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Results (2601 - 2700 of 5597)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#6038 BiDi plugin's language entries are unmodifiable Wiktor Walc Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6041 BIDI: Direction of Increase Indent & Decrease Indent icons are not reversed after changing Lang direction to RTL Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6042 BIDI: We can’t apply Left/Block Justify Alignment to a Paragraph with RTL applied Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6043 BIDI: When we apply RTL direction to a right aligned Paragraph, Paragraph is not moved to left & Alignment of Paragraph is not changed Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6044 BIDI: [[FF/Safari]] When we apply RTL direction to a left aligned Paragraph, Paragraph Alignment is not changed Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6045 [3.4.x] Error when changing link properties Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6046 [3.4.x] Some form elements no longer have their context menu buttons Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6049 Page-break marker dissapears in editor when div tag modified. Bug Normal General
#6053 Can not align an element to the opposite of the parent's alignment Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6054 [3.4.x] Can not create a link over a textarea Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6055 Timestamp is added twice to the styles definition file Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6057 Error when clicking beneath the body of a maximized editor Bug Normal General
#6060 IE: Error on editor.destroy() with selection Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6061 IE: AutoGrow is not shrinking Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6068 [IE7] RTL languages' labels are sometimes invisible Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6070 [IE6] Dragging a link that uses JavaScript code for the href value causes error. Bug Normal General
#6074 Insert Table Column additive Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6075 [FF] Newly created links not filling in information on edit Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6077 Page Break bug Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6079 Find should work for read-only regions Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6080 Insert special char in readonly selection throws error Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6081 Regression: Link text is not updated when link protocol is changed Bug Normal General
#6083 IE: Selection collapses when inserting special char Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6084 IE: Error on Source view blur Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6089 Support for iPad Garry Yao New Feature Normal CKEditor 3.6.2 General
#6090 IE: Textarea with selection inside causes Link dialog issues Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6094 Find & replace is not working properly with Tables in the content. Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6096 Error when double clicking on a input Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6097 The bookmarks still have the old '_fck' prefix Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6098 It is possible to change the direction of a readonly element Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6099 BIDI: when we apply explicit language direction to Numbered/Bulleted List the corresponding BIDI Tool bar icon is not highlighted in the Toolbar Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6100 BIDI: when we change Table language direction indentation of text in Table cells is not applied correctly. Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6108 div style Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6109 use commitContent() and setupContent() methods in pastetext plugin dialog Sa'ar Zac Elias Task Normal CKEditor 3.5.4 General
#6112 BIDI: Alignment set to text in Table cell is not shown in the Tool bar when we press Enter to start a new Paragraph Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6117 BIDI: Language direction is changing when we come out of Numbered/Bulleted list Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6126 input with name="submit" and hefty css/js in IE7/8 causes editor to intermittently fail to load Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#6129 BIDI: Show Blocks should show the HTML Tags on the Right for RTL Languages Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6132 Image selection dialog doesn't close in Chrome Bug Normal General
#6137 Table dialog: width doesn't have the default value on second open Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4 General
#6145 Java integration for CKEditor 3 New Feature Normal General
#6150 Select color dialog is broken in Safari 3 Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.3 General
#6153 Chrome: tab focus is wrong. Bug Normal General
#6155 [[FF]] Modifying Table Header Properties by selecting first Row, causing several issues Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6161 Autogrow plugin should resize on instanceReady too. Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2 General
#6163 Focus not going to Tabs in Image dialog when we went to Edit the Image. Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6169 Error 800a025e when deleting empty table cells in IE Bug Normal General
#6171 Firefox scrolls to top of page when clicking on paragraph format drop-down list Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.3 General
#6177 IE we can't start Numbered/Bulleted list on a Empty page. Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6178 Creating and inserting a new element fails in Webkit if editor not focused Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6179 Safari problem with Image Dialog submit Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6181 jQuery adapter + jQuery ajaxForm -plugin not working Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.2 General
#6183 Styles on links apply inside Font/Format menus Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6184 Better HTML code clean up New Feature Normal General
#6188 [IE7] Automatic color button has the text cursor Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6189 Reducing the code size Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6191 Fckeditor Focus problem in Google Chrome Bug Normal General
#6192 Webkit: editor.focus() fails if no selection ranges exist Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6193 IE8: Ctrl+a -> ctrl+c -> ctrl+v alters links and inserts a newline. Bug Normal General
#6197 The loader base path auto-detection doesn't work for _source Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6201 image dialog forces "refresh" of page Bug Normal General
#6208 Difficult to add content after a new horizontal line or Page break Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) General
#6212 Chrome resize jumps to top of page Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2 General
#6226 BIDI: Language direction applied to a Paragraph is removed when we apply one of Paragraph formatting options Paweł Horzela Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6228 Merge down doesn't work with Javascript error Paweł Horzela Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#6230 JS error in IE9 Wiktor Walc Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6235 BIDI: Applying direction to multi-paragraph selection within a div Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6237 BIDI: Applying same language direction to all paragraphs not working. Paweł Horzela Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6238 Changing "selected" option does not refresh radio button state. Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#6240 Font Names & Font Sizes should be shown Left Align even for RTL Languages Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6242 IE: editing existing links not working correctly Martin Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#6248 [[IE]] Extra space added at start in each Empty cell after saving & reopening the page Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.3 General
#6255 Error when inserting page break if there is no element before it Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6261 Focus and infinite loop between multiple editors Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6263 Safari : Cell Properties option is disabled in Pasted Table Cells when we invoke context menu by keeping cursor inside text Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1 General
#6265 Link target tab - popup window properties are visible Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6269 Deleted line above the table reappears in source mode Bug Normal General
#6275 insert <embed> and custom attributes in other tags failed in Firefox 3.6.9 Bug Normal General
#6282 Editor leaves bookmark node after applying formatted style Garry Yao Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6289 Deleting nested table removes the parent cell Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6306 When all cells are deleted, all table is deleted Bug Normal General
#6311 Table properties dialog throws an error when opened by clicking on a caption Bug Normal General
#6312 Image button properties not available in the context menu Bug Normal General
#6315 DIV plugin TT #2885 regression Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.1 General
#6319 FF - Right click causes involuntary paragraph selection Bug Normal General
#6327 [FF4] Unable to use the scrollbar Garry Yao Bug Normal General
#6334 Use data-* attributes for custom attributes Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5 General
#6336 IE: Input type="submit" submits the form when clicking the button Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.1 General
#6339 Plugin autogrow and Maximize Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6340 Google Chrome hangs when CKEditor parses malformed HTML Bug Normal General
#6341 Mouse cursor on the editor area does not change to "insert icon". Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6346 Wrong documentation about colorButton_enableMore Bug Normal General
#6352 Editor leaves new-line char when the document is empty Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6353 [IE] Resize is broken with office2003 and v2 skins Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6369 Issues with Pre Paragraph formatting option Bug Normal General
#6370 FireFox deleting last character from a line deletes the EOL rather than the character Bug Normal General
#6375 [IE] Exception thrown when hiding editor in some cases Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6376 BIDI: BIDI buttons should not toggle the base language direction Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal CKEditor 3.4.2 General
#6377 FF width and height are not shown for smiley in Image properties dialog Martin Bug Normal General
#6387 autogrow setTimeout causes problems Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.5.3 General
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