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Results (5001 - 5100 of 5597)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#11848 IE: Unable to get property 'checkReadOnly' of undefined or null reference Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11850 applyToAll not set on fakeobject filter Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 Core : Parser
#11856 jQuery adapter should thrown an issue if CKEditor or jQuery are not loaded Artur Delura Task Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#11859 Code snippet sample cannot rely on sourcedialog Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 Documentation & Samples
#11861 [Blink/Webkit] Span elements created while joining adjacent elements Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11871 [FF] Htmldataprocessor test fails in FF29 Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 Core : Parser
#11872 Allow chaining the after calling addClass New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11880 [IE8-9] Linked image2 has a too thick border Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11888 logo repeated in Plugins repository Bug Normal General
#11897 Enter key in an empty formatted list item, creates a new line instead of breaking the list Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.3 General
#11905 editor#resize event should pass dimensions in data Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#11909 Parameter to prevent creating snapshots on editor#setData Marek Lewandowski New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#11910 Image2 does not honor config.baseHref when trying to get image width/height Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#11911 [PR#98] Setting of the "dir" attribute in the preloaded lang JS case Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 UI : Language
#11915 Cursor jumps when typing a misspelled word with INLINE editor and SCAYT enabled Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 General
#11926 Codesnippet does not decode HTML entities when loading source code to widget data Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.1 General
#11942 Enhanced Image dialog doesn't find it's caption on editing Bug Normal UI : Widgets
#11945 Forms plugin should not change core method Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#11947 [FF IE11] Shift+Enter in lists produces two line breaks Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 UI : Enter Key
#11957 [Image2] Alignment labels in the dialog are not translated Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 UI : Dialogs
#11960 [Webkit/Blink] Editor should scroll to selection on BACKSPACE/DEL Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#11970 CKEditor paste event not fired when pasting with SHIFT+INS in IE9 Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 General
#11972 Fix feature detection in element#setText Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#11975 Fix D&D for tables Bug Normal General
#11976 Copy&paste and drag&drop lists from MS Word to Chrome. Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 General
#11977 Fix D&D for images Bug Normal General
#11980 [Blink/Webkit] Span elements created while joining adjacent elements (non-collapsed selection) Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#11982 Bullet added Above after enter key on indented bullet Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.8 General
#11983 [Nested widgets] Clicking nested widget does not select it Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 UI : Widgets
#11990 Codesnippet checkDirty is true after modify code and then rollback or switch to source and back Bug Normal General
#11992 Porting tests to bender and moving to the dev repor Piotr Jasiun Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#11993 Pasting content scrolls document in Google Chrome Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#11999 Tests failing after update to Chrome 35 Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#12000 [Nested widgets] Widgets are not initialized inside nested editables Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 UI : Widgets
#12006 [Nested widgets] Drag and drop of nested block widgets Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#12008 [Nested widgets] Error thrown when pasting widget with nested editable into nested editable Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#12009 [Nested widgets] Integration with Magicline plugin Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#12018 [Nested widgets] Widgets garbage collecting needs to be reviewed Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta UI : Widgets
#12022 [Nested widgets] Outer widget's drag handler is not created if it has any nested widgets Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 UI : Widgets
#12024 [Nested widgets][FF] Outline is extended to the left by unpositioned drag handlers Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta UI : Widgets
#12036 Initialize editor in readOnly mode when textarea has readonly attribute Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#12037 Check if we can use the same license field in releases/bower.json as in dev/package.json Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#12054 [IE10] tests/tests/plugins/widget/widgetsrepoapi Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 UI : Widgets
#12071 New methods to replace set(get)HtmlWithRange(Selection) Olek Nowodziński New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#12077 Add support for HTML5 "download" attribute in link (a) elements Szymon Kupś New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.6.0 General
#12097 AVT: JAWS not reading number of list options correctly in colours list box Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.5 General
#12101 Create useful methods for HTML comparison Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.2 General
#12104 [FF30+] Regression in editor/focus test Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.6 General
#12110 [PR#104] Editor crash after deleting a table. Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.3 General
#12111 Image attributes read incorrectly in specific selection context Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 General
#12112 [Nested widgets] Widget command should be enabled inside nested widget (if content rules are fulfilled) Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta UI : Widgets
#12113 Add a path name for codesnippet plugin Artur Delura New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.4.5 General
#12118 Cursor jumps to end of the word in Chrome when clicking the Strikethrough button mid-word Bug Normal General
#12126 Image dialog: pre-filling 'width' and 'height' should be configurable Artur Delura New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#12130 prunes element ids Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.3 General
#12132 Image is inserted with width&height styles even when they are not allowed Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.3 General
#12135 Remove format not working on widgets Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 UI : Widgets
#12140 Double-clicking linked placeholder opens two dialogs Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.3 General
#12141 List is lost when indenting in <li><p> Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.6 General
#12143 Add new config option to align floating space to the right Olek Nowodziński New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta UI : Toolbar
#12146 Files from CKEditor CDN not cached Bug Normal Performance
#12148 Element#getChild modifies passed array Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#12150 Expose getNestedEditable and is* widget helper functions Artur Delura New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta UI : Widgets
#12157 Setting tabSpaces>0 : lose text formatting with tab key Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.7 General
#12162 Autoparagraphing not working in nested editable and enter duplicating nested editable Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.5 UI : Enter Key
#12164 Add Justify horizontal align to cell properties Artur Delura New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.4.3 Core : Tables
#12168 Improve dataTransfer object Piotr Jasiun New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#12169 Drop events. Piotr Jasiun New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#12172 Integration inline widgets with new drag and drop Piotr Jasiun New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#12173 Basic paste integration with new drag and drop. Piotr Jasiun New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#12178 [Blink/Webkit] Iterator does not return block if selection is located at the end of it Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 Core : Selection
#12185 [IE9QM] Error thrown when moving mouse over focused editor's scrollbar Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 General
#12188 [Chrome@Android] Research on different Chrome for tablets vs smartphones behaviour Task Normal General
#12189 Link plugin dialog does not display subject of email links if subject parameter is not lowercase Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.5 General
#12204 Editor's title not used for voice label, hence impossible to configure the voice label Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 Accessibility
#12215 Basepath resolution doesn't recognize semicolon as a query separator Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 General
#12218 Incorrect syntax in 2 css files Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 UI : Skins
#12219 [Safari] UndoManager.locked volates strict mode in undo plugin Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 General
#12227 CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR - Chrome 36. Dont apply format to the selection text placed at end of editor Bug Normal General
#12243 Pasting from a Word (type) document loses formatting Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 Plugin : Paste from Word
#12255 Anchor dialog does not display existing anchor name when dialog was opened by doubleclick Bug Normal General
#12256 Paste from Word plugin removes classes Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.8 General
#12257 [Chrome] /tests/plugins/enter/list - one of tests throws error "Discontiguous selection is not supported. " Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.6 General
#12261 Filter has to be destroyed and removed from CKEDITOR.filter.instances on editor destroy Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.5 General
#12263 Improvements to style handling in default Paste from Word filter Olek Nowodziński Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 Plugin : Paste from Word
#12264 Files in dataTransfer Piotr Jasiun New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#12268 Clean-up of UI Color YUI styles Olek Nowodziński Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 General
#12273 Block style applied in <dt> breaks HTML Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 General
#12279 Allow passing custom evaluator to node.getAscendant Artur Delura New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.4.5 General
#12295 Red test on master: mathjax-mock - test conflict with iframe plugin Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta General
#12296 Merge bender-ckeditor into main ckeditor repository Piotr Jasiun Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 General
#12298 IE11+Compat: Click bellow body puts selection at first line Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 Core : Selection
#12300 Editor#change fired on first navigation key press after typing Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.6 General
#12301 Accumulation of nested span (font size) tags for bulleted lists Bug Normal General
#12308 Regression in iterator after #12178 - iterator leaks Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 General
#12309 Test test_getDocumentPosition in core.dom.element.element in unstable Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.5 General
#12311 Removeformat doesn't remove cite element Artur Delura Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.5 General
#12315 Mention that disabling auto paragraphing is highly unrecommended; mark as deprecated Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.5 General
#12321 [IE] pressing backspace / delete does not fire editor#change Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.4 Core : Undo & Redo
#12324 [IE8] Undo steps not recorded when clicking below the text Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.5 Core : Undo & Redo
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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