Sep 1, 2009:
5:40 PM Ticket #4258 (Editor area chopped off on maximize for Arabic language in IE7 and IE8) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
duplicate: DUP of #3916
5:39 PM Ticket #4258 (Editor area chopped off on maximize for Arabic language in IE7 and IE8) reopened by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
5:00 PM Ticket #4363 (Updated Danish translation for CKEditor 3.X) created by Kevin Svenningsen
Attached is the updated Danish translation for CKEditor 3.X (the file …
2:12 PM Ticket #4362 (Fire event when floatpanel opened) created by Garry Yao
The opening of our panel system is a mixing of async( iframe loading …
1:56 PM Ticket #4361 (Associate toolbar UI instances) created by Garry Yao
Currently it's been difficult to find the relationship of UI instances …
12:22 PM Ticket #3978 (setStyle float broken on IE7 strict) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [4176].
12:18 PM Changeset [4176] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3978 - setStyle float broken on IE7 strict.
12:12 PM Ticket #4230 (HC detection causes js error) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [4175].
12:11 PM Changeset [4175] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #4230 - HC detection causes js error.
12:07 PM Ticket #3370 (Use CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain()) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [4174].
12:05 PM Changeset [4174] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3370 - Use CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain().
12:03 PM Ticket #3438 (Floating panels are off by (-1px, 0px) in RTL mode.) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [4173].
12:01 PM Changeset [4173] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3438 - Floating panels are off by (-1px, 0px) in RTL mode.
11:27 AM Ticket #4360 (Danish translation for CKFinder 3.X) created by Kevin Svenningsen
Attached is the Danish translation for CKFinder 3.X (the file da.js …
9:50 AM Ticket #3856 (Pressing the source toolbar button doesn't focus right) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [4172].
9:50 AM Ticket #4354 (Using TAB key on toolbar focus disabled buttons) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [4171].
9:44 AM Changeset [4172] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3856 - Pressing the source toolbar button doesn't focus right.
9:34 AM Changeset [4171] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #4354 - Using TAB key on toolbar focus disabled buttons.
8:56 AM Ticket #4359 (Wiki table: row with multiple line) created by falko
When you edit a row and type return button the format of the text …
7:35 AM Changeset [4170] by Garry Yao
Adding ticket test for #3856.
7:05 AM Ticket #4274 (Problem in codesample DIVREPLACE) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [4169].
7:05 AM Changeset [4169] by Garry Yao
Fixing #4274: Double click event is incorrect handled in 'divreplace' …
7:01 AM Ticket #4241 (Styles menu gets "stuck" on editor.destroy()) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [4167] and [4168].
7:00 AM Changeset [4168] by Garry Yao
Stabilizes TCs and changelog for #4241.
6:58 AM Changeset [4167] by Garry Yao
Fixing #4241: Float panels are left on screen while editor is destroyed.
6:52 AM Ticket #3010 (Enhance testing framework regards 'selection range' testing) closed by Garry Yao
6:51 AM Ticket #3009 (Enhance testing framework to support async 'setUp') closed by Garry Yao
6:50 AM Ticket #4218 (Implement CKTester) closed by Garry Yao
6:49 AM Ticket #4242 (Enable running single test) closed by Garry Yao
Aug 31, 2009:
2:33 PM Ticket #4358 (List properties dialog box is missing) created by Wiktor Walc
The properties for bulleted/numbered lists are missing (this feature …
8:29 AM Ticket #3996 (startupFocus doesn't work if editor starts in Source mode) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
duplicate: DUP of #3856.
Aug 29, 2009:
1:40 PM Ticket #4357 (Paste dialog might hang in IIS) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
If IIS is configured to process html files as asp pages, the paste …
1:32 PM Ticket #2439 (PasteFromWord inserts into current <p> (FireFox3)) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: dup of #1537
1:27 PM Ticket #4356 (Block move button) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: That would be provide better support for absolute positioned elements. …
Aug 27, 2009:
7:09 PM Ticket #4356 (Block move button) created by onejimb
Can you add a feature to FCK that would move a block of text.
12:26 PM Ticket #4262 (Tab and Shift+Tab not working to cycle through context menu in IE) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
invalid: Correct shortcut for context menu is SHIFT+F10.
Using CTRL+SHIFT+F10 …
11:14 AM Ticket #4276 (Toolbars and Controls are not rendered properly) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
invalid: Resolving it as invalid due to wrong toolbar config usage. Please …
11:12 AM Ticket #4275 (CKEditor's tool bar is chopped off in IE7/IE8,) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
invalid: I'm sorry but this is not a bug. It's about wrong toolbar config usage …
Aug 26, 2009:
2:46 PM Changeset [4166] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Created the CKEditor 3.0 tag.
1:10 PM Ticket #4355 (Toolbar button command steals focus from toolbar) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Toolbar button command steals focus from toolbar, moving it into …
12:59 PM Ticket #4354 (Using TAB key on toolbar focus disabled buttons) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Using TAB key (or SHIFT+TAB) on toolbar focus disabled buttons, while …
12:47 PM Ticket #4258 (Editor area chopped off on maximize for Arabic language in IE7 and IE8) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
worksforme: I can confirm that 3.0 RC version had some issues with Maximize …
11:05 AM Ticket #4353 (XHTML 1.1 compliant) created by speedbad
To be valid XHTML 1.1 it must have "title" argument for the links, …
7:20 AM Ticket #4352 (Ommiting the traling slash for a custom skin or plugin path results ...) created by Niek Kouwenberg
I created a custom skin and plugin for the CKEditor. I placed these in …
Aug 25, 2009:
10:00 PM Milestone FCKeditor.Java 2.5 completed
This release is intended for two major improvements and bugfixes also. …
2:07 PM Ticket #4351 (Dashes cannot be used in attribute names) created by Niek Kouwenberg
The CKEditor htmlParser uses a regular expression to check for valid …
1:37 PM Ticket #4350 (Link upload not working in safari in fckeditor) created by Vineeta
we are using fckeditor in our asp.net application. When we upload …
1:03 PM Ticket #4349 (CKeditor 3.0 Dutch translation) created by Bert Hankes
I completed the Dutch translation for CKeditor 3.0.
There where 100+ …
11:47 AM Ticket #4348 ("l.lang.about is undefined" => editor does not open => Failed base ...) created by Andrwe
I'm using Firefox 3.5.2 and CKeditor-nightly 4165.
If I call the …
10:06 AM Ticket #4347 (Clear="all" tag replaced by <p> </p>) created by Ingotian
- Build 23187
When ever a <br clear="all"> tag is inserted to …
9:57 AM Ticket #4346 (Translation updates for Dutch (nl)) created by Niek Kouwenberg
I added the missing translations for the Dutch language and improved a …
9:39 AM Ticket #4345 (Fire a "langLoaded" event after the languages have been loaded.) created by Niek Kouwenberg
Currently almost every stage of the loading process will fire an event …
7:31 AM Ticket #4344 (Successive <br>s get lost) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
1. Load the following HTML:
2. Move to wysiwyg view. Note …
6:43 AM Ticket #4278 (problem in accessing FCKeditor instance in link pop-up window.) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: Replying to mahenfck:
> (I want to know why my ticket …
6:16 AM Ticket #4278 (problem in accessing FCKeditor instance in link pop-up window.) reopened by Mahendra
I am Mahendra, I am using Fckeditor 2.5.1. I have created a new …
6:01 AM Ticket #4269 ("Esc" and "Enter" keystrokes are not handled when a dialogue box is ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [4165].
6:00 AM Changeset [4165] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #4269 - "Esc" and "Enter" keystrokes are not handled when a …
Aug 24, 2009:
8:14 PM Ticket #4343 (Implement BrowserContextMenuOnCtrl) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Port that setting from FCKeditor
8:10 PM Ticket #4342 (Implement Body Id & Class) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Port #32 to CKEditor
8:07 PM Ticket #4341 (Implement ShowBorders) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Implement the ShowBorders feature.
Instead of being only a …
8:02 PM Ticket #4340 (Implement Email protection) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Port #2220 to CKEditor (or something better if it's even possible :) )
7:54 PM Ticket #4278 (problem in accessing FCKeditor instance in link pop-up window.) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: Please, use our forums for support.
3:47 PM Ticket #4339 (Add Script Button) created by Jason
A new button would be added to the toolbar to add/edit Javascript. The …
11:43 AM Ticket #4278 (problem in accessing FCKeditor instance in link pop-up window.) created by Mahendra
I am Mahendra, I am using Fckeditor 2.5.1. I have created a new …
11:06 AM Changeset [4164] by Thilo Schwarz
obsolete, merged into the trunk
10:49 AM Changeset [4163] by Thilo Schwarz
merge branche 2.6.x back into the trunk
10:07 AM Ticket #4277 (Skins are not rendered correct) created by oiha
For some reason the toolbar on all skins are rendered unreadable or …
7:22 AM Ticket #4276 (Toolbars and Controls are not rendered properly) created by Senthil
Toolbars and Controls are not rendered properly in IE7. IE8, FF 3.5.2 …
7:11 AM Ticket #4275 (CKEditor's tool bar is chopped off in IE7/IE8,) created by Senthil
Patch delivered for Ticket #4237 (CKEditor's ToolBar is chopped off in …
Aug 22, 2009:
5:06 PM Ticket #4274 (Problem in codesample DIVREPLACE) created by Christian
When you dobbel-click a div it opens CKeditor, but if you then open a …
Aug 21, 2009:
2:59 PM Ticket #4273 (TD > UL > SPAN Causes FCKTableHandler.GetSelectedCells() to return ...) created by Davey Shafik
This is an involved issue, so bear with me:
1) Create a table
2) …
2:25 PM Changeset [4162] by Garry Yao
Updating ticket test for #4252.
2:13 PM Changeset [4161] by Garry Yao
Adding ticket test for #4252.
1:52 PM Changeset [4160] by Garry Yao
Updating ticket test for #4237.
1:38 PM Ticket #4237 (CKEditor's ToolBar is chopped off in Safari browser 3.x) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [4159].
1:37 PM Changeset [4159] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #4237 - CKEditor's ToolBar is chopped off in Safari browser 3.x.
12:56 PM Changeset [4158] by Garry Yao
Updating #4218: Fixing a bug where calculating absolute path in cell …
12:06 PM Changeset [4157] by Garry Yao
Adding ticket test for #4269.
9:34 AM Ticket #4272 ([IE] Kama skin toolbar broken in RTL+quirks) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Kama skin toolbar broken in RTL+quirks. Refer to attached screenshot. …
8:22 AM Changeset [4156] by Garry Yao
Adding ticket test for #4252.
8:10 AM Ticket #4271 (view object properties) created by Jon Stranger
If I insert an OBJECT tag (e.g. <object classid='Contact' />) then …
7:01 AM Ticket #4270 (ui_languages sample is broken) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
6:58 AM Changeset [4155] by Tobiasz Cudnik
FIxed #4270 - ui_languages sample is broken.
Aug 20, 2009:
3:22 PM Changeset [4154] by Thilo Schwarz
replaced deprecated ResourceType#isNotAllowedExtension with …
3:13 PM Changeset [4153] by Thilo Schwarz
replaced RequestCycleHandler#isEnabledForFileBrowsing with …
3:03 PM Changeset [4152] by Thilo Schwarz
added TODOs
3:00 PM Milestone CKEditor 3.0 completed
CKEditor is the next generation of FCKeditor. It is to be written from …
2:50 PM Changeset [4151] by Thilo Schwarz
moved functionality from ConnectorHandler to the Dispatcher
2:36 PM Changeset [4150] by Thilo Schwarz
initial commit, copied from 2.5.x branch svn#4086
2:01 PM Changeset [4149] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updated the releases branch with CKEditor 3.0.
1:06 PM Ticket #4270 (ui_languages sample is broken) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The ui_languages sample is not working anymore after [4135].
11:13 AM Changeset [4148] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3009: Adding editor test suite to support sharing one editor …
11:09 AM Changeset [4147] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3009: Adding editor test suite to support sharing one editor …
10:55 AM Changeset [4146] by Garry Yao
Fixing #4242: Adding extra instructions support to default test case …
9:59 AM Changeset [4145] by Garry Yao
Updating ticket test for #4252 regard editor selection API.
9:18 AM Ticket #4269 ("Esc" and "Enter" keystrokes are not handled when a dialogue box is ...) created by Pranav
Open a dialogue box using Image or Link controls and press "Enter" or …
9:10 AM Changeset [4144] by Garry Yao
Fixing #3010: Adding testing APIs for easy selection range setup.
8:57 AM Changeset [4143] by Garry Yao
Post fixing [4142] of cell path caculation logics.
8:36 AM Changeset [4142] by Garry Yao
Fixing #4218: Correcting a cell path caculation error in IE which …
6:48 AM Changeset [4141] by Garry Yao
Updating design test for #3010.
6:01 AM Ticket #4268 (Table is not getting deleted after selecting it and pressing Delete ...) created by Pranav
Insert a table and then select it by clicking over it. Now press …
4:55 AM Changeset [4140] by Garry Yao
Updating ticket test for #4208.
Aug 19, 2009:
8:01 PM Ticket #4267 (Can't Link Images in Drupal 5.x/ Opera 9 or 10 b3) created by Alex Schenker
When I add an image and try to link it, the image gets deleted, and I …
10:41 AM Ticket #4263 (XSS Attack) closed by Garry Yao
wontfix: Sorry but have to say that we don't provide protection to XSS with our …
10:36 AM Ticket #4266 ("New Page" button is not working when cursor is inside "Show Blocks" area) created by Pranav
Click on "Show Blocks" button and then click on "New Page" button. You …
10:26 AM Ticket #4264 (Fire event after enterkey press is handled) reopened by Jon Håvard Gundersen
The problem is that there is currently no way to determine when …
10:06 AM Changeset [4139] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Postfix for #4028 - Maximize control's tool tip is wrong once it is …
9:35 AM Ticket #4264 (Fire event after enterkey press is handled) closed by Garry Yao
wontfix: I think it's possible to get the newly created block by looking at the …
8:41 AM Changeset [4138] by Garry Yao
Updating ticket test for #4252.
8:17 AM Ticket #4265 (Support for styles as string and not only external css file in panel plugin) created by Jon Håvard Gundersen
Today it is possible to send css files as an array in the definition …
8:05 AM Ticket #4264 (Fire event after enterkey press is handled) created by Jon Håvard Gundersen
I need to manipulate the created block after enterkey is pressed.
It …
7:12 AM Ticket #4263 (XSS Attack) created by jihua
Hi guys , Our site is using FCKEditor , there are some risk with the …
7:09 AM Ticket #4262 (Tab and Shift+Tab not working to cycle through context menu in IE) created by Pranav
Open context menu by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F10. Press Tab or Shift+Tab …
6:39 AM Ticket #4261 (JAWS reads all items in Font Size drop down box as "8 Link" in ...) created by Pranav
Keep pressing tabs to navigate through the Font size drop down boxes. …
Aug 18, 2009:
3:50 PM Ticket #4260 (Right-click menu doesn't remove in AIR 1.5.x) created by Jason Futch
If you right-click on the editable area the "cut, copy, paste" menu …
3:36 PM Ticket #4259 (CTRL-V Pasting not captured by AIR 1.5.x) created by Jason Futch
FCKConfig.ForcePasteAsPlainText = true
When pasting into the editor …
10:42 AM Ticket #4028 (Maximize control's tool tip is wrong once it is maximized) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [4137].
10:36 AM Changeset [4137] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #4028 - Maximize control's tool tip is wrong once it is maximized.
10:21 AM Ticket #4258 (Editor area chopped off on maximize for Arabic language in IE7 and IE8) created by Pranav
Attaching the config.js and replacebycode.html file to reproduce the …
10:10 AM Ticket #4257 (Execute dev scripts inside their directories) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Execute dev scripts inside their directories. Needed for bash mostly.
9:50 AM Ticket #4219 (Fallback mechanism needed for config.language) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [4135] and [4136].
9:50 AM Changeset [4136] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Correction to [4135].
9:45 AM Changeset [4135] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #4219 - Fallback mechanism needed for config.language.
9:12 AM Ticket #4256 (Enable impersonation in aspx file browser connector) created by Robert Heinig
I needed the folder view, folder creation and upload to use the proper …
8:39 AM Changeset [4134] by Garry Yao
Updating #4218: Adding the bash script of the profile genernation tools.
5:49 AM Changeset [4133] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Updating TT #4219.
Aug 17, 2009:
4:41 PM Ticket #2874 (tables: in FF caption seems to be in the wrong place) reopened by Koen Willems
2:49 PM Ticket #4255 (Events aren't in the documentation) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
In http://docs.fckeditor.net/ckeditor_api/ there's no documentation …
2:29 PM Ticket #4254 (Add API sample) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Similar to the old sample08, I've removed the buttons to interact …
8:39 AM Changeset [4132] by Garry Yao
Updating #4218: Adding the generic testing API file into YUI runner.
7:55 AM Ticket #4253 (Blank editor window) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Please use our forums for …
7:13 AM Ticket #4253 (Blank editor window) created by Martin Hass
I am having a problem integrating the editor. It works fine on my …
6:45 AM Ticket #4252 (Establish testing APIs for editor UI) created by Garry Yao
We could encapsulate APIs for functional testing, consider the …
6:36 AM Ticket #3528 (CKEditor : Context Menu issue) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [4131].
6:32 AM Changeset [4131] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3528 - CKEditor : Context Menu issue.
6:30 AM Ticket #3898 (Add validation checks to image properties dialog.) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [4130].
6:25 AM Changeset [4130] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #3898 - Add validation checks to image properties dialog.
4:02 AM Changeset [4129] by Garry Yao
Updating #4218:
1. Rename 'CKTester' to 'CKTESTER';
2. Move generic …
3:59 AM Changeset [4128] by Garry Yao
Updating #4218:
1. Rename 'CKTester' to 'CKTESTER';
2. Move generic …
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.