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Results (801 - 900 of 2646)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#3259 Find/Replace is not undoable Oracle Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

Undo control is not working when the changes are made by the Find/Replace.

#3263 In Safari 3.x release, Tab and Shift Tab is not reaching the editor area. Oracle Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

In Safari 3.x release, Tab and Shift Tab is not able to reach the editor area at all. Thus user can't reach the editor area using tab or shift tab.

#3267 Exception in selection plugin when loading hidden editor Confirmed Review+ Bug closed Normal

If CKEditor is loaded in a hidden element, getRanges() in the selection plugin throws a JavaScript exception, since getNative returns null, and the return value isn't checked. Adding

if (sel === null)
   return [];

on line 447 of selection/plugin.js fixes the problem for me.

This problem can be duplicated in replace-by-class by adding "display: none" to the containing <p> element's style.

#3274 ElementsPatch toolbar moves the toolbar icons Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

To reproduce

-set in toolbar/plugin.js

CKEDITOR.config.toolbarLocation = 'bottom';

-open replacebyclass example

-put cursor in "sample text"

-put cursor in FCKeditor

Result: toolbar icons jump in toolbar.

#3282 Skin files are not being loaded with timestamp Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Looking at file requests in nightly build (skins) sample, it's possible to note that the skin.js file and the main CSS files don't have the timestamp ("t") parameter in the URL. We must ensure this parameter is properly sent to the server.

#3283 'CKEDITOR.dom.node.getPreviousSourceNode/getNextSourceNode' bug Confirmed Review- Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

I've detected the 'previous source node' is incorrect with the attache d TC.

#3286 IE : Smileys always have full URLs Confirmed IE IBM Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

In IE, if setting the "smiley_path" configuration to a relative URL, the final <img> tags contain the full resolved URL instead.

IT works as expected with Firefox.

#3287 Flash object get lost IBM IE Confirmed Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Open 'Flash' dialog to Insert a random flash;
  3. Switch to 'Source' mode.
    • Actual Result: Flash object doesn't show in source.
#3288 Special character doesn't insert characters. Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

To reproduce open the Special Character dialog and click on any character.

The javascript error occurred in the wysiwyg plugin.

#3289 Show broken image icon in Firefox Review+ Artur Formella New Feature closed Normal

Firefox doesn't show missing images. This is very annoying. There is a way to show something instead.

Solution based on #2933 in attachment.

#3290 Implement collapse toolbar feature Oracle Review+ Confirmed Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature closed Normal

The collapse toolbar button is missing in CKEditor trunk.

#3291 Ctrl-V does not work in Paste from Word dialog Oracle Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebyclass.html in IE.
  2. Open the Paste from Word dialog.
  3. Copy some random text from MS Word.
  4. Paste into the Paste from Word dialog with Ctrl-V.
  5. Nothing happens.
#3293 Table properties 2nd level menus do not show up in IE8 on Vista Confirmed IE CantFix Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Second level context menus for table properties (such as Row, Cell, and Column sub-menus) do not show up in FCKEditor 2.6.4 when viewed with IE8 on Vista (both x64 and x86).

This is discussed here:

#3294 Safari : Announce the editor in VoiceOver Confirmed Safari Oracle Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Currently VoiceOver announces the editor as, for example, "frame1". It should be instead announced using the correct accessibility string.

#3296 JavaScript error on tab and shift-tab in IE with tabindex IE WorksForMe Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Modify sample.html and replacebyclass.html such that the editor is surrounded by a few textboxex with tabindex, and the editor's textbox should have a tabindex as well.
  2. Open replacebyclass.html in IE6.
  3. Put focus in the first textbox, tab until the focus is in the editor.
  4. Now press tab or shift-tab.
  5. JavaScript error.
#3297 Disable textarea resizing in webkit Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

In paste text dialog one can change size of the textarea - it should be disabled.

#3298 Only first Styles Combo has content Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  • Insert 2 or more CKEditors on one page.
  • Open one of Styles combos - it works
  • Click to open any other - it is empty.
#3304 Remove the domWalker class Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Task closed Normal

The CKEDITOR.dom.walker class has been introduced to replace the CKEDITOR.dom.domWalker class. Now, any part of the code using the domWalker must be changed to use walker instead, and domWalker is to be delete.

#3307 Korean language support for mediawiki Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella New Feature closed Normal

ko.js and FCKeditor.i18n.ko.php

#3312 It's not possible to remove list on empty <li> ENTER Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

When hitting ENTER in in the last <li> of a list, if empty, the <li> must be removed, and the a new paragraph with the selection must be placed after the list.

#3313 Enhance CKEDITOR.dom.walker Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

With #2876, the new dom walker is introduced, this ticket is about establishing the missing TCs and bug fixing on it.

#3321 Find/Replace cause JS error in IE IE Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

To reproduce just open Replace dialog in IE7.

Focus caused error because 'Replace' tab was not selected.

#3322 Update V3 Test Case Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Agile ticket for updating TCs for CKEDITOR.dom.range regard recent changes.

#3323 Update V3 Test Case Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Task closed Normal

Agile ticket for updating TCs for CKEDITOR.dom.document regard recent changes.

#3324 Update V3 Test Case Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Task closed Normal

Agile ticket for updating TCs for CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment regard recent changes.

#3331 Clone node doesn't strip nested ids Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

Currently only the parent node id attribute is striped with CKEDITOR.dom.node::clone( true, true ) , so it doesn't work with the 'includeChildren' param.

#3332 Update V3 Test Case Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Agile ticket for updating TCs for CKEDITOR.dom.element regard recent changes.

#3333 Add more undo points Review+ Artur Formella Task closed Normal

Sometimes Undo command cancels too much.


  • Copy to clipboard:
  • Open replacebyclass example
  • Remove all the content.
  • Insert this image using image dialog
  • CTRL+V in the editor
  • Click undo

Result: editor is empty.

Expected result: Image in the editor.

#3338 mouse cursor over input field shows as arrow instead of beam Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Tested Firefox 3.1 and IE8, open any dialog and move the mouse over an <input type="text">

The cursor remains as an arrow, it isn't clear that the user can type there.

The cursor should have changed to the "beam" indicating that it's an active text input.

The problem is due to the reset.css file.

#3341 [IE] getOuterHtml incorrect for namespaced element name IE Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

IE is returning the namespace definition as the following along with the 'outerHtml' when creating an element with tag name 'cke:custom', which is unexpected.

<?xml:namespace prefix="cke" />
#3344 Inline style incorrect when reaching document end Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Infected by [3353], apply inline style throw JavaScript Error when reaching the end of document.

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page in Firefox.
  2. Clear all content and insert text 'bold';
  3. Click 'SelectAll' then apply 'Bold' style;
  4. Double click the bold text 'bold', and Click on 'Italic' command.
    • Actual Result: JavaScript error occurred.
#3345 Edit anchor problem Confirmed Firefox Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Make the following content with selection by double click on the anchor;
    ^<a name="name"></a>^
  1. Click on 'Link' to open dialog, switch to 'Advanced' tab;
    • Expected Result: 'Name' filed is updated with the value 'name';
    • Actual Result: Anchor properties is not updated.
#3347 In IE: CKEditor - Editor Area content is not word wrapped Oracle Confirmed IE Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Screen shot is attached

#3349 V3 : About dialog Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature closed Normal

Implement the About dialog on V3.

#3351 Combo list item marking not working Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

The panel list inside combo is not correctly marking those selected items.

#3353 [IE] Unable to change list type IE Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Make the following content along with selection:
  3. Click on 'Bullet List' command to change list type;
    • Expected Result: Elements path is shown as : body -> p -> strong
    • Actual Result: Javascript error thrown.
#3354 [IE] Unable to change list type IE Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Make the following content along with selection:
  3. Click on 'Bullet List' command to change list type;
    • Expected Result:
    • Actual Result: Javascript error thrown.
#3356 Ident problem with nested block Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Make the following content along with selection:
  3. Click on 'Increase Indent' command;
    • Expected Result:
              <div style="margin-left: 40px;">
    • Actual Result: Javascript error thrown.
#3357 Add hotkeys for image dialog, remove link and save Oracle Revied+ Martin Kou New Feature closed Normal

These are three of the more common dialog commands that could use hotkey combos.

#3362 Fix dialog layout for Firefox 2 IBM Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Dialog layout is wrong in Firefox 2.

#3363 Font and Size controls are not working correctly Oracle Confirmed IE Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Replication steps:

  1. Select a paragraph of text from the editor area.
  2. Use the Size control to make the text larger (select 16 in the control). Notice that size 16 indicated in the control.
  3. Use the Size control and select size 16 again. The text size becomes smaller again. Notice that no size is indicated in the control.

Same thing is happening with Font control also.

#3365 Font name dropdown called font style Confirmed Review+ Bug closed Normal

The dropdown title displayed when dropping down the font name droplist says "Font Style". It would seem that it should be called "Font Name".

This issue exists in the nightly samples.

#3366 Paste from Word dialog does not work in Firefox 2 IBM Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

The paste area in the Paste from Word dialog isn't editable in Firefox 2.

#3367 Introduce range iterator API Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature closed Normal

There're many cases when we need to traverse the range from the start boundary node to the end boundary node, it's archiveable by the following codes:

var boundaryNodes = range.getBoundaryNodes();
		var firstNode = boundaryNodes.startNode;
		var lastNode = boundaryNodes.endNode.getNextSourceNode( true );
var node = firstNode.getNextSourceNode();
while( node )
	if ( node.getName() == 'span'  && currentNode.getAttribute( '_fck_bookmark' ) )
		node = node.getNextSourceNode();
	// Processing logic...
	node = node.getNextSourceNode();

It's cumbersome due to at least two reasons:

  1. The collapsed range problem reported at #3292;
  2. It make code DUP at every plugin for the same logic;

It's necessary to introduce an API for this feature with dom iterator, which already holds a method for iterating over paragraphs. So after the API, other plugins should walking through the range as easy as using the iterator.

#3370 Use CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain() Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik New Feature closed Normal

Right now we have many times:

var isCustomDomain = && document.domain != window.location.hostname;

It should be replaced with just

var isCustomDomain = CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain();
#3372 Undo / Redo Text Selection Bug Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Type in a line of text
  2. Press Enter
  3. Type another line of text.
  4. Select the second line of text.
  5. Press the "backspace" key and delete all of the highlighted text, or just simply press backspace to delete all of the text.
  6. Press Ctrl-Z or the Undo toolbar button

Observation: Only some of the deleted text is restored after pressing undo, and in some cases the entire second line of text is deleted. The behavior is sporadic, but reproducible. I've also noticed that if you have a lot of content in the editor, after calling the undo command the very last line of text will vanish.

Expected: The highlighted / deleted text should be restored as it was prior to deletion and the remainder of the content remains unchanged.

Notes: Redo performs in the same odd fashion. First noticed this behavior in the 2.6.3 version, but it's also reproducible in the nightly build:

#3373 Don't show context menu if there are no items HasPatch Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

If the clipboard plugin is disabled, there are usually no menu items to display in the context menu (there are still items for tables, etc).

In this case, it would be nice to simply display the browser's default context menu, rather than showing an (ugly) empty menu.

Attached is a patch that implements this.

#3374 Indenting list item remove subsequent item Confirmed Review? Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  • Open the replace by class example.
  • Make the following content by using the Source button:
    		Item 1
    				Item 2</li>
    				Item 3</li>
    		Item 4<br />
  • Place the cursor after the 3 in "Item 3".
  • Choose increase indent. Expected result:
    		Item 1
    				Item 2
    						Item 3</li>
    		Item 4<br />
  • Actual result:
    		Item 1
    				Item 2</li>
    				Item 3</li>

This can be reproduced with any of the nightly samples.

#3377 [IE]Element path not updated after context menu IE Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Make the following content along with selection:
    <a href="#">context^ menu</a>
  3. Right click to open context menu, now click on the 'text' before the link;
    • Expected Result: The element path bar is refreshed.
    • Actual Result: The element path bar still indicate the old position.
#3378 [IE] Source code format incorrect with paragraph IE Confirmed Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Switch to 'Source' mode;
  • Actual Result: there's no visual line-break after <p>.
#3379 [IE] Select all command problem IE Webkit Bug confirmed Normal

'Select all'/Ctrl-A command is not consistence between FF and IE.

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Click on 'Select All' command, then press 'Del' key.
    • Actual Result: There's still a paragraph inside document.
#3380 Keyboard shortcut for toolbar doesn't work in FF 2 IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

The keyboard shortcuts ALT+F10 and ALT+F11 do not work in FF2

#3388 [IE] Submenu navigation key problem IE Confirmed Bug closed Normal

Navigation key on sub menu items is not working within IE.

#3390 [FF] Open submenu Confirmed Firefox Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Insert a table, right click to open context menu which has sub-menu;
  3. Navigate to the menu item which would trigger sub-menu, press 'arrow-right' key.
    • Expected Result: Sub menu show up.
    • Actual Result: Javascript error thrown.
#3391 Table dialog layout review Confirmed IBM Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

The table dialog is the only one that goes out of our design standards, having all labels at the left of the fields instead of above them. We need uniformity here.

#3395 [IE] Edit area height incorrect Confirmed IE Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

The initial textarea height is incorrect after the DOM structure adjustment at #3387.

#3398 Indent problem with outermost element Confirmed Review+ Bug closed Normal

Start with a completely blank editor in wysiwyg mode. Type a few characters, then press the indent button. A JavaScript error will result.

Attached is a patch which fixes the problem.

#3400 Size of source text area is wrong in IE Confirmed IE Review? Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebyclass.html in IE6.
  2. Switch to Source mode.
  3. The source text area is collapsed in height.
#3401 V3 - Implement baseHref functionality Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao New Feature closed Normal

We have base tag config but it works in preview only.

#3402 Layout of smiley and character dialogs are wrong in IE6 quirks mode. IE Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Remove the doctype line in sample.html to make samples open in quirks mode.
  2. Open replacebyclass.html in IE6.
  3. Open the smiley dialog.
  4. Many smiley icons are missing.
  5. Open the special charater dialog.
  6. There're scroll bars along the edges of the dialog.
#3403 Adding 'hasAttribute' method Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Task closed Normal

There's some cases where it's necessary to check whether a attributed is intrinsic OR assigned dynamically on an element.

#3404 [IE] loadXml failed with loading valid xhtml IE Pending Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Replace the content of 'replacebyclass' with attached html file.
  2. Open the replace by class example page;
    • Actual Result: The sample page is not loaded.
#3406 [Webkit] Undo not working for 'Font Size' Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

It's not able to undo changes made by 'Font Size' change.

#3407 scripts aren't protected while loading content Confirmed Review+ 3.0RC Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Load this in source mode:


when you switch to design view the alert will show, so any script will be executed instead of being protected.

#3408 event handlers are executed in IE and Safari Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

load this in source mode:

<a href="#" onclick="alert(1)">click me</a>

IE and Safari will show the alert when you click the link, meaning that any event handler is being executed while in design view.

#3412 Dialog tab bar layout is wrong in IE6. Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebyclass.html in IE6.
  2. Open any dialog that has a tab bar (e.g. the image dialog).
  3. The tab bar is seen at a position about 10px lower than the intended location.

The bug occurs in both standards mode and quirks mode. But it doesn't affect IE7.

#3413 JAWS does not read Format, Font & Size drop down as combo boxes IBM Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

JAWS is does not read Format, Font & Size Drop down as Combo Boxes.

For example, in the Paragraph Format combo box, JAWS should read the first option in the combo box followed by "to select the options use arrow keys".

This applies to other combo boxes.

#3414 Combo boxes are incorrectly positioned in IE quirks mode. IE Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Remove the doctype line from sample.html.
  2. Open replacebyclass.html in IE6.
  3. Open any combo box - e.g. the style combo.
  4. The position of the combo menu is a few pixels off from where it should be.

Other browsers are not affected.

#3415 Cannot tab back into text area on all Paste dialogs IBM Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

When a paste dialog is opened, e.g. Paste from Word, the cursor will initially be focused inside the text area. After tabbing out of the text area, it is not possible to tab back into it.

#3417 JAWS does not read the first toolbar item after switching focus to toolbar IBM Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

After using ALT+F10 to switch focus to the toolbar, JAWS does not read out the first item that is selected.

#3419 Paste button not available after SetData function IE Bug confirmed Normal


After calling the SetData function, the paste buttons are not enabled (my clipboard has data) in internet explorer (tested in IE7). Other browser does not have this problem. How can I solve this problem?

Here is the code of my test:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">

<head runat="server">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/fckeditorLatestBuild/fckeditor.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.onload = function() {
            var oFCKeditor1 = new FCKeditor('MyTextarea1');
            oFCKeditor1.BasePath = "/fckeditorLatestBuild/";
        function myClick() {
		var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('MyTextarea1');
		oEditor.SetData("<p>hello world</p>");

    <form id="form1"">
          <textarea id="MyTextarea1" name="MyTextarea"></textarea>

Thanks in advance!

#3422 [FF] DomIterator should preserve padding block BR Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

When iterating over the following document content, the original BR nodes on boundary of the newly established paragraphs should be removed, but during the process, padding block element like: <br _moz_dirty="" /> will be removed also, which result in a collapsed block.
So the correct behavior should respect these special blocking padding elements.

#3423 Unable to outdent when editor.config.indentUnit != 'px' HasPatch Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

If the editor configuration is set to use an indent unit other than px (e.g. 'pt'), outdenting does not work. This is because the indent detection logic uses getComputedStyle, which returns the indent in pixels.

One solution is to mimic V2 behavior and use getStyle instead of getComputedStyle. Attached is a patch which implements this.

#3425 Flash, Textarea and Select box dialog boxes have scrollbars in IE quirks mode. IE Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Remove the doctype line from sample.html.
  2. Open replacebyclass.html in IE.
  3. Open any of the three above mentioned dialogs.
#3426 Color selection boxes have incorrect layout in IE quirks mode. IE Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Remove the doctype line from sample.html.
  2. Open replacebyclass.html in IE6.
  3. Open one of the color selection boxes.
  4. You see a scrollbar in the color selection box opened.
#3429 Editor is unusable with DocType XHTML under IE8 IE8 Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

If the editor area DocType is set to XHTML then it is not possible to drag the scrollbar in the editor area. When the scroll bar is clicked a javascript error occurs; this error prevents the scrollbar from working.

The DocType is specified in our custom configurations file using the following statement: FCKConfig.DocType = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 StrictEN" "">' ;

The error details are as follows:

Message: 'nodeName' is null or not an object Line: 457 Char: 2 Code: 0 URI: https://brue/editor/264/v1/fckeditor/editor/_source/internals/fck_ie.js

This line of javascript is:

if ( e.nodeName.IEquals( 'input' ) && e.type.IEquals( ['radio', 'checkbox'] ) && !e.disabled )

I've worked around this problem by adding an extra guard.

if ( e.nodeName && e.nodeName.IEquals( 'input' ) && e.type.IEquals( ['radio', 'checkbox'] ) && !e.disabled )

This works for me as we never use FCK to edit web forms. However, a proper solution needs to test the DOM model for an attribute present in IE8 under both HTML and XHTML.

#3430 Provide an easy way to add and remove plugins Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature closed Normal

Currently, it's a bit cumbersome to add and remove plugins in the editor setting. To do that, we need to manipulate the plugins setting string in the custom configuration file. For example:

// Add a new plugin.
config.plugins += ',myplugin';

// Remove the elementspath plugin.
config.plugins = config.plugins.replace( /(?:^|,)elementspath(?=,|$)/, '' );

This situation, other than being counterintuitive, makes it impossible to set these configurations at editor creation time. We should instead have ways to make it with easy, as this is a common task.

#3433 Restoring from maximized does not work across mode switches in IE8 Standards mode. IE8 Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebyclass.html.
  2. Press the maximized button to maximize the editor.
  3. Press Source to go to Source mode.
  4. Press maximized button again to restore to normal size.
  5. The editor fails to restore back to normal size.

It works in IE8 compatibility view (i.e. IE7 Standards mode) and in quirks mode.

#3434 Replace config.autoLanguage comment with config.language in config.js. Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

The config.autoLanguage parameter is now obsolete - it's not checked anywhere by the editor's code. Instead, what we're doing right now is this:

  1. Check if there's a config.language - if it is defined, use that.
  2. Check if we have a translation matching the browser's default language - if we have, use that.
  3. If all fails, use config.defaultLanguage.

Right now the explanation in config.js, as well as some of the documentations in _source/core/lang.js, are not reflecting what's actually happening.

#3435 Combo boxes are opened (1px, 1px) off from their intended position in IE8 Standards mode. IE8 Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebyclass.html in IE8.
  2. Click on any of the font/font size/format/etc. combo boxes. Color boxes can also be used.
  3. The resulting floating panels are opened (1px, 1px) off from the correct position.
#3436 Inline styles are being applied to outside of selected area in IE. IE8 Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebyclass.html in IE.
  2. Double click "You" in the editing area.
  3. Click the Bold button.
  4. "You are using " is bolded.

The bug can be reproduced across IE6, 7 and 8.

#3437 Show blocks command state is not correctly preserved across mode changes. Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebyclass.html.
  2. Press "Show Blocks" button.
  3. Switch to Source mode.
  4. Switch back to WYSIWYG mode.
  5. The blocks are still shown, but the state of the show blocks button is wrong.

This bug can be reproduced on all browsers.

#3438 Floating panels are off by (-1px, 0px) in RTL mode. Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Add config.language = 'ar'; in config.js to get an RTL UI.
  2. Open replacebyclass.html in Firefox, Safarai, Opera or IE.
  3. Open any floating panel - e.g. the font combo box.
  4. The floating panel is opened 1px off to the left from its intended position.
#3439 IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue has no effect if ProcessHTMLEntities is false Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

If setting ProcessHTMLEntities to false, empty paragraphs are filled with the &#160; entity, instead of &nbsp;. Because of this, IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue is having no effect, and an empty editor outputs:

#3441 CKEDITOR changes script tag content Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Paste in source mode

	<script>alert('sample text. You are using <a href="">FCKeditor</a>');</script></p>

switch to WYSIWYG and back to Source. Result:

	<script>alert(&#39;sample text. You are using </script><a href=""><script>FCKeditor</script></a><script>&#39;);</script></p>

expected result: nothing changed

#3446 Safari in HTML 4.0 mode complains about unterminated options in fck_tablecell.html Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

This new code in fck_tablecell.html is missing a </td>, and the Safari working in HTML 4.0 mode objects to the <option...../> - starts at line 222:

     <td nowrap="nowrap">
       <span fcklang="DlgCellType">Cell Type</span>:</td>
      <td colspan="2">
        &nbsp; <select id="selCellType">
        <option fcklang="DlgCellTypeData" value="td" />Data
        <option fcklang="DlgCellTypeHeader" value="th" />Header

Better written as <option....>Data</option> etc ??

#3447 add explicit cursor for images in Safari Review+ Artur Formella New Feature closed Normal

By default Safari only shows the beam or text cursor for all the content. We should add in the internal css a rule to fix that:

img {

Other elements might need also this kind of rule in Safari (form elements for example)

#3448 Images aren't selectable in Safari Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

There's some specific code in V2 to handle this in fck_gecko.js (can't find right now the original ticket)

		this.EditorDocument.addEventListener( 'mousedown',
			function( ev )
				var element = ev.srcElement ;

				if ( element.nodeName.IEquals( 'IMG', 'HR', 'INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT' ) )
					FCKSelection.SelectNode( element ) ;
			}, true ) ;

		this.EditorDocument.addEventListener( 'mouseup',
			function( ev )
				if ( ev.srcElement.nodeName.IEquals( 'INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT' ) )
			}, true ) ;

		this.EditorDocument.addEventListener( 'click',
			function( ev )
				if ( ev.srcElement.nodeName.IEquals( 'INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT' ) )
			}, true ) ;

Also the last functions take care of disabling the default behavior of those elements.

#3450 [IE] Find result highlighting problem IE IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Previous highlight marking style is not removed when search more than twice.

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Open 'Find' dialog, search for 'some';
  3. Keep the dialog open, another search for 'are'
  • Actual Result: Search results from both matching are marked.
#3455 Fixed color palette in colour selectors should provide names for colors IBM Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

The fixed color selector palettes displayed for font color and background color should provide names for those colors. This is to allow JAWS to read meaningful names instead of numbers.

#3458 V3 : Inches and Centimetres Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Normal

The bug described in #2856 exists also in V3.

#3459 Change all "FCKeditor" to "CKEditor" Review+ Artur Formella Task closed Normal

In samples we still have "FCKeditor". I found it also in JS files and testcases

#3462 The About button must remain enable in source mode Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

The About button must remain enable in source mode. It's currently disabled.

#3473 [FF] Bogus doubled line break nums Firefox Webkit Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Currently the padding block bogus br logic is not right, it's appending the br for every newly established block, which sometimes cause too much line breaks:

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page with enterMode: P;
  2. Click on 'New Page' button to clear all content;
  3. Enter one line text and press enter key;
  4. Now press backspace key to delete the new line;
    • Expected Result: One key strike will bring you back to the first line;
    • Actual Result: Three key strike is necessary to back to the first line;
#3476 Indentation and list features don't work in specific cases IBM Confirmed Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open nightly Replace text area by class name sample
  2. Place cursor on the bold sample text text
  3. Attempt to create a list or indent the paragraph

Actual result
The feature fails, leaving behind an _fck_bookmark span as below:

  This is some <strong>samp<span _fck_bookmark="1" id="cke_bm_81S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>le text</strong>. 
You are using <a href="">CKEditor</a>.</p>

This can also be reproduced by selecting the entire line of text using the mouse (not CTRL+A).
Reproduced on FF2, FF3 and IE7

#3481 paste error IN Chrome Confirmed WebKit Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal
  1. use chrome(version: 2.create a table
  2. paste something into table
  3. the format of the table is error
#3487 getText() not always returns string Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

For empty nodes, getText() will return undefined instead of empty string. According to jsdoc, this method returns string.

Sample testcase

  1. Using "Replace Textarea by code" example, fill editor with content:
  2. Evaluate this code:
    var e = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
    var text = e.document.getBody().getChild( 0 ).getText();
    console.log(typeof text);;
  3. Results in "TypeError: str is undefined" from

Please correct me if my point of view is incorrect.

#3488 Safari: Cell context menu doesn't always work IBM Confirmed Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open ajax sample
  2. Create table with default values
  3. Right click in a cell to invoke context menu.
  4. Attempt access the cell sub-menu.

Actual result:
Cell sub-menu doesn't display.

#3490 Context menu does not display properly in IE6. IBM Confirmed IE6 Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Reproduced on latest nightly Ajax sample. Please refer to attached image.

#3491 [IE] Paste from Word doesn't work IBM Pending IE Bug closed Normal

Pasting from Word doesn't work in IE. Tested on IE7. Please refer to attached image.

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