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Results (2501 - 2600 of 2646)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#11484 Text with CSS3 column-count property in IE 11 handled as bloc IE11 Bug closed Normal
#11491 Pressing delete key in highlighted text in blockquote removes paragraph tags Firefox IE Bug confirmed Normal
#11506 Image inside floating DIV looses selection with Context Menu on IE IE Bug confirmed Normal
#11518 Inline Editing Cursor Jump w/ SCAYT Enabled Firefox IE Bug closed Normal
#11598 IE11 Win7 - Error 80020101 when opening dialog for second time. IE11 Bug closed Normal
#11605 [IE] Selection cached after making selection by mouse IE Bug confirmed Normal
#11609 [IE] List items annihilated after certain actions with Elements Paths IE Bug confirmed Normal
#11663 Input Method Editor(IMEs) didn't work properly in CKEditor with the AutoGrow plugin in IE11 IBM IE11 Support Szymon Cofalik Bug review Normal
#11671 [IE 8-10] inserttext space as first call on editor problem IE Bug confirmed Normal
#11691 [IE8] Can not expand selection when caret is at the end of a inline element IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
#11692 [IE9-10] Home and end buttons in inputs move cursor to the wrong possition IE9 IE10 Bug confirmed Normal
#11696 undo link scrolls to top of page IE Oracle Bug confirmed Normal
#11708 Magic-Line showing in email IE Bug confirmed Normal
#11720 Method insertElement causes error in IE if editable hasn't been yet focused IE Bug confirmed Normal
#11723 Break tags inserted if editor hidden - IE 11 IE11 Bug closed Normal
#11750 Iframe Dialog Scrollbar problem. IE Bug confirmed Normal
#11766 When closing an Internet Explorer (11) window containing a CKEditor, opened from an external source, a script error occurs IE11 Bug closed Normal
#11773 Hierarchy request script error IE Oracle Bug confirmed Normal
#11778 IE11: The xml object loaded with Ajax plugin fails to find children IE10 IE11 Bug confirmed Normal
#11806 [IE-all] Creating placeholder in anchor and click drag handler load page which URL is set in anchor IE Bug confirmed Normal
#11836 [IE8-10] Special container style is not fully removed IE Bug confirmed Normal
#11837 [IE8-10]: Delete key removes too much IE Support Bug confirmed Normal
#11839 [IE9] Text cursor jumps out of source area on resize IE9 Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#11840 [IE11] Editable fixDom causes selection to lose direction IE11 Bug confirmed Normal
#11843 [IE8-11] selectionChange event outputs invalid element when Ie is in Compatibility mode. IE Bug confirmed Normal
#11848 IE: Unable to get property 'checkReadOnly' of undefined or null reference IBM IE Marek Lewandowski Bug closed Normal
#11853 Fail to correctly copy and paster the Upper Roman list IE Bug confirmed Normal
#11854 [IE8-11] Opening dialogs in IE within an IFrame cause the page to scroll up IE Bug closed Normal
#11878 [IE11]: Applying different numbers to list doesn’t work. IE11 Bug confirmed Normal
#11947 [FF IE11] Shift+Enter in lists produces two line breaks Firefox IE11 Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#11955 [IE11] Several UI elements need to be clicked twice IE Bug closed Normal
#11959 [IE10] Tableresize: Unable to get property 'toLowerCase' of undefined or null reference IE10 Bug confirmed Normal
#11966 [IE] Compatibility view: Caret goes outside of the last block element, when showblocks is enabled IE Bug confirmed Normal
#11970 CKEditor paste event not fired when pasting with SHIFT+INS in IE9 IE Support Piotr Jasiun Bug closed Normal
#12026 'Cut' option in tool bar is still enabled even when there is no text in the text area IE Bug confirmed Normal
#12062 Performance issues typing at the end of a large document in IE and Chrome Blink IE VendorFix Bug confirmed Normal
#12114 image2 widget (align left/center/right) does not lose focus on IE8-11 in order to write text if alone IE Bug confirmed Normal
#12161 Element resize handles still work with disableObjectResizing=true with IE11 IE Bug closed Normal
#12180 IE: Delay in the cursor postion setting after the text is pasted. IE Bug closed Normal
#12185 [IE9QM] Error thrown when moving mouse over focused editor's scrollbar IE Marek Lewandowski Bug closed Normal
#12193 placeholder sometimes get deleted on move in IE9 IE Bug confirmed Normal
#12298 IE11+Compat: Click bellow body puts selection at first line IE11 Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#12303 Action buttons are not disabling in IE IE Bug closed Normal
#12321 [IE] pressing backspace / delete does not fire editor#change IE Marek Lewandowski Bug closed Normal
#12323 [IE10] After removing whole list text below jump up. IE Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#12325 [IE10] selection doesn't collapse on Shift + Left button IE Bug closed Normal
#12326 [IE] Error throw after switching between source mode and then click styles button IE Bug confirmed Normal
#12328 [IE8] Predefined style pruned by the editor IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
#12333 [IE9-11] Preview shows blank page. IE Bug closed Normal
#12335 Setting new bg color on existing one make disappear original one (after selection) IE Bug closed Normal
#12357 [IE8] Call maximize command fire resize event twice IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
#12385 Paste from word plugin - problem with numbered lists IE11 Bug closed Normal
#12391 [IE] No undo snapshots created when using IME (input method engine) IME IE Artur Delura Bug assigned Normal
#12399 Paste from Word - Wrong MIME of images IE Bug closed Normal
#12415 Problem writing Korean in IE11 with auto grow plug in IE11 Bug closed Normal
#12453 CKEditor in IE11 doesn't handle large tables. IE11 Support Bug confirmed Normal
#12458 CSS style attribute values with semicolons converted to lowercase in IE IE Bug confirmed Normal
#12525 IE: Drop-downs closed immediately after show in a Bootstrap Modal CantFix IE Bug confirmed Normal
#12535 Unable to select a table in IE after merging cells IBM IE Bug confirmed Normal
#12594 [IE8] Magicline throws an error when inserting block before list with inline elements IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
#12610 checkElementMatch always return false for color style in IE11 IBM IE Bug confirmed Normal
#12666 [IE9-11] Double-byte space disappears when pasting IBM IE Bug confirmed Normal
#12693 [IE] Impossible to collapse selection using shortcut IE8 Bug closed Normal
#12747 IE: Dropdowns become disabled when in maximize mode. IE Artur Delura Bug closed Normal
#12772 [IE] disableObjectResizing doesn't work VendorFix IE Bug confirmed Normal
#12794 SCRIPT5022: IndexSizeError on table caption change in IE9-11 IE Bug confirmed Normal
#12813 Cannot select widget on readonly editor in IE11 IE Bug closed Normal
#12836 [IE9] Performance issue during past from word IE9 Bug closed Normal
#12910 Problems entering korean text in IE 11 IE11 Bug closed Normal
#12996 SCAYT Affecting Dialog Double Click Firefox IE Bug closed Normal
#13005 Change Event is not fired after Delete Firefox IE Support Bug confirmed Normal
#13041 menus not working in showmodaldialog IE10 IE11 Bug confirmed Normal
#13043 Inline styles are not maintained in IE11 when using Korean. IE11 Bug confirmed Normal
#13058 IE8 Problem copy or cut and paste numeroted list with linebreak IE Bug confirmed Normal
#13061 IE11: Pasting images and shapes from word duplicates some and omits others IE11 Bug confirmed Normal
#13094 Delete CR removes form html below IE Bug confirmed Normal
#13120 Removing special container in IE IE Bug confirmed Normal
#13125 FF Only - The space after a contenteditable element is ignored when backspacing Firefox IE Bug confirmed Normal
#13225 IE: Can't remove inline styles with Backspace and Delete needs to be pressed twice. IE Bug confirmed Normal
#13230 IE pasting from word IE Bug closed Normal
#13236 IE11: Input event not triggered IBM, IE11 Bug closed Normal
#13250 Style attribute type gets corrupted when editing source in IE 8 IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
#13322 IE: setData causes Access Denied error IE Bug confirmed Normal
#13504 [IE9-10]:Inline styles are not always removed IE9 IE10 Support Bug confirmed Normal
#13509 [IE11] It is not possible to type in Japanese in right aligned table IE11 Support Can't Fix Bug confirmed Normal
#13512 [IE11] The page will scroll down when enter key is hit in CKEditor when browser is not full sized IE11 Bug closed Normal
#13548 IE: Clicking on element's path disables cut/copy icons. IE Tade0 Bug closed Normal
#13551 ie11 Browser crashed ie11 Browser crashed Bug closed Normal
#13575 IE11: Typing in Korean with Enter Mode BR moves cursor to previous line. IE11 Support Szymon Cofalik Bug assigned Normal
#13587 [IE9] can't select text with mouse IE9 selection mouse Bug closed Normal
#13592 [IE] Non-editable widget can become editable by clicking near the bottom of the widget IE Bug confirmed Normal
#13630 [IE11] Focus issues when the editor gets loaded IBM, IE11 Bug confirmed Normal
#13708 IE option menu is different when right clicked on element with hasLayout==true IBM, IE Bug confirmed Normal
#13756 Context menus are cut-off in Microsoft Edge IE IBM Marek Lewandowski Bug closed Normal
#13775 Typing into selected contents of span tag creates font tag IE11 Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#13911 [IE11] Console errors during context menu test execution IE11 kkrzton Bug review Normal
#13916 [IE9] tests/core/selection/fake test is not passing on IE9 when console window is opened. IE9 Szymon Kupś Bug closed Normal
#13917 [IE9] tests/core/log tests are not passing on IE9 when console window is opened. IE9 Szymon Kupś Bug closed Normal
#13924 IE11 - Typing is slow after pasting for the second time into editor. IE11 support Tomasz Jakut Bug closed Normal
#13957 IE unwanted   after link IE Bug closed Normal
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