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Results (1801 - 1900 of 2646)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#6013 IE[6-9] + FF[10-11]: Focus not in input field after mouse click over "empty" content area IE FF Bug closed Normal

Using CKEditor 3.2.1 (3.3.1 has this too) with IE6 does have a focus problem. Using Tab to get into the "edit" box does work. Clicking in the "first" line does work too - in both cases you can do some input.

But if you click anywhere in the content box but the first line (line where there is no text yet) it "seems" as the box got focus, but if you want to write something, nothing happen. You have to click again and after that it works.

#6029 [IE] Last character is skipped when navigating through list items IE Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  • Insert the following html to source and place the caret at the marked place:
  • Move two times with the right arrow key.

Notice that the second time, the caret is placed in the beginning of the sub item and not the end of the first item as expected.

#6033 [IE] Pasting over a readonly block merge the siblings and the pasted content IE Bug closed Normal
  • Load the following HTML:
    	Para 1</p>
    <p contenteditable="false">
    	Para 2</p>
    	Para 3</p>
  • Right click "Para 2".
  • Paste some content.

Notice that para 1, the pasted content and para 3 are merged into one paragraph.

#6035 IE: Bookmarks being left on paste IE Bug closed Normal

It should be surely possible to reproduce it in several ways, but the following case happens always:

  1. Load:
<p>Para 1</p>
<p>Para 2</p>
  1. Copy a single word from the page.
  2. Put the caret at the end of para "1".
  3. Hit SHIFT+ARROW-DOWN to select para "2".
  4. Right in the selected para "2" and select "Paste". Allow clipboard access so it gets executed.

The "span" entry will show in the elements path, and the bookmark can be confirmed in the source view.

#6036 Right clicking on a link inside a readonly block results wrong IE Bug closed Normal
  • Load an editor with the following html:
    <p contenteditable="false"><a href="">Link in a readonly block</a></p>
  • Right click on the link.

Notice that a new paragraph is created above and the parent container is not selected.

#6045 [3.4.x] Error when changing link properties IE Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal
  • Open the ajax sample.
  • Create a link.
  • Right click on the link and select Edit Link.
  • Change any of the link properties and hit OK.

JS error is thrown.

#6054 [3.4.x] Can not create a link over a textarea IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
  1. Create a textarea. Make sure it is selected.
  2. Click on the link icon.
  3. Type a URL and hit Ok.

A JS error is thrown.

#6056 Floating panels don't have scrollbars IE8 Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

IE + Quirks: floating panels don't have scrollbars.

#6057 Error when clicking beneath the body of a maximized editor IE Bug closed Normal

IE with Office2003/V2 skins:

  • Maximize an editor.
  • Click beneath the content of the editor.

A part of the editor disappears.

#6058 [IE Quirks] CSS-Glitch with file upload fields IE HasPatch Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Under IE-Quirks mode, the file upload fields are too small. This stems from what appears to be a mis-named CSS tag.

#6060 IE: Error on editor.destroy() with selection IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

With IE8+Compat, when calling editor.destroy() in an editor with selection, a js error is thrown.

I'm attaching a test page that shows the problem.

#6061 IE: AutoGrow is not shrinking IE8 Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

With the new autogrow plugin, introduced into the 3.4.x branch, the editor grows as expected when we insert contents, but it's not shrinking back when we start deleting it.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Load the AutoGrow sample.
  2. Hit ENTER in any of the editors, so it start to grow.
  3. Delete all the previous line breaks with BACKSPACE.

The editor should shrink back up to its original size. With IE, this is not happening.

#6068 [IE7] RTL languages' labels are sometimes invisible IE7 Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
  • Open the languages sample and choose RTL language (e.g. Hebrew).
  • Open the text input dialog.

Notice that the 'Character Width' and 'Maximum Characters' labels are invisible.

#6076 [IE Quirks] Dialogs are not wide enough for their contents / Templates Dialog IE HasPatch Bug confirmed Normal

I've build a couple custom plugins now and keep running into the problem that the windows never seem to stretch to accomodate the content. Thus I have to very carefully set the minWidth correctly in the dialog definition.

I thought this was my fault until I came to the templates dialog. In SVN, the templates container is also not wide enough for the contents. To replicate, pop open IE in quirks and open the templates dialog.

There are two possible fixes for this (or both): 1) Define the templates dialog as being bigger 2) Rollback #4863 - if you change dialog.css .cke_skin_kama .cke_browser_iequirks .cke_dialog_page_contents and set position = relative (or just remove it)...the dialogs will accomodate the content better.

There might be another fix which is making the templates scroll contents better styled, because right now it looks like there is excessive whitespace in there serving no purpose. But even when I managed to make that box smaller, the intro text above it still runs over. Thoughts?

#6077 Page Break bug IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

In ticket #5079, page break element was changed from DIV to SPAN. As the result, page breaks don't work anymore, because CSS page-break-after properties only apply to block-level elements.

#6084 IE: Error on Source view blur IE Bug closed Normal
  1. Switch to source view.
  2. Click inside the source view contents.
  3. Click in the page, outside the editor.

A js error is thrown.

#6087 IE: Caret doesn't blink on RTL dialogs IE Opera IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

In IE, the caret is not visible inside dialogs when the UI is RTL.

This is a followup ticket for comment:19:ticket:4615.

#6090 IE: Textarea with selection inside causes Link dialog issues IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

In IE, textarea with selection inside, causes Link dialog issues.


  1. Open editor with textarea inside the document.
  2. Click first time to focus textarea.
  3. Click second time close to the border to move selection inside textarea.
  4. Open Link dialog.
  5. Type URL and hit OK.

Result: JS error is thrown.

#6110 Code altered after deleting quotation mark within <td> Webkit Opera Firefox IE Bug closed Normal

When using a single quote within a double quote "BOTH" ckeditor and fckeditor cancel out the single quote which in turn is altering the code in the background.


  1. In CKEditor, delete all content
  2. In source editing paste:
    	   <td align="center" bgcolor="#009900" class="style26" style="background-image: url(; width: 216px">
  3. Delete last " mark in <td>
  4. Switch to WYSIWYG mode - the table cell is missing or messed
  5. and back to Source editing
  6. <td></td>line is interpreted wrong or deleted
    1. in Chrome7 & Safari:
    2. in Firefox 3.6.9:
       	 <td 216px="" align="center" bgcolor="#009900" class="style26" http:="" index_htm_files="" style="" width:="""">
    3. in IE8
      			&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#009900&quot; class=&quot;style26&quot; style=&quot;background-image: url(; width: 216px&gt; &nbsp;
    4. in Opera 10.62
      	<td align="center" bgcolor="#009900" class="style26" style="background-image: url(; width: 216px&gt;
#6114 SCAYT / Font tag / IE interaction IE Bug confirmed Normal


  1. Open IE and go to CKEditor demo:
  2. Paste this HTML code into source view
    <a href="#" onclick="'http://www.anydomain.test','windowname','width=320,height=240'); return false"><font size="2">wordinsidelink1 wordinsidelink2 wordinsidelink3 wordinsidelink4</font></a></p>
  3. Turn on the spell checker
  4. Switch between HTML and design views to see the code changes

When the spell checker checks the document, it apparently splits the font tag in the following way: word1 and its font tag is enclosed inside the misspell span. I.E. <span class="scayt-misspell"><font>word, then the following three words are <font><span class="scayt-misspell" id="thisone">word

Works fine in FF. Hope that helps describe the problem well enough!

#6119 Web Spell Checker - "finish checking" takes ages to finish HasPatch, Review? Bug confirmed Normal

When having a larger document, the SpellChecker dialog becomes useless. I have tried editing the following document in CKEditor:

and after opening the "SpellChecker" dialog (with the "Check Spelling" button), after I clicked "Finish Checking" button inside of the dialog, it didn't close in a reasonable amount of time (it took almost 9 minutes, I have pretty fast internet connection). I have tested it in IE8.

To reproduce load the attached HTML source and use WSC.

I have no idea how spell checker works, but it looks like the problem is that the data is sent in a really small chunks, thus checking the whole document requires hundreds of HTTP requests.

There is one more thing that I do not understand here: I have pressed the "Check Spelling" button, I did not change anything in the dialog and just pressed the "Finish Checking" button. Why is it taking so long if I did not change the document at all?

If it really has to take a lot of time, we could at least display an estimated time required to finish processing, because it is definitely not obvious that this operation may take so long.

#6126 input with name="submit" and hefty css/js in IE7/8 causes editor to intermittently fail to load IE Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

This is the same as Ticket #4726. I experienced exactly the same problem in IE7/8 with ckeditor 3.3.2. A page with 4 editors would intermittently load between 0 and 3 editors instead of four. Only error encountered was when using the IE8 debugger. It would complain exactly as in

I was able to increase the success rate by:

  1. setting a timeout on the CKEDITOR.replace() call, the longer the timeout the better the success at loading editors
  2. removing large css and js links from the HTML.

I was able to get the editors to load 100% reliably once I changed an input with name="submit" to name="somethingelse". 100% no worries at all, worked everytime.

I am guessing that the reason you guys might have had trouble replicating this is due to the hefty css/js that was contributing to the problem. With a minimal test page you would not be able to get this behaviour to occur.

Hope this assists you in making this awesome editor even more awesome!

If you would like a better test case PM me and I'll send you something

#6134 [IE Quirks] Table plugin broken / validation impossible IE HasPatch Bug closed Normal

Under IE Quirks the following coding error comes out:

CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer()( value )

should be:

CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer( value )

This magically works on every other browser, but in quirks mode it passes a null value and thus makes the table dialog impossible to use.

Patch attached.

NOTE: For some reason, this was impossible to re-produce on the test site and on the exact same code running locally on my computer, yet on our server (same code as local server) the error shows itself. Since this is simply a syntatic fix, compatibility should be improved with no side effects.

#6139 Marking Words IE Chrome Firefox Bug closed Normal

Hi there!

Go in FF 3.x or in IE7 or IE8.

Now double-klick a word, and you can see, that there is the space after the word marked. So, when you set a link now, the one Space after the word is also a link and is also underlined. This looks not really nice.

I saw it in my 3.3.1 but it is also in your latest Version.


#6140 IE Selected format fails to reflect in entered texts correctly IBM IE VendorFix Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open any sample except Ajax.
  1. with out keeping the cursor in editor body try to select a Font(ex:Georgia).

Expected Result:

see that font is selected and shown in Font Name drop down list.

Actual Result:

Font selection goes back to empty by itself

  1. select the font type again. (I am able to select the font this time).
  1. Change font size to 22.
  1. Click on Bold button & notice that the button doesn't has any effect.
  1. Click on Underline button & notice that the button doesn't has any effect.
  1. Start typing some text.

Expected Result:

see that text has font Georgia and Size 22 ad should be Bold and Underlined.

Actual Result:

See that Types text has only Underline applied and no Font Name, Font Size or Bold formatting applied.

Tested against IE 6 ,7 & 8.

To reproduce this defect in Ajax sample, type some text,Remove the Editor,Click on Create Editor again & follow steps 1 to 7 and you will see the same behavior.

#6146 IE: Floating panels offset when editor is within a container that has defined width IBM IE Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

See attached screenshot for example.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open sample provided with ticket in IE7.
  2. Ensure that the window size of the browser is small enough to cause a horizontal scrollbar to appear in the window
  3. Open a panel.

Result: the floating panels render off-screen. This is a major globalization problem.

Sample to test with:

		<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type" />
		<script type="text/javascript" src="ckeditor_source.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			function loadEditor() {
				CKEDITOR.appendTo("content", {language: "he", skin: "kama"});
	<body onload="loadEditor();" dir="rtl">
		<div style="width: 800px; border: 1px dashed black;">
			<div id="content">

#6151 Definition Lists Improperly Formatted in IE7 IE7 Bug closed Normal

I have code that looks like this


<dt>First</dt> <dd>Second</dd>


When I view source in IE7 the <dt> and the <dd> tags are reversed for every <dl> in the source code:


<dd>Second</dd> <dt>First</dt>


When I view source again it corrects itself. So each time I view source the tags are reveresed.

#6159 When working with nested lists content may be accidentally deleted IE Paweł Horzela Bug closed Normal

In a certain situation, list items disappear.

Steps to reproduce

  • Click bullet icon in editor
  • Type 'test1' , press enter
  • Indent the bullet
  • Type 'test11' , press enter
  • Type 'test12' , press enter
  • Type 'test13'
  • Move cursor behind test12
  • Press enter 3 times
  • Press backspace 4 times ( deleting the bullets ) . Note that test13 ends up one level lower
  • Place cursor after 'test11'
  • Press enter 3 times

After doing this, you will notice that all the subbullets (test11 and test12 ) are gone.

Tested on IE6, using

Also tested in IE8, the behaviour is a little different, but the result is the same (list items are gone).

It looks like this issue was introduced with [5380] (#4476).

#6173 Removing Items from unordered list (WinXP/IE8) IE Discussion Bug confirmed Normal

I've got a problem with unordered / numbered lists with IE8 on WindowsXP.

  • Create an unordered list with some items.
  • Now try to get one item to the upper line with the "delete"-key.
  • This will not work.
  • If you try the "backspace"-key on the line that should be added to the item above you got an inconsistent list, because the </li>-Tag of the upper line will not disappear.

This error is not in Firefox3 (WinXP), but IE8 (Windows7)

This is also the case in

#6180 In IE, if input Japannese, the front words will disappear IE Bug closed Normal

In IE,I input servarl Japannese, after several words put in, when I put another,the front words before this will disappear.

And I also found that if I disabled the scayt, the problem won't show.

#6188 [IE7] Automatic color button has the text cursor IE7 Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

The automatic color button have the text cursor instead of the hand.

#6193 IE8: Ctrl+a -> ctrl+c -> ctrl+v alters links and inserts a newline. IE Bug closed Normal
  1. set editor source to
    	<a class="wikiNew" href="default.asp?W2648">i am a link</a></p>
    	i am a paragraph</p>
  2. edit in wysiwyg mode using ie8
  3. hit ctrl+a, ctrl+c, ctrl+v
  4. expected: no change actual: 'i am a paragraph' is now a link and there's a fresh newline up top.
#6196 flash edit dialog show url(源文件) uncorrectly IE8 Bug confirmed Normal

only in ie : user types code to generate flash:

<object class="holiday-logo"
                height="68" width="300">
            <param name="movie"
            <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/>
            <object class="holiday-logo"
                    height="68" name="holiday-logo"
                <param name="wmode"
                <a href=""
                   style="height: 43px; margin-left: 56px;" target="_top">
                    <img alt="淘宝网" height="110" src=""
                         title=" - 阿里巴巴旗下网站" width="167"/>

ckeditor transforms it to a img in wysiwyg mode ,but when you click fake img,the pop up dialog's url(源文件) field is empty ,ckeditor should read inner object element's data attribute .

#6210 Wrong behavior of paste if there is \r\n in paste content IBM IE Bug closed Normal

According to ck editor design, when we do paste, all content should be put into a temporary div 'pastebin', then ckeditor can get pasted content from this div ,remove this div and insert these content to document again by 'inserthtml'. (clipboard/plugin.js)

We found on IE, if there is '\r\n' in the paste content, only the content before \r\n are inserted into 'pastebin', other content are append after 'pastebin' div.

I attach the sample file with \r\n.

I think it is a bug.

#6211 SCAYT context menu doesn't show on right mouse click in FF3 on Mac HasPatch, Review? Bug confirmed Normal

When using common PC mouse with Apple Mac right mouse click on underlined word doesn't show SCAYT context menu.

#6222 Cut/Copy/Paste menu disabled after text is cut from WYSIWYG editor IE Bug closed Normal

Steps as in attached video Open CK in IE
Select all text and right click on selection, from menu select "cut",
On empty space right click, select paste. Text is pasted

Retry above operations. Second time, options in menu are disabled, the cursor jumps to upper left corner.

When View source is selected, part of paragraf is left in the editor:

	<span style="display: none">&nbsp;</span></p>
#6227 Indentation/Alignment is applied only to first 2 paragraphs if we have Page break or line break at the end of text IBM IE Firefox Webkit Martin Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax sample.
  1. Type four paragraphs of text and click on Insert Line break or Insert Page break icon.
  1. see that Line break or Page break is inserted after paragraph 4.
  1. Select all the content in Editor using Ctrl + A and click on Align Right icon.

Expected Result:

All the four paragraphs are aligned to the right.

Actual Result:

only first two paragraphs are aligned to the right.

Same behavior happens when we click on Increase Indent icon.The Indentation is applied only to the first 2 paragraphs.

#6228 Merge down doesn't work with Javascript error IE6 Paweł Horzela Bug closed Normal

In CKeditor with full functions (, using your demo content with table example named 'International Names', just right click on 'Italian' -> 'Cell' -> 'Merge down'. The content of the cell is deleted and a javascript error appears.

#6241 [[IE]] some format is lost during paste IBM IE Firefox Opera Paweł Horzela Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax sample.
  1. Copy the text in the attached doc and paste it using Paste from Word dialog.

see the differences in IE and FF.

In IE text is shown with out bold and with small font size wher as in FF it is shown properly.

#6248 [[IE]] Extra space added at start in each Empty cell after saving & reopening the page IBM IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax sample and insert a table.
  1. Remove the editor by clicking on Remove Editor button.
  1. Create the editor again by clicking on Create Editor button.
  1. Click in to any of the cells in the table.

Error: You will notice that each cell has a space added at the start of each cell.

#6287 IE 8 v2 skin sides too long on link dialog IE8 Bug closed Normal

In IE 8 when you open the link dialog the sides of the dialog (the shadows) are too long. Turning on quirks mode corrects the problem.

#6289 Deleting nested table removes the parent cell IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

note:only occurs in IE series


  1. insert a table A
  2. insert a new table B to A's one empty cell
  3. delete table B through B's contextmenu "删除表格(delete table)"
  4. A's corresponding cell is deleted too,that's wrong

should relate to :

If the table's parent has only one child, remove it,except body,as well.( #5416 )

i think "delete table" should except td as well ?

#6290 Bullets not retained - Copy from word to editor1 table and from editor1 table to editor2 table in new tab. IE Bug closed Normal
  • Created a table in editor1 with one row and two columns.
  • Copied the below content (i.e., any content with bullet points) from word document to an editor1 table.
  • The content got copied fine.
  • Now copied this content from the editor1 table and pasted in the table created in an editor2 opened in a new tab (IE 7).
  • The bullet formatting is not retained and the data is read as &nbsp.
#6295 [[IE]] Deleting a Nested Table inside Table cell is deleting the whole cell IBM IE Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax sample.
  1. Insert a Table.
  1. Go in to a Table cell and insert a Table inside the Table Cell.
  1. Activate context menu from the Table Cell in the New Table that was inserted(Nested Table) and Click on Delete Table option.

Expected Result:

Only the Nested Table inside Table Cell is deleted.

Actual Result:

Cell which holds the Nested Table is also deleted.

#6303 IE : entering Misspelled color name in Cell Background or Border color fields creating empty span each time we press OK button. IBM IE Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax sample.
  1. Insert a Table, Go to a Table cell and activate Cell Properties dialog.
  1. In Border Color or Background Color field enter 'gren'insted of green and press OK button.

Expected Result:

Cell properties dialog is closed and Cell Background or Border color remains same since the user has entered invalid value.(This is what is happening in Firefox)

Actual Result:

Cell properties dialog is not closed and every time the user presses OK button an Extra span is added in the Cell.

This will also happen when a French User types the Color Correct but in French.

Ideal solution would be to change the labels of Background Color & Border Color fields to indicate that user should enter Hexa decimal values or CSS Values.

The reason why we are not using the Color picker dialog is it's not satisfying Accessibility Requirements, since there are no labels for Colors in Color Picker dialog.

#6306 When all cells are deleted, all table is deleted IE Bug closed Normal

Connected with test case of #4041

  • create table 2x1
  • enter some content in both cells
  • select content from both cells
  • from right-click context menu select Cell- delete cells
  • whole table disappears

When cells <td>...</td> tags are deleted in source editing mode, rest of the table stays, in WYSIWYG mode

  • on the rest of the table, right click and select properties
  • there is delay while opening properties dialog and JS error is thrown in console
    $.rows[...].cells.0.nodeName' is null or not an object (line7) (table.js?t=A8FA)

It looks that the scripts waits for value in Columns field, which is empty

Update: I continued this case:

  • entered value into Columns field
  • Press OK -> another error is shown in console
    'this.$nodeName' is null or not an object (line 16) (ckeditor.js)

The table shrinked to a small point (result on second screen)

#6307 IE: Option to disable automatic creation of links IE New Feature confirmed Normal

In IE when the user types something that looks like an url or mail it's automatically converted to a link. Sometimes is useful and it has been requested that this feature is available also in other browsers #302

But it's also a source of problems and other people prefer to not have this option enabled and now it will be possible with IE9:

document.execCommand("AutoUrlDetect", false, false) 

My proposal is to introduce a new config setting similar to the ones for Firefox to disable object resizing or table editing, and by default make it behave like other browsers. After all, it should be possible to watch the keyboard and do the autodetection ourselves with a plugin and it will work the same way in all the browsers and we could tune it because previously it was detecting too many things for some users.

Also it's important to test it before the final IE9 is released in order to detect any bug with the new option at their side.

#6310 Cursor starts at the beginning of the line when Bold is selected IE Bug closed Normal
  • Open Editor
  • Insert list item, or code
    <select name="3" size="3"><option value="44">44</option><option value="44"></option><option value="44"></option><option value="44"></option></select>
  • in WYSIWYG - Enter some text after the list
  • press Bold or italic, underline or crossed text button
  • The cursor stops blinking and next entered text is added to beginning of the line.

You must set the cursor again at the end of the line each time style is changed.

#6317 [Safari] Check Spelling dialog - JavaScript warnings Safari HasPatch, Review? Bug confirmed Normal

When opening the "Check Spelling" dialog, JavaScript errors appear in the error console:

Unmatched </frame> encountered.  Ignoring tag.
Unmatched </frame> encountered.  Ignoring tag.
Unmatched </frame> encountered.  Ignoring tag.
Unmatched </frame> encountered.  Ignoring tag.
Unmatched </span> encountered.  Ignoring tag.
Unmatched </font> encountered.  Ignoring tag.

Perhaps it's something worth to check... the whole spell checking process ended successfully though.

#6332 IE: V2 skin bottom dialog's border broken IE Paweł Horzela Bug closed Normal

V2 skin bottom dialog's border is broken in IE since version 3.4. It was fine in 3.4 Beta and 3.3.2.

Refer to attached screenshot. Reproduced on IE8 standards mode.

#6336 IE: Input type="submit" submits the form when clicking the button IE Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

How to:

  1. Create a form
  2. Create a button with type submit
  3. Click the submit-button (double-click to open the button dialog)

The submit occurs when clicking the button. So double-click will open the button dialog but the form will submit inside CK.

Tested and confirmed on CK 3.3 and CK 3.4.1 (on the demo page)

#6344 Script Auto-Include Path Issues in IE8 Compatibility Mode IE Bug confirmed Normal

When using CKEditor dynamically in IE8 Compatibility mode CKEditor will crash if a hash (#) is in the url. For example, when calling CKEditor.replace, post page load, and after a hash is set, CKEditor will try to include the following paths:

In both cases the paths to the actual files should be:

and NOT

Clearly this is a major issue as CKEditor will not load at all in IE8 Compatibility mode. This seems to only be an issue in this mode.

#6348 [PATCH] switch SCAYT plug-in to use SCAYT core 2.5 HasPatch, Review? Task closed Normal

This patch switches SCAYT plug-in for FCKEditor 2.6.6 to use SCAYT core 2.5

#6353 [IE] Resize is broken with office2003 and v2 skins IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
  • Open the demo or a sample and try to resize an editor with either the office2003 or v2 skin. A JS error is thrown.

Worked correctly until 3.4.1.

#6359 IE selectable area in blank wysiwyg editor is very small IE Discussion Bug closed Normal
  1. use IE9 (also applies in IE 7/8)
  1. Go to
  1. click 'New Page'
  1. click outside of the wysiwyg text editor (so as to lose focus)
  1. click inside of the wysiwyg text editor (so as to regain focus)

[Expected] clicking anywhere within the white editing area will focus the editor.

[Actual] The clickfield to accomplish the expected result is very small - only the area shown in the attached image. Clicking anywhere outside of that area will focus the editor's containing element and will not permit editing. The available clickfield is dependant on the amount of content within the editor, however it's always possible to click on a 'dead zone' and lose focus. (E.g., go to and click to the left of the word "tells" below the picture of Little Red Riding Hood.)

Other details which may or may not be useful:

We had implemented a workaround for this which relies on IE7's moveToPoint and was able to fix the vast majority of IE's quirks that cause this problem. Unfortunately, IE9's implementation of moveToPoint differs, and so our workaround is gone. A slight improvement is to detect the failure case and simply focus the editor (which at least makes creating a new article in IE9 feasible), however there are a lot of edge cases which that fails to cover (dragging a selection in and out of the dead zone, etc.)

#6361 IE: Inline style not removed IE Paweł Horzela Bug closed Normal

Regression since 3.3.2 (worked on 3.3.1). Apply and try to remove bold on some non-collaped selection when in enterMode=BR, it will not be removed.

  1. Set config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR
  2. Type some text
  3. Select some text
  4. Apply bold
  5. Apply bold again to remove this style

Expected: Text is not bold.

Present: Text is still bold.

#6372 [IE] changes span tags to font tags and font size on copying/pasting IE Bug closed Normal
  • Select a few words and change font size (24, for example)
  • Select one of the words and copy it
  • Paste to another place.

Note that visual font size have been changed. In source you'll find <font size="5"> instead of <span style="font-size: 24px">. The same problem on drag-and-drop operations.

#6373 IE6: Menu items with long labels have broken layout in quirks IE Bug closed Normal

In IE6, menu items with long labels have broken layout in quirks. AFAIR we support menu auto-stretching since 3.3, but even if it's not supported in IE6, the label should be cut-off and not breaking whole menu layout.

Refer to attached screenshot.

#6383 Holding ctrl+v in IE - pasting copied text as <p> IE Bug confirmed Normal

Continuation of #6380 In IE

  1. clear edit area
  2. enter some text, without line break
  3. select,copy/cut entered text (ctrl+c/x)
  4. paste by holding ctrl+v

Expected result:

  • pasted text is in one line, without paragraphs



Bug does not occur in CKE 3.0

#6392 Can't move cursor after block element IE8 Bug closed Normal

To reproduce (in IE): add a smiley in an empty editor; use left arrow to go to start of row; there is no way you can get the cursor back after the image, w/ keyboard or mouse

#6394 Redundant space added when format set before text entered IE Bug closed Normal

Found when checked #6371 under IE

  1. open CKEditor
  2. press New Page
  3. on empty page, set text format as Preformated
  4. start typing
  5. redundant space is added within <span> tags
    <span style="display: none"> </span>a
#6408 AutoGrow 24px too high on IE IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

On IE 7,8 the autogrow computed size is 24px too high; I've tracked it down to
newHeight = doc.getBody().$.scrollHeight + 24;
I don't know what that adjustment is for; I'm assuming it's to compensate for an eventual horizontal scrollbar, in which case:

  • 24 is tentative, the scrollbars are not expected to have a certain size, so scrollbar height should be computed by other means
  • only add height if a hrz scrollbar is actually present
  • if additional height is added, schedule another resize to shrink editor back if scrollbars go away as result of the first resize; although it's counterintuitive (the horizontal scrollbar going away on a vertical resize, it's been known to happen)

I'll try to look some more at this and figure a way for myself

#6410 SCAYT contextmenu isn't displayed if word has no suggestions HasPatch, Review? Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set SCAYT language to Greek for example.
  2. Type words "a", "an", "are" for example.

Expected result:
SCAYT contexmenu is shown on right-click on misspelled words with no suggestions (commands "ignore/add word/ignore all" and label "No suggestions")

Actual result:
SCAYT contextmenu is not displayed, only standard Copy/Paste/Cut menu is displayed.

#6411 Cell Properties dialogbox Choose button not properly displaye IE IBM Bug closed Normal

in the dialogue box when select the cell properties,the two "choose" buttons are not properly dispalyed.

#6414 Differences in sorting of default styles in dropdown between IE9 and other browsers IE Opera Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
  • open CKEditor in IE9
  • open dropdown list with styles

Line styles are sorted in different way than in other browsers

#6415 Style defined in stylecombo plugin with "pre" element ignores class property in Internet Explorer when applied without selecting text IE Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Define the following style:
CKEDITOR.config.stylesCombo_stylesSet = 'wiki_styles';

    { name: 'Code', element: 'pre', attributes: { 'class': 'Code'} }
  1. From Internet Explorer, write a paragraph and place the cursor at the begining of the paragraph.
  2. Select the style defined in step 1 from the styles combo (named "Code").

After following these steps, the text entered in step 2 will be inside a pre element, but the class attribute won't be defined.

CKEditor version: 3.4.1
Browser: Internet Explorer 8
OS: Ms Windows 7

I debugged the code and found that the problem is in the "toPre" function located in "_source\plugins\styles\plugin.js". According to the comment, IE normalizes innerHtml to <pre>, breaking whitespaces, and to avoid that, a new <pre> element is created. The new <pre> lacks the original class attribute (and all other attributes) defined in the style definition.


#6416 Disabled selection of text by mouse in Source editing under IE9 IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Under IE9

  • open CKEditor demo
  • switch to source editing
  • try to select source text by mouse

Expected: Range of text is selected

Actual: selection is disabled for mouse. I am able to select text by keyboard.
In WYSIWYG, selection by mouse works fine

#6417 Context menu jumps into upper-left corner of edit area under IE9 IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  • Open CKEditor
  • right-click in edit area

Context menu jumps to upper left corner of edit area

#6419 IE: List creation by merging problem IE IBM Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

IE: List creation by merging problem.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Type 3 lines
  2. Select all
  3. Apply the Bulleted List command
  4. Place a selection in the middle line
  5. Apply the Bulleted List command again, to remove this line from the list
  6. Select all

Result: A JS error is thrown.

Expected: Lists are merged into one containing 3 lines.

Reproduced in the IE8, strict. Most probably because the step 5 leaves bookmarks in the 1st and the 3rd line.

#6420 IE Table caption not updated Properly in Table dialog when we change caption in Editor body IBM IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax sample.
  1. Insert a Table with the Caption "Frederico Knabben Poland Europe".
  1. Now delete the word Knabben from the Table Caption inside Editor body.
  1. Bring up the Table dialog using Context menu and check the Caption shown in Caption field on Table Properties dialog.

Expected Result:

Table Caption should be shown as Frederico Poland Europe.

Actual Result:

Table Caption should is shown as Frederico and it's missing the other rest of the string

#6421 IE7: The cursor placed in a beginning of a document IE Bug closed Normal

In IE7, the cursor is placed in a beginning of a document after clicking below a last line.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open editor with at lest one line of content.
  2. Click below the last line, far from a left edge (for LTR mode).

Result: The cursor is placed in a beginning of the document.

Expected: The cursor is placed in vertically equal position or end of the last line.

Affected is IE7, IE8 works fine.

#6422 Second click on combo should close it also with shared spaces IE Bug closed Normal

This is just cosmetic... the usual implementation is that clicking an expanded combo colapses the dropdown back.

#6438 IE: Performance issue when typing inside an element with many children IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

There is a performance issue when typing inside an element with many children. Reproduced in IE8.


  1. Paste content from the attachment into the editor
  2. Place cursor after last character, but not outside of the paragraph.
  3. Start typing

Expected: Text is typed as usual.

Actual: There is a serious hangup and CPU consumption.

#6441 [IE] ContextMenu is opened on under mouse position on 'Menu' keypress IE Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open
  1. Put cursor to any text postion.
  1. Move mouse somewhere
  1. Press 'Menu' key on keyboard

Expected result:

ContextMenu is opened near cursor position. (FF behavior)

Actual result:

ContextMenu is opened under mouse arrow position.

#6446 Element style trashing in IE7 due to case change IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

In IE7, the styles are on a upper-lower-case carousel...

To reproduce (IE7):

  • Insert smiley
  • Image properties -> add style "background:url (UPPERCASE)"
  • Image properties again -> style is changed to "BACKGROUND: url(UPPERCASE)" (not wrong yet, but still inconsistent)
  • Switch to source view; style is now "background:url('''uppercase)" (this is wrong)

If there were a <div> with a set background with uppercase characters, it would be trashed as a result of:

  • the operations above
  • directly when replacing <textarea>
#6455 Cursor goes to a previous line when in entermode BR IE7 Bug closed Normal

Cursor goes to a previous line when in entermode BR, using following contents:

			<td>		</tr>
<br />
FOO^<br />
<br />
			<td>		</tr>
  1. Place cursor after FOO
  2. Press enter

Result: New line is created before FOO.

Expected: New line is created after FOO.

Reproduced in IE7.

#6457 Word pasting is extremely slow in IE7 and IE8 IE Bug closed Normal

I've noticed that our typical word document used in our for pasting into the CK editor runs extremely sow in IE7 and IE8. This is true if you compare 3.4.1. between FF 3.5 and IE. Its also true if you compare IE behavior between 3.0.1 and 3.4 in IE. Its a factor 10 or more. Application become unresponsive. I have attached a document that can be used to paste into the editor to see the behavior.

#6459 IE: Slow typing speed on IE6 IE Bug closed Normal

IE6 suffers from slow typing speed using contents from the attachment. Reported to be enterMode BR issue, but it's also present in default configuration.

To reproduce place the cursor at the end of the document and start typing.

#6460 IE: Shift+Enter and nestes lists issue IE Bug confirmed Normal

In IE6 there's Shift+Enter and nestes lists issue.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Use following contents with selection:
    		test 1^
    				test 11</li>
    				test 12</li>
  2. Press Shift+Enter

Expected: New line (not a list item) below "test 1" is created.

Actual: Cursor is moves into the "test 11" line.

#6468 IE9: CKFinder folder tree expand icons missing IE9 Bug closed Normal

In IE9, the CKFinder folder list does not show the expand/collapse icons so you cannot navigate to all subfolders.

This can be seen on the CKFinder demo site.

Browser: IE9 Beta 1 OS: Windows Vista SP2

#6469 IE9: Files cannot be dragged to folders in CKFinder IE9 Bug closed Normal

In IE9, you cannot drag files into folders in CKFinder. When you click on a file thumbnail and try to drag it, the dragged copy of the thumbnail does not appear, and nothing happens when you release the mouse button over the folder.

This also happens when trying to drag from the list view.

This can be seen on the CKFinder demo site. Even though the demo site does not seem to allow dragging files into folders, you can still see that the context menu for copy/move file does not appear as it does in other browsers.

Browser: IE9 Beta 1 OS: Windows Vista SP2

#6470 IE7: Start textfield in Numbered List dialog should be a required field IBM IE7 Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample in IE7.
  2. Create a numbered list containing 3 items.
  3. Right click on the list and select Numbered List Properties from the context menu.
  4. Change the type to Upper Alpha.
  5. Leave the Start field EMPTY.
  6. Click OK.

Expected Result: The list should have A, B and C as the numbers.

Actual Result: The list has @, A and B as the numbers.

Note: If the Start textfield is left empty in FF the list starts at 1 as default. If the Start textfield is left empty in IE7 the list starts at 0 as default.

#6477 inproperly pasting table from excel in IE9 IE9 Bug closed Normal

Using excel file from #6465 opened in Office 2010, copy table to clipboard,

  • open CKEditor under IE9
  • paste using either toolbar button or context menu

Expected result:
Selected content is pasted as table.

Actual result:
Lots of empty lines are added above pasted table

#6481 [IE] 'document' is null or not an object error IE, HasPatch Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open ckeditor/_samples/divreplace.html
  2. Doubleclick on first div -> CKEditor loads -> Enable SCAYT
  3. Doubleclick on second div -> CKEditor loads -> Enable SCAYT

Expected result:

No errors

Actual Result:

In IE 6/7/8(CompatView) error is shown:

Message: 'document' is null or not an object
Line: 1820
Char: 1
Code: 0

#6482 BIDI: Copying & Pasting RTL lists from Word not working properly in IE7 IBM IE7 Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample in IE7.
  2. Copy the text from the attached Word document & paste it into the editor.

Expected: The pasted content should look the same as it does in the Word document i.e. A Bulleted list & a Numbered list should appear on the right of the editor & have RTL language direction.

Actual: The first item in each of the pasted lists appears on the left of the editor.

#6502 Remove IE6 image preloading IE Tobiasz Cudnik Task closed Normal

Discovered in #6187, in case we can confirm that the following hack is enough to eliminate the IE6 background image duplicated requests bug, we should consider remove the preloader from core.

#6511 [IE8] '0.startContainer' is null or not an object IE, Oracle Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open page in IE8
  2. Enable SCAYT
  3. Input button from CKEditor's toolbar
  4. Right-click on input button

Actual result:
Context menu is not displayed and error is shown:
Message: '0.startContainer' is null or not an object
Line: 119
Char: 1903
Code: 0

Expected result:
Context menu is displayed with no errors

#6514 [IE8]: Highlighted text is deleted when using browser Edit => Copy IBM IE8 Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to Reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample in IE8.
  2. Type some text into the editor.
  3. Highlight the text using the mouse or CTRL + A (in preparation for copying to the clipboard).
  4. Click on "Edit" in the browser

Expected: You should be able to copy the highlighted text from the Edit menu in the browser.

Actual: The highlighted text is erased.

#6518 Select all + delete breaks the "div" enterMode IE Bug closed Normal

Confirmed in IE8.

Steps to reproduce

  • Type test1 , press enter
  • Type test2
  • Press Ctrl+A
  • Press delete or backspace (to clear the content)
  • Type test1 , press enter
  • Type test2
  • Result: the editor now creates paragraphs rather than divs .
#6526 Cannot assign float style to image Opera IE Bug closed Normal

After assign float style to image there is no result and additionally float is removed.

Regression from 3.2

#6528 [IE7]: "Choose" buttons in cell properties dialog are not displaying properly IBM IE7 Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample in IE7.
  2. Insert a table.
  3. Right click in one of the table cells and open the cell properties dialog from the context menu.

Expected: All of the buttons in the cell properties dialog should display properly.

Actual: The "Choose" buttons for choosing Background Color and Border Color do not display properly.

Note: I have added screenshots of the cell properties dialog in English & Hebrew. (The buttons are not even displayed when the dialog is opened in Hebrew)

#6530 IE: Applying any format on new page causes javascript error IE Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the issue:

  1. Click 'New Page' on toolbar.
  1. Select any paragraph format from combobox.

The issue was introduced in revision [6003].

#6531 Unavilable 'paste' on empty editor IE6 Bug closed Normal

Open empty editor. Open contex menu, 'Paste' is unavilable until write some text.

#6533 Problem with pasting from word IE6 Bug closed Normal

Try copy attached document. I observe on IE6 there is a lot of diffrent problem with pasting from word (testing on word 2007) for example with clipart.

#6539 [IE] Smiley dialog not focused after text selection IE Bug closed Normal
  1. Make text selection inside editor but NOT collapsed selection;
  2. Open 'Smiley' dialog.
    • Actual Result: Focus is not on the dialog icons.
#6550 [Flash] alignment styles lost in outputflash sample IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Flash 9b/IE7, alignments styles are not affecting in the output flash.

#6551 [IE7]: Improper behaviour when pasting a List in IE7 IBM IE VendorFix Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample in IE7.
  2. Create the following multi-layered numbered list.
    	<li>item 1</li>
    	<li style="margin-left: 40px">item 2</li>
    	<li style="margin-left: 80px">item 3</li>
  3. Press CTRL + A and then CTRL + C to copy the list.
  4. Press CTRL + A and then CTRL + V to paste the list, replacing the list that is currently in the editor.

Expected: The pasted list should be identical to list that was copied.

Actual: The pasted list contains an extra number and ~ (tilda). (see attachment)

#6571 [IE] showblocks doesn't bring focus back to editor with shared toolbar IE6 IE7 Bug confirmed Normal
  1. On "sharedspaces" sample page, put the cursor inside editor;
  2. Click on "Show Blocks" button;
    • Actual Result: Editor is not anymore focused.
#6572 Webkit: SCAYT repositions cursor in enterMode=BR Review? Bug confirmed Normal

In Chrome, SCAYT repositions cursor in enterMode BR. The issue is almost always reproducible.

  1. Open the editor with enterMode=BR.
  2. Enable SCAYT.
  3. Type some text which will not be a valid word.
  4. Hit Enter FAST after finishing typing.
  5. Wait a bit to see that the cursor goes back to the end of the previous line.

Seems to be a regression introduced in 3.4.0.

#6580 [IE9] Unable to edit Flash object IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Insert a flash object into document with only URL filled;
  2. Double click on the fake flash image to open dialog again;
    • Actual Result: URL doesn't appear inside dialog field.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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