Oct 29, 2009:
9:27 PM Changeset [4420] by Michael Osipov
- Bump Javadoc Plugin to 2.6.1
- disable detectofflinelinks, we do not …
5:28 PM Changeset [4419] by Garry Yao
Updating ticket tests for #4463.
5:26 PM Changeset [4418] by Garry Yao
Adding ticket tests for #4463.
Oct 28, 2009:
5:39 PM Ticket #4606 (AutoGrow plugin) created by Garry Yao
Port AutoGrow plugin to v3.
3:49 PM Changeset [4417] by Garry Yao
Updating ticket tests for #4574.
10:39 AM Ticket #4605 (Ajax: Rich combo does not expand for every second or following editor) created by Niek Kouwenberg
When dynamicly creating a CKEditor instance, removing it and again …
10:12 AM Ticket #4604 (Submitted text doesn't display in Opera) created by VLAD
I've integrated fckeditor to CuteNews, and it works just perfectly in …
6:58 AM Changeset [4416] by Garry Yao
Adding ticket tests for #4574.
5:38 AM Ticket #4603 (Unable to disable sub menu items) created by Garry Yao
The following form of menu item status definition doesn't work at all …
Oct 27, 2009:
4:51 PM Ticket #4602 (IE8 XP SP3 - maximize on long pages cuts off toolbar) created by jimmy
using the example code for "complete sample" from this page: …
4:27 PM Ticket #4591 (Small Clickable Area in IE7 and IE8) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
duplicate: DUP of #1659
3:52 PM Ticket #4601 (Background color of dropdown boxes) created by Daniel Pogac
If i change background color of ckeditor textarea by adding …
10:07 AM Ticket #4600 (Image vspace, hspace, align CSS) created by Florian
I have written a workaround for using css instead of img tags, …
6:30 AM Ticket #4599 ([Webkit] Drag-and-drop images into the tables) created by Karen Ananiev
* Open the demo on http://ckeditor.com/demo in Chrome or Safari …
1:12 AM Ticket #4598 (CKEditor rewrites expanded individual border styles incorrectly) created by ckeddie
If in source view I add to a td style="border-left:2px solid #060;", …
Oct 26, 2009:
4:29 PM Changeset [4415] by Garry Yao
Adding ticket tests for #4228.
7:24 AM Ticket #4597 ([IE] DispHTMLAttributeCollection doesn't have getAttribute() method) created by pomu0325
At line.726 of dom/element.js, it calls getAttribute method of …
Oct 23, 2009:
6:48 PM Changeset [4414] by Garry Yao
Adding ticket tests for #2885.
3:31 PM Ticket #4596 (Image Reset Size and Lock Ratio icons not visible in high contrast mode.) created by Joe Kavanagh
Turn on High Contrast:
[XP] Open Control Panel and click on …
3:06 PM Ticket #4595 (Template options on the Template dialog are not keyboard accessible.) created by Joe Kavanagh
In a instance of the editor access the toolbar by pressing Alt + F10. …
2:50 PM Ticket #4594 (Context menu goes off-screen when mouse is at right had side of screen.) created by Joe Kavanagh
Create an editor instance that spans the with of the screen. Move the …
2:30 PM Ticket #4593 (Paste from Word dialog does not create an undo snapshot.) created by Joe Kavanagh
Create a new instance of the editor. Opend the Paste from Word dialog. …
2:14 PM Ticket #4592 ([IE6 IE7] Can not delete selected table cell contents.) created by Joe Kavanagh
Create a table and enter text in all the cells. Select all the cells …
1:50 PM Ticket #4375 (Manual testing runner) closed by Garry Yao
1:08 PM Ticket #4591 (Small Clickable Area in IE7 and IE8) created by Jared
For some reason the clickable area is small in both browsers, as if …
1:08 PM Ticket #4590 (Small Clickable Area in IE7 and IE8) created by Jared
For some reason the clickable area is small in both browsers, as if …
9:56 AM Changeset [4413] by Garry Yao
Updating ticket tests for #4067.
9:41 AM Ticket #4589 (Output style attribute "override" by regular expression is ignored) created by pomu0325
For example, following override setting unintendedly matches all …
7:56 AM Ticket #4588 (Implement document properties plugin) created by Garry Yao
Port of 'DocProps' dialog to v3.
7:53 AM Ticket #4587 (Implement fullpage support in preview plugin) created by Garry Yao
As we've introduced full page support at #4067, preview plugin should …
4:16 AM Ticket #4586 ([OPERA 9-10] Cannot add URL to ANY on IMG) created by Fr3nzy
Click on "add img"
Adding IMG.
Click on IMG
Click on …
Oct 22, 2009:
6:57 PM Ticket #4535 (Opera: Check Spelling button is disabled) closed by Garry Yao
wontfix: Thanks for the feedback.
6:40 PM Changeset [4412] by Garry Yao
Updating ticket tests for htmldataprocessor, the plugin should no …
6:39 PM Changeset [4411] by Garry Yao
Adding ticket tests for #4067.
6:26 PM Changeset [4410] by Garry Yao
Fixing a bug in CKTESTER.tools.fixHtml where spaces around attributes …
6:21 PM Changeset [4409] by Garry Yao
Fixing a bug in CKTESTER.tools.fixHtml where attributes messed up in …
4:16 PM Ticket #4585 (Adding template does not save an undo snapshot..) created by Joe Kavanagh
Create a new editor instance. Open the Content Templates dialog and …
3:50 PM Ticket #4584 (Updated link Target field is not updating when updating to certian values.) created by Joe Kavanagh
1. Open the Link dialog.
2. Enter a URL.
3. Go to the Target tab and …
2:44 PM Ticket #4583 (Popup Window Name field is populated with Target Frame Name value.) created by Joe Kavanagh
1. Open Link dialog.
2. Go to the Target tab.
3. Set the Target …
12:38 PM Ticket #4582 (Toolbar expand/collapse toggle button cannot be tabbed to and does not ...) created by Joe Kavanagh
The toolbar toggle button can not be given focus when tabbing through …
9:29 AM Ticket #4563 (Context menu too small for some options and languages) closed by Matti Järvinen
duplicate: DUP of #4568
8:56 AM Ticket #4581 (CKEditor does not work in IE 7/8 for textareas containing a bullet ...) created by Inigo
The bullet character · is legal in HTML ids, but when CKeditor …
8:24 AM Changeset [4408] by Garry Yao
Adding an optional param 'toLowerCase' to CKTESTER.tools.fixHtml function.
6:55 AM Ticket #4580 (Hungarian language) created by Webshark
There are many missing items on the hungarian language file.
6:16 AM Changeset [4407] by Garry Yao
Adding ticket tests for #4573.
5:59 AM Ticket #4575 (Automatic insertion of <html><head></head><body></body></html> tags) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Please use our forums for …
5:53 AM Ticket #4578 (Source editor not focused when changed to) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: It's not a bug, use config …
Oct 21, 2009:
8:16 PM Ticket #4579 (CKEditor IE 7 scrollbar issue) created by Andy
I have a long form. If the focus is on a CKEditor field and
1. I …
7:37 PM Ticket #4578 (Source editor not focused when changed to) created by Shaun
I'm using FireFox 3.5.
When changing to the Source view, the textarea …
5:14 PM Ticket #4577 (link dialog breaks relative urls like href="foo") created by JasonWoof
when you use the link dialog on a link like href="foo" then click OK …
4:31 PM Ticket #4576 (CKeditor work wrong with contentType="application/xhtml+xml") created by Jura
If site content served with contentType="application/xhtml+xml" …
1:41 PM Ticket #4575 (Automatic insertion of <html><head></head><body></body></html> tags) created by Virid
Is there anyway we could prevent FCK from inserting …
11:35 AM Ticket #4574 (V3: Table merging tools) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
CKEditor misses the merging tools for table cells that are present on V2.
11:35 AM Ticket #4573 (Ignore empty paragraph doesn't work with config.enties = false;) created by Matti Järvinen
Click editor area. > Empty paragraph gets created. > …
10:35 AM Changeset [4406] by Garry Yao
Fixing document content css doesn't work in AIR.
7:42 AM Changeset [4405] by Garry Yao
Merge with trunk changes [4352].
Oct 20, 2009:
9:10 PM Ticket #4570 (IE6 - No scrollbars in menu item dropdowns) closed by Shaun
invalid: I suppose this ticket can be closed then.
4:59 PM Ticket #4571 (FCK editor wraps everything in a <p></p> tag) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Please use our forums for …
4:54 PM Changeset [4404] by Garry Yao
Enable all panel-based UI functionality.
4:23 PM Ticket #4572 (Two page break bugs of ckeditor) created by damn man
IE6, 7, 8, insert a page break between test, and toggle 'source' some …
10:26 AM Ticket #4569 (Running FCKEditor 2.6.5 on a Mac Book Pro (Leopard)) closed by Michael Osipov
invalid: Start only one topic, do not …
4:23 AM Ticket #4559 (Menus buttons width) reopened by Garry Yao
Leave the ticket open and call for discussion.
2:40 AM Ticket #4571 (FCK editor wraps everything in a <p></p> tag) created by FFXeCom
We have used the FCk editor for a few years now and one thing that …
2:11 AM Ticket #4570 (IE6 - No scrollbars in menu item dropdowns) created by Shaun
Using a default installation with a reorganized toolbar, the …
Oct 19, 2009:
10:29 PM Ticket #4569 (Running FCKEditor 2.6.5 on a Mac Book Pro (Leopard)) created by kkoehler
I recently bought a Mac Book Pro. I'm using FCKEditor 2.6.5. It works …
7:59 PM Ticket #4568 (right click menus width in other langs) created by jean-mat grimaldi
Right click menus width is fixed, and in other languages it's a …
5:47 PM Changeset [4403] by Garry Yao
Updating ticket test of #4548.
2:47 PM Ticket #4567 (IE8 In source view pres backspace throw error on page) created by lisaj
After update to ckeditor 3.0.1 when i delete text in source view in IE …
2:40 PM Ticket #4538 (Remove formatting not working on headers) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: It's a matter of expanding CKEDITOR.config.removeFormatAttributes.
2:20 PM Ticket #4566 (IE7 - setData yields this.$.innerHTML is null or not an object) created by Erik Kangas
* Only affects Internet Explorer v7 (have not tested v6).
* Does not …
2:06 PM Ticket #4565 (Unable to edit input hidden values (forms-plugin)) created by Matti Järvinen
Form hidden field values cannot be accessed after creation in IE8 and …
2:02 PM Ticket #4564 (Unable to select and change values from some form elements with Firefox) created by Matti Järvinen
Unable to select and change properties from:
- checkbox
- selection …
1:45 PM Ticket #4563 (Context menu too small for some options and languages) created by Matti Järvinen
Context menu too small for some options and languages.
go to …
1:07 PM Ticket #4539 ([FF] No context menu for some form elements) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: DUP of #703.
10:04 AM Changeset [4402] by Garry Yao
Adding ticket tests for #4450 and #4461.
9:07 AM Changeset [4401] by Garry Yao
Remove browser tests from CKEditor test branch.
8:26 AM Ticket #4558 (Selection not picked up in dialog) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: Thanks for the report, I've opened #4561 for IE.
>but sometimes when …
8:23 AM Ticket #4561 ([IE] Unable to edit link when select the entire <a>) created by Garry Yao
1. Open the 'replace by class' sample page, click inside the link with …
8:15 AM Ticket #4559 (Menus buttons width) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: 'Inline label' is very special as we must impose a fixed size on it, …
8:01 AM Ticket #4551 (all checked radio buttons with the same names shows checked) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Be sure it's not a bug once you know …
7:20 AM Ticket #4554 (What is the ETA of dragresizetable plugin for CKEDITOR 3.x ?) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Please use our forums for …
7:16 AM Ticket #4560 (Trac is really a bad system) closed by Garry Yao
invalid: Please use our forums for …
Oct 18, 2009:
6:37 PM Ticket #4560 (Trac is really a bad system) created by jean-mat grimaldi
Too difficult to work with trac.
I'm an occasional user of …
6:29 PM Ticket #4559 (Menus buttons width) created by jean-mat grimaldi
I think menu buttons width is bad.
When changing language in …
8:23 AM Ticket #4558 (Selection not picked up in dialog) created by Bert Hankes
For instance concider the demotext (e.g. This is some sample text. You …
Oct 17, 2009:
4:10 PM Ticket #4557 (Ability to change a tag from the bread crumb menu) created by Exception e
It should be able to change a selected tag to an other one. If one …
4:04 PM Ticket #4556 (Html5 and xhtml5 support) created by Exception e
When fckeditor encounters an html5 tag, it behaves incorrect. It will …
2:29 AM Ticket #4555 (Memory Leak) created by markuspaek
Check '_samples/ajax.html' from your current distribution
Repeat …
2:22 AM Ticket #4554 (What is the ETA of dragresizetable plugin for CKEDITOR 3.x ?) created by markuspaek
When do you plan to provide dragresizetable plugin for CKEDITOR 3.x ?
2:19 AM Ticket #4553 (checkDirty() returns 'true' when there is no change in context) created by markuspaek
please find the enclosed.
Once an editor is created, just click the …
2:12 AM Ticket #4552 (Float panel menu will not respond after the editor instance is re-created.) created by markuspaek
check '_samples/ajax.html' (this is from your current distribution)
Oct 16, 2009:
3:53 PM Ticket #4551 (all checked radio buttons with the same names shows checked) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
To reproduce:
- go to one of the samples.
- add a form to the content. …
2:51 PM Changeset [4400] by Wiktor Walc
Updated the releases branch with CKEditor 3.0.1
2:17 PM Changeset [4399] by Wiktor Walc
CKEditor 3.x.z tagging
2:09 PM Changeset [4398] by Wiktor Walc
Closed the changelog for the release of CKEditor 3.0.1
2:03 PM Changeset [4397] by Wiktor Walc
Merged trunk into branches/versions/3.0.x. Final commit for the …
1:59 PM Ticket #3947 (Arabic Language issues) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [4395].
1:57 PM Changeset [4396] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updated the changelog file with the language changes.
1:53 PM Changeset [4395] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updated the Arabic language file.
11:08 AM Changeset [4394] by Wiktor Walc
Merged trunk into branches/versions/3.0.x.
11:01 AM Changeset [4393] by Garry Yao
Enhance table pasting processing by converting relative length unit …
10:30 AM Changeset [4392] by Garry Yao
Enhance table header processing by converting header 'td's to 'th's.
10:03 AM Changeset [4391] by Wiktor Walc
Fixed spelling errors in CHANGES.html
9:54 AM Changeset [4390] by Garry Yao
Fixing a bug where font-size in list item make lines overlapping.
9:21 AM Changeset [4389] by Garry Yao
Fixing a bug where nested list indentation is messed up.
7:27 AM Changeset [4388] by Wiktor Walc
#4346 Translation updates for Dutch (nl), part 2
7:07 AM Changeset [4387] by Garry Yao
Updating ticket test of #4548.
6:17 AM Changeset [4386] by Garry Yao
Updating ticket test of #4548.
Oct 15, 2009:
10:20 PM Ticket #4550 (Image thumbnails lost after loading article in the FCKeditor) created by abel406
When the users try to edit an article with images using the FCKeditor …
5:30 PM Ticket #4549 (Make the querystring "anti-cache" feature configurable) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The anti-cache feature we have in the editor is generally useful, but …
5:27 PM Changeset [4385] by Garry Yao
Adding ticket test of #4548.
5:25 PM Ticket #4548 (Fake comment plugin) created by Garry Yao
A fake comment plugin that displays HTML comments with specified …
5:05 PM Ticket #4547 (Load the skin CSS in parallel) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
We're currently loading the skin CSS files only after the plugins …
3:46 PM Ticket #4207 (Table related errors) closed by styu
duplicate: DUP of http://dev.fckeditor.net/ticket/4199
2:36 PM Ticket #4546 (uiColor creates wrong css-code when editor-id contains colons) created by Frank Stolle
if you replace your textarea with an editor using uiColor and the …
11:09 AM Ticket #4545 (Positioning of images IE6) created by cbrinkkoetter
When adding images to an article, using FCKeditor 2.6.4 …
10:46 AM Ticket #4544 ([IE] Backspace handler on table/floated element doesn't work) created by Garry Yao
1. Load an editor with the following content and selection:
1. …
10:39 AM Ticket #4543 (Unable to move cursor between hr and table) created by Garry Yao
1. Load an editor with the following content and selection:
1. …
10:32 AM Ticket #4542 (Cannot access Ok/Cancel buttons using tab key) created by Wiktor Walc
=== Confirmed on: ===
Safari 4.0/Vista, Opera 10.0/Vista, Opera …
10:19 AM Ticket #4541 (Maximize adds extra space on non-Kama skins) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Maximize adds extra space on V2 and Office2003 skins. Please refer to …
10:19 AM Ticket #4540 ([webkit] Scrollbars in Link dialog) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Using Chrome and V2/Office2003 skins, there are scrollbars in Link …
10:19 AM Ticket #4539 ([FF] No context menu for some form elements) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
No context menu for some form elements. It only forks for INPUT tag …
10:19 AM Ticket #4538 (Remove formatting not working on headers) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Remove formatting not working on headers.
=== TC ===
Use "Remove …
10:19 AM Ticket #4537 (Undo unavailable after replacing content with template) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Undo unavailable after replacing content with template.
=== TC ===
1. …
9:45 AM Ticket #4536 ([IE] Keyboard navigation doesn't work on float panel with Quirks) created by Garry Yao
In quirks, the focus is not gained on float panel, so all keyboard …
9:20 AM Ticket #4535 (Opera: Check Spelling button is disabled) created by Wiktor Walc
SCAYT button is enabled, but the "Check Spelling" button is not …
9:16 AM Ticket #4534 (Opera: issues when using arrow keys in combo elements) created by Wiktor Walc
Problem: when using arrow keys to choose Font size, family or format, …
9:09 AM Ticket #4533 (Opera: double-clicking undo/redo UI button can open "hotclick" context ...) created by Wiktor Walc
To reproduce:
1. Open CKEditor, type "This is some sample text"
1. …
8:58 AM Ticket #4532 (Opera: hidden field is invisible) created by Wiktor Walc
1. Click on a "Hidden Field" button
1. Enter name and value, click ok …
8:41 AM Ticket #4531 (Opera: Tab key issues in dialog) created by Wiktor Walc
1. Open 'Image' dialog
1. Tab through the dialog fields until reach …
8:10 AM Ticket #4530 (Opera: context menu doesn't work) created by Wiktor Walc
Confirmed on Opera 10.0/Vista and Opera 9.64/XP.
Context menu works …
8:00 AM Ticket #4346 (Translation updates for Dutch (nl)) reopened by Niek Kouwenberg
Replying to wwalc:
> One more thing - there is another …
7:18 AM Ticket #4529 (Link dialog - when selecting an anchor, selection fields are centered) created by Wiktor Walc
This is a minor thing, but just doesn't look nice.
If you want to …
Oct 14, 2009:
9:15 PM Ticket #4528 (Empty select box is added automatically under some conditions) created by Wiktor Walc
Steps to reproduce:
1. Press "Form" button and create a form (with …
8:58 PM Ticket #4527 (Checkbox command generates invalid HTML) created by Wiktor Walc
According to W3 spec: …
7:54 PM Ticket #4526 ("Text and table" - unable to edit table) created by Wiktor Walc
It seems we have lots of bugs in this template (#4180, #4073).
Just …
7:35 PM Ticket #4525 ([IE6] setData problem with custom plugin) created by Damian
A simple plugin calling setData() on the editor in the exec() method …
7:13 PM Ticket #4371 (hebrew translation) reopened by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Attaching the new JS file. fixed some spelling errors as well as some …
6:40 PM Changeset [4384] by Wiktor Walc
Updated language files (langtool).
6:32 PM Ticket #4456 (Language fix for the Hebrew language) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed with [4383].
I have used only strings that were missing in …
6:25 PM Changeset [4383] by Wiktor Walc
#4456 Language fix for the Hebrew language
5:58 PM Ticket #4382 (Misspellings in polish version) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed with [4381] and [4382]. Thanks!
5:58 PM Changeset [4382] by Wiktor Walc
#4382 Fixed misspellings in Polish version (part 2)
5:57 PM Changeset [4381] by Wiktor Walc
#4382 Fixed misspellings in Polish version
5:46 PM Ticket #4363 (Updated Danish translation for CKEditor 3.X) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed with [4380], thanks!
Please use next time language file from …
5:43 PM Changeset [4380] by Wiktor Walc
#4363 Updated Danish translation
5:29 PM Ticket #4371 (hebrew translation) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed with [4379].
@tamir - just wanted to let you know that there …
5:26 PM Changeset [4379] by Wiktor Walc
#4371 - updated hebrew translation
5:14 PM Ticket #4466 (Czech Languane File for CK Editor 3.0) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed with [4378]. Thank you!
5:12 PM Changeset [4378] by Wiktor Walc
#4466 Czech Language File for CKEditor 3.0
5:00 PM Ticket #4349 (CKeditor 3.0 Dutch translation) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: There was another patch waiting in #4346, I have committed that one …
4:52 PM Ticket #4346 (Translation updates for Dutch (nl)) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed with [4377].
Thanks and feel free to post new patches ;-)
4:49 PM Changeset [4377] by Wiktor Walc
#4346 Translation updates for Dutch (nl)
4:31 PM Ticket #4524 (Inconsistent processing of custom styles) created by Damian
There are some inconsistencies in the way certain style rules are …
4:21 PM Ticket #4523 (Style plugin should allow refreshing of data) created by Damian
Custom plugins and extensions are able to extend the list of loaded …
3:39 PM Ticket #4522 ([IE] Unable to redo on inserted element + typing) created by Garry Yao
=== Environments ===
IE6/IE7 (IE8 works well)
=== Procedures ===
1. …
2:56 PM Ticket #4521 ([IE] Tab key to dialog buttons shift their position) created by Garry Yao
=== Environments ===
IE7 Standards mode
=== Procedures ===
1. Open …
2:39 PM Ticket #4520 (Need an ID on iFrame) created by Rick
We are trying to use a third party spell check program in congunction …
2:04 PM Changeset [4376] by Garry Yao
Fixing var name 'native' was reserved in Chrome.
12:28 PM Ticket #4416 (XHTML error in _tests/dom/range.html) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: We've removed the "_test" folder from the CKEditor trunk.
12:05 PM Ticket #4268 (Table is not getting deleted after selecting it and pressing Delete ...) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
wontfix: This is a well known Firefox limitation. the fact is that tables are …
11:35 AM Ticket #3842 (Merge textnode broke by bookmark) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
wontfix: The real benefit of these changes are more theoretical than practical. …
11:29 AM Ticket #3732 (loadData on wysiwyg mode without iframe reload) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
wontfix: The callback feature has been introduced with #4445. I think we should …
11:21 AM Ticket #3595 (Wrong display the font names) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
worksforme: Works for me also. This one has much probably been fixed.
11:17 AM Ticket #3558 (Investigate alternatives to <a href="..."> tags for accessible ...) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
wontfix: This one is to be fixed by ARIA really, not specific …
10:46 AM Ticket #4518 ([IE]Unable to open dialog without editor focus) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [4375].
10:46 AM Ticket #4519 ([IE]Unable to maximize without editor focus) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [4375].
10:41 AM Changeset [4375] by Garry Yao
Fixing #4518 and #4519, both are regressions of [4350] from [4355].
10:11 AM Changeset [4374] by Garry Yao
Fixing link plugin design test to use longer latency.
10:05 AM Ticket #4519 ([IE]Unable to maximize without editor focus) created by Garry Yao
JavaScript error thrown when execute 'maximize' command without editor …
9:59 AM Changeset [4373] by Wiktor Walc
Run fixlineends.
9:55 AM Changeset [4372] by Garry Yao
Fixing design test which use wrong way to load plugins.
9:51 AM Changeset [4371] by Wiktor Walc
Fixed jslint warnings.
9:51 AM Ticket #4518 ([IE]Unable to open dialog without editor focus) created by Garry Yao
Focus should be given to editor for any dialogCommand.
9:16 AM Changeset [4370] by Garry Yao
Fixing design test which use wrong way to load plugins.
9:14 AM Changeset [4369] by Garry Yao
Updating styles design test.
8:48 AM Ticket #4190 ([safari] select field dialog layout incorrect) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [4368].
8:47 AM Changeset [4368] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fixed #4190 - [safari] select field dialog layout incorrect.
8:35 AM Ticket #4467 (Wrong code for using custom icon in context menu) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [4367].
8:35 AM Changeset [4367] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#4467 : Fixed bug to use custom icon in context menus. Thanks to gergoe.
8:33 AM Ticket #4480 (Table dialog generates wrong scope attribute for headers) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [4366].
8:32 AM Changeset [4366] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#4480 : Fixed scope attribute in th.
8:30 AM Ticket #4481 (stylesCombo_stylesSet doesn't work for full url) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [4365].
8:30 AM Changeset [4365] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#4481 : The 'stylesCombo_stylesSet' configuration entry didn't work …
8:28 AM Ticket #3717 (config.dialog_backgroundCoverColor does not work in IE7 or IE8) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [4364].
8:28 AM Changeset [4364] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#3717 : Dialog settings defaults can now be overridden in-page through …
7:55 AM Ticket #4517 ([IE6] config 'dialog_backgroundCoverColor' doesn't apply) created by Garry Yao
Even the style has been correctly applied to the cover div, it doesn't …
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.