
Jul 11, 2010:

8:30 PM Ticket #5954 (on click print a paragraph is inserted) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: This is not related to the print command, just switching again to …
12:29 PM Ticket #5954 (on click print a paragraph is inserted) created by aquananu
i just tested c k editor lates version even yesterdays nightly build …
10:22 AM Changeset [5691] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Missing colon mark in the html sample.

Jul 10, 2010:

12:16 PM Ticket #5953 (CKEditor window not loading when link passed from private site) created by Nirbhasa
We have CKEditor on a Drupal site public.com with the CKEditor …

Jul 9, 2010:

8:58 PM Ticket #5925 (Read-only regions modifiable via find/replace) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Changes are committed with [5690].
8:57 PM Changeset [5690] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#5925: Find and replace should respect readonly elements.
8:12 PM Changeset [5689] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Post fixing #5909.
8:07 PM Changeset [5688] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Re-committing #5909 due to missing language updates and incorrect file …
7:36 PM Ticket #4606 (AutoGrow plugin) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5687].
7:35 PM Changeset [5687] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#4606: Port AutoGrow to CKEditor 3.x
5:10 PM Ticket #5952 (window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH ignored) created by Maciej Wiercinski
I'm using PHP5 object to generate CKEditor instances. The resulting …
4:33 PM Ticket #5565 (Erratic scrollbar behavior when opening a rich combo with RTL) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
4:32 PM Changeset [5686] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#5565: Scrollbar in a RTL page now behaves normally when opening a …
4:26 PM Changeset [5685] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
#5927 Use .controlStyle in the definition of an ui.dialog.element to …
3:47 PM Ticket #5882 (Fire event when a page is switched in a dialog (OnDialogTabChange in v2)) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [5684]
3:47 PM Changeset [5684] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
#5882 new event dialog#selectPage
3:42 PM Ticket #5914 (Correction for cursor in smiley dialog) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [5683]
3:42 PM Changeset [5683] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
#5914 Adjust the cursor and active elements in the smiley dialog.
2:49 PM Ticket #4997 (ui.dialog.file doesnt' apply events to the input and doesn't return ...) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [5682]
2:25 PM Changeset [5682] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
#4997 Corrections in ui.dialog.file to wrap correctly the native input …
2:22 PM Ticket #5950 (getSelection IE7 & IE6 = is null or not an object) closed by thinkap
invalid: The problem with IE is that it doesn't preserve the selection on …
2:20 PM Ticket #5441 (Fix for #3812 breaks CKEditor in IE when editor instance is no longer ...) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [5681]
2:19 PM Changeset [5681] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
#5441 Avoid errors if the instance is removed from the DOM before …
1:58 PM Ticket #5951 (Security problems due to the use of UniversalXPConnect) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [5680]
1:58 PM Changeset [5680] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
#5951 Remove the usage of UniversalXPConnect to avoid problems with …
1:41 PM Ticket #5943 (Incorrect handling of height and width value in image dialog) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
1:40 PM Changeset [5679] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#5943: Values with percent sign or px suffix are now handled correctly …
12:10 PM Ticket #5909 (BIDI: Support for switching base language is required) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5678].
11:59 AM Changeset [5678] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #5909 BIDI: Support for switching base language is required
11:55 AM Ticket #5780 (Text selection disappears when open the link dialog) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: In any case, please do not reopen this ticket for this issue, as it's …
8:26 AM Ticket #5951 (Security problems due to the use of UniversalXPConnect) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Two people have reported problems with their security suites due to …
8:24 AM Ticket #5911 (BIDI: List items should support and retain correct base language direction) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5677].
8:24 AM Ticket #5436 ([[IE]] Cursor goes to next Table Cell after we insert a Smiley in the ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5676].
8:24 AM Ticket #5580 (Maximize does not work properly in the Office 2003 and V2 skins) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5675].
8:24 AM Ticket #5079 (Page break in lists move to above the list when you switch from ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5674].
8:24 AM Ticket #5728 (Text field & Upload Button in Upload Tab of Image Properties dialog ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5673].
8:24 AM Ticket #5832 (Jquery adapter sample and SSL) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5672].
8:24 AM Ticket #5843 (In CKEditor 3.3: When we set the focus in the 'instanceReady' event, ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5671].
8:24 AM Ticket #5435 ([[IE]] we can't start Numbered/Bulleted list in Tables by Clicking on ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5670].
8:21 AM Ticket #5415 (Undo not working when we change the Table Properties for the table on ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5669].
8:20 AM Changeset [5677] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #5911 BIDI: List items should support and retain correct base …
8:19 AM Changeset [5676] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #5436 IE? Cursor goes to next Table Cell after we insert a …
8:18 AM Changeset [5675] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #5580 Maximize does not work properly in the Office 2003 and V2 skins
8:15 AM Changeset [5674] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #5079 Page break in lists move to above the list when you switch …
8:14 AM Changeset [5673] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #5728 Text field & Upload Button in Upload Tab of Image …
7:58 AM Changeset [5672] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #5832 Jquery adapter sample and SSL
7:56 AM Changeset [5671] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #5843 In CKEditor 3.3: When we set the focus in the …
7:55 AM Changeset [5670] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #5435 IE? we can't start Numbered/Bulleted list in Tables by …
7:52 AM Changeset [5669] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #5415 Undo not working when we change the Table Properties for …

Jul 8, 2010:

3:55 PM Ticket #5950 (getSelection IE7 & IE6 = is null or not an object) created by thinkap
When i try to extract the selected text from the editor i receive the …
3:29 PM CP/Oracle edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
3:26 PM CP/IBM edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
12:11 PM Ticket #4666 (IE - selection is not visible when context menu is opened) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Great, feel free to open the ticket again for any new discovery.
9:59 AM Ticket #5949 (IE8 Cursor jumps out of Table cell when we click on a Table Cell) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect 1. Open Ajax sample & Create a Table …
5:48 AM Ticket #5948 (IE8 delete list element bug) created by littlpower
When I create a list <ol> elment under a <p> element * The example is …

Jul 7, 2010:

5:56 PM Ticket #5933 (Text/Background Color panels have scrollbars) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5668], thanks @comp615!
5:55 PM Changeset [5668] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#5933: Text color and background color panels don't have scrollbars …
5:19 PM Ticket #5947 ([IE] Selection highlight removed when context menu is opened.) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
duplicate: DUP of #4666.
4:31 PM Ticket #5947 ([IE] Selection highlight removed when context menu is opened.) created by Joe Kavanagh
When text is selected and the context menu is opened the selection …
3:52 PM Ticket #5100 (Context menu items are draggable in Firefox and Safari) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: This is basically the same trick used in v2, I just looked at what …
3:51 PM Changeset [5667] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
#5100 Avoid dragging of elements part of the interface.
3:02 PM Ticket #5887 (Make the smilies table's columns number configurable) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5666].
3:02 PM Changeset [5666] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#5887: The number of columns in the smilies table is now configurable …
2:18 PM Ticket #4615 (Dialog fields are disrupted in RTL mode and IE) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5665].
2:17 PM Changeset [5665] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#4615: [IE] Text fields are no longer disrupted in dialog with RTL.
2:11 PM Ticket #5687 (Colors navigation in the colorbutton panel is incompatible with RTL) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5664].
2:11 PM Changeset [5664] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#5687: Navigation through colors is now compatible with RTL.
2:07 PM Ticket #4779 (Setting CKEditor width should automatically adjust resize_minWidth) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [5663]
2:06 PM Changeset [5663] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
#4779 Adjust resize_minWidth to actual dimensions.
1:22 PM Ticket #5946 ([FF] Cut commad removing paragraph id attribute.) created by Joe Kavanagh
1. Copy the following HTML into an editor instance in source mode. <p …
10:07 AM Ticket #5892 (Table tab behavior interfering with customized tab behavior) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
8:10 AM Ticket #5928 (Problems with CKEDITOR_BASEPATH and Domino install) closed by oiha
invalid: What can I say: Sorry for the inconvenience. It turns out that the …
7:07 AM Ticket #5913 (Wrong text updated in firefox 3.6.6 / CKEditor 3.0.1 (revision 4391)) closed by jao
worksforme: I found out that it was caused by the jQuery layout plugin. More …

Jul 6, 2010:

12:13 PM Ticket #5945 (FF - issues with keyboard Navigation when we insert a page break in ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect: 1. Open Ajax sample. 2. Insert some …
11:55 AM Ticket #5944 (Menu button does not display sometimes in high contrast mode.) created by Joe Kavanagh
When in high contrast mode, navigating with the keyboard to a menu …
11:16 AM Ticket #5943 (Incorrect handling of height and width value in image dialog) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
=== Steps to reproduce === * Open a sample in IE and open the image …
11:10 AM Ticket #5802 (Text unselecting when anchor dialog box is opened) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: dup of #5780
10:43 AM Ticket #5736 (Default "mailto" links look ugly) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [5662]
10:43 AM Changeset [5662] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
#5736 Improve the visible text for mailto: links
8:19 AM Ticket #5941 (FCK Icons not diplaying properly in Fire Fox) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
worksforme: That means that there's a broken path or you have forgotten to upload …
4:56 AM Ticket #5942 (Link plugin not registering a selected link when <br> is inside <a>) created by David
The link plugin is not registering a selected link when a <br> is …
1:32 AM Ticket #5941 (FCK Icons not diplaying properly in Fire Fox) created by Alex F
I am testing FCKeditor 2.6.6. The icons display fine in IE 8.0.6, but …

Jul 5, 2010:

9:11 PM Changeset [5661] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Apply some default styling for fieldsets. Microchange.
9:06 PM Ticket #5886 (Table cell dialog: change spacer() to a constant) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Applied as MicroChange
9:02 PM Changeset [5660] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Cleanup in table cell dialog.
5:48 PM cla edited by Charlie
3:38 PM Changeset [5659] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Merged the 3.4.x branch [5550-5658].
3:34 PM Ticket #5940 (Unlinking removes entire link) created by Karen Ananiev
Unlink should remove only selected text for non-collapsed range.
3:32 PM Ticket #5939 (Attributes of PRE blocks are lost after merging in styles plugin) created by Karen Ananiev
Styles plugin loses the attributes of PRE blocks in mergePre and toPre …
3:28 PM Ticket #5938 (Enter into dt/dd elements should toggle these tags) created by Karen Ananiev
Enter at the end of DT element should create new DD element and vice versa.
3:25 PM Ticket #5937 (Shift+Enter into PRE blocks should not copy attributes) created by Karen Ananiev
1. Add the code: […] 2. Toggle to WYSIWYG mode and move …
3:20 PM Ticket #5936 (The second click on menu button should hide menu) created by Karen Ananiev
The first click on SCAYT button opens menu, the second click should …
3:18 PM Ticket #5935 (Unwanted code indentation in pre blocks) created by Karen Ananiev
1. Create ul/ol list 2. Select Formatted paragraph format …
3:12 PM Ticket #5934 (Scroll on pasting to long block) created by Karen Ananiev
1. Create formatted block 2. Paste long code (it should be …
3:03 PM Ticket #5933 (Text/Background Color panels have scrollbars) created by Karen Ananiev
Open Skins example. Note that Text/Background Color panels have …
2:58 PM Ticket #5932 (Unable to change table align with justify buttons) created by Karen Ananiev
1. Create new paragraph. 2. Create new table. 3. Create …
2:51 PM Ticket #5931 (Unable to change font-size) created by Karen Ananiev
1. Open an example and select all text. 2. Set font-size to …
2:44 PM Changeset [5658] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed the changelog titles.
2:20 PM Changeset [5657] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updated the bugtrac:url property.
2:17 PM Changeset [5656] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Merged trunk [5587-5651].
1:29 PM Changeset [5655] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Deleted the "4210" branch, as it has been already incorporated on trunk.
1:28 PM Changeset [5654] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Deleted the "aria" branch, as it has been already incorporated on trunk.
1:28 PM Changeset [5653] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Deleted the "pasting" branch, as it has been already incorporated on trunk.
1:27 PM Changeset [5652] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Deleted the "paste" branch, as it has been already incorporated on trunk.
1:21 PM Changeset [5651] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Minor fixes.
12:09 PM Ticket #5923 ([PATCH] switch SCAYT plug-in to use SCAYT core 2.5) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [5650].
12:09 PM Changeset [5650] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#5923 : Updated the SCAYT plug-in to use SCAYT core 2.5.
11:57 AM Ticket #5929 (Cursor not move inside style elements) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
duplicate: DUP of #1272
9:48 AM Ticket #5930 (htmldataprocessor: fix for convert style attributes to lowercase in IE) created by Juergen
File: _source/plugins/htmldataprocessor/plugin.js (Starting line 240) …
9:37 AM Ticket #5929 (Cursor not move inside style elements) created by Alessandro
I'm not sure if this is a bug (i.e. the code say A and does B), but …
8:10 AM Ticket #5928 (Problems with CKEDITOR_BASEPATH and Domino install) created by oiha
I have read through the forum and ticket history and see there has …
7:09 AM Ticket #5581 (Jumping scrollbar in IE7) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
duplicate: I've moved your reproduction scenario and proposed fix to ticket in …
3:42 AM Ticket #5581 (Jumping scrollbar in IE7) reopened by phil
Hi, I applied your patch and it didn't fix this bug. Please re-test …

Jul 3, 2010:

8:18 PM Ticket #5927 (Option to specify custom styles to apply just to the control element ...) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Currently it's a little hard to do nice designs with the dialog.ui …

Jul 2, 2010:

6:27 PM Ticket #5926 (Read-only regions, copy context menu action should be available) created by Lynne Kues
3.4 Beta Run the code example. Select the read-only region. Select …
6:21 PM Ticket #5925 (Read-only regions modifiable via find/replace) created by Lynne Kues
3.4 Beta Run the code example which uses contentEditable=false. Open …
3:47 PM Ticket #5924 (Allow flash plugin to recognize flash content without embed tag) created by jstrahan
The Flash Plugin does not recognize flash content unless an embed tag …
3:21 PM Ticket #5923 ([PATCH] switch SCAYT plug-in to use SCAYT core 2.5) created by WebSpellChecker.net
11:23 AM Ticket #5922 (Invalid height of a dialog in IE7) created by Wiktor Walc
It looks like the 'html' element is not properly handled in IE7. …
10:28 AM Ticket #5919 (Table tab behavior and accessibility) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: The code already includes ALT+ARROW-DOWN and ALT+ARROW-UP as …
10:03 AM Ticket #5920 (Prevent parsing of Custom Tags (protect tags but render anyways)) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: Evidently, you cannot have HTML in the macros, because it'll be …
7:37 AM Ticket #5921 (Unable to move cursor below a DIV if the DIV is the last element) created by Trinitonn
Steps to reproduce: 1. Start with a editor clean of any HTML. 2. …

Jul 1, 2010:

10:44 PM Ticket #5920 (Prevent parsing of Custom Tags (protect tags but render anyways)) created by Freizeitsoldat
Hello, i have a problem regarding some custom tags. I´m using the …
5:25 PM Ticket #5919 (Table tab behavior and accessibility) created by Lynne Kues
3.4 Beta Currently in the table there is no way to get out of it. …
2:43 PM Ticket #5918 (BIDI: [IE8] Paragraphs with dir="rtl" display with resize handles) created by Damian
When using IE8 in non-compatibility mode, any paragraph that has …
2:06 PM Changeset [5649] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Minor fixes on coding style and documentation.
12:47 PM Changeset [5648] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Minor coding style fixes.
12:33 PM Changeset [5647] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Reverted improper changes to the configuration file.
10:04 AM Ticket #5917 (How to put custom image browser??) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: Please use our forums for discussions …
9:45 AM Ticket #5917 (How to put custom image browser??) created by Anush
Hi team, just started using FCK editor. I am creating one java-struts …
9:07 AM Ticket #5916 (Make the special character dialog extendable) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
duplicate: This feature (and related) are already pending review in #5599. …
7:22 AM Ticket #5916 (Make the special character dialog extendable) created by Wiktor Walc
Right now if someone wants to add special characters to the dialog …

Jun 30, 2010:

9:18 PM Ticket #5915 (ImageDlgHideLink not ported from V2) created by Wiktor Walc
Either I'm missing something or we forgot to port those settings: - …
8:27 PM Ticket #5914 (Correction for cursor in smiley dialog) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Currently the smiley dialog only shows the pointer icon while hovering …
5:53 PM Ticket #5913 (Wrong text updated in firefox 3.6.6 / CKEditor 3.0.1 (revision 4391)) created by jao
when I select a few words in CKEditor and I choose Heading 1 from the …
5:19 PM Ticket #5912 (BIDI: it should be possible to set the base language direction of tables) created by Damian
It should be possible to set the language direction of a table and to …
5:16 PM Ticket #5911 (BIDI: List items should support and retain correct base language direction) created by Damian
It should be possible to set correct base language direction for …
5:03 PM Ticket #5910 (BIDI: Indentation should work with mixed BIDI documents) created by Damian
Direction sensitive operations like indentation and alignment should …
4:38 PM Ticket #5909 (BIDI: Support for switching base language is required) created by Damian
The editor should provide an easy method for a user to switch the base …
3:21 PM Changeset [5646] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#5905: Reverted [5500], so SCAYT is not any more enabled by default.
2:46 PM Ticket #5907 (Indentation should be done with CSS2 text-indent property to support a11y) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
wontfix: Please note that text-indent is a different feature, and it's behavior …
2:33 PM Ticket #5908 (Docs Enhancement: Plugins with dynamic URLs) created by Rodney Rehm
Hi there, haven't been able to upgrade to 3.1, yet. So this is in …
1:49 PM Ticket #5907 (Indentation should be done with CSS2 text-indent property to support a11y) created by Damian
When using JAWS and editing content, the indentation level of …
12:52 PM Ticket #5906 (Editor is flickering when we click the Format/Font/Size control) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
duplicate: DUP of #5565
11:28 AM Changeset [5645] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed a typo introduced with [5637] in the changelog.
10:13 AM WikiStart edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
10:13 AM WikiStart edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
10:13 AM Contribute edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
10:08 AM WikiStart edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
10:08 AM TicketLifeCycle edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
10:04 AM WikiStart edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
10:02 AM WikiStart edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Removing the test entry as it's outdated. (diff)
10:00 AM SVN edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
9:59 AM SVN edited by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
9:59 AM Ticket #5906 (Editor is flickering when we click the Format/Font/Size control) created by Senthil
In Quirks and RTL mode, when we select the Format/Font/Size control …
9:12 AM Ticket #5905 (SCAYT Spellchecker & Dojo Toolkit) created by Max van der Stam
When using Dojo Toolkit (tested with 1.4) and an initialized CKEditor …

Jun 29, 2010:

6:07 PM Ticket #5904 (dataReady event fires before data is actually ready) created by Wesley Walser
When setting content into a CKEditor instance the dataReady event …
2:39 PM Ticket #5903 (Resizing flash object causes selection display to be incorrect) created by Charlie
Tested on FF 3.6.3, Win XP. NOTE: This problem does NOT happen on the …
12:54 PM Ticket #5900 ([IE7] CKEditor looses content when Google toolbar spell check button used.) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
wontfix: This is definitely a bug in Google Toolbar, and we can't do anything …
12:03 PM Ticket #5902 (paste and pastetext dialogs can not be skinned easily.) created by Joe Kavanagh
The paste and pastetext dialogs are built using HTML UI elements. The …
10:26 AM Ticket #5901 (Firefox 3.6.4 Breaking background-image:url('foo/bar.png'); with &quot;) created by wolfehr
Tested on Firefox 3.6.4 - CKEditor Version 3.3.1 Code = <div …
10:25 AM Ticket #5896 (dialogDefinition.resizable not working) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
duplicate: dup of #5084
10:10 AM Ticket #5900 ([IE7] CKEditor looses content when Google toolbar spell check button used.) created by Joe Kavanagh
1. Install Google toolbar in IE7 and restart the browser. 2. Open the …
9:10 AM Ticket #5899 (Already added ms word text gives issues) created by sean
If there was ms word text added to fckeditor and saved in database and …
8:55 AM Ticket #5898 (Fullscreen bug - Firefox) created by Leszek Syroka
While CKeditor is embed into an iframe with fixed positioning, like in …
8:54 AM Ticket #5897 (Dialog's rendering issue in quirks mode) created by Senthil
In CKEditor 3.3.1, when we have lengthy data in any of the dialog …
8:38 AM Ticket #5896 (dialogDefinition.resizable not working) created by Andrew
According to the Api this value should allow you to resize dialogs as …
8:29 AM Ticket #5895 (ckeditor only takes dynamic default value) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: Please use our forums for generic …
3:39 AM Ticket #5895 (ckeditor only takes dynamic default value) created by darell sapin
hello and good day! im having a problem with the editor. I put in a …

Jun 28, 2010:

8:36 PM Ticket #5894 (Buttons at bottom of dialogs don't expand to include their contents) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
If a new button is added to a dialog (or the translation of OK or …
2:00 PM Ticket #5893 (Copy/Paste in Opera displays chinese text) created by Samantha
If I copy paste the quote at the beginning of this article on …
1:21 PM Ticket #5892 (Table tab behavior interfering with customized tab behavior) created by Lynne Kues
FF 3.6 only. The issue does not exist on IE. Version 3.4 Beta. We …
1:06 PM Ticket #5891 (Table column resize should work for last column) created by Lynne Kues
When hovering over the right hand side of the last column in a table, …
12:55 PM Ticket #5890 (Table column resize not working for IE7) created by Lynne Kues
Table resize handles do not appear in IE7. Tried in IE7 mode using …
10:07 AM Ticket #5888 (Need to add document link feature also) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: You can use CKFinder for it.
10:01 AM Ticket #5889 (new option on "Insert Link" pop-up dialog: Rel attribute) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
duplicate: DUP of #4890
9:15 AM Ticket #5889 (new option on "Insert Link" pop-up dialog: Rel attribute) created by baijianpeng
hi, I am using the latest version of CKeditor and I find that this …
8:27 AM Ticket #5883 (event.editor undefined for "keyup" event) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: Please note that, even if "this.document" is a property relative to an …
6:18 AM Ticket #5888 (Need to add document link feature also) created by Sharad Kumar Singh
Need to add document link feature also

Jun 27, 2010:

10:12 PM Ticket #5887 (Make the smilies table's columns number configurable) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
The number of columns displayed in the smilies matrix should be …
9:04 PM Ticket #5886 (Table cell dialog: change spacer() to a constant) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
As it's always returning the same value, the spacer() function should …
6:43 PM Changeset [5644] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Correct documentation for the italic style.

Jun 26, 2010:

10:23 AM Ticket #5167 (Scollbars in file browser window) closed by Wiktor Walc
duplicate: Duplicate of #5308.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.
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