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Results (3501 - 3600 of 5597)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#6975 Edit definition lists crashes IE 7,8,9 Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1 Core : DTD
#6979 Applying style throws error when the selection ends inside a readonly element Bug Normal Core : Styles
#6981 New translation for en-gb Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 UI : Language
#6982 Full page mode: moving image creates another body element Bug Normal General
#6984 Line breaks are lost when enter mode is br Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 Core : Output Data
#6985 Whitespace lost on paste in FF Bug Normal Core : Pasting
#6986 insertElement with partial list selection Bug Normal General
#6987 IE: insertHtml inserts content at the beginning and ignores the selection Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 General
#6988 Combo box should be reset on mode switch Bug Normal UI : Toolbar
#6989 Update copyrights Wiktor Walc Task Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#6991 Updated the Finnish translation Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 UI : Language
#6992 [IE7] Selection error when typing text after table Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 Core : Selection
#6993 Table borders are not displayed when the editor is saved Wiktor Walc Bug Normal Core : Tables
#6994 Sample page global css leak Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 UI : Dialogs
#6996 destroy() behaves incorrectly if called too soon after instance created Bug Normal General
#6999 IE: cursor jumps above horizontal line after clicking below it Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#7001 Cannot delete a line (paragraph) below the table Bug Normal General
#7002 [IE] Undo when table is selected results in an error Bug Normal Core : Undo & Redo
#7004 Allow to load plugin translations even if they aren't included in the plugin definition Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo New Feature Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 General
#7007 IE : Bulleted/Numbered lists created with Paragraph formatting can not be deleted using backspace Bug Normal Core : Lists
#7008 Clipboard toolbar status wrong Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 UI : Toolbar
#7009 [IE] Incorrect copy button state Bug Normal UI : Toolbar
#7011 Nested list with different direction Bug Normal Core : BiDi
#7013 DIV is not used for BIDI in enterBR Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 Core : BiDi
#7014 Samples - Ajax - error on page, when Create/Remove button is pressed one by one Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#7016 [enterBr] apply text direction to fully list selection Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 Core : BiDi
#7018 [IE] Combo boxes have no border in office2003/v2 Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Skins
#7019 Webkit: Selection stops before input elements Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#7020 Webkit: Applying direction to certian table selection ruins the table Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 Core : BiDi
#7023 IE: JS error when Selection field inserted on page Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 General
#7024 Firefox: incorrect button state Bug Normal General
#7025 Safari, Mac: Placeholder - "Edit Placeholder" is missing in the context menu Bug Normal General
#7027 Safari, Mac: Placeholder - initial values are not loaded in the dialog Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#7028 Replace doesn't work and JavaScript error occurs Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#7031 Webkit: It is possible to write inside a textarea Bug Normal General
#7034 Insert special char into styled text Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 General
#7035 Inserting element when all contents of list is selected removes the list Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#7037 Incorrect remove preformatted block Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 Core : Styles
#7041 Firefox: Unable to escape from the link Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 Core : Styles
#7043 Cursor jumps at the beginning of the editing area after inserting a link Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#7044 Create a BBCode sample Garry Yao New Feature Normal CKEditor 3.6 Core : Parser
#7054 Special Character dialog window has all-caps tooltips which are unreadable Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Dialogs
#7055 Update Polish language file Task Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 UI : Language
#7065 BR in pre-formatted doesn't create paragraphs Bug Normal Core : Styles
#7068 Update German language file Task Normal UI : Language
#7070 Extra line break added to the list item when applying a style Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#7073 Image dialog should not allow zero for width and height fields Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 General
#7074 [Firefox, enterBr] Setting inline style over fully selected document with table ruins the table Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 Core : Styles
#7075 [enterBr] change text direction in one line out of multiple Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 Core : BiDi
#7076 [Firefox, enterBr] Undo failure Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 Core : Undo & Redo
#7083 Resizing a column makes an empty table invisible Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#7084 SCAYT options menu is empty / incorrect work of "scayt_uiTabs" config param for multiple CKEditor instances Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Spell Checker
#7087 Firefox: Unable to escape from the link inside of a list or a table Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#7088 Special Character dialog causes bug during for next CKEditor instances Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 General
#7092 Nested inline styling Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 Core : Styles
#7098 Creating an element over a selection that starts at text nodes throws an error Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#7100 JS error when empty list selected and trying to insert element Bug Normal Core : Lists
#7102 Divreplace sample sometimes does not work Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 General
#7108 [Opera] Broken content after pasting as plain text and then edited Bug Normal Core : Pasting
#7113 Scrolls Back to the top of the page Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 General
#7114 iframe plugin does not allow percentage widths Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1 General
#7119 Cursor skipping additional character after contentEditable="false" Bug Normal Core : Read-only
#7124 Czech language file for CKEditor 3.5.1 Sa'ar Zac Elias Task Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Language
#7126 Update French language file Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Language
#7130 Table column resize hit testing needs to be finer grained Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1 General
#7131 Copy/Paste Word List should preserve list properties Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 Plugin : Paste from Word
#7132 Paste toolbar buttons are becoming disabled Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Toolbar
#7137 insertHtml( ' ') inserts a plain space Bug Normal General
#7138 api.html sample in Opera does not work as expected Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 General
#7139 URL encoding for image path is lost in CKEditor 3.5 Bug Normal General
#7140 Catalan translation update New Feature Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Language
#7146 WebKit: pasting block elements results in an extra div Bug Normal Core : Pasting
#7147 Editor not allowing to enter anything (Firefox v 3.5.16 or 3.5.x) Bug Normal General
#7153 Can't dynamically load ckeditor_source.js Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2 General
#7154 Add support for a Display Text field to the Link dialog Marek Lewandowski New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.11 UI : Dialogs
#7155 pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyle broken in v3.5.1 Bug Normal Plugin : Paste from Word
#7157 IE9 - in Document mode IE9 standards, CKEditor does not run Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.2 Project : CKPackager
#7158 Image placeholder for inserting an iframe does not use the style attribute Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1 UI : Dialogs
#7161 IE9 Languages sample - create/destroy editor does not work properly Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.2 General
#7163 Lots of language updates for Norwegian (no and nb) Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Language
#7168 IE9: Ajax sample does not work Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.2 General
#7169 IE9: context menu looks bad Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.2 General
#7170 [IE] incorrect cursor position after enter in pre blocks Garry Yao Bug Normal Core : Selection
#7171 Double click on an image in non-editable content opens editing dialog Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 General
#7174 IE9: Cursor path does not load corectly when editor is switched back from source to wysiwyg Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.2 General
#7176 IE9 - SCAYT enabled, after inserting template, dialog does not close. js error thrown Bug Normal UI : Spell Checker
#7177 Finnish translation for rel attribute in the Link dialog Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Language
#7178 IE9 RC: right-clicking on a placeholder does not select it Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.2 General
#7179 Remains of selected table, stay in edit area after inserting form element Garry Yao Bug Normal Core : Selection
#7180 [IE9] Small glitch in buttons in RTL in kama Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Skins
#7181 IE9 RC: RTL toolbars look bad in Office 2003/V2 Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.2 UI : Skins
#7182 [IE9] Office2003: Shadows in RTL dialogs may be corrupted Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Dialogs
#7183 Afrikaans translation is awful Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 UI : Language
#7189 IE9: impossible to move cursor below horizontal line Bug Normal General
#7192 IE Elements not shown in path bar when we select pre format option with out focus in editor body Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1 General
#7196 IE9 - js error while inserting <form> on selected page-break Garry Yao Bug Normal General
#7200 [IE] Better RTL block editing Bug Normal General
#7201 Cursor moves out of span when applying inline style to collapsed selection Bug Normal General
#7202 Double clicking word after inline style is applied, selects only part of the word Bug Normal General
#7203 CKEditor Sample — Replace DIV Bug Normal General
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