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Results (1 - 100 of 121)

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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#7614 [HC] buttons and textarea go outside editor when it's resized in IE9 IE9 Bug confirmed Low
#6468 IE9: CKFinder folder tree expand icons missing IE9 Bug closed Normal
#6469 IE9: Files cannot be dragged to folders in CKFinder IE9 Bug closed Normal
#6477 inproperly pasting table from excel in IE9 IE9 Bug closed Normal
#6596 [IE9] anchor and hidden field insertion is broken IE9 Bug closed Normal
#6609 [IE9] Missing HC mode IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6784 IE content deletion bug when adjusting indentation levels of bulleted or numbered lists IE8 IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7157 IE9 - in Document mode IE9 standards, CKEditor does not run IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7161 IE9 Languages sample - create/destroy editor does not work properly IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7168 IE9: Ajax sample does not work IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7169 IE9: context menu looks bad IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7174 IE9: Cursor path does not load corectly when editor is switched back from source to wysiwyg IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7176 IE9 - SCAYT enabled, after inserting template, dialog does not close. js error thrown IE9, IE8 Bug closed Normal
#7178 IE9 RC: right-clicking on a placeholder does not select it IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7180 [IE9] Small glitch in buttons in RTL in kama IE9 Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7181 IE9 RC: RTL toolbars look bad in Office 2003/V2 IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7182 [IE9] Office2003: Shadows in RTL dialogs may be corrupted IE9 Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7186 [IE9] HR carries text IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#7188 IE9: impossible to move cursor below horizontal line IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7189 IE9: impossible to move cursor below horizontal line IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7190 IE9 - ability to edit text in placeholder, read only area IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7191 IE9 - Unable to insert anchor IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7193 IE9 - JS error in console while adding new paragraphs before <hr/> IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7196 IE9 - js error while inserting <form> on selected page-break IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7348 IE9: CKEDITOR.xml.selectSingleNode throws an error IE9 IE10 Bug closed Normal
#7355 [IE9] Pixelsharp toolbar layout IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7433 [IE9] enterBr doesn't put cursor to next line IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7434 [IE9] Inaccessible empty list item IE9 HasPatch Bug closed Normal
#7488 IE9 ignores multiple break points without &nbsp; inserted after IE9 HasPatch Bug closed Normal
#7515 Can't navigate to empty list item with arrow key IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7637 IE9: Page break not inserted after a horiontal line IBM IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7639 IE9: Browser crashes when inserting image links with different targets IE9 IBM Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7665 IE9: Toolbar buttons are not displaying properly in RTL languages in v2 skin IE9 IBM Bug confirmed Normal
#7744 IE9 : Problems with creating list from selected text IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#7959 in enterMode BR after inserting a table the cursor is displayed at the start of the table IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7963 IE9: CKEditor may be blocking some options from context menu for Speckie IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8132 [IE9] When an <a> contains a <br>, when you click the <br> the <a> changes to <a name="cke_range_marker"> IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8150 IE9 toolbar offset bug IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8161 IE9: an iframe without doctype causes problem with combo elements IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8175 Add/edit Radio button, enabled status is not saved under IE9/10 in CKE 3.x 4.x IE9 IE10 Bug confirmed Normal
#8188 Internet Explorer 9 inserts sab="#" tags IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8245 Multiple tbody tags in IE 9 are re-ordered IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8262 IE9 : When CK Editor accessed through https:// combos don't work after pasting image IBM IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8273 Pasting into empty bullet doesn't behave as expected - FF/IE9 Firefox IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8287 Internet explorer Frameset issue IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8352 IE9 : Bad toolbar wrapping IE9 Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8373 IE9 adds &quot; entities around URL in style background-image: url(...) IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8394 Table Row deletion freezes IE9 IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8416 IE: toolbar buttons don't respect cursor location. IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8425 IE8 IE9: Selection Defect with contentEditable = "false" and unselectable = "on" IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8457 Unable to click left of an indented image. IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8476 Adding an anchor deletes the character to the right of anchor IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8525 Not possible to edit selected element IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8527 IE: Trying to insert a table after inserting an anchor generating error IBM IE8 IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8552 Spaces lost on copying during editing IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8580 contentEditable is not worked on DIV IE8 IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8689 IE9 problems with inserting text while in compatibility view. IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8708 IE9 image in table deselection on mouse right click IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8711 CKEditor - sharedSpaces - IE9 - HTML5 - IE9 HTML5 Bug closed Normal
#8743 IE9: in ENTER_BR table/smiley/form is inserted under br tag IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8769 IE9: Problems while inserting nested tables IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8812 IE9: HTML comment blocks Enter Key IE9 Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8892 IE9 crashes with p::after clearfix and empty text area IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8913 IE9: Problems with full-width sapces. IE9 CantFix Bug closed Normal
#8920 IE8 IE9: unable to edit selected text with keyboard (left-click and drag to select text then release left-button outside ckeditor window) IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8926 IE: Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar appears when inserting table with width set to 100% IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8956 Link href not displayed on edit link screen IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8961 Inline styles are not applied to beginning text in IE 9 IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8985 IE - Enter key not being properly processed by dialogs IE9 IBM Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#9003 IE9 shift+enter causes cursor to jump IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9013 Formatting IE9 selected text fails IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9022 IE Compat View: Number/Bulle list gets removed when we type the text IE8 IE9 IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#9030 IE9: select text + open link dialog - link creation fails if text contains linebreak <br /> tag. IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9038 IE: error when selecting contents with SHIFT+Arrow IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9046 IE9: linking a word doesn't work right when line ends with BR. IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9097 Selection at the beginning of paragraphs is broken on IE9 and IE8 IE8 IE9 IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#9111 Anchor displayed as inline-block in IE IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9125 IE8 Quirks - find and replace dialog IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9175 IE8-9 - Selecting everything via mouse drag and hitting backspace causes browser to go back IE8 IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#9177 Selection Field dialog box fails to work after switching to Source mode. IE9 IE10 Bug confirmed Normal
#9317 disableObjectResizing and disableNativeTableHandles does not work in IE 9 IE10 in CKE 3.x 4.x IE9 IE10 IBM Marek Lewandowski Bug closed Normal
#9425 [IE] Unnecessary vertical scrollbar in UI Color dialog IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9452 IE 9 Text Formatting Not Applying IE9 Bug closed Normal
#9502 [IE] The selection expands by some characters when eg. creating a link IE9 IE10 Bug closed Normal
#9745 IE9, IE10: Image overriding the link if you try to insert it inside a link. IBM IE9 IE10 Bug confirmed Normal
#9760 IE9 crashes when user clicks on toolbar dropdowns IE9 VendorFix Bug confirmed Normal
#9926 IE9: deleting iframe in BR mode causes JS error IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9927 IE10: Executing new page command in enter BR cuases JS error. IE10 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#10011 pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles ignored in IE9 under certain conditions IE9 IE10 Bug closed Normal
#10030 IE8 "Unspecified Error ckeditor.js, line 63 character 296" on CKEditor 4 load CantFix IE8 IE9 Support Artur Delura Bug closed Normal
#10093 IE9 inline/destroy multiple times causes return key to repeat that many times IE9 IE10 Support Bug confirmed Normal
#10165 CKeditor 4.0.1 Access denied error in IE9-10 Oracle IE9 IE10 Olek Nowodziński Bug closed Normal
#10297 Context menu layout is skewed IE9 Bug closed Normal
#10369 IE9 ENTER_BR problem with AUTOGROW plugin IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#10432 [IE9-10] Image properties don't get updated. IE9 IE10 Bug confirmed Normal
#10484 [IE] Source dialog fires beforeunload event IE9 IE10 Bug closed Normal
#10653 [IE9 IE10] Error when pasting single letter in specific conditions IE9 IE10 Bug closed Normal
#10677 IE9: CKEditor 3.6.6: Delay in the cursor postion setting after the text is pasted in the ENTER_BR mode IE9 Bug closed Normal
#10702 Image dialog gives script errpr when focus in all of a link. oracle IE9 IE10 Bug confirmed Normal
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