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Results (2101 - 2200 of 2646)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#8028 IE7 Quirks: issue with rendering Anchor dialog IE Bug closed Normal

Bottom border is missing, see the screenshot.

#8039 [IE9] Bgcolor partial removal problematic IE Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Load the editor with the following content and selection:
    	This is <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">some [sample] text</span>. </p>
  2. Open background color panel and apply the 'auto' color to selection;
  • Actual Result:
    	This is <span style="">some </span>sample<span style=""> text</span>.</p>
  • Expected Result:
    	This is <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">some </span>sample<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"> text</span>.</p>
#8041 [IE] Enter and space ceased in float panel IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

It's now impossible in IE to press enter or space key to activate an item, regression of [7036].

#8043 IE: Definition list crashes the editor IE Wiktor Walc Bug closed Normal

Found in IE8/Quirks, also can be reproduced by setting manually document mode to IE9/Quirks, IE9/IE7 standards, IE8/IE7 standards.

Open the ajax sample, paste the following in source mode:


switch to source mode and back. IE shows an alert message:

Stop running this script? 

A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. 
If it continues to run, your computer might become unresponsive.

The same TC till CKEditor 3.5.2 caused an error "Stack overflow at line 26" so it might be a very similar or exactly the same problem as #7290.

It looks like it is enough to adjust IE detection used in #6975.

#8047 IE8 Quirks: Iframe dialog window problem with Kama skin IE8 Bug closed Normal


IE8 Quirks, WinXP


  • open CKEditor
  • select Iframe button on toolbar


Iframe dialog window is opened and all textBoxes reside inside window area


screen shot

#8054 IE7 Cell properties - window does not close when clicking [OK] Cell properties Bug closed Normal

When using IE7, if we create a table and click on a cell to update cell properties, and proceed to click [OK] to save the new settings and close the pop-up, the pop-up does not close. We get a java script "Invalid argument" error.

The same problem takes place on the Table Properties (Advanced Tab).

This is not a problem is other versions of IE or in other browsers (Chrome, Safari or Firefox).

#8056 [IE] Cursor jumps to the top when clicking at the bottom of the editing area IE Bug closed Normal

Init content with:

<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 100%; height: 1000px;">

Click on first cell then click in the last paragraph after the table. Page will scroll.

Note: click below the last paragraph, just a bit above the elements path.

#8064 [IE6+RTL] column resizer unavailable IE6 Bug closed Normal

It's impossible to trigger column re-size handler (tableresize sample) with any table border size in RTL content.

#8065 [IE Quirks] no table show border IE Quirks Bug closed Normal

Under IE quirks, show table border doesn't work.

#8086 [IE] office skin Link dialog broken IE Bug confirmed Normal

Affects IEs < 9:

#8088 IE8: Changing font size does not work with two bytes character IE8 Bug closed Normal

Using two bytes characters and try to change the font size to 10px, 11px, or 12px, it does not change the size on the display.

But in the source, styles are there.

Please refer to attached images.

#8091 IE CKEDITOR.editor.resize throw 'invalid argument' when no height value is specified IE8 Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to
  2. Open a javascript console and execute, 'CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.resize(50);'

The height value that is assigned becomes 'NaNpx' which is an invalid argument. Likely this has to due with line 345 in theme.js.

345 - contents.setStyle( 'height', Math.max( height - delta, 0 ) + 'px' );

In this case since height is undefined, Math.max(undefined - delta,0) returns NaN. NaN + 'px' = 'NaNpx'. Other browsers must handle this error more gracefully than IE. A simple conditional statement should fix this problem.

344 - if(height) {
345 - contents.setStyle( 'height', Math.max( height - delta, 0 ) + 'px' );
346 - }

#8106 IE8 : Javascript error when deleting in bulleted list IE8 Bug confirmed Normal

When deleting a row in a bulleted list CK throws a Javascript error with message 'null' is null or not an object on row.

Steps to reproduce the error:

  • Open up the demo page
  • Remove content
  • Click on Insert/Remove Bulleted List
  • Type some text and hit Enter, create at least two rows
  • Select the first row and create a link
  • Put the cursor in front of the link
  • Hit Enter to create a new row
  • Press up to move to the first row
  • Press delete to move the content on the second row to the first row

Expected here is that the link will be moved up to the first row and merge the first and the second row. But instead the cursor is moved down to the second row. I don't know if this is a bug as well?

  • Press Backspace to remove the second row (the list will be split into to lists)
  • Press Backspace again and the cursor will be moved to the first row
  • Press delete to move up the link to the first row
  • Click on Insert/Remove Bulleted List to remove the list

The link will be removed and the Bulleted list seems to be created as it supposed but an Javascript Error will be thrown in IE. I have tried the same thing in FF 4 with no problem at all.

Sorry if its many steps but I tried to do it so easy I could.

#8107 Radio buttons on dialogs cause an error in IE quirks mode IE IBM Bug closed Normal

To reproduce add a radio button element to any dialog e.g.

	type : 'radio',
	id : 'type',
	required : true,
	'default' : 'one',
	items :
		[ 'Radio1', 'one' ],
		[ 'Radio2', 'two' ]

Load the page in IE in quirks mode and open the dialog.

Problem: The browser throws the following error:

'children[...].align' is null or not an object

This error can be traced back to line 2538 of plugins/dialog/plugin.js:

// In IE Quirks alignment has to be done on table cells. (#7324)
if ( && CKEDITOR.env.quirks && children[ i ].align )
#8109 [IE] Readonly collapses empty paragrahs IE Support Bug confirmed Normal
  • Add the autogrow plugin to the extraPlugins directive in config.js.
  • Open the readonly sample in IE.
  • Add some empty paragraphs to the contents, above or beneath the existing text.
  • Hit "make it readonly".

See that the height is change and the empty paragraphs collapse.

#8111 Text disappears when clicking outside editing box. IE Bug closed Normal

If I click outside of the editing box, the thrid line of text disappears. When I click back into the box, the text reappears.

This is what I have within the editing box: Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do. Do re me fa so la ti do.<br /> All Finished.

Here is the code from my page:

<td colspan="2"><textarea cols="74" rows="9" name="tx_Body" id="tx_Body"></textarea></td>

<script type="text/javascript">
var TheEditor = CKEDITOR.replace('tx_Body', 
	{ 	customConfig : '',
		on : { 'instanceReady' : configureHtmlOutput },
		skin : 'office2003',
		width: 600,
		height: 300,
		startupFocus: true,
		docType: '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">',
		fillEmptyBlocks: false,
		font_defaultLabel: 'Verdana',
		fontSize_defaultLabel: '12',
	contentsCss: '',
{ name: 'document', items : [ 'Source','-',/*'Save','NewPage','DocProps','Preview',*/'Print'/*,'-','Templates'*/ ] },
{ name: 'clipboard', items : [ 'Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Undo','Redo' ] },
{ name: 'editing', items : [ 'Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','-','SpellChecker', 'Scayt' ] },
{ name: 'basicstyles', items : [ 'Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','Subscript','Superscript','-','RemoveFormat' ] },
{ name: 'paragraph', items : [ 'NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent','-','Blockquote','CreateDiv','-','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock','-','BidiLtr','BidiRtl' ] },
{ name: 'links', items : [ 'Link','Unlink','Anchor' ] },
{ name: 'insert', items : [ 'Image',/*'Flash',*/'Table','HorizontalRule','Smiley','SpecialChar','PageBreak'/*,'Iframe'*/ ] },
{ name: 'styles', items : [ /*'Styles','Format',*/'Font','FontSize' ] },
{ name: 'colors', items : [ 'TextColor','BGColor' ] },
{ name: 'tools', items : [ /*'Maximize', */'ShowBlocks','-','About' ] }
	} );

CKFinder.setupCKEditor( TheEditor, '#APPLICATION.ROOTDIR#common/htmlemail/ckfinder/' ) ;

 * Adjust the behavior of the dataProcessor to avoid styles
 * and make it look like FCKeditor HTML output.
function configureHtmlOutput( ev )
	var editor = ev.editor,
	dataProcessor = editor.dataProcessor,
	htmlFilter = dataProcessor && dataProcessor.htmlFilter;
	// Make output formatting behave similar to FCKeditor
	var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd;
	for ( var e in {}, dtd.$nonBodyContent, dtd.$block, dtd.$listItem, dtd.$tableContent ) )
		dataProcessor.writer.setRules( e,
				indent : true,
				breakBeforeOpen : true,
				breakAfterOpen : false,
				breakBeforeClose : !dtd[ e ][ '##' ],
				breakAfterClose : true

	// Output properties as attributes, not styles.
		elements :
		$ : function( element ){
			// Output dimensions of images as width and height
			if ( == 'img' )
				var style =;
				if ( style ){
					// Get the width from the style.
					var match = /(?:^|\s)width\s*:\s*(\d+)px/i.exec( style ),
						width = match && match[1];
					// Get the height from the style.
					match = /(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)px/i.exec( style );
					var height = match && match[1];
					if ( width ){ = /(?:^|\s)width\s*:\s*(\d+)px;?/i , '' );
						element.attributes.width = width;
					if ( height ){ = /(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)px;?/i , '' );
						element.attributes.height = height;

			// Output alignment of paragraphs using align
			if ( == 'p' )
				style =;
				if ( style ){
					// Get the align from the style.
					match = /(?:^|\s)text-align\s*:\s*(\w*);/i.exec( style );
					var align = match && match[1];
					if ( align ){ = /(?:^|\s)text-align\s*:\s*(\w*);?/i , '' );
						element.attributes.align = align;
			if ( ! )
			return element;
		attributes :
			style : function( value, element ){
				// Return ##RGB for background and border colors
				return convertRGBToHex( value );
	} );

* Convert a CSS rgb(R, G, B) color back to ##RRGGBB format.
* @param Css style string (can include more than one color
* @return Converted css style.
function convertRGBToHex( cssStyle ){
	return cssStyle.replace( /(?:rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\))/gi, function( match, red, green, blue ){
		red = parseInt( red, 10 ).toString( 16 );
		green = parseInt( green, 10 ).toString( 16 );
		blue = parseInt( blue, 10 ).toString( 16 );
		var color = [red, green, blue] ;

		// Add padding zeros if the hex value is less than 0x10.
		for ( var i = 0 ; i < color.length ; i++ ){
			color[i] = String( '0' + color[i] ).slice( -2 ) ;

		return '##' + color.join( '' ) ;
#8122 Insert a new line between a list and another line (internet explorer) IE Bug closed Normal

Insert the following code in source mode :

next foo

Go to wysiwyg mode, put your cursor at the beginning of the line "next foo". Push enter : new line inserted. Push up to go to the new line. The following error appear in IE console : nodeValue.length is null or not an object.

Thanks in advance.

#8130 FCKEditor 2.6.6- Popup windows (Insert/Edit Link, Image, Table..etc)are not displayed in IE8 IE8 Bug closed Normal

After upgrading from IE6 to IE8,"Insert/Edit Link, Insert/Edit Table...", .... doesn't work in FCKeditor (version 2.6.6 ,Build 25427). It opens a popup but not shoing properly.

Not sure what the problem could be, It works fine in IE6.

Please see attached screen shot.

#8132 [IE9] When an <a> contains a <br>, when you click the <br> the <a> changes to <a name="cke_range_marker"> IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

In ckeditor 3.6.1 and also the latest nightly demo, eg

If you have HTML where a link contains a break, like so:

<a href="">In IE9 click the end of this line -&gt;<br />
	then the link turns into an anchor</a>

When you click on the end of the line containing the <br>, your link will immediately change to an anchor. The source is changed to this:

	<a name="cke_range_marker">In IE9 click the end of this line -&gt;<br />
	then the link turns into an anchor</a></p>

I have tested this with IE8, which doesn't have this problem. Other browsers (firefox, chrome etc) do not either.

#8137 IE: Toolbar combos don't open on second click on modal dialogs IE Bug confirmed Normal


We have bought CKEditor last year and now wants to upgrade.

My developer has tested the CK Editor and found a problem that is irritating. He was not able to find its solution on your website either. Please find his text below and attached sample project related to the problem.

Developer Message: “I’ve tested the CK Editor in my sample project. It has the problem when we use the CK Editor in the modal dialog page. The dropdowns (Format, Font and Styles) start flickering on second click. Please see the sample project developed in MS Visual Studio 2008 attached herewith the email. Please suggest the solution.”

Please let me know its solution as soon as possible so that we can decide to move forward with the upgrade.

I have a sample project too but dont know how to upload it through this interface. Please let me know if you want the sample project too and how i can send it to you.


Khurram Sheikh

Development Manager

Great Minds Software

Contact: 914 – 595 – 2577

#8139 After inserting a table in IE8/9, can not move cursor below in ENTER_BR IE Bug closed Normal
  1. Set editor to ENTER_BR mode with IE8/9. I used the "enterkey.html" file form _samples to duplicate.
  2. Insert a table into the empty editor.
  3. Note that you can not get the cursor below the table while you can get it above.
#8148 issue about sub-table IE Bug confirmed Normal

it's an IE only issue. (i'm using IE8) It works in ff and chrome.

1.create a table 2.create a sub-table in a blank cell

you cannot input text in the cell any more. No space between the cell and subtable.

#8150 IE9 toolbar offset bug IE9 Bug closed Normal

internet explorer 9 shows an additional offset of 11px between the tops of the cke_wrapper and the cke_editor table element.

#8156 IE6: In RTL Preview for some special characters not showing properly IE6 IBM Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open language sample and change language to Arabic or Hebrew and open Special Character dialog.
  1. Hover your mouse over the icons in last row(Arrows & diamond)

Issue: Preview box shows blank rectangle instead of correct character.

#8157 IE8: We can't close Flash/Iframe dialog when dialog is over IFrame/Flash with dialog_startupFocusTab set to true IBM IE8 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. With dialog_startupFocusTab = true, paste the following code in source view and go back to rich text.
<iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  1. Bring up IFrame dialog by opening context menu on IFrame.
  1. click OK button to close the dialog.

Issue: we can't close the dialog, when we drag the dialog away from the IFrame or Flash we can close it.

#8161 IE9: an iframe without doctype causes problem with combo elements IE9 Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  • Add to the _samples folder file named test.html
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    	<title>CKEditor Samples</title>
    	<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type" />
    <iframe src="replacebycode.html" width="900" height="600"></iframe>
  • remove doctype from replacebycode.html
  • open test.html

The result can be seen on the attached screenshot.

#8164 IE8: empty paragaphs not editable/visible in wysiwyg mode IE8 Bug confirmed Normal

Empty paragraphs (<p></p><p>&nbsp;</p>) cannot be accessed and edited and are not even visible in IE8. config.fillEmptyBlocks has no effect on this behavior. FF/Chrome work just the way they are expected to.

#8166 Problems in IE when pressing CRTL+B on bolded text IE Bug confirmed Normal

This ticket was first reported in forum

To reproduce:

  1. Open api sample and clean CKEditor contents
  2. Press bold button and type Testing statement
  3. Place cursor here Testing s^tatement
  4. In insertHTML text-area paste <p>sample to be inserted by insertHTMl</p> and press 'Insert HTML'. Result should be as in finding2.JPG.
  5. Select using a mouse word 'statement' and what was pasted between it. See finding3.JPG.
  6. Press CRTL+B one or two times.

If you press CRTL+B two times it will cause JS error in IE8 and IE9:
IE8 yields:
Message: 'null' is empty or not an object
Line: 63
URI: /_source/core/dom/walker.js

IE9 yields:
Message: Can't get property „getParent”: Object is null or undefined
Line: 1568
URI: /_source/core/dom/range.js

This is reproducible from CKE 3.4. Before 3.4 there was no error but unbolding was weird. Some parts of text were duplicated

If you press CRTL+B once than in IE6 and IE7, the phrase 'sample to be inserted by insertHTML' gets unboladed and jumps up.

This is reproducible form CKE 3.6.1 rev [6919]. Before this revision JS error was thrown.

#8175 Add/edit Radio button, enabled status is not saved under IE9/10 in CKE 3.x 4.x IE9 IE10 Bug confirmed Normal


Win7 ie9, ie10platform preview, CKEditor Nightly build r7095


  • open any sample
  • clear content
  • Press form element -> rafio button
  • fill all fields and check "enabled"
  • press OK


Radio button is added to edit area, with Enabled status


Radio button is added, _wisually_ it is set to enabled,

  • but after double click on it, status Enabled is not set in dialog window,
  • switch to source mode:
    	<input name="1" type="radio" value="1" /></p>

It works fine under IE8 and Chrome

#8188 Internet Explorer 9 inserts sab="#" tags IE9 Bug closed Normal

Using FCK Editor version 2.6.3 on a Drupal install with the FCK Editor Module version 6-x2.1. Everything works fine with every browser except IE 9. In Internet Explorer 9 (version 9.0.8xxx) the editor is now inserting the sab="#" tag. The # is always some arbitrary number that it picks then begins counting from there with every element. So p sab="1" br sab="2" etc.

I had previously also had trouble getting the About section to display without locking up but that was resolved with the <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" /> fix. This does not resolve the sab="" situation unfortunately.

Is there any way to get rid of this sab tag? Is anyone experiencing the same issue with a newer version?

#8202 [IE] Pasting or typing a textual link auto-hyperlinks it IE Bug closed Normal

We have noticed an odd browser inconsistency when integrating with CKEditor. The issue can be duplicated in the online demo here:

Visit this page in IE8 or IE9 and scroll to the end of the editor area. Hit enter so you are on a new line. Type in (without quotes) "" and then hit the space bar. Bug: The textual URL you just typed in is auto-hyperlinked.

Similarly, this bug exists when you paste in a textual link.

Open notepad/text editor and type in "" without quotes. I am doing this just to ensure that we are not copying formatted data from some source. You can similarly copy the URL from the address bar. Go to an empty spot in the editor and hit ctrl + v to paste it in. Bug: The textual link you pasted in is auto-hyperlinked.

The issue is duplicated on Windows XP and Windows 7 (at least). The issue is not present in Firefox 5, Chrome 12, or Safari 5.

#8205 IE: using Undo after Unlink moving cursor to start of document in editor IBM IE Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Type some paragraphs of text and insert a link using link dialog.
  1. Keep cursor inside the link and click on Unlink icon or open context menu menu and click on Unlink option.
  1. Link inserted in step 1 is removed and cursor stays at the same paragraph where we have the link before.
  1. Press Undo icon in the Tool bar or use Ctrl + Z

Expected Result: Link that was removed comes back and cursor stays inside the link.

Actual Result: Link that was removed comes back but cursor moves to start of document in editor body.

This will be huge inconvenience to the user if document has large number of paragraphs.

#8207 IE8 IE9: empty paragraphs inserted when aligning text IE Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Open replacebycode sample and clean editor contents
  2. Type 'wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww' or similar
  3. Select whole text with a mouse
  4. Set "heading 2" and font-size 14 using toolbar buttons
  5. Press CRTL+C
  6. The text should still selected so press right arrow to go to the end of text
  7. Press Enter
  8. Press CRTL+V few times (6-7 will do) or CRTL+V and Enter if cursor doesn't move to new line automatically after paste.
  9. Select whole text with CRTL+A
  10. Now toggle with "Align Right" and "Align Left"

Result: Empty paragraphs are inserted between lines of text.

Issue is reproducible in IE8 and IE9 from CKE 3.0

#8224 IE : scayt AutoStartUp and EnterMode BR moves cursor to the beginning. Review? Bug closed Normal
  1. Place attached file in sample folder. It contains only two settings:
    var e = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
    enterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR					
  2. Open it in IE8 (wait a second until everything loads)
  3. Select whole sample text with a mouse and delete it using BACKSPACE
  4. type "how"

Result: it will be typed as "owh". That is it will be typed as ‘owh” if you type it with regular speed. If you type h, wait until cursor moves to the beginning, type o, than wait again, type w, you will get “woh”.
To sum up if you type a letter and wait the cursor will be moved to the beginning.

Issue has been reproducible in IE8 only from CKE 3.5.3

#8244 tab/shift-tab to indent/outdent <li> elements IE HasPatch IBM Drupal Olek Nowodziński New Feature closed Normal

I'd like Ckeditor to indent/outdent a list item with tab/shift-tab.

I wrote a small (quite untested) patch that aims to do this. Feel free to use this.

CKEDITOR.plugins.add('liTab', {
    init: function(editor) {
        editor.on('key', function(ev) {
            if( == 9 || == CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9) {
                if ( editor.focusManager.hasFocus )
                    var sel = editor.getSelection(),
                    ancestor = sel.getCommonAncestor();
                    li = ancestor.getAscendant({li:1, td:1, th:1}, true);
                    if(li && li.$.nodeName == 'LI') {
                        editor.execCommand( == 9 ? 'indent' : 'outdent');
                    // else we've found a td/th first, so let's not break the
                    // existing tab functionality in table cells.
        }, null, null, 5); // high priority (before the tab plugin)

Known problems:

  • one can "over-indent" <li> elements. (If there are no upper sibling, maybe should do nothing?)
  • one can "under-indent" <li> elements, turning them to <p> elements.

I consider both of these problems minor. They are also present when using the indent/outdent buttons in the toolbar, and should be fixed there, if at all.

#8245 Multiple tbody tags in IE 9 are re-ordered IE9 Bug closed Normal

I've created a test case which replicates this problem. If you put the html attached in the editor when using IE 9 and toggle between source and design view you will see the row order change from 1,2,3,4 to 4,3,2,1 and back again.

All works fine in Firefox and Chrome. Tested on

#8247 IE: throwing an error when we apply Alignment to entire page content containing Page break at the end IBM IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open any sample type few paragraphs of text & click on Insert Page break icon.
  1. See that Page break is inserted at the end of text.
  1. Select all the content in Editor using Ctrl + A and click on Align Right icon.

Expected Result: All paragraphs are aligned to the right.

Actual Result: we are getting an Error. Error is 'null' is null or not an object

#8248 [[WinXP & IE8]] Removing last list item in outer list creating a new list item/ breaking the list IBM IE8 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

Copy the following code and paste it in source view.

	<li> FirstListItem  </li>
	<li> SecondListItem
				<li> ThirdListItem  </li>
				<li>  FourthListItem  </li>
				<li>  FifthListItem  </li>
	<li> SixthListItem  </li>

Scenario 1:

Go back to rich text, keep the cursor at end of last list item(Sixth list item) and press backspace until you delete list item

Expected Result: last list item is deleted and cursor goes to end of last list item(Fifth list item) in inner list.

Actual Result: last list item is deleted but a new empty list item is created after last list item(Fifth list item) in inner list.

Scenario 2:

Go back to rich text, keep the cursor at end of last but one list item(Fifth list item) and press delete

Expected Result: last list item is deleted and text in last list item gets appended to the text of last list item(Fifth list item) in inner list.

Actual Result: last list item is deleted but a new empty list item is created after last list item(Fifth list item) in inner list and a new list starts with the text in last list item

keep cursor at the new empty created list item and press Enter.

You will get a java script error

This is only happening on IE8 in Windows XP

#8262 IE9 : When CK Editor accessed through https:// combos don't work after pasting image IBM IE9 Bug closed Normal

Try to access CK Editor through https:// protocol

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Copy an image from a website and paste in to CKEditor.
  1. A security content message "Only secured content is displayed." will be prompted with a "Show all content" button.
  1. Do NOT click the "Show all content" button and just close the message box.

Issue: Any of the combo's (Background Color, Text Color, Font Name & Font Size) in CK Editor toolbar do not work.

It was reported against 3.4.2 by one of our product teams but we could reproduce this against 3.6.2 as well.

#8273 Pasting into empty bullet doesn't behave as expected - FF/IE9 Firefox IE9 Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Goto
  2. Create three lines with the word, 'Item'
  3. Select the lines and turn them in to an unordered list
  4. Move to the first item, and press enter to create a new empty item.
  5. Left click to place your cursor in the empty bullet.
  6. Right click on the empty bullet and paste.

What's expected? The text is pasted in to the empty bullet

What happens?

In FF4/5 The bullet gets deleted and a new paragraph is created with the text.

In IE9 The text is pasted at the end of the content.

#8275 IE : js error when using Link dialog without editor focus IE IBM Bug closed Normal
  1. Open the Ajax sample and "Create Editor".
  2. Without clicking on the editing area, click the "Link" button.
  3. Type any URL and confirm.

A js error is thrown.

Confirmed with IE9 in both IE9 and compatibility modes.

#8277 IE8 & IE9 throwing an error when we press enter after entering an URL in Link dialog IBM IE8 Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open any CK Editor sample, keep cursor in editor body and click on Link icon.
  1. In the Link dialog enter an URL(for ex: for the link in URL field and press Enter button.

Expected Result: Link for the URL( in inserted.

Actual Result: We are geeting a java script error. and error is unexpected call to method or propert access

I have attached a screenshot of the error.

#8281 Internet Explorer 7.x crashes when changing an item from a bulleted list into numbered list IE7 Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to recreate:

  • Make a numbered list
  • highlight one or several lines within the numbered list (make sure that the first or last line of the list is not highlighted)
  • try to change these lines from nubered list to 'bulleted' list
  • Internet Explorer will crash

(works vice versa too)

This issue only occurs until IE7.x it does not occur with other browsers or IE version higer than 8.0 For our company it is vital to use CKEdit with IE7.x as our clinical information system is not validated for IE versions higher than IE7.x

#8284 [Regression] List creation error IE IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Load the editor with the following content and selection:
  2. Click on the "numbered list" button;
  • Actual: JavaScript error thrown.
#8287 Internet explorer Frameset issue IE9 Bug closed Normal

When using Internet Explorer 9 in a page within a frameset the CKeditor instance's menu bar covers the entire document and the editor area can not be seen. This is the same with FCKEditor 2.x as well which I tried as a back up. Pulled from the frameset the exact sane page works fine.

Page works in frameset under Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari.

#8288 Internet Explorer will not run blank javascript function as per documentation IE HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal

As per:

Example 4 works fine in all browsers I have tested except IE. Both IE 8 and 9 will not run the additional javascript called, returning only the URL of the image.

#8290 IE8: freezes when scayt enabled and certain data is entered IE8, Review? Bug closed Normal
  1. Open any CKEditor sample and enable scayt.
  2. Remove all the text from the editor, and click on the source button
  3. Copy and paste the below code:
    	<strong>Day 1:
    	Day 2:
    	Day 3:
  4. Set your cursor after "Monday:"
  5. Press the enter key.

Result:The browser will freeze.

This issue was reported by Michael Camden on supprot channel (Subject: Windows 7 IE8 Freezing Issue)

This issue is reproducible in IE8 and looks like SCAYT issue.

#8294 IE: Copied and Pasted content gets wrapped in <b>, <u>, <i> or <span> tags IE Bug closed Normal

This ticket was reported by @Ken in our support channel (Topic:” Request for support: content incorrectly display”)

  1. Open any editor sample and switch to source
  2. Clear everything
  3. Paste in the following code:

Example 1:

	<i><u><b><span style="font-size: 16pt"><span style="font-family: arial">Simple testing sample for all features, </span></span></b></u></i></p>
	<span style="font-size: 16pt"><span style="font-family: times new roman">font <span style="color: #ff0000">family, </span></span></span></p>
	End .</p>

Example 2:

	<span style="font-size: 16pt"><span style="font-family: times new roman">font <span style="color: #ff0000">family, </span></span></span></p>
	End .</p>
	<i><u><b><span style="font-size: 16pt"><span style="font-family: arial">Simple testing sample for all features, </span></span></b></u></i></p>
  1. Switch back to WYSIWYG mode
  2. Press CRTL+A, CRTL+C, CRTL+V

Result: All insights of paragraphs get wrapped in i,u,b (Example 1) or span (Example 2) tags.

Issue has been reproducible in IE browsers from CKE 3.1.

#8303 IE8: can't delete whole text before an anchor. IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Open replacebycode sample
  2. Insert anchor "This is some sample text. Yo^u are using CKEditor." inside "You" word
  3. Move the cursor to the beginning of line
  4. Start deleting text with DELETE

When you reach "o" in "You" word and press DELETE "o" will be deleted with anchor.

Reproducible from CKE 3.6 rev [6904] in IE8

#8322 [IE] Performance problems with nested documents IBM IE v4 Bug confirmed Normal

This problem was raised by a customer using Outlook to copy and paste content into CKEditor.

When the content is pasted (or set using the source edit mode),

we are getting a stack over flow error in IE6.

IE7,IE8 Browser stopped responding when we paste the data or set the data in source and navigate to rich text view.

This issue should be fixed in ticket #8246 which was closed so we are logging this new ticket to track the issue

#8324 BIDI: IE8: Unspecified web page error thrown when using the Undo IBM IE8 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample in IE8.
  1. Paste the following code into source
<p dir="rtl">
	paragraph 1</p>
<p dir="rtl">
	paragraph 2</p>
  1. Go back to rich text, click on paragraph 1 & press Increase indent button in the toolbar.
  1. Click once on paragraph 2 (so that frame is shown around paragraph 2) & click the undo button in the toolbar.

Result: The following webpage error is displayed and error message is Unspecified error.

This issue originally reported in ticket #7587 which is closed as duplicate of #7002 which is fixed in 3.6.2 but the original issue mentioned in ticket #7587 still exists so we are logging this new ticket to track the issue

#8330 IE6 : we can't clearly see whether a check box checked or not on any dialog IBM IE6 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

Open any CK Editor sample, open Find Dialog and look at the check boxes on Find and replace dialog

Expected Result: Match cyclic check box should be checked and shown clearly

Actual Result: Match cyclic check box i checked but it's not shown clearly

Same issue happens with all check boxes on all dialogs ( Flash, IFrame)

This has been happening from rev 7222

I have added screen shots of Find dialog for rev7221 and rev7222

#8334 Strange behaviour, missing line IE Opera Bug confirmed Normal

when i do the following stpes, one of lines will be missed.

  1. type: 11111111
  2. press shift+enter
  3. press shift+enter
  4. press enter
  5. type: 222222222
  6. copy all content
  7. paste

there are 2 lines instead of 3. . one of the line missed. . .

i am want to know what kind of logic do ckeditor deal with <br> and <p> so that i can do some work around.

#8335 javascript error regularly in this situation IE Bug confirmed Normal

reproduce as below:

  1. type three lines
  2. first line bold,
  3. second line italic,
  4. third line underline,
  5. copy all of them, paste at the end of third line,
  6. after several pasted, unexpected empty paragraph appeared.
  7. type something in this empty paragraph,
  8. after typed, try to bold, italic or underline,
  9. it doesn't work and after several pressing or hotkey about bold, italic and underline.
  10. javascript error shows "null" is null or not an object, line 116, char: 2337.

IE8, Windows XP sp3 Ckeditor3.6.1, javascript

#8345 IE : Cursor goes to start of editor body when we bring up link dialog using Link tool bar icon & closing Link dialog using OK Button IBM IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open any CK Editor sample and insert a link.
  1. Keep cursor inside the link and click on Link icon in the toolbar.
  1. See that Link dialog comes up
  1. Don't change any values, Close the Link dialog by clicking OK Button.

Expected Result: Link dialog is closed and Link gets selected.

Actual Result: Link dialog is closed but cursor going to start of editor body. This will cause huge inconvenience to users if they want to edit a document with huge content in it.

#8349 [IE] Editor toolbar outlook meets HTML5 doctype IE HTML5 Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Load any sample page with the HTML5 doctype (<!DOCTYPE html>) under IE9 producing a wrong padding top on the toolbar.

#8352 IE9 : Bad toolbar wrapping IE9 Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

In IE9, the toolbars are not wrapping properly.

Introduced with CKEditor 3.6.

#8353 IE7: Crash when changing list type IE7 Bug closed Normal

The following test is crashing IE7:

These are the reproduction steps:

  1. Load this HTML:
  1. Put the caret after "b".
  1. Hit the "Numbered List" button.

The browser will totally crash.

This doesn't happen if doing the same after "a" or "c". It just happens with items in the middle of the list.

Confirmed with CKEditor 3.6.1 at least.

#8357 IE: Cursor goes to start of editor body when we edit a link using the context menu option IBM IE NoTest Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To Reproduce:

  1. Using a nightly build, insert some text into the editor body.
  2. Without selecting any text, open the link dialog and insert a URL. Click OK.
  3. Place the cursor inside the link text and right-click to bring up the context menu. Select 'Edit Link' to bring up the link dialog.
  4. Close the link dialog by clicking OK. (Note: there is no need to make any changes to the link values.)

Problem: The cursor is now positioned at the start of the editor body, instead of within the link text.

This only occurs when a link is inserted without any selection in the editor body.

It is only happening since rev [7237] which seemed to add a timeout for an issue in Opera (ticket #8301). Is it possible to limit this fix to Opera alone using CKEDITOR.env.opera instead of applying it to all browsers?

#8360 UI color picker - units are placed on dialog border or labels overlap text fields IE Bug confirmed Normal




Under ie7, units from second column are placed on border of dialog window

#8362 Bullet list, options dialog, wrong size of content in V2 & Office skins IE7 Bug confirmed Normal



  • Open Skins sample
  • Go to v2 or office skin
  • select default text and click bullet list
  • Press right mouse button on newly created list and select list properties from menu


Properties window is opened, on the right side of window, there is an empty, transparent place between resizable content and window frame.

#8363 Selected Style and Font not visible in V2 and office skin IE Bug confirmed Normal



  • open Skins sample
  • go to v2 or office skin
  • without setting focus in edit area, select style from dropdown, select font from dropdown


Selected style and font, now are visible in toolbar boxes


Selection only blinks and dropbox stays clear

When You type something and then select font/style, then selection is visible.

#8365 List item breakage in IE8 IE8 Bug confirmed Normal

Test environment, IE8 - Windows Vista (Problem does not occur on Windows 7)

After moving an existing list item down, and deleting that move, the list item does not correctly return to it's original position.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Access
  2. Create three paragraphs, and turn them in to list items.
    • Item 1
    • Item 2
    • Item 3
  3. Place your cursor before Item 2, and press the enter key. This will create an empty item between Item 1 and Item 2. You should have four total items, with one empty one.
    • Item 1

    • Item 2
    • Item 3
  4. Again place your cursor before Item 2, and press the backspace key 2 times. The bullet for Item 2 is removed, and Item 2 is placed below the empty item.
    • Item 1

    • Item 2
    • Item 3

It seems that this process will orphan the Item 2 text outside of an LI tag. If you look at the editor source, you will see...



Item 1</li>



Item 2 <li>

Item 3</li>


Ideally this will behave as it does on Windows 7 IE 8. In that environment Item 2 will merge back in to the empty item.

#8373 IE9 adds &quot; entities around URL in style background-image: url(...) IE9 Bug closed Normal

The issue is that in IE9 extra and unnecessary &quote; are added around url.

In user's case such code:

style="background-image: url(&quot;;);" 

was saved in DB what later was transformed to

style="background-image: url("");"

what later was changed by CKEditor to

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="145" images=""
l="" log="" style="background-image: none;" width="170""">

Despite of what is changing &quot to ", this wouldn't happen if extra &quot; weren’t added

#8379 IE : Cursor goes to start of editor body when we press Undo after inserting new row/column IBM IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open any CK Editor sample, type some text and insert a table with default values.
  1. Open context menu in any table cell, and insert a new row/column before/after existing row/column
  1. New row/column inserted correctly before/after existing column based on context menu option selected.
  1. Press Ctrl + Z or click Undo icon in the Toolbar

Expected Result: Row/Column inserted in step 3 removed but cursor stays in same table cell from where we invoked context menu to insert new row/column

Actual Result: Row/Column inserted in step 3 removed but cursor goes to start of editor body.

This will be huge convenience for users when they are editing large documents.

#8382 [IE] PageUp and PageDown not working IBM IE Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Enter content in CK Editor that spans multiple pages.
  1. Press PageUp button.

Expected Result: Cursor in editor body moves one page up.

Actual Result: Cursor goes to start of page content.

  1. Press PageDown button.

Expected Result: Cursor in editor body moves one page down.

Actual Result: Cursor goes to end of page content.

Tested against IE8, IE9 & IE10

#8385 Problem when switching between multiple instances of ckeditor IE6 IE7 HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal

Script error is displayed when switching between multiple instances of ckeditor in IE7.

Steps to reproduce: 1.create multiple ck-editor instances on the other ckeditor instances other than the current one in focus.

Expected Result: Editor should be displayed Actual Result: Script error is displayed

"C.getSelection() is null or not an object"

#8386 IE: When copying and pasting a table, an empty <p> is appended on output IE Oracle HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open CKEDITOR.
  2. Create a table.
  3. Highlight the table with "Select All" button and click "Copy" icon.
  4. Click "New Page" icon.
  5. Click "Paste" icon.
  6. Click "Source" -> HTML source is displayed, there is "<p> &nbsp;</p>".
  7. Click "Source" -> HTML page is displayed, line break is inserted before the table.

Bug is present since 3.4.2 i believe.

#8391 IE6&7: Exception thrown when scayt is being enabled and holding ENTERY key inside content area IE6 IE7 Bug closed Normal

Based on forum entry:

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebyclass sample
  2. Put your finger on ENTER key :)
  3. Enable SCAYT from toolbal
  4. Now quickly click inside content area, press&hold ENTER key

Result: JS Error is thrown
Message: Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'document is null or not an object'

  1. Click inside content area one more time, press&hold ENTER

Result: JS Error is thrown
Message: 'pageYOffset is null or not an object'

#8393 ie with large content - after scrolling to the bottom of the content and clicking inside editor, jumps back to top of content IE IBM HasPatch Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

This is related to the following forum issue:

I am still seeing the issue in the nightly build when using IE7:

  • in the editor, go to source mode and paste a large amount of html text (see attached the sample file).
  • then go back to wysiwyg mode, and click inside the editor at the very beginning of the text
  • scroll all the way down to the bottom, locate the bottom arrow of the scroll, and click in the editor area directly to the left of it (it will be a pointer cursor instead of the text cursor).
  • see that it jumps back to the top of the editor.
#8394 Table Row deletion freezes IE9 IE9 Bug closed Normal

Test in IE9 on the current CKEditor demo.

Create a bulleted list with two items. Press enter twice to get out of the list then create a table using the default table settings. Place cursor in first cell of table, right click, delete row.

Cursor gets stuck between the list and the remaining table row. Editor appears frozen though using the resize handle or switching to source mode will break the lockup.

This is the HTML that corresponds to the steps above before deleting the row.

		Item 1</li>
		Item 2</li>
<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 500px;">
#8395 IE6-10: Clicking enter after selecting table, page-break or hr causes JS error IE Bug closed Normal


  1. Clear editor contents
  2. Click on/Select the table (so that you could see resize squares)
  3. Press ENTER key


  1. clear the page
  2. type some character + press ENTER + press page_break
  3. press Ctrl+A
  4. press page_break again.

Alternative STR:

  1. Click anywhere in the "Little Red Riding Hood" page and press page_break.
  2. press Ctrl+A to select the whole page.
  3. Click again on the page_break.

Horizontal line

  1. clear editor contents
  2. insert <hr />
  3. set cursor at the beginning of paragraph that contains horizontal line - press cursor UP key (little cursor should be blinking at the beginning of line)
  4. press enter
#8400 Cannot edit cell properties on multiple cells or single cell in IE when text is selected IE Bug closed Normal

When more than one cell is selected in IE8, you get an error when pressing OK in the cell properties dialog.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add a table
  2. Add some text to the two cells in the top row
  3. Select the text in the first two cells or select whole text in one cell and then select Cell Properties from the context menu
  4. Set some property like width or background color or just press OK in the dialog box

Expected result: Dialog closes and changes are applied.

Actual result: Javascript error occurs and dialog is not closed.

Tested on: 3.6.2, nightly build

#8416 IE: toolbar buttons don't respect cursor location. IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal

This bug is related to #7796 where @fredck mentioned how browser sees element boundaries comment:4 and that current cursor location should be reflected by what the user sees on a toolbar comment:8.

To reproduce:

  1. Switch to source and paste in the following code
    		<b>HELLO World</b><br />
    		<br />
  2. Switch to source
  3. Click to the right of the "Hello World" but on the same height of this line - so that the cursor appear right after "Hello World"
  4. See that in IE8 and IE9 toolbar button "Bold" is IN MOST CASES not turned on
  5. Start typing or paste some text using CRTL+V or paste button (right-click to activate context menu turns on the bold button so pasting from context menu works)

Result: text is written/pasted in bold.

Issue has been reproducible from CKEditor 3.0 in IE8 and IE9.

#8420 [IE8] Resize handles sometimes show up around paragraphs and bulleted lists IE CantFix Bug closed Normal

After applying a style on a paragraph or turn some paragraphs into a list, resize handles show up just like it was an object/image. Editing is then nearly impossible.

#8425 IE8 IE9: Selection Defect with contentEditable = "false" and unselectable = "on" IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal

This issue was reported on our support channel (Topic: selection defect)

  1. Download and copy defect.html to samples folder
  2. Open editor and select "[This is div one and it simulates]"
  3. Right-click outside selection but in the same line E.g. area wher^e
  4. Repeat step three. this time click in are^a where

IN IE8 selection stays.
In IE9 selection shows for a moment on right-click and than disappears. To be more specific selection stays but the blue background disappears (what proves step 5).

  1. Additionally in IE9. Left-click out side of editor. Text will look like it is unselected. Now move the cursor on the part of text that "was selected", grab it with left-click and try to move it in the same line.

Result: It is possible to move the text because it's selection had stayed.

Issue has been reproducible in IE8 and IE9 from CKEditor 3.2.1

#8429 IE7, IE6 - Selection problem when destroying editor in ENTER_BR IE6 IE7 Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

This issue was reported in our supprot channel (Topic: Excluding auto generated paragraph (<p>) tags from CKeditor)

  1. Insert in your config.js
    config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;	
    config.shiftEnterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_P;
  2. Open AJAX sample
  3. Type "This is some sample text"
  4. Select E.g. "This i[s some sampl]e text"
  5. Remove editor, Create editor, Remove editor

Result: JS erro is thrown
Message: editor.getselection() is null or not an object
Line: 806
URI: /ckeditor/_source/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js

Issue has been reproducible in IE6 and IE7 from CKEditor 3.5.3

#8430 Id attribute get lost when hit backspace IE Bug closed Normal

Reproduced with internet explorer. Works fine in firefox. In source mode, inject this code :

<div id="body">

In wysiwyg mode, press enter after foo. Then press backspace, and go to source mode. The id attribute on the div is lost;

Thanks in advance.

#8446 IE8 - Unable to place cursor after image IBM IE8 HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal

Go to CKE demo. Ctrl-A/Ctrl-X Insert an image. Click on the image. Now attempt to place the cursor after the image to the right or bottom. You are unable to, and at this point, one cannot add anything after the image.

The same thing happens for iframes which uses image fake element.

#8457 Unable to click left of an indented image. IE9 Bug closed Normal

Verified this in IE9 (at the least).

  1. Using CKEditor demo, remove all text leaving the "Little Red Riding Hood" image.
  2. Double click image, set alignment to "not set".
  3. Use arrow key to move cursor the the left, in front of the image.
  4. Press the indent button five times.
  5. Use arrow key or mouse to move cursor the the right of the image.
  6. Try to move cursor back to the left of image by clicking to the left of the image.

Note that it is not possible to get cursor to move without using the arrow key. Why this workaround is usable, users expect to be able to use their mouse to maneuver the caret.

#8458 Ctrl + B can't work in this situation and javascript error is prompted IE Bug confirmed Normal

I've tried on both ckeditor3.6.1, 3.6.2 demo page and the api.html example downloaded from the webpage. below steps can reproduce the bug - use the api.html page for testing:

  1. Type several lines in the input area.
  2. e.g.

line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4

  1. Select All or Ctrl + A
  2. Ctrl + B to bold them all
  3. press enter several new line at the beginning of the passage, that's mean below in source view:
    	<strong>line 1</strong></p>
    	<strong>line 2</strong></p>
    	<strong>line 3</strong></p>
    	<strong>line 4</strong></p>
  4. Copy the text inside the "insert Text" box in api.html page, that's mean:

" First line with some leading whitespaces.

Second line of text preceded by two line breaks."

  1. paste the copied content in front of the bolded first line. After pasted the passage should be like this:
    	<strong><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; First line with some leading whitespaces.</strong></strong></p>
    	<strong><strong>Second line of text preceded by two line breaks.</strong></strong></p>
    	<strong>line 1</strong></p>
    	<strong>line 2</strong></p>
    	<strong>line 3</strong></p>
    	<strong>line 4</strong></p>
  1. select content from ^with'' to..... line 2^, so several lines are selected.
  1. now press Ctrl + B for several times, javascript error prompted with the following message:

message: 'null' is null or not an object line: 32 character: 544 source code: 0

  1. if no javascript error prompted, try to select several lines again, the most important thing is to select the text across the pasted content from insertText textarea to the middle of the rest passage. And then press Ctrl+B
  1. ctrl+b would n't work and javascript error prompted eventually.

ps: Platform - windows XP sp3 Browsers - IE8 version - ckeditor3.6.1, 3.6.2


  1. line number and character of the javascript error in step 9 changed sometimes
  2. during the reproduce process, don't switch to source mode.
  3. for text only contain one line to be pasted in step 6, may not got the same problem
#8467 <p> belongs with <br> at the end of list cause javascript error - nodeValue.length is null IE Bug confirmed Normal

Below steps can reproduce the error.

  1. Paste the following content
	<br />

  1. put the cursor position at the last line, e.g. cursor between d and e
  1. press left arrow key to walk through several lines from last line to the unordered list.
  1. javascript error occurs once the cursor position hit the unordered list content.

ps: the pattern unordered list + <p><br> causes this nodeValue.length error.

#8476 Adding an anchor deletes the character to the right of anchor IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal

On entering an anchor at the start of a paragraph, the text or character to the right of the inserted anchor is deleted. This occurs in IE8.0.7601.17514 but not in Firefox 7.0.1, using Windows 7.

#8479 Performance problem with nested documents IBM IE Bug closed Normal

This is the same issue as in ticket #8246 which has been closed as fixed. However we can still reproduce the problem. Please either track this issue here going forward or re-open the original ticket.

To reproduce, paste the content in the attached html file into the editor in source mode and then switch back to wysiwyg mode.

IE6 throws a stack overflow error

IE 7 and IE 8 become completely unresponsive.

IE 9 is a little slow to respond after the paste but it does eventually respond to user input.

#8482 DispHTMLUnknownElement with invalid code IE Bug confirmed Normal

By selecting a dom range who contains invalid Html tags, IE causes an error in the error function at the line 201 of the element.js:

this.$.appendChild( node.$ );

In the case value contains an invalid tag, fe.: <foo>some content</foo>, the "this.$" is an instance of DispHTMLUnknownElement who doesn't implements the appendChild function.

the error is caused by the, this.createBookmark(); line 1636 plugins/selection/plugin.js, clone.insertNode( startNode ); line 528 /core/dom/range.js

We are currently experiencing this issue with IE 8 and 9, we haven't tried with prior version of the software.

#8493 [IE] : Can't add link to selected text IE HasPatch Bug closed Normal

In IE from CKEditor 3.6.2 it has been impossible to change selected text into link (Link is added next to text).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open
  2. Click the 'Code' button
  3. Replace all code by this HTML code:

<table><tr><td>test test test test</td></tr></table>

  1. Click the 'Code' button again
  2. Double-click the 2nd, 3rd or 4th word 'test' (if you select the first one, the problem doesn't occur).
  3. Click the Add Link button
  4. URL:
  5. Click OK

Expected result:
The selected word is now a link to

Actual result:
The selected word is not a link. The link to is added in front of the selected word.

NOTE:If you undo (CTRL-Z) after step 8, and repeat step 5 t/m 8, the link is created as expected. So it seems to be a problem only the first time.

Issue has been reproducible in IE browsers from CKEditor 3.6.2 rev [7243].

#8497 ie 7 scrollbar positioning problem IE7 scrollbar Bug closed Normal

I have seen this issue reported online, but none of the solutions people mentioned have worked for me so far.

I have ckeditor (current version) integrated into a site, and when users with ie7 or lower hit a form where the content is long enough to cause the frame to scroll, the scrollbar goes out of position to the middle of the frame and there is no way to get down to the bottom of the editing area (see screen shot here:

I saw the same thing reported in places like this:, but I was not clear on how to implement the solution mentioned there. Other pages talked about setting the div enclosing the text area to be position: relative, which I have tried but without success.

I only just switched this site from fckeditor to ckeditor because of another IE issue that was not solvable in fckeditor. I have asked if the user can upgrade IE or install another browser for the time being, but I do need to be able to support IE7 for this type of thing.

Could anyone suggest what else I might try?



#8520 IE8 Paste throws errors in <br> mode IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Load
  2. Change Enter mode mode to "Break the line with a <BR>";
  3. Click in Editor
  4. Highlight "sample text"
  5. Press CTRL-C, CTRL-V

Note the javascript error that is thrown. The issue seems to happen with any paste action when text is highlighted.

Note that this does not happen in IE8 mode of IE9. Only native IE8 is afflicted.

#8521 IE: Pictures are not visible in preview for Flash Dialog IE Bug confirmed Normal

Wehn you insert URL to a picture in Flash Dialog it will not show in preview (see test.png).

Test URL:

#8525 Not possible to edit selected element IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal

Given the following sample html

<p>Select this: <a href="" style="display: inline-block"
><img alt="smiley" height="20" src="../plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif" 
title="smiley" width="20" /></a>.</p>

in IE (tested 8 & 9), select the image & link, use the context menu and both the options to edit the link and image appear correctly, but using any option will bring up a dialog as if nothing was selected.

If instead of using the context menu the toolbar is used then it works correctly, as well as double clicking.

The problem seems to be that after closing the context menu the selection isn't restored properly.

I haven't tried to look at previous versions to check the behavior there.

#8527 IE: Trying to insert a table after inserting an anchor generating error IBM IE8 IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open replace by class sample and clear the content by clicking on new page button.
  1. Insert an anchor using Anchor dialog.
  1. Now open Table dialog and click OK button to insert a table.

Expected Result: Table dialog closed and table inserted before the anchor.

Actual Result: Table dialog not closed but a table inserted and it replaces the anchor. when you look at status bar we are seeing an error and the error is " 'type' is null or not an object"

#8529 Table Dialog with multi ckeditors crash IE8 Bug closed Normal
  1. Single Page with multi-instances of CKEditor
  2. Press Table buttons in all CKEditor

Then the page lost focus still frozen and css style and the table dialog box sometimes are lost.

#8532 ckeditor in IE local intranet does not work well with internet zone Active Scripting security is disabled IE Bug confirmed Normal

I was told by the helpdesk to open a ticket here with regards to an issue concerning ckeditor running over IE in an intranet environment. The full correspondence, attachments and findings are details here:

Here is the summary of things: A *Local Intranet* app using ckeditor renders the ckeditor correctly but all the plugin buttons are not responsive, if the internet (not local intranet) has Active Scripting set to disabled. This is an IE issue and not a ckeditor issue, but it can be dealt with. The thing is that in IE if the internet security zone's Active Scripting is disabled, it seems like innerHTML (which is used by ckeditor to render the editor) produces the correct html but does not bind any events required to activate the buttons, such as onmouseup.

The workaround to this is simple (and is detailed in the original helpdesk ticket).

P.S. The above security settings is not a custom settings but the default settings for IE in Windows servers. For example, if you install Win 2008, IE security settings by default are set to Enable Active Scripting in Local Intranet, but Disabled Active Scripting in Internet zone. This allows running local scripts with the exception of events in innerHTML. I was not aware of this limitation in IE prior to using ckeditor and I will be more than happy if my conclusions are incorrect.

#8535 Bug: - hide() is not working with IE 7 for CKEditor hide() not working in IE7 Bug closed Normal


We are using version of CKEditor in our project and noticed an issue recently with CKEditor's compatibility with IE7. We have the functionality in the editor to hide the images through javascript which is not working on IE 7 browser and working in IE 8, Firefox etc.

We have tried all the alternatives and couldn’t find a proper solution for it. Since our most clients are using IE 7 we have to keep a fix for this issue. It would really appreciated if we could get any guidance / help towards this.

Please find the code snippet of Js (bottom) which we are using. It is being noticed that the hide() method is working on IE7. As indicated in CKEditor’s documentation it is setting the display:none for the element. From the debug we could fin d the style.display become “none” but it is not hiding the image. Even we have tried to set the isVisible = false. But no luck yet for our researches.

It would be nice if you could help us for giving some details which we are expecting: 1) Whether this is a bug with CKEditor ? , If so any fix or work around 2) Whether we did something wrong?

Code Snippet (JS):

var editor = getEditor(); for (var i = 0; i < imgArray.length; i++) {

var obj = editor.document.getById(imgArray[i].id); obj.hide();


Thanks In Advance. Siju Thomas.

#8538 IE8 IE7: Copy, select, paste causes error IE8 IE7 Bug closed Normal

Issue has been reproducible in IE8 and IE7 from CKEditor 3.6.2 rev [7239]

To reproduce:

  1. Open replace by code sample
  2. Select word "some"
  3. Press Copy toolbar button. When prompted to allow clipboard access click yes.
  4. Select word "using"
  5. Press toolbar button "Paste as plain text" or "Paste from word or "Paste". When prompted to allow clipboard access click yes

Result: JS error is thrown.
In IE8
Message: Invalid argument
Line: 241
URI: /3.6.2/ckeditor/_source/core/dom/node.js

In IE7
Message: Invalid argument
Line: 241
URI: /3.6.2/ckeditor/_source/plugins/selection/plugin.js

#8541 Wrong selection after deleted last character after contenteditable span IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
<title>CKEditor Sample</title>
<p> abcd<span contenteditable="false">XXX</span>e<p>

For above sample, in CKeditor 3.6.2, the cursor is move to the front of span after I clicked backspace and delete 'e' that after the span. Why is that? How can I change the code to correct it? Thanks.

#8542 Disappearing paragraph after lists (IE Only) IE8 Bug closed Normal

I previously mentioned this on ticket #7364 but that was closed for a more recent duplicate. Since the new ticket does not specifically mention this problem, I'm making it its own ticket.

Paste into source view:

	<li>item 1</li>
	<li>item 2</li>

In editing view, place your cursor in front of the word "paragraph" and hit backspace once. Return to source view and you will see it has created the following invalid html:

	<li>item 1</li>
	<li>item 2</li>

Worse, when the editor tries to work with the invalid html it will "correct" its mistake. To see this, now change the list formatting (for instance from unordered to ordered list) and it will delete the paragraph entirely. You can try this demo with a large paragraph instead of just the word "paragraph", and you will see the whole paragraph disappear from the document.

#8549 [IE, Webkit] can not delete selected text in table contents IE, Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
Description ckeditor at trunk in ie (ie6 or native ie8) and switch to source mode 2.input the following source:

<table border="0" style="width: 100%" title="tbdescguide">
  1. switch to wysiwyg mode and select text "12345678" or "2345678" or "5678" using mouse (here you can note :user's selection is changed automatically , for details you should see pics in the attachment )
  1. press backspace button

expect :

selected text removed

actual result:

selected text still remains ,but selection gone and cursor goes to the start position of the original selection.

PS: you can not ctrl-x or ctrl-v for that selected text too, maybe the selection is broken when it is changed automatically in step 3 .

PS2: tinymce has the same problem , maybe it's a stubborn bug for ie not for editor.

#8550 [ALL] inconsistent cursor about table IE6 IE7 HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal
  1. open ckeditor at trunk in ie (ie6 or native ie8) and switch to source mode
  2. input the following source:
<table border="0" style="width: 100px" title="tbdescguide">

3.switch to wysiwyg mode and click the point in pic1(see attachment) the cursor is after '8' (see pic2) , then click the point in pic1 again (see attachment) the cursor is after table ! (it's always what i want , see pic3)


same click same cursor position (after table , see pic3)

actual result:

first click the cursor is after '8' (see pic2) ,second click the cursor is after table (see pic3)

PS : i also provide a patch in attachment , it will solve this problem , but i do not know its side effect.

#8552 Spaces lost on copying during editing IE9 Bug confirmed Normal


(a) the Authority;

(b) the Commissioners;

(c) the OFT; and

(d) in relation to credit unions in Northern

and copy it into - ensure there are six spaces after each closing bracket. Then copy the same text within the demo and paste it back into the demo page - five of the six spaces disappear''''' This is very frustrating. Using IE9 and Windows7 64-bit and CKEditor 3.6.2 (revision 7275)

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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