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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#2969 plugin:dialog Clicking on checkbox or radio button labels don't activate their associated button in IE. IE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebyclass.html in IE.
  2. Open the find dialog.
  3. Click on the "Match case" label.
  4. The checkbox isn't checked.
#2970 Refactor CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Task closed Normal

Current implementation of documentFragment has been ported from V2 for IE 5.5 support, which have dropped for V3. We could now replace those IE hacks with standard support of native documentFragment.



#2971 Introduce the Format combo Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature closed Normal

The Format combo is to be developed for V3.

#2972 plugin:table insertion in empty document leave extra newline in IE IE Bug closed Normal


  1. Open the replace by code example page in IE6;
  2. Clean up the document by the following ways:
    • Switch to source mode, delete all contents;
    • Switch back to wysiwyg mode.
  3. Click on Table to open dialog and insert a default table, check the document now.
  • Actual Result : Empty newline existed above the inserted table.
#2973 plugin:template UI display incorrect width Safari Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

Reproducing procedure:

  1. Open Replace by code sample in Webkit.
  2. Click the Template button to open dialog.
  • Actual result: Content TABLE doesn't fit to parent DIV width.

#2978 Show blocks should keep state across mode switches Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the bug:

  1. Open replacebyclass.html of trunk in Firefox 3.
  2. Enable show blocks.
  3. Switch to source mode and back.
  4. Now show blocks is disabled.
#2982 plugin:flash 'id' attribute failed to apply in IE IE WorksForMe Bug closed Normal

Reproducing procedure:

  1. Open Replace by code sample in IE;
  2. Check flash button to open dialog;
  3. Fill in url as below, then swith to Advanced page and field in Id field with 'id1';
  4. Check the document now:
  • Actual Result: id attribute not applied.
    <p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="quality" value="high"></param><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed pluginspage="" quality="high" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object></p>
#2984 V3 : Toolbar reorganization Confirmed Review? Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

The toolbar is quite chaotic right now. It should be reorganized to resemble the V2 buttons order.

It has not support for '/' also.

#2986 plugin:image cause JavaScript Error with lockRatio button Review+ Artur Formella Task closed Normal

'this' in the dialog element onLoad function was fixed and now we need to improve image dialog.

Now 'dialog=this.getDialog()' instead of only 'dialog=this'.

#2989 document::insertHtml failed in IE Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

Fuctional Testcase


#2993 Toolbar wraps incorrectly in IE Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

When resizing the browser window, the toolbars wrap incorrectly in IE.

#2998 Toolbar combos load the editor.css file with no timestamp Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

The timestamp querystring is not being appended to the editor.css file request when opening toolbar combos.

This can be easily verified by opening the [nightly build demo], looking at the "Net" tab of Firebug.

#3002 Use "filters" for the htmlParser API Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Currently, we are introducing specific output manipulation directly into the domParser code. This makes that code quite hard to maintain, and less flexible, as it is not able to customize the manipulation with easy.

There should be instead a way to attach a "filter" to the parser, including all necessary rules for it.

In this the data processor can have a public filter property, which can be easily modified by a plugin or external code.

#3004 plugin:link created url not right with 'protocol' <other> Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

The generated link url is not right when setting protocol with <other>.

Functional Testcase

Tested with test-link-protocol-other.patch.

#3005 plugin:form failed with click ok in IE IE Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

Functional Testcase

Tested with test-form-all.patch.

#3006 V3 : Style system enhancements Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

There are still lots of features in the V2 Style System that are missing in V3, like the usage of variables in the definition and proper support for attributes and styles checks.

I'll be attaching a path with several enhancements and some code organization.

#3007 Font and Size combos Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Implement the Font and Size combos.

#3008 plugin:form fields certain attributes not commited in IE IE Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Specifically, attributes name,style and check box based options didn't get committed.

Functional Testcase

Provide a test case for checkbox, others field types could also be reproduced in same way.

#3018 V3 : Styles Combo Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature closed Normal

Implement the Styles combo in V3.

#3019 plugin:form all form-based dialog failed to work in edit mode. Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Currently it's unable to update dialog from existed element attributes.

#3021 Toolbar layout is messed up in IE6 quirks mode Confirmed Oracle IE Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Delete the <!DOCTYPE> line in sample.html.
  2. Open replacebyclass.html in IE6.
  3. The toolbar is messed up.
#3025 V3 : Color Selectors Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature closed Normal

Implement the "Text Color" and "Background Color" buttons in the toolbar.

#3028 config:startupFocus not working Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

CKEDITOR.config.startupFocus set to 'true' doesn't work for both modes.

#3038 There's no label for the image button and hidden field buttons. Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

Image button and hidden field labels read "undefined" in JAWS right now. Proper labels should be added for the two buttons.

#3040 Adding YUI.util.Selector module to testing framework Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Now UI-level functional is a little bit hard since we have no tool to locate elements. YUI CSS3 Selectors, which could help to locate those elements like buttons. So we'll merge into testselector.jsfile for this functionality.

#3041 plugin:colorbutton incorrect state after color selected. Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

The bgColor and textColor button should have no states after applying the styles. Currently we can still found sometimes these two buttons toggled on after panel is closed.

#3042 Accessibility not complete on toolbar items Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Certain toolbar items are not correctly with title and tabIndex.

#3046 plugin:list adding extra <br> Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Both list commands appending extra <br> at end of the target block elements.

#3052 CKEditor should be focs-able like a text box under JAWS Oracle Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

CKEditor is extremely unfriendly towards screen readers at the moment:

  1. To navigate into the editing area, the user would have to tab through all or almost all toolbar buttons in Firefox and IE.
  2. Pressing e to focus on the editing area like a textbox often does not work in IE, and never works in Firefox.
  3. There's no announcement to the user that he's put his focus into an editable area.
#3053 Safari 4 improperly sets height of editor area WebKit Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Tested on Safari 4 Windows and Webkit nightly build Mac. Issue occurs when pasting text or typing text.

To reproduce:

  1. Open FCKEditor Demo page
  1. Type or paste text into editor. Text will be 1 line too short to fill proper box size.
  1. Resize Safari window. Editor area will suddenly expand to fill entire box.

Note 1: If it does not happen, try shift-reload first. It only happens on the first non-cached load of the page.

Note 2: Some editor layouts have no issues, some editor layouts have significant sizing issues, some over with the editor area 1 inch screen height too small.

See attached file for an extreme case.

#3055 Unbolding a word in IE8 expands the selection to the whole tag IE8 Bug closed Normal

Using IE8 in the current CKEditor nightly:

doubleclick in the bolded "sample" word, now click the bold command to unbold that word: the whole "sample text" is selected and becomes unbolded.

#3056 Selecting a tag using the "elements path" gives error in IE8 IE8 Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Put the cursor in the middle of "sample text" in IE8 in the current nightly of CKEditor, in the status bar click in the "strong" tag to select the whole tag.

It gives an error in the selection plugin, line 585, Invalid argument.

#3057 V3 : Context Menu Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature closed Normal

Implement the context menu.

#3058 IE : Error when closing dialog without setting editor focus Confirmed IE Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
  1. Open a sample in IE
  2. Click outside the editor, just to be sure it has no focus.
  3. Click the "Smileys" dialog, for example.
  4. Select any of the smileys.

An error is thrown. It happens with all dialog.

#3060 V3: Ability to disable PanelButton element Review- Artur Formella New Feature closed Normal

Now it is impossible to disable PanelButton in toolbar. It should be possible to disable it in source mode.

#3061 V3 : image dialog- correct buttons position Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

Due to previous fixes, LockRatio and Reset Button has wrong position in FF and Webkit.

#3068 plugin:panel doesn't hide on subsequent click Review- Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

In The panel system (contextMenu and floatPanel)should auto hide on any click which doesn't fall into the panel region, now it's not working appropriately. It could be identified by the context menu


  1. Open the replace by code example page;
  2. Left click on the document to open Context Menu;
  3. Click on the bold command;
  • Expected Result : The menu will hide before the command execution.
  1. Right click on the document region outside the menu;
  • Actual Result : The menu has always been there.
#3070 plugin:form doesn't work with 'edit' mode Confirmed Review? Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

The Edit Form function doesn't works, which make certain related feature like Form Properties on Context Menu failed too.

#3071 V3 : Entities Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature closed Normal

Introduce the HTML entities support in V3.

#3072 Remove all "pluginPath" arguments from the plugin::init functions Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella Task closed Normal

In the early beginning we were able to access the plugin path only by a parameter sent to the init function. Now, this parameter is not sent anymore, but the arguments are still there. Some cleanup is need to remove it from the code (it may cause confusion).

#3073 Accessibility: Tab key toolbar navigation stop at Combo Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

It's now impossible to use Tab navigating through all the toolbar items caused by a stop at the the first combo button.

#3075 plugin:wysiwyg broken on insertHtml Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

After introducing the HTML Parser Filter system, method like protectHtml should be removed, which in this case cause JavaScript error.

#3077 Tools: createClass incompleteness Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
Description logic's not right in the following sense:

  • Generally class creation need to fix contructor property, which is wrong after prototype copying;
  • Private fields should be available in constructor;
#3083 V3 : ENTER Key Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature closed Normal

Implement the ENTER key customization in V3.

#3084 Spellchecker displays (broken) HTML at the text field Review? Bug closed Normal

The spellchecker dialog shows a small piece of broken HTML at the text panel. It shouldn't display HTML, and shouldn't even display broken one. See attached screenshot.

How to reproduce:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the FCKeditor text area to place the cursor at the end of the default demo text.
  3. Press Enter, and type "ñ". This is the same as &ntilde;, which is a common character in Spanish language (although I don't speak Spanish).

Notice: I've typed this char by typing ~ followed by n. In my keyboard layout (which is us_intl, or US International), ~ key is a deadkey.

  1. Click on spellchecker button.

Tested with Firefox on Linux.

#3085 Accessibility: Menu Confirmed Oracle Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Menu( Context Menu currently) should has some same navigation mechanism with drop-down control like RichCombo.

#3087 Tools: Clone method not working for Array type Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Current function doesn't work for Array cloning.

#3088 [IE]RichCombo scrolling document IE8 Bug confirmed Normal

When mouse wheel on combo dropdown, the whole document is also scrolling.

#3089 [IE]plugin:showblock problems IE8 Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

It's unable to switch off ShowBlock on IE.

#3092 plugin:stylesCombo has no options Firefox Confirmed IBM Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal


  1. Open the replace by code example page;
  2. Initial the document with the following content and selection:
  3. Click on stylesCombo to open drop-down.
  • Actual Result: No options are listed in the drop-down.
#3100 plugin:wysiwyg should have dtd check on insertElement Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

CKEDITOR.editor::insertElement is about introducing changes to the document, which need to make sure the schema are satisfied. The functional test reproduce a typical case of this when inserting a table failed within list items.

Related tickets


#3105 insertHtml and insertElement should agree on the result IE Webkit Bug closed Normal

Currently CKEDITOR.editor.insertHtml and CKEDITOR.editor.insertElement are having different results when the inserted element happened to be malformed or schema-violated.
This is because insertHtml is depending some native methods like pasteHtml to perform revision, from which the result may vary from browser to browser. While insertElement is all about our own logic, which perform no revision at all( The revision logic is proposing at #3100 though).

#3106 [IE]editor.getSelection not right empty document IE Bug confirmed Normal

When initial a document with focus but no content, the CKEDITOR.editor::getSelection returns 'null', which disable and subsequent range requests, this bug is due to a IE bug which reporting selection which not belonged to parent document.

#3111 Customized icons for context menu items Oracle Review+ Martin Kou New Feature closed Normal

It should be possible for plugin developers to define icons for their context menu items easily, instead of having to include a separate .css for the purpose.

#3113 Need to move input focus to the dialog panels Confirmed Review? Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

Some of the dialogs panels like 'Add New Image' do not get the input focus, while others like 'Add Anchor' move the focus to the panel. It is especially noticeable in IE, as unlike FF it does not hide the focus marker when a panel is opened.

#3117 Permission denied to set property Window.fakeOpener Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

If the V3 editor is hosted on third party domain clicking "Spell Check" throws the following error "Permission denied to set property Window.fakeOpener" (FF) or "A Runtime Error has occurfed. Do you wish to debug? Line: 30 Error:Permission Denied" (IE).

#3126 Rename documentFragment.js to lower case Confirmed Review- Frederico Caldeira Knabben Task closed Normal

The documentFragment file has been mistakenly named with camel case, just like the class name. It must instead be renamed to full lowercase.

The reference in loader.js is also to be renamed, as well as the test file for it.

#3130 Tabspaces setting in tab plugin is not working Oracle Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Set config.tabSpaces=4 in config.js.
  2. Open replacebyclass.html in IE or Firefox.
  3. Put focus into editing area.
  4. Press tab.
  5. Nothing happens.

In Senthil's demonstration this evening, what happened was the editor put 4 spaces while blurring itself and put focus into the next field - but that's also wrong.

#3134 Invalid alignment of toolbar icons in IE Quirks mode Oracle Confirmed IE Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Delete the doctype line in sample.html to make it a quirks mode document.
  2. Open replacebyclass.html in IE.
  3. Resize the IE window smaller such that some toolbar buttons cannot be fitted on the same row.
  4. The alignment of toolbar icons becomes messy.
#3145 Spellcheck dialog responseless Pending Review? Bug closed Normal

Currently the Spellcheck dialog loading is very slow and come without any waiting message,and sometimes failed in browser other than FF.

#3150 Toolbar items icon has extra border when disabled Confirmed IE Bug closed Normal

IE6 witness.

#3151 Remove list command is not working Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebyclass.html sample in any supported browser.
  2. Change the paragraph into a numbered list.
  3. Press numbered list button again.
  4. The list is not removed.
#3152 basicstyle override tag not working Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Specifically the overrides of both <b> and <i> are not working.

#3155 Htmlentities incorrect with '|' Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

ASC char '|' is been translated into HTML Numeric Entity, which is wrong.

#3157 Smiley plugin causes browser to hang Confirmed IBM Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Most browsers hang or crash when accessing the smiley feature on a subsequent instance of the editor.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open Ajax example
  2. Use smiley plugin to add smiley to the document.
  3. Destroy the editor
  4. Create new editor
  5. Attempt to add a smiley

Result: Most browser will hang or crash at this point. Possibly related to a recursion issue.

#3160 [FF] Ajax sample editor document problem Confirmed Firefox Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the ajax.html example page;
  2. Click Create Editor button to have a new instance;
  3. Insert some content and click Remove Editor to destroy the instance;
  4. Click Create Editor button again to have another new instance;
  • Actual Result : The content is lost within the new instance and the document become not editable.
#3165 [IE] enterKey incorrect with list item Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by code example page;
  2. Make document content and selection as following:
  3. Press Enter key
  • Actual Result :
  • Expected Result :
#3166 enterKey break in source mode Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

EnterKey logic within document should be disabled for source mode.It's now cause JavaScript error generated when hit the key.

#3169 [IE] Indent problem with <pre> IE WorksForMe Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by code example page;
  2. Make document content and selection as following:
  3. Hit Enter key then click Select All command;
  4. Click Indent command;
  • Actual Result : Javascript Error occured.
  • Expected Result :
    <pre style="margin-left: 40px">
    	text </pre>
#3170 Source mode problem on switching Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

It's necessary to disable the Source button when perform switching.

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by code example page;
  2. Delete all the content within document;
  3. Triple click on Source button;
  • Actual Result : The origianl content now re-appears.
#3172 fake object can't update width Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

The fake object is unable to get width style which should be updated from the fake control element.

#3173 Make it possible to register event listeners on instance creation Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature closed Normal

The following currently doesn't work in all cases:

var editor = editor.replace( 'editor1' );
editor.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... } );

... because the event may be fired during the "replace" call, so the event registration comes too late.

There are ways to do so, but it's a little cumbersome:

CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceCreated', function( ev )
        ev.editor.on( 'someEvent', function() { ... } );

editor.replace( 'editor1' );

There should be instead a way to do that on instance creation, just like this:

editor.replace( 'editor1',
        // ... some editor settings

        on :
            someEvent : function() { ... },
            otherEvent : function() { ... }
#3174 CKEditor 3.0 - Context Menu is not displayed correctly IE Oracle Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Screen shot attached

#3178 page break button - confusing name Confirmed Review+ Task closed Normal

The name of this button is confusing. It would be good to change it to something like page break for printing.

#3181 Fix selection for IE8 in FCKeditor IE8 Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Like #3089, the same kind of patch is needed for FCKeditor and IE8

#3182 IE8: Contents of panels aren't shown IE8 Confirmed Bug closed Normal

Load the replacebyclass example in IE8, click on any of the dropdowns: they are empty.

Also, clicking then in the document doesn't close the panel

#3183 IE8: Domain relaxation for panels fails IE8 Bug closed Normal

As reported in

the line 54 in fckpanel.js gives a permission error (Access denied), if the editor is placed in a page using domain relaxation.

This is the first part that fails:

		this.Document = this._Popup.document ;
#3186 IE : DEL stop working when using scrollbars IE6 Bug confirmed Normal

While having the focus inside the editor, if you scroll the containing page, the caret will stay blinking inside the editor. But, at that point, the DEL key has not action anymore. Other keystrokes will continue work correctly.

#3188 V3 : Implement the <pre> support Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

In V2, we have special support for <pre> blocks, making it possible to switch them forth and back to <p>, for example. We need it in V3.

#3189 V3 : Padding block support Confirmed 3.0RC Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

In V2, we implemented some checks to ensure that there is always a way to escape from special blocks, like <table> and <pre>.

For that we guarantee that there is always an element where to move at the very end of the document. We need it in V3.

#3190 Auto-fix block-less paragraphs Confirmed 3.0RC Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

When moving the caret inside the editor (on selectionChange), the editor could automatically fix paragraphs with no blocks, resulting in a more accurate WYSIWYG experience, as after all the paragraphs will be fixed on output.

#3192 [IE] editor.focus() is asynchronized IE Bug closed Normal

Move the keyboard focus to an element in IE won't have an immediate result, which may cause subsequent dependent operation fails, as described by the test case.

#3196 [IE6] Context Menu displaying expand editor width IE6 Bug closed Normal

At the time when context menu was displayed, the editor chrome width become noticeable larger, it restored back to normal width later on Menu hide randomly.

#3198 Insertion with content deleted not working Confirmed Review- Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Make a selection which contains some content;
  3. Open Smiley dialog to insert a random icon;
    • Actual Result: JavaScript Error occurred.
#3199 Question mark "?" change to "shy" Confirmed 3.0RC Review+ Wiktor Walc Bug closed Normal

If you type a question mark then submit, every "?" is transformed to "shy". In source mode, if you type &#063; same problem again.

Tested in FF3.0.6 and Opera9.63

#3201 [Opera] Discards entities when switchng to source view and back Confirmed Opera Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

If you paste some text that contains some HTML entities (like hardbreaks &nbsp;), switch to source code view and then switch back again, you can see all the hardbreaks being replaced with nbsp text.

#3205 Image dialog problem after close Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Click on 'Image' dialog button to open dialog;
  3. Click on 'Cancel' button to close the dialog;
    • Actual Result: An JavaScript Error thrown;
#3208 IE Focus issue with Ajax example IBM Review- Pending Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

After opening the ajax example in IE6 and creating the editor instance for the first time, it is not possible to focus in the editing area.

#3211 Disable unavailable commands Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

Some of the commands doesn't work under certain conditions. Example:

-WSC in Opera

-Print in Opera

-Save if there is no FORM element

Those buttons should be disabled.

#3220 The releaser is adding xml:space="preserve" to the samples Confirmed Review+ Wiktor Walc Bug closed Normal

The releaser is adding the xml:space="preserve" attribute at one of the tags in the sample pages.

#3221 Swedish translation Review+ Artur Formella New Feature closed Normal

I have made a Swedish translation of the extension. Version 0.1 :)

#3222 Rich combos and float buttons lose clicks Review+ IE Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

-Click the Style combo (it opens)

-Click the Format combo (it opens)

-Click the Style combo (it should be opened but it doesn't)

-Click the Format combo (it should be opened but it doesn't)

The same problem with Float Buttons.

#3225 Have a single config option to set the UI language Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Currently, if you want to set the UI to a specific language, you need to set, in the configurations, both autoLanguage to "false" and defaultLanguage to the desired language code. This is cumbersome, and counterintuitive.

It should be possible to set the UI language with a single configuration option.

#3229 Flash dialog is not clear up preview area Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by code example page;
  2. Open flash dialog and fill in url with :, specify width with '100', height with '100', click Ok to insert the flash.
  3. Open flash dialog again to add another new flash;
  • Actual Result : The previous flash content is still in the preview area.
#3233 Corrections to Hebrew translation Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

Made some mistakes on my original Hebrew translation files (sorry). These correct them.

#3239 Add editorTitle to language files Review+ Artur Formella Task closed Normal

After #3213 editor doesn't work in non English browsers due to lack of "editorTitle" translation.

#3240 Font style not correct with existed style Confirmed IBM Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

When inline style is applied, it should always create at the possible outmost, with selection enlarged.

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Make the content along with selection as below by double click 'text':
  3. Click on 'Font' to open combo and select 'Arial' option;
    • Expected Result:
      	<span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;"><b><i>text</i></b></span></p>
    • Actual Result: An JavaScript Error thrown;
      	<b><i><span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">text</span></i></b></p>
#3250 Undo support for combo and panelbutton based command Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella Task closed Normal

Undo/Redo support for RichCombo and PanelButton is to be implemented.

#3251 Undo support for EnteryKey Review+ Artur Formella Task closed Normal

Undo/Redo support for EnterKeyis to be implemented.

#3257 List doesn't preserve block style Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Open 'Format' combo and select 'Heading 1' style;
  3. Click on 'Numbered List' to apply list format;
    • Actual Result:
      		This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="">FCKeditor</a>.</li>
    • Expected Result:
      				This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="">FCKeditor</a>.</h1></li>
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