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Results (2001 - 2100 of 2646)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#8420 [IE8] Resize handles sometimes show up around paragraphs and bulleted lists IE CantFix Bug closed Normal
#8425 IE8 IE9: Selection Defect with contentEditable = "false" and unselectable = "on" IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8429 IE7, IE6 - Selection problem when destroying editor in ENTER_BR IE6 IE7 Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8430 Id attribute get lost when hit backspace IE Bug closed Normal
#8446 IE8 - Unable to place cursor after image IBM IE8 HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal
#8457 Unable to click left of an indented image. IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8458 Ctrl + B can't work in this situation and javascript error is prompted IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8467 <p> belongs with <br> at the end of list cause javascript error - nodeValue.length is null IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8476 Adding an anchor deletes the character to the right of anchor IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8479 Performance problem with nested documents IBM IE Bug closed Normal
#8482 DispHTMLUnknownElement with invalid code IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8493 [IE] : Can't add link to selected text IE HasPatch Bug closed Normal
#8497 ie 7 scrollbar positioning problem IE7 scrollbar Bug closed Normal
#8520 IE8 Paste throws errors in <br> mode IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8521 IE: Pictures are not visible in preview for Flash Dialog IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8525 Not possible to edit selected element IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8527 IE: Trying to insert a table after inserting an anchor generating error IBM IE8 IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8529 Table Dialog with multi ckeditors crash IE8 Bug closed Normal
#8532 ckeditor in IE local intranet does not work well with internet zone Active Scripting security is disabled IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8535 Bug: - hide() is not working with IE 7 for CKEditor hide() not working in IE7 Bug closed Normal
#8538 IE8 IE7: Copy, select, paste causes error IE8 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#8541 Wrong selection after deleted last character after contenteditable span IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
#8542 Disappearing paragraph after lists (IE Only) IE8 Bug closed Normal
#8549 [IE, Webkit] can not delete selected text in table contents IE, Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#8550 [ALL] inconsistent cursor about table IE6 IE7 HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal
#8552 Spaces lost on copying during editing IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8569 FF: JS error when inserting elements after HTML with comments. IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8575 IE6 IE7: Selecting a table header row using Elements path bar omitting first char in first header cell IE6 IE7 IBM Bug closed Normal
#8580 contentEditable is not worked on DIV IE8 IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8587 IE7 maximize long delay IE6 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#8602 Unnecessary calls to images without baseHref HasPatch IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8625 IE: PageUp does not scroll the editor IE Bug closed Normal
#8636 Editing Absolute positioned DIVs in Firefox and IE is problematic Firefox IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8643 IE scrolls up when you click between lines IE Bug closed Normal
#8668 IE6&7 Meta tag names not set in commitMeta, or recognised in createMetaHash, in docprops plugin IE6 IE7 HasPatch Bug closed Normal
#8670 dom.node#getAddress returns different addresses for detached trees in IE7&8 than in normal browsers IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8689 IE9 problems with inserting text while in compatibility view. IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8691 [IE] Browser crash when pasting certain content IBM IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8694 IE: copy/paste problem in pre tag IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8708 IE9 image in table deselection on mouse right click IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8711 CKEditor - sharedSpaces - IE9 - HTML5 - IE9 HTML5 Bug closed Normal
#8729 Editor scrolls to the top when opening the context menu twice in a row IE Bug closed Normal
#8732 CKEditor creating hidden spans which can result in hidden content IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8736 IE: Pasting a list after applying font-size to a paragraph wraps list-items in spans IE IBM Bug closed Normal
#8742 Javascript error when creating table/smiley/form with entermode:ENTER_BR IE Bug closed Normal
#8743 IE9: in ENTER_BR table/smiley/form is inserted under br tag IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8769 IE9: Problems while inserting nested tables IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8783 getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) returns 'inherited' on IE7 and IE6 for elements created from code IE6 IE7 Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#8788 IE9+Compat: It is not possible to double click to select IE Bug closed Normal
#8799 IE, FF: Delete/backspace keys remove anchor instead of joining paragraphs Firefox IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8800 IE6-10: ENTER key immediately after an anchor generates javascript error IE Bug closed Normal
#8801 IE8 Bug when paste to an exist selection when ENTER_BR mode is on IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8812 IE9: HTML comment blocks Enter Key IE9 Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8815 IE+Compat:: Issues with image selection and resize IE Bug closed Normal
#8817 IE: Context menu doesn't show on second click IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
#8822 IE: selected color isn’t shown in Highlight filed. IE Bug closed Normal
#8830 IE - Cannot determine which cells are selected in a table IBM IE v4 Bug confirmed Normal
#8835 IE: Editing area looses focus when clicking close to the scrollbar IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8843 [IE9] Paste button always opens dialog IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8844 [IE] Color picker dialog undesired highlight IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8849 [IE] selection range lost when pasting with dialog IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8854 [IE] A Japanese key input is repeated (when enter mode is set to BR) IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8858 [IE] : Undo add extra space at the end of list item IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8861 [IE] Content document scrolls upon focus restored IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8864 [IE] Rich combo listbox improperly presented IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8865 [IE9+Compat] Paste goes at the end for the document IE Bug closed Normal
#8866 IE: empty margins not visible in page with header X-UA-Compatible overwriting compatibility mode IE Bug closed Normal
#8869 IE6 : CKEDITOR.dom.node.replace() fails with invalid argument error IE6 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#8880 [IE8] Undo results in wrong cursor with HTML comment IE Bug closed Normal
#8889 SCAYT inserts nonbreaking spaces in IE 9/8/7 and Chrome 18 IE Webkit Bug closed Normal
#8892 IE9 crashes with p::after clearfix and empty text area IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8894 Display:inline-block issue IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8907 IE6: hovering over Browse Server button makes dialog contents jump up IE6 Bug closed Normal
#8910 The height is enlarged when changing the width of the input control by mouse drag IE Bug closed Normal
#8913 IE9: Problems with full-width sapces. IE9 CantFix Bug closed Normal
#8918 Dialog shadows not shown in IE with quirks mode IE Bug closed Normal
#8919 IE: right-click Paste greyed out IE Garry Yao Bug review Normal
#8920 IE8 IE9: unable to edit selected text with keyboard (left-click and drag to select text then release left-button outside ckeditor window) IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8926 IE: Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar appears when inserting table with width set to 100% IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8939 IE: Selecting a table row and pressing backspace only deletes a cell instead of the full row IE IBM Bug confirmed Normal
#8944 If a previously set value of a textfield is changed to blank, it stays visible in the editor. IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8949 IE: Image Properties does not show in context menu when the image is wrapped in a div with the width set IE IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8956 Link href not displayed on edit link screen IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8960 IE6-8: editor scrolls up when right clicking on image wrapped in element with styles. IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8961 Inline styles are not applied to beginning text in IE 9 IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8964 IE8 & IE9 link inserted next to selected text IE IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8971 IE 7 & IE 8&9 Compat View: Image dialog gets huge, if image has Large Alternate text IE IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8978 IE: Editor selection is intermittently lost when an item is selected from a toolbar menu IE IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8985 IE - Enter key not being properly processed by dialogs IE9 IBM Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8989 IE placeholder plugin - you can't insert one place holder after another IE Bug confirmed Normal
#8990 IE8: Not possible to move cursor behind placeholder IE8 Bug closed Normal
#9000 [IE] incorrect enter key behavior into pre block IE Bug confirmed Normal
#9002 Tabelle cell lost after style has been applied IE Bug confirmed Normal
#9003 IE9 shift+enter causes cursor to jump IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9013 Formatting IE9 selected text fails IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9022 IE Compat View: Number/Bulle list gets removed when we type the text IE8 IE9 IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#9030 IE9: select text + open link dialog - link creation fails if text contains linebreak <br /> tag. IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9034 IE: Unspecified Error when making a selection in the editor IE7 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#9035 IE7 - Nesting unordered lists within ordered lists crashes IE7 IE7 Bug closed Normal
#9038 IE: error when selecting contents with SHIFT+Arrow IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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