Aug 23, 2015:
4:47 PM Ticket #13686 (Find and replace text percentage is not correct for Arabic locale) created by ACGC
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Write a word and copy/paste it multiple …
1:44 PM Ticket #13685 (About button icon is not mirrored) created by ACGC
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Open CKeditor while using an Arabic …
Aug 21, 2015:
2:36 PM Ticket #13684 (Double Click inside the widget with CK Editor 4.5 && SCAYT Enabled ...) created by Prem
we are using ckEditor 4.5 and scayt version 4.8. when we double click …
2:07 PM Ticket #13681 (Combine nested span css) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: DUP of #9295.
1:23 PM Ticket #13679 (Unable to get property 'autoSaveMessage' of undefined or null ...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I'm sorry but there is no such message property in the editor.
You …
12:17 PM Ticket #13683 (IndexSizeError: DOM Exception 1: Index or size was negative, or ...) created by Mark Wade
When using the divarea plugin, if you insert content (using insertHtml …
8:53 AM Ticket #13682 (Font tag is not working) created by Nayan
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. In CKEditor after version 4.0 IE11 …
7:36 AM Ticket #13681 (Combine nested span css) created by Mahesh Waghmare
== Steps to reproduce ==
I'm working on inline CKEditor. I use font …
Aug 20, 2015:
9:47 PM Ticket #13680 (<summary> should support heading content) created by stephaniehobson
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. switch to source view
2. create a …
4:37 PM Ticket #13679 (Unable to get property 'autoSaveMessage' of undefined or null ...) created by shaji
== Steps to reproduce ==
I am using CKEDITOR and i am getting error …
3:48 PM Ticket #13640 ([IE] Dropping a widget outside body is not handled correctly) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: First solution is incorrect: clipboard plugin should know nothing …
3:30 PM Ticket #13657 (Return Key in IE10 inserts multiple line-breaks) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: This is in fact a duplicate of #10093.
2:53 PM Ticket #13606 (Enter key scrolls down the page when parent is 'html') closed by kphung
2:50 PM Ticket #13599 (Cross-editor D&D of inline widget ends up in error/artifacts) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: Simple and beauty. git:06362a8
2:34 PM Ticket #13142 ([Edge] CTRL+A, backspace results in an empty div) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: It's green indeed. Closed, finally. git:89d54d8.
2:03 PM Ticket #13564 (Permission denied on setReadOnly in IE) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: > Have you encountered something like this before?
We haven't but, IE …
1:27 PM Ticket #13622 (IE9 - CKEdtor is being disabled after save when using knockout js) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: his is not the right place to ask questions. This is bug tracker.
10:33 AM Ticket #13675 (allowedContent for html tag ( div, figcaption ... ) without widget plugin) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This is not the right place to ask questions. This is bug tracker.
10:33 AM Ticket #13674 (How to change enterMode & shiftEnterMode in <figcaption> tag) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This is not the right place to ask questions. This is bug tracker.
9:50 AM Ticket #13663 (Toolbar like medium.com's editor) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This is not the right place to ask questions. This is bug tracker.
8:01 AM Ticket #13673 (Code breaking on WP) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Issues concerning CKEditor for Word Press should be reported here: …
8:00 AM Ticket #13676 (Not working with new Wordpress Update) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Issues concerning CKEditor for Word Press should be reported here: …
6:30 AM Ticket #13678 (No AJAX spinner when uploading build-config.js ?) created by Steve James
== Steps to reproduce ==
Upload a build-config.js file in CKBuilder.
Aug 19, 2015:
10:39 PM Ticket #13677 (Toolbar button icons (icons_hidpi.png) are mangled in some zoom levels ...) created by Jim Douglas
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Go to http://ckeditor.com/demo#full in …
6:50 PM Ticket #13676 (Not working with new Wordpress Update) created by Andy
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. CK Editor prevents the 'Add New Post' …
6:29 PM Ticket #13675 (allowedContent for html tag ( div, figcaption ... ) without widget plugin) created by Donnie Nguyen
Is there a way to add 'allowedContent' to specific html tag ( div, …
6:12 PM Ticket #13674 (How to change enterMode & shiftEnterMode in <figcaption> tag) created by Donnie Nguyen
How can i change enterMode & shiftEnterMode in <figcaption> …
3:28 PM Ticket #13673 (Code breaking on WP) created by Christina
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Go to Edit page on WP
2. Nothing is …
3:09 PM Ticket #11613 (CKEDITOR.editor.resize won't accept CSS units for height) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: I'm marking this ticket as dupicate of #8092
IBM team - I have moved …
2:58 PM Ticket #13594 (editor.resize(...) not working for CSS size units) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: OK it seems we have missed that ticket. This is in fact a DUP of #8092 …
2:56 PM Ticket #13672 (Valid characters for Anchor name) created by Fabien Leconte
The validate function of the element "txtName" of the anchor …
12:19 PM Ticket #13671 (Feature Request: Image handling (want to paste pictures directly - ...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Please see http://sdk.ckeditor.com/samples/fileupload.html. These …
11:40 AM Ticket #13671 (Feature Request: Image handling (want to paste pictures directly - ...) created by Michael
== Steps to reproduce ==
Try to paste an image directly in the …
11:26 AM Milestone CKEditor 4.5.3 completed
8:06 AM Ticket #13670 (Improve the URL validator in embedbase) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
== Steps to reproduce ==
Like in #13669. The embedbase plugin will …
8:04 AM Ticket #13669 (Improve the heuristic for URL recognition in autolink) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
== Steps to reproduce ==
Based on …
Aug 18, 2015:
2:07 PM Ticket #13596 (Cannot read property 'icons') closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: >>First of all, a minor issue: the ImageUpload Plugin,
First and most …
9:29 AM Ticket #13668 (CKBuilder shows warnings when creating CKEditor package: WARNING - ...) created by Wiktor Walc
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Run ckbuilder to create CKEditor full …
8:41 AM Ticket #13667 (Context menu does not appear when clicking below the body) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Open a sample.
2. Clear all contents.
3. …
Aug 17, 2015:
1:46 PM Ticket #13666 (buggy copy + paste) created by b Hubner
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. pasting only the following text from Word …
1:07 PM Ticket #13665 (Upload video in ckeditor) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: First of all, this is a bug tracker, not a forum. Second, the video …
12:06 PM Ticket #13665 (Upload video in ckeditor) created by mayuri
Included video plugin
Done setting as follows in config.js …
9:07 AM Ticket #13660 (Code display for few seconds) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This is not the right place to ask for support.
For community support …
9:00 AM Ticket #13650 (Ruby on Rails - Drag and drop image upload not working) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: I have updated docs, I have added note to the
8:46 AM Ticket #13664 (Select all not working in source mode in ie) created by raj
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. click on source button
2.write some thing …
7:24 AM Ticket #13663 (Toolbar like medium.com's editor) created by Donnie Nguyen
Do you know any plugin that can help me get the effect as medium.com's …
Aug 16, 2015:
5:43 PM Ticket #13661 (image2 plugin not work when remove 'Image' button from the toolbar) closed by Donnie Nguyen
10:59 AM Ticket #13662 (Skin Office2013 buttons bugs) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: This is a 3rd party skin. Please report this issue to the skin author. …
10:11 AM Ticket #13662 (Skin Office2013 buttons bugs) created by BIZET
Hello, i have bugs in toolbar with my Ckeditor : …
Aug 15, 2015:
1:47 PM Ticket #13661 (image2 plugin not work when remove 'Image' button from the toolbar) created by Donnie Nguyen
I added image2 ( Enhanced Image ) plugin to my CKEditor 4.5.2, …
1:11 PM Ticket #13659 ([iOS] Widget do not remove the focus) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: DUP of #13593.
1:10 PM Ticket #13658 ([Edge] D&D of text causes selected or dropped-on text to disappear) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: DUP of #13602.
Aug 14, 2015:
3:48 PM Ticket #13660 (Code display for few seconds) created by Hardik
Hi there, I have been using ckeditor 4.5.2 version and whenever I load …
3:30 PM Ticket #13659 ([iOS] Widget do not remove the focus) created by Piotr Jasiun
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Open …
2:40 PM Ticket #13658 ([Edge] D&D of text causes selected or dropped-on text to disappear) created by Szymon Cofalik
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Open …
1:48 PM Ticket #13657 (Return Key in IE10 inserts multiple line-breaks) created by Max
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Open …
10:16 AM Ticket #13656 (Review a revert done to yui-3.17.1-dom-screen-node-core*) created by Olek Nowodziński
In git:de679b432f6 I reverted some changes done in #13265 because it …
7:04 AM Ticket #13654 (Dragging and dropping all content removes everything, exception is thrown) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Thanks for checking. CKEditor 4.5.3 will include this fix. It will be …
Aug 13, 2015:
8:17 PM Ticket #13655 (Tests: Adding colorbutton plugin to 13590/1 tests breaks them) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. http://tests.ckeditor.dev:1030/tests/tickets/13590/1
2. Add …
3:24 PM Ticket #13654 (Dragging and dropping all content removes everything, exception is thrown) created by Gabor Garancsi
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Add some content (image or text)
2. …
1:02 PM Ticket #8639 (Safari can't handle tables pasted from Excel) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: Ok, I think it is time to close this ticket. Safari 5.1 is dead and …
12:39 PM Ticket #13642 (Missing images) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Running CKEditor off-line is not typical use case. CKEditor is JS …
12:24 PM Ticket #13653 (why??) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: Because your page is not styled correctly. It's not CKEditor bug. Use …
12:13 PM Ticket #13578 ([IE11] Paste from word in IE11 displays red flag and replaces some ...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Please have a look at the HTML code that IE11 sees:
That red …
11:51 AM Ticket #13653 (why??) created by Elyas Mahmoodi
11:50 AM Ticket #13652 ([FF] Image2 plugin - it is not possible to update existing caption) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #13507
11:26 AM Ticket #13652 ([FF] Image2 plugin - it is not possible to update existing caption) created by Jamie
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Edit a captioned image on the widget DEMO …
7:56 AM Ticket #13651 (Unable to paste unicode characters) created by Jeremiah114
== Steps to reproduce ==
When I try to copy and paste certain unicode …
7:33 AM Ticket #13650 (Ruby on Rails - Drag and drop image upload not working) reopened by Piotrek Koszuliński
You're right. I missed that. I recall that there's some tricky …
7:21 AM Ticket #13650 (Ruby on Rails - Drag and drop image upload not working) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: The error that you paste means that your backend does not work (the …
6:48 AM Ticket #13649 (Unable to paste image from clipboard into samples/index.html fle) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Most likely a duplicate of #13636 (Please read it).
These features …
1:55 AM Ticket #13650 (Ruby on Rails - Drag and drop image upload not working) created by CptMaumau
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Launch Rails server
2. Launch editor
3. …
Aug 12, 2015:
4:13 PM Ticket #13649 (Unable to paste image from clipboard into samples/index.html fle) created by Ed Mozley
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Pushed Alt+Print Screen to capture the …
1:52 PM Ticket #13388 (Tableresize plugin is not integrated with undo manager) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Merged git:730e54b into master.
9:22 AM Ticket #13648 ([IE@WP] Table is inserted at the end of the document) created by Piotr Jasiun
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Open demo.ckeditor.com
2. Put the …
9:13 AM Ticket #13647 ([IE@WP] Page is scrolled to the end when I press enter) created by Piotr Jasiun
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Open demo.ckeditor.com
2. Put the cursor …
9:11 AM Ticket #13429 (Caret placed in wrong place after autoembedding content) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Merged git:824cbc6 into master.
Good job!
8:32 AM Ticket #13414 (Don't wrap wiget editable div content in 'P' Block.) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Merged git:e61966b into master.
6:50 AM Ticket #13646 (Image2 doens't work with [img] BBCODE tags) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
wontfix: BBCode is a limited plugin which supports only few features. Image2 is …
Aug 11, 2015:
9:05 PM Ticket #13646 (Image2 doens't work with [img] BBCODE tags) created by danielsilva89
Hey guys, I'm not expert in js, and after 2 days I'm here.
I'm tryng …
3:56 PM Ticket #13426 (Empty inline elements are removed from the embedded content) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: OK, I can't find any resource that suffers from this issue now. Also, …
1:25 PM Ticket #13643 (Mathjax plugin predefined formulae buttons) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: I'm sorry, but this is a bug tracker. I need to close this ticket.
1:20 PM Ticket #13645 (Does not automatically add link when typing in Microsoft Edge browser) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: The fact that on older IEs a link is automatically created is not …
12:41 PM Ticket #13645 (Does not automatically add link when typing in Microsoft Edge browser) created by Neil Pfister
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Open CKEditor demo page in Microsoft Edge …
12:36 PM Ticket #13644 (CKEditor shows no content anymore when character '<' is used in html ...) created by Michel
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Go to the ckeditor demo: …
12:22 PM Ticket #13265 (Allow to run tests over secure connection (HTTPS)) closed by Szymon Cofalik
fixed: Merged with git:b3a0c8c8a
11:06 AM Ticket #13643 (Mathjax plugin predefined formulae buttons) created by Daniel Merino
I am trying to add several buttons to mathjax plugin dialog, so users …
7:35 AM Ticket #13525 ([Edge] Page refresh when I press 'view source') closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: A workaround has been implemented in #13609 (and included in CKEditor …
Aug 10, 2015:
5:01 PM Ticket #12695 ([IE8] Ampersand and last character is lost when & is the before ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
5:00 PM Ticket #13341 (#13333: CK Editor - Tables Not showing with Copied HTML) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
5:00 PM Ticket #12378 (IE Quirks Mode: Unspecified Error when making a selection in the editor) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:59 PM Ticket #13403 (Maximize tool issue - after maximizing, if browser back button used, ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:58 PM Ticket #13396 (Translation issue (Russian)) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:58 PM Ticket #13391 (double quote issue) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:58 PM Ticket #13319 (htmlEncodeOutput option not work for ajax submit if jquery adapter used) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:57 PM Ticket #12944 (Webkit Blink regression: CKEditior initial state not set upon load) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:57 PM Ticket #13360 (Hello, I'm from Brazil, I am having problems with CKEditor in Google Chrome) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:57 PM Ticket #13353 ([IE] Double enter doesn't escape from list) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:56 PM Ticket #13364 (CKEdit Stripping out Form tags?) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:56 PM Ticket #13347 (javascript error in widget plugin) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:56 PM Ticket #13342 (Drop Downs on Pages - Hyperlinks not functional) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:55 PM Ticket #13193 (Dialog tab is disabled if has content elements of html type only) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:55 PM Ticket #13309 (Paste as Text/Paste from Word) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:54 PM Ticket #13285 (Focus makes editor scroll to top on Firefox 38) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:54 PM Ticket #12838 (Saving undo images does not account for changes done when firing the ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:53 PM Ticket #13248 (not found (error to origin) in Image Upload tool) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:52 PM Ticket #12643 (Bulleted lists copy incorrectly in OSX Chrome) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:51 PM Ticket #13226 (Ckeditor oversize on elements) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:51 PM Ticket #12632 ([Blink/Webkit] Impossible or hard to remove format) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: I remember that we fixed this issue very soon after I reported it.
4:48 PM Ticket #13179 (vertical scrollbar jumping issue in chrome with ckeditor 4.3.2.) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:47 PM Ticket #13152 (When Right Click, scrolling to Top of editor page in IE Browser) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:47 PM Ticket #13113 (Demo site issue: insert consecutive links) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:46 PM Ticket #13095 (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'clearCustomData' of null) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:46 PM Ticket #13086 (Double click the select control cannot open the dialog in FF) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:46 PM Ticket #12390 (When an asynchronous post back happens really quickly after loading a ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:45 PM Ticket #13047 (<figure> in stylesSet does not wrap <img>) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:43 PM Ticket #13013 (Accents after enter) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:43 PM Ticket #13016 (lang.js: that[ languageCode ].dir is undefined) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:42 PM Ticket #12999 (IE 11 support) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:42 PM Ticket #12982 (Internet Explorer Issue) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:42 PM Ticket #12956 (toolbar width is too small) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:42 PM Ticket #12941 (insertElement(stringToInsert) sometines enter into wrong position or ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:40 PM Ticket #12852 (How disable filters when copy-past text) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:40 PM Ticket #12653 (Shortcode) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: Yes, protectedSource or a custom widget can be implemented to handle …
4:32 PM Ticket #12762 (pasting Chinese character from Word error!) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed by #13590.
4:32 PM Ticket #8780 (Copy Paste Word 2010, Cleanup Internal Error) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed by #13590.
4:32 PM Ticket #11215 (pastefromword error) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed by #13590.
4:31 PM Ticket #13590 ([Paste From Word] Various issues) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Congrats! Fixed also #11215, #8780 and #12762. I was also able to …
4:04 PM Ticket #9685 (MS-WORD copy paste error from "ckeditor_tablebug_document.docx" attached) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: This is a duplicate of #8780 which contains exactly the same file.
3:28 PM Ticket #13616 (List items are lost when pasting from Word document) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: This issue has been fixed in CKEditor 4.5.2. #13590 will contain a …
2:56 PM Ticket #13603 (Can't embed BMP images) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Merged to master with git:e52e3b8.
2:25 PM Ticket #13641 (Not able to copy/paste in IE 9/10) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: I've never heard of a similar issue. I cannot imagine how CKEditor …
2:11 PM Ticket #13642 (Missing images) created by woonk
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Set the ckEditor map with the plugin …
1:00 PM Ticket #13641 (Not able to copy/paste in IE 9/10) created by jitendra
== Steps to reproduce ==
I have installed CKEditor version 4.4.7 with …
12:15 PM Ticket #13640 ([IE] Dropping a widget outside body is not handled correctly) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Open …
11:33 AM Ticket #13465 (Error is thrown and widget is lost when DnD if it's the only content ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master with git:b32d85d. The only issue I could find now is …
10:24 AM Ticket #13453 (D&D whole selected content cause error) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master with git:5386e97.
7:49 AM Ticket #13639 (Unable to create a new line on Firefox Mobile) created by Wiktor Walc
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Firefox (mobile) 39, Android 4.4.2
2. …
Aug 9, 2015:
9:26 AM Ticket #13638 (CKEditor insertHTML ignores tag center) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: Read about the [http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_acf Advanced …
8:26 AM Ticket #13638 (CKEditor insertHTML ignores tag center) created by DarkDaemon
I've updated CKEditor from 3.6.4 to 4.5.1. And there is one issue. …
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.