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Results (201 - 300 of 1835)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#209 Netscape 7.1: URL portions in links are replaced with $5 Netscape Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#211 Firefox: Unclosed <p> tag results in cursor not showing up and can't focus into editor Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#213 Enter key does not preserve formatting between paragraphs Confirmed SD-COE Bug closed Normal
#217 Can't change the formating of text copied from other websites Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#218 Word-formatted text fails to paste with Firefox for Mac Confirmed Firefox Mac CantFix Bug closed Normal
#219 IE: Can't paste Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#220 Link/Anchor multiple paragraphs create buggy links Confirmed Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#222 extraneous tags are left when selecting styles Confirmed Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#231 Using <p><center></p> causes extra spacing in Firefox Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#234 Microsoft 2.0 AJAX UpdatePanel Bug Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#239 <xml> in html make IE truncate paragraphs (solution included) Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#240 "Remove Format" doesn't remove styles Confirmed IE SD-COE Bug closed Normal
#243 Form Empties Contents (due to nested <p>'s) Confirmed HasPatch Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#246 EnterMode=div can lose tags in Firefox Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#247 IE : Delete all breaks EnterMode=div Confirmed IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#248 Terminator backspace Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#251 Inconsistent Tab behavior Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#252 Pasting invalid markup generate empty paragraphs with IE Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#253 Styles don't become active when applied to collapsed selections Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#254 FF: IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue is not honored Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#257 Editor truncates data Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#261 FCKeditor doesn't escape URLs for whitespaces SF Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#264 IE: Memory leak IE Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#268 & in Javascript being converted to ' Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#272 Wrong Toolbar Height on multiple Instances in IE6 and IE7 Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#277 Bulleted lists do not work as expected if alignment for the paragraph was changed. Confirmed SD-COE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#284 Firefox: Additional <br /> tags removed from end of document Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#290 Line breaks on tags may break links Confirmed IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#302 Firefox automatic hyperlink creation SF Confirmed CantFix New Feature closed Normal
#303 Stylesheet link styles not applied in Firefox Confirmed SF CantFix Bug closed Normal
#316 FF: Impossible to position the cursor between two centered tables Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal
#318 Multiple linked images are getting merged in a single link SF IE Confirmed Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
#327 Backspace Activates Back Button Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#328 whitespace trimming within pre tags Confirmed Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#330 Inconsistent newlines Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#332 Hitting Enter after links continues the link in the new paragraph Confirmed Firefox SD-COE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#338 Drag & drop do not honor ForcePasteAsPlainText Confirmed SF Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#339 Speller Pages breaks html code when incorrect word is present in html tag Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#346 blank first line in PRE tag causes newline characters to be removed Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#347 Dropdown Lists don't close on second click Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#350 FF: <marquee> appends <p>&nbsp;</p> to the output Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#351 Inserted image gets deleted if the rest of the document is empty Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#359 IE Stripping Object Tag SF Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#360 Form "name" is set to "[object]" if it contains a field with id="name" Confirmed IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#371 Opera: Dialogs can be resized Confirmed Opera Bug closed Normal
#385 To locate the cursor in source mode Confirmed New Feature closed Normal
#389 Past from Word - error when text have "Comments" Confirmed IE Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
#390 Text align should respect EnterMode=br rules Confirmed IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#393 Cursor inside link but expected to be "after" it Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#395 Changing visual styles of parent doc Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#403 Switching from HTML to Source adds \n in STYLE tag SF Confirmed IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#404 PRE and Line Breaks SF EK SS Confirmed FireFox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#415 .NET Connector could not run in medium trust. Confirmed Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#427 Bulleted lists don't align properly in Firefox Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#430 Remove link issue when class attribute is defined Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#435 No EnterMode config key in ColdFusion integration files Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#436 Firefox spellcheck no longer works by default Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#439 IE: CTRL+Click to open links in a new window Confirmed IE Review- Martin Kou New Feature closed Normal
#440 FF: Whole paragraph is selected on right click Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal
#455 Problem when select a chinese files in FCKeditor Confirmed Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
#460 when putting style="border:1px solid black; border-top:0px" in an elemint, it puts a mozilla specific CSS attribute for one of the values Firefox Confirmed CantFix Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#471 Email Link HTML Encoding Problem Confirmed Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#479 o:p tags cause linebreak problems in IE6/7 Confirmed IE Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#481 FF: Image preview doesn't display Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#486 Cursor navigation difficult with multiple smileys or images in FF2 Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#487 Click and drag resizing photos in IE7 doesn't... Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#488 FF: Strange cursor behavior with lists after viewing source Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#493 Submit button issue - naming conflict Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#501 Editor loses styles in IE when switching between WYSIWYG and Source view repeatly Confirmed IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#515 Tables are rendered in quirks mode Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#517 Automatic Color does not work Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#519 JavaScript API documentation Confirmed V3ProtoStruct Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Task closed Normal
#520 Select Field doesn't accept values with & Confirmed, IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#523 StartupFocus=false being ignored in IE 6.0 SF Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#525 FF: Sucessive DIVs are joined wrongly with del or backspace Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#534 Wrong cursor positioning with lists Firefox Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#535 Enter key inserting multiple breaks after using shift-enter Firefox Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#536 Style Selection checking of parent elements Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal
#539 FF: if the HTML has a table in it and you right click in the table while in FCKeditor, the cursor jumps to the top of the HTML Firefox Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#550 IE fails the _tests/manual/fckeditorapi Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#555 Creating Email links generates "Object doesn't support this property or method" Script Error Confirmed IE7 Bug closed Normal
#581 FitWindow is broken if <input name="style"> is found inside the editor form Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
#598 Create ToolbarBand CSS Class SF Confirmed New Feature closed Normal
#612 Source code hightlighting SF Confirmed New Feature closed Normal
#620 Set image size in % SF Confirmed New Feature closed Normal
#633 Change cyclis search implementation SF Confirmed New Feature closed Normal
#635 Open properties dialog when double clicking on objects Confirmed Review+ Minh Nguyen New Feature closed Normal
#662 Perl CGI samples are broken SF Confirmed Review+ Wojciech Olchawa Bug closed Normal
#676 Form field loses name if moved right after placement Confirmed IE Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
#681 SpellerPages ignores text after links SF Confirmed HasPatch Bug closed Normal
#692 [SS] Some style definitions should be blocked in the combo SF Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#703 FF: No context menu when right clicking a select component SF Confirmed FireFox CantFix Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#738 Cannot change the button type after creating it Confirmed IE Review- Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#739 FF: Button caption is editable with arrow keys SF Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#746 Comments inside SELECT and OPTION tags. SF Confirmed IE CantFix Bug closed Normal
#753 Arrowing over an image skips the next char (Firefox only) Confirmed Firefox SF CantFix Bug closed Normal
#768 Image height and width in IE6 SF Confirmed IE Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#798 Image inside floating DIV looses selection with Context Menu SF Confirmed IE Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
#799 FF: Drag and drop (move) table does not work SF CantFix Confirmed FireFox Bug closed Normal
#805 Keystroke bypass disabled buttons in source mode SF Confirmed Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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