Dec 10, 2014:
11:31 PM Ticket #12749 (iOS 8 iPad screen scrolls back to top when typing into CKEditor) created by Mark Gugler
I have a report where I wait for user input before creating a textarea …
12:11 PM Ticket #12748 (Editing element attributes and properties for any html element in CKEditor) created by Murz
Very often user needs to change attributes of some html element. For …
11:42 AM Ticket #12747 (IE: Dropdowns become disabled when in maximize mode.) created by Jakub Ś
1. Open replacebycode.html sample
2. Click Maximize
3. Select header …
Dec 9, 2014:
6:01 PM Ticket #12746 (Config option to hide image2's resizer) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
As explained in http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/12615#comment:14 and …
5:53 PM Ticket #12615 (Responsive width of images) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: After more discussions with Fred and Olek we decided that we can only …
5:37 PM Ticket #12745 (Cannot resize an image in Chrome using the Image plugin) created by Christophe Guillou
Would like to be able to grab the corner of an image or table and …
5:25 PM Ticket #12744 (Numbered bulleted list improvements) created by Christophe Guillou
Numbered bulleted list - no choices for types of lists and no …
5:22 PM Ticket #12743 (Task list: let the user create a list of actionable checkboxes) created by Christophe Guillou
Let the user enter a list of checkboxes/ radio buttons, that are …
5:03 PM Ticket #12742 (Right click on images when using image2 plugin) created by Thibault
I use CKeditor v4.4.6, with the standard configuration. The only …
2:11 PM Ticket #12036 (Initialize editor in readOnly mode when textarea has readonly attribute) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: Editor is basically html element in
mode. In the …
12:12 PM Ticket #12741 (The table in a list item gets deleted when clicking enter) created by Inga
Steps to reproduce:
1. Insert numbered list and insert a table in it …
11:50 AM Ticket #12693 ([IE] Impossible to collapse selection using shortcut) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: Because this is browser native issue, I'm marking it as "Won't Fix".
11:02 AM Ticket #12738 (CDN link for 4.4.5 Standard loads 4.3.5) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: This was fixed with the version which we uploaded after 1-2 …
10:42 AM Ticket #12740 (Pastefromword terminates with error message if word markup contains ...) created by Henning
In CKEditor 4.3.5 and IE9 or Chrome (at least), the paste from word …
9:55 AM Ticket #12739 (Link loses inline styles when edited without dialogadvtab) created by rory
When editing a link, inline styles are stripped even when …
9:54 AM Ticket #12659 (Cursor stays after ckdetor textarea loses focus) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Since this is browser issue, I'm closing this ticket as invalid.
Link …
9:52 AM Ticket #12738 (CDN link for 4.4.5 Standard loads 4.3.5) created by rory
Note the version …
9:50 AM BadContent edited by Wiktor Walc
8:07 AM Ticket #12725 (height of cke_dialog_ui_vbox) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: This is a duplicate of #11034 and you are right by saying that this …
Dec 8, 2014:
4:24 PM Ticket #10903 (Performance improvements for add|remove|hasClass methods) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: Agreed. Using not documented method feature is like using private …
11:20 AM Ticket #8638 (The styling of the anchor image in the editor is not customizable) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
10:26 AM Ticket #12425 (Snapshot is not created on more than 20 changes by holding different ...) closed by Jakub Ś
9:58 AM BadContent edited by Jakub Ś
8:53 AM BadContent edited by Piotrek Koszuliński
Dec 5, 2014:
6:56 PM Ticket #12735 (Config.fillEmptyBlocks should only apply when outputting data) created by Stan
== Original TC: ==
In CK 4.4.5 everything is fine.
After upgrade to …
1:23 PM Ticket #12722 (Language-specific button icons) closed by Wiktor Walc
duplicate: Duplicate of #9419
12:20 PM Ticket #12733 (Radio button onChange doesn't work in IE9+) created by i.kostadinov
I have defined a custom onChange function for a radio button group …
12:16 PM Ticket #12732 (Lack of somet tests in enterkey plugin) created by Artur Delura
While working on ticket:11982 I found out that …
9:14 AM Ticket #12731 (Cannot modify CKeditor toolbar in N2CMS) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I'm not familiar with this CMS, and how exactly CKEditor is configured …
8:56 AM Ticket #12730 (CKEditor version 3.4.1 revision:5892 - Toolbar is not visible in IE 11) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: CKEditor supports IE11 from version 4.3 (IE10 from version 3.6.4). The …
1:31 AM Ticket #12731 (Cannot modify CKeditor toolbar in N2CMS) created by hungnguyenphuoc
I have tried to modify the CKeditor toolbar in N2CMS Local Resources. …
Dec 4, 2014:
8:43 PM Ticket #12730 (CKEditor version 3.4.1 revision:5892 - Toolbar is not visible in IE 11) created by Abraham Jebadoss
I am using CKEditor version 3.4.1 in an ASP.NET page. I am doing …
7:22 PM Ticket #12729 (Incorrect structure created when merging block into list item on ...) created by Boris Lykah
1. Create a list with two items that contain links
2. Put caret …
1:31 PM Ticket #12728 (dialogadvtab absolute Url in Style textbox only in Chrome) created by support-ingenierie
We noticed an anomaly in version 4.4.6 with CKEditor plugin …
11:51 AM Ticket #12726 (Red tests on major after #12448) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on major with git:47f8617.
The reason of failures was that …
8:19 AM Ticket #12727 (IndexSizeError on using plugins 'Div Editing Area' and 'Content Templates') created by onion.net
This error occurs in Chrome (Version 39.0.2171.71) running on …
Dec 3, 2014:
7:23 PM Ticket #12726 (Red tests on major after #12448) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
First bad commit is git:4f040ebb.
Failing tests:
* …
3:23 PM Ticket #12725 (height of cke_dialog_ui_vbox) created by Guillaume
We have a bug with ckeditor dialog box using node_embed drupal …
12:53 PM Ticket #12724 (Use notifications in upload widget) created by Piotr Jasiun
Upload widget should use notifications instead of console to inform …
11:50 AM Ticket #12701 (Image2 could have limiter for resizing image to specified maximum,) reopened by Jakub Ś
11:49 AM Ticket #12701 (Image2 could have limiter for resizing image to specified maximum,) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: @chene i have changed your bug report to feature request.
11:45 AM Ticket #12723 (Menu plugin hides disabled command-assigned items) created by Danil
Currently, "menu" plugin skips menu items, associated with commands, …
11:13 AM Ticket #12715 (Context menu not showing in inline mode on Chrome) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I have talked with our documentation manager but finally we have …
10:51 AM Ticket #12720 (Cross Site Scripting via href click) closed by Wiktor Walc
invalid: Advanced Content Filter, that is available in CKEditor and that is …
10:36 AM Ticket #12722 (Language-specific button icons) created by Danil
I was asked by user to add localized icons to my skin.
It's supported …
10:13 AM Ticket #12721 (Adopt the CKEditor Boilerplate project) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The CKEditor 4 repos should adopt the …
9:46 AM Ticket #12720 (Cross Site Scripting via href click) created by Mohamed A. Baset
I. Go to Source mode
II. Paste this source code
<p><a …
8:50 AM Ticket #12719 (Using multiple indentations can force text outside the editor window) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This "issue" can be best observed when container has fixed width set. …
Dec 2, 2014:
5:52 PM Ticket #12719 (Using multiple indentations can force text outside the editor window) created by Robert Rotruck
* Descriptive summary - If you create an inline editor and click the …
3:25 PM Ticket #12448 (insertHtmlIntoRange) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Merged to major with git:18d651ad.
7:42 AM Ticket #7661 (Opera/Safari/Chrome : Error when editing pasted Multilevel list) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: The issue has been fixed in CKEditor 4.0 - starting from 4.0, the …
Dec 1, 2014:
3:29 PM Ticket #12718 (Error on destroying editor, detached from DOM.) created by Danil
If you remove editor container from DOM and then call …
2:07 PM Ticket #7743 (Chrome: Flash dialog preview does not display when the dialog is ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: I'm not able to reproduce this issue on any CKEditor version so …
1:53 PM Ticket #8165 (Context Menu not allways closing) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I wasn't able to reproduce it anymore.
I'm able to leave context menu …
1:12 PM Ticket #8401 (Accessibility: Problems navigating radio buttons in a dialog using the ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: DUP of #8401.
1:02 PM Ticket #12717 (setReadOnly() does not work well with the Shared Space plugin) created by steph123
My mistake, here is the correct way to reproduce:
1- Use Chrome …
12:50 PM Ticket #7362 (BIDI: Numbers/Bullets not displaying in the editor in a mixed content ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: I cannot reproduce this issue on Firefox any more. This issue was …
12:24 PM Ticket #12714 (Insert Image/Link dialogs are overcomplicated.) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Have you by any chance seen image2 dialog …
12:09 PM Ticket #12713 (Can't get rid of useless custom context menu) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: If you want to use tabletools plugin then this contradicts to what you …
12:08 PM Ticket #12716 (TableTools should be made available from toolbar when context menu ...) created by Jakub Ś
We have made a fix in #9284 but now users can't use tabletools if they …
12:07 PM Ticket #10550 (IE: Paragraph alignment or indentation lost when cut & paste) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: This is a duplicate of #10969.
11:26 AM Ticket #12715 (Context menu not showing in inline mode on Chrome) created by steph123
Go to the official ckeditor demo on http://ckeditor.com/demo#inline …
10:55 AM Ticket #7956 ([[IE & Opera]] issues with PageUp & PageDown when Auto grow ...) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: IE6-7 and Opera 11 are no longer supported what makes this ticket a …
8:56 AM Ticket #12711 (paste as text) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: IE11 is supported from CKEditor 4.3. Upgrade is needed here.
If you …
8:26 AM BadContent edited by Jakub Ś
Nov 30, 2014:
7:53 AM Ticket #12714 (Insert Image/Link dialogs are overcomplicated.) created by Danil
Take a look at TinyMCE 4 or Redactor: they have pretty dialogs for …
7:45 AM Ticket #12713 (Can't get rid of useless custom context menu) created by Danil
I want to get rid of CKEditor context menu, because it does almost …
Nov 28, 2014:
5:41 PM Ticket #12711 (paste as text) created by robert
when I copy a piece of text and then press the 'paste as plain …
4:50 PM Ticket #7926 (BIDI: Safari: Dialog drop down list items are left aligned in RTL languages) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Not reproducible on Safari 7.1.
4:47 PM Ticket #10548 (Chrome/safari: Not possible to cut the formatted text) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed in CKEditor 4.4.6.
4:45 PM Ticket #10567 (Safari & Chrome: CTRL + A does not select entire content in editor ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed in CKEditor 4.4.6.
4:36 PM Ticket #8127 (Opera: Undo not restoring the deleted empty paragraphs) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
wontfix: Opera 12- is not supported any more.
4:30 PM Ticket #8915 (Pagebreak jumps to top of Number/Bullet list when we navigate to HTML ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Not reproducible any more. Now the pagebreak is inserted in the list item.
4:24 PM Ticket #7519 (style buttons do not toggle correctly in IE at the beginning of a ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: This issue is not reproducible any more.
3:44 PM Ticket #8368 (Incorrect DOM structure after applying an anchor style to a selection ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: DUP of #8097. The problem with strong will disappear after fixing the …
3:37 PM Ticket #7498 (Font size: nested span tags) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed in 4.4.6.
3:15 PM Ticket #6706 (IE Selected format not applied to typed text) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: We cannot reproduce this any more. We were able to confirm that it was …
1:47 PM Ticket #7582 (IE: Cannot select items from the context menu when a table is selected) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: We were not able to reproduce this issue on IE8 on any version of …
12:03 PM Ticket #7342 (copying and pasting a table doesn't result in its content appearance ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: I cannot reproduce this TC any more. Most likely it was fixed in …
11:21 AM Ticket #9191 (Not possible to outdent content in a div containing a table) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: The most important observation here is that using enterMode=DIV or the …
11:06 AM BadContent edited by Jakub Ś
Nov 27, 2014:
3:27 PM Ticket #7979 (iframe body height causes problem with right click menu.) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: I'm closing this ticket as duplicate of #10169 as the former one links …
3:23 PM Ticket #8286 (Opera: paste from right-click menu does nothing) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: This issue is in fact a duplicate of #7979.
Currently the only …
2:14 PM Ticket #12672 (Pasting several double byte whitespace copied from firefox shrinks ...) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: I was able to reproduce this problem from CKEditor 4.0 beta in Firefox …
12:52 PM Ticket #12671 (Pasting of double byte white space broken when copied from WordPad and ...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: In this particular case this is how browser sees it. When you paste …
12:40 PM Ticket #12709 (Can we create a customized span element plugin.) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: This is a bug tracker and you didn't describe any CKEditor bug. You …
11:42 AM Ticket #12665 (Selection is lost on link creation if SCAYT highlights the word) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This issue looks like a duplicate of #8485 which leads to …
10:22 AM Ticket #12709 (Can we create a customized span element plugin.) created by ratnesh
I am creating a customized showif plugin in ckeditor for my own use. …
10:11 AM Ticket #12699 (XML Error in filemanager) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Issues concerning CKEditor for Word Press should be reported here: …
9:54 AM Ticket #12708 (Easy image insert extension twice ex: .jpgjpg) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: From sample page you have provided I can see that image is getting …
Nov 25, 2014:
10:01 PM Ticket #12700 (Old bug resurfaced?) closed by Erin J Snyder
7:58 PM Ticket #12708 (Easy image insert extension twice ex: .jpgjpg) created by Steve Fournier
I am using Easy image with CKEditor and when I upload the file, …
4:23 PM Ticket #12389 (Chrome 38 Beta: SHIFT+ENTER on empty line causes browser to crash) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I have checked this in CKEditor 4.4.5 and stable release of Chrome. No …
3:29 PM Milestone CKEditor 4.4.6 completed
3:13 PM Ticket #12707 (Table CAPTION output below THEAD) created by hel
The table properties editor looks to be placing the CAPTION element …
2:25 PM Ticket #12679 (How to prevent adding/changing code on save) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: First of all please make sure that CKEditor is the one changing the …
11:28 AM Ticket #12706 (Make enter key behaviour more intuitive) created by Mark Kenny
I'd like there to be another enter key mode which matches people's …
11:18 AM Ticket #12705 (Make inline editor toolbar behaviour on scroll configurable) created by Mark Kenny
I'm using the floating toolbar on an area with the contenteditable …
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.