Dec 2, 2013:
5:08 PM Ticket #10908 (Webkit (Chrome and Safari) focus bug.) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
5:08 PM Ticket #10773 (too aggressive panels caching) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
5:07 PM Ticket #10758 (Ooyala videos stuck on loading in Firefox) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
4:45 PM Ticket #11239 (Dialog submit/cancel actions do not verify whether dialog is still opened) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
1. Click "New Page".
2. Click the table icon.
3. Without any change, …
2:41 PM Ticket #11238 (New paragrahps added when saving bullet list with indented items) created by Titus
Running CKEDITOR in Wordpress, when I save a text with an existing …
2:24 PM Ticket #11237 (Paste table from Microsoft Office Word - lost value of border attribute) created by peter
Open Ajax sample.
1. Create table in MSWord, select all and copy.
2. …
12:03 PM Ticket #11224 (transparentImageData URI in widget plugin is escaped) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: I removed my previous comment, because I figured out the answer few …
9:44 AM Ticket #11236 (Widget templates with newlines cause errors) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: DUP of #11102.
7:59 AM Ticket #11232 (Opera: Additional <br />s keep appearing) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: Opera 12 is no longer supported. Current version (with new Blink …
Dec 1, 2013:
1:25 AM Ticket #11236 (Widget templates with newlines cause errors) created by Mathieu Rene
I noticed some js errors while integrating a widget. …
Nov 30, 2013:
9:53 PM Ticket #11228 (class attribute disappears within <tr> tag) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: Check if it's not an ACF: …
9:53 PM Ticket #11229 (class attribute disappears within <table>) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: Check if it's not an ACF: …
9:48 PM Ticket #11230 (Is it possible to add Tags around content automaticly) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: I'm sorry, but this isn't a forum.
9:42 PM Ticket #11235 (Back Space Fails when Image Selected) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: DUP of #10055. Most likely will be fixed in upcoming minor release.
4:14 PM Ticket #11235 (Back Space Fails when Image Selected) created by scott schmitz
Go to this demo:
using IE9
Click on …
Nov 29, 2013:
7:54 PM Ticket #11234 (IE 11 doesn't like links with display:inline-block) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
It's hard to debug, but a simple fix should be enough:
With IE 11, …
3:14 PM Ticket #11233 (.NET Webbrowser control and IE11 breaks CKEditor) created by Marco Franssen
As Microsoft .NET developer we are using the Webbrowser control to …
10:15 AM Ticket #11232 (Opera: Additional <br />s keep appearing) created by Tobias Hößl
There seems to be a problem with Opera and new lines. I can reproduce …
8:45 AM Ticket #11231 (Autogrow does not load as images are loaded) created by Stig Runar Vangen
If I set the editor content to a document with lots of images where …
7:29 AM Ticket #11230 (Is it possible to add Tags around content automaticly) created by Sebastian Röher
Hello guys,
sry that i write u here, but on the other ways i didn't …
Nov 28, 2013:
8:22 AM Ticket #11229 (class attribute disappears within <table>) created by Yan Lucas
in code modus, create table:
<table cellpadding="0" …
8:20 AM Ticket #11228 (class attribute disappears within <tr> tag) created by Yan Lucas
in code modus, create table:
<table cellpadding="0" …
Nov 27, 2013:
8:37 PM Ticket #11227 (dialog.validate.functions bugs) created by Michael Johnson
The definition of the function returned from dialog.validate.functions …
8:07 PM Ticket #11226 (Aligning image causes width and height to disappear (using Chrome)) created by scarfie
Using Chrome Version 31.0.1650.57 m (I have not tested this issue in …
3:54 PM Ticket #11225 (Provide unified transparent image URI) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Currently the fakeobjects plugin uses an /images/spacer.gif and the …
3:49 PM Ticket #11224 (transparentImageData URI in widget plugin is escaped) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Currently it's
but it should be
(just replace %3D …
3:39 PM Ticket #11223 (ProtectedSource not working in the title element) created by Marcus Bointon
This problem is described in …
12:13 PM Ticket #11222 (Integration of Image and Image2) created by Olek Nowodziński
Following #11201:
* Image and image2 got to share command, button, …
11:55 AM Ticket #11221 (Incorrect result of table/list deletion) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Open replacebycode sample.
2. Using mouse select entire list …
11:44 AM Ticket #11220 (Floated div causes empty gap in IE8-9) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: >You can add the same content to an empty HTML file and will render …
9:44 AM Ticket #11170 (Template samples are wrong due to ACF) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed with git:f573f28.
9:23 AM Ticket #11220 (Floated div causes empty gap in IE8-9) created by TheYves
If you add the following content to ckEditor in Internet Explorer 8 or …
Nov 26, 2013:
9:31 PM Ticket #11219 (Dragging image2 with caption does not fire paste event) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Part of: #11437.
Includes: #12090.
=== Solution description ===
1. …
8:56 PM Ticket #11218 (Bug in bbcode plugin) created by don
Hi, I found a bug in bbcode plugin.
I tried to copy and paste a word …
8:52 PM Ticket #11217 (numbered list is reset to 0 when adding a bulleted list in the ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: I don't see a bug here. Numbered list is followed by a bulleted list …
4:50 PM Ticket #11217 (numbered list is reset to 0 when adding a bulleted list in the ...) created by jaloka
1. One
2. Two
8. Eight
9. Nine
10. Ten
1. One
2. Two …
3:50 PM Ticket #11169 (Maximize not work) reopened by Jakub Ś
3:36 PM Ticket #11169 (Maximize not work) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: 1. For Wrapper Div - user sets CSS style for id which then he …
2:52 PM Ticket #11214 (Focusing not work when CKEditor deep in frame in IE6, IE8) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I think there are couple of errors here that cumulate.
1. frameset is …
10:35 AM Ticket #11213 (Setting Language for Custom Plugin) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Please read the docs: …
10:10 AM Ticket #11216 (CKEDITOR.template does not accept "\\'" as a pattern) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Error is thrown.
Related: #11102.
6:40 AM Ticket #11215 (pastefromword error) created by scott xu
the Pastefromword plugin report an error info 'It was not possible to …
Nov 25, 2013:
4:39 PM Ticket #11214 (Focusing not work when CKEditor deep in frame in IE6, IE8) created by xt21
1. put the attached files in samples directory
2. start IE8 and open …
4:20 PM Ticket #8800 (IE6-10: ENTER key immediately after an anchor generates javascript error) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Not reproducible on 4.3 (I checked IE8 and IE9).
3:40 PM Ticket #8395 (IE6-10: Clicking enter after selecting table, page-break or hr causes ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: I couldn't reproduce any of these issues on 4.3.
3:27 PM Ticket #10652 (insertElement table into table range crashes page) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: DUP of #11183.
3:15 PM Ticket #11213 (Setting Language for Custom Plugin) created by Subash
Dear Team,
I have created Custom Plugin, for that how can i set the …
2:54 PM Ticket #11202 (No newline at BB-code mode) closed by Piotr Jasiun
2:38 PM Ticket #11077 (Image2: resize records two undo snapshots) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Replying to Reinmar:
> It would be a little bit safer to …
1:49 PM Ticket #11212 ([FF] It is impossible to exit styled list with Enter Key.) created by Jakub Ś
1. Open replacebycode.html sample
2. Clear page with New Page button …
1:46 PM Ticket #11204 (Merge image2 styles into global contents.css) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master with git:0fab04e.
1:32 PM Ticket #11182 ([IE11] Editor crashes when IE works in Quirks Mode) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master with git:171b90f.
1:28 PM Ticket #11132 ([FF] Caret is lost (again) on FF after inline widget drop) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master with git:4a28dcc.
1:12 PM Ticket #11211 (The data within the editor is disappeared when you select other tab.) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: Before removing editor from DOM you've got to destroy it using …
12:16 PM Ticket #11210 (Insert image using insertHtml() and resize/move handles are not there) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #11171
11:55 AM Ticket #11211 (The data within the editor is disappeared when you select other tab.) created by aziz@…
When you select other tab in application, the data within the editor …
11:36 AM Ticket #11071 (Email design and alignment and line space look different on HTML email ...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: >The email design and alignment and line space look different on their …
11:23 AM Ticket #11210 (Insert image using insertHtml() and resize/move handles are not there) created by Gav Richards
With image2 in 4.3, images have resize/move handles.
But if you insert …
8:58 AM Ticket #10328 (Inconsistency in paste as plain text) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I have just checked latest CKEditor 4.3 and it seems problem doesn't …
8:37 AM Ticket #7910 (If forcePasteAsPlainText paste (ctrl + v) doesn't work properly in ...) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I wasn't able to reproduce this in CKEditor 4.x.
8:14 AM Ticket #11209 (Ckeditor problem with anchor tag) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: This is a duplicate of #9457.
Nov 24, 2013:
7:22 PM Ticket #11209 (Ckeditor problem with anchor tag) created by kamel
Please check my code :
onOk : function()
var dialog = …
12:03 PM Ticket #11208 (No content in dropdown menu like Styles select menu.) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: DUP of #10269.
Please see that ticket for possible workarounds. There …
11:49 AM Ticket #11208 (No content in dropdown menu like Styles select menu.) created by annsk
After 2 clicks on dropdown menu button, the menu disappear. Then I …
Nov 22, 2013:
4:35 PM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 edited by Teresa Monahan
3:59 PM Ticket #11207 ([FF] Misplaced Image2 resizer in inline editor) created by Olek Nowodziński
1. Open http://ckeditor4.t/ckeditor/plugins/image2/dev/image2.html
2. …
2:59 PM Ticket #11206 (Toolbar is not enabling) created by Subash
Dear Team,
When i am using CKeditor in my application, Toolbar …
2:14 PM Ticket #11205 (IE11 Issues with £ symbol and SCAYT) created by steve_jones20
When using CKEditor in IE11 there's an issue with text disappearing if …
1:37 PM Ticket #11198 (Widget drag handler is not fully visible when inline widget is in a heading) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: git:b734293 landed in master.
1:35 PM Ticket #11159 ([IE9-10] Image2: Buggy discovery of dimensions when changing src in dialog) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: git:b94d536 landed in master.
12:50 PM Ticket #11195 (Dropdown "Styles" isn't closing on unfocus in jquery Dialog) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #10269.
Please see that ticket for possible workarounds. There …
12:04 PM Ticket #11203 (CKEditor adding content automatically when viewed in Source Mode.) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: Unfortunately that source is so bad that neither CKEditor 3.6 nor …
11:29 AM Ticket #11201 (Wrong name of the image2 and language button) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: git:076372c pushed to master.
10:53 AM Ticket #11204 (Merge image2 styles into global contents.css) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Samples available in CKEditor package generated with image2 and …
9:59 AM Ticket #11203 (CKEditor adding content automatically when viewed in Source Mode.) created by Ameya Sohoni
Recently I upgraded CK Editor from 3.6 to 4.2.2 on my website for …
Nov 21, 2013:
10:37 PM Ticket #11202 (No newline at BB-code mode) created by Dennis1993
I've upgraded my CK-Editor to 4.3.
Since I can do no more newline. …
8:17 PM Ticket #11201 (Wrong name of the image2 and language button) created by Wiktor Walc
All button names start with a upper-case letter. Image2 and language …
1:26 PM Ticket #11200 (Inline widget gone on drop with basic editor setup) closed by Olek Nowodziński
fixed: Fix pushed to master git:518b718.
1:20 PM Ticket #11200 (Inline widget gone on drop with basic editor setup) created by Olek Nowodziński
Use the following setup of the editor:
Drag the inline widget …
12:43 PM Ticket #2371 (ForcePasteFromWord configuration option) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: Currently (CKE 4.x and even CKE 3.6.x) code pasted from Word is …
12:37 PM Ticket #856 (Provision for a custom onPaste code cleanup function) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: >Consequently, if a end-user pastes in HTML from a 3rd party web site, …
12:16 PM Ticket #11199 ([Image2, ACF] Content of figcaption remain once the tag is stripped ...) created by Olek Nowodziński
Problem: If user explicitly disallows
in ACF, figures are …
10:48 AM Ticket #11198 (Widget drag handler is not fully visible when inline widget is in a heading) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Open mathjax sample.
2. Hover handlers of widget which are in "The …
8:46 AM Ticket #10893 (IndexSizeError is thrown on undo) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: This issue was fixed in 4.2.1. Most likely I was right that it was a …
8:14 AM Ticket #11197 (Request for Office 2003 Skin and V2 in CKEditor 4.3) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: These skins are obsolete and will not be implemented by CKSource team …
7:50 AM Ticket #11197 (Request for Office 2003 Skin and V2 in CKEditor 4.3) created by changok
In 3.5.6 we have used Office2003 skin as a default one and it is not …
Nov 20, 2013:
6:08 PM Ticket #11196 (a11yhelp strings should be externalised into lang files) created by Teresa Monahan
The a11yhelp dialog uses a keyMap to generate the strings for special …
3:11 PM Ticket #11160 ([IE11][QM] Editor does not work in IE11 QM) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
duplicate: DUP of #11182.
3:09 PM Ticket #11195 (Dropdown "Styles" isn't closing on unfocus in jquery Dialog) created by igorm
To reproduce:
* open http://jsfiddle.net/tu4w2/2/
* on the "Result" …
2:48 PM Ticket #11194 (Notification about new version in About dialog) created by Olek Nowodziński
== Idea
Very often people don't realize that that our product is …
2:25 PM Ticket #11193 (Double Quotes added when links added) created by krug
I have added links in my rich text box but when I reload the page the …
9:20 AM Ticket #11144 ([IE11] Hidden values in selection field) closed by Piotr Jasiun
worksforme: I am not able to reproduce it on my VM.
Nov 19, 2013:
4:35 PM Ticket #11191 ("Better Pop Up Blocker" breaks CKEditor) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: So that's a "Better Pop Up Blocker". Quoting a comment from this …
4:30 PM Ticket #11192 (Table Tools modify the wrong table when working with the <th> element ...) created by clazy
When inserting a row/column/cell to the child table using the context …
3:56 PM Ticket #11191 ("Better Pop Up Blocker" breaks CKEditor) created by Adjungo
Currently using latest chrome version (Version 31.0.1650.57 m).
You …
3:55 PM Ticket #11190 (Updated missing meta information for language files) created by Wiktor Walc
Meta information can be found in
. It is used by …
2:03 PM Ticket #11188 (How to become listed on the Who is using list?) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: @Sebastian thanks for explaining.
@Ch5Finland I'm closing this issue …
1:14 PM Ticket #11189 (Bullet Points indentation) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: Apparently your page use some CSS reset and that's why everything …
1:01 PM Ticket #11189 (Bullet Points indentation) created by Seb
I am having a few issues in the CKEditor when the editing pop-up is …
12:58 PM Ticket #10347 ([Opera] Error thrown when destroying inline editor with simultaneous click) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
wontfix: We dropped Opera <15 support.
12:41 PM Ticket #6668 (Image resize plugin) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed in CKEditor 4.3 by introduction of image2 plugin.
12:34 PM Ticket #5936 (The second click on menu button should hide menu) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: This issue was fixed in 4.3.
11:04 AM Ticket #11188 (How to become listed on the Who is using list?) created by Ch5 Finland Oy
My organization Ch5 Finland Oy deploys CKEditor in the 5.0 version of …
10:59 AM Ticket #11187 (Audio tag needs fake element what should result in new plugin.) created by Jakub Ś
1. Turn off ACF (allowedContent:true)
2. Load sample, switch to source …
10:05 AM Ticket #11186 (A way to block upcasting given element to a widget) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
TC: there's a plugin which prints out an image e.g. as a preview of …
9:32 AM Ticket #11185 (Zero-width space entity gets doubled) created by Jakub Ś
1. Set below in config.js
2. Go to editor, switch to source and …
8:41 AM Ticket #11181 (Left mouse click on image opens image dialog) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: @peter it has always worked that way - one click selects image, flash …
8:35 AM Ticket #11173 (Regarding Undo) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: 1. In which browser are you getting this?
2. Which editor version you …
8:32 AM Ticket #11184 (Underline does not reflect text color) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
wontfix: But what in case of HTML like this?
Or even worse:
Nov 18, 2013:
10:46 PM Ticket #11184 (Underline does not reflect text color) created by Nolege
Similar to ticket 1646.
If you select a portion of text and choose a …
7:50 PM Ticket #11183 (Insert Horizontal Line (horizontal rule) into multiple rows causes ...) created by ben
Can be reproduced on demo page.
To Reproduce:
- Insert table with 3 …
7:03 PM Ticket #11182 ([IE11] Editor crashes when IE works in Quirks Mode) created by Mathieu Marcotte
core/env.js contains the following lines :
I am getting a …
5:02 PM Ticket #11181 (Left mouse click on image opens image dialog) created by peter
To reproduce the issue:
1. Click insert image button from the toolbar …
3:52 PM Ticket #11180 ([Blink/Webkit] Ctrl+A does not work if widget is first or last element) created by Piotr Jasiun
1. Open Chrome.
2. Go to New Image sample …
3:46 PM Ticket #11175 (Track Changes) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: I don't know what Track Changes is. CKEditor does not have feature …
3:44 PM Ticket #11174 (Find and Replace) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: I don't know what Track Changes is. CKEditor does not have feature …
3:43 PM Ticket #11179 (editor.destroy() does not cleanup content generated by TableResize ...) created by Teresa Monahan
To Reproduce:
- Copy inline_destroy.html (attached) into a build where …
3:14 PM Ticket #11172 (In code-view, Zero-width space's are rendered, instead of being shown ...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: You need to use …
3:01 PM Ticket #11178 ([IE] Error thrown in htmlDataProcessor test) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
2:37 PM Ticket #11151 (Error is thrown on copying widget in IE9-10) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed in 4.3.
1:59 PM Ticket #11177 ([Umbrella] Widget drag handle improvements) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Performance: #11001.
2. Repositioning: #11161.
3. Initial position: …
1:58 PM Ticket #11176 (Drag handler is not positioned initially if initial #data event is not ...) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
1. Go to: http://ckeditor.com/demo#widgets
2. Hover simplebox - see …
1:41 PM Ticket #11175 (Track Changes) created by Subash
Dear Team,
1. Formatting changes like (bold,strike,underline,etc…) …
1:28 PM Ticket #8377 (Editing textarea contents in WYSIWYG is broken) closed by Jakub Ś
1:25 PM Ticket #11174 (Find and Replace) created by Subash
In Find & Replace, its working fine but, when Replacing the text It is …
1:22 PM Ticket #11173 (Regarding Undo) created by Subash
I have configured the undo size as mentioned below,
11:47 AM Ticket #8102 (Copy paste of text from external source into a editable div with ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: This issue is too general and rather a feature request than a bug …
11:34 AM Ticket #7854 (IE 6&7 Getting handlers when we navigate to first ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: I cannot reproduce it on IE8 on CKeditor 4.3.
10:42 AM Ticket #6033 ([IE] Pasting over a readonly block merge the siblings and the pasted ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed in 4.3 if fake selection is used (as in widgets).
Nov 17, 2013:
12:35 PM Ticket #11172 (In code-view, Zero-width space's are rendered, instead of being shown ...) created by sirtet
== To reproduce: ==
Copy the sample text from …
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.