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Results (1 - 100 of 576)

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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#6692 BIDI: When list is set to RTL, bullets are moved outside of visible area Opera Chrome Firefox3 Bug closed Low
#9677 [FF3.x] Autogrow fails in case of continuous massive content creation Firefox3 Bug confirmed Low
#10121 [FF] Sourcearea is 1px lower than wysiwygarea Firefox Bug confirmed Low
#94 ForcePasteAsPlainText Failing in Firefox FireFox, Confirmed Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal
#160 Unnecessary DIV's created when formatting Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#161 Wrong position of toolbar panels for GWT Popups in Firefox Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#193 Hyperlink incorrect when pasting in Firefox SF Firefox Confirmed CantFix Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#211 Firefox: Unclosed <p> tag results in cursor not showing up and can't focus into editor Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#218 Word-formatted text fails to paste with Firefox for Mac Confirmed Firefox Mac CantFix Bug closed Normal
#235 FF: Toolbar icons are now displayed correctly on Mac OS X SF Firefox Mac WorksForMe Pending Bug closed Normal
#246 EnterMode=div can lose tags in Firefox Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#254 FF: IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue is not honored Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#284 Firefox: Additional <br /> tags removed from end of document Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#316 FF: Impossible to position the cursor between two centered tables Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal
#332 Hitting Enter after links continues the link in the new paragraph Confirmed Firefox SD-COE Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#346 blank first line in PRE tag causes newline characters to be removed Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#350 FF: <marquee> appends <p>&nbsp;</p> to the output Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#351 Inserted image gets deleted if the rest of the document is empty Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#382 Extra <p> using embeds in Firefox Firefox Bug closed Normal
#393 Cursor inside link but expected to be "after" it Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#404 PRE and Line Breaks SF EK SS Confirmed FireFox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#427 Bulleted lists don't align properly in Firefox Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#430 Remove link issue when class attribute is defined Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#433 Vanishing toolbar in full screen mode WorksForMe Firefox Pending Bug closed Normal
#440 FF: Whole paragraph is selected on right click Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal
#460 when putting style="border:1px solid black; border-top:0px" in an elemint, it puts a mozilla specific CSS attribute for one of the values Firefox Confirmed CantFix Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#462 FF: Certain HTML causing CPU to go to 100% SF Firefox Bug closed Normal
#486 Cursor navigation difficult with multiple smileys or images in FF2 Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#488 FF: Strange cursor behavior with lists after viewing source Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#525 FF: Sucessive DIVs are joined wrongly with del or backspace Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#534 Wrong cursor positioning with lists Firefox Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#535 Enter key inserting multiple breaks after using shift-enter Firefox Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#539 FF: if the HTML has a table in it and you right click in the table while in FCKeditor, the cursor jumps to the top of the HTML Firefox Confirmed Bug closed Normal
#584 Firefox: Style error in parsing value for property 'height' Firefox Bug closed Normal
#680 No context menu for checkbox in a table cell in Firefox SF Firefox Bug closed Normal
#703 FF: No context menu when right clicking a select component SF Confirmed FireFox CantFix Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#739 FF: Button caption is editable with arrow keys SF Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#753 Arrowing over an image skips the next char (Firefox only) Confirmed Firefox SF CantFix Bug closed Normal
#762 Outside Flash goes over the maximized editor SF Firefox Bug closed Normal
#775 Adding table rows using tab-key doesn't preserve attributes SF FireFox Bug closed Normal
#799 FF: Drag and drop (move) table does not work SF CantFix Confirmed FireFox Bug closed Normal
#912 cannot bypass buttons using left/right arrows Firefox Bug closed Normal
#913 can edit broken image's alt text, but it is not saved Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#970 Select Field dialogue: controls get outside of dialogue when field contains long values Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#975 Pressing enter does not exit list mode with bold and italics text. Confirmed IE Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#990 Enter key is broken in SVN Confirmed Firefox Safari Opera Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#994 Unable to add text below a DIV if the DIV is the last line of a document Confirmed IE Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1043 Undo system not saving selection position changes. Confirmed IE Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1051 The Fckeditor paste command is not executed on using Command +V on Mac firefox Confirmed Firefox Mac CantFix Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1053 Unable to apply table style in FireFox using Styles Combo Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1054 Incorrect line spacing after deleting everything in document in Firefox Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1056 Caret disappearing and hanging above an empty document in Firefox Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1060 Not compatible with Firefox 3 Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1061 Backspace and delete does not work under Firefox Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1077 Merge/split cell bugs Confirmed IE Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1121 Scrolling does not work properly with the new Enter Key handler code Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1150 <br type="_moz" /> appearing in Source mode Confirmed Firefox Opera Safari Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1176 JavaScript error after switching to Source mode and back Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1177 Cannot join two paragraphs together Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1188 Firefox, Safari, Opera: Context menu doesn't disappear on Esc. Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1189 Javascript-Console Errors for skins Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1235 Bogux BR is excessively removed when joining paragraphs Confirmed Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#1247 On Enter, the new paragraph may be mispositioned in a specific case Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1255 Javascript error in Firefox: FCK is not defined Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1260 Inconsistent results when switching betwen Source view containing iFrame Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1262 FF: Wrong style detection at the end of paragraphs Confirmed Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#1268 Cursor and Whitespaces: not right blinking on the right position Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1309 New list items are wrongly merged Confirmed IE Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1328 Use -moz-hyperlinktext in fck_editingarea.css Firefox New Feature closed Normal
#1331 Repeated core style vs. inline styled range Confirmed Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#1345 FF: Styles are not applied to multi-cell selections Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1350 Firefox Delete bug with <p> and <br type="_moz" /> Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1356 [Firefox] Keyboard to go to next/previous paragraph SF Firefox New Feature confirmed Normal
#1357 Doing Select All in Firefox, the parent node of the selection is wrong Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1370 Firefox 2.0 - Spell Checking - Add to Dictionary SF CantFix Firefox New Feature closed Normal
#1392 Overrides and Spans not working as expected in Windows and Firefox Confirmed Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#1397 Fx formatting lost when using enter and backspace Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1407 Dynamically setting link / vlink / alink doesn't work in Firefox firefox Bug closed Normal
#1476 [Firefox] Deselecting by mouse click inside of selection does not trigger GetState function of buttons. Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1477 In fullscreen mode, pop-up menu position relative to "content div FireFox Bug closed Normal
#1495 [FF] oEditor.IsDirty not handling spaces and CR correctly (in some cases) Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1497 Bottom border around the editor gets hidden if you... Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1524 Cursor jumping to start and end of unordered list Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1554 FF3 : Links have no underline Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1556 FF3 : Dialogs client area is too small Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1557 FF3 : Color panels' buttons are incorrectly styled Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1558 FF3 : Nested context menu are not closing Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1559 FF3: Color buttons are not closing previously opened panels Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1575 Firefox: Empty paragraph added if an object tag occurs as first element in the body Confirmed Firefox Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1584 FF3 : Context menu may remain opened Confirmed Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#1602 Delete key causes Javascript error when editor is empty Confirmed Firefox Safari Bug closed Normal
#1605 [Firefox] Unnecessary <p> tags are inserted in InsertHtml function of FCKEditor Object Firefox Bug closed Normal
#1623 Removing Bold, Italic, Underline, Striketrough and maybe more is buggy/counterintuitive in Firefox FireFox Bug closed Normal
#1633 [FF] styles on iframe elements affect the editor and panels Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1655 FF: Bulleted point dissaperas when changing the indetation FireFox Bug closed Normal
#1660 <br type="_moz"> and <p>&#160;</p> in empty source FireFox Bug closed Normal
#1682 Problem editing control elements in Firefox, Safari, Opera Confirmed FireFox Opera Safari Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
#1697 OnSelectionChange event in certain Controls don't fire when using Firefox. Confirmed FireFox Bug closed Normal
#1698 Phantom scrollbar problem experienced when switching between normal and expanded editor views Firefox Mac Bug closed Normal
#1713 FF: unknown text in templates paramter Confirmed FireFox Bug closed Normal
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