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Results (301 - 400 of 576)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#6171 Firefox scrolls to top of page when clicking on paragraph format drop-down list Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6225 [FF] Can not transform sevaral lines to list with enterMode BR. Firefox Paweł Horzela Bug closed Normal
#6227 Indentation/Alignment is applied only to first 2 paragraphs if we have Page break or line break at the end of text IBM IE Firefox Webkit Martin Bug closed Normal
#6241 [[IE]] some format is lost during paste IBM IE Firefox Opera Paweł Horzela Bug closed Normal
#6244 Table colspan problem after remove cell Firefox3 Bug closed Normal
#6245 Table rowspan problem while removing cells Firefox3 Bug closed Normal
#6261 Focus and infinite loop between multiple editors Firefox Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal
#6275 insert <embed> and custom attributes in other tags failed in Firefox 3.6.9 Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6280 Image with absolute path on the same domain as the editor changes to relative path when drag'n'dropped Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6288 use ‘insertHtml’ failed in Firefox 3.6.9 Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6301 Handler function for 'focus' event firing infinitely in Firefox Firefox Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal
#6302 if both 'blur' and 'click' events handled - they fires infinitely in firefox Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#6320 Firefox Makes Image Path Relative when Dragging/Copying and Pasting Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6321 Scripts are stripped out of the content [FF 3.6.10] Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6327 [FF4] Unable to use the scrollbar Firefox4 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6354 The i() function takes a lot more time in 3.4.1 than in 3.4.0 Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#6362 [FF] Pasting lists from Word document doesn't work Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6363 FF - High CPU in code view Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6370 FireFox deleting last character from a line deletes the EOL rather than the character Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6380 FireFox: Holding ctrl+v produces odd cursor behavior and line breaks Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6426 Numbered list with 3 levels pasted from word is converted to <p>'s Firefox3 Bug closed Normal
#6428 [FF] The cursor disappears from the editor after dragging an image IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#6429 [FF] Extra bullets/numbers are added into a list containing a right aligned image IBM Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6437 Editing checkbox and radiobutton on FF is very tricky Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6451 [FF3.6.10] - Multiple CKEditors on Page focus glitch Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6473 [FF] Still steals focus Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6494 Unexpected behaviour with preformated text Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6495 Paste from Word - list divided by paragraphs Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6513 ARIA list property incorrect in "stylescombo" Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6577 selection error when editor element is hidden Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6587 divreplace.html sample broken Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6659 Removing selected li while typing Firefox Martin Bug review_failed Normal
#6662 Lists copied from Word are not pasted properly. IBM Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6681 Firefox: unable to insert a link after deleting it Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6686 BIDI:[FF] when we apply explicit language direction to Numbered/Bulleted List the corresponding BIDI Tool bar icon is not highlighted in the Toolbar Firefox IBM Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal
#6708 [FF] Unable to remove empty paragraphs Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6827 List: possible to place cursor in front of list bullet/number, and delete then breaks the list Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#6840 Wysiwyg: When setting editor content to an empty paragraph, cursor is positioned after <br> and input ends up on second line Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6855 Keyboard word selection has stopped working in Firefox. Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6862 FF4: spellWin.location is null Firefox4 Bug closed Normal
#6902 [FF4] document selection lost Firefox4 Bug closed Normal
#6918 JavaScript error when creating a new list Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6928 Firefox 4.0b8 for Mac - CKEditor ignores current selection, e.g. always places new symbols at start of document Firefox Bug closed Normal
#6941 horizontal scrollbar in firefox Firefox HasPatch Bug closed Normal
#6952 Change font size / color in firefox 4.0b8 Firefox4 Bug closed Normal
#6954 FF4: content is always inserted at the beginning Firefox4 Bug closed Normal
#6956 Pasting Word text in FF3.6 does not maintain formatting, even though it works fine in FF3.5 and IE. IBM Firefox3.6 Bug closed Normal
#6985 Whitespace lost on paste in FF Firefox Opera IBM Bug closed Normal
#6995 FF : We can't scroll down right align table using mouse IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7024 Firefox: incorrect button state Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7032 List item still selected after remove style Webkit Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7040 FF3: office2003 skin toolbar buttons and pulldowns selection area shown half height Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7041 Firefox: Unable to escape from the link Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7043 Cursor jumps at the beginning of the editing area after inserting a link Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7053 Firefox: right arrow does not close the link Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7059 [FF] Toolbar state freezes Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7065 BR in pre-formatted doesn't create paragraphs HasPatch Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7070 Extra line break added to the list item when applying a style Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7074 [Firefox, enterBr] Setting inline style over fully selected document with table ruins the table Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7076 [Firefox, enterBr] Undo failure Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7112 insertText should not split styles Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7137 insertHtml( '&nbsp;') inserts a plain space Firefox IE Bug closed Normal
#7143 Text Cursor loses position when document-overflow is modified Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7147 Editor not allowing to enter anything (Firefox v 3.5.16 or 3.5.x) Firefox3 Bug closed Normal
#7184 Problems Selecting Images that are in a Table in Firefox Firefox IBM Bug closed Normal
#7202 Double clicking word after inline style is applied, selects only part of the word IE8, Firefox, Opera Bug closed Normal
#7217 destroy(true) malfunctions in firefox Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7237 ForcePasteAsPlainText doesn't seem to work for Mac users. Firefox Mac Bug closed Normal
#7246 Text scrolling failing when using find operation Firefox3 Mac Bug closed Normal
#7304 Paste from Word: cleanWord not invoked for the first time Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7308 Spacers being added after tables using Firefox 3.6.15 Firefox3 Bug closed Normal
#7350 Clicking in the editor returns the fonts to the default values IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7362 BIDI: Numbers/Bullets not displaying in the editor in a mixed content list in FF IBM Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7370 FF & Safari : Underline for list item not shown for the below html code IBM Firefox WebKit Bug confirmed Normal
#7458 Line breaks inserted when toggling between "Decrease Indent" and "Increase Indent" in lists Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7467 [FF] Extra br in nested list Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7501 FF: New page does not fire selectionChange Firefox Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7555 [Firefox] Minor glitch with drop-down list of Link dialog window for anchors Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7605 [FF] Right click selects all content of pre block Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7635 FF scrollIntoView doesn't work Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7770 JS errors when selecting noneditable text in FF4 Firefox4 Bug closed Normal
#7771 'Maximize' in container with Opacity makes container disappear (FF) Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7777 [FF4] Place cursor between text, apply any style: cursor drops Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#7784 FF4: Styles combo remains empty using the stylesheetparser sample Firefox Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
#7815 FF: Anchor icon is not visible in WYSIWYG Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#7816 FF: copy paste from heading creates new heading Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7825 Autogrow with sharedSpaces on firefox Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7830 [FF] Select all + inline style in enterMode BR removes selection Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7835 [FF] Word metadata not cleaned when pasting from word without cleanup Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7836 In Firefox, a <br /> is inserted in an empty text area when using editor.focus() on initially hidden editors Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7842 Selection handles in FF can't be set or removed Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7844 FF: setData() on hidden editor causes editor not to display IBM Firefox Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7856 Built-in contextMenu doesn't behave correctly Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7864 Flash plugin url escapes some values Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7888 Deleting the link in editor - the text font stays underlined Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7897 [FF4] first execCommand (enterMode:ENTER_DIV) shows cursor in second line instead of first line Firefox4 Bug closed Normal
#7900 FF: Error thrown when opening table dialog on pasted cells Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7955 FF: with Auto grow plugin(with it's default configuration) PageUp & PageDown not working IBM Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7973 Editor scrolls to the top when opening the context menu in a floating element IE Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7997 FF3.6: text don't show in WYSIWYG mode, but in Source all ok Firefox3 Bug closed Normal
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