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Results (4901 - 5000 of 5597)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#11393 Regression in link/link.html test Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.2 General
#11397 Make sure charset definition is the first tag in head Olek Nowodziński Task Normal CKEditor 4.3.2 General
#11400 removeAllListeners does not remove listeners completely Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3 General
#11401 Fix tests broken because of timestamp Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.2 General
#11402 JSLint issues Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.2 General
#11407 Review improved SCAYT and WSC plugins Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 UI : Spell Checker
#11413 Wrong execCommand behavior Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3 General
#11416 [OSX,Webkit,Blink,Inline] Unable to undo the first text cut in inline editor Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.2 Core : Undo & Redo
#11417 Doubleclick event (documented) can never work Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3 UI : Widgets
#11422 FF3.x, IE6-7, Opera12.x leftovers in code Piotr Jasiun Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 General
#11437 [Umbrella] Rich content drag-and-drop and files pasting and dropping support Piotr Jasiun New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#11438 Splitting table cells causes table content to move. Jakub Ś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3 Core : Tables
#11439 Properties get cloned in Cell Properties dialog if multiple cells are selected Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3 Core : Tables
#11460 Handling dropping content in editor Piotr Jasiun New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#11461 Inserted (dropped, pasted) images uploading support Piotr Jasiun New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#11462 [Blink] Hitting shift+enter twice from the top of a formatted block will add a space below the cursor Bug Normal UI : Spell Checker
#11465 [OSX][Linux][Webkit] Error thrown in while right-clicking a nested editable Bug Normal UI : Context Menu
#11466 SCAYT jumps to previous ckeditor instance for second misspelling in Chrome Bug Normal UI : Spell Checker
#11478 Can't use jQuery Object as option-property with the jQuery Adapter Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#11480 Code snippet plugin Olek Nowodziński New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 General
#11487 Mousing-over an image when using the enhanced image plugin results in the dirty flag being set Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3 UI : Widgets
#11489 [JSDuck] Migration 4.6.3->5.x Olek Nowodziński Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 Documentation & Samples
#11490 Menubutton does not work in source mode Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3 General
#11493 Selection#getRanges(true) overrides cached ranges Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3 Core : Selection
#11500 CKEditor on [Webkit/Blink] drops cursor when changes in one editor update another Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 General
#11504 When config.fullPage = true, entities are not encoded in editor's output. Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3 General
#11508 DataProcessor processing nested (encoded) attributes Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3 Core : Parser
#11515 Last item on bullet list ignored - Google chrome issue. Bug Normal General
#11518 Inline Editing Cursor Jump w/ SCAYT Enabled Bug Normal UI : Spell Checker
#11526 dataTranfer & clipboardData research Piotr Jasiun Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#11527 Ipad scrolling not woirking when embedded in an iframe. Bug Normal General
#11532 Create editor#addContentsCss() method Marek Lewandowski New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 General
#11533 Elements upcasted repeatedly if pseudo-DOM modified during upcast Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3 General
#11536 Create htmlDecode - complementary function to htmlEncode. Marek Lewandowski New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 General
#11537 Move regexps in html encode/decode functions to separate values Marek Lewandowski New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 General
#11540 Fix docs spelling Bug Normal Documentation & Samples
#11542 [IE11] Blurry icons in RTL editor Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3 UI : Toolbar
#11544 Placeholders should not be upcasted in parents not accepting spans Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.4 UI : Widgets
#11567 Widget definition without button should not be automatically registered to ACF Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 UI : Widgets
#11568 Styles Combo: Select combo list is disabled when only object styles are defined Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.4 Core : Styles
#11574 Contenteditable megabug with nested ul/li structure Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.4 Core : Editable
#11580 Notifications plugin Piotr Jasiun New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#11583 Add support for HTML5 "required" attribute in form input elements Olek Nowodziński New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta UI : Dialogs
#11585 [IE8] Invalid argument error in sourcedialog tests when running with undo plugin Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3 General
#11586 Range#cloneContents changes DOM (and selection) Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#11597 [IE11] Error thrown when trying to open preview using keyboard Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.4 General
#11603 [PR#80][Inline] Tableresize attaches to tables outside of editable Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.4 Core : Tables
#11611 'change' is fired when pressing arrow keys in the editor Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 Core : Undo & Redo
#11616 (Chrome) Resizing the editor while it's not displayed Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#11617 Fix typo in bower.json Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.4 General
#11621 Less extreme paste as plain text - keep semantic but strip styles Artur Delura New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#11626 Tableresize sets invalid width Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 Core : Tables
#11627 Missing words while copy/paste from word Bug Normal CKEditor 4.6.0 Plugin : Paste from Word
#11635 Correct attributes protection Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.4 General
#11636 Introduce new, focused on UX, methods for getting selected HTML and deleting it Piotrek Koszuliński New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#11641 Switching between modes in framed editor removes content styles for inline editor Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.4 General
#11644 Number of rows must be a number greater than 0 Bug Normal General
#11647 Blur event does not fire on FIRST blur of inline editor Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.6 Core : Focus
#11657 [Chrome] Editor with divarea plugin drag/drop image places image on last selection Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#11660 IE8 table content is lost when there is some extra markup inside a table Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.4 General
#11677 CTRL+Z/Y (undo/redo) blocked in source mode Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.5 General
#11681 [IE 11] dt/plugins/image2/acf.html test image: all allowed does not work Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 General
#11682 [IE8]Test dt/core/htmldataprocessor.html 'test xss - false positive 1' does not work Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.4 General
#11695 Cannot use JAWS Virtual Buffer to navigate to RTE Bug Normal Accessibility
#11697 It is possible to replace content with wrong letter case kkrzton Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.9 General
#11698 Latin chars not converted to HTML entities with following configurations Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11712 [iOS][Android] Mobile research Task Normal General
#11715 SCAYT enabled for ckeditor inline causes problems with widgets Bug Normal UI : Spell Checker
#11717 Document properties: unable to choose color Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.5 General
#11724 [Touch devices] Dropdows work unstable Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#11725 [Android][Chrome] Mobile Chrome is not recognize as mobile Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#11727 Editor tries to select non-editable image which was clicked Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 General
#11736 Icon for codesnippet plugin Olek Nowodziński Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 General
#11737 ACF callback to prevent filtering on matching element Piotrek Koszuliński New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 General
#11739 [Umbrella] Keypress listeners should/can be removed or replaced Marek Lewandowski Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 General
#11740 editor.insertHtml isn't registered as event.editor.on "change" Bug Normal General
#11753 CheckDirty is true after clicking a widget, but getData() returns the same Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#11754 Infinite loop in google chrome when contents contains not closed attributes Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11757 Imperfections in moono ui styles Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 UI : Skins
#11777 MathJax plugin converts & to simple & Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11780 Filter removes all classes/styles/attributes when some ACR allows all and some DACR uses wildcard Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 General
#11781 The codesnippetgeshi documentation is broken - colorize.php does not exist Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 Documentation & Samples
#11783 Link in image caption is taken as link which wraps image Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 General
#11785 [IE9] Failures in dt/plugins/image2/link.html Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.0 General
#11788 It is not possible to change language back to undefined in code snippet dialog. Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11793 Drop down is not "on" when clicking it while editor is blurred Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11798 Inserting non-editable element inside a table cell breaks the table badly Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11801 It is not possible to create a link to anchor on Image2 Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11807 Update jQuery used in tests and in the jQuery adapter sample Piotr Jasiun Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11809 Use indentation by spaces in code snippet sample Artur Delura Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11811 Widget's data are not encoded correctly when passed to attribute Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11813 [Image2] Link is lost when copy&paste captioned image or undo + duplicated resize handle Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11814 Image2's context menu always contains "edit link" option Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11818 No information displayed in link dialog box when no anchors available Bug Normal General
#11822 [Webkit] Anchors editing broken in some cases Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11823 [IE8] TableResize throws error over scrollbar Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11827 [IE8] Widget styles break inline editor Bug Normal General
#11830 Builder Ignores Plugin Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 Project : CKBuilder
#11833 [Opera] Table not rendering correctly when set alignment to it Bug Normal General
#11839 [IE9] Text cursor jumps out of source area on resize Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 UI : Source View
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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