May 2, 2010:
9:34 AM Ticket #5606 (CKEditor doesn't output correctly protected source if it's the only content) created by routinet
1. Open 5606.html on FF.
2. Focus editor.
3. Switch to …
May 1, 2010:
6:02 PM Ticket #4462 (fck mediawiki extension is broken under php 5.3.0) reopened by Romain Beauxis
Could you be more specific about the changes ? According to the link …
Apr 30, 2010:
7:36 PM Ticket #5391 (Img alignment) closed by David Lesieur
duplicate: See #5322
3:36 PM Ticket #5605 (All editors should have a unified class name on the exterior span) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Now, the class names in all editors are changing between browsers and …
3:11 PM Ticket #5402 (if we apply Pre-Formatted formatting to a list item in an ...) reopened by Satya Minnekanti
This is not properly fixed.
After applying 'pre' formatting to a list …
12:32 PM Changeset [5427] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [5404:5426].
11:38 AM Ticket #5578 (Flash with Alignment is not shown properly in Editor body) closed by brooks
fixed: fixed with 5426 5426
11:37 AM Changeset [5426] by brooks
#5578: Add flash fake element align property when switch mode (source …
11:21 AM Ticket #5604 (Headings in br-mode change whole text instead of only the selection) created by ipzerm
This was fixed in the old FCKeditor (I even found an old ticket for …
9:39 AM Ticket #5603 (PASTEFROMWORD: Should use the current editors configuration when ...) created by mattis
In the current implementation, the pastefromword plugin loads the past …
7:59 AM Ticket #5584 (forceEnterMode affects Indendation and Outdentation) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: The patch has been reviewed as part of #5402.
7:53 AM Ticket #5516 (IE8: Toolbar buttons have higher bottom padding) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: The problem with previous patch occurred in IE6 when I've changed the …
7:52 AM Ticket #5431 (CKEditor 3.1.1 and 3.2 have the exact same timestamp) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5425].
7:52 AM Changeset [5425] by Garry Yao
#5431: Appending last changed reversion number to CKEDITOR.timestamp …
7:51 AM Changeset [5424] by Wiktor Walc
#5516 IE8: Toolbar buttons have higher bottom padding
7:31 AM Ticket #5402 (if we apply Pre-Formatted formatting to a list item in an ...) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5423].
7:31 AM Changeset [5423] by Garry Yao
#5402: ShiftEnter now breaks <pre> as with other blocks.
7:28 AM Ticket #5583 (Problem with CKReleaser source version) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed with [5421], [5422].
7:26 AM Changeset [5422] by Wiktor Walc
#5583 Problem with CKReleaser source version, part 2
7:25 AM Changeset [5421] by Wiktor Walc
#5583 Problem with CKReleaser source version, part 1
5:20 AM Ticket #4797 (Opera: using enter key in dialogs triggers javascript error) reopened by Garry Yao
The following regression is seen after the fix:
=== Reproducing …
3:52 AM Ticket #5596 (Vietnamese language update) closed by Minh Nguyen
fixed: Fixed with [5420].
3:52 AM Changeset [5420] by Minh Nguyen
#5596: Vietnamese language update.
2:35 AM Ticket #5602 (Using FCKeditor 2.6.4 with Media wiki 1.15.3) created by kvikramg
Hi I'm trying to use FCKeditor 2.6.4 with Mediawiki 1.15.3. After I …
1:21 AM Ticket #5601 (Formating Pictures Problem in IE8) created by Roberto
after select the image and click right mouse to show context menu and …
Apr 29, 2010:
8:38 PM Ticket #5578 (Flash with Alignment is not shown properly in Editor body) reopened by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Due to that checkin now it isn't possible to create a Page Break. In …
8:09 PM Ticket #5600 (Create new block Format to end PRE at start of line) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
People usually don't know anything about html tags, they just want …
5:07 PM Ticket #5547 (Image width and height should use width and height HTML attributes) reopened by MrM
Sorry to reopen this bug, but saying "inline styles take precedence …
3:48 PM Ticket #5548 (Error: l.lang.contextmenu is undefined) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
3:26 PM Changeset [5419] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Correct changelog entry for #5440
2:44 PM Ticket #5599 (Labels for special characters need to be resourced.) created by Damian
The labels in the special characters dialog are hard coded with …
1:56 PM Ticket #5598 (t is null error) created by Nuri Cevik
While loading ckeditor 3.2.1 it is throwing error "t is null" tested …
10:56 AM Ticket #5597 (Better validation in the colorbutton plugin) created by Wiktor Walc
When someone copies a hex value for a custom color without initial …
10:20 AM Ticket #5596 (Vietnamese language update) created by Minh Nguyen
Correct grammar and translater missing words.
9:48 AM Ticket #5577 (delete table column throws error) closed by brooks
fixed: fixed with 5418 5418
9:47 AM Changeset [5418] by brooks
#5577: Update delete column behavior when choose mutiple cells in the …
9:07 AM Changeset [5417] by Wiktor Walc
Added svn:ignore property
8:46 AM Ticket #5571 (SCAYT throws error) closed by Garry Yao
7:51 AM Changeset [5416] by Garry Yao
Adding design TCs from #5595: line-breaks at the start of <pre>.
7:46 AM Ticket #5595 (Leading line-breaks lost in <pre>) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures ===
1. Open any of the sample page and …
7:42 AM Ticket #5594 (Leading spaces problematic in <pre>) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Actually the output is OK, since browsers ignore the leading …
6:56 AM Changeset [5415] by Wiktor Walc
Added classpath to rhino.jar in build.xml
Apr 28, 2010:
7:06 PM Ticket #5594 (Leading spaces problematic in <pre>) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures ===
1. Open any of the sample page and …
4:42 PM Ticket #5548 (Error: l.lang.contextmenu is undefined) reopened by Andrew
I can verify that this happens whenever we try the 3.2.1 compressed js …
2:09 PM Ticket #5593 (hit enter key in a cell throws a error) created by brooks
steps to reproduce:
1. insert a defaut table
2. put the …
1:40 PM Ticket #5578 (Flash with Alignment is not shown properly in Editor body) closed by brooks
fixed: fixed with 5414 5414
1:38 PM Changeset [5414] by brooks
#5578: Add flash fake element align property when switch mode (source …
1:29 PM Ticket #5592 (Display unprintable characters) created by Artem
It would be nice if I can view unprintable characters of used …
11:52 AM Ticket #5584 (forceEnterMode affects Indendation and Outdentation) reopened by Garry Yao
The fix is insufficient.
10:57 AM Changeset [5413] by Garry Yao
Adding missing @name to 'stylesSet' config entry documentation.
9:11 AM Ticket #5591 ([Firefox] StylesCombo problem block-level element selection) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment ===
=== Reproducing Procedures ===
1. Open …
6:25 AM Ticket #4797 (Opera: using enter key in dialogs triggers javascript error) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5412].
6:24 AM Changeset [5412] by Garry Yao
#4797: Preserve dialog element in DOM until editor is destroyed.
6:21 AM Ticket #5485 (Missing accessibility attributes in the editing area DOM) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5411].
6:20 AM Changeset [5411] by Garry Yao
#5485: Adding CKEDITOR.config.contentsLanguage for editing document …
6:12 AM Ticket #5584 (forceEnterMode affects Indendation and Outdentation) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5410].
6:11 AM Changeset [5410] by Garry Yao
#5584: enterBlock with forceMode now inherits current block attributes.
4:26 AM Ticket #4358 (List properties dialog box is missing) closed by Minh Nguyen
fixed: Fixed with [5409].
4:25 AM Changeset [5409] by Minh Nguyen
#4358: Update list properties dialog box was missed.
2:00 AM Ticket #5582 (Closing dialog boxes causes warning in IE) closed by brooks
fixed: fixed with 5408 5408
1:58 AM Changeset [5408] by brooks
#5582:Prevent the default behavior when click the 'x' button to close …
Apr 27, 2010:
7:58 PM Ticket #5590 (RemoveFormat doesn't work on collapsed selection) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
It should be possible to use the RemoveFormat command to get out of …
7:55 PM Ticket #5589 (Provide removeFormat as first option in Styles combo) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Like MS Word, the first option in the Styles combo should be "Remove …
7:17 PM Ticket #5588 (Turkish language) created by Reha Biçer
Hello FCKeditor,
I had previously done translations for Turkish …
4:01 PM Ticket #5434 (Access Denied error on IE7 and IPv6) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [5407].
4:01 PM Changeset [5407] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#5434 : Fixed access denied issues with IE when accessing web sites …
2:57 PM Changeset [5406] by Wiktor Walc
Fixed minor typo in smiley description.
2:13 PM Ticket #5587 (Visual improvements in dialogs) created by Wiktor Walc
While designing dialogs we used to check how they look having the …
12:38 PM Ticket #5586 (Multiple editor instances ruins full-screen mode) created by Johan Fredrik Varen
By running two or more instances of the editor on the same page, …
10:35 AM Ticket #5585 (Indent/Outdent doesn't work when Text is left-aligned in RTL) created by Satya Minnekanti
If in a RTL language(Ex:Arabic), left-align the text using the editor …
10:28 AM Ticket #5584 (forceEnterMode affects Indendation and Outdentation) created by Satya Minnekanti
When using config.forceEnterMode=true it affects how Indendation and …
9:53 AM Changeset [5405] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [5390:5404].
9:18 AM Ticket #5583 (Problem with CKReleaser source version) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment ===
=== Reproducing Procedures ===
1. Place …
9:07 AM Ticket #5582 (Closing dialog boxes causes warning in IE) created by Johan Fredrik Varen
When clicking the top right close link (the red "X") in any dialog box …
5:52 AM Ticket #4834 ([Chrome] In RTL DIV container typing on the end is broken) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Far from a bug, let the …
Apr 26, 2010:
2:31 PM Ticket #5575 (CKEDITOR.replaceAll should consider all white spaces in classes) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5404], thanks Saare.
2:30 PM Changeset [5404] by Garry Yao
#5575: CKEDITOR.replaceAll now considers all white spaces between …
9:22 AM Ticket #5581 (Jumping scrollbar in IE7) created by phil
In ie7, I go to http://ckeditor.com/demo
Click on the word Red in …
Apr 25, 2010:
2:47 PM Ticket #5580 (Maximize does not work properly in the Office 2003 and V2 skins) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
=== Steps to reproduce ===
* Go to the skins demo or the skins sample …
11:20 AM Ticket #5555 ([IE] Can not focus the 'Pasting Area' after it loses focus) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
duplicate: Sorry, this is a duplicate of #5461.
Apr 23, 2010:
11:06 PM Ticket #5579 (Rich combos are not re-positioned when going to maximize mode) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
=== Steps to reproduce ===
* Open a sample or the live demo.
* Open …
5:51 PM Changeset [5403] by Wiktor Walc
Fixed invalid JSDoc comment.
2:15 PM Ticket #5450 (Press enter on 'replace' button result wrong) closed by brooks
fixed: fixed with 5402 5402
2:12 PM Ticket #5121 (Selecting line and changing Paragraph Format changes all lines in paragraph) closed by brooks
fixed: fixed with 5402 5402
2:07 PM Changeset [5402] by brooks
#5450: [FireFox] Press enter on 'replace' button result wrong.
#5121: …
1:15 PM Changeset [5401] by Wiktor Walc
Added classpath definition.
12:48 PM Ticket #5578 (Flash with Alignment is not shown properly in Editor body) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open Ajax sample.
2. Type some …
10:00 AM Ticket #5577 (delete table column throws error) created by brooks
reproduce steps:
1. use table plugin to insert a default table …
9:02 AM Ticket #5513 (Tab navigation in dialogs incompatible with RTL) closed by Garry Yao
9:02 AM Ticket #5514 (Elements path navigation incompatible with RTL) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Thanks Sarre.
Fixed with [5400].
9:01 AM Changeset [5400] by Garry Yao
#5513 AND #5514: Navigation in elementsPath bar and dialog page tabs …
5:54 AM Changeset [5399] by Garry Yao
Post-fixing #5559: Remove dead code chunk.
Apr 22, 2010:
5:10 PM Ticket #5569 (Setting the doctype to HTML is not working) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: The CKEDITOR.config.docType should not be used for this purpose, …
4:52 PM Ticket #5425 (SCAYT button must be disabled in Opera) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5398].
4:51 PM Changeset [5398] by Garry Yao
#5425: Disable SCAYT for Opera.
4:30 PM Ticket #4884 (Spell Check As You Type (SCAYT) causes IE to Scroll) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Works for me after #5551.
4:30 PM Ticket #5551 (SCAYT - updated scayt core url) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed by #4836.
4:30 PM Ticket #5550 (SCAYT - text formating fixing) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed by #4836.
4:29 PM Ticket #5424 (SCAYT takes a lot to activate) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: The SCAYT initial time is much reduced after #5551, feel free to …
4:27 PM Ticket #5466 (SCAYT interferes on color commands) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Confirmed to be fixed by #5567 and #4836.
4:25 PM Ticket #4836 (SCAYT - when enabled, text formatting is working differently) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5397].
4:23 PM Changeset [5397] by Garry Yao
#4836: SCAYT now taking care of merging inline elements when removing …
4:15 PM Ticket #5567 (Remove inline style not joining siblings) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5396].
4:15 PM Changeset [5396] by Garry Yao
#5567: Fixing mergeSibling doesn't join elements in IE because of …
3:08 PM Ticket #5576 (Elementspath does not work correctly when clicking body) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
=== Steps to reproduce ===
* Open the demo.
* Put the caret inside …
2:59 PM Ticket #5575 (CKEDITOR.replaceAll should consider all white spaces in classes) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Currently, the Regex in the CKEDITOR.replaceAll functions considers …
2:43 PM Ticket #5574 (SCAYT doesn't get refreshed after command) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures ===
1. Open any of the sample page and …
2:36 PM Ticket #5573 (SCAYT breaks cursor position after insert image) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures ===
1. Open any of the sample page and …
2:12 PM Ticket #5572 ([IE] SCAYT move cursor on misspelled word) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment ===
=== Reproducing Procedures ===
1. Open any of …
1:38 PM Ticket #5571 (SCAYT throws error) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment ===
IE and FF
=== Reproducing Procedures ===
1. Open …
1:35 PM Ticket #5570 ([IE] SCAYT load blind cursor in document) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment ===
All IE versions.
=== Reproducing Procedures ===
11:29 AM Ticket #5569 (Setting the doctype to HTML is not working) created by Senthil
After setting the doctype to HTML, toolbar controls are still …
10:23 AM Ticket #5559 (setData affected by iframe loading) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5395].
10:22 AM Changeset [5395] by Garry Yao
#5559: Loading wysiwyg mode data on iframe load event instead of via …
9:28 AM Ticket #5568 ([[IE]] First Char in the selected line in a Table is removed from ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open Ajax Sample.
2. Insert a …
3:52 AM Ticket #5567 (Remove inline style not joining siblings) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment ===
=== Reproducing Procedures ===
1. Open any of …
Apr 21, 2010:
6:18 PM Ticket #5566 (Smart tags not dealt with by pastefromword) created by navnorth
Smart tags are not dealt with in any way by the pastefromword plugin.
5:32 PM Changeset [5394] by Garry Yao
Upgrade bespin embeded to 0.7.1, including the following changes:
1. …
3:58 PM Ticket #5565 (Erratic scrollbar behavior when opening a rich combo with RTL) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Open a rich combo in an RTL page. Notice that an horizontal scrollbar …
3:48 PM Ticket #5274 ([[IE6]] Content Templates dialog is not displaying properly) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5393].
3:48 PM Changeset [5393] by Garry Yao
Re-fixing #5274: Hover styling now works well for template dialog options.
3:45 PM Ticket #4459 (CKEditor maximized appears below select element in IE6) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5392].
3:44 PM Changeset [5392] by Garry Yao
#4459: Adding iframe shim for maximized editor in IE6.
3:40 PM Ticket #5452 ([IE+Quirks] Unscrollable combo dropdown list) closed by Garry Yao
expired: That's weird, WFM now in current trunk.
3:29 PM Ticket #5564 (ContextMenu partially invisible if diaplyed above the cursor) created by WebSpellChecker.net
Context menu may became partially invisible (unusable) if it is …
3:22 PM Ticket #5563 ([FF] 'disableObjectResizing' and 'disableNativeTableHandles' not working) created by Garry Yao
Due to changes made at #3593, these two configs stop working since …
3:17 PM Ticket #5562 ([IE] Unable to have 'contentEditable=false" in effect) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment ===
=== Reproducing Procedures ===
1. Open any of …
3:11 PM Ticket #3593 (Use body.contentEditable = true instead of domDocument.designMode = 'on') closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5391] on 3.3.x branch.
3:10 PM Changeset [5391] by Garry Yao
#3593: Apply contentEditable=true in non-IE browsers.
2:54 PM Changeset [5390] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [5388:5389].
12:37 PM Ticket #5561 (An easy way to switch between bulleted and numbered lists) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
While reading #4358, I was wondering about a way to easly switch …
12:20 PM Ticket #5021 (Automatic insertion of <br /> in Firefox when using enterMode = BR;) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [5389].
12:20 PM Changeset [5389] by Garry Yao
#5021: fixing a regression of [3816] which cause cusor been placed …
12:16 PM Ticket #5547 (Image width and height should use width and height HTML attributes) closed by John Fletcher
wontfix: "It's just the other way: inline styles take precedence over any …
11:33 AM Ticket #5560 (insetHTML inserts at first position instead of the current cursor ...) created by Cass Labs
I am trying to insert a text into FCK Editor on click of a link which …
8:53 AM Ticket #5559 (setData affected by iframe loading) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment ===
IE with browser cache enabled.
=== Reproducing …
6:01 AM Ticket #5558 ([Webkit] Not scrolling to cursor after paste) created by Garry Yao
=== Environment ===
Chrome and Safari
=== Reproducing Procedures ===
Apr 20, 2010:
8:07 PM Ticket #5548 (Error: l.lang.contextmenu is undefined) closed by Christian Stone
invalid: For whatever reason, it seems to be working now. I don't understand …
7:05 PM Ticket #5557 (Paste as plain-text functionality) created by Shaun
Currently, paragraphs are separated by two <br /> tags after you paste …
5:45 PM Ticket #5556 (Incorrect applying text color to the last table cell) created by Karen Ananiev
* Insert table
* Put some text to each cell
* Select all …
9:55 AM Ticket #5555 ([IE] Can not focus the 'Pasting Area' after it loses focus) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
=== Steps to reproduce ===
* Click on the 'Paste from word' icon and …
9:34 AM Ticket #5554 (forcePasteAsPlainText can't be set in config file) created by advseb
I'm using CKEditor inside Drupal with the ckeditor module. I want to …
8:53 AM Ticket #5553 (Cursor location in Paste from Word and Paste dialogs is incorrect for ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open …
4:27 AM Ticket #5552 (Dialog doesn't execute 'commit' and 'setup' method of element when ...) created by Minh Nguyen
=== Steps to reproduce ===
Create new dialog without set id attribute …
Apr 19, 2010:
5:37 PM Ticket #5551 (SCAYT - updated scayt core url) created by WebSpellChecker.net
required for #4836 and #4884
4:56 PM Ticket #5550 (SCAYT - text formating fixing) created by WebSpellChecker.net
attached patch required to resolve #4836
4:53 PM Ticket #5549 (Paste command scrolls document in Webkit) created by Shane Birley
If you do a paste command in a document the editing window scrolls all …
1:38 PM Ticket #5548 (Error: l.lang.contextmenu is undefined) created by Christian Stone
I keep getting the following error when upgrading to 3.2.1 from 3.2 of …
12:48 PM Ticket #5547 (Image width and height should use width and height HTML attributes) created by John Fletcher
Previously FCKeditor converted what was specified in the image width …
10:50 AM Changeset [5388] by Garry Yao
Merge trunk [5304:5387].
9:20 AM Ticket #5546 (SCAYT breaks undo system) created by Garry Yao
=== Reproducing Procedures ===
1. Open 'replacebyclass' sample page;
8:00 AM Ticket #4062 ([IE] line after HR/Page Break problem) closed by Garry Yao
expired: Expired.
Apr 18, 2010:
3:02 PM Ticket #5416 ([[IE]] we can't delete the Table on a Saved Page) closed by brooks
fixed: agree with Garry, I happen work on the ENTER_BR mode or else couldn't …
2:54 PM Changeset [5387] by brooks
#5416:[IE] Delete table throws a error when CKEDITOR.enterMode = …
Apr 17, 2010:
2:42 PM Ticket #5545 (Font size, color, type, format doesn't work.) created by BeCometA
As Summary.
Font size, color, type and format doesn't work on any …
7:26 AM Ticket #5544 (Collapse / Expand one Row of Toolbar) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: It's nice to see your idea around this feature while the dev site is …
5:42 AM Ticket #5544 (Collapse / Expand one Row of Toolbar) created by sherry
I think i have an idea how to go around it. How can I contribute …
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.