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Results (5501 - 5597 of 5597)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#16639 Make callback parameter in optional Marek Lewandowski Task Normal CKEditor 4.6.1 General
#16644 Make it easier for users to learn on how to style widgets Tade0 Task Normal CKEditor 4.6.0 Documentation & Samples
#16675 Copy formatting - tables issue Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal CKEditor 4.6.2 General
#16682 [Edge] List gets pasted as a set of paragraphs Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.6.2 General
#16728 [QM] Editor is broken once Copy Formatting is added Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.6.2 General
#16732 Error 404 in Copy Formatting when downloaded with Bower Bug Normal General
#16733 New color palette for Color Button plugin Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.6.2 General
#16753 [HIDPI] element.setSize sets wrong editor's dimensions if border's width is in fraction of pixels Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.6.2 General
#16757 Provide old color palette as an example for config. Tade0 Task Normal CKEditor 4.6.2 General
#16770 Group embed widget size styles. Task Normal CKEditor 4.6.2 General
#16783 Update license headers Marek Lewandowski Task Normal CKEditor 4.6.2 General
#16795 [CM] Editor is broken once Copy Formatting is added Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.6.2 General
#16801 Update NPM dependencies Marek Lewandowski Task Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16810 Missing table vertical align when pasted from Word Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 Plugin : Paste from Word
#16813 editor.getSelectedHtml returns incorrect data Bug Normal Core : Selection
#16814 Failing Paste from Word(PFW) tests in built version. Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 Plugin : Paste from Word
#16817 Paragraph transformed into lists, with corrupted data when pasting from Word Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 Plugin : Paste from Word
#16818 Cells should use row height if possible Marek Lewandowski New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 Core : Tables
#16820 [BR MODE][IE10] Inserting horizontal line and clickinng below it causes error Bug Normal General
#16825 [Chrome] Error thrown when destroying focused inline editor Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 Core : Focus
#16826 [IE] Lists pasted from Word gets an extra paragraph Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 Plugin : Paste from Word
#16845 [IE11] Cursor jump to the top of the editor Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16847 Inline styles from clipboard data transfer when pasting from Word Tomasz Jakut New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 Plugin : Paste from Word
#16850 Custom context menu disable option Tade0 New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16860 Paste from Word converts ordered lists too greedy Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 Plugin : Paste from Word
#16861 [FF] Failing uploadimage test Tade0 Task Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16862 Failing Paste from Word tests in IE8 Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 Plugin : Paste from Word
#16866 [IE][EDGE] Whitespaces not preserved when pasting from Word Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 Plugin : Paste from Word
#16874 Error in console (Cannot read property 'isContextFor' of null) beata_delura Bug Normal General
#16883 Update SCAYT / WSC kkrzton Task Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16913 [FF][IE] Paste as plain text keystroke does not work Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16919 Embedbase plugin should explicitly require dialog plugin Tomasz Jakut Task Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16920 Several plugins not using dialog as a direct dependency kkrzton Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16927 Replace arguments.callee with named function expression Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16928 Bleeding tests Tomasz Jakut Task Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16933 Comments in colorbutton plugin pollutes global scope in documentation kkrzton Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16935 [Chrome] Source mode in one editor raises error while focusing other editor Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16937 [API] getCommandKeystroke should also accept command name as argument kkrzton New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 UI : Widgets
#16954 Remove paste dialog New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 Core : Pasting
#16957 [PFW] Styles.inliner.inline does not take selectors specificity into account and duplicates rules. kkrzton Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16958 Switch to alternative Mathjax CDN kkrzton Task Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16960 Fix paste message in other locales kkrzton Task Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16961 Support for pasting from Excel kkrzton New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16968 [Safari] Paste as plain text is not handled by the editor kkrzton Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#16972 Invalid type returned by Bug Normal General
#16982 Safari's clipboard API can be trusted Tomasz Jakut Task Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#17003 Chrome Version 58.0.3029.81 Crashes WIth Form Inputs Bug Normal General
#17010 [API] Range#shrink method should allow for skipping bogus BR elements Tomasz Jakut New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#17017 Manual test tests/plugins/autoembed/manual/autoembed doesn't paste any link kkrzton Task Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#17020 ScrollIntoView manipulates the focus Mateusz Samsel Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1 General
#17022 [API] range#_find does not return boundary end element Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal General
#17025 Upgrade bender to 0.4.2 Task Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#17027 Commands event data should be initialized as an empty object Tomasz Jakut Task Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#17030 CloneContents selects whole element when selection starts at the start of that element Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1 Core : Selection
#17042 [iOS] Balloonpanel unit tests fails when run in a set. Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1 General
#17049 [Excel] Paste from Excel does not preserve formatting if only one cell is pasted. Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#15 FCKDebug window doesn't have scrollbars in Opera Bug Low Opera Compatibility General
#87 Opera: Contents of IFrames are lost Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Low Opera Compatibility General
#369 dragging of spacer.gif in toolbar possible Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Low Opera Compatibility General
#448 FCKSelection.GetSelectedElement() for IE should return null Bug Low General
#582 Table: Table should use style.height instead of table.height Bug Low General
#1011 Button for signature Artur Formella New Feature Low Project : MediaWiki+FCKeditor
#1122 Safari: minor rendering issue (the cursor under a horizontal rule) Bug Low General
#1164 Combo items blue border is cut in RTL Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Low Opera Compatibility General
#1248 Interator or Iterator Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Low General
#1566 Polish language file Bug Low General
#1579 Table property dialog too narrow Bug Low General
#1580 Polish translation update Bug Low FCKeditor 2.5 General
#1736 Reformat pom.xml according maven example Michael Osipov Task Low FCKeditor.Java 2.4 Server : Java
#1747 Create several distros with Maven Michael Osipov Task Low FCKeditor.Java 2.4 Server : Java
#1761 Adept all examples to FCKeditor 2.5 Michael Osipov Task Low FCKeditor.Java 2.4 Server : Java
#1763 Find ways to separate taglib and web.xml declaration Michael Osipov Task Low FCKeditor.Java 2.4 Server : Java
#1794 Revise log statements Michael Osipov Task Low FCKeditor.Java 2.4 Server : Java
#1881 Toolbar shows reference button even if citations are not enabled Bug Low Project : MediaWiki+FCKeditor
#1891 fck_tablecell.html id >< name conflicts Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Low FCKeditor 2.6.4 UI : Dialogs
#1899 Change the WIKI site links to DOCS site links Task Low FCKeditor 2.6 General
#1921 [XmlResponse] add static fields Michael Osipov Task Low FCKeditor.Java 2.4 Server : Java
#1968 Javadoc issues Michael Osipov Task Low FCKeditor.Java 2.4 Server : Java
#2035 Add plugin versions Task Low FCKeditor.Java 2.4 Server : Java
#2073 Add favicon to TLD mosipov, th-schwarz Task Low FCKeditor.Java 2.4 Server : Java
#2266 FCKeditor extension for MediaWiki doesn't follow MW's coding conventions Task Low Project : MediaWiki+FCKeditor
#2275 Firefox 2 crashes with multiple editor instances Bug Low General
#2592 Add more logging statements Michael Osipov New Feature Low FCKeditor.Java 2.5 Server : Java
#2739 Opera 10.0 Alpha Multiple Editors Bug Bug Low Opera Compatibility General
#3427 Correct synctax error of fck_docprops.html Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Low FCKeditor 2.6.5 UI : Dialogs
#3578 Compatibility message in samples states that Firefox 1.5 is supported Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Low CKEditor 3.0 General
#3666 Add Office 2007 XML extensions as default allowed file extensions New Feature Low File Browser
#3852 Disable textarea resizing in webkit Artur Formella Bug Low CKEditor 3.0 UI : Dialogs
#5574 SCAYT doesn't get refreshed after command Bug Low CKEditor 3.3 UI : Spell Checker
#6687 empty tag should be removed on inline-style format Garry Yao Bug Low CKEditor 3.5.1 Core : Styles
#7012 Samples - Languages -fast switching between languages causes Editor to crash Bug Low General
#7540 IE8 adds extra space when pasting from word. Garry Yao Bug Low CKEditor 3.5.4 Plugin : Paste from Word
#7718 Typo in CodingStyle wiki page Bug Low General
#9246 Cache inInlineMode in magicline Olek Nowodziński Task Low CKEditor 4.0 General
#9327 [API docs] Create a nice welcome page Olek Nowodziński Task Low CKEditor 4.0 General
#10562 [Housekeeping] CSS gradient filters in Moono. Piotr Jasiun Task Low CKEditor 4.1.3 UI : Skins
#10994 Create Editors with jQuery sample fired from file Marek Lewandowski Bug Low CKEditor 4.2.3 Documentation & Samples
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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