Jul 20, 2011:
10:01 PM Ticket #8203 ([Chrome] ALT+S for submitting a post in IPB and vBulletin does not work) created by Rhett
Both Invisionpower and vBulletin have started using CKE editor in the …
9:05 PM Ticket #8202 ([IE] Pasting or typing a textual link auto-hyperlinks it) created by Brandon
We have noticed an odd browser inconsistency when integrating with …
9:03 PM Ticket #8201 (Deleting first character of misspelled word deletes entire word (in Chrome)) created by Keith Hackett
The summary says it all. Position the cursor on the first letter of a …
2:33 PM Changeset [7145] by Garry Yao
#6908: text color applied on link.
1:56 PM Ticket #8200 (Inserting Page break inside table body) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Based on http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/4696#comment:3 and that HTML …
1:34 PM Ticket #8199 (ASP.NET & CKeditor failed!) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: You should google for the solution on how to save multi-line text in …
12:04 PM Ticket #8200 (Inserting Page break inside table body) created by Krzysztof Studnik
Not sure if it is a bug or expected behaviour.
=== Environment === …
10:48 AM Changeset [7144] by Garry Yao
New automation APIs: EditorBot::runAtEditor and BrowserBot::cleanHtml.
10:43 AM Changeset [7143] by Garry Yao
Align to new API changes.
10:40 AM Changeset [7142] by Garry Yao
#6642: IE pasted block should split path block.
10:09 AM Changeset [7141] by Garry Yao
Fixing config.smiley_path default value where symbol link is not accepted.
7:20 AM Changeset [7140] by Garry Yao
jsdoc templates.
7:17 AM Changeset [7139] by Garry Yao
Update jsdoc external.
7:12 AM Ticket #8199 (ASP.NET & CKeditor failed!) created by zoomgrange
I'm trying to build a website with ASP.NET (C#). I integrated the …
7:04 AM Changeset [7138] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #7966
7:03 AM Changeset [7137] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #7959
7:03 AM Changeset [7136] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #7953
7:02 AM Changeset [7135] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #7944
7:02 AM Changeset [7134] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #7915
7:00 AM Changeset [7133] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #7911
6:58 AM Changeset [7132] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #7905
6:58 AM Changeset [7131] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #7893
6:01 AM Ticket #8198 (custom smileys in config.js causing errors?) created by no_barcode
I added the following to my config.js file:
Everything shows …
5:24 AM Changeset [7130] by Garry Yao
New ckrobot test runner.
5:16 AM Changeset [7129] by Garry Yao
Remove unnecessary files.
4:49 AM Changeset [7128] by Garry Yao
#7448: tc for list creation with lang dir merge.
4:31 AM Changeset [7127] by Garry Yao
Import CKRobot from git:git@github.com:garryyao/CKRobot.git
Jul 19, 2011:
10:34 PM Ticket #8197 (Folders pane too small in CKFinder File Browser in Internet Explorer) created by Kirk Mower
I am running the ColdFusion version of CKFinder and have integrated it …
1:57 PM Ticket #5299 (Page Up/Down jumping to last/first line) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: Issue is reproducible in IE8 and IE9 but as stated by @fredck in #6147 …
12:53 PM Changeset [7126] by Anna Tomanek
Proof-reading of the AutoGrow sample file.
11:50 AM Changeset [7125] by Anna Tomanek
config.scayt_srcUrl corrected.
11:29 AM Changeset [7124] by Anna Tomanek
API documentation revised for _source/plugins/scayt/plugin.js file.
10:44 AM Ticket #8172 (Change SpellCheckAsYouType scayt_srcUrl) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: The patch was invalid (the revision number and line number was wrong), …
10:43 AM Ticket #8171 (Change WebSpellChecker wsc_customLoaderScript) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: The patch was invalid (the revision number and line number was wrong), …
10:36 AM Changeset [7123] by Wiktor Walc
#8171, #8172 Updated links to WebSpellChecker.net
10:25 AM Changeset [7122] by Garry Yao
tc simplification.
10:24 AM Changeset [7121] by Garry Yao
Default editor for manual tc created on demand.
10:11 AM Changeset [7120] by Garry Yao
#6212: test resize editor in chrome.
9:52 AM Ticket #6323 (flash preview error in chrome 7.0.517.8) closed by Garry Yao
duplicate: DUP of #8016.
We have chosen to leave #8016 as it contains patch from …
9:50 AM Ticket #8001 (aria-activedescendant incorrectly used in combos) reopened by Jakub Ś
8:44 AM Ticket #8001 (aria-activedescendant incorrectly used in combos) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Based on @garry.yao comment I'm closing the ticket.
@damo if you …
8:13 AM Ticket #7882 (Opera : We can't open more than one sub menu) reopened by Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software)
Sure, I can reopen if you wish.
I intend to ship a site patch here - …
7:20 AM Changeset [7119] by Garry Yao
#8050: manual tcs for autogrow plugin.
7:12 AM Changeset [7118] by Garry Yao
browser compatibility fixes.
6:19 AM Changeset [7117] by Garry Yao
Make it possible to display test scripts inside pop-up.
Jul 18, 2011:
10:18 PM Ticket #8196 (Upload media within text) created by Keith Fullick
I need to be able to upload podcast and video to appear within the …
4:00 PM Ticket #5678 (Styles are used on the next line inconsistently) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Block styles are not continued in new line while inline styles are …
3:56 PM Ticket #8195 (Moving in and out of element boundaries in Firefox) created by Jakub Ś
This is the continuation or extension of #7796.
1. Open replacebycode …
2:57 PM Ticket #6740 (Unable to preserve style.) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: To continue style of Blue Title in next line you should use …
2:22 PM Changeset [7116] by Krzysztof Studnik
CKTester main page update, according to newly added tags
2:20 PM Changeset [7115] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added additional tags to existing ticket tests tests from 7020 to 8084
1:53 PM Ticket #5610 (CKeditor 3.2.1 IE pasting makes browser not respond) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I have managed to reproduce this only till version 3.2.1.
It seems to …
1:30 PM Changeset [7114] by Krzysztof Studnik
Updated TT #8038 and #8084
1:29 PM Ticket #8194 (Tab Order broken with radio buttons inside a dialog) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
Use CKEditor Dialog API Sample and …
1:23 PM Changeset [7113] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #7977 , with additional tag 'entermode'
1:10 PM Ticket #5661 (CKeditor 3.2.1. : Line growing inconsistently in Firefox) closed by Jakub Ś
expired: Works for me as well.
Closing the ticket as expired.
1:01 PM Ticket #5636 (CKeditor 3.2.1.: The select menu option tools lose the listed options ...) closed by Jakub Ś
expired: Works for me as well.
Closing the ticked as expired.
12:54 PM Changeset [7112] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #7981 , updated tt #8038 with additional tag 'iframe'
12:49 PM Ticket #5633 (CKeditor 3.2.1 : font type is lost after repeated font type selections.) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: dropdown list. Selecting this font-style (in this case it's …
12:42 PM Ticket #5677 (CKeditor 3.2. : Styles can't be removed with CKeditor) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: This was fixed in CKEditor 3.5.1
12:27 PM Changeset [7111] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #8038
11:38 AM Changeset [7110] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #8053
11:38 AM Changeset [7109] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #8084
10:51 AM Ticket #8193 (Finnish translation update for anchor and toolbar groups) created by Matti Järvinen
Translations for some of the missing phrases in …
9:09 AM Ticket #8190 (Ckeditor in Small IFrame) closed by Garry Yao
wontfix: CKEditor dialogs are not anymore popup windows thus are not able to …
8:23 AM Ticket #8192 (CKEditor dow not work properly if editor.js loaded indirectly) created by speller
I have loader PHP script on server for loading javascripts and …
5:03 AM Ticket #7882 (Opera : We can't open more than one sub menu) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: 10.5 has got the massive focus event bug fixed, so the patch is not …
4:15 AM Ticket #8191 (No API to get all selected values of Select UIElement (multiple select ...) created by Krishna
I have a custom dialog where I have select UI element with attribute …
3:03 AM Ticket #8107 (Radio buttons on dialogs cause an error in IE quirks mode) closed by Garry Yao
fixed: Fixed with [7108].
3:02 AM Changeset [7108] by Garry Yao
#8107: radio field definition breaks dialog constructing in quirks, …
Jul 16, 2011:
8:35 PM Ticket #8190 (Ckeditor in Small IFrame) created by shisoft
I stuck in this for a while.
I place the editor in a small iframe (the …
Jul 15, 2011:
10:19 PM Ticket #8189 (Empty [link] tag causes content and structure loss) created by spgard
In the demo or nightly demo, go into source view, delete existing …
3:26 PM Changeset [7107] by Anna Tomanek
API documentation revised for the source/core/config.js file.
2:17 PM Ticket #6567 (Change font size issue) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I agree with @garry.yao and @tobiasz.cudnik.
Font size for the whole …
1:19 PM Ticket #6035 (IE: Bookmarks being left on paste) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I was able to reproduce it till CKE 3.3.1. From CKEditor 3.3.2 it …
1:07 PM Ticket #6324 (IE9 Inheritance of doctype breaks FCKeditor) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: @alfonsoml I've taken a liberty of quoting your comment from #8161
>I …
12:15 PM Ticket #6562 (Webkit: An Office2003 skin's button issue) closed by Jakub Ś
worksforme: It's working fine in the latest Chrome.
10:45 AM Ticket #6576 (FCKEditor 2.6.5 & Internet Explorer 9) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: FCKeditor is no longer supported. Best solution is to upgrade to …
10:40 AM Ticket #6455 (Cursor goes to a previous line when in entermode BR) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: It seems that it was fixed in CKEditor 3.5.1.
9:50 AM Changeset [7106] by Garry Yao
Introduce SASS skin files.
9:45 AM Changeset [7105] by Garry Yao
Adapt to new structure change.
8:06 AM Ticket #8187 (Move icon shows only in Firefox) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: That's a feature provided by the browser itself, and only Firefox has …
7:46 AM Changeset [7104] by Garry Yao
Dont break shared spaces.
Jul 14, 2011:
7:35 PM Ticket #8188 (Internet Explorer 9 inserts sab="#" tags) created by jason
Using FCK Editor version 2.6.3 on a Drupal install with the FCK Editor …
3:49 PM Ticket #8187 (Move icon shows only in Firefox) created by seno
when I set position:absolute to a div or image , the "move" icon shows …
2:36 PM Ticket #6667 (Browse server opens tab in Firefox/Mac, resizes whole window) closed by lattepiu
worksforme: I tried both the latest CKEditor and 3.4.2 with Firefox 5 and Firefox …
1:42 PM Ticket #8186 (If copied MS-Word text contains a text box, then text does not display ...) created by IBM_RQM
CK Editor 5.3.1
FireFox 3.5
1. Create MS-Word doc …
1:23 PM Changeset [7103] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #7158
1:04 PM Changeset [7102] by Garry Yao
Editor height now really reflects the specified height.
12:48 PM Changeset [7101] by Garry Yao
Create feature branch for new editor UI related features.
12:14 PM Changeset [7100] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #7020
12:01 PM Ticket #6312 (Image button properties not available in the context menu) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I have checked it in safari 5.0.5 on Mac. It seems that this issue was …
11:19 AM Changeset [7099] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #7114
10:43 AM Changeset [7098] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #6663
10:42 AM Changeset [7097] by Krzysztof Studnik
Added TT #6975
9:53 AM Ticket #8185 (Delete Table Context Menu not working) created by naresh.sivaraman
Tested in IE8. Reproducible in IE7,6 .
1. Access the editor.
2. Click …
9:48 AM Ticket #8184 (Inconsistent behavior when inserting <dt><dd> into a definition list ...) created by Wiktor Walc
1. Open _samples/api.html
2. Start with the following source and …
7:10 AM Ticket #8179 (Hungarian translation update) closed by Anna Tomanek
fixed: Fixed with [7096].
No worries, at first I did not notice the first …
7:00 AM Changeset [7096] by Anna Tomanek
#8179 : Hungarian translation updated.
Jul 13, 2011:
9:40 PM Ticket #8182 (Table context menu does not display in final row with TH enabled) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: FCKeditor is no longer supported and the context menu is working …
5:47 PM Ticket #8183 (Find does not highlight found words for contentEditable=false) closed by Lynne Kues
5:04 PM Ticket #8183 (Find does not highlight found words for contentEditable=false) created by Lynne Kues
Put the attached source into the CKEditor.
Open the Find dialog, enter …
4:54 PM Ticket #8182 (Table context menu does not display in final row with TH enabled) created by Liz Thomas
We need to produce accessible tables, so have added in patches to …
1:51 PM Ticket #7773 (CKFinder Google Chrome Issue) closed by Jakub Ś
1:22 PM Ticket #8181 (Incorrect background color setting while changing font size.) created by Krzysztof Studnik
1. Set text background color to
or any …
12:26 PM Ticket #6899 (FCKEditor with UsabilityInitiative/WikiEditor) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Neither MediaWiki nor FCKeditor are no longer supported.
11:56 AM Ticket #8180 (FF and Opera: Dialog contents go out of dialog border when CKEditor is ...) created by Jakub Ś
Bug found when reproducing #6775
1. In config.js set RTL language …
10:49 AM Ticket #8179 (Hungarian translation update) created by Dani Biró
8:03 AM Ticket #6929 (Full screen mode in Wordpress (Whitehouse theme) does not work properly) closed by Jakub Ś
expired: FCKeditor no longer supported.
We have checked the issue under latest …
Jul 12, 2011:
3:28 PM Ticket #8178 (CKEditor toolbar should float on a page and be dynamically attached to ...) created by jbrinnand
What we need is the editor's toolbar to be rendered but without that …
1:39 PM Ticket #8177 (Splitting cell vertically, causing incorrect rowspan.) created by Krzysztof Studnik
=== Environment ===
Related to #6111
=== TC ===
- Open editor and …
12:16 PM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Damian
Adding 8100 (diff)
9:47 AM Ticket #8176 (Ckeditor reformats HTML in its own way!) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
invalid: I understand that you may have a list of issue to report here, but we …
8:32 AM Ticket #8173 (disableObjectResizing on tables only) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: That's a feature provided by Firefox. You should ask them for this …
8:17 AM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Damian
Removing duplicate ticket 6200 and leaving it in P1 group (diff)
Jul 11, 2011:
6:21 PM Ticket #8176 (Ckeditor reformats HTML in its own way!) created by mrkagan
By the Grace of G-d
1. When I copy and paste text from word, saved in …
2:09 PM Ticket #8175 (Add/edit Radio button, enabled status is not saved under IE9/10 in CKE ...) created by Krzysztof Studnik
=== Environment ===
Win7 ie9, ie10platform preview, CKEditor Nightly …
11:01 AM Ticket #6996 (destroy() behaves incorrectly if called too soon after instance created) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: This was fixed in CKEditor 3.6.1 rev [6934]
9:27 AM Ticket #8174 (need ability to change the 'target' of a link) created by ken
1.create an anchor 'test1'
2.create a link,chose 'link to anchor in …
9:13 AM Ticket #8094 (Image lock ratio, unlocked when caret moved from image url field) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This happens only if you enter false URL - not leading to an image …
8:32 AM Ticket #8173 (disableObjectResizing on tables only) created by Michal Malének
It would be nice if it were possible to define disableObjectResizing …
Jul 8, 2011:
2:21 PM Ticket #6947 (CKEditor maximize firefox bug) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: This issue was fixed in CKEditor 3.5.3.
12:57 PM Ticket #8172 (Change SpellCheckAsYouType scayt_srcUrl) created by WebSpellChecker.net
DNS names of service hosts changed due to rebranding of …
12:48 PM Ticket #8171 (Change WebSpellChecker wsc_customLoaderScript) created by WebSpellChecker.net
DNS names of service hosts changed due to rebranding of …
9:44 AM Ticket #8170 (Mouse wheel) created by Michal Malének
This is just a suggestion but it wouldn't hurt considering it:
It …
9:28 AM Ticket #6191 (Fckeditor Focus problem in Google Chrome) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: FCKeditor is no longer supported and this issue has been fixed in CKEditor.
8:47 AM Ticket #8169 (Webkit editor doesn't scroll without focus.) created by Jakub Ś
Issue found when reproducing #7635
1. Open replacebycode sample page …
7:11 AM Ticket #8168 (CKEditor is not showing) created by Amin Eshtiaghi
With Special Thanks of your Dev Group For this Powerful …
Jul 7, 2011:
6:01 PM Ticket #8167 (CKEditor crashes on simple html code) created by fernandomm
CKEditor crashes with this simple html code:
Firefox points …
2:44 PM Ticket #8166 (Problems in IE when pressing CRTL+B on bolded text) created by Jakub Ś
This ticket was first reported in forum …
2:07 PM Ticket #8165 (Context Menu not allways closing) created by gluggid
i have a problem with the context menu in ckEditor.
The context menu …
9:25 AM Ticket #8164 (IE8: empty paragaphs not editable/visible in wysiwyg mode) created by Michal Malének
Empty paragraphs (<p></p><p> </p>) cannot be accessed and edited …
6:21 AM Ticket #8163 (filebrowserWindowFeatures) created by Michal Malének
I've noticed that there is no 'filebrowserWindowFeatures' - instead …
6:19 AM Ticket #8162 (File browser window size) created by Michal Malének
For some reason, the popup plugin makes it possible to open just …
Jul 6, 2011:
9:06 PM Ticket #8161 (IE9: an iframe without doctype causes problem with combo elements) created by Wiktor Walc
=== Steps to reproduce ===
- Add to the _samples folder file named …
8:23 PM Ticket #8160 (Text selection disappears when open dialogs) created by syn4k
Every single time I select some text, it becomes unlselected when …
5:42 PM Ticket #8159 (Editor fails to load if the browser has no default language set) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Reported in http://cksource.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=58239#p58239
5:28 PM Ticket #8158 (Adding a link to an image via toolbar fails if HTML comment is in ...) created by daniel.eric.lee
Can be reproduced on the CKEditor demo page.
1) Go to …
2:32 PM Ticket #8157 (IE8: We can't close Flash/Iframe dialog when dialog is over ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. With dialog_startupFocusTab = …
1:29 PM Ticket #8156 (IE6: In RTL Preview for some special characters not showing properly) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open language sample and change …
1:28 PM Ticket #8155 (Special Character dialog window shows the same tooltip for symbols ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open any CK Editor sample and open …
11:04 AM Ticket #7110 (Double quotes inside internal link error) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Media Wiki is no longer supported. Closing the ticket.
6:36 AM Ticket #8151 (Russian translation update) closed by Anna Tomanek
fixed: Fixed with [7095]. Thanks a lot for the update, zCarot!
6:34 AM Changeset [7095] by Anna Tomanek
#8151 : Russian translation updated.
Jul 5, 2011:
2:35 PM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Damian
2:13 PM Ticket #8154 (CKEditor.NET - Configurations not rendered when set by code) created by Daniel Cohen Gindi
When setting configurations by code, they are not taken into account.
9:38 AM Ticket #5417 (Spell checker window doesn't close after correcting words) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Officially only Spellchecker.net is supported. Rest is just user …
9:12 AM Ticket #2326 (Using SpellerPages/aspell causing odd behavior) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: And this is not CKEditor nor FCKeditor bug. Closing the ticked as invalid.
9:12 AM Ticket #3906 (The spell checker fails when aspell "guesses") closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This is also not FCKeditor nor CKEditor bug. Closing the ticked as invalid.
8:40 AM Ticket #8153 (tab-key should increase indention of lists) created by derstephan
Would be nice, if pressing tab-key would move a list-item to the next …
7:50 AM Ticket #8152 ('Paragraph Format' can not be removed by 'remove format') closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: According to …
3:44 AM Ticket #8152 ('Paragraph Format' can not be removed by 'remove format') created by ken
'Paragraph Format' can not be removed by 'remove format' button
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.