, you have to protect the whole table.
2:03 PM Ticket #6685 (config.ProtectedSource not working in <TABLE>...</TABLE>) created by fournaise
When you enter in source view the following code: […] and go …
1:17 PM Ticket #6502 (Remove IE6 image preloading) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [6100].
1:16 PM Changeset [6100] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6502 Remove IE6 image preloading
12:46 PM Ticket #6684 (Toolbar isn't wrapped in Webkit when editor is in the table) created by kresimir
When toolbar has many items (e.g. Full toolbar) and editor is placed …
10:01 AM Ticket #6683 (Extra line breaks added when saving the content on fckeditor 2.6.4) created by Ritesh Kalyani
When I give a simple input to the editor for eg: Test(new line) Test …
9:17 AM Ticket #6682 (German translation: the about box information needs to be corrected) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed with [6099].
9:16 AM Changeset [6099] by Wiktor Walc
#6682 German translation: the about box information needs to be corrected
9:16 AM Ticket #6682 (German translation: the about box information needs to be corrected) created by Wiktor Walc
In German, it says under "about CKEditor" "Für Informationen …
8:48 AM Ticket #6681 (Firefox: unable to insert a link after deleting it) created by Wiktor Walc
1. Go to http://ckeditor.com/demo 2. Click the “New Page” …

Nov 16, 2010:

8:48 PM Ticket #6680 (Firefox: problem with removing links) created by Wiktor Walc
Removing links in Firefox is problematic and doesn't work as expected. …
1:16 PM Changeset [6098] by Garry Yao
Reverting some wrong part of changes in [6096].
3:03 AM Changeset [6097] by Garry Yao
#6447: fixing a logic error when outdent list with class name.
2:56 AM Ticket #6447 (Outdent with indentClasses doesn't work on list) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [6070].
2:49 AM Ticket #6580 ([IE9] Unable to edit Flash object) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [6096].
2:49 AM Changeset [6096] by Garry Yao
#6580: namespace tagName is now supported in IE9.

Nov 15, 2010:

9:40 PM Ticket #6679 (Link tag around image lost on drag and drop) created by Joshua Smith
Seems to be a webkit issue. Steps to reproduce: 1. Add some text to …
2:19 PM Ticket #6676 (send some text to page on buttom) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: Please use our forums for discussions …
2:15 PM Ticket #6678 (UA compatible update) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: No, we should not do that until we don't formalize our compatibility …
2:10 PM Ticket #6678 (UA compatible update) created by Garry Yao
According to the latest …
12:26 PM Ticket #6640 (Combobox not disabled when switching in source view) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [6095].
12:26 PM Changeset [6095] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#6640: Floating panels are now being closed when switching modes.
11:50 AM Ticket #6677 (BIDI: IE6 Cursor missing from Editor body when we click on RTL icon ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open Ajax sample. 2. With out …
8:28 AM Ticket #6670 (BIDI: Indent & List icons are not reversed when we apply RTL direction ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [6094].
8:27 AM Changeset [6094] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6670 BIDI: Indent & List icons are not reversed when we apply RTL …

Nov 14, 2010:

2:14 PM Ticket #6676 (send some text to page on buttom) created by bassel
hello i need ask how i can make a buttom on the editor send a static …
12:58 PM Changeset [6093] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#5654: An accidental global variable was created.
11:53 AM Ticket #6675 (Upload tab does not appear in Image Properties) created by Cristi
I have a problem with CKEditor 3.4.2, released on 4 November 2010. …

Nov 13, 2010:

12:11 PM Changeset [6092] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Correct parameter names for docs.
4:06 AM Ticket #6674 (The Chinese Simplified language patch for CKEditor 3.5.x) created by NetRube
618 iframe : 619 { 620 title …

Nov 12, 2010:

2:38 PM Ticket #6673 (IE Target combo for Image Link shown as blank even when we select <not ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open Ajax sample. 2. Insert an …
2:27 PM Changeset [6091] by Paweł Horzela
#6479: BIDI: Language direction is not being preserved when pressing …
2:25 PM Changeset [6090] by Paweł Horzela
#6471: BIDI: Pressing decrease indent in an RTL bulleted list causes …
1:28 PM Ticket #6419 (IE: List creation by merging problem) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [6089].
1:27 PM Ticket #5599 (Labels for special characters need to be resourced.) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [6088], using 5599_8.patch.
1:27 PM Changeset [6089] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6419 IE: List creation by merging problem
1:23 PM Changeset [6088] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#5599 Labels for special characters need to be resourced.
1:12 PM Changeset [6087] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6510 Margin mirroring doesn't respect style configuration
1:10 PM Changeset [6086] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6575 Tabs disappearing in Link dialog after specific action sequence
12:56 PM Changeset [6085] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Reverted [6076], [6077].
12:55 PM Changeset [6084] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Reverted [6055].
12:47 PM Changeset [6083] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Reverting [6055], [6056], [6068].
12:37 PM Ticket #6672 (Cannot "cut" the form element on top of the page) created by naresh.sivaraman
Issue seen in IE7. To Reproduce: 1. insert form element at the top …
11:32 AM Ticket #6669 (HTML code not inserting in IE, Inserting in FireFox) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
wontfix: IE can't handle custom tags, you should try extending the DTD, this …
10:56 AM Ticket #6671 (Styles combo drop down list not refreshed) created by Gilles van den Hoven
Situation: - CKEditor 3.4.2 - Custom styleset …
10:46 AM Changeset [6082] by Paweł Horzela
#6471: BIDI: Pressing decrease indent in an RTL bulleted list causes …
10:28 AM Changeset [6081] by Paweł Horzela
Revert [6071].
10:04 AM Changeset [6080] by Paweł Horzela
#6479: BIDI: Language direction is not being preserved when pressing …
9:40 AM Changeset [6079] by Paweł Horzela
Revert [6078].
9:18 AM Ticket #6479 (BIDI: Language direction is not being preserved when pressing Enter ...) closed by Paweł Horzela
fixed: Fixed with [6078].
9:18 AM Changeset [6078] by Paweł Horzela
#6479: BIDI: Language direction is not being preserved when pressing …
9:05 AM Changeset [6077] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#5599 Labels for special characters need to be resourced.
9:01 AM Ticket #6670 (BIDI: Indent & List icons are not reversed when we apply RTL direction ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open the Ajax sample. 2. Type some …
8:43 AM Changeset [6076] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6419 IE: List creation by merging problem
7:47 AM Changeset [6075] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [6047:6074].
7:24 AM Ticket #6248 ([[IE]] Extra space added at start in each Empty cell after saving & ...) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [6074].
7:24 AM Changeset [6074] by Garry Yao
#5404: We don't need block padding node for table cell and list item in IE.
6:28 AM Ticket #6669 (HTML code not inserting in IE, Inserting in FireFox) created by Raghavendra
Hi, I'm trying to insert a piece of HTML code in to Ckeditor. The …
5:40 AM Ticket #6668 (Image resize plugin) created by Dinu
I guess it's known but I couldn't find a related report: there's no …

Nov 11, 2010:

6:56 PM Ticket #6667 (Browse server opens tab in Firefox/Mac, resizes whole window) created by lattepiu
When I click on "Browse server" in Firefox 3.6.12 / Mac OS X 10, (with …
6:11 PM Ticket #6666 (Do not use element.all property (CKEditor entirely broken in latest Opera)) created by Tony
The editor demo at http://ckeditor.com/demo will not load in Opera. …
12:49 PM Ticket #6665 (NAME ATTRIBUTE IS MISSING FOR LINK ON IE) created by naresh.sivaraman
Happens in IE6 and IE7. To reproduce: 1. click "link" icon and input …
11:28 AM Changeset [6073] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Added the presentation role to the <li> elements in the combo lists.
10:50 AM Changeset [6072] by Garry Yao
Bug fixing when multiple instances breaks panel events.
10:48 AM Changeset [6071] by Garry Yao
Adding plugin load callback: 'beforeLoad' and 'afterLoad'.
9:54 AM Changeset [6070] by Garry Yao
Disable SCAYT and WSC.

Nov 10, 2010:

6:17 PM Changeset [6069] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed a minor bug in CKEDITOR.dom.range. (fix from #6652)
3:19 PM Ticket #6510 (Margin mirroring doesn't respect style configuration) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [6068], including output_xhtml.css changes.
3:18 PM Changeset [6068] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6510 Margin mirroring doesn't respect style configuration
2:52 PM Ticket #6664 (Extra Space between Page Breaks after moving from Source to Wysiwyg mode.) created by naresh.sivaraman
Tested in IE8. To reproduce: (1)Add two page breaks on the editor. …
12:41 PM Ticket #6663 (Issue with adding carriage returns to Table caption.) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open Ajax sample. 2. Insert a …
12:20 PM Ticket #6662 (Lists copied from Word are not pasted properly.) created by Satya Minnekanti
Copy the lists from the Attached document and paste in to the Editor …
11:46 AM Ticket #6661 (BIDI: In IE Language direction applied to a Paragraph is removed when ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open Ajax sample. 2. Type a …
11:27 AM Changeset [6067] by Garry Yao
Paste dialog wysiwyg now works in AIR.
11:04 AM Changeset [6066] by Garry Yao
AIR need a moment when switching focus previously on link into editor.
10:54 AM Changeset [6065] by Garry Yao
Bring back [5509] as it's still needed after the contenteditable change.
8:57 AM Ticket #6660 (Insert smile to list) created by Martin
1. Create list with some items 2. Select some items and insert …
8:41 AM Ticket #6659 (Removing selected li while typing) created by Martin
1. Create list which few items 2. Select some items and type …
2:41 AM Ticket #6658 (Paste from Word in IE - Internal error of html formatter - Tabs in ...) created by Alex
When pasting from MS Word the text with one or more tab in between …

Nov 9, 2010:

4:18 PM Changeset [6064] by Garry Yao
Convert inline event handlers on elements path space.
3:40 PM Changeset [6063] by Garry Yao
Convert inline handlers on shared theme spaces.
2:51 PM Changeset [6062] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [6005:6061].
1:51 PM Ticket #6656 (Panelbutton's buttons become active when clicking on source) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [6061].
1:51 PM Changeset [6061] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#6656: Panelbutton's buttons become active when clicking on source.
1:24 PM Ticket #6657 (Allow the entire disabled dialog field to be styled using cke_disabled ...) created by Joe Kavanagh
When a dialog field is disabled the cke_disabled CSS class would be …
8:30 AM Changeset [6060] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Reverted [6059], [6058].
8:11 AM Changeset [6059] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#5599 Labels for special characters need to be resourced (missing part 2)
8:09 AM Changeset [6058] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#5599 Labels for special characters need to be resourced
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.
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