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Results (1 - 100 of 326)

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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#1122 Safari: minor rendering issue (the cursor under a horizontal rule) WebKit Bug closed Low
#8019 Webkit: "Focus border smaller than the editing area border" in paste as plain text dialog Webkit Bug confirmed Low
#9627 [Webkit] Clipboard toolbar accessible in read-only mode Webkit Bug confirmed Low
#58 Safari: objects are not selectable WebKit Bug confirmed Normal
#1314 WebKit : Browser spell checker is always enabled WebKit Bug closed Normal
#3053 Safari 4 improperly sets height of editor area WebKit Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
#3105 insertHtml and insertElement should agree on the result IE Webkit Bug closed Normal
#3164 [Webkit] SelectAll incorrectness Webkit Bug closed Normal
#3330 Bogus br when Insert table cell Firefox Webkit Bug closed Normal
#3379 [IE] Select all command problem IE Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#3456 [Webkit] It is possible to edit textarea content in WYSIWYG mode Webkit Bug closed Normal
#3473 [FF] Bogus doubled line break nums Firefox Webkit Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#3481 paste error IN Chrome Confirmed WebKit Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#3680 [webkit] Dialogs doesn't fire focus WebKit Bug closed Normal
#3693 dom.element.getAttribute returns unnormalized style properties Confirmed Review- IE webkit Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal
#3848 Webkit - inputs are too wide Confirmed webkit Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal
#3879 [webkit] Color button panel incorrect size on first open Webkit Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal
#3950 [Safari] Insert column before/after problematic IBM Confirmed WebKit Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#4126 [Chrome] Select form element gets lost after blur WebKit Bug closed Normal
#4152 Context menu button in WebKit Webkit Bug closed Normal
#4621 Clicking table sometimes generates anothor empty table Confirmed Webkit IE Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#4747 Buttons don't work with no text selected in safari WebKit Bug closed Normal
#4748 webkit: buttons inside the dialogs are right aligned WebKit Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#4832 [Chrome] Template dialog hover layout issue WebKit Bug closed Normal
#4882 Auto-detect paste from Word is not working on WebKit Webkit Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#4909 Editable area overflows editor space when status bar in shared space WebKit Bug closed Normal
#5144 Pasting in Chrome can leave <div id="cke_pastebin"> elements Confirmed WebKit Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#5151 editor area oversized in webkit WebKit Bug confirmed Normal
#5210 WebKit: Buttons are badly aligned in the Find/Replace dialog WebKit Bug closed Normal
#5211 WebKit: The ESC key as not effect in dialogs after tab click WebKit Bug closed Normal
#5284 Formatting lost on new paragraph WebKit Bug closed Normal
#5342 Editor always at least 300px wide on Webkit WebKit HasPatch Bug closed Normal
#5549 Paste command scrolls document in Webkit WebKit Bug closed Normal
#5558 [Webkit] Not scrolling to cursor after paste WebKit Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#5730 Safari: Repeated paste creates issues Webkit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#5783 Editor width not back to normal after exiting full screen mode -- if a dialog was opened for first time while in full screen mode WebKit Bug confirmed Normal
#5841 :first-letter style causes character position translation errors and hanging in Google Chrome Webkit VendorFix Bug confirmed Normal
#5871 Adding new line doesn't keep format in Safari and Chrome Confirmed WebKit Bug closed Normal
#6000 Safari scrolls to top on initial click and headline formatting WebKit Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#6015 (Webkit) Can't tab forward from CKEditor followed by <fieldset> or <legend> Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#6044 BIDI: [[FF/Safari]] When we apply RTL direction to a left aligned Paragraph, Paragraph Alignment is not changed IBM Firefox WebKit Bug closed Normal
#6063 WebKit: Toolbar items have the hand cursor icon WebKit Bug closed Normal
#6064 WebKit: Active dialog tab should have higher z-order WebKit Bug confirmed Normal
#6089 Support for iPad WebKit Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal
#6110 Code altered after deleting quotation mark within <td> Webkit Opera Firefox IE Bug closed Normal
#6121 Chrome: Styles are hardcoded when text is moved WebKit CantFix Bug closed Normal
#6131 Webkit Paste Bug WebKit Bug closed Normal
#6153 Chrome: tab focus is wrong. WebKit Bug closed Normal
#6178 Creating and inserting a new element fails in Webkit if editor not focused Webkit IBM Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal
#6179 Safari problem with Image Dialog submit Webkit HasPatch Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal
#6192 Webkit: editor.focus() fails if no selection ranges exist WebKit Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#6194 Copying and Pasting a Table, Pastes CKeditor's inline styles. Webkit Bug closed Normal
#6195 WYSIWYG window resize problem in Safari and Chrome Webkit Bug closed Normal
#6212 Chrome resize jumps to top of page WebKit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6227 Indentation/Alignment is applied only to first 2 paragraphs if we have Page break or line break at the end of text IBM IE Firefox Webkit Martin Bug closed Normal
#6270 Chrome: Difficulties pasting tables from Excel Webkit Opera Bug closed Normal
#6296 Webkit doesn't focus on CKEditor when tabbing tab tabindex webkit Bug closed Normal
#6326 Table Resizing by drag table border not working in Chrome Webkit Bug closed Normal
#6366 [Webkit] adds inline styles on drag and drop operation Webkit Bug closed Normal
#6381 Cursor lost on Horizontal line when moving up and down in Chrome Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#6406 [Webkit] Cursor jumps to the new line after pasting WebKit Bug closed Normal
#6436 Chrome: CTRL+V Paste with forcePasteAsPlainText=false inserts broken nested <div>s and sometimes <p>s Webkit VendorFix Bug closed Normal
#6448 [Webkit] adds line break in list Webkit Opera Bug closed Normal
#6493 Paste from Word - Numbering of list is wrong when elements are separated by paragraphs Opera Webkit Bug closed Normal
#6516 Safari: editor has 300 px min width when replacing div Webkit Bug closed Normal
#6544 Webkit: An inline style cannot be applied on a collapsed selection Webkit Bug closed Normal
#6554 Webkit: cannot type after inserting Page Break Webkit IBM Martin Bug closed Normal
#6563 Subscript and Superscript buttons working only on selected text Webkit Bug closed Normal
#6611 Align to center or right in lists - text is moved, bullet or number stays WebKit CantFix Bug closed Normal
#6621 Webkit: Cannot apply a text color because of an input element Webkit Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#6668 Image resize plugin Discussion Webkit Drupal New Feature closed Normal
#6679 Link tag around image lost on drag and drop WebKit Bug closed Normal
#6684 Toolbar isn't wrapped in Webkit when editor is in the table WebKit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6695 [safari] Popup a dialog at maximize mode and then minimize cause weird styling Webkit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6763 addRichCombo chrome (webkit?) custom plugin bug addRichCombo chrome webkit plugin Bug closed Normal
#6783 Large amount of text insert as divs rather then paragraphs in webkit Webkit Bug closed Normal
#6815 Webkit: Cell properties dialog should be a bit wider WebKit Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#6833 Webkit: Table cells lack padding Webkit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6836 Webkit: Cursor goes before the block when creating blockquote with enterMode = BR WebKit Bug confirmed Normal
#6853 Safari: selected element is not fully removed WebKit Bug confirmed Normal
#6856 Inserting span tag - wrapped content with insertHTML appends after ending <p> tag instead of inside. Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#6873 Chrome: Impossible to decrease width of WSC dialog Webkit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6896 Pasting into Source view in full-screen does not work WebKit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6907 Safari Align(left/center/right) can not be used for Numbered list or Bulleted list IBM webkit Bug closed Normal
#6919 Chrome too small area width only after refresh Webkit Bug closed Normal
#6949 [[[Safari/chrome]]]: Cut & Copy options are not available in the context menu when we select some text IBM Webkit Bug closed Normal
#7019 Webkit: Selection stops before input elements WebKit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7020 Webkit: Applying direction to certian table selection ruins the table WebKit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7031 Webkit: It is possible to write inside a textarea WebKit Bug closed Normal
#7032 List item still selected after remove style Webkit Firefox Bug closed Normal
#7036 Webkit: Autogrow scrolls the host page WebKit Bug closed Normal
#7113 Scrolls Back to the top of the page WebKit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7121 Scroll reset on first focus in Chrome WebKit Bug closed Normal
#7146 WebKit: pasting block elements results in an extra div WebKit IBM VendorFix Bug closed Normal
#7201 Cursor moves out of span when applying inline style to collapsed selection Webkit Bug closed Normal
#7269 paste from word - footnote links link to document path in webkit based browsers WebKit HasPatch Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#7286 Inproper dropdown list height when opened in 2 editors one after the other Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#7325 Webkit: backspace moves content between p tags (instead of merging them) WebKit Bug confirmed Normal
#7358 safari: we can't come out of Numbered/Bulleted list when some formatting is applied to text in list item WebKit IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7359 Safari : Paragraph formats not applied to list items properly IBM Webkit Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
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