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Results (5301 - 5400 of 5597)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#13397 D&D a widget inside its nested widget removes that widget Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#13398 Rename UploadsRepository to UploadRepository Artur Delura Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 General
#13400 Improvements for fix for #13334 Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 General
#13401 Fix docs for isReadOnly() Piotrek Koszuliński Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Documentation & Samples
#13409 List elements incorrectly merged Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#13410 [Embedbase, autoembed] Error thrown when undo action follows widget.loadContent Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 UI : Widgets
#13414 Don't wrap wiget editable div content in 'P' Block. Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.3 UI : Widgets
#13418 Mark selection&focus tests as TCs Szymon Cofalik Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#13419 Autolink should encode href. Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#13420 Autoembed's rule which checks whether link's href equals links content should take encoding into consideration Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#13421 When pasted link cannot be autoembedded should there be an error notification? Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#13422 [Basic toolbar configurator] Textarea with a config's code does not use monospaced font Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#13424 Pasting autoembedable link with extra content embeds the link Bug Normal General
#13429 Caret placed in wrong place after autoembedding content Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.3 General
#13431 Caret inside <a> element after pasting autoembedable link. Bug Normal General
#13434 Dialog busy state indicator is broken in RTL Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 UI : Dialogs
#13438 Image2 undo & redo during upload Bug Normal General
#13439 Red tests on iPad Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#13440 [Edge] Unable to paste widget Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 Core : Pasting
#13443 Content is drop at wrong position Bug Normal General
#13446 [Chrome] It is possible to type in unfocused inline editor Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal CKEditor 4.6.2 General
#13447 Error while D&D widget by drag handler. Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 UI : Widgets
#13449 Cut reverse notes Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 General
#13451 Fix for #13011 may affect unrelated pastes Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#13453 D&D whole selected content cause error Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.3 General
#13454 Image plugin contains unused `alertUrl` language token Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 General
#13455 Document config.uploadUrl Wiktor Walc Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 General
#13457 [IE8] Notification scrolls the editor Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#13459 Embed dialog should use editor.lang.url instead of editor.lang.embed.url Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 General
#13460 [IE8] Broken copying of inline widgets Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 Core : Pasting
#13465 Error is thrown and widget is lost when DnD if it's the only content of editor Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.3 General
#13480 Failed test in built 4.5.0 version of editor. Szymon Cofalik Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#13486 Upload image should log an error, not throw an error when upload URL is not set Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.1 General
#13489 config.uploadImagedUrl should be config.imageUploadUrl ? Bug Normal Documentation & Samples
#13494 Toolbar Configurator Error if some plugin requires one of the plugins which TConf tries to remove Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 UI : Toolbar
#13495 Text is not word-wrapped in paste popup in firefox and IE Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#13501 Add config setting to allow default filename for paste uploads Szymon Kupś New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.3 Core : Pasting
#13507 Existing text in widget editables can't be edited in Firefox (39) Bug Normal UI : Widgets
#13513 Divarea and getData throw error when image is only data in editor. Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.7 General
#13514 Japanese language translation mistake. Bug Normal UI : Language
#13516 CKEditor removes empty html5 anchors without name attribute Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13518 Request should be more flexible Tomasz Jakut New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.6.0 General
#13519 Response should be more flexible Tomasz Jakut New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.6.0 General
#13532 Autoembed: Spontaneous re–embed of a link after undo and paste a non–embeddable content Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 Core : Pasting
#13533 No progress during upload Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13544 Facebook links don't work with media embed. Bug Normal General
#13548 IE: Clicking on element's path disables cut/copy icons. Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.11 General
#13554 [Edge] Paste dialog's iframe does not receive focus Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 UI : Dialogs
#13566 No further notifications after embedbase error. Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 General
#13568 Method getSelectedHtml() seems to return invalid results. Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.3 General
#13574 [Edge] Permission denied while opening the image dialog Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 UI : Dialogs
#13583 dataTransfer.getData() should return content within <body> Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 Core : Pasting
#13590 [Paste From Word] Various issues Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.3 Plugin : Paste from Word
#13599 Cross-editor D&D of inline widget ends up in error/artifacts Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 Core : Pasting
#13603 Can't embed BMP images Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.3 General
#13605 [Edge] Context menu doesn't close if you click outside of it. Bug Normal General
#13606 Enter key scrolls down the page when parent is 'html' Bug Normal General
#13609 [Edge] Browser crashes when switching to source mode Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.2 UI : Toolbar
#13610 [Safari, Lineutils] Problems rendering lineutils Bug Normal UI : Widgets
#13616 List items are lost when pasting from Word document Bug Normal Plugin : Paste from Word
#13632 Introduce error logging mechanism Szymon Kupś New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13637 Several icons need refactoring Olek Nowodziński Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.3 General
#13639 Unable to create a new line on Firefox Mobile Bug Normal UI : Enter Key
#13640 [IE] Dropping a widget outside body is not handled correctly Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13650 Ruby on Rails - Drag and drop image upload not working Bug Normal Documentation & Samples
#13654 Dragging and dropping all content removes everything, exception is thrown Bug Normal General
#13655 Tests: Adding colorbutton plugin to 13590/1 tests breaks them Szymon Cofalik Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13656 Review a revert done to yui-3.17.1-dom-screen-node-core* Piotrek Koszuliński Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13668 CKBuilder shows warnings when creating CKEditor package: WARNING - unreachable code Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13680 <summary> should support heading content Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13687 Clipboard tests are out-dated and red on master Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13690 Copying content from IE to Chrome adding extra paragraph Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13693 Missing readOnly in CommandDefinition Task Normal Documentation & Samples
#13709 [Safari] 6 red tests in delbackspacequirks/collapsed Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13730 Switch to the new logging mechanism Szymon Kupś Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13737 Prepare CKEditor for BenderJS v.0.4.1. Szymon Cofalik Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13755 [Edge] Pasting images in Edge does not work Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.11 General
#13756 Context menus are cut-off in Microsoft Edge Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.8 General
#13763 First alteration to text after it is pasted in (ctrl+v) does not trigger 'change' event Bug Normal General
#13765 Problems with rendering samples in iOS9 Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.4 General
#13771 contents.css not built into ckeditor.js Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.5 General
#13782 CKEDITOR.warn/error logs are not clear Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.5 General
#13785 [IE8] Removeformat plugin test is not passing in IE8 after changes made to wysiwygarea plugin. Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.5 General
#13790 Allow for the iframe having been removed already Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.5 General
#13793 Embed plugin: use empty embed_provider by default Tade0 Task Normal CKEditor 4.7.0 General
#13794 [UploadImage] Use uploaded.width/height if set Tomasz Jakut New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.6.0 General
#13803 Allow the editor to be destroyed before being fully initialized Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.5 General
#13812 When aborting file upload the placeholder for image is left. Tade0 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.11 General
#13816 [Webkit/Blink] New strategy for Filling Character handling to avoid changes in DOM Piotrek Koszuliński Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.7 Core : Selection
#13818 Allow to link widget style definitions, so applying one style might disable the other Wiktor Walc New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.6.2 General
#13828 Widget classes should be added to wrapper rather than widget element Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.6.0 General
#13829 Add class based on widget type to the widget wrapper Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.6.0 General
#13850 [IE] Destroying editor without iframe test fails Szymon Kupś Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.5 General
#13856 Update SCAYT Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.6 General
#13859 createTestsForEditors should provide editor bot as a second argument Tomasz Jakut Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.5 General
#13867 CKEditor fails to load on IE8/9 when a polyfill for classList is included Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.5 General
#13872 Read-only mode allows cut Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.5 General
#13879 It is not possible to prevent text from dropping. Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.5 General
#13883 Copying table using context menu strips off styles. Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.5 General
#13884 Copy/paste table in Firefox results in just first cell being pasted Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.7 General
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