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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#176 Unterminated A tags sometimes break paragraphs on save SF IE Confirmed Bug closed Normal

If the content looks like this:

<p><a href="linky">Text</p>
<p><a href="linky2">More Text</p>

Then saving with FCKeditor (IE version) will produce the following:

<p><a href="linky">Text<a href="linky2">More Text</p>

This bug appears to only appear under the Internet Explorer version of IE (tested IE6). It does not happen under Firefox.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open FCKeditor in IE and paste the above initial content (make sure that FCKeditor doesn't add back in the </a> tags on paste. If so, delete them).
  2. Save to a file/database and reload it in IE. It looks ok.
  3. Click source. Code becomes corrupted (I also believe it corrupts with any style changes on the page, but I have not tested this).

Moved from SF:

#184 Right click on toolbar lead to wrong location of new element SF IE Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
  1. Execute right click on free space in toolbar, or double right click on button in toolbar;
  1. Press "Insert horizontal line" button;

New line been insert in top of toolbar.

  1. Click in edit area for focus;
  1. Repeat step 1;
  1. Press "Number list button".

Horizontal line is to number :)

Moved from SF:

#188 z-index of Image in editor prevents toolbar action IBM SF IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal


  1. Add image to the Editor.
  2. Resize if necessary so that height and width extend beyond editor input.
  3. Use scroll bar so that top image size handles overlay the toolbar icons.
  4. Click any toolbar icon.

You will see that nothing happens. I've tried to change the z-index, but inline styles are removed or replaced in editor (i.e. when toggling between design and html mode).


Moved from SF:

#191 FF Mac: scrollable combos have no scrollbar Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Firefox 1.507 and 2.0
Mac OSX 10.4.8

Scrollable combos (format, size) have no scrollbar. They can still be scrolled using the mouse wheel, but that is tricky on a iBook...

Works fine on windows.

See attached image.

Moved from SF:

#201 HR in input "source" completely destroys document structure SF IE Confirmed Bug closed Normal

Hi all,

This can be easyly re-produced in current demo page (2.3.1). Please try the following:

  1. Create three <p>'s with bold title an text in editor view:
<p><strong>title1<br />
</strong>text1 text1</p>
<p><strong>title2</strong><br />
text2 text2</p>
<p><strong>title3<br />
</strong>text3 text3</p>
  1. Then put <hr>'s at the beginning of title2 and title3 in editor view:
<p><strong>title1<br />
</strong>text1 text1</p>
<p><strong><hr />
title2</strong><br />
text2 text2</p>
<p><strong><hr />
title3<br />
</strong>text3 text3</p>
  1. Then switch twice between source and editor view. As a result - the structure of document is completely destroyed:
<p><strong>title1<br />
</strong>text1 text1</p>
<p><strong></strong><br />
text2 text2
<p><strong></strong>text3 text3
<hr />
title3<br />
<hr />

Regards, /Alexander

Moved from SF:

#202 <HR> tag breaks source SF IE Bug closed Normal

If html source is followed

<p><hr /></p>

Switch to source editing mode and WYSIWYG mode some times..

then the source of above is changed to below..

<hr />

<p>&nbsp;</p> tag is appended ...

Moved from SF:

#219 IE: Can't paste Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

With MSIE...

  1. Load editor @
  1. Paste some text (any text) - it doesn't work

(Is the above URL the nightly build from the new SVN, or the old sourceforge SVN?)

#234 Microsoft 2.0 AJAX UpdatePanel Bug Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal


I'm made a basic 2.0 Form with a FormView to edit a simple "text". -> My formview works with a FckEditor or a TextBox editor in it.

If I surround the formview with an UpdatePanel, Then It doesn't works anymore. The Text Inside the FckEditor is not recorded into the database. Neither when using insert nor update method. If I replace the FckEditor by a TextBox, then it works well again.

Does FckEditore don't support Microsoft AJAX, or UpdatePanels, or I have to do something to the FckEditor to support it?

Thanks for helping me...

#239 <xml> in html make IE truncate paragraphs (solution included) Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

Example: IE6 or IE7, go to, Source, insert "<xml>toto</xml>" before "You", Source, Source.

Result: Everything has disappeared after the newly-introduced "<xml>" (well, it was transformed to an "<!-- Element not supported - Type: 9 Name: #document-->").

Analysis: While generating the DOM for something like "<p><span>s</span><xml>x</xml><span>s</span></p>", IE creates a document node in which it incorrectly includes, not only "<xml>", but its nextsiblings too. Thus FCK receives it as "<p><span>s</span><!-- Element […] --></p>".

Solution: Filter out those. On line 299 of internals/fck.js (revision 203), add "|XML" to sTags.

Why, oh why: Because we had a Word-generated HTML that included some "<xml><o:OLEObject>[…]</o:OLEObject></xml>", sometimes embracing the OLE into IE-specific conditional comments.

#240 "Remove Format" doesn't remove styles Confirmed IE SD-COE Bug closed Normal

I found an ennoying bug with IE6 using css to format the text

To reproduce it, go to the official demo page select "This is some sample text" and apply the 'title' style, click elsewhere. Come back to this text, try to 'remove format' or change the style to anything else: none of the below are working.

when you change the style it keeps adding <span > tags around the selected text.

Indeed it's workign perfectly with Firefox, it seems to be a IE bug only. (Unfortunately most of my clients are Microsoft addict..)

#247 IE : Delete all breaks EnterMode=div Confirmed IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Browser: IE 7.0.5730.11

EnterMode=div does not appear to have any effect on IE7, instead using EnterMode=p instead.

  1. Go to and switch to the "Enter key behaviour" editor
  2. Switch "When [Enter] is pressed" to "Create new <div>"
  3. Type a<enter>b<enter>c<enter>
  4. Go to view source mode. Note that each letter is surrounded by <p>a</p>, no <div>'s in sight
#252 Pasting invalid markup generate empty paragraphs with IE Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

I have a customer experiencing problems pasting html code generated by FrontPage into the editor. Taking the following snippet:

<span style="background-color: #FFFFFF">
<div align="center">
<p align="justify"><span style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400"><font size="1"><u><strong>
<font face="Tahoma" color="#cc0000" size="2">Attention</font></strong></u><strong><font face="Tahoma" color="#cc0000" size="2">:</font></strong></font><font size="2" face="Tahoma"> </font>
<font style="MARGIN: 0px" face="Tahoma" size="2"><span style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00"> Avoid The </span><span style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00">Costly-Mistakes</span><span style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00"> That Beginning Real Estate Investors Make When Buying Minnesota Investment Property!</span></font><font face="Tahoma" size="2">
</font> </span></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1"><font color="#CC0000">
<span style="font-weight: 400"><font face="Tahoma" size="4"><strong>&quot;Free 
Investor's Guide Reveals Everything <u>You</u> <em>Need <br>
To Know</em> About Investing In Minnesota Real Estate!&quot;&nbsp;</strong></font></span></font><font style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" face="Tahoma" color="#283193"><br>
&nbsp;</font><span style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; FONT-STYLE: italic"><font style="FONT-SIZE: 2pt" face="Tahoma">
<p align="justify"><font face="Tahoma" size="2">&quot;The Key To <b>Building Wealth</b> And<b> Preparing For Retirement</b> 
By Investing In Minnesota Real Estate -&nbsp;Depends On 
<b>Where</b> You Invest And <b>How</b> <b>Effectively</b> You Manage Your Properties...&quot;&nbsp;</font><br>
<font size="1"><span style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400"><strong style="font-weight: 400">
<font color="#000000" size="2" face="Tahoma">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ~&nbsp;Alex Anderson - Minnesota Investment Property Specialist</font></strong></span></font><font size="2" face="Tahoma">
  1. With IE (7.0) paste above code in source mode
  2. Switch to wysiwyg mode. Text is fine.
  3. Go to source. Beginning source is
    <p><span style="background-color: #ffffff">
    <div align="center">
    <p align="justify">
  4. Switch out of source mode. Text still looks right.
  5. Go back to source mode. Beginning source is now
    <div align="center">
  6. Switch out of source mode. Text is now 2 lines down
  7. go back to source mode. Beginning text is
    <div align="center">
  8. Wysiwyg now shows text 6 lines down.
  9. Toggling back and forth stops the behavior with

With FF 2.0.02 Performing the above tests with FF works correctly. Source reveals:

<p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<div align="center">

with no bizarre behavior as with IE. One small issue though is the above code in FF has the wysiwyg text starting with one blank line at the beginning. With IE in step 2 above, the text was flush at the editor top.

Good one, huh? :-)

#257 Editor truncates data Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

I edited some HTML and submitted the form. When I went back to edit again, 95% of the data was gone. Fortunately I had it on the clipboard. I pasted it in, and this time clicked the Source button to see the rendered version -- and again it got truncated. I even saw the correct data briefly flash and then FCKEditor destroyed it again. So yes, this is repeatable. I am using the interface supplied by, and have no idea what version it is or how to find out.

#264 IE: Memory leak IE Confirmed Bug closed Normal

Load the editor, with IE 6 on Windows XP. The memory usage of IE (indicated by windows task manager) continuously grows each page is refreshed, unless close the browser and restart it again. IE 6 will consume 600-800KB memory with each page refresh. This behavior can be reproduced

#272 Wrong Toolbar Height on multiple Instances in IE6 and IE7 Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

If you use Multiple Editor Instances with one Toolbar the Toolbar is only one Row high. Even if there are more Elements. This only occurs in IE (tested on 6 and 7). Firefox is fine. It was working fine in Internet Explorer before FCK Version 2.4. You can easily reproduce it with the html-sample Files _samples/html/sample11.html and _samples/html/sample10.html

#290 Line breaks on tags may break links Confirmed IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Loading the following:

<a href=
      "My Test">My Test</a>

Results on the following after editor processing:

<a href="_fcksavedurl=">My Test</a>

This is a IE only issue.

#309 Span with nonbreaking space added to button when adding paragraph break in IE Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Using IE, switch to source view, paste this code and then switch back to WYSIWYG view:


Placing the cursor between the two buttons and pressing enter to add a paragraph break adds a span with a non-breaking space inside the second button:

#318 Multiple linked images are getting merged in a single link SF IE Confirmed Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

If two or more images are placed side by side, with nothing in between, and seperate links placed on each image, all images are placed within a single anchor tag.


HTML desired:

<a href="image1_url"><img src="image1_path" /></a>
<a href="image2_url"><img src="image2_path" /></a>

HTML generated:

<a href="image2_url"><img src="image1_path" /><img src="image2_path" /></a>

Moved from SF:

#327 Backspace Activates Back Button Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

On FCKeditor 2.4.1 on IE 6 when you press the insert image button, select an image, and press okay, the image appears on the editor window like it normally should. Now, while the image is still selected, hit the backspace key. The browser will be taken back to the previous page instead of deleting the image. The only way to delete an image is to use the "del" key.

#359 IE Stripping Object Tag SF Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

I am experiencing a problem with FCKeditor while using IE 6. If I load HTML into the editor that contains an object tag with an embed tag (see sample below), the editor strips out the object tag completely. However, the embed tag remains. This does not happen in other browsers. Here is the code I am using.

<object id="audio" width="0" height="0">
<param name="console" value="AudioPlayer">
<param name="controls" value="audioWindow">
<param name="autostart" value="true">
<param name="src" value="YOUR_AUDIO_FILENAME_HERE">
<embed name="audio" width="0" height="0" src="YOUR_AUDIO_FILENAME_HERE"
console="AudioPlayer" controls="audioWindow" autostart="true">

This only happens when reading the HTML into the editor initially. If I cut and paste this code into the editor and stay in source mode, it is not altered, until after I save it to the server and re-load into the editor. At this point it is still correct on the server, but changed in the editor. If I then save it again, the changed version is saved. If I cut and paste this code into the editor but leave source mode before saving, it is changed. The end result seems to always be stripping out the object tag.

Moved from SF:

#360 Form "name" is set to "[object]" if it contains a field with id="name" Confirmed IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Paste the following in the source view:

<form name="test">
    <input id="name" type="text" />

Switch to WYSIWYG and back to source. You will have name="[object]" in the form element.

It happens only because the "id" of the input element inside the form is set to "name" (casually the form attribute name).

Confimed with IE6. It's not a problem with FF2.

#389 Past from Word - error when text have "Comments" Confirmed IE Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Reciving JS error message, on cleaner screen, when i'm pasting some text from Word that have Comment inside.
It happens on my system and on fck demo and night build.

1) Open Word
2) Write some text (even 2 word's is ok)
3) mark one of words and add comment on it
4) Past text from Word to FCKEditor
KO: when you move mouse after CTRL+V, JS error jump. (error line different depends on line num)

#390 Text align should respect EnterMode=br rules Confirmed IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

When using:

FCKConfig.EnterMode = 'br' ; FCKConfig.ShiftEnterMode = 'br' ;

aligning selection inside the text, doesn't work correctly.

I have a few lines of text which are seperated by br's. I then select one of those seperated lines and click on the align center button: all text is aligned center and in the source everything is wrapped inside <p align="center"> .. </p>

Using firefox, this works correctly: only the selected line is aligned center. Here a div with align=center is added around the selected text.

Is there any way around this? (besides using p instead of br as the FCKConfig.EnterMode)

#395 Changing visual styles of parent doc Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

IE 6 under win XP

when the page with FCKEditor loaded you focus on editor area it enables toolbars then you focus out of area toolbars are still active then you click e.g. list button and outer element becomes a list

this works for strong, italic, underline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript, indent, outdent, text-align, hr, br buttons as well.

#403 Switching from HTML to Source adds \n in STYLE tag SF Confirmed IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Initial header of the page was:

<title>FCKeditor - What's New?</title>
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif; }

Second switching from HTML view to the Source view adds \n:

<title>FCKeditor - What's New?</title>
<style type="text/css">

body { font-family: Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif; }

Next one will add one more symbol of the new line and so on.

Moved from SF:

#439 IE: CTRL+Click to open links in a new window Confirmed IE Review- Martin Kou New Feature closed Normal

It does not seem possible to follow a link using IE7. For example, the "You are using FCKeditor" link in the Demo pages. NOTE: IE6 and Firefox work fine, ctrl-click and shift-click open the window.

I've had a search of the existing tickets and can't find anything relevant. However, this seems such a fundamental problem I can't believe it hasn't already been reported. Fingers crossed you've already investigated this and know of a workaround.

If there is no workaround, might I suggest adding an "Open Link" menu item to the link context menu and an "Open Link" button to the Link Editor dialog.

I had a look at the problem and I suspect the event model is incorrect for contenteditable elements. I think this event is bypassing the normal event handlers and cannot be caught.

#479 o:p tags cause linebreak problems in IE6/7 Confirmed IE Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Occurs in IE6 and IE7. Does not occur in Firefox.

How to reproduce:

In source mode, add the content: <o:p>Some Content</o:p>

Exit source mode. Press Enter.

You will find that no linebreak occurs. When you return to the source view, you will see a </o:p><o:p> was added. This occurs even if the <o:p></o:p> is between <p></p> tags.

And further, MS Word sometimes leaves a trailing <o:p></o:p> at the end of lines when importing. This results in people asking, "Why is my enter key not making a line break?"

#481 FF: Image preview doesn't display Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

In firefox only, When you select an image in image manager , the height and width are set to 0 in preview . If you want to display you must click on refresh .

#487 Click and drag resizing photos in IE7 doesn't... Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

When you insert a photo in IE 7 and resize the photo using the Image Properties windows, it works fine.

When you resize a photo by clicking on it and dragging one of the boxes, it adds stye="width: 100px; height: 100px;" to the image code and doesn't adjust the height and width variables...

When you save the page, it removes the style and leaves the image the same size.

#501 Editor loses styles in IE when switching between WYSIWYG and Source view repeatly Confirmed IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

On IE 7 the following happens (even with the online demo):

  • clear all text
  • enter 'line 1' and press <return>
  • enter 'line 2' and press <return>
  • mark all text (ctrl+a) and select the red 'Title' style from the style dropdown.
  • now switch to Source Code and you see the following (as expected):
  <p><span class="Title">
  <p>line 1</p>
  <p>line 2</p>
  • switch back to WYSIWYG view
  • switch to Source Code again and you'll see that (no span anymore):
  <p>line 1</p>
  <p>line 2</p>
  • switch back to WYSIWYG and the style is gone :-(
#519 JavaScript API documentation Confirmed V3ProtoStruct Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Task closed Normal

I think that we can try to use JSDoc to generate full documentation for the js files and that way get a better overview of the code and help the people to use better the API and get involved with the project.

I'm gonna take a look at it and do some little test to see if it can really help us. (I wanted to check if the range implementation could help me to fix a bug, but the first part is to read the file and see what methods does it provide, so having a parser that summarizes it is very helpful)

#520 Select Field doesn't accept values with & Confirmed, IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

When editing the properties of a select field, options which the text and values have ampersands, with no spaces near it, are not applied and retrieved correctly.

This is a IE only issue. Works well with Firefox.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the Select Field dialog;
  2. Add an option with text and values set to "1&2". You will not that the values will not show correctly in the list;
  3. Click ok in the dialog;
  4. Check the source. You will have <option value="1&amp;2" selected="selected">1</option> (to note "1" as innerHTML).
#523 StartupFocus=false being ignored in IE 6.0 SF Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

I started this new bug so I can attach my test files. This is actually a comment on bug [ 1313002 ] StartupFocus=false being ignored in IE 6.0.

I can confirm this behavior in version 2.2. I don't know what is happening but I managed to conjure an example. I have no clue what causes the behavior. Just try the example (test.html) on IE6.0 and see what happens. A similar behavior occurs in our application, where we try every trick in the book to prevent browser caching. If you need more info, I'll be happy to provide anything I can.

Moved from SF:

#536 Style Selection checking of parent elements Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

The Styles Configuration functionality almost does what I require. What I'd like to be able to do is define several styles, using classes, to be assigned to tables, table rows, and table cells. I can get it working, but only with tables, and only in IE.

Why not walk up the DOM when checking the Styles context sensitivity, and allow the application of styles to parent elements (just the first tag-matching parent)?

In this way, simply putting my cursor anywhere within a td would allow me to change the style of that parent td, the parent row, the parent table, etc...

I've seen this functionality in similar WYSIWYG HTML editors, and it'd be great in FCKEditor.

#543 IE7 does not understand the page-break tag IE7 Pending WorksForMe Bug closed Normal

we discovered that the [page-break] does not work properly when used on IE7.

Read :

We currently use (directly through source code in fckeditor) :

<div style="page-break-after: always; line-height: 0; height: 0px"> PAGE 1 </div> <div style="page-break-after: always; line-height: 0; height: 0px"> PAGE 2 </div> <div style="line-height: 0; height: 0px"> PAGE3 <div>

and then this page-break-after code works with IE7 (yes.... thank you Bill...)

... same code with the page-break-before does not work :-)) (please don't smile...)

Just to let you know that the function "page-break" currently in use in fckeditor does not work with IE7 (or did I miss something ?)

#550 IE fails the _tests/manual/fckeditorapi Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

IE doesn't fire the unload event of the inner frame until the whole parent window is unloaded. Simplified testcase available in [365].

This means that even if an instance of FCKeditor has been removed it's still available in the FCKeditorAPI.__Instances object.

#555 Creating Email links generates "Object doesn't support this property or method" Script Error Confirmed IE7 Bug closed Normal

Tested in Demo, and nightly build as of June 11 5:42 EST.

Use the attached text file as testing html. This problem seems to be related to something in that html.

Browser: IE7 as of June 11th fully patched only extras are Google Toolbar OS: Windows XP Pro fully patches as of June 11th

  1. Using attached file paste into fckEditor using source view
  2. Switch to WYSIWYG view
  3. Find any text. i scroll down to the 2nd table and highlight the Contact "Cathy Santiago".
  4. Click on the Link icon (the globe with the chain)
  5. Select "Email" from link type drop down
  6. Type in any email address. i used test@…
  7. Click on the OK button.

At this point i get the error message mentioned in the short summary. i'd attached a screen shot of the message and the full screen of what things look like in my browser. The FCKeditor seen there is the nightly build downloaded today June 11th around 5pm EST.

#581 FitWindow is broken if <input name="style"> is found inside the editor form Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

In IE, if a <input name="style"> field is available inside the editor's <form>, a JavaScript error is thrown when clicking in the FitWindow button.

#585 Add Welsh characters to Insert Symbol feature Review+ Martin Kou New Feature closed Normal

There is currently no support in FCK editor for the Welsh language. However we can still type information in Welsh into the text editor except for the following characters: ŵ ŷ Ŵ Ŷ.

Could these be added to the insert symbol feature to save having to insert them into a word document first and then copy and paste them into the editor?

#617 Table: TD should use style to set borderColor Review- Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

When selecting borderColor for a TD it's set as an attribute. There's no borderColor attribute for the TD element (works in most browsers, but not valid). Style="bordercolor:#xxxxxx" should be used instead.

Attaching suggested fix

#635 Open properties dialog when double clicking on objects Confirmed Review+ Minh Nguyen New Feature closed Normal

The relative dialog should open when double clicking on objects like images, anchors, flash, form buttons or even tables (in the border... IE only I guess).

#658 Half text-lines when resizing (IE) SF IE Bug closed Normal

I have placed the FCKeditor in a HTML table. The table adds a frame around the editor with a caption etc. The table is set to 100% so it will resize with the browser window. The editor is also set to 100% and will also resize.

In this configuration, the editor sometimes clips the second text line, so that everything above the 'baseline' is not visible. See attached image for an example. When the cursor is moved, the line is redrawn. But when the browser window is resized, the line dissapears again.

This problem was not noticed when the editor was not in a table and/or not resizable.

Anyone an idea for a fix or workaround?

Regards, MichaelSoft AD

Moved from SF:

#662 Perl CGI samples are broken SF Confirmed Review+ Wojciech Olchawa Bug closed Normal

Each of the _samples/perl/sample*.cgi programs includes code to override the value of $BasePath. The value for the override is computed by manipulating $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}, but it ought to be manipulating $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'} instead.

Moved from SF:

#670 CommandState Incorrect when in 'View Source' Mode Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

When in view source mode a majority of the buttons apear to be off from the editor. However a call to check state on the buttons:

oEditor.Commands.GetCommand( commandName ).GetState();

show the buttons below as still accessible, actually calling the execute function on these commands can sometimes cause problems. For example running find while in view source and actually searching for something that it finds in the source causes script errors.

Although this is not a major issue if one plans to use only the buttons in the editor, I'm attempting to add a menu bar above the buttons, and need to check state to see what buttons are available and not available at any given time.

Here is the list of buttons that show as still available:


Moved from SF:

#674 problematic cut/copy/paste with lists IE Bug confirmed Normal

When doing cut/copy/paste, frequently, bullets are left behind.

Happens when you try to delete or move up the second line in a list of at least 3.

Cut&pasting of indented bullets goes wrong most of time and you have to make manuel cleanup afterwards.

Most Cut&Paste problems are due to the fact that when you delete a bulleted or indented line, the bullet or indentation is left behind and sometimes applied to the following lines. This happens as well with Firefox as with IE.

Example :

    <p>AA </p>
  </li></ul><p>BB </p>
  • select the AA line and delete it

Result in FCK:

<ul><li>BB </li></ul>.

This bug was confirmed by another (non-moin) FCKeditor user, he also has seen it.

Moved from SF:

#676 Form field loses name if moved right after placement Confirmed IE Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

If I add an element with a filled name property and I move it right after submitting, the entered name property is lost. The bug doesn't occur if I save, or show the code first. The bug occurs for form fields e.g. a textfield. This bug also occurs on the demo site.

Maybe a related bug is the name of a link that isn't saved in the link.

Moved from SF:

#692 [SS] Some style definitions should be blocked in the combo SF Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

When displaying styles available from fckstyles.xml in styles combo each option is being styled according to the style it belongs to.

But if the style has something like "padding-left" attribute, let's say 180px, then the option becomes invisible (the padding is applied to the combo's option as well and it's being displaced completely to the right).

It's needed to introduce some !important attributes for combo's options that couldn't be overriden by styles from fckstyles.xml

Moved from SF:

#726 ieSpell & multiple editors not responding SF IE Bug confirmed Normal

If there are multiple editors on the page and there are spelling errors in more than one editor ieSpell finds and corrects the errors in the first one, highlights the first spelling error in the next one and then IEXPLORE.EXE starts using all of the CPU and is not responding.


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#738 Cannot change the button type after creating it Confirmed IE Review- Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Once inserted, one cannot change the button type of a button in a form anymore.


- Insert form
- Insert button (type = button)
- Open contextmenu of button
- Type field is disabled.

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#746 Comments inside SELECT and OPTION tags. SF Confirmed IE CantFix Bug closed Normal

Internet Explorer removes HTML comments which are inside SELECT and OPTION tags.

As an example:

<form><!-- form -->
<select><!-- select -->
<option><!-- option --></option>


<!-- form --><select>
<option selected="selected"></option>

This also proves to be a problem when working with ProtectedSource since it makes use of comments.

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#748 [IE] Contents of div with styled width wrap incorrectly IE Bug closed Normal

If two or more images of a fixed width are included in a div with a width style set to the exact sum of the width of the images, the last image will wrap around to a new line in the editor (it does not wrap outside of the editor). If the div width style is set to one pixel more than the exact sum of the width of the images, the wrap does not occur. So it appears that an extra invisible pixel is being added somewhere in the editor. This problem only occurs in Internet Explorer. If a "width=" attribute is used in the div tag instead, the problem does not occur. The same problem happens with <td> tags (when the editor table borders are turned off). The following HTML will demonstrate the problem:

<Title>FCKeditor Table Layout Issue</title>
<body bgcolor="#0000FF">
<table width="100%" height="50" border="0"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FF0000">
<tr height="50">
<td width="100%" height="50">
<table width="100%" height="50" border="0"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td bgcolor="#00FF00"

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#749 Extra paragraph break after Tables within fixed-height cells IE Bug closed Normal

If a table of a fixed height is located inside a table cell of the exact same fixed height, an extra paragraph break is displayed after the table when the content is loaded into the editor in Internet Explorer. This problem does not occur in Firefox. With web pages that use a lot of tables within tables for layout, the content can look totally different within the editor as compared to in a regular browser window. The following sample HTML demonstrates the problem:

<Title>FCKeditor Table Layout Issue</title>
<body bgcolor="#0000FF">
<table width="100%" height="50" border="0"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FF0000">
<tr height="50">
<td width="100%" height="50">
<table width="100%" height="50" border="0"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td bgcolor="#00FF00"

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#759 "Paste from Word". References become absolute. SF IE Bug closed Normal

When cutting text and images from the editor and using the button "Paste from Word" to fix problems created by word code already in a document, relative links from both images and links become absolute. I hope you can fix this in a future release.

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#760 Computer Locks up on paste IE Bug closed Normal

Each of our pages has two instances of the editor, if you open a new window so it still shows the same page (two windows each containing two editors) then try the following

copy text from new window (top box) to main window (top box)

then copy text from new window (bottom box) and try to paste in main window (bottom box)

then the whole computer crashes

This is a stupid example as nobody would want to do this but its the easiest way to replicate the bug

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#768 Image height and width in IE6 SF Confirmed IE Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Hi, if you add a new image with IE6 to the editor, it will create a correct image tag with "width" and "height" attributes. If you resize the image, you get additionally the "style" attribute with "width" and "height" and both sizes differs.


1.) Added image:

<img height="556" width="417" alt=""
src="/_userfiles/Image/DSCN0082.jpg" />

2.) Resized it (smaller):

<img style="WIDTH: 315px; HEIGHT: 451px" height="556"
alt="" width="417" src="/_userfiles/Image/DSCN0082.jpg" />

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#773 Wrong HTML-Code using IE and a Div with "height:100%;" IE SF Bug closed Normal
  1. On the FCKeditor demo

(, I click on the "source"-button (top left) and insert the following html-code:

<div id="test" style="BORDER-TOP-STYLE: solid;
<img height="21" alt="" width="60"
src="" />
<br /> <br />
This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are
using <a href="">FCKeditor</a>.
  1. After clicking on the "source"-button again, the

text shows up correctly formatted (i.e. bold applied to "sample text") in the FCKeditor.

  1. I click on the google-logo image which is displayed

inside the editable area and then on the "insert/edit link" in the toolbar to add a link to the image. A new window pops up and I'm able to enter the URL (i.e.

  1. After clicking on the "source"-button, I get the

following html-code:

<a href=""></a>
<div id="test" style="BORDER-TOP-STYLE: solid;
HEIGHT: 100%; BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: solid"><img
height="21" alt="" width="60"
src="/_userfiles/Image/pic icon.jpg" /><br />
<br />
This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are
using <a
href="">FCKeditor</a>. </div>
  1. The html-code that is produced using Internet

Explorer 6.0 is not the code that should be generated (a-tag placed around a new text instead of around the picture).

  1. When striking out the "height: 100%;" in the Div-tag

and repeating the steps, IE generates correct html-code.

I also tested it with Firefox 1.0.7 and correct html-code was generated, wheter "height: 100%;" existed or not. So it seems that only IE users are affected.

Thanks, saimen (moove[at]

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#779 Duplicate toolbars when posting to the same file SF IE Bug closed Normal

I am using the set up in sample 11 to manipulate my database. (FCKeditor/_samples/html/sample11.html)

However, instead of my Iframe file posting to a new page, I have it post back to itself.

When this happens, a second toolbar is created for my parent frame/file. Every submission of the form in the Iframe results in another toolbar being created in the parent frame.

To duplicate this error.

Change the <form> tag in the file (FCKeditor/_samples/html/sample11_frame.html) to the following:

<form action="sample11_frame.html" method="post">

Open up Interet Explorer and go directly to the sample file (FCKeditor/_samples/html/sample11.html).

Click submit and you should receive "The page cannot be displayed" error.

If you click the back button, the toolbar will be created again and stacked underneath the already existing toolbar.

If your Iframe file is a file that post back to itself, as mine is, then you get the added toolbar(s) every time the form is submitted.

Any thoughts or ways around this?

Thanks in advance.

Moved from SF:

#798 Image inside floating DIV looses selection with Context Menu SF Confirmed IE Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

If you add an image into a Div then you apply a style to the div like this <div style="float:right"><img ...> </div> if then you select the image and get the properties, it appears that all the properties are lost. But if you go to the source code you can see that they are not lost. Following the source code with debugger, I noticed that this instruction in fck_image.js

var oImage = FCK.Selection.GetSelectedElement() ;

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return an undefined element. I have tested it with IE6 on WinXP e win2003.

#805 Keystroke bypass disabled buttons in source mode SF Confirmed Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

When in source mode, certain functions are grayed out (find, font color, etc). When these functions are assigned to a keystroke they are still accessible via that keystroke.

To reproduce:

  • Assign a keystroke to Find in FCKConfig.
  • Press that keystroke while in source mode.

Result: Firebug reports error "oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument has no properties"


Noticed also that there are a lot of functions (add bullets, etc) that aren't grayed out in the button bar that also cause the same Firebug error report.


Moved from SF:

#808 Show table size while changing size SF IE New Feature confirmed Normal

It would be nice to see the table width height and differences to the original table while dragging the sizing buttons.

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#822 Add <th> tag support SF Confirmed Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo New Feature closed Normal

Be able to add and edit <th> (table header) tags.

Moved from SF:

#880 Organize the code in namespaces SF Confirmed V3ProtoStruct Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature closed Normal

Hello all, I have been taking a look at FCKeditor as an HTMLArea control and I must say I really like what I see. I am going to look into tweaking the code in order place it in a YUI-esque class structure. I’d like to detail what I’m looking at doing to see if you’d be interested in integrating it back into the main project. If you've not yet taken a look at YUI its got some REALLY cool ideas - The best thing I've learned from the YUI is its awesome use of class structures. Basically, everything Yahoo has released in its YUI is housed under a single 'global' JavaScript variable named 'YAHOO'. So, if you want to use the calendar, you access it via 'YAHOO.widget.Calendar', if you want to use the DOM module, you access it via 'YAHOO.util.Dom'. I can see that with fairly little effort, the FCKeditor could be modified to work in the same fashion. For example...

var FCKeditor = function( instanceName, width, height,
toolbarSet, value )

would be changed to...

FCK.editor = function( instanceName, width, height,
toolbarSet, value )

Thanks to the FCKeditor's current use of JavaScript objects (‘var FCKeditor = function’), it would be pretty simple to modify it to function like the YUI. Plus the only JavaScript naming restrictions users would have to abide by is not having a variable/function named 'FCK'. I’ve used this idea with much success in one or my own projects. All of my JavaScript now resides under a single variable/class structure and I believe the FCKeditor could also benefit. Anyway… I’ve attached the base creator .js for the FCK variable/class. If you’re interested in using this idea throughout the project, please do let me know.

Moved from SF:

#898 Add EditorAreaCSS to image preview SF Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo New Feature closed Normal

It would be a nice improvement for the image preview pane to view the image in the context of the current editor area CSS file. To do this, I've added this code to the <head> of the fck_image_preview.html file: (inside the exisiting <script>)

// Sets the editor area CSS
if (window.parent.FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS.length > 0)
document.write( '<link href="' +
window.parent.FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS + '"
type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">' ) ;

Moved from SF:

#922 Generic EMBED and OBJECT placeholder Confirmed Review- Martin Kou New Feature closed Normal

Display a generic placeholder for <object> and <embed> tags, similar to the flash placeholder:

  • The default "plugin" icon (a puzzle) should be used for that.
  • It would be nice to have a plugin system which makes it possible to defined object handlers, which are called for each object/embed tag to customize the the placeholder. It would replace the current Flash processor and open the API to easily handle other kinds of objects (like videos, MP3, etc...).
  • A dialog to handle the default attributes for those tags could be also developed, but this is not a requirement for the first implementaiton.
  • It seams that IE "activates" those kinds of objects, and some attributes could be lost because of it. Therefore, these tags should be "protected" (FCK.ProtectTags) before processing (FCKDocumentProcessor).
#934 FCKEditor in modaldialog with plugin Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

Here at Infoland we have a problem using the fckEditor. When using the fckeditor in a modaldialog, we're getting a javascript error when closing the dialog. The error is: "Can't execute code from a freed script".

It seems to be a timing issue since it doesn't occur every time. We've traced the problem to the point where the fckEditor seems to fire an onblur event. The error occurs in FCKFocumManager_FireOnBlur, which calls an anonymous function. Within this anonymous function, the error occurs. But since the code is "compiled", I can't make heads or tails of the code being executed. It's trying to execute a function in an array Called D at position i. So that's not helping. How should I continue to pinpoint the problem and solve it, because we really need this thing to work?


I've narrowed the problem down quite a bit. I attach an onblur event to the fckeditor in the "FCKeditor_OnComplete" function. This works fine until i load a plugin I created. Once i add the plugin (not even add the toolbarbutton that uses the plugin) the problem occurs. Although the plugin doesn't do anything with onblur events

I've created a testcase to reproduce the problem

#947 form elements are resizable in IE only running from the filesystem and path contains an space Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

As reported in

My tests show that a textarea can be resized only if the editor is running from the filesystem, not from a server, and if the path contains at least a space.

#957 Enter key after placeholder starts a new colored span in the next line Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open sample06.html with Firefox;
  2. Place the cursor at the end of the line;
  3. Insert a Placeholder there;
  4. Move the cursor and then move again to the end of the line (right "after" the placeholder) with a mouse click;
  5. Hit Enter and type some text.

The following tag will be created in the new line:

<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); cursor: default;">
#958 Context menu - supporting parameters Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo New Feature closed Normal

I have searched for this feature, but haven't found it.

What we need is the support for passing parameters from context menu item. We have implemented a list of paragraph styles in the context menu

 |--- Style 1
      Style 2
      Style 3

"Style 1", "Style 2" and "Style 3" will all call a function named "SetParagraphStyle". This function will assign the current <p> paragraph to a css class name. This class name is the param we need to send to this function.

I can't see that the AddItem method supports parameters.

Is this something that could be implemented? Or are there any workarounds?

#970 Select Field dialogue: controls get outside of dialogue when field contains long values Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

The screenshot explains it all, actually.

  1. Open a FCKeditor demo. Any will do.
  2. Add a very long value to the select field.
  3. The buttons on the right will move out of the visible part of the window, as the <select> needs more space.


#975 Pressing enter does not exit list mode with bold and italics text. Confirmed IE Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Normally, if you enter a blank line while in the numbered or bulleted list mode, you would exit the list mode. However, if both bold and italics are enabled, a blank line would not exit list mode.

Steps to reproduce.

  1. Enable bold and italics formatting.
  2. Enable either the numbered or bulleted list mode.
  3. Enter in some text and press enter to create a list item.
  4. Try to exit list mode by pressing enter again.

You would stay in list mode no matter how many enters you press.

Note that this bug does not occur if the text is only bold or only italics. It must be both bold and italics.

This bug is reproducible on both IE6 and FF2. I can also reproduce it on the latest nightly build.

#977 XHTML validation fails for imagemap shapes (rect, default, circle, poly) - should be lowercase Confirmed IE Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Hi there,

According to XHTML standard (see, shape attributes in image maps are supposed to be lower-case (shape = "default|rect|circle|poly") - but every time I switch between WYSIWYG and source view, FCKEditor changes the shape attributes to uppercase, so:

<map id="banner_top">
<area alt="Load Ecclesiact Home Page"
href="" coords="15,26,265,111"
shape="rect" /></map>


<map id="banner_top">
<area alt="Load Ecclesiact Home Page"
href="" coords="15,26,265,111"
shape="RECT" /></map>

When I validate the following minimal fragment at it passes, but after FCKEditor has changed the shape from rect to RECT it fails:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<p><map id="banner_top">
<area alt="Load Ecclesiact Home Page"
href="" coords="15,26,265,111"
shape="rect" /></map></p>

Can this be fixed?

Please let me know if this issue is on your 'to fix' list - Thanks

Martin Francis, Canada <>< (My email name is martin and the domain is classaxe com)

#979 Tab key behavior Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

Ideally we should uniformize the tab behavior considering the following variations (ordered by priority):

  • If FCKConfig.TabSpaces > 0, the configured number of spaces should be inserted in the selection, no matter the cursor position.
  • A new setting named BlurOnTab, or something like that, should be created to be able to set the editor to loose the focus when hitting tab, moving to the next field in the form (just like any other form field).
  • And finally the default behavior: no action on the text, and possibly reflecting Firefox's behavior for tables on all browsers: TAB and SHIFT+TAB to navigate between cells, or to add a new row if positioned in the last cell. (#775 and #891)
#982 The "Clean Up Box" button in Paste from Word is confusing Confirmed Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Pasting from Word...

When I paste from Word... I get the popup box... and it is easy to use...

But some of my users... find the button "Clean Up Box" confusing... because they think it refers to the actual process of converting "word" to "html" (a process of cleaning up the text)... so the users get very confused when it actually empties the box.

Could this button be renamed to: "Empty Box" .

#984 Copy icon in toolbar activated on mouse click Confirmed IE Safari Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

The copy icon in the toolbar is activated after a mouse click in the editor even if no text is selected. It should not be active when there is no selection (nothing to copy).

Confirmed in the demo version of fckeditor at

#985 plugin update is not correct in floating div Confirmed IE Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

When updating the PlaceHolder in a floating div, FCK insert a new one.


  1. Add a Div, and float it left.
    <div style="border:1px solid red; float:left;">this is a div</div>
  2. Switch to WYSIWYG view, and add a PlaceHolder in the Div
  3. Double click the placeholder, and modify its content in the dialog window, click ok.
  4. Fck adds a new placeholder instead of updating it.
#992 CTRL+X in Source View throws error Confirmed IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

When trying to cut in source view with CTRL+X, a JavaScript error is thrown. It seams to be an IE only issue.

#994 Unable to add text below a DIV if the DIV is the last line of a document Confirmed IE Firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

1: Go to FCKeditor Demo at
2: Click the New Page toolbar button and then the Source button
3: In Source view, enter the following HTML: <div style="border-bottom: green 2px solid">Just some text</div>

  1. Return to non-source view by clicking the Source button
  2. Attempt to add text into document in this view after the green line.

The cursor is always placed just after the last 't' and it's not possible to get it in a place that is outside of the DIV.

#1005 It isn't possible to insert a PlaceHolder in IE Confirmed IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

This is a regression, 2.4.3 worked fine.

Load sample06.html in IE6, put the cursor inside some text and try to insert a PlaceHolder with any text, it just won't work.

Debugging it, the problem is in internals/fckdomrange_ie.js before the oIERange.pasteHTML('') ; in line 118 the body contains the empty span (and sometimes and extra &nbsp; after or before it), but after it is executed the span is removed, so when it is returned to the plugin, the span isn't in the document and it won't be shown.

#1026 Undo should remember the cursor position Confirmed IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

When I have written a text and press undo the cursor is moved to the end of the document. This is not good when changing text inside a large article. The undo/redo system should remember the cursor position along with the snapshot.

Verified in IE7 nightly build (r598).

#1034 Cursor position is wrong when hitting Enter in a control selection Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

With IE, the cursor position is wrong when hitting Enter in a control selection. Ok with Firefox.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Insert an image in the middle of some text (a smiley, for example).
  2. Click on the image to select it.
  3. Hit [Enter].

The paragraph will be correctly split, but the cursor position will not be at the start of the second block. The effect is even worst if adding the image at the end of the paragraph.

It was working properly with version 2.4.3. Tested with IE7.

#1037 [IE] Proportional image resize by control point IE New Feature closed Normal

FireFox has the functionality we would expect: Wenn you click on an image and drag on an edge - the image resizes proportional. It is desirable that IE 6/7 has the same behaviour.

#1040 Cannot select Normal and Normal (DIV) from the Format dropdown menu. Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
  1. At the Formal dropdown window, select Normal or Normal (DIV) from the dropdown menu.
  2. Notice when the dropdown menu closes, you have a blank Format window.
#1041 In FCKeditor, after Removing a Link, type a space and the Link will return. Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal
  1. click on the Insert/Edit Link button.
  2. When the Link dialog box opens, in the URL field, enter a link e.g. and click on OK.

  1. The Link dialog box closes and will be displayed in the

message panel.

  1. Highlight the link in the message panel and in the toolbar

click on the "Remove Link" button.

  1. Notice in the link, the underscore is removed.
  2. Cursor in the text panel and cursor should now be blinking behind the

letter m of .

  1. Hit the space bar in the keyboard once and notice the link:

becomes a link again.

  1. Workaround: Hit a space after the link: before clicking on

the "Remove Link" then the underscore will not return.

#1043 Undo system not saving selection position changes. Confirmed IE Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the bug:

  1. Open sample01.html.
  2. Press Enter at the end of the line, and type "some more text here" at the new line.
  3. Select "You are using".
  4. Press Ctrl-X, then Ctrl-Z. The selection should be restored correctly.
  5. Select "This is some".
  6. Press Ctrl-X, then Ctrl-Z. The old "You are using" selection is restored.
#1044 Save undo snapshot causes JavaScript error in IE Confirmed IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the bug:

  1. Go to sample01.html.
  2. Delete everything in the editor document.
  3. Create an empty table.
  4. Click the "Source" button three times.
  5. JavaScript error occurs, preventing the user from entering Source mode.
#1055 onerror handler for editing area Confirmed HasPatch Review+ Martin Kou New Feature closed Normal

In FCKEditingArea one can see the commented lines with a todo task.

// IE: Avoid JavaScript errors thrown by the editing are source (like tags events).
// TODO: This error handler is not being fired.
// this.Window.onerror = function() { alert( 'Error!' ) ; return true ; }

Fortunately I've found a possible solution. An error handler can be attached to the iframe's content window by adding the script tag that does it during the rendering of iframe's body (see below). It seems that the dynamic attaching of the handler is not implemented in IE.

var oDoc = this.Document = this.Window.document ; ;
oDoc.write('<script>window.onerror = function() { alert( 'Error!' ) ; return true ; };</scr'+'ipt>') ;
oDoc.write( html ) ;
oDoc.close() ;

#1077 Merge/split cell bugs Confirmed IE Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

The first bug is that vertical cell merging in Firefox does not work.

Reproduction procedure:

  1. Create a new table.
  2. Select two adjacent cells in a column.
  3. Right click -> Cells -> Merge cells.
  4. The cells aren't merged.

The second bug is that the horizontal split cell command produces "inefficient" tables. Reproduction procedure:

  1. Create a 3x3 table.
  2. Select a row with 3 cells, and merge them. (or "Merge Right" twice in IE)
  3. Now split the merged cell.
  4. Go to source mode.
  5. Notice that for all rows, the first cell of the row has a colspan=2, which is excessive.
#1081 Restore table with undo deletes body element and causes javascript error Confirmed IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal


  1. Create a table
  2. Move the cursor to the paragraph above the table
  3. Press "del" to delete the table
  4. Press "CTRL-Z" to restore the table
  5. Javascript error because of body element beeing deleted

Tested in Nightly build with IE7

The bug does not seem to apply when the table is deleted as a control object (selected and then deleted)

#1083 Cursor is placed outside of table but not inside next/previous paragraph Confirmed IE Discussion Bug closed Normal


  1. Create a table
  2. Click the mouse outside of the table (either just before or after)
  3. The cursor is placed outside of the table at the height of the last row
  4. When starting to write the cursor is moved to the correct position (either into the paragraph above or the paragraph below).

Tested in nightly build with IE7

The wrongly placed cursor is a bit confusing for the user.

#1089 Multiple <br> tags are not rendered in a <pre> block under IE. Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

Reproduction procedure:

  1. Type some text in the editor under IE
  2. Change the text to "Formatted" in the format menu.
  3. Press Enter twice inside the formatted text.
  4. Press Enter even more, say, ten times.
  5. No matter how many times you pressed Enter, there is only one line break.
  6. Switch to Source mode, you'll notice that there are many <br> tags where you pressed Enter, but all of them translated to only one line break in WYSIWYG mode.
#1094 When applying bold/italic to text in the end of a paragraph the non break space is also selected Confirmed IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new paragraph
  2. Write a text
  3. Select all text in paragraph (but not paragraph)
  4. Apply bold or italic
  5. The non break space is selected
  6. Press delete and the whole paragraph is deleted and not only original selected word.

Tested in IE7 and nightly build.

#1101 Pasted links have forced font color in IE IE CantFix Bug closed Normal

When I copy and paste text with link in IE6/IE7 (from fckeditor text to fckeditor text) the:

<a href="XXX">YYY</a>


<a href="XXX"><font color="#0000ff">YYY</font></a>

#1150 <br type="_moz" /> appearing in Source mode Confirmed Firefox Opera Safari Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Reproduction Procedure:

  1. Go to sample12.html
  2. Change Enter mode to BR
  3. Ctrl-A, Delete in the document to delete everything
  4. Type "line1" <Enter>
  5. Type "line2" <Enter>
  6. Type "line3" <Enter>
  7. Switch to Source mode
  8. Switch back to WYSIWYG mode
  9. Go to the end of the document, press Enter
  10. Switch to Source mode
  11. Now the last line of the HTML code reads "<br type="_moz" />".. which shouldn't happen.

The issue can be reproduced on Opera, Firefox and Safari

#1152 [IE] InsertHtml doesn't insert nodes at the cursor position when foucs is lost IE Bug closed Normal

In IE6/7, when I use InsertHTML from outside the FCKEditor, meaning it is not in focus, it always inserts the nodes at the beginning of the page, not at the cursor position...

In FF it works fine.

#1156 Adding new element to a sublist breaks the list Confimed IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Ok, this one is a bit tricky to explain, but I will try, I've reproduced this bug several times.


  1. Go to nightly build sample01.html with IE7
  2. Select all text (ctrl-a) press delete.
  3. Write a sentence
  4. With cursor inside sentence - press numbered list icon
  5. Go to end of sentence and press enter and start to write sentence as element number 2
  6. After writing the sentence press the indentation icon to move the current element to a sub list (1.1)
  7. Press enter right afterwards
  8. The next element is not created as a element of this sublist but added as a orphan list element after the main numbered list.

Source code created by editor:

<blockquote dir="ltr" style="margin-right: 0px"></blockquote>
#1157 IE,IE7:Templates carriage return not honoured Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

If you create a template such as:


In IE6, you will get as wikitext:

{{aa bb}}

Firefox works just fine. Any idea?

#1204 Format combo starts with wrong value Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Load sample01.html in IE.

Note that the Format combo shows "Heading 1". It is much probably getting the style for the <h1> title of the test page, outside the editing area.

#1214 IE: "colspan" collapses wikitext. Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

When editing pages using IE6, the wikitext button does not work, pre-exisiting content that used an older FCKEditor conaining spanned table columns cannot be edited in the rich editor. Also, links get duplicated over and over in pages of this type. A java script error occurs when clicking the wikitext button. The error is object does not support this property or method. See the discussion page on the MediWiki+FCKEditor.

Firefox works correctly.

#1220 IE: Hitting Backspace after a link removes it istead of deleting a char Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

Hitting Backspace after links makes text unlinked not removes the symbol before caret.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Load sample01.html
  2. Place caret immediately after the link before period.
  3. Press Backspace.

Tested with IE 6.o

#1229 <pre> should be merged when applied to multiple paragraphs Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

When I use the format "Formatted" every newline leads to a new "Formatted" text block. I would expect that all text that is entered will be shown in the samen text block.

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