
May 22, 2008:

8:14 PM Ticket #2217 (Split up installation to installation only and download in apt docs) created by Michael Osipov
see title
5:36 PM Ticket #2216 (Find & Replace is not JavaScript-friendly) created by A.M.
When running Find & Replace against text that is longer than a few …

May 21, 2008:

4:52 PM Ticket #2215 (Copy textarea.tabIndex on ReplaceTextarea) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The ReplaceTextarea method could copy the tabindex value from the …

May 20, 2008:

9:20 PM Ticket #2214 (Javascript loading errors when loading FCK in Firefox) created by raycho
Hi, I'm integrating FCK on our web application and sometimes when I …
8:14 PM Changeset [2016] by Michael Osipov
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
8:14 PM Changeset [2015] by Michael Osipov
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag 2.4-beta-1
8:14 PM Changeset [2014] by Michael Osipov
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.4-beta-1
8:12 PM Changeset [2013] by Michael Osipov
7:57 PM Changeset [2012] by Michael Osipov
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.4-beta-1
7:53 PM Changeset [2011] by Michael Osipov
[maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 2.4-beta-1
7:48 PM Changeset [2010] by Michael Osipov
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.4-beta-1
1:23 PM Changeset [2009] by Michael Osipov
adapting distributionManagement
10:10 AM Ticket #2206 ("Call to undefined function" with PHP4) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed with [2008].
10:09 AM Changeset [2008] by Wiktor Walc
Fix for #2206 - moved FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser function
7:22 AM Ticket #2209 (Configure DefaultFontLabel does not change default used font) closed by Wojciech Olchawa
worksforme: The simplest idea that comes in my mind is to define a custom css, …

May 19, 2008:

6:41 PM Ticket #2213 (Multiple Editors not fireing onload event.) created by Matthew Leffler
When there are multiple editors on a given page sometimes the …
5:53 PM Changeset [2007] by Thilo Schwarz
corrected license info and svn:id
1:37 PM Ticket #2212 (Can not save edits) created by marvinp
I have installed FCKeditor from the May 15 nightly build on MediaWiki …
12:30 PM Ticket #2211 (error in page FCKdialog is undefined) created by AMEEN
I'm using FCK editor 2.2 In my localhost it is working fine but when …
11:11 AM Ticket #2209 (Configure DefaultFontLabel does not change default used font) reopened by knp
is there another configuration or any way to get a default font used …
10:18 AM Ticket #2209 (Configure DefaultFontLabel does not change default used font) closed by Wojciech Olchawa
worksforme: The DefaultFontLabel defines the name that should be displayed …
10:05 AM Ticket #2164 (Color Formatting) closed by Wojciech Olchawa
invalid: Now it's clear :) You can easily achieve this kind of behaviour in MW …
9:57 AM Ticket #2210 ([FF] font-weight: bold and font-style:italic instead of strong and em) created by shala
Hello, There is a bug with Firefox when doing some manipulations on …
9:20 AM Ticket #2209 (Configure DefaultFontLabel does not change default used font) created by knp
hi, I have to configure a default font that is used when you enter a …
8:49 AM Ticket #2208 (Update for Italian Language File) created by Wojciech Olchawa
This update was originally posted by zed1973. Here are the missing …

May 18, 2008:

8:37 AM Ticket #2207 (check discontinous selections in Firefox3) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
According to …

May 17, 2008:

8:05 PM Changeset [2006] by Michael Osipov
added favicon
10:44 AM Ticket #2206 ("Call to undefined function" with PHP4) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
The PHP4 integration is not working. It throws the following error: …
10:14 AM Ticket #1773 (Create complete Maven Site) closed by Michael Osipov
fixed: Task complete with [2005]

May 16, 2008:

8:44 PM Ticket #2205 (Double indent of first paragraph when selectAll is used) created by Joe Wieloch
Firefox specific (using (not IE, not windows Safari) …
4:59 PM Changeset [2005] by Michael Osipov
minor improvements
2:48 PM Changeset [2004] by Michael Osipov
fixed typos
2:40 PM Ticket #2204 (Opera: paste from right-click menu creates unformatted text even ...) created by Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software)
1. Load sample01 1. Click inside FCKEditor link to set cursor 1. …
12:20 PM Ticket #1636 (iframe displays 404 error) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
worksforme: I'm not able to reproduce this problem in any way. Everything works …
12:05 PM Ticket #2020 (Firefox: cannot post/receive data while FCKeditor was placed in a ...) closed by Wojciech Olchawa
invalid: Ticket expired
11:20 AM Ticket #2189 (Gujarati language file) closed by Wojciech Olchawa
fixed: Fixed with [2003]
11:19 AM Changeset [2003] by Wojciech Olchawa
#2189 - New language file for Gujarati language added
9:16 AM Ticket #2203 (Multiple span problem) created by James
span span span span span multiple span multiple span I select a word, …

May 15, 2008:

9:06 PM Changeset [2002] by Michael Osipov
downgrade to assembly 2.2-beta-1 due to MASSEMBLY-309 and MASSEMBLY-294
8:22 PM Changeset [2001] by Michael Osipov
doc tweaks
2:15 PM Ticket #2202 (Opera: Form elements are a bit active) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
When placing form elements in the editing area, many of them are still …
1:57 PM Changeset [2000] by Thilo Schwarz
improved docu
1:55 PM Ticket #2201 (fck & updatepanel: ie6/7 crash after postback if an image or a table ...) created by orsinil
I have create an application with fckeditor inside an updatepanel. If …
1:47 PM Ticket #2200 (Html entity problem) created by Marcin Kurylak
FCKeditor decodes entities and converts custom tag to html comment if …
12:56 PM Ticket #2199 (Opera: New table cells don't get expanded) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
When creating a new table, it's cells are not being expanded properly …
12:49 PM Ticket #2198 (Opera: Focus is out of text on Undo/Redo) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
When undoing/redoing editing actions, the focus is not being set to …
12:35 PM Changeset [1999] by Thilo Schwarz
notice box beautification
12:24 PM Ticket #2197 (Opera: style="null" after image dialog) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
1. Remove all contents in the editor. 2. Insert any Smiley image. 3. …
12:05 PM Ticket #2196 (Opera: Dialog dragging flicks) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
1. Open the About dialog. 2. Start dragging it from left to right …
11:46 AM Ticket #2195 (Opera: Enter is misplaced) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Steps to Reproduce 1. Load sample01.html. 2. Remove all text. …
11:42 AM Ticket #2194 (Opera: Caret doesn't move on right click [CORE-33108]) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Steps to Reproduce 1. Load sample01.html. 2. Click inside the …
11:33 AM Ticket #2193 (Opera: Can't place cursor at the end of paragraphs) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Steps to Reproduce 1. Load sample01.html. 2. Delete …
11:13 AM Ticket #1956 (Opera: Combos don't have scrollbar in RTL) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
worksforme: WFM with Opera build 9972.
11:13 AM Ticket #1850 (Opera: Unable to move objects) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
duplicate: DUP of #368
11:12 AM Ticket #1849 (Opera: Toolbar collapse/expand doesn't work propely) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
worksforme: WFM with Opera build 9972.
11:12 AM Ticket #1994 (Opera: ctrl-b twice will output bold text) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
worksforme: WFM with Opera build 9972.
11:06 AM Ticket #1105 (The bottom border of edititng area disappears after toolbar expanding.) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
worksforme: WFM with Opera build 9972.
10:58 AM Ticket #1953 (Opera: FCKeditor is not loading) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Works for me with build Opera 9.50 Beta Build 9972.
8:51 AM Ticket #2192 (Change Default to "Disable rich editor") created by Dieudonné Dard
It is important to be able to test it on a large scale to have it …
8:45 AM Ticket #2191 (A button to activate/deactivate) created by Dieudonné Dard
It would be very useful to be able activate or deactivate this editor …
8:40 AM Ticket #2190 (MediaWiki Edit Toolbar visible when in Wikitext mode) created by Dieudonné Dard
When using the Wikitext mode, it would be very helpfull to have access …
5:37 AM Ticket #2124 (Path problem under Windows) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed with [1998]. During tests I focused on windows servers and …
5:30 AM Changeset [1998] by Wiktor Walc
Additional fix for #2124, previous code broke GetRootPath on linux systems

May 14, 2008:

12:04 PM Ticket #1691 (Safari: new links do not appear in editor unless text is made into a link) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [1997]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
12:03 PM Changeset [1997] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed #1691 : Creation of links in Safari failed if there was no selection.
12:02 PM Ticket #1383 (Hyperlink merges with text on <br /> backspace) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [1996]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
11:57 AM Changeset [1996] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed #1383 : Fixed an IE issue where pressing backspace may merge a …
10:22 AM cla edited by Nilam
7:24 AM Changeset [1995] by Thilo Schwarz
fixed typo in comment
5:53 AM Ticket #2189 (Gujarati language file) created by Nilam
Gujarati Language file (gu.js)

May 13, 2008:

9:51 AM Changeset [1994] by Michael Osipov
corrected link
9:21 AM Changeset [1993] by Michael Osipov
changed SCM url

May 12, 2008:

9:45 PM Ticket #2124 (Path problem under Windows) reopened by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
I've uploaded a nightly to my server at …

May 11, 2008:

6:34 PM Changeset [1992] by Michael Osipov
Removed file/folder
6:33 PM Changeset [1991] by Michael Osipov
moving 2.4 branch to new trunk
6:31 PM Changeset [1990] by Michael Osipov
Removed file/folder
6:16 PM Changeset [1989] by Michael Osipov
cleaned up log4j.properties

May 10, 2008:

8:25 PM Changeset [1988] by Michael Osipov
8:18 PM Changeset [1987] by Michael Osipov
7:58 PM Changeset [1986] by Michael Osipov
Improved doc
5:47 PM Ticket #1338 (Avoid hardcoding border width for Gecko browsers) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
worksforme: Expired. Please reopen if you can provide the steps in order to fully …
5:46 PM Ticket #1861 (Nested BODY tags) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
invalid: Expired
5:10 PM Ticket #2184 (Lots of html validation errors in the filemanager) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [1985]
5:09 PM Changeset [1985] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Fix #2184, several HTML warnings in the File Browser
5:06 PM Ticket #2168 (Comments shouldn't create new blocks) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: The last break is useful because if someone does like me and starts …
5:05 PM Changeset [1984] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Fix for #2168, don't create new blocks for comment nodes.
2:34 PM Ticket #2162 (Working with Firebug might include reference to chrome: file) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
fixed: Fixed with [1983]
2:33 PM Changeset [1983] by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Fix for #2162, avoid output references to chrome: links
1:59 PM Changeset [1982] by Michael Osipov
fixed typo
1:43 PM Changeset [1981] by Michael Osipov
Vastly improved doc
12:08 PM ServerSideStatus edited by Michael Osipov
Updated Java Server Status (diff)
10:19 AM Ticket #2188 (PreserveSessionOnFileBrowser is obsolete) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
As …
12:21 AM Changeset [1980] by Michael Osipov
Improved doc

May 9, 2008:

10:58 PM Changeset [1979] by Michael Osipov
- postponed Changes Report - Partially restored index.apt
9:38 PM Ticket #2187 (Existing image links are smashed when saving) created by Brian Moore
Adding FCKeditor to an existing wiki, if a user edits a page that has …
4:26 PM Ticket #2185 (FCKPackager incorrectly adds semicolons after functions passed as an ...) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: This is quite a serious problem, as it is blocking the nightly. Fixed …
4:26 PM Ticket #1239 (do {} while () is getting broken when compressed) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: This is quite a serious problem, as it is blocking the nightly. Fixed …
4:21 PM Changeset [1978] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed #1239 and #2185 : No semicolon is appended after closing curly …
4:21 PM Changeset [1977] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed #1239 and #2185 : No semicolon is appended after closing curly …
4:20 PM Changeset [1976] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Fixed #1239 and #2185 : No semicolon is appended after closing curly …
2:46 PM Ticket #2186 (Allow content to be reset on first focus) created by IsaacS
I am currently building a website in which I use FCKEditor in several …
11:08 AM Changeset [1975] by Thilo Schwarz
fixed typo
10:14 AM Changeset [1974] by Michael Osipov
Improved doc
9:59 AM Ticket #2160 (Match whole word option in Find/Replace dialog should capture words ...) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed along with #2150.
9:58 AM Ticket #2159 (Undoing replaced text restores fake selection HTML) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed along the ticket #2150.
9:58 AM Ticket #2150 (Find dialog hangs when searching for word not found in a larger text) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [1973]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
9:57 AM Changeset [1973] by Martin Kou
Fixed #2150 : The searching speed of the Find/Replace dialog has been …
9:29 AM Changeset [1972] by Michael Osipov
Improved doc
9:11 AM Ticket #2126 ([IE] Dialogs break toolbar button states) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [1971]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
9:10 AM Changeset [1971] by Martin Kou
Fixed #2126 : Opening and closing floating dialogs will no longer …
9:01 AM Ticket #1340 (Caret disappeares deleting a styled char) closed by Martin Kou
wontfix: This is a Gecko browser bug, and from the tests I did today... It …
8:59 AM Ticket #1083 (Cursor is placed outside of table but not inside next/previous paragraph) closed by Martin Kou
7:11 AM Ticket #2185 (FCKPackager incorrectly adds semicolons after functions passed as an ...) created by Martin Kou
Write the following JavaScript code and let FCKPackager compress it: …

May 8, 2008:

10:10 PM Changeset [1970] by Michael Osipov
Improved doc
9:31 PM Ticket #2182 (Want to know how to set path for images) closed by Wojciech Olchawa
invalid: This site should only be used to report bugs or request new feature …
8:54 PM Ticket #2184 (Lots of html validation errors in the filemanager) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
I don't know why we didn't realize earlier, but the filemanager has …
4:38 PM Changeset [1969] by Michael Osipov
Corrected credits
3:58 PM Ticket #2183 (Extended file management) created by Luís Fernando Arcaro
Some FCKEditor filemanager users want to rename files and folders and …
3:55 PM Ticket #2182 (Want to know how to set path for images) created by bhupendra
Hi there I am using fck editor in Asp.net m whenever i upload the …
3:50 PM Ticket #2181 (Premature preview/save bug) created by y
If, on the edit page, a user clicks the "preview" or "save" buttons …
3:08 PM Changeset [1968] by Thilo Schwarz
changed Thilo's email-address
3:03 PM cla edited by Thilo Schwarz
2:07 PM Ticket #2180 (Display simple textarea if javascript is disabled) created by Wiktor Walc
If javascript is disabled in FCKeditor compatible browser, most of the …
10:58 AM Changeset [1967] by Thilo Schwarz
moved to the right package
10:56 AM Ticket #2171 (check the copyright notices) closed by Michael Osipov
fixed: Fixed with [1959]
10:51 AM Ticket #2054 (File browser does not work under domain relaxation mode) closed by Thilo Schwarz
fixed: referred in svn #1966
10:43 AM Changeset [1966] by Thilo Schwarz
fixed domain relaxation - ticket##2054
10:37 AM Changeset [1965] by Thilo Schwarz
fixed spelling in log statement
9:34 AM Ticket #1764 (StartupFocus is false but FCKEditor steals focus anyway in IE) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [1964]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
9:34 AM Changeset [1964] by Martin Kou
Fixed #1764 : FCKeditor will no longer catch focus in IE on load when …
9:09 AM Ticket #2125 (InsertHtml() ignores current selection in IE. Again.) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [1963]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
9:09 AM Changeset [1963] by Martin Kou
Fixed #2125 : Fixed the issue that FCK.InsertHtml() doesn't insert …
8:24 AM Ticket #2170 (Text coping by Ctrl+Ins doesn't work) closed by Martin Kou
fixed: Fixed with [1962]. Click here for more info about our SVN …
8:23 AM Changeset [1962] by Martin Kou
Fixed #2170 : Fixed Ctrl-Insert hotkey for copying.
8:08 AM Changeset [1961] by Thilo Schwarz
cleaner logging statements for instantiating the UserPathBuilder object
6:05 AM Ticket #2179 (Identical adjacent styles are not merged) created by Hervé BLONDEAU
ENVIRONMENT This was tested with the following browsers: - …
3:54 AM Ticket #2178 (Pasting contents in Safari outputs <span class="Apple-style-span"> tags) created by Hervé BLONDEAU
DESCRIPTION Pasting contents in Safari outputs <span …

May 7, 2008:

6:13 PM Changeset [1960] by Thilo Schwarz
cleaner logging statements for instantiating the UserPathBuilder object
6:08 PM Changeset [1959] by Michael Osipov
reverted site design
5:09 PM Changeset [1958] by Thilo Schwarz
deleted obsolete key: connector.userPathBuilderImpl
1:51 PM Ticket #2048 (Allow to split cells only if they have been merged) closed by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
9:07 AM Ticket #2142 (HTML samples should use php extension in action paramter inside a form) closed by Wojciech Olchawa
fixed: Fixed with [1957]
9:06 AM Changeset [1957] by Wojciech Olchawa
Applied #2142 request : HTML samples will now use sampleposteddata.php …
8:50 AM Ticket #2177 (Inserting special characters inside some inline tags in Firefox ...) created by Martin Kou
To reproduce the problem: 1. Open sample01.html in Firefox 2 or 3. …
7:20 AM Changeset [1956] by Wiktor Walc
Updated url to configuration settings documentation
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.
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