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Results (1 - 100 of 510)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#610 Create link to File Browser directory (not file) SF New Feature confirmed Low
#82 EMBED tag inside OBJECT is removed by IE SF Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#97 IE7: "Error: no such interface supported" when opening custom file browser IE IE7 WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#101 IE: Can't use the Styles combo with TR, TD, TH SF Bug closed Normal
#116 Color changes are not saved WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#134 Problem in fckeditor_php5.php SF Pending Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#135 Contextmenu mispositioned when editor in div with scrollbar SF Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#136 FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE error SF WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#137 TAB space does not work SF Confirmed Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#138 <Right ALT> + <S> works like <CTRL> + <ALT> + <S> SF Confimed Bug closed Normal
#139 CTRL + F not working SF Bug closed Normal
#141 IE: When editor gets the focus on load, the "del" key is not functional SF IE Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#142 EnterMode = br produces <p> when switching back from source SF IE Bug closed Normal
#143 Browser locks with <!--{PS..x}--> in the contents SF Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#150 flash embed properties not saved WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#172 Cannot apply format to a select list of bullets SF Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#173 Error when both instances share the same toolbar SF WorksForMe Pending Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#174 "Maximize the editor size" button can't handle relative DIVs SF Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#175 Percent sign in mailto: link breaks link tool SF Confirmed IE7 Bug closed Normal
#176 Unterminated A tags sometimes break paragraphs on save SF IE Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#178 Right-click in table cell messing up in Firefox SF WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#179 Undo suffering from short term memory loss SF Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#180 Backwards compatibility with older PHP versions SF Wiktor Walc Bug closed Normal
#181 Comments before <html> tag lead to source display on IE SF Pending Expired Bug closed Normal
#182 Percent signs don't get escaped on URLs SF Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#183 Unloads too early from hosted IE control SF Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#184 Right click on toolbar lead to wrong location of new element SF IE Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
#185 .Value property vs .Text property SF New Feature closed Normal
#186 Font & bg colorpickers display cut when ToolbarLocation=out SF WorksForMe Pending Expired Bug closed Normal
#187 fckeditor.cfc doesn't set imageUpload variables SF Bug closed Normal
#188 z-index of Image in editor prevents toolbar action IBM SF IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#189 Flash integration : align center -> tag broken SF Bug closed Normal
#190 Toolbars jums to the right as editor width changes SF Bug closed Normal
#192 FCKeditor JavaScript API has Undo issues SF Bug closed Normal
#193 Hyperlink incorrect when pasting in Firefox SF Firefox Confirmed CantFix Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#201 HR in input "source" completely destroys document structure SF IE Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#202 <HR> tag breaks source SF IE Bug closed Normal
#203 Instert Template FireFox WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#215 Insert Smiley does not include required alt attribute WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#216 js error in fckeditorcode_ie.js WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#235 FF: Toolbar icons are now displayed correctly on Mac OS X SF Firefox Mac WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#249 Normalize the order of tags' attributes SF New Feature closed Normal
#261 FCKeditor doesn't escape URLs for whitespaces SF Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#297 Missing alt="" with Smiley WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#302 Firefox automatic hyperlink creation SF Confirmed CantFix New Feature closed Normal
#303 Stylesheet link styles not applied in Firefox Confirmed SF CantFix Bug closed Normal
#318 Multiple linked images are getting merged in a single link SF IE Confirmed Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
#326 Firefox: Lists + formatted text = undesired behavior WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#338 Drag & drop do not honor ForcePasteAsPlainText Confirmed SF Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#342 Spell Checker errors WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#348 Style span tags do not behave as expected after breaks (Happens in online demo too) WorksForMe Pending Expired Bug closed Normal
#359 IE Stripping Object Tag SF Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#403 Switching from HTML to Source adds \n in STYLE tag SF Confirmed IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#404 PRE and Line Breaks SF EK SS Confirmed FireFox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#422 JavaScript integration: "CreateHtml is not a function" WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#433 Vanishing toolbar in full screen mode WorksForMe Firefox Pending Bug closed Normal
#437 Images toggle alt="" between each parse WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#457 Chinese characters Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#462 FF: Certain HTML causing CPU to go to 100% SF Firefox Bug closed Normal
#472 Editor locks up on page load (sometimes) WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#484 SetHTML changes lost in IE Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#522 The file manager doesn't upload files properly in the demo Pending WorksForMe Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#523 StartupFocus=false being ignored in IE 6.0 SF Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#526 @import in css files do not work for editor area styles Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#543 IE7 does not understand the page-break tag IE7 Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal
#586 Custom tags SF New Feature closed Normal
#587 table-border-type etc. SF New Feature closed Normal
#589 Using STYLE attribute when formatting IMG tag SF New Feature closed Normal
#590 Cluster toolbar items into dropdowns SF Discussion New Feature new Normal
#591 Unique Style Set for each Toolbar Set SF New Feature confirmed Normal
#592 Relative/Absolute URLs for images and links SF New Feature closed Normal
#593 Start the editor in Source mode SF New Feature closed Normal
#594 onresize(end) event for images SF New Feature confirmed Normal
#595 Change the bgcolor and bordercolor of a table SF New Feature confirmed Normal
#596 Problem with Clear function SF Bug closed Normal
#597 WAI Accessibility standards implemented SF New Feature confirmed Normal
#598 Create ToolbarBand CSS Class SF Confirmed New Feature closed Normal
#599 Timestamp SF New Feature confirmed Normal
#600 Enhanced file/image explorer SF Discussion New Feature closed Normal
#601 media/real/quicktime player SF New Feature closed Normal
#602 Syntax highlight and go to line SF HasPatch New Feature confirmed Normal
#603 HTML Tidy SF New Feature closed Normal
#604 <P> and <BR> auto distinction SF New Feature closed Normal
#605 Maximum number of characters SF New Feature closed Normal
#606 ActiveX/OCX/DLL component SF New Feature confirmed Normal
#607 Show "Basic" toolbar when colapsed. SF New Feature confirmed Normal
#608 Styles XML file support for element="*" SF New Feature confirmed Normal
#609 output of the table not XHTML compliant SF New Feature closed Normal
#611 View source code of selection SF New Feature closed Normal
#612 Source code hightlighting SF Confirmed New Feature closed Normal
#613 Support for any directory SF HasPatch New Feature closed Normal
#614 Inline comment editor SF New Feature confirmed Normal
#615 Add Pop-Up Window SF New Feature confirmed Normal
#616 FCKConfig Link Target settings SF New Feature closed Normal
#618 Rename Uploaded Files SF New Feature closed Normal
#619 Append to comment SF Task closed Normal
#620 Set image size in % SF Confirmed New Feature closed Normal
#621 RC3: IE and Gecko generate different HTML code SF New Feature closed Normal
#622 Custom toolbar settings SF New Feature closed Normal
#623 Contextual image upload SF New Feature closed Normal
1 2 3 4 5 6
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