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Results (2001 - 2100 of 2646)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#7190 IE9 - ability to edit text in placeholder, read only area IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7191 IE9 - Unable to insert anchor IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7192 IE Elements not shown in path bar when we select pre format option with out focus in editor body IBM IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7193 IE9 - JS error in console while adding new paragraphs before <hr/> IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7196 IE9 - js error while inserting <form> on selected page-break IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7200 [IE] Better RTL block editing IE Bug closed Normal
#7202 Double clicking word after inline style is applied, selects only part of the word IE8, Firefox, Opera Bug closed Normal
#7204 Reading from <param> does not work in IE IE Bug closed Normal
#7208 In IE7/8, CKEditor performance degradation when adding multiple editors Oracle IE CantFix Bug closed Normal
#7230 IE quirks: Dialog borders do not resize properly when show/hide tab bar HasPatch IE Bug confirmed Normal
#7256 Internet Explorer 8 - after copying a table, it is impossible to remove any entries from it IE8 Bug closed Normal
#7268 Right border disappears in v2 and office 2003 skins when zooming in/out IBM IE7 FF Bug closed Normal
#7270 IE: we can't switch to to source mode when we insert a Table with caption or first row or both first row & column set as Table Headers IBM IE Bug closed Normal
#7277 BiDi: Strange behaviour when creating RTL lists IBM IE Bug closed Normal
#7290 Issue with Number/Bulleted list - Stack overflow at line: 27 IE7 Oracle Bug closed Normal
#7293 IE with out focus in Editor body when we click Text Color button it is showing background color panel instead of Text Color panel IBM IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7294 IE we can't convert Numbered list to a Bulleted list and vice versa IBM IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7299 IE6/IE8: Borders on color panels are not displaying correctly in RTL languages IBM IE6 IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
#7301 IE: Flash video not displaying when the editor is removed. IBM IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7303 IE: Javascript error when inserting an image. IBM IE Bug closed Normal
#7321 IE6: Right borders missing in dialog textfields in RTL languages IBM IE6 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7323 IE Quirks: Type drop down in Bulleted List dialog is not centre aligned. IBM IE Quirks Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7324 Context menus not displaying correctly in IE6 quirks mode IBM IE Quirks Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7327 IE Quirks: No text wrap on Accessibility Instructions dialog IBM IE Quirks Bug closed Normal
#7332 IE Quirks: Text & Background color panels are distorted IBM IE Quirks Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7333 IE6 Cursor goes missing when we come out of RTL Numbered/Bulleted list IBM IE6 Bug confirmed Normal
#7334 IE Increasing indentation once of RTL Numbered/Bulleted not shown properly in editor body IBM IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7338 IE7: Cell Properties dialog not displaying correctly IE7 Bug closed Normal
#7342 copying and pasting a table doesn't result in its content appearance being preserved in IE8 IBM IE Bug closed Normal
#7345 IE Quirks: List item disappears when editor does not have focus IBM IE Quirks Bug confirmed Normal
#7348 IE9: CKEDITOR.xml.selectSingleNode throws an error IE9 IE10 Bug closed Normal
#7349 Missing env.ie9 / env.ie9Compat variables IE Task closed Normal
#7352 Single quotes in attributes converted to double quotes IE Bug confirmed Normal
#7355 [IE9] Pixelsharp toolbar layout IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7364 IE8: Extra empty list item is added to a list when using backspace to delete an outer list item IE8 IBM Bug closed Normal
#7367 Unable to remove style at end of block IE Bug confirmed Normal
#7433 [IE9] enterBr doesn't put cursor to next line IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7434 [IE9] Inaccessible empty list item IE9 HasPatch Bug closed Normal
#7447 [IE9] HC toolbar items wrapping IE Bug confirmed Normal
#7472 IE: Toolbar buttons not working when large image/flash/iframe inserted in the editor IE IBM Bug closed Normal
#7473 IE6: Dialogs containing dropdown menus become distorted briefly when dragging a dialog to a new position IE6 IBM Bug closed Normal
#7488 IE9 ignores multiple break points without &nbsp; inserted after IE9 HasPatch Bug closed Normal
#7490 [IE] Extra <br> counted at the end of selection IE Opera Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7503 Problems with select lists in IE IE Bug confirmed Normal
#7514 IE7 - Loss of focus for the second time to edit a link, image, smiley,.... IE7 Bug closed Normal
#7515 Can't navigate to empty list item with arrow key IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7516 [IE] setData does not fire selectionChange IE Bug closed Normal
#7517 Removing second-level lists in IE is unintuitive. IE Bug confirmed Normal
#7519 style buttons do not toggle correctly in IE at the beginning of a non-empty paragraph IBM IE Bug closed Normal
#7528 "getFirst() is null or not an object" error on IE8 IE Bug closed Normal
#7561 IE 'editor.getSelection()' is null or not an object IE8 HasPatch IBM Garry Yao Bug review_failed Normal
#7567 IE: Image dialog stretches when we go to edit inserted image IE IBM Bug closed Normal
#7581 IE Crashes when we try to insert a new list item in the pasted list. IBM IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7582 IE: Cannot select items from the context menu when a table is selected IBM IE Bug closed Normal
#7586 BiDi: IE8: Bulleted list dialog not displaying with RTL Bulleted list IBM IE8 Bug closed Normal
#7587 BIDI: IE8: Unspecified webpage error is thrown when using the UNDO function IBM IE8 Bug closed Normal
#7589 BIDI: IE8: Difficulties using backspace to delete RTL paragraphs. IE8 IBM CantFix Bug closed Normal
#7620 IE: Lists copied from word are not pasted properly IBM IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7623 IE8 - SCAYT long running script error on large amounts of text IE8 Bug closed Normal
#7637 IE9: Page break not inserted after a horiontal line IBM IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7639 IE9: Browser crashes when inserting image links with different targets IE9 IBM Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7645 Lists not deleted properly using backspace IE WebKit IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7665 IE9: Toolbar buttons are not displaying properly in RTL languages in v2 skin IE9 IBM Bug confirmed Normal
#7744 IE9 : Problems with creating list from selected text IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#7747 Indented bullet list not pasting correctly from Word IBM IE Bug closed Normal
#7774 Inserting image in IE8 at end of content disables ability to jump to end of content IE8 Bug closed Normal
#7782 [Minor] Selection bug in IE8 IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
#7806 SCAYT plugin moves cursor in IE Review? Bug confirmed Normal
#7809 IE6: setData fails when event handler attached via jQuery IE6 Bug closed Normal
#7811 [IE] Delete row throws JS error IE IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7824 Cannot call method 'split' of undefined on CKEDITOR.replace review? Bug confirmed Normal
#7833 IE: Unable to scroll the editor, if the image in the editor is selected IBM IE Bug closed Normal
#7837 IE 6& IE7 Inserting a Pagebreak generating an error IBM IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7857 BIDI: Copying & Pasting RTL lists from Word not working properly in IE7 IBM IE7 Bug closed Normal
#7858 IE 6 & 7: @ symbol is displayed in the editor when 0 is entered in the start text field in Numbered List dialog IBM IE Bug closed Normal
#7861 IE7 - E-Mail Link Dialog Goes off screen IE7 Bug closed Normal
#7881 IE : We can't open more than one sub menu. IBM IE Bug closed Normal
#7895 Using the enter key after a placeholder value IE Bug confirmed Normal
#7896 IE: table cell properties giving error undefined (table tools, onshow invalid selection) when enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR IE IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7908 IE: Unlink option is not always available from the context menu when right clicking on a link IBM IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7922 Can't open dialogs in IE6 IE6 IBM Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7929 IE6: Can't switch from source to wysiwyg IE6 IBM Bug closed Normal
#7932 Focus jump to top when reentering the iframe (in IE8) IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7934 IE: Image dialog is unable to load image properties inside of a floating element IE IBM Garry Yao Bug review Normal
#7935 background:url() get stripped on ie8- IE8 Bug confirmed Normal
#7953 IE: can't use native IE context menu IE Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7959 in enterMode BR after inserting a table the cursor is displayed at the start of the table IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7962 <td> align attribute causes validation errors in IE 8 IE Bug confirmed Normal
#7963 IE9: CKEditor may be blocking some options from context menu for Speckie IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7968 CKEditor 3.6 in IE7 - Unable to get value of the property 'getRanges': object is null or undefined IE Bug confirmed Normal
#7970 Cannot copy from native context menu in IE9/8 ie, native context menu Bug closed Normal
#7973 Editor scrolls to the top when opening the context menu in a floating element IE Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#7974 IE: "Image properties" not available in the context menu in a floating element IE Bug confirmed Normal
#7975 Errors when trying to select empty table cell on IE8 IBM IE Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal
#7976 IE: error when saving cell properties on selected content IE Bug confirmed Normal
#7978 IE: Can't open table properties dialog from context menu. IE Bug closed Normal
#7988 IE6: Kama skin - Styles dropdown box noot properly skinned IE6 Bug closed Normal
#8023 [IE] Toolbar is selectable IE Garry Yao Bug review_failed Normal
#8026 IE Quirks: Anchor Properties dialog does not find selected element IE Bug closed Normal
#8027 IE Quirks: problem with typing text after inserting an anchor IE Bug confirmed Normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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