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Results (101 - 200 of 576)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#7237 ForcePasteAsPlainText doesn't seem to work for Mac users. Firefox Mac Bug closed Normal

ForcePasteAsPlainText doesn't seem to be working for Mac users. They're able to paste in rich text from MS Word, bringing over invalid HTML source code with it. I'm using drupal module ckeditor 6.x-1.2 with ckeditor 3.5.1 on drupal 6.20. I'm not sure if these people are using the Safari browser or Firefox. I have Pasting as Plain Text enabled on the ckeditor module profile admin page, as well as in the ckeditor.config.js file. Also, in case it matters, I have SCAYT set to start automatically.

This problem doesn't affect Windows users using IE or Firefox.

#7246 Text scrolling failing when using find operation Firefox3 Mac Bug closed Normal

I am trying to debug some strange behaviour with the CKEditor. Here the scenario to re-create the problem:

  1. I am creating a text, in which I want to search a key word, which appears multiple times at different positions in the text.
  1. I am opening the demo editor on your web page and paste the text into the editor.
  1. Now I am searching the key word using the find function. Every time I am repeating my search, the text editor finds the word and scrolls automatically to the position where the keyword can be found. Perfect.
  1. Now I am resizing the editor box, e.g. making it significantly smaller. I am re-trying my search with the same text and keyword. Now the editor cannot scroll any more to the correct position. I am totally unable to see the highlighted word and cannot decide any more, if I want to replace it or not.

I am using Firefox on Mac OS X.

Can you re-produce this problem?

Thank you for your wonderful editor.

#7308 Spacers being added after tables using Firefox 3.6.15 Firefox3 Bug closed Normal

Using Firefox 3.6.15 if I edit a table of the following configuration:

<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="500">
		<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><strong>EMI Item #</strong></span></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;">EMI-48100</span></td>
		<tr bgcolor="#f2f2f2">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><strong>Item Type</strong></span></span></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">&nbsp;</span></span></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Tape</span></span></td>
		<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><strong>Product Type</strong></span></span></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
				<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"></spacer></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Anti-Skid Tape</span></span></td>
		<tr bgcolor="#f2f2f2">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><b>Color</b></span></span></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
				<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"></spacer></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Black</span></span></td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">

ckeditor inserts spacer tags after the table each time the code view is toggled, or on loading on the editor. Each time the code view is toggled more tags are added.

	<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1">
		<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"></spacer></spacer></p>
	<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1">
		<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"> </spacer></spacer></p>
	<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1">

I can only reproduce this in Firefox, and it does not happen with every table. I think is has something to do with the number of rows. If I remove rows I can get it to stop. Also, if I remove the empty column it will not add the spacers at the bottom.

This can be duplicated in the Demo by pasting the code and toggling the Code View.

#7350 Clicking in the editor returns the fonts to the default values IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

I changed the default values for the font name to Times New Roman and the font size to 16.
I then clicked once in the text area of the editor. Immediately the editor switched back to the default fonts.

I had expected it to still keep the changes that I made to the fonts.
Clicking in the text area is typical behavior for a user, since they will want to be sure that the cursor is focused in the right area before they start typing

#7362 BIDI: Numbers/Bullets not displaying in the editor in a mixed content list in FF IBM Firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample in FF.
  1. Paste the following code into the source view.
<ol dir="rtl">
		list item 1
		<ol dir="ltr">
				list item 2</li>
  1. Place the cursor at the end of the last list item.
  1. Press Enter twice.

Expected: The number 2 should display in the editor relating to the second list item of the outer list.

Actual: No number is displayed.

Note: If the editor is removed the number is visible but if you recreate the editor the number disappears again. Same behaviour for bulleted lists.

#7370 FF & Safari : Underline for list item not shown for the below html code IBM Firefox WebKit Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

Copy the following code and paste in HTML Source and go to WYSIWYG mode.

<style id="CSS_2" type="text/css">.CSS_2{ background:#99ccff; }</style>
<ul><li><u><span class="CSS_2">dddddddddddddd</span></u></li></ul>

In FF & Safari, underline for the list item not shown but when we keep the cursor in the list item Underline tool bar icon is highlighted.

It works properly in all other browsers.

#7605 [FF] Right click selects all content of pre block Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Open editor and paste the following code:


  • Toggle to WYSIWYG mode
  • Put cursor to the second line
  • Right click (notice that all content are selected now) and select Paste from context menu
  • After pasting all content of pre block will be replaced with new content
#7635 FF scrollIntoView doesn't work Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Go to
  2. Scroll the editing area to the bottom and click at the end of the document. The insertion point should be at the end now.
  3. Run the following code in console or firebug or via javascript: in the address bar.
var e = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1; var d = e.document; var r = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(d); r.selectNodeContents(d.getBody()); r.collapse(true);; e.focus(); e.getSelection().scrollIntoView(); 

In FF4, the cursor doesn't scroll into view, but if you use the scrollbar of the editor to scroll up, you'll see the cursor is at the beginning of the document.

#7771 'Maximize' in container with Opacity makes container disappear (FF) Firefox Bug confirmed Normal


The simple container has opacity (CSS3) set. When you click the Maximize button, the entire container disappears, leaving only the background left. When I remove the opacity from the container, the Maximize button works fine.

CKEditor is version 3.5.3. I am using Firefox 4.01. Internet Explorer 9.0 seem to work okay.

Apparently FF3.6 has the same issue, see also

#7825 Autogrow with sharedSpaces on firefox Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

I use autogrow with sharedSpaces. On firefox 4 it's not working properly. In this case editor loads with default height and added 20 pixel (think it's one line-height) on every click inside editor.

It works correctly on ff 3.6 and with autogrow.html samples file (on ff 4).

#7836 In Firefox, a <br /> is inserted in an empty text area when using editor.focus() on initially hidden editors Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

In our CMS, the CKEditor is sometimes loaded in the background, in a hidden div (part of a tabset). Although hidden, the editor instance is already created and works fine.

When displaying the DIV, I want to focus the editor, and do so by using editor.focus(). This will put focus on the editor. This works correctly for and empty editor or one with content, and works correctly in all browsers.

The only exception is Firefox (tested on both version 3 and 4), which adds the following content on a editor without any content:

<p><br />

The result being an empty editor, with a <br /> tag in it. In addition, focus is placed on the second line, but when starting to type it will place all text on the first line, NOT removing the second line. You just can't type anything on the second line.

This issue has been present since at least 3.5.3.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a DIV with display: none;
  2. Place a textarea inside, without any content
  3. Replace the textarea with a CKEditor
  4. Show the DIV (it will not have focus)
  5. Focus the editor using editor.focus()
  6. The code mentioned above is inserted into the editor

Expected result:

  1. The editor is focused, content remains empty

Does not apply for:

  • other browsers than Firefox
  • editor with existing content
  • manually focusing the editor by clicking on it
  • editors not hidden when created
#7842 Selection handles in FF can't be set or removed Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

If you click (select) an image, table, anchor, ... in FF then the selection handles appear. Now try to reset the selection using javascript code :



var doc = oEditor.document; var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(doc); var body = doc.getBody(); range.setStart(body, 0); range.setEnd(body, 0); oEditor.getSelection().selectRanges( [range] );

The selection is removed (this can be checked with selection.getSelectedElement), but the selection handles in the wysiwyg area remain.

Also, when trying to select an element using javascript code (oEditor.getSelection.selectElement()), the selection handles do not appear.

I think this is a bug in CKEditor and not in FF because it did work in the previous version FCKEditor.

#7856 Built-in contextMenu doesn't behave correctly Firefox Bug closed Normal

Doing a right-click does show the built-in contextmenu, but when doing a second right-click, it hides, instead of popping up again at the actual mouse-position.

For a sample HTML content that can be used to reproduce the error, check #8006.

#7864 Flash plugin url escapes some values Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Flash plugin url escapes some values.

Testing against

To reproduce:

  1. Insert new flash element through dialog
  2. Set value to [url|ALL|9839]
  3. Close dialog
  4. View source to verify bug. embed tags src attribute gets url escaped

Expected (new lines added for readability):

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0" data="[url|ALL|9839]">
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="movie" value="[url|ALL|9839]" />
<embed pluginspage="" quality="high" src="[url|ALL|9839]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>

Got (new lines added for readability):

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0" data="[url|ALL|9839]">
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="movie" value="[url|ALL|9839]" />
<embed pluginspage="" quality="high" src="[url%7CALL%7C9839]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>

From what I could see this might be some difference in embedNode.setAttribute and CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml -> setAttributes

#7888 Deleting the link in editor - the text font stays underlined Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Create a link (i.e. to an anchor)
  2. Save and re-open the page for editing
  3. Move cursor to last position of link
  4. Select the whole link and remove it
  5. Start typing plain text

PROBLEM: the text is undelined, but should have no format

#7897 [FF4] first execCommand (enterMode:ENTER_DIV) shows cursor in second line instead of first line Firefox4 Bug closed Normal

if enter mode ENTER_DIV is used, every first execCommand call shows the cursor in second line but after first input cursor jumps back in first line.

How to reproduce:

  1. open ckeditor with enterMode:ENTER_DIV
  2. focus editor (cursor is in first line)
  3. click on bold/italic... (cursor is in second line)
  4. write some content (content is added in first line)
#7997 FF3.6: text don't show in WYSIWYG mode, but in Source all ok Firefox3 Bug closed Normal

If you past next code in Source mode, and then switch to WYSIWYG mode, nothing will appear. Problem appears only in FireFox 3.6

<!--[if !mso]> <style> v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} </style> <![endif]--><o:smarttagtype name="PostalCode" namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"><o:smarttagtype name="State" namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"><o:smarttagtype name="address" namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"><o:smarttagtype name="Street" namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"><o:smarttagtype name="City" namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"><o:smarttagtype name="place" namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"><!--[if !mso]> <style> st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) } </style> <![endif]--> <style type="text/css"> <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:Italic; panose-1:0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;} @font-face {font-family:"sans serif";} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"sans serif"; color:black; mso-believe-normal-left:yes;} a:link, span.MsoHyperlink {color:blue; text-decoration:underline;} a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {color:purple; text-decoration:underline;} span.EmailStyle17 {mso-style-type:personal; font-family:Italic; color:windowtext; font-weight:normal; font-style:italic; text-decoration:none none;} span.EmailStyle20 {mso-style-type:personal-reply; font-family:Italic; color:blue; font-weight:normal; font-style:italic; text-decoration:none none;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --></style> <![if mso 9]><style> p.MsoNormal {margin-left:37.5pt;} </style><![endif]><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:shapedefaults v:ext="edit" spidmax="1026" /> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:shapelayout v:ext="edit">

<o:idmap v:ext="edit" data="1" />

</o:shapelayout></xml><![endif]--></o:smarttagtype><img class="shape" height="0" src="cid:image001.jpg@01CC207A.F8050800" style="display: none; width: 0pt; height: 0pt;" v:="" v:shapes="_x0000_Mail" width="0" /> <div class="Section1"> <p class="MsoNormal"> <i><font color="black" face="Italic" size="2"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Italic; color: windowtext; font-style: italic;">Test Message </span></font></i></p> </div> </o:smarttagtype></o:smarttagtype></o:smarttagtype></o:smarttagtype></o:smarttagtype>

#8006 FF4 Ubuntu: right click between tables in wysiwyg mode results in an error Firefox4 Bug closed Normal

Depends of the content in the editor.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Load contents of attached sample.txt.
  2. Click between the second and the third table (click few times in random places to trigger the error - it happens randomly).
  3. The following errors appear:
    target.getOuterHtml is not a function
    if ( !target.getOuterHtml().replace( emptyParagraphRegexp, '' ) ) 
    _source/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js Line 668
    ev.getTarget().is is not a function
    if ( ev.getTarget().is( 'a' ) && ev.$.button != 2 ) 
    _source/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js Line 682

Whenever the JS error occurs, target is set to "document" instead of "p".

Can be reproduce at least since CKEditor 3.3.2.

#8010 setData from dialog makes empty undo step Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

On FF4 dialogs who sets contents with setData methode makes empty undo step.
I've written a little plugin for testing. Set extraPlugins:'diatest' and 'DialogTest' as toolbar button.

#8013 FF4 : Focus not shown when we tab to combo boxes & check boxes on all dialogs IBM Firefox4 Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open CK Editor and click on Table icon to open Table Properties dialog.
  1. Using key board navigate to Headers combo box.

Expected Result A dotted line shows around the combo box indicating that focus is currently on the combo box.

Actual Result There is no dotted line or any other indication to the user that focus is currently on the combo box.

  1. Close Table Properties dialog and click on Find icon to open Find and Replace dialog.
  1. Using key board navigate to the Match case check box.

Expected Result A dotted line shows around the check box indicating that focus is currently on the check box.

Actual Result There is no dotted line or any other indication to the user that focus is currently on the check box.

This is an Accessibility issues, since we are using FF4 for our Accessibility testing

#8021 Problem handling images Firefox Bug confirmed Normal


On firefox 4 I can copy an image from my computer and past it directly on to CKEditor (ctrl + c and ctrl + v), but, when I try to do this on IE 8 or google chrome nothing happens.

Does anyone know why?

Thank You!

#8138 Arrow keys stop working after hide-show cycle Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

This bug is similar to

This happens when you use CKEditor in tab elements. After hide & show CKeditor I can't move cursor with arrow buttons.

To reproduce the bug go into online demo and type the following into your javascript console:


Place your cursor and try to move left / right using the arrow keys.

Firefox 5 (Win7)

#8208 Disable data URIs when pasting images Firefox New Feature closed Normal

When pasting images into CKEditor in Firefox 5, a Data URI is used as image source. I would like to be able to disable this, so that in this case no image is pasted.

To reproduce:

  1. Right-click any image in Firefox 5
  2. Select 'Copy Image'
  3. Paste the image into CKEditor


The source of the pasted image is ...

This might be reproducible in other browsers as well.

I'm sorry, I don't know the right component for this ticket.

Thanks in advance.

#8264 Inserting HTML into CKEditor causes NS_ERROR_FAILURE Firefox Bug closed Normal

Using CKEditor 3.6.1 in Firefox 5.0 on Ubuntu, I get this error when I try to drag and drop some HTML into CKEditor (WYSIWYG mode) (I'm using prototypejs to handle the dragging and dropping):

uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument.execCommand]"  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: http://myhost/ckeditor/ckeditor.js :: q :: line 8765"  data: no]

I also ran this with CKeditor's unminified source and the problem occurs at line 125 of plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js:

this.document.$.execCommand( 'inserthtml', false, data );

After the error occurs once, everything works fine. I can drag and drop images and they all work without any errors.

I'm not sure of the exact reason for this error, I couldn't put together a test case to add to this issue unfortunately, however I wanted to report it in case others encounter this error and can provide more details or if they just want to know a workaround.

This error is similar to the error reported here, so that's how the workaround below was found:

Add this JavaScript to fix the issue

CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(e) {
	var editorInstance = e.editor;

    // Refresh 'contentEditable'
    var body = editorInstance.document.getBody();
    body.setAttribute( 'contentEditable', false );
    body.setAttribute( 'contentEditable', true );

The bug also happens with the nightly build (Revision number: 7199) taken on August 15th 2011.

#8271 CKEditor toolbar becomes invisible when using Tab key and Maximize toolbar button Firefox Opera Bug confirmed Normal

CKEditor toolbar becomes invisible when using Tab key and the Maximize toolbar button. Please follow the steps in the attached filed to reproduce the issue. This bug also happen in the CKEditor demo site of 3.6.1 version and nightly build.

#8273 Pasting into empty bullet doesn't behave as expected - FF/IE9 Firefox IE9 Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Goto
  2. Create three lines with the word, 'Item'
  3. Select the lines and turn them in to an unordered list
  4. Move to the first item, and press enter to create a new empty item.
  5. Left click to place your cursor in the empty bullet.
  6. Right click on the empty bullet and paste.

What's expected? The text is pasted in to the empty bullet

What happens?

In FF4/5 The bullet gets deleted and a new paragraph is created with the text.

In IE9 The text is pasted at the end of the content.

#8306 FF : Custom attributes on links dropped during copy/paste Firefox CantFix VendorFix Bug confirmed Normal

Custom attributes on anchor tags are being dropped during copy/paste (Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In Source mode, modify a standard link by adding a custom attribute (e.g. <a href="/index.htm" customAttribute="1">test</a>.)
  2. Switch out of source mode.
  3. Copy (Ctrl+C) the linked text.
  4. Paste (Ctrl+V) on a new line.
  5. Switch back to Source mode, and see that customAttribute="1" was not pasted.

Occurs on the demo page with the following environments:

  • Browser: FF6 OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • Browser: FF5 OS: Mac
  • Browser: FF3 OS: Windows Vista
#8377 Editing textarea contents in WYSIWYG is broken Firefox Bug closed Normal

If I edit form's textarea contents in WYSIWYG and then move to source and back to WYSIWYG textarea contents are missing.

By entering textarea content via dialog contents remain.

Entering by pressing enter inside textarea in WYSIWYG results in new empty paragraph at the beginning of editing area.

Tested with FF 6.0.1

#8399 Resize table handles misplaced in RTL mode Firefox Bug closed Normal

Tested in FF 3.6

Set the editor to RTL mode. We have the <html> tag within the editor iframe set to rtl:

<html class="CSS1Compat" lang="ar" dir="rtl">

Insert a table. Click on the table. The resize handles will appear in the left side of the editor, where the table would be in LTR mode.

This is probably a FF bug but there may be a workaround.

#8409 Window scrolling on paste (cmd+v) Firefox Mac Bug closed Normal

Hi guys, I'm using CKEditor 3.6.2 and working in Firefox 6.0.2 (Mac OS X). When I paste (cmd+v) a text into the textarea of the CKEditor the whole window scrolls down (how much depends on the amount of text i paste) which means that every time I paste a piece of text to the CKEditor field I need to scroll back upp to be able to continue to work in the textarea.

This problem can be reproduced on your demo page (

#8444 FF - <a> tag href incorrectly encoded IBM Firefox Bug closed Normal

Run the attached code example. Click the "Test" button on the toolbar. Go to the source view. Notice that the "!" character is incorrectly encoded. Expected result is that the "!" character is not encoded, thus allowing navigation to the href to occur.

#8517 Selection Field content is broken in firefox when clicked on left , right justification plugins. Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

1.Click on Selection Field plugin and add some values. 2.After adding the content to the editor, select the 'selection field' click on the 'right align'.

  1. You will observe that the Selection Field is broken.

Note: This happens in firefox.

#8548 Cursor position on FF4+ different from FF 3.6 & other browsers IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open API Sample.
  1. Place cursor at end of content in CK Editor.
  1. Press "Set Editor Contents" button.
  1. Press Shift+Tab twice & move focus back to content area in CK Editor.

Issue: On FF 7 cursor shows up at the end of content area.

On all other browsers (FF 3.6, IE(6,7,8,9), Opera & Safari) cursor shows at the beginning of content area.

#8578 this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle(this.$, \"\") is null Firefox Bug closed Normal

I an seeing the following error: this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle(this.$, \"\") is null

userAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0

The code in question is located at element.js line 502.

I am recommending that the code change from:

return this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle( this.$, ).getPropertyValue( propertyName );


return this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle( this.$, ) ? this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle( this.$, ).getPropertyValue( propertyName ) : null;

that will fix the problem.


Scott Schmitz.

#8618 Paste from MS Word works incorrectly in FF9.0.1 Firefox9 Bug closed Normal

When I copy table from MS Word and paste it to the Ckeditor, I get text instead of table. This is only in FF9.0.1, for Chrome and IE works fine

#8636 Editing Absolute positioned DIVs in Firefox and IE is problematic Firefox IE Bug confirmed Normal

When using Mozilla Firefox (or at least version 9.0.1), when a DIV with absolute positioning is not the first thing you click inside the editor, then it becomes uneditable.

Paste this inside a CKEditor to re-create:

<div>1. Click me</div>
<div style="position:absolute;">2. now try to edit me</div>

I note that this works as expected in competing editors such as TinyMCE.

#8646 CKEditor 3.x vertical scroll bar is hang/not working on Firefox browser Firefox Bug confirmed Normal


We are using 3.x version of CKEditor in our project and when set large data to the editor (1 MB - 2 MB) data, the vertical scroll bar is stopped working. This issue is coming on Firfox and this is working fine for IE browser. For large data, when try to scroll after load it sometimes make the browser also crashing some times.

Really would appreciate if any work around or patch for this issue? Please guide us kindly.

Note: We have a valid license for the CKEditor.

Thank You, Siju Thomas.

#8653 Arrow keys in Firefox don't work if editor is absolutely positioned. Firefox9 Bug closed Normal

This bug is similar to

Using Firefox 9.0.1 on Fedora and on Windows, I can run the following line of JS in the console on the demo page:

document.getElementById( "cke_editor1" ).style.position = "absolute";

This causes the arrow keys to stop moving the caret in the editor, as they do in all other browsers I've tested.

(This may be a Firefox bug. If I can reduce it to that, I will report that to Mozilla and report back here, as well.)

#8654 entering character sometimes creates spurious newline in firefox Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

On Firefox 8 on Windows 7:

steps to reproduce:

  1. go to demo page
  2. edit source and change it to "<p></p>"
  3. stop editing source
  4. focus on editor using the tab key (do not click on the editor)
  5. type a single character

Expected: Just the character should be typed.

Actual: A newline spontaneously appears before the character, moving the character down.

#8655 pasting from Word doesn't work properly in FF 9.0.1 Firefox Bug closed Normal

When I paste text from MS Word 2003, which is in bold, different colors and two different sizes, the result is everything in default black and the same text size. CK Editor tells it can't access clipboard due to the FF security settings, but I can't see what I could change in FF. I disabled all FF add ons, but the result is the same. The same with older CKE versions if using FF 9.0.1 Works fine in Opera and IE.

#8661 Copy paste table does not retain table width - style attribute in not copied Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a table (default values are fine)
  2. Place the cursor in the first cell and click/drag to highlight the rest of the table
  3. Paste the table in the editor

Expected result: The pasted table retains the width of the copied table

Actual result: The pasted table appears very small and has the minimum column width possible (screenshot attached)

Workaround: Copy the table by placing the cursor outside of the table when highlighting it. The table pastes properly this way.

The problem is reproducible on the application.

#8695 Reset fonts Firefox, Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
  1. All browsers
  2. Steps to reproduce:
  • choose font style ( "bold" for example)
  • type something
  • then press Enter twice
  • then move on the previous line, using mouse

Result: Bold font was reset Expected result: If any font style was chosen, it keeps still while typing. Screens are attached

#8754 Multiple nested lists and PasteFromWord Firefox Bug closed Normal

When you use the PasteFromWord Command on multiple nested lists, only the first nested list is really nested after pasting.

Try with

<ol id="d65e23">

on the ckeditor demo

Put the code and then copy and pastefromWord, you'll lose the second ol

I tried to fix it for my webapp and found a way. I hope i didn't break anything by doing that.

In the flattenList filter in default.js line 418 (in ckeditor 3.6.1) i just did the following code : children = element.children so that the global loop takes in acount the flattened ol/ul. Otherwise the increase of level is lost.

#8799 IE, FF: Delete/backspace keys remove anchor instead of joining paragraphs Firefox IE Bug confirmed Normal

Assume you have the following content within the ckeditor:

    <p>This is</p>
    <p>[anchor] an anchor</p>

Where [anchor] is the anchor placeholder.

Placing the cursor at the end of the first paragraph and hitting the DELETE key causes the anchor to be removed whereas I would expect that the second paragraph would be merged into the first paragraph and the anchor retained. [IE9 and FF10]

Placing the cursor at the beginning of the second paragraph, and hitting the BACKSPACE key also removes the anchor. [IE9]

This seems to work as expected on Chrome (WebKit).

I tried this on the following nightly build sample, and it still seems to be an issue:

Incidentally, hitting the ENTER key immediately before an anchor on this nightly build seems to cause the anchor to get vertically squished (see screenshot).

#8829 FF - Deleting selected text sometimes not working quite right Webkit Firefox IBM Bug closed Normal

Create a bulleted list as follows

o One

  • Child 1
  • child 2

o two

Place cursor before "O" in One. Shift-down arrow. Press delete key. Action changes the order of the sub list items, also does not properly handle the change.

o * Child 2

child 1

o two

#8847 with JAWS we can't open Select Color dialog more than once. IBM Firefox Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. with JAWS on, Open a CK Editor sample and insert a new table.
  1. Open Cell properties dialog using context menu
  1. Navigate to Choose button next to Background Color text field & press Enter.
  1. Select Color dialog opens.
  1. Select a color and close the dialog or Press Esc to close the dialog.
  1. Select Color dialog closes and focus goes back to Choose button next to Background color text field on Cell Properties dialog.
  1. Press enter again to open Select Color dialog.

Issue: Nothing happens & Select Color dialog not opened.

  1. Navigate to Choose button next to Border Color text field and press Enter.

Issue: Nothing happens & Select Color dialog not opened.

#8929 Scayt causes list formatting issues Firefox Webkit Bug closed Normal

I am using CKEditor on Firefox 11.0 on a windows server 2008 build.

I have enterMode and shiftEnterMode set to CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR.

When I add a ordered or unordered list to my document and have a line of text following the list, Scayt surrounds the line of text in a span after a load from the database and causes the editor to create a new unordered list with the last word from the last element of the list.

Disabling Scayt removes the issue.

#8958 can not escape style for a whole line in firefox Firefox Bug confirmed Normal


  1. input multiple lines of text as pic1 in firefox.
  1. ctrl + a to select all text, then make all selected text bold/underline/... as pic2.
  1. select one line (such as the second line) to unbold the whole line of text as pic3.
  1. place cursor at the end of second line and input "ab"

Expected result:

"ab" is not bold.

Actual result:

"ab" is bold.

Possible cause:

when style in firefox, br is included in "strong" tag as pic4 and when unstyle br is not removed with "strong" tag as pic5.

#8999 Cannot edit label elements Firefox Webkit Bug confirmed Normal

When I click on a "label" element the field that the label is defined for ("for" attribute) get focused so I cannot modify the label.

Affected : Firefox 12.0 on Linux, Chromium 18 on Linux, Safari 5.1.7 on Windows Works on : Internet Explorer 9 on Windows, Opera 11.62 on Windows.

#9017 FF, Opera - Page down gets stuck Firefox Opera IBM Bug confirmed Normal

In FF, go to CKEditor demo. Go to Source view. Ctrl-a, then paste the attached html into Source View. Go to non-source view. Press page down key. Keep pressing. About two-thirds of the way down, page down will get stuck.

#9050 [FF] scroll to wrong position on writing Firefox Bug closed Normal

When you set a MozTransform scale factor to the content body of the editor, when writing something the browser scroll in the wrong place. That happens too with pageDown button, the document scrolls down but not to the real end of the enlarged document, but to the end of the document without the transformation.

It seems that Firefox don't consider that zoom scale factor, that others browser do.

To reproduce this bug after the CKEDITOR.replace part add (content should be long enough to scroll):

CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(ev){
            var body = ev.editor.document.getBody().$;
   = "top left";
   = "scale(1.5)";
   = "top left";
   = "scale(1.5)";
   = "top left";
   = "scale(1.5)";
            // IE
   = 1.5;
#9287 Duplicate width (attribute and style) Firefox Bug closed Normal

To reproduce :

  1. Create a new table.
  2. In wysiwyg mode, resize it
  3. Right clic on the table, and enter a new width.
  4. Go to source, the table contains 2 widths (<table width="xxx" style="width: xxxpx")

Thanks in advance.

#9332 FF:IME is disabled if startupFocus is true. Firefox, IBM Bug closed Normal

IME(use Japanese input methods) is disabled if startupFocus is true.

By v3.6.4 and v3.6.3, it checked using FF. In Chrome or IE, IME is enabled.

It can be used, if a focus is removed once and it returns from wysiwyg area.

#9353 Copy/Paste not working as intended in Firefox15.0.1 copy, paste, firefox 15.0.1, bullets Bug closed Normal

I am trying to copy and paste some text from a word document (containing bullets). Only the text above the bullets is copied, rest of the content is excluded for some reason. This happens in firefox 15.0.1, but works fine in internet explorer and chrome. In our ckeditor config, "forcePasteAsPlainText" is set to "TRUE". I am attaching the text we are trying to copy/paste and also a screenshot of the result. Please take a look into the issue. Thanks.

#9398 Double Insert HTML Firefox Bug closed Normal

3 steps to reproduce with firebug to simulate a custom plugin.

In br mode :

  1. In firebug, type : CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml("foo");
  2. In the editor, put the cursor after foo and push enter.
  3. In firebug, type : CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml("foo");

An unexpected error happens : Failure Code 0x80004005

Thanks in advance

#9433 [FF] "Browse Server" popup appears behind browser window Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

In Firefox 15.0.1, the image "Browse server" popup appears behind the main browser window. When you remove the popup and try again the popup appears in front, as it should.

#9443 Firefox error: NS_ERROR_FAILURE: Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMHTMLDocument.execCommand] Firefox VendorFix Bug closed Normal

Ways to replicate the bug: 1) Have a button,which once clicked inserts html text in the ck editor by calling: var ck=CKEDITOR.instances[editor_id]; if(ck)


2) Set CKEDITOR.config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; 3) Press the Enter key in the editor to create a new line,then press the button to insert the text.

At this point Firefox throws this error: Error: NS_ERROR_FAILURE: Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMHTMLDocument.execCommand] Source File: ckeditor.js Line: 100

After some digging it seems this code is the culprit: N.document.$.execCommand('inserthtml',false,E);

From my testing it seems the error message doesn't pop up if CKEDITOR.ENTER_P is used or if (CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR)-after pressing Enter key-some additional text is inputed in the editor.

This bug seems to affect only Firefox,apparently,it works just fine with Chrome. I haven't tested it with IE/Opera/Safari.

#9461 [FF]: Inconsistent behavior in applying styling to selected text Firefox IBM Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to one of the demo pages (e.g.,
  2. Double click to select one of the words that does not have a style applied to it (I chose the word "famous" in the first line, but it really doesn't matter what you choose).
  3. Apply the Bold style to the text by either clicking the Bold button, or hitting Ctrl-B
  4. Now, with the text still selected, start typing (so that the selected text is replaced by the new text you are typing).

I expect to see the new text retain the bold styling, which is what I see in Chrome and IE 7, 8, and 9. However in Firefox, the Bold button is deselected, and the new text is not bolded.

Firefox version is 16.0.1, OS: Windows 7 Professional

#9547 Autogrow plugin breaks dropdowns Mac Firefox Bug closed Normal

When using the autogrow plugin in the latest build, dropdowns stop working. For example the font dropdown. As soon as you click it it disappears.

As soon as the editor has focus the dropdowns start working. But without focus the dropdowns don't work.

Check for an example.

This is tested in Firefox 16 on mac

#9612 Moving the text cursor inside form elements causes js-error and breaks source-mode Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Moving the text cursor inside a submit, textarea or such by using the arrow keys causes an error shown in Firebug: "Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType'" in ckeditor.js on line 13.

This will also result in the Source-button not working so that you cannot enter the source-mode. The button will work again after moving the cursor out of that place.

Here's a sample source code with which you can easily reproduce the bug by moving the cursor with your arrow keys.

Also tested this on the nightly build.

<h1>Form</h1><p><input id="upload" name="upload" type="file" /><br /><input id="submitForm" name="submitForm" type="submit" value="Submit" /></p>"

I am using Win7 Pro and Firefox 16.0.2

#9752 Text selection via Shift+Arrows doesn't expand over multiple cells in backward direction Firefox Bug closed Normal

Browser: Firefox 16.0.2 (if relevant)

It appears, that CKEditor handles selection over multiple cells in tables in two ways:

  1. Selecting by mouse: whole cells are being selected.
  2. Selecting by Shift+Arrows: text in cells is being selected.

There's an issue regarding the second way. This type of selection expands finely over multiple cells, but only when we move forward, i.e. use Shift+RightArrow and Shift+DownArrow to select.

This type of selection does not expand over multiple cells in backward direction, i.e. when we use Shift+LeftArrow.

Assume we start selecting text from the middle of a cell and go backwards. When selection's "tail" (it's "growing" part) reaches beginning of the cell, it occasionally swaps with selection's "head" (it's "stationary" part) and so pressing Shift+LeftArrow further will just make our selection shrink in backward direction.

Selecting over multiple cells with Shift+UpArrow causes some other effect: the behaviour is more or less what we expect it to be - selection is spanned over multiple cells to the point in the upper row, that closely corresponds to our starting position, but we can make it only once. Any attempt to press Shift+UpArrow once more will just reset our selection.

i.e. Version is actually CKEditor 4.0 (revision 769d96134b). I just can't find it in the drop-down list below.

#9802 Load iframe with editor in hidden DIV Firefox Bug closed Normal

When you try to load iframe with editor in hidden DIV and after that you change visibility of this div, the editor toolbar show without images of buttons (only alt of images are visible in buttons).
I reproduce this bug only in Firefox (for me it's FF 17.0.1 - Windows 7).
I've add test case for this issue in attachment.

#10047 FF: Replacing <Enter> with <Shift+Enter> results in extra <br /> Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Firefox only (not reproducible in IE10, Chrome24):

I type a line of text followed by Enter. Whoops - I meant to type Shift+Enter, so I hit Backspace followed by Shift+Enter. What gives? Now my cursor is two 'lines' down!

Here's what I type:

"A line of text", <Enter>, <Backspace>, <Shift+Enter>

And now my cursor is two <br /> down instead of just one.

Verified in the basic demo and the nightly Using the "Enter" key in CKEditor sample, where I can see that 2 <br /> have been inserted from my final single <Shift+Enter>.

I'm running Firefox 18.0.2.

#10209 [FF] Odd cursor position after deleting single bullet point IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

In Firefox 19, the cursor moves to the far right after deleting unordered list that contains a single list item.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Open Firefox
2) Load CKEditor with the following HTML source:

<p>A line of text</p>
  <li>First bullet point</li>

3) While CKEditor is in WYSIWYG mode, select "First bullet point" as in the first screenshot.
4) Press delete or backspace on the keyboard.
5) The cursor ends up on the same line as the remaining paragraph, but oddly at the far right of the editing area (second screenshot, circled in red).

This was discovered on Windows 7 64-bit using CKEditor 4.0.2. I was not able to reproduce the behavior in IE9 or Chrome25.

#10252 disableObjectResizing=true in full screen mode Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

This is my first bug report. I am attempting to se disableObjectResizing=true and it seems to be working fine, except when clicking to full screen mode / maximize. Once you do that, users can click the image and resize, even if disableObjectResizing is true.

You can test here:

  • using firefox 19.0 and mac osx 10.8.2
  • click the image button and put in an absolute image link
  • try to resize (which shouldn't work)
  • click maximize button
  • click image to resize in full screen mode, and now it works (even though disableObjectResizing=true)

Here is a screen shot:

Thanks, Brandon

#10305 Strange jumps to the top in Firefox upon dialog closing (testcase included) Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Affects Firefox 20.0 (the latest version atm). Does not affect WebKit-based browsers.

Reproducable: Always.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open full-featured CKEditor, for example,
  2. Switch to source mode.
  3. Paste this code:
    <div style="float:right">
    <p><img alt="" src="" style="height: 200px;" /></p>
    <p><img alt="" src="" style="height: 200px;" /></p>
    <p><img alt="" src="" style="height: 200px;" /></p>
    <p><img alt="" src="" style="height: 200px;" /></p>
  4. Switch to WYSiWYG mode.
  5. Scroll to the bottom, make sure you don't see any of the «Foo» labels in the viewport.
  6. Double-click on the last image. A dialog will appear.
  7. Press «OK» to apply and close the dialog.

What actually happens: The CKEditor viewport is instantly scrolled to top (jumps).

What should happen: The viewport should remain as it is. If the height is changed after editing the image, the top border of the visible area should remain the same, and the viewport should extend to the bottom (as it does when everything is fine).

Additional notes: Clicking the last image is not requred, you can use either one. This depends on if the text at the left (the «Foo» lines) is in the viewport. If you can still see the text (not scrolled down or the viewport is large enough), then the bug won't trigger.

#10374 Doesn't show tool bar icons if loaded in hidden box Firefox Bug closed Normal

If CKEditor is loaded in a hidden iframe, icons are not showed.

If iframe is inside of hidden div, error persist, so I supposed that the error is when ckeditor is loaded when the parent box is no visible box.

This error is only in new version of Firefox. In Chorme, Shafari and Opera works ok.

Firefox 20.0 Ubuntu 12.10

I attach an example. In this example, I wait 5 second to show iframe because is necessary that ckeditor load when iframe is hidden.

#10402 TypeError: A/range is undefined when calling insertHtml after hide/show. Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Repoducible on the Demo Page:

var cke = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1
cke.insertHtml('<img src="" />');


TypeError: A is undefined

TypeError: range is undefined (with uncompressed sources)

I tested this against release/4.1.x 3cb9cc24ed187a8ad29b810798f3427cc45a6fcf

#10404 Strange insertHTML behaviour with FF 20.0.1 after selectRanges and hide/show Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Firefox Version: 20.0.1

I am not sure if this is a ckeditor issue or a FF bug. But since I wasn't able to reproduce it with a plain contentEditable div I am reporting it here first.

Reproducible on the Demo Page:

Copy/execute the code line by line, don't execute the block as a whole. Apperently there is a timing component to this bug, that I wasn't able to reproduce it with setTimeout.

var cke = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
var r = cke.getSelection().getRanges();
cke.insertHtml('<img src="" />');

After that, if you doubleclick the inserted img. A phantom image appears that is not inside the Browser DOM and dissapears when the text is edited.

I tested this against release/4.1.x 3cb9cc24ed187a8ad29b810798f3427cc45a6fcf

This Code is my attempt at a workaround for Issue #10402. Any tips on how to workaround those two problems is appreciated.

#10413 Inline CKEditor doesn't hide its toolbars after interaction with richcombo Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

In inline mode after opening and closing any richcombo UI component, CKEditor doesn't hide its toolbars on clicking outside of element being edited.

Steps to reproduce:
1) open inline demo at
2) click on top right editable paragraph
3) click on Styles combo to open it
4) again click on Styles combo to close it
5) click outside of editable element

Current behaviour:
CKEditor doesn't hide itself.

Expected behaviour:
CKEditor should hide itself.

How to fix it:
In plugins/richcombo/plugin.js, panel.onHide closure add line:

me.editorFocus && editor.focus();

after line:

me._.on = 0;

#10601 readOnly block element wrapped in P Firefox Bug closed Normal

When a block level element is set to readOnly, it is being wrapped in a P tag. Given the following HTML in the demo page:

<div id="test">
    <li>First bullet</li>

If the div#test is set to readOnly using the following code:


Once set to readOnly, if you view the source using the Source button, you end up with:

<div contenteditable="false" id="test">
<ul contenteditable="false">
	<li>First bullet</li>

I would expect the DIV not be wrapped in the P.

This seems to be specific to Firefox. The same test seems to pass in IE and Chrome

#10709 Firefox, IE: Text entered after pasted URL becomes part of that URL IE Firefox Support Bug confirmed Normal

Environment: Windows 7/8, Chrome 28, FF 23

  1. Copy a URL from Chrome's address bar
  2. Go to Firefox and paste that URL into a ckeditor text field
  3. Immediately enter additional text (no spaces) after the URL

Result: The text you enter after the pasted URL becomes part of the text.

Real life use case: You enter in the text "Check out my website ( Here, the right side closing parentheses becomes bolded like it is actually part of the URL.

Only happens on Windows, and only from Chrome/IE10 to Firefox.

#10724 SCAYT conflicts with FF text highlighting via the keyboard on misspelled words Firefox IE10 Bug closed Normal

SCAYT causes partial lines to be highlighted in FF not allowing the user to easily cut/copy the content they want when using the keyboard to highlight text(Shift + End, Shift + CTRL + Right Arrow)

Browser: FF 22.0

OS: Win 7

Reproducible location: Demo site and nightly build

I tested with IE9.0.8112.16421 and Chrome 28.0.1500.95 m as well and both seemed to work just fine.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to the demo site
  2. Delete all sample content from the editor
  3. Enable SCAYT
  4. Type in a line with correct and incorrect words such as: "Hi there, how arre you?
  5. Place the cursor at the start of the line and then hold Shift and press End.

Once you release the keys you will notice SOMETIMES the text will first highlight the whole line as expected and then within a second will highlight just the text up to the first spelling mistake which in this case is 'arre'.

If you look at the HTML generated you will see this for the above:

<p>Hi there, how <span data-scaytid="1" data-scayt_word="arre">arre</span> you?<br></p>

The text will highlight up to the beginning of the span tag caused by SCAYT.

NOTE: Seems to only fail going left to right on a line, if I go right to left it highlights fine.

#10775 Firefox deselects selected text when applying styles after ctrl + a (select all) Firefox Bug closed Normal

From what I've seen, this only occurs if the source being edited is not surrounded by tags. More specifically, it happens when "BR on Enter mode" is enabled.

Using Firefox, with BR on Enter mode enabled, add some text to the editor (but no HTML). Then select all using CTRL + A. Apply a style (like bold, italics, or strikethrough). The style is applied, but then the selection is deselected and the cursor moves to the end of the selection. If multiple lines are used, then the cursor moves to the end of the first line.

To better illustrate, here is a screencast:

#10941 Indentation not applied to ul/ol element when the entire list is indented IE Firefox IBM Bug confirmed Normal

1) Select a list (ul or ol) as whole. 2) Click Indent button

Result: Text inside list items is indented but not the list as a whole. The bullet points are aligned to the left, that means to the edge of the edit area.

#10949 [Blink Firefox] Readonly editor elementspath selection doesn't select as expected. Blink Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

When the editor is readonly clicking an element in elements path does not truly select it in Blink and Firefox.

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to the mission crew table and click to focus it
  3. Click "table" in elementspath
  4. The table is selected, but the selection color is gray. Notice that the copy icon is enabled.
  5. Press Ctrl-C to try and copy the selection
  6. Make the editor editable and try to paste or paste in some other program -> fail.

NOTE: This doesn't have to be table. You can select list or any other element. In blink and Firefox you won't be able to copy it. Blink informs you about it with system sound while FF does nothing.

Workaround: select the table with the mouse and copy it then (notice the blue selection instead of the gray one in step 3). This is really difficult to control though as the mouse selection is not accurate or easy. This is difficult when for example trying to copy long or nested tables.

#10966 [FF] Unable to escape from the link or anchor IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

To Reproduce:

  1. Use ajax sample
  2. Type in a word, e.g. test, select it by using Ctrl + A
  3. Insert a link or anchor
  4. Press the END key
  5. Press space and continue typing

Problem: Cursor is inside the anchor tag

This issue was previously fixed under

#11053 SCAYT conflicts with FF selection when pasting and undoing Firefox Bug closed Normal

SCAYT causes the entire document to be highlighted from the beginning up to the point of the cursor when I highlight text, paste some text and then press CTRL+Z or the undo toolbar option when highlighting from the start of a line.

Browser: FF 24.0

OS: Win 7

Reproducible location: Demo site and nightly build

I also tested with IE9.0.8112.16421(Undo doesn't work so I can't test, reproducible on the demo site) and Chrome 30.0.1599.101 m (Worked fine).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to the demo site
  2. Enable SCAYT (No spelling mistakes required)
  3. Delete the content currently there, for whatever reason I can't reproduce with the default text
  4. I type or paste in a few lines of text like so:

Hi there how are you

Hi there how are you

Hi there how are you

Hi there how are you

  1. I then highlight part of the line beginning at the start of the line.
  2. Paste some content
  3. Press CTRL+Z
  4. Notice it will now highlight the entire document up to the cursor
#11072 Merge cells doesn't work in FF when replaced textarea with inline editor Firefox Bug closed Normal

Tested in FF24 on

when selected few cells in one row and selected merge cells some JS exception is logged on console.

Same works OK in Chrome, not tested anywhere else.

Bug found from 4.0.1 (older not tested) to 4.3 beta.

#11324 checkDirty() return true, but should return false Firefox IE11 Bug confirmed Normal

When ckeditor is inside div which is display: none and textarea is empty, then when you show div (change css to display: block) and checkDirty returns false.

Here is example:

My browser is firefox 26 and running on Ubuntu Linux 13.10.

#11346 Formatting lost when applied to highlighted section, cursor placed at end of line, then the same formatting option toggled again Firefox IE11 Bug confirmed Normal

Hard to describe and hard to search for so my apologies if it's already been logged but I think even if it's been logged I've found more details I will explain below.

If I highlight a section of text and apply some sort of text formatting(bold for example). Then place the cursor at the end of one of those newly bolded lines and click bold again to remove it so I can continue typing in non-bold it will remove bold from the entire line.

Browser: FF 25.0, IE9.0.8112.16421(config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR only for IE)

OS: Win 7

Reproducible location: Demo site

I tested with Chrome 31.0.1650.63 m as well and it worked properly. Also ctrl+a vs using the mouse can have slightly different results which I will explain after the steps to reproduce.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download the standard ckeditor from the website.(Only necessary if you want to test CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR. Otherwise just go to the demo)
  2. Open replacebycode.html sample and clear the content
  3. Type aaaa aaaa, hit enter. Type bbbb bbbb, hit enter. Type cccc cccc, hit enter.
  4. Press Ctrl+A and click Bold
  5. Place the cursor at the end of any of the three lines
  6. Press Bold again

If Using IE or FF and using CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR you will notice that the entire highlighted content will lose the bold formatting. If using FF and CKEDITOR.ENTER_P (Default) you will notice that just the line you placed the cursor on will lose bold. I did NOT test CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV.

The slight variation I mentioned between ctrl+a and using the mouse can be tested by repeating all the steps above but step 4 use the mouse to highlight everything instead and step 5 place the cursor at the end of the "cccc cccc" line. In FF bold is already de-selected from the toolbar, in IE it's still selected but when you click it formatting isn't lost. If you test lines 1 or 2 you will see the same results as if you tested with ctrl+a.


Reproducible in Firefox and IE11

To reproduce:

  1. Type three lines of text
  2. Ctrl+A, hit Bold Button
  3. Click at the end of any line and Hti bold Button again

In Enter Div and P Whole line gets unbolded
In Enter BR whole text gets unbolded

#11491 Pressing delete key in highlighted text in blockquote removes paragraph tags Firefox IE Bug confirmed Normal

If you create a blockquote, enter some text, highlight the text and then press the Delete key. The paragraph(s) inside the blockquote disappear and you can type directly into it.

For FF you need more than one line of text highlighted.

#11518 Inline Editing Cursor Jump w/ SCAYT Enabled Firefox IE Bug closed Normal

I see this happen on our app and also on your demo. If SCAYT is enabled and you click into an inline area to edit, the cursor jumps to the 0 position and needs to be focused into the original position again. Any fixes for this? Behavior w/o SCAYT enabled is fine.

#11581 Enter Backspace Shift+Enter fails on FF Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Tested with FF25 and 27.

Reproducalbe in demo

Type "AAA"

--> expected: new line, but it make p


--> cursor is on line under "AAA"

Type "B" -> In Line 1 is "AAAB"

With "down" u can reproduce it.

#11601 FF - Pasting Chinese characters adds spaces to the pasted text Firefox IBM Bug confirmed Normal


Customer is complaining about spaces being inserted when pasting text in the editor.

To recreate:

Copy the following text. Paste it into the demo editor. Select and copy the text within the editor. Enter a few lines and paste the text again. You will see a space being added to the pasted text. See attachment.

该交易由登记或新办理发起。客户初次办理出口保理额度预申请或正式申请需要分别对进口商、出口商的相关信息进行补充录入。经办确认后,进、出口商信息按各分 行存储在本地,下次交易时输入进、出口商编号后可以直接调用。如果第二次录入时对原进、出口商信息有所更改,则新信息覆盖原信息。不同分行间信息独立存 储,不相互影响。出口商信息保存:栏位33-50.进口商信息保存:栏位61-73。

#11668 delete key behavior is WRONG!! Firefox Bug confirmed Normal


  1. Insert below code into editor:
    <p>test <strong>test <em>test </em>test</strong> test test</p>
  2. Switch to wysiwyg and put cursor behind italic element. Please note that element path needs to show body p strong. If you are seeing em move curosor with arrows to get out of em element.
    test test test ^test test test
  3. Start deleting text with delete key

Result: once whole bold text is deleted, the italic element gets deleted (except for the first letter)

hi all; I newly found key delete works wrong!!! for example, we have an bold element in a paragraph and in the bold element there is an italic word. if we put cursor after italic element exactly, and begin pressing delete key, the characters of bold text node which is after italic element, delete one by one. when the text node deleted and italic element was placed in end of bold element and cursor was placed in bold element and exactly after italic, pressing delete key will caused all of italic characters except one char, be remove!!! that is WRONG!!!


True : In these circumstances, characters of next text node from next element must be remove. I checked this, from 4.3.3 to 3.0 versions and all of them have this bug. please solve it. Very Thanks.

#11873 flash and iframe resizing Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Object resizing for flash and iframe fake objects don't work. It's reproducable on full featured demo. After resizing fake object is set to 82x82 pixel. On double click it shows the right values in dialog width and height fields.

#11914 FF: Default values for Horizontal Alignment & Vertical Aalignment not shown on Cell Properties dialog Firefox IBM Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open any CK Sample and insert a Table with default values
  1. Open Cell Properties dialog by clicking on Cell - > Cell Properties option in Context menu

Issue: see that Default values <not set> not shown in Horizontal Alignment & Vertical Alignment combo boxes

Tested on FF27, FF28 & FF29

#11915 Cursor jumps when typing a misspelled word with INLINE editor and SCAYT enabled Firefox Chrome Bug closed Normal

Browser: FF 28, Chrome 34 (Works correctly in IE9)

OS: Win 7

Reproducible location: Demo site and nightly build

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the top right Lorem ipsum text so the toolbar shows
  3. Delete all the content
  4. Enable SCAYT
  5. Click outside the field so the toolbar goes away
  6. Click inside the field again so the toolbar appears
  7. Start typing and misspell something like so: "Hi there, how arre you doing? I am doing..."
  8. When the spell check notices the misspelled arre the cursor will jump to it and whatever you were typing will now be inserted in the middle of the sentence.

This is a big problem because my users expect to have SCAYT enabled by default and therefore I cannot use inline mode at all as this issue is reproduced consistently.

#12179 [FF] Error while using :after pseudoclass in contents.css Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

1) use, clear all (I used Gecko - last version of PaleMoon)
2) change contents.css or use different way do add style: .cke_editable span:after {content: ' [' attr(class) ']'}
3) write "blah blah".
4) select line and change Style to marker (now you will see yellow line: blah blah [marker]).
5) go to the end of this line.
6) press left arrow and obtain twice this error:

Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType'
Source File:
Line: 364

FF's bug on Bugzilla:

#12252 Disabled cut/copy in Firefox and Chrome Firefox, Chrome, cut, copy, paste Bug closed Normal

I've been participating in at least two dozen forums of web developers, and have thus used probably all post editors there are. In all, the cut, copy and paste functions also work when Firefox or Chrome are used. Both via the buttons and via the context menu (right-click menu) options. And in this very form that I'm using right now said matters function as well.

Not so in CKEditor (this form editor is not CKEditor). Why still not? Regarding Chrome, this seems to have been reported as bug under ticket nr. 8463. Which was closed because it supposedly was fixed. But that is not the case. And clearly, it is a bug. Because why else do all the other form editors function flawlessly in FF and Chrome?

#12584 Paste table within CK-Editor looses formattings (FF 33) Firefox Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Create Table with formattings (e.g. width=50%, bg-color=blue, headers=first row)
  2. Select (all cells) of the table
  3. Copy (STRG + C)
  4. Paste (STRG + V)
  5. Open table properties of the pasted table

Result: Table looses formattings (width, bg-color, headers)

Expected: All table formattings are copied properly

#12602 Enter key at the end of block is broken Android Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

In Firefox on Android, if you press enter at the end of a paragraph, the cursor skips down to a new line briefly, but then jumps back up. It is not possible to cursor down. You can tap a touchscreen where the next paragraph would be entered to move there. Problem occurs on your demo site, and in our local copy of 4.4.5.

Test platform: Android 28 or 33 on Nexus 10, Android 4.3.

This seems similar to ticket #12423.

#12641 Firefox merges paragraphs with wrong style Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

In CK demo paste this source code in the source area of the CK editor:

<div style="background:#eee;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:5px 10px;">AAAA</div>

<div style="background:#AAA;border:3px solid #ccc;padding:5px 10px;">BBBB</div>

as the first row is the style "Special container" and the second is the same style with modified color and border. Go to the end of the "AAAA" string and click "Del". Then "BBBB" is merged into the same paragraph, but the paragraph gets the style of "BBBB" instead of "AAAA".

If there is more than one paragraph style in the style combo with surrounding <div></div> the bug is present, but as the the demo such second style lacks, typing it in the source area gives us the same effect.

Only FF. Chrome and IE seem to work correctly - they take the style from the "AAAA" text.

#12649 FF makes wrong selection of text Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Let's have the following HTML:

<div>222 <br></div>

This we receive as we use divs for paragraphs and using magicline after 111. After 222 we have whitespace, it is not &nbsp; for FF. We select 222 (only 2s without the interval behind) and copy (CTRL+C) and then in the clipboard we have '222 '.

Steps to reproduce on the demo:

  1. Place the following HTML on empty CK area with firebug. Using source button in the demo clears the divs, so use firebug.
  2. Select the 222 text without the interval and make CTRL+C.
  3. Place the cursor among 111 and CTRL+V. The result is 1222 11.

The bug reproduces for the most of the cases, rarely it will work correct, even though on the demo we did not faced correct behaviour.

#12673 Pasting a single whitespace besides an existing one in firefox has no effect IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Copying a single whitespace and the pasting it several times again has not effect.

  • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Open a ckeditor text field and put
    x x

into it.

  1. Copy the whitespace (without the 'x')
  2. Paste the whitespace 5 times
  • Actual output:

1 whitespaces

  • Expected output:

1 whitespaces

  • Additional information:

Copying single whitespace in Chrome and Internet Explorer works fine. In firefox it also works if one copies 2 or more whitespaces.

Reproducing this but work also while using double byte whitespace instead of single byte whitespace.

#12914 Copy/Paste Table broken in DIV based editor Firefox Bug closed Normal

Using CKEditor demos as example, copying and pasting a table works in iframe demo ( but is broken in div demo ( Seeing the same issue in our production implementation using version 4.4.6.

#12996 SCAYT Affecting Dialog Double Click Firefox IE Bug closed Normal

Follow the steps to reproduce:

  1. Make sure you have set the scayt_autoStartup

configuration option to true

  1. Enter some text and click enter
  2. Now add either an image or flash movie, enter any url and click "OK"
  3. Now double click on the image or flash movie and notice the values are empty. The onShow function within the dialog says that no value is selected.
#13020 CKEditor exception in Firefox Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Please see comment:4 and comment:5 for more details.

Our web app has been generating countless exceptions in CKEditor. I have finally been able to reproduce one of them. For the demo please visit '' and follow these steps in the editor in the lower right:

1) Type three lines of text with the letters a, b, and c on them (one

letter per line).

2) Select the first two lines and make that a numbered list. 3) Select all three lines and change to a bulleted list.

An exception is generated "TypeError: a is null".

This error is caused because when bookmarks are selected/restored in the selectBookmarks function the starting bookmark has been removed thus it fails to select it in the moveToBookmark function so startNode is null and the setStartBefore call will a null parameters throws an exception. I changed said function during me debugging to:

setStartBefore: function (node) {

if (node == null) {

console.log('* About to throw an exception');

} this.setStart( node.getParent(), node.getIndex() );


to better illustrate that.

Why has the bookmark been purged? Well the long story is that a <li> with the start bookmark gets added before the two existing <li>s and so the first <li> has no text in it and it's purged by the 'changeListType' function, but it all seems to come down to the getNative function that looks kind of (this is my debug version now) like this:

getNative: function() {

if ( this._.cache.nativeSel !== undefined ){

return this._.cache.nativeSel;

} if(isMSSelection){

this._.cache.nativeSel = this.document.$.selection;


var win = this.document.getWindow(); this._.cache.nativeSel = win.$.getSelection();


console.log('* new native selection = anchor = ' + this._.cache.nativeSel.anchorNode.nodeName + ' focus node = ' + this._.cache.nativeSel.focusNode.nodeName); return ( this._.cache.nativeSel );


which I have modified to break complex lines into pieces and add the logging. When this returns the selection via getSelection the focus node SHOULD be on the 'a' #text node, but it's actually on the OL node. This works fine in Chrome and usually works fine in FireFox, but the CSS I inject into the document seems to trigger this problem. Remove that and it works fine.

That makes me question whether this is actually a Firefox bug that needs to be worked around, but I don't know my browser specs. In any event one quick fix I've done to code around this was a patch to the moveToBookmark function that basically verifies that the startBookmark was found but

a) I don't know the extent that this kind of bug is going to have

on the rest of the system. If there are other places where the start bookmarks premature removal is going to wreak havoc then I'd like to know about it.

b) I don't know if there are other cases where we're going to see this

type of problem because of other CSS that Firefox/CKEditor doesn't work with properly. Like I said we're seeing all kinds of exceptions coming from CKEditor and it could all be permutations of this bug. I don't know yet.

c) When the exception occurs it leaves the end bookmark span in the

HTML and it seems that that can cause later problems.

Let me know if there's any additional info I can provide. I'm just glad to finally get this bug in a form reproducible outside of our code base.

  • Thanks, Alan
#13125 FF Only - The space after a contenteditable element is ignored when backspacing Firefox IE Bug confirmed Normal

We found an issue in 4.4.x version where in ACF mode, we observe unexpected behaviour when we attempt deleting a white space character following a contenteditable=false span tag.

To reproduce the defect, use the following config:

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {

ACF configs config.allowedContent = true; turn off ACF by default


Open Firebug for you test sample page

  1. In the console: CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setData('Hey <span contenteditable="false"><a>there</a></span> :)')

(Notice here the space following the closing of the span tag and before colon character eg. "</span> :"

  1. Click on the editor (caret is at the end of the line) and start removing characters using backspace until you reach ':' and click backspace again to remove it.
  1. Hit backspace again-> the cursor goes inside the contenteditable area skipping the empty space
1 2 3 4 5 6
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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